Physical education & sports -View and Future Need of Society

2022, isara solutions

Physical Education & Sports forms an important part of educational system even when it never received the importance it deserves. Even though it is included as part of the curriculum from the early stages of education, it has never been taken seriously by the educational administrators, the academicians and the students. Physical Education is the only profession where you talk as well as play / perform. The concept of Physical Education in the mind of general public is big round, play & play and no work. Abraham Lincoln quoted in one of his address, "Sportsman is the best Ambassador of the Nation." Hence, the Physical Education Director/Teacher can also be the best Ambassador of our Institution / University.. At present compare to earlier years and now we can come across the decline of physical education in education compare to present is one needs to overcome the hurdles and battles to improve the structure and infrastructure status in around to develop the overall discipline in physical education and sports.

IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 10 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print) Physical education & sports – View and Future Need of Society Dr Devender Prakash Assosiate professor Deptt of physical education RSS (p.g) College, Pilkhuwa, Hapur Dr Manju Dalal Assosiate professor physical education R.C.A Girls (p,g) College, Mathura Abstract Physical Education & Sports forms an important part of educational system even when it never received the importance it deserves. Even though it is included as part of the curriculum from the early stages of education, it has never been taken seriously by the educational administrators, the academicians and the students. Physical Education is the only profession where you talk as well as play / perform. The concept of Physical Education in the mind of general public is big round, play & play and no work. Abraham Lincoln quoted in one of his address, “Sportsman is the best Ambassador of the Nation.” Hence, the Physical Education Director/Teacher can also be the best Ambassador of our Institution / University. . At present compare to earlier years and now we can come across the decline of physical education in education compare to present is one needs to overcome the hurdles and battles to improve the structure and infrastructure status in around to develop the overall discipline in physical education and sports. Introduction: Physical Education and Sports is one of the important yardsticks and also integral part of education for any country at any point of time. Thus each country should try to set out a framework of action plan for promotion and development of Physical Education and Sports Paradoxically, sports is witnessing a spectacular boom in the media spotlight all over the world including India while it is being seriously neglected within the educational system. Physical Education act as well as the provision of resources for the nation and in the construction of evaluation system in education developments and it proms the development physical education in a country. At present compare to earlier years and now we can come across the decline of physical education in education compare to present is one needs to overcome the hurdles and battles to improve the structure and infrastructure status in around to develop the overall discipline in physical education and sports. Present Status of Physical Education and Sports in New Era. Despites efforts by member state to promote and develop Physical Education and Sports with international cooperation; its distinctive nature and importance to education remains a constant source of concern. Physical Education and Sports proved alarming (particularly within educational system), which given the social importance and media-coverage of sports. Its impact may be seen in the shift by Physical Education and Sport Public authorities towards higperformance and high International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity ( IRJMSH ) Page 158 IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 10 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print) media friendly sports (at a national level, across the public and private system). A significant example in the absence of clear separation between the Ministries of Youth Affairs and Sports and Ministries of Education. The status of Physical Education and Sports convened the Physical Education World Summit in Berlin this initiative was promoted by reports revealing the increasing critical situation of Physical Education and Sports in many countries. A world wide comparative study collect data and literature for nearly 120 countries came out with following significant findings. a. Reduced time devoted to Physical Education in Educational Programmed. b. Reduced budgets plus inadequate financial, material and staff resources. c. The subject suffers from low status. d. In many countries teachers are not properly trained. e. Existing Physical Education guidelines are not properly applied. Creative Mind and Thoughts which bring out the Role of Physical Education and Sports in the Present Globalization: The Physical Education and Sports preserves the vital clue that exists between Physical Education and Sports. The reciprocal guarantee highlighted the provisions of as such it is necessary to consider Physical Education and Sports as an intrinsic part of education in all schools and colleges in a country, where sports should be compulsory right from elementary school level to till college level. In fact, quality education involves the dispensing the essential requirements of life skills i.e. learning to (i) self-motivation, creativity and problem solving (ii) Use interactive tools (communication, physical and IT) (iii) To join and live within sociality divers groups. all these Boardbased life skills are precisely what Physical Education and Sports can develop. Therefore, it goes without saying that Physical Education and Sports must be actively promoted by International organizations, state governments, local authorities. The field of education must coordinate and streamline these efforts to defend the cause of Physical Education and Sports. This will include helping to redress the balance of Physical Education and sport in Education in its drive to improve the situation of Physical Education and Sports worldwide. Physical Education & Sports in Indian society Physical Education & Sports forms an important part of educational system even when it never received the importance it deserves. Even though it is included as part of the curriculum from the early stages of education, it has never been taken seriously by the educational administrators, the academicians and the students. Physical Education is the only profession where you talk as well as play / perform. The concept of Physical Education in the mind of general public is big round, play & play and no work. Abraham Lincoln quoted in one of his address, “Sportsman is the best Ambassador of the Nation.” Hence, the Physical Education Director/Teacher can also be the best Ambassador of our Institution / University. