Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
Model-based Roentgen stereophotogrammetry
of orthopaedic implants
E.R. Valstara,*, F.W. de Jonga, H.A. Vroomanb, P.M. Rozinga, J.H.C. Reiberb
Department of Orthopaedics, Leiden University Medical Center, P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
Division of Image Processing, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands
Accepted 14 February 2001
Attaching tantalum markers to prostheses for Roentgen stereophotogrammetry (RSA) may be difficult and is sometimes even
impossible. In this study, a model-based RSA method that avoids the attachment of markers to prostheses is presented and
validated. This model-based RSA method uses a triangulated surface model of the implant. A projected contour of this model is
calculated and this calculated model contour is matched onto the detected contour of the actual implant in the RSA radiograph. The
difference between the two contours is minimized by variation of the position and orientation of the model. When a minimal
difference between the contours is found, an optimal position and orientation of the model has been obtained. The method was
validated by means of a phantom experiment. Three prosthesis components were used in this experiment: the femoral and tibial
component of an Interax total knee prosthesis (Stryker Howmedica Osteonics Corp., Rutherfort, USA) and the femoral component
of a Profix total knee prosthesis (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, USA). For the prosthesis components used in this study, the accuracy
of the model-based method is lower than the accuracy of traditional RSA. For the Interax femoral and tibial components,
significant dimensional tolerances were found that were probably caused by the casting process and manual polishing of the
components surfaces. The largest standard deviation for any translation was 0.19 mm and for any rotation it was 0.528. For the
Profix femoral component that had no large dimensional tolerances, the largest standard deviation for any translation was 0.22 mm
and for any rotation it was 0.228. From this study we may conclude that the accuracy of the current model-based RSA method is
sensitive to dimensional tolerances of the implant. Research is now being conducted to make model-based RSA less sensitive to
dimensional tolerances and thereby improving its accuracy. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Roentgen stereophotogrammetry; Three-dimensional pose estimation; Surface models; Micromotion
1. Introduction
Roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis (RSA) is
an accurate measurement technique to assess micromotion of implants with respect to the surrounding bone
(Selvik, 1989). In RSA, the three-dimensional position
and orientation of objects is determined by the
reconstruction of the three-dimensional position of
well-defined markers. For this purpose, tantalum
markers are used that are inserted into the bone and
are either attached to or inserted into the implant.
However, marking of implants may be difficult and is
sometimes even impossible. Furthermore, marking of
implants is an expensive procedure and in some
*Corresponding author. Tel.:+31-71-5262975;
E-mail address:
[email protected] (E.R. Valstar).
countries it is only allowed by the regulatory bodies
after extensive testing and comprehensive documentation. For some implants, like metal-backed cups in total
hip arthroplasty and femoral components in total knee
arthroplasty, the metal of the implant often obscures the
attached markers when RSA radiographs are taken.
RSA studies of these implants with attached markers are
only possible when care is taken in positioning the
patient during radiography. Because of these difficulties,
only one clinical RSA study of femoral components in
total knee arthroplasty has been performed (Nilsson
et al., 1995). In contrast, many clinical RSA studies of
tibial components in total knee arthroplasty have been
conducted (Overview in K.arrholm, 1989).
Several attempts have been made to perform RSA
studies without attaching markers. For several clinical
RSA studies of hip stems, the head of the prosthesis has
been used as a marker (Onsten
et al., 1995; K.arrholm,
0021-9290/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 1 - 9 2 9 0 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 2 8 - 8
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
1989, K.arrholm et al., 1997). For polyethylene cups with
a metal ring, the ring has been used to obtain the cup’s
position (Snorrason and K.arrholm, 1990). Furthermore,
for hemispherical metal-backed cups the position as well
as the orientation could be assessed by using the
projection of the hemispherical part and the projection
of the base circle (Valstar et al., 1997). Others have used
the shape of hip stems to obtain the position and the
orientation of the stem (Turner-Smith and Bulstrode,
1993; Valstar, 1996, 2001). All of these techniques used
basic geometrical shapes}circles, spheres, and straight
lines or single well defined landmarks to define the
position and orientation of the implant. These techniques cannot be used for total knee prostheses and other
more complex shaped implants since the shape of these
implants cannot be described by these basic geometrical
A model-based RSA method has been developed to
overcome the above mentioned problems. With this
method the three-dimensional position and orientation
of complex shaped prosthesis components is assessed
without the use of markers. The method is based on
matching of the detected contour of an implant (that is
inserted in a patient) with the calculated projected
contour of a three-dimensional model of the same
implant (De Jong, 1997). Similar techniques have been
used for other applications: the determination of the
position of vertebrae (Laval!ee and Szeliski, 1997) and
the assessment of the position and orientation of total
knee prostheses from single focus fluoroscopic images
(Banks and Hodge, 1996; Walker et al., 1996; Zuffi et al.,
In this study, the model-based RSA method is
presented and the accuracy of the method is tested by
an in vitro experiment with a phantom.
