Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
Pore size analysis by nitrogen adsorption and thermal
Wojciech Stefaniak a, Jacek Goworek a,*, Bogdan Biliński b
Department of Adsorption, Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, M. Curie-Sklodowska Sq. 3, 20-031 Lublin,
Department of Interfacial Phenomena, Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, 20-031 Lublin, Poland
Received 8 May 2002; accepted 21 August 2002
Thermogravimetric analysis was applied to the characterization of the porosity of silica gel. Thermal desorption of
liquids from silicas for column chromatography was measured. Benzene, n -hexane and carbon tetrachloride were used
as liquid adsorbates. Pore size distributions for silica gels of differentiated porosity were determined on the basis of
thermogravimetric curves using the Kelvin equation. Pore dimensions were corrected in respect to the surface film
thickness estimated from adsorption isotherms of the same adsorbates measured above their boiling point. The
resulting pore size distributions and total pore volumes were compared with those obtained from the nitrogen method.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Porosity; Surface film thickness; Thermogravimetric analysis
1. Introduction
In the last time there has been increasing interest
in the study of fluids confined in pores of various
dimensions. Most of these investigations concern
assessment of micro- and meso-porosity of solids.
The oldest technique, which is used to quantifying
porosity, is a gas/vapor adsorption. Textural
characterization of solids may be derived from
adsorption /desorption isotherms of various ad-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: /48-81-537-5716; fax: /4881-533-3348.
[email protected] (J.
E-mail address:
sorbates at the boiling point of liquid adsorbate.
Alternatively, another approach is based on a
thermodynamic relationship in which the melting
and freezing temperatures of liquid present in
pores are lower then those of the bulk liquid as
in thermoporometry [1]. Both above-mentioned
methods consists on the curvature of liquid
meniscus inside the pore against pressure and
temperature, respectively.
The newer techniques for pore structure investigations include nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) [2], small angle scattering of X-rays
(SAXS) and neutrons (SANS) [3,4] or thermoporometry [1]. Another empirical approach for
assessment of mesoporosity is thermo-gravimetric
method [5 /7]. The method consists of thermal
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W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
desorption of liquid adsorbates filling the pores of
solid. Recently, similar approach was presented in
In the temperature programmed desorption
(TPD) after evacuation of the core of pore, there
remains on the pore walls a liquid film, which does
not take part in desorption at a given temperature.
The thickness of this film is a function of the
temperature and it diminishes when temperature
This is impossible to establish unambiguously
from TG data appropriate standard values of
corrections to core radius calculated from the
Kelvin equation. The differences of the pore
dimensions estimated from TG data and nitrogen
isotherms depend on liquid adsorbate used in
thermodesorption. Generally, one can say that
for hydrocarbons the shape of PSD and location
of maximum are similar in comparison to nitrogen
curve. Some discrepancies appears for polar adsorbates and may be explained by the formation of
multilayer surface phase with hydrogen bonded
molecules of adsorbate. Evacuation of strongly
held liquid film requires higher temperature. It is
usually to assume that desorption of the liquid
being in contact directly with the polar surface is
non-isothermic process. Desorption temperature is
not constant and changes against the structural
transformations within adsorbed layer as well as
energetical topography of silica gel. Similar effect
occurs in the case of polar adsorbates like alcohols, ketones or amines [9].
In our previous papers, the pore structure of
silica gels was analyzed on the basis of both
nitrogen isotherms and TPD isobars. Pore size
distribution (PSD), dV /dR /f(R ), in this last case
may be calculated taking into account the following relationship:
dV dV dT
dR dT dr
First derivative is accessible from the experiment
after transformation of mass desorbed into the
volume. The derivative dT /dR may be calculated
using the Kelvin equation.
The Kelvin equation for the cylindrical pores is
given by:
ln(p=p0 )
where g is the surface tension of the liquid, VL the
molar volume of liquid, rK the average radius of
the meniscus, and p/p0 is relative pressure, where p0
is the saturation pressure of the gas.
The above-presented form of the Kelvin equation traditionally is used in calculations based on
isothermal data, i.e. adsorption/desorption isotherm. The pore radius rp is obtained using
following expression rp /rK cos U/t , where t is
the surface film thickness remaining on the walls
of pores after core evacuation. For liquid wetting
the solid perfectly cos U /1. Hence, rp /rk/t.
In the case of nitrogen adsorption data the
problem of the surface film thickness is solved by
using adsorption data for nonporous sorbent and
calculation on this base the thickness of the surface
layer [10]. Usually equations which relate thickness, pore radius and relative pressure are used for
these purposes [10]. The aim of the present paper is
to estimate the surface film thickness from adsorption isotherms measured above normal boiling
point of liquid and calculation of the pore radii
from TG data. Pore structure of several silica gels
is analyzed on the basis of both the thermal
desorption data and the nitrogen isotherms.
2. Experimental
Compmercial silica gels Si-100 and Si-60 for
column chromatography (Merck, Germany), dp /
0.1 /0.2 mm. were used for experiments. Estimation of structural parameters for investigated
silicas was made using adsorption data of nitrogen
at /195 8C. The adsorption/desorption isotherms
of nitrogen at /195 8C were measured with an
automated apparatus ASAP 2010 (Micromeritics,
USA). The specific surface areas SBET were
calculated from the linear form of the BET
equation taking the cross-sectional area of the
nitrogen molecule to be 16.2 /1020 m2 (linearity
region between 0 and 0.35 p/p0). Total pore
volume was estimated from single point on adsorption isotherm at p/p0 /0.975. Pore size dis-
W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
tributions were calculated in the standard manner
by using BJH method [11].
