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2020, Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Engineering
8 pages
1 file
This paper proposes an analytic relation for the deflection of a cantilever beam with a transverse crack subjected to dead load. The mathematical relation is deduced involving the decreased capacity of the beam to store energy, which is in direct relation with the crack position and depth. Eventually, the validity of the relation is proved by means of the finite element method.
The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration
It has long been observed that the dynamic response of a structure changes due to the presence of a crack. Scientific analysis of such phenomena can be utilised for fault diagnosis and the detection of cracks in structures. The present investigation is an attempt in that direction. Theoretical expressions have been developed in order to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes for an elastic cantilever beam with two cracks using flexibility influence coefficients and a local stiffness matrix. The numerical results for the beams without cracks, with one crack, and with two cracks are compared. It has been observed from the numerical results that there are appreciable changes in the vibration characteristics of the cantilever beam with and without cracks. This method can be utilised for multi crack identification of structures.
This is the second part of a two-part study aimed at establishing the mechanics of a cracked cantilever beam subjected to a transverse force applied at its free end. Following the development of a four-beam model in Part A, in this Part B of a two Part series of papers, a two dimensional (2D) Finite Element (FE) model is developed and use to obtain independent numerical estimates of the cross sectional resultants dominating the beams above and below the fully embedded horizontal crack in a cantilever beam subjected to an end transverse force. The FE model is also used to obtain numerical estimates of the required deformation of the cantilever free as needed to establish the effective of the transition zone regions adjacent to the crack tips. The FE model results are then compared to the four-beam model predictions. The four-beam model predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with their FE counterparts. Related discussion is presented wherein the relevance of the model deve...
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016
Health monitoring and the analysis of damage in the form of crack in beam like structures are important not only for leading safe operation but also retraining system performance. Since long efforts are on their way to find a realistic solution for crack detection in beam structures in this regard many approaches have so far being taken place. When a structure suffers from damages, its dynamic properties can change and damage leads to reduction in stiffness also with an inherent reduction in natural frequency. The objective of this paper is to lend a viable relationship between the modal natural frequencies for the different crack depth for that vibration analysis is carried out on a cantilever beam with two open transverse cracks on universal vibration apparatus. Modelling and simulation is established using commercially available finite element analysis software package ANSYS.The results obtained from simulation are validated with the result obtained from the experiment.
This paper talks over the effect of multiple cracks using vibration analysis of a cantilever beam. Cracked structure affect the properties of structure .Finite element analysis technique are used to determine the effect of multiple cracks on a cantilever beam. Its conclusion shows in deduction in natural frequencies with change the position and depth of the crack. With using the Ansys software it is found that the results of natural frequencies are more accurate. A lot of research work available with a single crack. We deal a cantilever beam with multiple cracks and changing the location and depth of the crack and study the natural frequencies.
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015
Vibroengineering procedia, 2018
The paper presents a mathematical relation to express the effects of a T-shaped crack on beam-like structures. The study is performed by using the finite element method (FEM) and contrived analytical formulas for proving the existing correlation between deflection, strain energy, and natural frequency changes. The damaged beam static and dynamic behaviors are analyzed by means of the FEM. The frequency shift for the first mode of vibration derived directly was compared with the frequency alteration calculated involving the change in the beam deflection for several scenarios of the T-shaped crack. The frequency shift is derived using the relations between deflection and natural frequency. As the final step in the research, we compared the outcomes for the same crack with the results achieved from a beam suffering a loss of stiffness.
The Economic History Review, 1986
Discuss the debate that can be related to decline of feudalism or in the rise of capitalism., 2024
Tasavvuf hakikatler ilmidir. Bununla beraber tasavvufun bir ilim olup olmadığı İslam alimleri arasında uzun bir zaman boyunca tartışılmıştır. Bugün de aynı şekilde itiraz eden ilahiyatçılar vardır. Onlar derler ki, Tasavvuf bilgi üreten bir ilim değildir. Ancak bunun nedeni bu kişilerin gerçek tasavvufu bilmemeleridir. Gerçek tasavvufu bilmek için bir kâmil Mürşide ve bir de kişinin manevi tahsile kabiliyette olmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu iki hususa muhatap olmayanlar tarafından tasavvufun bir bilim olduğu kolaylıkla reddedilebilmektedir. Ancak bu itirazlara gereken cevaplar yine mutasavvıflar tarafından asırlar boyunca verilmiştir. Buna rağmen itiraz etmekte devam eden ilahiyatçılar ve filozoflar görüşlerinde ısrar etmektedirler.
There is no consensus yet on the definition of semantic information. This paper contributes to the current debate by criticising and revising the Standard Definition of semantic Information (SDI) as meaningful data, in favour of the Dretske-Grice approach: meaningful and well-formed data constitute semantic information only if they also qualify as contingently truthful. After a brief introduction, SDI is criticised for providing necessary but insufficient conditions for the definition of semantic information. SDI is incorrect because truth-values do not supervene on semantic information, and misinformation (that is, false semantic information) is not a type of semantic information, but pseudo-information, that is not semantic information at all. This is shown by arguing that none of the reasons for interpreting misinformation as a type of semantic information is convincing, whilst there are compelling reasons to treat it as pseudo-information. As a consequence, SDI is revised to include a necessary truth-condition. The last section summarises the main results of the paper and indicates some interesting areas of application of the revised definition.
Cognizance journal, 2024
The Eastasouth Journal of Information System and Computer Science, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
South African journal of psychiatry, 2007
Journal of Virology, 2005
Management and Production Engineering Review, 2021
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering