arXiv:1911.11863v1 [math.CO] 26 Nov 2019
Abstract. Let G be a cubic graph and Π be a polyhedral embedding of this
graph. The extended graph, Ge , of Π is the graph whose set of vertices is
V (Ge ) = V (G) and whose set of edges E(Ge ) is equal to E(G) ∪ S, where
S is constructed as follows: given two vertices t0 and t3 in V (Ge ) we say
[t0 t3 ] ∈ S, if there is a 3–path, (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) ∈ G that is a Π– facial subwalk of
the embedding. We prove that there is a one to one correspondence between
the set of possible extended graphs of G and polyhedral embeddings of G.
Our motivation for studying polyhedral embeddings of cubic graphs is twofold. On
one hand, it is interesting as the natural alternative point of view on combinatorial
characterisations of triangulations of surfaces [1], given that the dual structure of a
triangulation is precisely a polyhedral embedding of a 3-regular graph in a surface.
On the other hand, graph embeddings of 3-regular graphs are interesting in their
own right as a plethora of papers on the subject prove, particularly as related to
Grünbaum’s conjectured generalization of the four color theorem: If a cubic graph
admits a polyhedral embedding in an orientable surface, then it is 3-edge colorable
More precisely, in [1] they prove that the information on the size of the pairwise
intersection of triangles in a triangulation suffices in order to determine its whole
combinatorial structure. However, it is known that if we only have information on
the pairs of triangles that intersect edge to edge (that is, the dual graph of the
triangulation) then we cannot uniquely determine the whole incidence structure of
the triangulation. For example, in [5] they prove that some connected cubic graphs
can be embedded into more than one surface.
In like manner, in this paper we prove that some additional combinatorial information suffices to uniquely determine a polyhedral embedding of a 3-regular graph
in a surface with no boundary. For a more precise statement of our main result
(Theorem 2) we need to introduce some terminology.
Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
3 CONACYT Research Fellow - INFOTEC Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Mexico. Corresponding Author.
E-mail addresses: 1
[email protected], 2
[email protected],
[email protected].
A topological map of a graph into a surface is called a graph embedding. If we
consider the graph G together with its embedding Π, we say that G is Π–embedded.
Each disjoint region of the complement of the image of an embedded graph is
called a face of the embedding. The closed walk in the underlying graph G that
corresponds to the boundary of a face is called a Π–facial walk. The embedding Π
determines a set of Π–facial walks. Each edge is either contained in two Π–facial
walks or it appears twice in the same facial walk. If a Π–facial walk is a cycle, it is
also called a Π–facial cycle. Two embeddings of G are equivalent if they have the
same set of facial walks, up to automorphisms of G.
Let P1 and P2 be distinct Π−facial walks. We say that P1 and P2 meet properly
if the intersection of P1 and P2 is either empty, a single vertex, or an edge. In this
paper we will consider only embeddings of cubic simple graphs whose facial walks
meet properly, this latter characteristic defines a polyhedral embedding:
Definition 1. Π is said to be a polyhedral embbeding of a graph G, if every Π-facial
walk is a cycle and any two Π−facial cycles meet properly.
The set of all the Π–facial cycles is called Π–facial cycle system.
An indication that there is some non-triviality in determining polyhedral embeddings is that a significant part of Ringel and Youngs’ Map Color Theorem [6] was
to determine which complete graphs have such embeddings, even though for a
complete graph Kn (with n ≥ 5) a polyhedral embedding is necessarily a triangulation. Furthermore, in [2] it is proven that the decision problem about the existence
of polyhedral embeddings of a graph is NP-complete. The problem remains NPcomplete even if it is restricted to the case of embeddings in orientable surfaces and
it is required that the graph is 6-connected.
Concerning the uniqueness of the embedding, recall that the face-width is defined as
the minimum integer r such that G has r facial walks whose union contains a cycle
which is noncontractible on the surface. Whitney [9] proved that every 3-connected
planar graph has an essentially unique embedding in the plane. Robertson and
Vitray [7] extended the previous result to an arbitrary surface of genus g by assuming that the face-width is at least 2g + 3. Seymour and Thomas [8] and Mohar
[3] improved the bound on the face width to O( logloglogg g ). Moreover, Robertson and
Vitray [7] proved the following result:
Proposition 1. An embedding of a graph G is polyhedral if and only if G is 3connected and the embedding has face-width at least 3.
It is also known that for each surface S, there is a constant ζ = ζ(S) such that
every 3-connected graph admits at most ζ embeddings of face width greater than
three [4], then it can be concluded that a graph may have many different polyhedral
embedings in the same or different surfaces.
The extended graph of an embedding. The extended graph of the polyhedral
embedding Π, Ge (Π), is the graph whose set of vertices is V (Ge (Π)) = V (G) and
whose set of edges E(Ge (Π)) is equal to E(G) ∪ S. We will call S the set of scaffold
edges and construct it as follows: given two vertices t0 and t3 in V (G), [t0 t3 ] ∈ S,
if there are vertices t1 and t2 , different from t0 and t3 , such that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–
facial subwalk. In such case, we say that the 3–path of G corresponding to [t0 t3 ], is
(t0 t1 t2 t3 ). Notice that the scaffold edges may be double (but not triple or more).
That is, if [t0 t3 ] ∈ S and its corresponding path is (t0 t1 t2 t3 ), there may be a second
3–path between t0 and t3 , internally disjoint from (t0 t1 t2 t3 ), say (t0 t′1 t′2 t3 ), that
also corresponds to [t0 t3 ]. In this case we say [t0 t3 ] is a double scaffold edge, and we
denote this by a double bracket [[t0 t3 ]]. It will become obvious later, in Proposition
8, that this only happens when [[t0 t3 ]] appears as a chord of a 6-cycle which is a
Π–facial cycle of the embedding, or when two 4–cicles intersect in one edges. Notice
that E(G) ⊂ E(Ge (Π)). As such, we will refer to the edges in E(G) as simply edges.
Given two different polyhedral embeddings Π and Π′ is not obvious that their
corresponding extended graphs Ge (Π) and Ge (Π′ ) are combinatorically different.
Figuring this out is precisely the aim of this paper.
Theorem 2. Let G be a finite cubic graph. Then there is a one to one correspondence between the set of embeddings of G, P(G) = {Π|Π is an embedding of G},
and the set of extended graphs {Ge (Π)|Π ∈ P(G)}.
Firstly, note that as G is a cubic graph and Π is an embedding of G then every path
of length two is in a Π–facial cycle. This follows as there are three faces incident
to every vertex of the embedding, thus any path of length two is contained in one
of the faces incident to the vertex in the center of the path.
Proposition 3. Let n ≥ 5 and C = (t0 t1−1 t0 ) be a cycle in G corresponding
to a Π–facial cycle, then there is no edge (ti tj ) in E(G), with i 6= j, |i − j| ≥ 2 and
this difference taken mod n.
Proof. We will proceed by contradiction. Suppose that (ti tj ) ∈ E(G) where |i−j| ≥
2 and let Cij be a facial cycle that passes through the edge (ti tj ). Since the graph has
degree three, Cij contains either the edge (ti ti+1 ) or (ti−1 ti ), and one of (tj tj+1 ) or
(tj−1 tj ). This contradicts the definition of polyhedrality, since the Πij –facial cycle
would intersect C in two edges.
Proposition 4. Let n ≥ 5 and C = (t0 t1−1 t0 ) be a cycle in G corresponding
to a Π–facial cycle, then for all ti , tj , there is no tk ∈ V (G) such that (ti tk tj ) is a
path of G, where |i − j| ≥ 2 and this difference is taken mod n.
Proof. Notice that every path of length two belongs to a Π–facial cycle, and then
the proof follows by using similar arguments to those in the proof of Proposition
Proposition 5. Let G be a cubic graph. If C is a 3–cycle of G then C is a facial
cycle in every polyhedral embedding of G.
Proof. Let (t0 t1 t2 t0 ) be a cycle in G. Since every path of length two belongs to
a Π–facial cycle, say (t0 t1 t2 ) is in a facial cycle C. If (t0 t2 ) 6∈ C then we would
contradict Proposition 3, and the statement follows.
Proposition 6. Let G be a cubic graph. If C is a 4–cycle of G and G 6= K4 then
C is a facial cycle in every polyhedral embedding of G.
Proof. If G has a polyhedral embedding and G 6= K4 , then every 4–cycle of G is
induced, since G is 3-connected by Proposition 1. Let (t0 t1 t2 t3 t0 ) be a cycle in G.
Since every path of length two belongs to a Π–facial cycle, say (t0 t1 t2 ) is in a facial
cycle C. If the path (t2 t3 t0 ) 6∈ C then we would contradict Proposition 4, and the
statement follows.