2. Material and method
2.1. Material
A phantom study was carried out with a femoral
component and a tibial component of an Interax total
knee prosthesis (Stryker Howmedica Osteonics Corp.,
Rutherfort, USA) and a femoral component of a Profix
total knee prosthesis (Smith & Nephew, Memphis,
USA). The phantom was a Plexiglas cylinder with a
diameter of 40 mm with 12 1 mm spherical tantalum
markers embedded in its surface. These 12 tantalum
markers were used to define a local coordinate system.
For each experiment, one of the prosthesis components
was rigidly attached to the base plane of this cylinder.
The phantom was placed in an RSA set-up that
consisted of two synchronized Roentgen tubes that were
positioned at approximately 1.5 m above a film cassette.
Each Roentgen tube was directed at one half of the film
under an angle with the vertical of approximately 208.
A Plexiglas calibration box with 1 mm tantalum
markers was positioned underneath the Roentgen table.
This calibration box defined the three-dimensional
laboratory coordinate system and was used to accurately calculate the foci positions. The x-axis of this
coordinate system was directed in the medio-lateral
direction, the y-axis was directed in the caudo-cranial
direction, and the z-axis was directed in the posteroanterior direction.
Within this RSA set-up, the phantom was positioned
in seven successive poses and at each pose an RSA
radiograph was taken. Subsequent radiographs were
analyzed and the relative position and orientation of
the implant with respect to the cylinder was assessed.
By using its attached tantalum markers, the position
and orientation of the cylinder could be assessed
very accurately (Valstar et al., 1997, 2000). Since
the prosthesis and the cylinder were rigidly connected,
their actual relative motion was zero. When comparing
the relative position and orientation of the prosthesis
and the cylinder between two successive stereoradiographs within a series, changes in position and orientation of the implant relative to the cylinder could be
assessed. Since the actual relative motion was zero, these
changes indicated the error of the model-based RSA
2.2. Method
Radiography is based on the central projection of
objects on radiographic film by X-rays that originate
from an X-ray focus. A central projection is described
mathematically by projection parameters. In RSA, these
projection parameters are assessed by a calibration
The first step in the model-based RSA method is the
detection of the contour of the implant in the radiograph. Thereafter, the projected contour of a threedimensional prosthesis model is calculated using the
projection parameters that were calculated during the
calibration procedure. Finally, the pose of the implant is
calculated by minimizing the difference between the
detected contour and the calculated model contour.
Since the projection of an object with sufficient
asymmetry is unique, the position and orientation of
the implant have been assessed.
However, implants have dimensional tolerances and
will therefore deviate from the three-dimensional model.
Together with lacking flatness of the X-ray film and
measurement errors, these deviations will result in a
detected contour and a calculated model contour that
will not fit exactly. Nevertheless, a minimal difference
between the two contours corresponds with an optimal
approximation of the position and orientation of the
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
2.2.1. Model creation
There are many ways to describe the three-dimensional shape of an object. For this application we have
chosen to describe the object as a triangulated surface
model. The surface of these models is represented by a
mesh that is composed of a large number of triangles
(elements) and nodes. A node is a geometrical location
defined by its coordinates. The sequence of the nodes in
an element determines the direction of the normal vector
of that element. To assure the connectivity of the
elements, the normal vectors of all elements should have
the same direction with respect to the object: either
inward or outward.
