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1991, The Indian Journal of Pediatrics
4 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
High doses of dexamethasone in preterm infants can lead to transient adrenal suppression, as evaluated in a double-blind study. While initial cortisol levels were significantly lower in the treatment group compared to the placebo, post-treatment levels showed no significant differences, suggesting a temporary effect. This research highlights the need for monitoring adrenal function during corticosteroid therapy in neonatal care.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 1997
To evaluate the duration and level of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis suppression in premature infants treated with a prolonged course of glucocorticoids for chronic lung disease. We evaluated HPA axis function in nine very low birth weight (VLBW) infants before and 48 hours after a prolonged (14 to 42 days) dexamethasone (Dex) course. Seven of these infants underwent serial testing in the Clinical Research Center to evaluate the time course of HPA axis recovery. Adrenal function was assessed directly with synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation, pituitary function with ovine corticotrophin releasing hormone (oCRH) stimulation, and combined axis function with 3-hour metyrapone testing. Baseline cortisol values were higher before Dex therapy (18.6 +/- 3.9 microg/dl; mean +/- SEM) than after (5.77 +/- 1.45 microg/dl; p < 0.01), as were ACTH-stimulated cortisol levels (24.8 +/- 1.7 microg/dl vs 12.0 +/- 2.2 microg/dl; p < 0.001). ACTH response to oCRH decreased after Dex treatment (22.8 +/- 7.6 pg/ml vs 11.5 +/- pg/ml), but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.18). 11-Deoxycortisol (11-DOC) response to metyrapone dropped from 11.1 +/- 0.5 microg/dl to 4.7 +/- 1.0 microg/dl after Dex therapy (p < 0.0001). Longitudinal testing reveals that adrenal suppression may be short-lived, while recovery of higher centers is more delayed. Basal cortisol levels may be used as a screening test, but if the level is less than 15 microg/dl, more definitive testing should be performed. The sluggish recovery of higher HPA axis centers is most reliably evaluated by using 11-DOC response to a single dose of metyrapone in VLBW infants after prolonged Dex therapy.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1989
The tetracosactrin stimulation test was used to assess the adrenal responsiveness of 22 very low birthweight babies who had received a three week course of dexamethasone for the treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Five babies were studied in detail with blood samples taken for cortisol concentrations at 30 minute intervals for four hours. The tests were performed before, during, and after treatment with dexamethasone. A distinctive pattern of cortisol response to tetracosactrin was found among these babies, which was quite unlike that found in older children and adults. Using our pretreatment results as control data we conclude that there is undoubtedly evidence of modest suppression of the adrenal axis during dexamethosone treatment, although there is considerable recovery one month after stopping steroids. Basal cortisol concentrations, however, remained low in some cases, which may indicate the need for temporary corticosteroid replacement during severe illness.
Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 2000
Glucocorticoids are used antenatally to accelerate the maturation of fetal respiratory and cardiovascular systems when a threat of preterm delivery exists. Postnatally, they are used to prevent and treat respiratory distress syndrome. This study investigates the effects of antenatal (ACT) and early postnatal corticosteroid treatment (PCT) on serum cortisol and plasma catecholamine and adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations in preterm neonates. The infants in the ACT group had a significantly lower cortisol concentration than the infants in the non-ACT group on the first day of life. After birth, the infants were further divided into non-PCT and PCT groups. PCT suppressed cortisol levels significantly after 2 days, and the cortisol levels were still lower 2 days after discontinuation of PCT. No effect of PCT on plasma cAMP or catecholamine concentrations was observed. The results indicate that both ACT and a short PCT can significantly suppress basal cortisol leve...
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2006
Repeat corticosteroids Neonatal adrenal suppression Randomized trial Objective: Do repeat prenatal corticosteroids suppress neonatal cortisol concentrations? Study design: Randomized controlled trial of women given weekly repeat corticosteroids or saline placebo, while at risk of preterm birth, until 32 weeks' gestation. Results: Cord serum cortisol concentrations in infants exposed to repeat corticosteroids were similar compared with infants exposed to a single course of corticosteroids (mean difference ÿ26 nmol/L (95% CI ÿ57, 5 nmol/L, P = .10), as were prestress salivary cortisol concentrations on day 3 (median 16.5 vs 15.3 nmol/L, P = .96). The adrenal response to a stressor on day 3 was lower in the repeat corticosteroid group compared with the single course group (median 11.9 vs 21.4 nmol/L, P = .02). Cortisol concentrations were lower in the repeat corticosteroid group on day 7 (median 11.7 vs 18.2 nmol/L, P = .04), but not on days 14 and 21. Conclusion: The short-or long-term clinical impact, if any, of these changes in adrenal function needs to be determined.