Proposition 7. Given two paths, (t0 t1 t2 t3 ), (t0 t1 t2 t3′ ), of G then either (t0 t1 t2 t3 )
or (t0 t1 t2 t3′ ), but not both, is a Π–facial subwalk.
Proof. Given that every path of length two is in a Π–facial cycle then either
(t0 t1 t2 t3 ) or (t0 t1 t2 t3′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Suppose that both (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) and
(t0 t1 t2 t3′ ) are Π–facial subwalks, if each of these paths belongs to a different facial
cycle, then they would intersect improperly, contradicting Definition 1. If they
belong to the same facial cycle, then such facial cycle self intersects, contradicting
Definition 1.
Proposition 8. Let P = (q0 = t0 , t1 , ..., tn = qm ) and Q = (q0 = t0 , q1 , ..., qm = tn )
be two internally disjoint Π–facial subwalks, such that (t0 tn ) 6∈ E(G), then P ∪ Q
must be a Π−facial cycle.
Proof. We will proceed by contradiction. Let CP be the Π–facial cycle associated
to P and CQ be the Π–facial cycle associated to Q, where CP 6= CQ . Since G is a
cubic graph, let u and v be the remaining vertices adjacent to t0 = q0 and tn = qm ,
respectively. Since the edge (t0 tn ) 6∈ E(G), observe that v 6= t0 and u 6= tn . Which
implies that (t0 u) and (tn v) are different.
Notice both CP and CQ have to contain two edges incident to t0 = q0 , but t0 = q0
has degree three; thus CP intersects CQ in at least one edge incident to t0 = q0 .
The same holds for tn = qm , hence CP and CQ would have to intersect in at least
two edges, contradicting Definition 1.
Proof of the main theorem
In this section we will denote as Ge any extended graph in {Ge (Π)|Π ∈ P(G)},
where we emphasize that we do not claim knowledge of what embedding Ge corresponds to.
The proof of the main result of the paper will be split in to two subsections: the
simple case and the difficult case.
The simple case. We present the simple case first as within its proof it becomes
obvious why the second part requires much more detail.
Theorem 9. Let Ge be an extended graph of a finite cubic graph, G, such that for
all edges [t, t′ ] ∈ S there is a unique path of length three in G whose ends are t and
t′ , then Ge uniquely determines the Π–facial cycle system of an embedding.
Proof. From this information we will construct the Π–facial cycle system. Let
[t0 t3 ] ∈ S, by hypothesis we may say that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is the unique path of length
three between t0 and t3 , and there is a Π–facial cycle that contains the facial
subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 ). Let t4 and t4′ be the remaining vertices adjacent to t3 , then
by Proposition 7 either (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) or (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a facial subwalk, but not both.
Additionally, by hypothesis, only one of [t1 t4 ] or [t1 t4′ ] is in S. Hence we know with
certainty if the facial cycle that contains (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) continues on to t4 or t4′ . We
can continue with this procedure until we obtain the unique Π−facial cycle that
contains (t0 t1 t2 t3 ).
Now consider the edge (t1 t2 ) ∈ E(G), this edge must belong to another Π–facial
cycle. Let t1′ and t2′ be the remaining vertices adjacent to t1 and t2 , respectively.
Then, as the embedding is polyhedral, the other facial cycle containing (t1 t2 ), necessarily contains (t1′ t1 t2 t2′ ), thus [t1′ t2′ ] ∈ S. Now we may use the same procedure
as before to find the rest of the edges in this facial cycle.
We can find every Π–facial cycle in this manner, by selecting at every step an edge
of the union of the preceding facial cycles that hasn’t appeared in two facial cycles
yet. This procedure is finite, since the graph G is finite.
As a consequence of Theorem 9 we have the following:
Corollary 10. Let Ge be an extended graph of a finite cubic graph, G, with no
6–cycles, then Ge uniquely determines the Π–facial cycle system of an embedding
of G.
The difficult case. Clearly, the difficulty arises when we have the possibility that
the hypothesis of Theorem 9 does not hold for an extended graph, Ge . Namely,
NOT for all scaffold edges [t, t′ ] ∈ S there is a unique path of length three in G
whose ends are t and t′ . This motivates the following definitions:
Definition 2. (Fork) Let Y ⊂ Ge be a subgraph with set of vertices V (Y ) =
{t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t4′ } and set of edges E(Y ) = {(t1 t2 ), (t2 t3 ), (t3 t4 ), (t3 t4′ )}∪{[t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ]}.
We will call such graph a fork.
Figure 1. Fork
Here, if we tried to reproduce the reconstruction procedure presented in the proof
of Theorem 9, when arriving at a fork we would have a disjunction consisting of
whether (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the 3–path corresponding to [t1 t4 ] or (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the 3–path
corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. A great part of this section consists of proving that, in
most cases, this disjuntion can be solved by looking at the rest of the structure of
the graph. We will say that the disjuntion cannot be solved whenever the rest of
the structure of the extended graph does not force either (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) to be the 3–path
corresponding to [t1 t4 ] or (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) to be the 3–path corresponding to [t1 t4′ ].
We will now prove some more technical lemmas which will help us discover the very
particular structure of graphs for which disjunctions cannot be solved.
Proposition 11. Let P1 = (ut0 t1 v), P2 = (ut2 t3 v) and P3 = (ut4 t5 v) be three
internally disjoint 3–paths in G such that [uv] ∈ Ge then [[uv]] is a double scaffold
edge. Furthermore, Pi ∪ Pj is a Π-facial cycle for a pair i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Proof. With out loss of generality, suppose that [uv] corresponds to the path P1 ,
which means that (ut0 t1 v) is Π-facial subwalk. By Proposition 7, it must satisfied
that either (ut0 t1 vt3 ) or (ut0 t1 vt5 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. Suppose, with out loss of
generality, that (ut0 t1 vt3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, then by Proposition 4 (ut0 t1 vt3 t2 u)
is Π-facial cycle, hence [[uv]] is a double scaffold edge. See Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Corollary 12. Let P1 = (ut0 t1 v), P2 = (ut2 t3 v) and P3 = (ut4 t5 v) be three
internally disjoint 3–paths in G such that [uv] ∈ Ge and (t1 t0 ut4 ) is a Π-facial
subwalk. Then (vt5 t4 u) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Proof. Since [uv] ∈ Ge , Proposition 11 implies [[uv]] is a double scaffold edge
and either (ut0 t1 vt5 t4 u), (ut0 t1 vt3 t2 u) or (ut2 t3 vt5 t4 u) is a Π-facial cycle. Since
(t1 t0 ut4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, by Proposition 7 (t1 t0 ut2 ) is not a Π-facial subwalk.
This implies that (ut0 t1 vt3 t2 u) can not be a Π-facial cycle and, necessarily, either
(ut0 t1 vt5 t4 u) or (ut2 t3 vt5 t4 u) is a Π-facial cycle. Notice that the path (vt5 y4 u)
appears in both cases, hence, this path is a Π-facial subwalk.
Corollary 13. Let (ut0 t1 v) and (ut2 t3 v) be two internally disjoint 3–paths in G
such that [uv] ∈ Ge and (ut0 t1 v) is not a Π-facial subwalk. Then (ut2 t3 v) is a
Π-facial subwalk.
Proof. We proceed by contradiction. If (ut2 t3 v) is not a Π-facial subwalk, then
there is a third 3–path between u and v, (ut4 t5 v), internally disjoint to (ut0 t1 v)
and(ut2 t3 v) which corresponds to the scaffold edge [uv]. But, by Proposition 11 the
edge [[uv]] is double. Since (ut0 t1 v) is not a Π-facial subwalk, necessarily (ut2 t3 v)
and (ut4 t5 v) are Π-facial subwalks, which is a contradiction.
Definition 3. (Butterfly one and two) Let B ⊂ Ge be a subgraph of G with set of
vertices V (B) = {t0 , t0′ , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t4′ , t5 , t5′ }, and set of edges equal to the union
of the two cycles E(Y ) = (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) ∪ (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ t0′ ), we will call this graph
a butterfly. A butterfly one, B1 , is a butterfly with the additional scaffold edges
[t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ], [t0 t3 ], [t0′ t3 ]. A butterfly two, B2 , is a butterfly with the additional
scaffold edges [t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ], [t0 t3 ].
Figure 3. The butterfly one is shown on the left and the butterfly
two is shown on the right
We are ready to state and proof the main theorems of this section. The spirit is
the following: if a fork Y appears as a subgraph of Ge in such a way that the
disjunction cannot be solved, then Ge will contain either butterfly one or butterfly
two as subgraphs and, in either case, we will be able to reconstruct the full extended
graph uniquely.