The triangulated surface models were created with
Germany). CAD (Computer Aided Design)models of the implants, which were provided by the
manufacturers of the implants, was used as input for
MSC/PATRAN. In Fig. 1 such a CAD-model and the
resulting triangulated surface model are shown.
The accuracy of the triangulated surface model
depends on the accuracy of the input that was used to
create the model, on the number of triangles used, and
on the distribution of the triangles. The higher the
curvature of the object, the smaller the local triangle-size
should be. There is no absolute criterion for the required
number of elements of the model, but in this study
approximately 5000 elements were used. Details in the
prosthesis that never will be part of the outer contour of
the model, such as blind holes or threading are
redundant. To increase the speed of the algorithm,
these details were not modeled.
2.2.2. Contour detection
The contours of the implant in the radiograph are
detected by means of the Canny operator (Canny, 1986).
After thresholding of the gradient strength, a set of
binary morphologic operations, such as dilation and
skeletonization, is applied to extract the major closed
contours. Except for the outer contour a projected
Fig. 1. The solid model of the Interax femoral component together
with its meshed representation.
implant can also have several inner contours, such as
holes in the implant. The direction of the outer contour
is defined clockwise, inner contours are defined counterclockwise.
2.2.3. Model contour creation
The elements of the triangulated surface model can be
represented by a support plane:
n x ¼ d;
jnj ¼ 1
in which n is the normal vector of the element, x is an
arbitrary point, and d is a scalar.
A given element is defined visible when the focus is
situated in front of the element’s support plane and
invisible when the focus is situated in or behind the
element’s support plane. The following equations hold:
ðn xf dÞ > 0 ðvisibleÞ;
ðn xf dÞ40 ðinvisibleÞ;
in which xf is the focus position. As the elements
describe a closed surface, each edge has exactly two
elements attached to it. The edges in the model that are
connected to a visible and an invisible element are
termed contour-edges. These contour-edges always form
one or more closed chains in three-dimensional space.
The result of the projection of such a three-dimensional
contour is a set of closed chains of two-dimensional
nodes. In contrast to the detected contour, the
calculated model contour consists of closed chains that
may intersect (Fig. 2).
2.2.4. Non overlapping area
The non overlapping area (NOA) is defined as the
area that the detected contour and the calculated model
contour do not have in common. To determine the
NOA, both contours are divided into intervals indicated
by the x-coordinates of the nodes in the calculated
model contour (Fig. 3). The number of intervals thus
equals the number of contour nodes minus 1. On each
Fig. 2. A detected image contour and a calculated model contour in a
detail of an RSA radiograph of the Interax tibial component.
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
function are summed:
NOAtotal ¼ NOAleft þNOAright :
Fig. 3. Determination of area code of the NOA. In order to simplify
the explanation in this figure the inner contours of the calculated
model contour have been omitted. The arrows indicate the direction of
the contours, the vertical lines indicate an area between two fictive
nodes, and the numbers indicate the area code. The shaded area, with
area 1, represents the NOA.
interval the direction of the contour is known. Parts of
the contour with a positive x-direction are assigned
direction value 1, parts with a negative x-direction are
assigned direction value 1. An area code that has the
same value as the direction value is assigned to the area
above each contour part. Areas beneath contour parts
receive area code zero. The area codes have to be
calculated for both the detected contour and the
calculated model contour. By summing the area codes
of both areas a resulting area code is obtained. If the
summed area code is –1 or 1, the area is added to the
2.2.5. Minimization of the non overlapping area
In order to calculate the three-dimensional position
and orientation of the implant, the NOA has to be
minimized. The minimization of the NOA is carried out
by an optimization procedure In this procedure an
objective function, F, is used to find the position and
orientation of the model resulting in a minimal NOA. In
RSA two projections of an object are used: one
projection in the left image half and one projection in
the right image half. For both image halves an object
function may be defined as:
NOAleft ¼ FðModelpose ; Model; Focusleft ; Contourleft Þ;
NOAright ¼ FðModelpose ; Model; Focusright ; Contourright Þ:
In these two objective functions, the model pose is the
only unknown, since the model of the prosthesis is given,
the focus position has been assessed during the
calibration procedure, and the contours have been
detected in the image before the optimization procedure
started. In order to obtain a better stability and accuracy
of the optimization procedure, the two objective
The model pose consists of six parameters}three
position parameters and three orientation parameters
}and is highly non-linear. In each step of the
minimization procedure, the current position and
orientation of the model is used to calculate a new
model contour. The NOA is derived by using the
procedure as described in the previous paragraph.