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEFINED: The problem of defining Physical Education is not only that the term is broad based and complex, including so many kinds of phenomena, but also it means different things to different people. Someone has suggested that Physical Education is whatever Physical Educators do. J P Thomas International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity ( IRJMSH ) Page 159 IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 10 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print) sums up that Physical Education is education through physical activities for the development of total personality of the child and its fulfillment and perfection in body, mind and spirit. Even though this definitions differ significantly with regards to emphasis on different aspects, they still have many common elements. Some of them may be noted as: Physical Education is a phase of total Education process. It is sum of total experience and their related responses. Experience grown and responses developed out of participation in big muscular activities. All-round development of individual’ – physical, mental, social, moral is the real aim of Physical Education. It is the same as in General Education. In the Indian context, Physical Education is perhaps the only aspect of education which has not been given due attention. That is due, most probably to the fact that we have remained satisfied with that the British have handed over to us, with no sincere efforts on our part to prepare any concrete and far-reaching programmed for Physical Education specially suited to our conditions. We have ever-stressed the academic aspects, the physical one being relatively untouched. This has resulted in an increasingly large number of Indians who are neglecting their bodies, to whom Physical Education is similar to physical training, whose physical fitness is not what it should be they are getting ‘soft’. One of the main objectives of any Physical Education activity is to maintain and improve the health of the youngsters in our school and colleges. And the School has the responsibility to see that all students achieve and maintain optimum health, not only from a moral point of view, but from the standard point that educational experience will be much more meaningful if optimum health exists. A child learns easier and better when he is in a state of good health. Even ones’ values have much to do with health building and destroying activities. Unfortunately, a large number of people suffer from ‘value illnesses’, i.e. they know what they are supposed to do to keep well, yet they fail to do so. They know that tobacco smoking can cause death from Lung Cancer, even then they do not give up smoking. They understand how alcohol affects the driving ability, yet they drive in a state of drunkenness. They appreciate the role of regular exercise in weight control, yet they do little to alter their sedentary way of living. Education and health & medical authorities have therefore, long recognized the need for a programmed of director Physical Education activities in school curriculum. It is during the formative and rapidly growing period of Primary school-age that foundation of proper habits, attitudes and appreciations toward all physical activities, including play is lied and desirable citizenship traits acquired, so that in adulthood he will be equipped with the knowledge, sound thinking processes, physical stamina and emotional maturity to live effectively in an ever-changing and highly complex society. In that respect, teachers bear a major responsibility in answering that challenge effectively. It is said, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. WHY STUDY PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS? To study Physical Education and sports is not merely to discuss performance, technique or records journalistic-ally but to look at some of the implicit assumptions held by the general population about Physical Education and Sports. Despite the significance of sports, it has been primarily a vehicle of ‘escape’ more than an avenue of education. A sport has been viewed as a distraction International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity ( IRJMSH ) Page 160 IRJMSH Vol 13 Issue 10 [Year 2022] ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline) 2348–9359 (Print) from the trials of everyday life. Ask some friends why they are involved in sports. The response will probably have something to do with “fun” or “enjoyment”. Required Work: Every College / University should have an Elective Subject of Physical Education, if not compulsory, where 60% stress should be given to theory and 40% to practical. Another viewpoint is that all the first year students should undergo a minimum Physical Education programmed like National Physical Fitness Test, otherwise they will not be given the degree. We should have colleges of Physical Education with 4 to 6 years degree course, like Lakshmi bai Natoinal Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE). Physical Education and Sports are seen not merely as a playground but also as a laboratory in which the theories of each discipline may be tested and/or as a phenomenon whose worthiness value, and effect on people and society must be continually scrutinized. Suggestions & Recommendation: 1) Revision & Reconstruction of Physical Education syllabus in context with need of Society. 2) Periodical Refresher course for Physical Educational personnel by an unified agency. 3) Updating and Upgrading of the subject and related area in collaboration with top Educational &Physical Education bodies. Strict implementation and follow-up of the prescribed Physical Education standard. 4) An honest and sincere appraisal system for total evaluation and feedback. 5) The academic study of Physical Education and Sports may be as stimulating and fun as experience as one’s actual participation in sports. 6) Once the rule, subject matter, and ‘spirit’ of both games are understood, they may be equally rewarding. General Education is for the masses, so also Physical Education. 7) ‘Recreation’ is an important as ‘reading’, ‘writing’ and ‘arithmetic’, in the life of common man. Physical activities do the garb of ‘Physical Education’ when the focus is on the means used, Namely, big muscles, ‘Recreation’ when the focus is on ‘life is worth living’ (joyful) attitude or use are leisure time. Conclusions: In our profession we should follow the concept of 3 ‘D’ Discipline, Dedication & Determination. Young people are the real wealth of the nation. No programmed is successful without the participation of youth. Therefore, to enable an individual to lead happy, enjoyable and healthy life as a member of society, he should regularly engage in games and sports and different exercise programmers to ensure development of Physical Fitness and learn skills in sports and games, which have a carryover value. Society on the other hand should provide enough opportunities to its members so that they may engage themselves in activities of their own choice and thus develop or maintain the level of Physical Fitness. Unless there is improvement in the ‘General Standard of Health’, excellence in sports cannot improve. Physical Education and Sports activities in educational institution should aim at ‘Health Related’ and ‘Performance Related’ areas so as to ensure ‘enhancement of performance in competitive sports’. Physical Education, thus consists in promoting a systematic all-round development of human body by scientific technique and thereby maintaining extraordinary Physical Fitness to achieve one’s cherished goals in life. Hence any organization of Physical Education should start with developing a positive attitude and selfInternational Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity ( IRJMSH ) Page 161