Lemma 14. Let Y be a fork labelled as in Definition 2 then if either (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is
the only 3–path between t1 and t4 or (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the only 3–path between t1 and
t4′ then the disjunction can be solved.
Proof. By Definition, every scaffold edge corresponds to a 3-path. Thus, when there
is only one 3-path between the end vertices of a scaffold edge necessarily such path
is its corresponding 3-path.
Next we will prove different theorems. A long of the proofs we state different claims
and the procedure that we use is given a claim followed immediately by its proof.
The figures that shows the following results appears in the Apendix at the end of
the paper.
Lemma 15. Let Y be a fork labelled as in Definition 2 such that the disjunction
cannot be solved then Ge contains a subgraph isomorphic to butterfly one, B1 , or
butterfly two, B2 .
Proof. Since G is a cubic graph, let t0 and t0′ be the remaining vertices adjacent
to t1 , different from t2 .
Claim 1. The vertices t0 and t0′ are different to each t3 , t4 , t4′ .
Note that the proofs of t0 and t0′ must be analogous. We only detail the proof for
t0 . As G is a 3–regular graph, t0 6= t3 (otherwise t3 would have degree four). If
t0 = t4 , then by Proposition 6, (t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 ) is Π-facial cycle, and (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is forced
to be the 3-path corresponding to [t1 t4 ] thus the disjunction can be solved. Hence
t0 6= t4 . The case t0 6= t4′ is analogous to the case t0 6= t4 . ⊟
Applying Lemma 14 we obtaing the following:
Claim 2. For both edges [t1 t4 ] and [t1 t4′ ] there exist at least two internally disjoint
3-paths between its end vertices.
Without loss of generality we may say that (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is the additional 3–path with
ends [t1 t4 ], internally disjoint from (t1 t2 t3 t4 ). Note that then t5 6= t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 .
Claim 3. The vertex t5 is different to the vertices t0′ , t4′ .
If t5 = t4′ , Proposition 5 implies that (t3 t4 t4′ t3 ) is a Π-facial cycle; by Proposition
7 (t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) is a Π-facial subwalk; Proposition 4 implies that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) is a Πfacial cycle, so (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a 3-path corresponding to [t1 t4′ ] ; hence, the disjunction
could be solved, contradicting the hypothesis. Therefore t5 6= t4′ .
If t5 = t0′ , using a similar arguments we would arrive to the conclusion that
(t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a 3–path corresponding to [t1 t4 ] contradicting our hypothesis. Therefore t5 6= t0′ . ⊟
Now, we will give the additional 3-path between t1 and t4′ internally disjoint to
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ). We have three cases: (Case A) when the 3−path is (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ), (Case
B) when the 3−path is (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) and (Case C) when the 3−path is (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ). We
will deal with each case separately.
Case A. Assume the 3−path is (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ). Since G is a cubic graph and all the
previous vertices already have degree two, t5′ must be a new vertex of G, otherwise
we would have a vertex with degree four. By Proposition 7, given that the 3–paths,
(t0 t1 t2 t3 ) and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) are in G, one of these paths is a Π–facial subwalk. So we
have two cases: either [t0 t3 ] and [t0′ t3 ] are in S which implies that B1 ⊂ Ge , or
only of them ([t0 t3 ] or [t0′ t3 ]) is in S, which implies that B2 ⊂ Ge . Either way, the
assertion of the lemma follows. This ends the proof for Case A.⊟
Case B. Assume the 3−path is (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ). First, observe that Claim 3 implies
that x0 is a new vertex. Moreover, the 3−path (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is in G and it is possible
that [t0 t3 ] ∈ S or [t0 t3 ] 6∈ S. We will analyse both cases:
Case B1. [t0 t3 ] ∈ S.
Claim B1.1. [[t0 t3 ]] is a double scaffold edge.
Since there are three internally disjoint 3−paths between t0 and t3 : (t0 t1 t2 t3 ),
(t0 t5 t4 t3 ) and (t0 x0 t4′ t3 ), then [[t0 t3 ]] is a double scaffold edge, by Corollary 11.
Claim B1.2. [t1 t4 ] or [t1 t4′ ] is a double scaffold edge.
Note that if either [t1 t4 ] or [t1 t4′ ] is a double scaffold edge then we necessarily
have three 3-paths internally disjoint between the pair t1 , t4 in the first instance
and t1 , t4′ in the second instance, which would confirm our claim.
Thus, we may now suppose that neither [t1 t4 ] nor [t1 t4′ ] are double scaffold
edges, then (t0 t5 t4 t3 t4′ x0 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, by Corollary 11. The latter
and Corollary 13 imply that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) and (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) are the Π–facial subwalks
corresponding to [t1 t4 ] and [t1 t4′ ] respectively, which contradicts Definition 1.
Hence, at least one of [t1 t4 ] or [t1 t4′ ] has to be a double scaffold edge.⊟
Claim B1.3. B1 or B2 is contained in Ge .
Without loss of generality, suppose that [[t1 t4′ ]] is a double scaffold edge. Observe that (t1 t4′ ) 6∈ E(G), otherwise it would contradict the 3−regularity of
G. Since there are already two internally disjoint 3–paths between t1 and t4′ :
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) and (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ), we have to have a third one, else (t1 t2 t3 t4′ x0 t0 t1 )
would be a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition 8, which implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is
a Π–facial subwalk. That is, the disjunction can be solved, contradicting our
Let (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) be the third path. Notice that t5′ is a new vertex, otherwise it
would contradict the hypothesis that G is a cubic graph. Then, if [t0′ t3 ] ∈ S
then B1 ⊂ Ge or if [t0′ t3 ] 6∈ S then B2 ⊂ Ge .
If we assume instead that [[t1 t4 ]] is a double scaffold edge, the proof follows in
a similar way. ⊟
This completes the proof for Case B1.
Case B2. [t0 t3 ] 6∈ S. This implies that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk and, by
Proposition 7, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, hence [t0′ t3 ] ∈ S.
Claim B2.1 If (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk then (t5 t0 t1 t2 ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. If (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) then (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
Suppose that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk. The later implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ )
is not a Π–facial subwalk. Since [t1 t4′ ] ∈ S and using Corollary 13, (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) is
a Π–facial subwalk. This Π–facial subwalk cannot contain the edge (t1 t2 ) otherwise, by Proposition 4, (t1 t0 x0 t4′ t3 t2 t1 ) would be a Π–facial cycle intersecting
the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) in two edges, which contradicts the definition
of polyhedral embedding. Then, (t0′ t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. We know
that two different Π–facial cycles pass through each edge of G; this fact together
with Definition 1 and Proposition 7 imply that (t5 t0 t1 t2 ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
Now, suppose that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. This implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4 )
is not the Π–facial subwalk corresponding to the scaffold edge [t1 t4 ]. Hence, using Corollary 13 we know that (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is the Π–facial subwalk corresponding
to the scaffold edge [t1 t4 ]. This Π–facial subwalk cannot contain the edge (t1 t2 ),
otherwise (t2 t1 t0 t5 t4 t3 t2 ) would be a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition 4, and it
would intersect the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) in two edges, contradicting the
definition of polyhedral embedding. Then, (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk.⊟
Claim B2.2 The fork Y ′ given by the set of vertices {t5 , t0 , t1 , t0′ , t2 }, and the
edges, {(t5 t0 ), (t0 t1 ), (t1 t2 ), (t1 t0′ ), [t5 t2 ], [t5 t0′ ]} is contained in Ge .
If the statement were false, i.e., if one of the scaffold edges [t5 t2 ] or [t5 t0′ ] is not
in S, then the disjunction can be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. Then,
the statement follows. ⊟
In a way similar to our treatment of the cases for fork Y , we will analyse the
fork Y ′ . We need to have two internally disjoint 3–paths for each pair of vertices {t5 , t2 } and {t5 , t0′ }. Notice that for the pair {t5 , t2 } we already have two
internally disjoint 3–paths: (t5 t4 t3 t2 ) and (t5 t0 t1 t2 ). Therefore, we only need to
find a second 3–path between t5 and t0′ . We have three cases:
Case B2.A (t5 t4 t3 t0′ ) cannot be the second 3–path between t5 and t0′ .
Suppose the second 3–path is (t5 t4 t3 t0′ ). This would imply that t3 has degree
four, contradicting that G is a cubic graph. ⊟.
Case B2.B If (t5 t4 x4 t0′ ) is the second 3–path between t5 and t0′ then B2 is contained in Ge .
