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2014, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
3 pages
1 file
Background Combined with Variable density Incoherent Spatio-Temporal Acquisition (VISTA, [1]), SPIRiT [2] reconstruction can provide an avenue for highly accelerated real-time, free-breathing cardiac imaging. Yet the high computational cost of iterative algorithms limits practical clinical implementation. The Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) [3] can potentially reduce the computational cost of SPIRiT [4]. In this work, we combine FISTA optimization with VISTA sampling and spatiotemporally regularized SPIRiT reconstruction to demonstrate the feasibility of real-time cine accelerated to rate 15, while providing a pathway to practical clinical application.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2012
For patients with impaired breath-hold capacity and/or arrhythmias, real-time cine MRI may be more clinically useful than breath-hold cine MRI. However, commercially available realtime cine MRI methods using parallel imaging typically yield relatively poor spatio-temporal resolution due to their low image acquisition speed. We sought to achieve relatively high spatial resolution (~2.5 3 2.5 mm 2 ) and temporal resolution (~40 ms), to produce high-quality real-time cine MR images that could be applied clinically for wall motion assessment and measurement of left ventricular function. In this work, we present an eightfold accelerated real-time cardiac cine MRI pulse sequence using a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging (k-t SPARSE-SENSE). Compared with reference, breath-hold cine MRI, our eightfold accelerated real-time cine MRI produced significantly worse qualitative grades (1-5 scale), but its image quality and temporal fidelity scores were above 3.0 (adequate) and artifacts and noise scores were below 3.0 (moderate), suggesting that acceptable diagnostic image quality can be achieved. Additionally, both eightfold accelerated real-time cine and breath-hold cine MRI yielded comparable left ventricular function measurements, with coefficient of variation <10% for left ventricular volumes. Our proposed eightfold accelerated real-time cine MRI with k-t SPARSE-SENSE is a promising modality for rapid imaging of myocardial function. Magn Reson Med 70:64-74, 2013. V C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014
Purpose-For the application of compressive sensing to parallel MRI, Poisson disk sampling (PDS) has been shown to generate superior results compared with random sampling methods. However, due to its limited flexibility to incorporate additional constraints, PDS is not readily extendible to dynamic applications. Here, we propose and validate a pseudo-random sampling technique that allows incorporating constraints specific to dynamic imaging. Methods-The proposed sampling scheme, called variable density incoherent spatiotemporal acquisition (VISTA), is based on constrained minimization of Riesz energy on a spatiotemporal grid. Data from both a digital phantom and real-time cine were used to compare VISTA with uniform interleaved sampling (UIS) and variable density random sampling (VRS). The image quality was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively.
Compressed sensing (CS) has been demonstrated to accelerate MRI acquisitions by reconstructing sparse images of good quality from highly undersampled data. Motion during MR scans can cause inconsistencies in k-space data, resulting in strong motion artifacts in the reconstructed images. For CS to be useful in these applications, motion correction techniques need to be combined with the undersampled reconstruction. Recently, joint motion correction and CS approaches have been proposed to partially correct for effects of motion. However, the main limitation of these approaches is that they can only correct for affine deformations. In this work, we propose a novel motion corrected CS framework for free-breathing dynamic cardiac MRI that incorporates a general motion correction formulation directly into the CS reconstruction. This framework can correct for arbitrary affine or nonrigid motion in the CS reconstructed cardiac images, while simultaneously benefiting from highly accelerated MR acquisition. The application of this approach is demonstrated both in simulations and in vivo data for 2D respiratory self-gated free-breathing cardiac CINE MRI, using a golden angle radial acquisition. Results show that this approach allows for the reconstruction of respiratory motion corrected cardiac CINE images with similar quality to breath-held acquisitions. Magn Reson Med 000:000-000, 2012. V C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
ANU Press eBooks, 2012
Maquiavelo, el pueblo y el populismo : historia, teoría política y debates interpretativos, 2024
Maquiavelo, el pueblo y el populismo : historia, teoría política y debates interpretativos. Eugenia Mattei y Leandro Losada (comp.). - 1a ed - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2024. Libro digital, PDF - (IIGG-CLACSO)
Donald Kuspit "Sanatın Sonu" adlı kitabında çağdaş sanat eleştirisinde bulunurken bilinçdışının son bulduğunu öne sürer. Diğer taraftan Kuspit bir dizi tema ile sanatın sonunu açıklar. Kuspit'in asıl vurgusu sanatsal yaratıcılığın değiştiği ve modern sanata ait anlamını yitirdiğidir. Bu yazı aslında fikirleri eleştirerek ele alma amacındadır. Sanatın ve bilinçdışının sonuna dair Kuspit'in anlatısının sorunlu bir düşünme ve metot izlediğini öne sürmektedir. Kuspit'in sanatın sonu fikrinin sorunlu tarafı çağdaş sanatın kendi kategorilerini yok sayması, bu kategorileri kendi bakış açısıyla yorumlamaya giderken çağdaş sanatın gerçekliğini kaçırmasıdır. Modern sanat konusunda da Kuspit çağdaş sanatı eleştirmek amacıyla seçmeci bir tavırla yaklaşımda bulunmaktadır.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2017
From the last few years, the internet and e-commerce have become one of the fastest growing technologies that play a significant role in our life. Now a day’s e-marketing is one of the most emerging technology in IT and E-Commerce sector. Internet marketing is a new philosophy and interesting topic especially for researchers in the marketing field. In modern business practice which involved marketing of goods, services and information with using internet and other electronic means. It is a new way of marketing a product/service globally to the targeted market around the world. Internet marketing has become the commercial tool of marketing product and service. This paper introduces a new approach concerning Internet marketing in electronic commerce; showing how advertisers need this innovation to be successful. E-marketing does not consists only use to promote marketing over internet but also helps in marketing through e-mail and wireless media. This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The present development would be a valuable for researcher and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs. This paper is a secondary research regarding how E-commerce gradually forms part of our daily lives. It concerns different aspect of advertising in terms of electronic commerce.
Ars Adriatica, 2014
The casket of St Simeon the God-Receiver is the most representative work in the applied arts of the Croatian Trecento and, at the same time, one which displays great iconographic complexity. Although it was the subject of two monographs and a large number of individual articles, a whole set of questions remains open and awaits plausible interpretations. Particularly great problems are connected to the interpretation of a number of scenes which were understood differently by different scholars. At the same time, it can be noted that the discussion about the casket’s complex iconographic programme lacks a study which would address it as a unique a coherent whole in which every single scene is viewed as its irreplaceable constituent part. This article aims to demonstrate that the casket’s iconographic programme, especially that of the eight panels on its main body, was selected and arranged according to a carefully developed programme the creators of which were five noblemen of Zadar t...
Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies, 2015
Tópicos em Ciências Sociais – Volume 6, 2020
MGH Studien und Texte, 2022
AAPG Bulletin, 2021
Swiatowit , 2013
JACC. Cardiovascular imaging, 2018
Social Science Research Network, 2017
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Methods in molecular biology, 2022
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006
Acta Crystallographica Section E-structure Reports Online, 2001
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health