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14 pages
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Masalah integrasi nasional merupakan persoalan yang dialami hampir semua negara, terutama negara-negara yang usianya masih relatif muda, termasuk Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan karena mendirikan negara berarti menyatukan orang-orang dengan segala perbedaan yang ada menjadi satu entitas kebangsaan yang baru menyertai berdirinya negara tersebut. Begitu juga negara Indonesia yang usianya masih relatif muda. Sejak proklamasi kemerdekaan sampai sekarang negara Indonesia masih menghadapi persoalan bagaimana menyatukan penduduk Indonesia yang di dalamnya terdiri dari berbagai macam suku, memeluk agama yang berbeda-beda, berbahasa dengan bahasa daerah yang beranekaragam, serta memiliki kebudayaan daerah yang berbeda satu sama lain, untuk menjadi satu entitas baru yang dinamakan bangsa Indonesia. Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa dalam perjalanan membangun kehidupan bernegara ini, kita masih sering dihadapkan pada kenyataan adanya konflik atar kelompok dalam masyarakat, baik konflik yang berlatarbelakang kesukuan, konflik antar pemeluk agama, konflik karena kesalahpahaman budaya, dan semacamnya. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa persoalan integrasi nasional Indonesia sejauh ini masih belum tuntas perlu terus dilakukan Walaupun harus juga disadari bahwa integrasi nasional dalam arti sepenuhnya tidak mungkin diwujudkan, dan konflik di antara sesama warga bangsa tidak dapat dihilangkan sama sekali. Tulisan ini akan memaparkan kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang diwarnai oleh berbagai macam perbedaan dan upaya Mewujudkan integrasi nasional dengan tetap menghargai terdapatnya perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut.
Sejauhmanakah sistem pendidikan di Malaysia berjaya memupuk integrasi nasional dalam kalangan pelajar.
•-ИЗВЪСТІЯ Т y р к ѳ е т a н е к a г о Отдѣла ИМПЕРАТОРСКАГО Руеекаго Геограоичеекаго Общеетва-Томъ XI. Вып. 2, часть I. 1915 г. ~ Подъ редаЬціей секретаря A. В. ПанЬова. Кузнецовъ П. Е. 0 таджпкахъ Намапганскаго уѣзда. Е г о ж е. Сравннтелыіыіі грамматическій очеркъ таджикгкаго п сартовскаго нарѣчій. Шнитниковъ Вл. Н. Ноѣздка ио Селпрѣчыо.-Джаркентскііі и ІІржевальскій уѣзды (съ 10 фототииіями). Некрологъ 1914 г.
Peter Osborne (ed.), Futurethoughts: Critical Histories of Philosophy, 2024
This essay advances a reading of Theodor W. Adorno's mature interventions into sociology as a 'critique of sociological categories'. It maintains that his unorthodox commitment to sociology was simultaneously a dialectical commitment to the critical value of its fundamental untenability – at least, in its dominant bourgeois variant. From this sketch, the essay attempts to examine one instance of this critique, centred on the category of reification and one of its most proximate sociological cognates, Émile Durkheim’s concept of the social fact. The first section reconstructs Adorno’s concept of reification as outlined in Negative Dialectics and elsewhere. With recourse to Marx’s extended mature project and pace the interpretation offered by Gillian Rose, it argues that reification in Adorno underscores not the discrepancy between use-value and exchange-value as well as the exchange of false equivalents but holds to issues pertaining to the social and relational form of value that objectively arise from the exchange process. The second section then recounts Durkheim’s concept and theory of the social fact as advanced in his early plea for the sociological discipline, The Rules of Sociological Method. Drawing on Adorno’s essays, interventions, lectures, and, albeit cautiously, seminar protocols, the concept of reification is taken as a leitmotif with which to reconstruct his mature encounter with Durkheim. Doing so demonstrates that Adorno finds in the concept of the social fact a correct but deficient notion of reification, a recognition, to paraphrase Marx, that social relations between individuals assume the phantasmagoric form of relations between things, though with the intonation inversed. The final section shows how this framework is redeployed as part of Adorno’s confrontation with Karl Popper and others as part of the now-infamous Positivism Dispute. It argues that some of the stakes involved in this dispute might be better understood if Adorno’s criticisms are viewed as offering a particular reading of internal developments within sociological positivism itself. For, whilst Adorno characterises both Durkheim and Popper as positivists, much to the chagrin of their defenders, the charges levelled against them are not equivalent. Comparing the critiques levelled against them brings to the forefront how sociological positivism over the course of the twentieth century was to undergo a theoretical impoverishment. In this, Durkheim is mobilised because his sociological theory sketched a ‘more serious’ alternative approach to those sociologists who lacked even the faintest hint of, to use Adorno’s phraseology, the ‘guilt of reification’.
Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside, edited by Catarina Tente and Claudia Theune, 2023
In this paper, we shed new light on winter travel; our point of departure is the household goods related to medieval winter transportation in Scandinavia. Because most areas lacked cart roads, there was a network of trails between farms and hamlets, and waterways were exploited wherever possible, using boats in the summer and sleighs and skis or ice skates during the long winter months. Medieval winter transportation made use of some very well-suited equipment – skis, bone skates, sleighs and snowshoes and ice cleats for both people and horses – all of which made winter travel not only possible, but often a preferred way of transport and communication. Skiing and skating were not only a fast way of traveling, they were fun. However, the winters could be harsh, and environmental knowledge, physical fitness and technical abilities were essential preconditions for safe travel in wintertime. Children could acquire this knowledge and these abilities by way of enculturation. Through games and leisure activities children would learn to master different conditions, as well as skills for travel, hunting, cooperation and teamwork. Processes of enculturation and socialisation through play and games served to introduce children to the social ideals and norms of society, while conditioning them for both the hardships of life in Scandinavian agrarian society and safe winter travel.
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