Suppose the second 3–path is (t5 t4 x4 t0′ ), where x4 is the remaining vertex adjacent to t4 . Observe that x4 is a new vertex, since x4 is different to t3 , t4 , t5 , and
if x4 is equal to one of t0 , t1 , t2 , t4′ , x0 , that would contradict the fact that G
is a cubic graph. Finally, x4 6= t0′ , otherwise, by Proposition 4, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ )
would be a Π–facial cycle, implying that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, contradicting our hypothesis.
Hence, we would have to B2 contained in Ge , given by the set of vertices:
{t0 , t0′ , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t4′ , x0 , x4 } and by the set of edges of the two 6–cycles: (t1 t2 t3
t4′ x0 t0 t1 ) ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4 x4 t0′ t1 ) and the scaffold edges {[t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ], [t0′ t3 ]}. ⊟
Case B2.C (t5 x5 x0′ t0′ ) cannot be the second 3–path.
Suppose the second 3–path is (t5 x5 x0′ t0′ ), where x5 and x0′ are the remaining
vertices adjacent to t5 and t0′ respectively.
Observe that x0′ and x5 are different from the vertices t0 , t0′ , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5
by a similar proof to the case A. Also x0′ and x5 are different from the vertices t4′ and x0 , otherwise contradicts the fact that G is a cubic graph. So
there is a butterfly contained in G given by the union of the two 6–cycles
(t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 t0 )∪(t0 t1 t0′ x0′ x5 t5 t0 ) and the set of scaffold edges {[t5 t2 ], [t5 t0′ ], [t1 t4 ], [t1 x5 ]}
if is a butterfly one, or the set of scaffold edges {[t5 t2 ], [t5 t0′ ], [t1 t4 ]} if is a butterfly two.
This completes the proof for Case B2 and Case B. ⊟
Case C. Assume that the 3–path is (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ). Notice that (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) is a
Π–facial cycle of G.
Suppose that [t0 t3 ] ∈ S. Since (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) is a Π–facial cycle, (t0 t5 t4 t3 ) cannot be a Π–facial subwalk, by Propositon 7. Using Corollary 13, (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is
the Π–facial subwalk corresponding to [t0 t3 ]. The Π–facial subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 )
cannot continue trough the vertex t4 , otherwise by Proposition 4 implies that
(t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, and it would intersect the Π–facial cycle
(t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) in two edges, contradicting the definition of polyhedral embedding.
So (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk, i.e., the disjunction can be solved, contradicting out hypothesis.
Then, suppose that [t0 t3 ] 6∈ S. Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk, using Proposition 7 implies that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Thus either
(t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
Claim C1. The remaining vertex adjacent to t2 , x2 , is a new vertex of G.
We are going to proceed by contradiction:
1. (x2 6= t5 ). If x2 = t5 it would contradict the 3–regularity of G.
2. (x2 6= t4 ). If x2 = t4 then (t2 t3 t4 t2 ) is a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition 5. The
latter implies that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) cannot be a Π–facial subwalk, since it would intersect the Π–facial cycle (t2 t3 t4 t2 ) in two edges, contradicting the polyhedrality
of the embedding. Then, by Proposition 7, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk,
i.e., (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π–facial subwalk corresponding to the edge [t1 t4′ ], and the
disjunction can be solved, contradicting out hypothesis.
3. (x2 6= t4′ ) This proof follows in a manner similar to the previous one.
4. (x2 6= t0′ ). If x2 = t0′ it would contradict the definition of polyhedral embedding,
since (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
5. (x2 6= t0 ). If x2 = t0 then (t0 t1 t2 t0 ) would be a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition
5. Since there are two different Π–facial cycles passing through every edge, then
Proposition 7 implies that (t3 t2 t0 t5 ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Thus, (t3 t2 t0 t5 t4 t3 )
is a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition 4. But notice that this would contradict the
polyhedrality of the embedding.
Hence, x2 is a new vertex. ⊟
Claim C2. If (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk then (x2 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial
Notice that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π–facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ]. Given that
two different Π–facial cycles pass through every edge and using Proposition 7
we can deduce that (x2 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. ⊟
Claim C3. If (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk then (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial
This statement follows immediately from the hypothesis, since (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is contained in the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ). ⊟
Claim C4. The fork Y ′ given by the set of vertices {t4′ , t3 , t2 , t1 , x2 } and the set
of edges {(t3 t4′ ), (t2 t3 ), (t1 t2 ), (t2 x2 ), [t1 t4′ ], [t4′ x2 ]}. is contained in Ge .
Notice that only remains to prove that [t4′ x2 ] is in S. If this scaffold edge is not
in S, then (x2 t2 t3 t4′ ) is not a Π–facial subwalk. The latter and using Proposition
7 imply that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Thus there is no disjunction
contradicting our hypothesis. ⊟
Let x4′ be the remaining vertex adjacent to t4′ .
Claim C5. (t2 t3 t4′ x4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
Since every path of length two is a Π–facial subwalk, then (t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. But this Π–facial subwalk cannot continue to t5 , otherwise it would
intersect the Π–facial cycle (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) in two edges, contradicting Definition
1. Hence, we have to continue towards the remaining neighbour of t4′ , x4′ , and
the statement follows. ⊟
Claim C6. There are two internally disjoint 3–paths for each pair of vertices
{t1 , t4′ } and {t4′ , x2 }.
It follows immediately by Lemma 14. ⊟
The two internally disjoint 3–paths between t1 and t4′ are: (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) and
(t1 t0 t5 t4′ ). The first of the two internally disjoint 3–paths between t4′ and x2
is (t4′ t3 t2 x2 ); as for the second there are three options: (Case C1) (t4′ t5 t0 x2 ),
(Case C2) (t4′ t5 t4 x2 ) and (Case C3) (t4′ x4′ x2′ x2 ). We will deal with each instance separately.
Case C1. Assume that the second internally disjoint 3–path between t4′ and x2
is (t4′ t5 t0 x2 ).
Claim C1.1. The remaining vertex adjacent to t4′ , x4′ , is a new vertex.
We are going to proceed by contradiction:
1. (x4′ 6= t0 , x4′ 6= t1 , x4′ 6= t2 , x4′ 6= t3 , x4′ 6= t5 ). If any of the inequalities was
an equality instead we would have a contradiction on the fact that G is a cubic
2. (x4′ 6= t0′ ). If x4′ = t0′ then by Proposition 4, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0′ ) is a Π–facial
cycle because (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk. This implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is
the Π–facial subwalk corresponding to the edge [t1 t4′ ], i.e., the disjunction can
be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x4′ 6= t0′ .
3. (x4′ 6= t4 ). If x4′ = t4 , since (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) is a Π–facial cycle this contradicts
Proposition 3. Hence x4′ 6= x4 .
4. (x4′ 6= x2 ). If x4′ = x2 then the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) cannot continue
through t4′ , since there is a 2–path (t2 x2 t4′ ), which would contradict Proposition
4. Then (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) continues through t4 , implying that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π–facial
subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ], i.e., the disjunction can be solved, contradicting
our hypothesis. Hence x4′ 6= x2 .
Thus, x4′ is a new vertex. ⊟
Claim C1.2. The remaining vertex adjacent to t4 , x4 , is a new vertex.
We are going to proceed by contradiction:
1. (x4 6= t0 , x4 6= t1 , x4 6= t2 , x4 6= t3 , x4 6= t5 , x4 6= t4′ ). If any of the inequalities
was an equality instead we would have a contradiction on the fact that G is a
cubic graph.
2. (x4 6= x2 ). If x4 = x2 then by Proposition 6, (t2 t3 t4 x2 t2 ) is a Π–facial cycle.
Thus the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) cannot continue through t4 , otherwise it
would contradict the polyhedrality of G. Then (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ x4′ ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. This implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π–facial subwalk corresponding
to [t1 t4′ ], therefore the disjunction can be solved, contradicting our hypothesis.
Hence x4 6= x2 .
3. (x4 6= t0′ ). If x4 = t0′ then using Proposition 4 it can be said that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ )
is a Π–facial cycle. The latter implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π–facial subwalk
corresponding to [t1 t4 ], which contradicts our hypothesis. Hence x4 6= t0′ .
4. (x4 6= x4′ ). If x4 = x4′ , since (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) is a Π–facial cycle, it would contradict
Proposition 4.
Hence, x4 is a new vertex. ⊟
Claim C1.3. The remaining vertex adjacent to x2 , x2′ , is a new vertex.
We are going to proceed by contradiction:
1. (x2′ 6= t0 , x2′ 6= t1 , x2′ 6= t2 , x2′ 6= t3 , x2′ 6= t4 , x2′ 6= t4′ , x2′ 6= t5 ). If any of the
inequalities was an equality instead we would have a contradiction on the fact
that G is a cubic graph.