For minimization of the non-linear objective function
a minimization scheme called Feasible Sequential Quadratic Programming was used (FSQP; Lawrence and Tits,
1996; Panier and Tits, 1993). This scheme was implemented by using the C-library CSFQP, which may be
downloaded from:
The model-based RSA method was incorporated in
the DIRSA software that has been described in Vrooman et al. (1998). This software was designed to run on
a SUN-workstation. In this experiment a SUN SparcStation 20 (Sun Microsystems, Inc., Palo Alto, Ca,
USA) was used.
2.3. Results
In Fig. 4, one of the radiographs from the phantom
study of the Interax tibial component is shown. The
manually positioned rectangles indicate the region of
interest for the contour detection algorithm. The line
adjacent to the contour of the tibial component
indicates the automatically detected contour of the
component. In Fig. 5, a detail of the left image half
of Fig. 4 is used to illustrate the optimization procedure.
After the actual contour has been detected (Fig. 5a)
the optimization procedure starts with an initial
estimate of the prosthesis position and orientation
(Fig. 5b). The optimization procedure minimizes the
NOA and in Fig. 5c an intermediate result is shown.
In Fig. 5d the final result of the optimization is
presented: a minimal NOA that results in an optimal
estimation of the three-dimensional position and orientation of the model.
The results of the phantom experiment are summarized in Table 1. The largest mean error for translation
was found for the Interax tibial component and was
0.157 mm. Also for rotation the largest mean error was
found for the tibial component: 0.3418. Furthermore,
the S.D. of the rotations were rather large. The largest
S.D. was found for the rotation about the y-axis of the
Interax femoral component: 0.5248. For the tibial
component the S.D. was the largest for the rotation
about the same coordinate axis: 0.4278.
For the Profix femoral component, the mean errors of
the translation parameters were smaller than the mean
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
Fig. 4. A stereoradiograph (projected on a single film) of the cylinder with attached Interax tibial component.
errors found for both Interax components. For the
rotation parameters the mean errors as well as the S.D.
were smaller for the Profix femoral component. The
largest standard deviation, 0.2178 was found for the
rotation about the z-axis.
The rather large standard deviations in the parameters of the Interax femoral component were probably
caused by large dimensional tolerances on the medial
side of the component resulting in a mismatch between
the projected contour and the calculated model contour
(Fig. 6a). An explanation for this mismatch is that,
during manufacturing, implants are being polished by
hand after they have been cast in a mold. The casting
process and the manual polishing process do not
provide constant dimension tolerances along the prosthesis’ entire surface. In areas that require a high
accuracy, like the patella gliding surface of the femoral
component, the dimension tolerances will be much
smaller than in regions that do not require such a high
accuracy, like the edges of the implant. However, in this
case the size of the mismatch was so large, about
1.5 mm, that it could indicate that an inaccurate CADmodel has been used.
In the Interax tibial component, poor dimensional
tolerances also resulted in rather large errors. The tibial
component consists of two parts that are fitted into each
other during surgery. The conical shaped hole in the
tibial baseplate that fitted the cruciform part had poor
dimensional tolerances. As a result, the direction of this
hole deviated approximately 18 from the ideal perpendicular orientation with respect to the tibial baseplate
(Fig. 6b).
Although for the Profix femoral component no large
dimensional tolerances were found, some smaller mismatches were found in this component (Fig. 6c). The
edges of the actual prosthesis are rounded, where the
edges of the model contour have a more pronounced
square shape. The differences between actual implant
and model are, however, much smaller than found for
both Interax components, and as a result the errors were
also smaller.