Cell and Tissue Research, 1981
Newborn male rats were injected with a single dose of dexamethasone on the first day of life. Controls received only the diluent. Two to ten days later the experimental and control animals were sacrificed, and the adrenal medullae were processed for electron microscopy and for histochemical demonstration of catecholamines. Rats that received dexamethasone, as compared to controls showed (1) an earlier appearance of the catecholamine reaction, and (2) a pronounced development of the Golgi complex. These results are further indication that glucocorticoid stimulates the maturation of the chromaffin complex. The Golgi apparatus may play some role in this inductive mechanism.
American Journal of Perinatology, 1996
Background: Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) have been considered at risk for central adrenal insufficiency (CAI). Hypothalamic dysregulation has been proposed as a common mechanism underlying both stress-induced CAI and central respiratory dysfunction during sleep. Objective: To evaluate CAI and sleep-related breathing disorders in PWS children. Patients and methods: Retrospective study of cortisol response following either insulin tolerance test (ITT) or glucagon test (GT) in 20 PWS children, and comparison with 33 non-Growth Hormone deficient (GHD) controls. Correlation between sleep related breathing disorders and cortisol response in 11 PWS children who received both investigations. Results: In PWS children, the cortisol peak value showed a significant, inverse correlation with age (Kendall's τ =-0.411; p = 0.012). A similar though non-significant correlation was present between cortisol increase and age (τ =-0.232; p = 0.16). Similar correlations were found in controls. In only 1 of 20 PWS children (5 %), ITT was suggestive of CAI. Four patients had an elevated central apnea index but they all exhibited a normal cortisol response. No relationship was found between peak cortisol or cortisol increase and central apnea index (respectively p = 0.94 and p = 0.14) or the other studied polysomnography (PSG) parameters. Conclusions: CAI assessed by ITT/GT is rare in PWS children. Our data do not support a link between CAI and central respiratory dysregulation.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 1999
Exogenous administration of dexamethasone (DEX) or hydrocortisone (HC) to improve lung function and treat refractory hypotension is common in premature infants. This occurs at a time when the central nervous system is undergoing profound structural and functional transformations. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of tapering doses of DEX and HC in neonatal rats with timing of exposure corresponding developmentally to times these agents are used in clinical practice. A within litter design was used. Intramuscular DEX, HC or saline (VEHcontrol) were administered to newborn pups on postnatal days (PD) 5 and 6. Neurological development and growth was assessed weekly until pre-adolescence (PD33). At PD33 animals were submitted to novelty stress and anxiety testing using the light-dark preference box (L-D) and Corticosterone (CORT) and ACTH levels measured after novelty stress. Somatic growth was decreased in the DEX group compared with HC, and VEH animals at all ages. HC animals showed increased weight gain by PD33. Neurodevelopment was appropriate for age at all times measured. No treatment differences were appreciated between groups. CORT secretion decreased in DEX group compared with all other groups. HC animals had significantly higher ACTH levels long after all other groups returned to basal levels. Animals did not differ in L-D testing. A short tapering course of DEX and HC appears to be more benign than prolonged DEX exposure in early life. The effects of HC on Limbic-Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (LHPA) axis, though subtle, raises concerns for altered LHPA function and potential risk for metabolic disorders in later life.
Pediatric Research, 2000
Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento teórico e amostral da aplicação e efetividade das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, mais especificamente, softwares, para o ensino e aprendizado nos mais variados cursos de tecnologia e engenharia que possuam como característica principal a gratuidade e livre acesso relacionando, classificando e exemplificando-os mediante suas respectivas áreas de atuação. Elaborou-se uma pesquisa de campo referente à satisfação de alunos de diferentes instituições tecnológicos frente ao aprendizado, desempenho e interesse nas aulas isentas e não-isentas de tecnologias e softwares modelando assim um estudo que avalia a influência destas tecnologias no desempenho, criatividade e aprendizado dos mesmos. Após tal estudo, investigou-se os principais causadores da perda de entusiasmo de muitos discentes na sala de aula e suas possíveis causas, oriundas de métodos de ensino desestimulantes ou ausência de ferramentas que acompanhem o ritmo de aprendizado e temáticas que envolvem as áreas tecnológicas das novas gerações propondo assim soluções. Como última proposta, apresenta-se um conjunto de softwares alternativos gratuitos e de código aberto para emprego e desenvolvimento de habilidades no ensino e aprendizado dentro e fora das salas de aulas.
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