2. (x2′ 6= t0′ ). If x2′ = t0′ since (t0 t1 t2 x2 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, it would contradict
Proposition 4. Hence x2′ 6= t0′ .
3. (x2′ 6= x4 ). If x2′ = x4 then (x4 x2 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, since (t0 t1 t2 x2 t0 )
is a Π–facial cycle. Using Proposition 4 and the latter imply that (x4 x2 t2 t3 t4 x4 )
is a Π–facial cycle. Therefore the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) cannot continue
though t4 , otherwise it would contradict the polyhedrality of the embedding.
Then (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk, which implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the
Π–facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ] and the disjunction can be solved,
contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x2′ 6= x4 .
4. (x2′ 6= x4′ ). This proof follows in a similar way that the previuos one.
Thus x2′ is a new vertex of G. ⊟
Claim C1.4. Either (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
We know that [t1 t4 ] and [t1 t4′ ] are in S, also Proposition 7 implies that either
(t1 t2 t3 t4 ) or (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
If (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk the statement follows. If, on the other hand,
(t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk, Corollary 13 implies that (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is the
Π–facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. ⊟
Claim C1.5. For either choice between (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) being a Π–facial
subwalk, there is a Π–facial subwalk P = (t1 t0′ . . . x4′ t4′ ), such that either in
P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial cycle in the first instance or P ∪ (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is a
Π–facial cycle in the second instance.
First, suppose that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. This walk cannot be extended as (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5 ), otherwise it would intersect the Π–facial cycles (t0 t1 t2 x2 t0 )
and (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) in two edges, contradicting the definition of polyhedral embedding. Hence the only possible way to extend this walk is (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ x4′ ) and
the claim follows.
Suppose (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Similarly, this walk cannot be extended as (t2 t1 t0 t5 t4′ t3 ), otherwise it would intersect the Π–facial cycles (t0 t1 t2 x2 t0 )
and (t3 t4 t5 t4′ t3 ) in two edges, contradicting the definition of polyhedral embedding. Hence, the only possible way to extend this walk is (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4′ x4′ ) and
the claim follows.
In both cases, a path P = (t1 t0′ . . . x4′ t4′ ) completes either Π–facial subwalk in
to a Π–facial cycle. ⊟
Claim C1.6. The Π–facial subwalk P in the previous claim is (t1 t0′ x4′ t4′ ).
We proceed by contradiction. Suppose that there is at least one vertex tp ∈ V (G)
such that P = (t1 t0′ tp . . . x4′ t4′ ). We will now prove that we can deduce further
structure of Ge from this assumption and arrive to a contradiction for either
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) being a Π–facial subwalk.⊟
Claim C1.6.1. The fork given by the set of vertices {tp , t0′ , t1 , t0 , t2 } and the set
of edges {(tp t0′ ), (t0′ t1 ), (t1 t0 ), (t1 t2 ), [tp t0 ], [tp t2 ]} has to be contained in Ge .
In this instance, by Proposition 7, either (tp t0′ t1 t0 ) or (tp t0′ t1 t2 ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. Therefore, if one of the scaffold edges [tp t0 ] or [tp t2 ] is not in S we can
deduce whether P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or P ∪ (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is a Π–facial cycle, by Proposition 4, and the disjunction can be solved, contradicting the hypothesis and the
claim follows.⊟
Claim C1.6.2. The paths (tp x2′ x2 t0 ) and (tp x2′ x2 t2 ) are in G.
As we have argued in other claims, if there is to be a disjunction, by Lemma
14, there are a pair of 3–paths: one joining the vertices {tp , t0 } and another
one joining the vertices {tp , t2 }, internally disjoint to (tp t0′ t1 t0 ) and (tp t0′ t1 t2 ),
respectively. Looking at the degree of the vertices involved, it is easy to see that
the only possibility is that tp is adjacent to x2′ and the additional 3–paths are
(tp x2′ x2 t0 ) and (tp x2′ x2 t2 ). ⊟
Claim C1.6.3. P does not continue through x2′ after tp .
We will proceed by contradiction. Suppose P = (t1 t0′ tp x2′ . . . x4′ t4′ ), then P
cannot continue to the vertex t2 after t1 , otherwise there is a 2–path (t2 x2 x2′ )
contradicting Proposition 4. Then, P continue to t0 after t1 and using Proposition 4 we conclude that P ∪ (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) = (t1 t0′ tp x2′ . . . x4′ t4′ t5 t0 t1 ) is a Π–
facial cycle. This implies that undoubtedly (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π–facial subwalk
corresponding to the scaffold edge [t1 t4 ]. Ergo, the disjunction can be solved,
contradicting our hypothesis. Hence, x2′ is not in P.⊟
Finally, we will now see what happens in each of the cases: either P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ )
or P ∪ (t1 t0 t5 t4′ ) is a Π–facial cycle. Inasmuch as both cases are symmetric,
we will only prove the first one in detail. Suppose that P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–
facial cycle. This implies that the 3–path (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) corresponds to the edge
[t1 t4′ ] ∈ S then the 3–path that corresponds to [t1 t4 ] is (t1 t0 t5 t4 ), given that
the embedding is polyhedral, we can conclude that (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 x4 ) is a Π–facial
Analyzing the existing facial subwalks and using extensive use of the fact that
the embedding is polyhedral is easy to see that (x4 t4 t3 t2 x2 x2′ ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. Notice that this walk cannot continue through the vertex tp after x2′ ,
otherwise it would intersect the Π–facial cycle P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) in two edges.
Similarly, we can conclude that (x4′ t4′ t5 t0 x2 x2′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk, because
it cannot continue through the vertex tp after x2′ , otherwise it would intersect
the Π–facial cycle P ∪ (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) in two edges.
We have concluded that both Π–facial subwalks (x4 t4 t3 t2 x2 x2′ ) and (x4′ t4′ t5 t0 x2 x2′ )
continue after x2′ through the same vertex (not equal to tp ). This is, they
will intersect in two edges, contradicting the definition of polyhedral embedding. As we said the proof of the second case is analagous, then in both cases
we get to a contradiction, and we can conclude that there is no additional
vertex in the path P = (t1 t0′ x4′ t4′ ), and obviously the edge (t0′ x4′ ) is in G.
Thus, there is a butterfly, B2 , contained in G: it is given by the union of the
two 6–cycles (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) ∪ (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ x4′ t0′ ) and the set of scaffold edges
{[t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ], [t0′ t3 ]}.
This ends the proof of Case C1 ⊟
Case C2. Assume that the second internally disjoint 3–path between t4′ and x2
is (t4′ t5 t4 x2 ). Notice that (t2 t3 t4 x2 t2 ) is a Π–facial cycle by Proposition 6. Using
Claim 1 and Definition 1 we can deduce that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk,
i.e., the disjunction can be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence, this
case can never occur. This ends the proof of Case C2.⊟
Case C3. Assume that the second internally disjoint 3–path between t4′ and x2
is (t4′ x4′ x2′ x2 ). Remember that Claim C5 asserts that (t2 t3 t4′ x4′ ) is a Π–facial
subwalk. So, there is a butterfly two contained in Ge , B2 , whose set of vertices
is {t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4′ , t5 , x4′ , x2 , x2′ } and whose set of edges is given by the union
of edges in the two 6–cycles, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5 t0 ) ∪ (t2 t3 t4′ x4′ x2′ x2 t2 ), and whose set
of scaffold edges is {[t4′ t1 ], [t4′ x2 ], [t2 x4′ ]}. This ends the proof for Case C3.⊟
Theorem 16. Let Ge be such that B1 ⊂ Ge (labelled as in Definition 3, Figure 3)
and such that the disjunctions that arise from the two fork subgraphs of B1 induced
by the vertices {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t4′ } and {t0 , t0′ , t1 , t2 , t3 } cannot be solved, then G is
the Petersen’s graph, P , and Ge is the union of P and the set of (single) scaffold
edges S = E(K10 ) \ E(P ).
Proof. As B1 ⊂ Ge (labelled as in Definition 3) then G contains the two 6-cycles
(t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ t0′ ). Also, [t0 t3 ], [t0′ t3 ], [t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ] ∈ S.
Claim 1. Either (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) (but not both) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Suppose, without loss of generality, that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. If (t1 t2 t3 t4 )
is the 3–path corresponding to [t1 t4 ], by Definition 1, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π-facial
subwalk and by Proposition 4, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle. Furthermore,
by Proposition 7 and Corollary 13 imply that (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) is the Π-facial subwalk
corresponding to [t1 t4′ ] and (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to
[t0′ t3 ]. It follows that, by Definition 1, (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk; and
by Proposition 4, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ t0′ ) is a Π-facial cycle. But this last statement
contradicts Definition 1, as two different facial walks would intersect in two edges.