The processing time of a standard RSA radiograph is
between 5 and 8 min when tantalum markers are used
(Vrooman et al., 1998). This time includes detection of
all markers}calibration box markers, bone markers,
and prosthesis markers and interactive corrections of
intermediate results. The optimization procedure described in this article takes an additional 45 s up to
5 min. The time needed for the optimization depends on
the closeness of the first estimate to the final solution. In
the worst case, the maximum total analysis time per
RSA radiograph was still within 15 min.
3. Discussion and conclusion
For two out of three components tested in this
study, rather large errors in position and orientation
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
Table 1
The micromotion of the Interax femoral and tibial components and the
Profix femoral component relative to the cylinder markers. Translations are labeled x, y, and z (in mm) and rotations are labeled Rx , Ry ,
and Rz (in8; n=7)
Interax femur Mean 0.096 0.045 0.098 0.214 0.258 0.112
0.190 0.080 0.165 0.353 0.524 0.146
Interax tibia Mean 0.157 0.012 0.022 0.341 0.064 0.250
0.075 0.070 0.182 0.213 0.427 0.195
Profix femur Mean 0.047 0.016 0.023 0.020 0.075 0.074
0.203 0.133 0.221 0.145 0.173 0.217
Fig. 5. The optimization process with the Interax tibial component
illustrated by the projected contour in the left half of the RSA image.
(a) After the region of interest has been determined by the observer, the
contour of the prosthesis is automatically detected by means of the
Canny operator. (b) The first estimation of the position and
orientation of the prosthesis model is projected in the radiograph. (c)
An intermediate result of the optimization procedure: the overlap of
both contours is increasing. (d) The final results: of the optimization
procedure: an optimum overlap of both contours has been obtained.
were found that were probably caused by large
dimensional tolerances in certain areas of the component’s surfaces. The results of these two components
were not as good as reported for RSA studies that
used prostheses with attached markers (Ryd, 1986;
Nilsson et al., 1991, 1995). The standard deviations
of repeated measurements that were reported in
these RSA studies ranged between 0.032 and 0.15 mm
for translations and 0.07 and 0.138 for rotations,
compared to 0.08–0.22 mm for translations and 0.15–
0.528 for rotations found in this study. Especially,
for the rotations of the two Interax components
large S.D. were observed. However, for one of the three
components tested, the Profix femoral component,
smaller dimensional differences between the actual
prosthesis and the model were observed and the
micromotion results were more accurate. The mean
values of the micromotion parameters, especially for the
rotations, were closer to zero than observed for the
Interax components. Also the S.D. for the rotations
were smaller than for both Interax components, however, they were still larger than the standard deviations
that were observed for prostheses that had attached
In order to be an alternative for RSA studies of
implants with attached markers, this model-based RSA
method should have a better accuracy than the accuracy
that now has been reached. This higher accuracy could
be obtained by making the method insensitive to
dimensional tolerances. This could be done by omitting
parts of the detected contour that belong to areas of the
implant that have large dimensional tolerances. Another
way to increase the accuracy of this model-based RSA
method could be the adaptation of the models for each
individual implant. In order to obtain the additional
data that is necessary for this approach, several points
on the surface of the implant will have to be measured
by an accurate three-dimensional measuring device.
With this data, the triangulated surface model of the
implant may be scaled and an individual model for each
implant may be created.
E.R. Valstar et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 34 (2001) 715–722
Fig. 6. Due to large dimensional tolerances a rather large mismatch occurs at the medial side of the Interax femoral component (a) and at the
cruciform part of the Interax tibial component (b). The mismatch for the Profix femoral component is much smaller (c) and exists only in the edges of
the component.
From this study we may conclude that the accuracy
of the current model-based RSA method is sensitive
to dimensional tolerances of the implant. We aim
at improvement of this model-based RSA method so
that it will be less sensitive to large dimensional
tolerances and that it will provide an accuracy that is
comparable to the accuracy of traditional RSA.
Currently, these improvements to the model-based
RSA method are subject of research that is carried out
at our department.
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