Hence (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is not the 3–path corresponding to [t1 t4 ], so (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Πfacial subwalk and then by Proposition 7, the statement follows.
The case when we suppose (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) as a Π-facial subwalk is resolved similarly. ⊟
Claim 2. Neither (t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) nor (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ ) can be a Π-facial subwalk.
Suppose (t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk, by Proposition 4, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a
Π-facial cycle, and has to be the same Π-facial walk that contains (t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ),
this contradicts the definition of polyhedral embedding (Definition 1).
The case for (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ ) follows similarly. ⊟
Claim 3. Neither (t5′ t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) nor (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 ) can be a Π-facial subwalk.
The proof of this statement follows in the same way as that of Claim 2. ⊟
Claim 4. Either (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk, implying that (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) and
(t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 ) are Π–facial subwalks, or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, implying
that (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) and (t0 t5 t4 t3 t4′ ) are Π–facial subwalks.
By Claim 1, we know that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) cannot be Π–facial subwalks
Assume that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk, then by Corollary 13, (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is
the Π-facial subwalk of [t1 t4 ]. Since t1 has degree three, necessarily (t2 t1 t0 t5 t4 ) or
(t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. However, if (t2 t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk then
it intersects the Π-facial subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) in two edges, contradicting Definition
1. Hence (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk,
by Proposition 7, (t0′ t1 t2 t3 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk. Thus, by Corollary 13, the
3−path corresponding to [t0′ t3 ] is (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 ). Since t3 has degree three, necessarily
(t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t2 ) or (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. However, if (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t2 ) was
a Π-facial subwalk then it would intersect the Π-facial subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) in two
edges, contradicting Definition 1. Hence (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk.
The other case follows similarly. ⊟
Claim 5. (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ ) are 5–cycles of G. (Not necessarily
facial cycles of the embedding.)
By Claim 1, we know that either (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
Assume that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Then, by Claim 4, (t0′ t1 t0 t5 t4 ) and
(t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 ) are Π-facial subwalks and observe that they intersect in their start
and end vertices. By Proposition 8, either (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 t5 t0 t1 t0′ ) is a Π-facial cycle,
or the edge (t0′ t4 ) is in E(G). However, (t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 t5 t0 t1 t0′ ) can not be a Π-facial
cycle, since it would intersect the Π–facial subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) in two edges and
this would contradict the assumption that the embedding is polyhedral. Then, if
(t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk, the edge (t0′ t4 ) ∈ E(G), and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ ) is a
5 –cycle of G.
If we assume that (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, the proof follows in a similar
way and we can deduce that (t0 t4′ ) ∈ E(G) and (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a 5–cycle of G.
Notice that, as a consequence of the previous two arguments, it can not happen
that both of (t0′ t4 ) and (t0 t4′ ) are not in E(G) simultaneously. Otherwise, this
would contradict Claim 1. We will now argue that both (t0′ t4 ) and (t0 t4′ ) are in
Suppose that (t0 t4′ ) 6∈ E(G), then (t0′ t4 ) ∈ E(G). If (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π-facial
subwalk then, by Claim 4, (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) and (t0 t5 t4 t3 t4′ ) are Π–facial subwalks.
It follows that, by Proposition 8, (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, but it
intersects the Π–facial subwalk (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) in two edges, which contradicts the
definition of polyhedral embedding. Hence (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk,
and, by Claim 1, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) has to be a Π–facial subwalk, implying that the
disjunction can be solved. Therefore (t0 t4′ ) ∈ E(G).
The case where we begin by assuming that (t0′ t4 ) 6∈ E(G) follows analogously, thus
(t0′ t4 ) ∈ E(G).
These arguments prove that (t0 t4′ ) and (t0′ t4 ) are in E(G), and (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) and
(t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ ) are 5–cycles of G. ⊟
Claim 6. The scaffold edges [t0 t2 ], [t1 t3 ], [t2 t0′ ], [t2 t4′ ], [t2 t4 ] are in S.
By Claim 1 and 5, and Proposition 3 either (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ ) is a
Π-facial cycle. So, if any of edges [t0 t2 ], [t1 t3 ], [t2 t0′ ], [t2 t4′ ], [t2 t4 ] were not in S,
we could easily discard the possibility that one of the two cycles is a Π-facial cycle,
thus, we could solve the disjunction and the claim follows. ⊟
Claim 7. There is a new vertex tx adjacent to t2 , t5 and t5′ .
By Claim 6, the edges [t0 t2 ], [t2 t0′ ], [t2 t4′ ], [t2 t4 ] are in S. If for any of this edges
there was only one 3−path that could correspond to it, then, by Proposition 4,
we could know whether (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) or (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4 t0′ ) is a Π-facial cycle, thus we
could solve the disjunction. Hence there have to be additional 3–paths that can
correspond to [t0 t2 ], [t2 t0′ ], [t2 t4′ ], [t2 t4 ].
In order to find a second path between t2 and t4′ of length three, which is internally
disjoint to (t2 t3 t4′ ) and (t2 t1 t0 t4′ ), let tx be the remaining vertex adjacent to t2 .
Observe that tx 6= t5 , otherwise by Proposition 6 (t0 t1 t2 t5 t0 ) and (t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 ) are Π–
facial cycles and using Claim 1, we can deduce easily if (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) or (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ )
is a Π–facial subwalk, contradicting our hypothesis. Analogously tx 6= t5′ . Thus
tx is a new vertex. Notice that [tx t0 ], [tx t4 ], [tx t0′ ], [tx t4′ ] are in S, otherwise, by
Proposition 7, we can deduce the sub-paths in the Π-facial subwalks that correspond
to [t1 t4 ] and [t1 t4′ ], which implies that we can solve the disjunction. Then, the
second 3–path between t2 and t4′ contains tx and t5′ . This implies that (tx t5′ ) is
an edge of G.
Similarly, for [t0 t2 ] there are already two disjoint paths (t2 t1 t0 ) and (t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) of
length two and three respectively. Then, the third path necessarily contains tx and
t5 , which implies (as before) that (tx t5 ) is an edge of G. ⊟
Note that we now know the complete underlying cubic graph G, namely G is the
Petersen’s graph.
Claim 8. [t0 t0′ ], [t0 t5′ ], [t0 t4 ], [t1 t5 ], [t1 x], [t1 t5′ ], [t2 t5′ ], [t2 t5 ], [t3 x], [t3 t5′ ], [t3 t5 ],
[t4′ t5 ], [t4 t4′ ], [t0 t4′ ], [t5 t0′ ], [t4 t5′ ] and [t5 t5′ ] are in S.
We will use identical arguments to those in Claim 6. For example if [t0 t0′ ] is not
in S, then any 3–path whith start t0 and end t0′ can’t be a facial subwalk. This
implies that by process of elimination and using Proposition 7 and Proposition 4,
we can deduce the Π–facial cycles, and the disjunction can be solved. ⊟
This finalizes the proof. Therefore, G is Petersen Graph and S = E(K10 \ E(P )).
Theorem 17. Let Ge be such that B2 ⊂ Ge (labelled as Definition 3, Figure
3) and such that the disjunction that arises from the fork subgraph of B2 induced by the vertices {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t4′ } cannot be solved, then G is the Franklin
graph, F , and Ge is the union of F and the set S given by simple scaffold edges
[t0 t5 ], [t5 x5 ], [x5 x0 ], [x0 t0 ], [t1 t2 ], [t2 x2 ], [x2 t0′ ], [t0′ t1 ], [t3 t4′ ], [t4′ t5′ ], [t5′ t4 ], [t4 t3 ], and
the double scaffold edges [[t0 t3 ]], [[x0 t2 ]], [[t1 t4′ ]], [[t0′ t5 ]], [[t4 x2 ]], [[x5 t5′ ]], [[t0 t5′ ]], [[t1 t4 ]],
[[t2 t5 ]], [[t3 x5 ]], [[t4′ x2 ]], [[x0 t0′ ]].
Proof. Observe that in B2 , (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) and (t0′ t1 t2 t3 t4′ t5′ t0′ ) are two 6-cycles
such that [t1 t4 ], [t1 t4′ ], [t0 t3 ] ∈ Ge and [t0′ t3 ] 6∈ Ge , which implies by Proposition
7, that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is Π-facial subwalk of [t0 t3 ].
Claim 1. [[t0 t3 ]], [[t1 t4 ]] and [[t2 t5 ]] are double scaffold edges.
If one of [[t0 t3 ]], [[t1 t4 ]] or [[t2 t5 ]] is not a double scaffold edge, then (t1 t2 t3 t4 )
cannot be a Π-facial subwalk, otherwise by Definition 1 and Proposition 4, this
would imply that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle, but this is impossible as we
started by assuming that at least one of [[t0 t3 ]], [[t1 t4 ]] or [[t2 t5 ]] is not a double
scaffold edge.
It follows by Proposition 7 that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π-facial subwalk that corresponds
to the scaffold edge [t1 t4′ ], and then, by Proposition 7 and Corollary 13, the Π-facial
subwalk corresponding to the edge [t1 t4 ] should be (t1 t0 t5 t4 ), which implies that the
disjunction could be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence the claim holds. ⊟
Claim 2. For each pair of vertices {t0 , t3 }, {t1 , t4 } and {t2 , t5 }, there is a third
3-path between them whose vertices are disjoint to the cycle (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ).
Suppose that for at least one of the pairs of vertices mentioned above, there are only
two 3–paths, by Proposition 8, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is Π-facial cycle and then (t1 t2 t3 t4 )
is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ], i.e., we can solve the disjunction,
contradicting our hypothesis. Hence the claim holds. ⊟
Since G is a cubic graph, let xi be the remaining vertex adjacent to ti for i ∈
{0, 2, 5}, then:
Claim 3. The vertex x0 is different to the vertices ti for all i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0′ , 4′ , 5′ }
and adjacent to t4′ .
First, in order to prove that all vertices are different we proceed by contradiction:
1. (x0 6= t0′ .) If x0 = t0′ , then by Proposition 5, (t0 t0′ t1 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle, this
implies, by Proposition 7, that (t5 t0 t1 t2 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 )
is Π-facial subwalk, by Definition 1, necessarily (t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk,
and using Proposition 4, (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle. The latter implies
that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ] and thus we can
solve the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x0 6= t0′ .
2. (x0 6= t2 .) If x0 = t2 , by Proposition 5, (t0 t1 t2 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, but this
contradicts, by Definition 1, the fact that (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk. Hence
x0 6= t2 .
3. (x0 6= t4 .) If x0 = t4 , since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, Proposition 4 implies
that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle, and (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π–facial subwalk
corresponding to [t1 t4 ]. Thus, the disjunction can be solved, contradicting our
hypothesis. Hence, x0 6= t4 .
4. (x0 6= t3 .) If x0 = t3 , then t3 would have degree four and G would not be a
cubic graph.
5. (x0 6= t4′ .) If x0 = t4′ , since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, Definition 1 and
Proposition 4 imply that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle and that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is
the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. Thus we can solve the disjunction,
contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x0 6= t4′ .
6. (x0 6= t5′ .) If x0 = t5′ , then by Proposition 6, (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle;
the latter and Proposition 7 imply that (t2 t1 t0 t5 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, and
by Definition 1, since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, (t5 t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial
subwalk. By Proposition 4, it follows that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle
and (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk that corresponds to [t1 t4 ]. The previous
statements imply that we can solve the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis.
Hence x0 6= t5′ .
Finally, Claim 2 implies x0 and t4′ are adjacent.⊟
Claim 4. The vertex x2 is different to the vertices ti for all i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0′ , 4′ , 5′ }
and x0 .
We proceed by contradiction:
1. (x2 6= t0 .) If x2 = t0 then t0 would have degree four and contradict the fact that
G is a cubic graph. Hence x2 6= t0 .
2. (x2 6= t0′ .) If x2 = t0′ , by Proposition 5, (t0′ t1 t2 t0′ ) is a Π–facial cycle. Thus,
by the previous statement and Definition 1, (t3 t2 t0′ t5′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk.
By the previous statement and Proposition 4, (t3 t2 t0′ t5′ t4′ t3 ) is a Π–facial cycle.
The latter and Definition 1, imply that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is not a Π–facial subwalk.
This, in turn, implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial subwalk, and the disjunction
can be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x2 6= t0′ .
3. (x2 6= t4 .) If x2 = t4 , by Proposition 5, (t2 t3 t4 t2 ) is a Π–facial cycle. The
latter together with Definition 1 imply (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk, thus
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk and the disjunction can be solved, contradicting
our hypothesis. Hence x2 6= t4 .
4. (x2 6= t4′ .) The proof follows identical arguments to those used in the previous
5. (x2 6= t5 .) If x2 = t5 , by Proposition 6, (t2 t3 t4 t5 t2 ) is a Π–facial cycle. The
latter and Definition 1, imply that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is not a Π–facial subwalk, thus
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is a Π–facial subwalk and the disjunction can be solved, contradicting
our hypothesis. Hence x2 6= t5 .
6. (x2 6= t5′ .) The proof is similar to the previous case.
7. (x2 6= x0 .) If x2 = x0 , then by Proposition 6, (t0 t1 t2 x0 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle.
Thus the Π–facial cycle (t0 t1 t2 x0 ) intersects to the Π–facial subwalk (t0 t1 t2 t3 )
in three vertices contradicting that we have a polyhedral embedding.
Claim 5. The vertex x5 is different to the vertices ti for all i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0′ , 4′ , 5′ }
and x0 , x2 , and adjacent to x2 .
Once more, we proceed by contradiction to prove that the vertices are different:
1. (x5 6= t0′ .) If x5 = t0′ , then Proposition 6 implies that (t5 t0 t1 t0′ t5 ) is a Π-facial
cycle. The latter and Definition 1 imply that (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is not a Π-facial subwalk.
Then, by Corollary 13, it follows that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to the edge [t1 t4 ]. However, using Proposition 4 we can deduce that
(t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π–facial cycle which intersects the Π–facial cycle (t5 t0 t1 t0′ t5 )
in two edges, contradicting the polyhedrality of the embedding. In conclusion,
this case can never occur.
2. (x5 6= t2 , x5 6= t1 , x5 6= t3 , x5 6= t4′ ,.) If any of the inequalities was an equality
instead we would have a contradiction on the fact that G is a cubic graph.
3. (x5 6= x0 .) If x5 = x0 , then it is only possible to find two internally disjoint
3-paths between t2 and t5 . Since [[t2 t5 ]] is a double scaffold edge and (t2 t5 ) 6∈
E(G) (otherwise contradicts that G is a cubic graph), Proposition 8 implies that
(t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle. In turn, the latter implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is
the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ] and that (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) is a Π-facial
subwalk, thus we can solve the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence
x5 6= x0 .
4. (x5 6= x2 .) If x5 = x2 , Proposition 4 implies that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is not a Πfacial cycle. Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π−facial subwalk, using Proposition 11 we can
deduce that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4′ x0 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle; i.e., (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π−facial
subwalk that corresponds to [t1 t4′ ]. The latter and Corollary 13 imply that
(t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ], and then we can solve
the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x5 6= x2 .
5. (x5 6= t5′ .) If x5 = t5′ , it is only possible to find two 3-paths internally disjoint
between them t2 and t5 . Since [[t2 t5 ]] is double and (t2 t5 ) 6∈ E(G) (otherwise
contradicts that G is a cubic graph), Proposition 8 implies that (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 )
is a Π-facial cycle. Hence, (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to
[t1 t4 ]. Using the latter and Corollary 13 is easy to see that (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) is the
Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. That is we can solve the disjunction,
contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x5 6= x5′ .
Finally, x2 and x5 are adjacent by Claim 2. ⊟
Claim 6. The vertex x4 is different to the vertices ti , for all i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0′ , 4′ }
and x0 , x2 , x5 .
We proceed by contradiction:
1. (x4 6= t0 , x4 6= t1 , x4 6= t2 , x4 6= t4′ ). If any of the inequalities was an equality
instead we would have a contradiction on the fact that G is a cubic graph.
2. (x4 6= t0′ .) If x4 = t0′ then there is a 2-path (t1 t0′ t4 ) and two 3–paths, (t1 t2 t3 t4 )
and (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) between t1 and t4 . Since [[t1 t4 ]] is a double scaffold edge, and
there is no edge (t1 t4 ), by Proposition 8 (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 )is a Π–facial cycle. But
this contradicts Proposition 4 since there is a 2–path (t1 t0′ t4 ) between t1 and t4 .
Hence x4 6= x0′ .
3. (x4 6= x0 .) If x4 = x0 , Proposition 6 implies that (t0 t5 t4 x0 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle.
The latter, Proposition 7 and Corollary 13 imply that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial
subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ] and we can solve the disjunction, contradicting
our hypothesis. Hence x4 6= x0 .
4. (x4 6= x2 .) If x4 = x2 , then Proposition 6 implies that (t2 t3 t4 x2 t2 ) is a Πfacial cycle. The latter and Proposition 7 imply that (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π-facial
subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. Subsequently, using Corollary 13 it is possible
to deduce that (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ], that is,
we can solve the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x4 6= x2 .
5. (x4 6= x5 .) If x4 = x5 , using Proposition 5 we deduce that (t4 t5 x5 t4 ) is a Π–
facial cycle. In addition to this, using Proposition 7 we can prove that (t0 t5 t4 t3 )
is a Π-facial subwalk, ussing that (t0 t3 ) 6∈ E(G) and applying Proposition 8,
we have (t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t0 ) is a Π-facial cycle. The latter implies that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is
the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ]. Using that (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is the Π-facial
subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4 ] and Corollary 13 we arrive to the conclusion that
(t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) is the Π-facial subwalk corresponding to [t1 t4′ ]. Thus, we can solve
the disjuntion, contradicting our hypothesis. Hence x4 6= x5 . ⊟
Claim 7. [[t1 t4′ ]] is a double scaffold edge.
Since [t1 t4′ ] ∈ S and between t1 and t4′ there are three internally disjoint 3-paths,
(t1 t2 t3 t4′ ), (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) and (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ), by Proposition 11, necessarily [[t1 t4′ ]] is
double. ⊟
Claim 8. (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk and [[t1 t4′ ]] is a double scaffold edge (by Claim
7), then Corollary 12, implies that (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk.⊟
Claim 9. [[t0 t5′ ]], [[x0 t0′ ]], [[t0 t3 ]] and [[x0 t2 ]] are double scaffold edges and there
exist three internally disjoint paths between each pair of end vertices.
If some edge, [t0 t5′ ], [x0 t0′ ], [t0 t3 ] or [x0 t2 ] does not belong to S, or it is not double
or they are all double but for one of them there exist only two 3-paths between
its end vertices, then by Proposition 8 we know if (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is Π-facial subwalk
or not. This would implies that the disjunction can be solved, contradicting the
hypothesis. ⊟
Let x5′ be the remaining vertex adjacent to t5′ .
Claim 10. (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Notice that for the double scaffold edge [[t0 t5′ ]] there exist three internally disjoint
3−paths, (t0 x0 t4′ t5′ ), (t0 t5 x5′ t5′ ) and (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ ). Since (t1 t0 x0 t4′ ) is a Π-facial
subwalk, then by Corollary 12, necessarily (t0 x0 t4′ t5′ t0′ t1 t0 ) or (t0 t5 x5 t5′ t0′ t1 t0 ) is
a Π-facial cycle, i.e., (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ ) is a Π-facial subwalk. ⊟
Claim 11. (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Since [[t1 t4 ]] is a double scaffold edge, there exist three internally disjoint 3−paths
: (t1 t0 t5 t4 ), (t1 t0′ x4 t4 ) and (t1 t2 t3 t4 ). Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk, then
by Corollary 12, (t1 t0 t5 t4 ) is a Π-facial subwalk. ⊟
Claim 12. x4 = t5′ .
If x4 6= t5′ , then (t1 t0 t5 t4 x4 t0′ t1 ) is not a Π-facial cycle because (t0 t1 t0′ t5′ ) is a
Π-facial subwalk, and this would contradict Definition 1. In addition, Claim 11 implies that (t1 t0 t5 t4 t3 t2 t1 ) is a Π-facial cycle and (t1 t0′ t5′ t4′ ) is the Π-facial subwalk
of [t1 t4′ ]. Thus the disjunction could be solved, contradicting our hypothesis. ⊟
Claim 13. (t2 t3 t4 t5 ) is a Π-facial subwalk.
Notice that for the double scaffold edge [[t2 t5 ]] there are three internally disjoint
3-paths (t2 t1 t0 t5 ), (t2 x2 x5 t5 ) and (t2 t3 t4 t5 ). Since (t0 t1 t2 t3 ) is a Π-facial subwalk,
by Corollary 12, (t2 t3 t4 t5 ) is a Π-facial subwalk.⊟
Claim 14. [[t3 x5 ]], [[t4 x2 ]], [[t0 t3 ]] and [[t1 t4 ]] are double scaffold edges in S and
there exist three internally disjoint paths between its end vertices.
If one of [t3 x5 ], [t4 x2 ], [t0 t3 ] or [t1 t4 ] does not belong in S, or it is not a double
scaffold edge, or they are all double but for one of them there exist only two 3-paths
between its end vertices, then by Proposition 8, we know if (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) is a Π–facial
subwalk or not. Consequently, using Proposition 11, we could conclude if the Π–
facial subwalk corresponding to the edge [t1 t4 ] is either (t1 t2 t3 t4 ) or (t1 t0′ t5′ t4 ) thus
we could solve the disjunction, contradicting our hypothesis. ⊟
Observe that for the edges [[t0 t3 ]] and [[t1 t4 ]] there already exist three internally
disjoint paths between their end vertices. For [[t3 x5 ]] and [[t4 x2 ]] we need to find
additional edges of G to complete their corresponding 3-paths.
Claim 15. (x0 x5 ) ∈ E(G)
Note that for [[t3 x5 ]] there are already two 3-paths, (t3 t2 x2 x5 ) and (t3 t4 t5 x5 ). Since
the only adjacent vertex to t3 that is not in either of the paths already mentioned
is t4′ , then t4′ must belong to the third 3-path. The third 3-path can continue
through either t5′ or x0 . However, the vertex t5′ is adjacent to t4 , t4′ and t0′ , then
the third 3-path necessarily has to continue to x0 . Since x0 has degree two thus
far, the only option left now is that it is adjacent to x5 . ⊟
Claim 16. (x2 x0′ ) ∈ E(G)
The proof of this statement follows in a manner similar to the proof of Claim 15.
Claim 17. [[x2 t4′ ]], [[t5′ x5 ]] and [[t5 t0′ ]] are double scaffold edges.
Notice that if [x2 t4′ ] 6∈ S, by Proposition 7, (t1 t2 t3 t4′ ) is the Π-facial subwalk
corresponding to [t1 t4′ ], and then the disjunction can be solved, contradicting the
hypothesis. Hence [x2 t4′ ] ∈ S. Since there are three internally disjoint 3-paths between its end vertices, by Proposition 11, [[x2 t4′ ]]has to be a double scaffold edge.
The proof follows similarly for [[t5′ x5 ]] and [[t5 t0′ ]]. ⊟
Claim 18. The edges [t1 t0′ ], [t0′ x2 ], [x2 t2 ], [t1 t2 ], [t3 t4′ ], [t4′ t5′ ], [x4 t4 ], [t3 t4 ], [x0 t0 ],
[t0 t5 ], [t5 x5 ] and [x5 x0 ] are in S.
Since (t1 t2 x2 t0′ t1 ), (t0 t5 x5 x0 t0 ) and (t3 t4 t5′ t4′ t3 ) are Π-facial cycles (by Proposition 6), the edges [t1 t0′ ], [t0′ x2 ], [x2 t2 ], [t1 t2 ], [t3 t4′ ], [t4′ t5′ ], [x4 t4 ], [t3 t4 ], [x0 t0 ],
[t0 t5 ], [t5 x5 ] and [x5 x0 ] are in S.
Claim 18, completes the proof of the Theorem.
The main aim of the project, that this paper initiates, is to develop an algorithmic
procedure for constructing all the extended graphs of a given cubic graph.
Thus, the next step is characterizing when a set of scaffold edges build on top of a
cubic graph is indeed an extended graph.
Theorem 15. CASE A
Claim 1.
Claim 2.
Claim 3.
Theorem 15. CASE B
Claim 1.
Claim 2.
Claim 3.
Case B1.
Claim B1.1.
Claim B1.2.
Claim B1.3.
Case B2.
Claim B2.1
Claim B2.1
Claim B2.2.
Case B2.A.
Case B2.B.
Case B2.C.
Theorem 15. CASE C
Claim 1.
Claim 2.
Claim 3.
Claim C1.
Claim C2.
Claim C3.
Claim C4.
Claim C5.
Claim C6.
Case C1.
Claim C1.1.
Claim C1.2
Claim C1.3
Claim C1.4
Claim C1.4
Claim C1.5
Claim C1.5
Claim C1.6
Claim C1.6.1
Claim C1.6.2
Claim C1.6.3
Case C2
Case C3.
Theorem 16
Claim 5.
Claim 7.
Claim 6.
Claim 8.
Theorem 17
Claim 1.
Claim 2.
Claim 3.
Claim 4.
Claim 5.
Claim 6.
Claim 7.
Claim 8.
Claim 9.
Claim 10.
Claim 11.
Claim 12.
Claim 13.
Claim 14.
Claim 15.
Claim 16.
Claim 17.
Claim 18.
Acknowledgements. Research supported by PAPIIT-México (Projects IN104915,
IN106318), CONACyT-México (Project 166306) and CIC-UNAM (Academic Exchange Project: “Gráficas y Triangulaciones”. 2019).
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