The adsorption isotherms of benzene n -hexane
and carbon tetrachloride above their boiling point
were measured using gas chromatography.
Prior to the measurements the silica samples
were dried for 2 h at 200 8C, and they were stored
in a desiccator. Silica gels were packed into a glass
column of 40-cm length and 3 mm i.d. Each
column packing was conditioned for 2 h at
200 8C under the flow of carrier gas (hydrogen
dried with 4 Å molecular sieve) in order to remove
the traces of water, which might adsorb during the
column preparation. Adsorption isotherms of nhexane, benzene and carbon tetrachloride were
determined at their boiling point, and then at the
temperatures higher by 10 and 20 8C. The measurements were performed using the standard gas
chromatograph (GCHF 18.3, Chromatron, Germany) with a thermal conductivity detector, and
the detector signal was registered directly on a
computer by an analog /digital transmitter with
appropriate software (Medson, Poland).
At the temperature equal to, as well as above the
boiling point, it was impossible to apply the
measurement procedure for low temperatures,
which consisted in calibrating of the detector by
placing into the oven a saturator containing liquid
adsorbate and registering the signal corresponding
to saturated vapor pressure [12,13]. Therefore, the
detector constant was determined in each measurement, based on the slope of linear dependence
between the peak area and the injected volume of
adsorbate [14 /16]. Then, the equilibrium vapor
pressure was computed from the peak height and
the detector constant [14 /16]. The adsorbed
amount (a ) was calculated from the experimentally determined so-called retention curve, i.e. the
dependence between the retention volume and the
equilibrium vapor pressure, according to the
equation [14,15]:
where VR is the retention volume (related to the
unit of sample area) and p is the equilibrium
pressure. Prior to the final calculation of adsorp-
Fig. 1. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms at /195 8C
for silica gels: (1) Si-60; (2) Si-100. Open points, adsorption;
filled points, desorption.
tion isotherms, the retention curves were smoothed
by a local parabolic equation, as well as corrected
for the measurement temperature and for the
sorption effect [15,17].
In TG experiments the Hungarian Derivatograph, equipped with the so-called quasi-isothermal (QI) program, was used [18]. Prior to
experiment the silica gels were outgassed to facilitate the penetration of liquid adsorbate into
pores. The experiment starts with the sample of
porous solid mixed with excess of wetting liquid.
The QI program regulates automatically the heating rate according to transformations of the
sample. During intensive evaporation resulting in
high weight loss values, exceeding fixed weight loss
level, the isothermal conditions are established.
Thus, TPD consists of periods of linear increasing
temperature and periods when temperature of the
sample remains constant. The switch of heating
mode depends on fixed weight loss level. When the
differential mass loss with time descends below a
fixed value, a linear increase of temperature takes
over. Such especially programmed thermodesorption provide to estimate the total pore volume and
dimensions of mesopores. This technique is correct
Rp, pore radius corrected in respect to the surface film thickness.
Rp (Å)
3. Results and discussion
Vp (cm3 g 1)
Rp (Å)
Vp (cm3 g 1)
when saturated vapor pressure of liquid filling the
pores is attained.
Desorption was measured in platinum crucibles
with two tightly closed parts where liquid vapor is
in contact with the external atmosphere through a
small row between these parts [18]. Thus, one can
assume that, above the sample, the self-generated
atmosphere of the saturated vapor is present.
Rp (Å)
Vp (cm3 g 1)
Rp (Å)
Vp (cm3 g 1)
SBET (m2 g 1)
Rp (Å)
n -Hexane
TG method
Nitrogen method
Rp (Å)
Carbon tetrachloride
Rp (Å)
W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
Table 1
Parameters characterizing the porous structure of the adsorbents investigated
Adsorption/desorption isotherms of nitrogen at
/195 8C for silica gels Si-60 and Si-100 are shown
in Fig. 1. As is seen, the shape of these isotherms is
characteristic for mesoporous material with wellvisualized hysteresis. Parameters characterizing
the porosity of these silicas i.e. specific surface
areas SBET, total pore volumes (Vp) and average
pore radii (Rp) are given in Table 1.
Thermodesorption curves of benzene, n-hexane
and carbon tetrachloride for silica gels Si-60 and
Si-100 are shown in Fig. 2. Perpendicular segments
of these curves correspond to the boiling point of
liquids and represent the evaporation of the excess
of liquid out of pores. Next, starts desorption from
pores. At lower temperatures below boiling point
only slow evaporation occurs. During the thermal
desorption when temperature increases evacuation
of the pore cores with a smaller and smaller
diameter takes place. Simultaneously, the increasing temperature causes the thickness of the surface
film in empty cores to decrease. Thus, at each stage
of the process, the desorbed amount of adsorbate
is made up of the core volume plus the volume
released by thinning of the surface film in pores
already evacuated. This effect changes the shape of
TG desorption curve in comparison to that which
would be obtained at the absence of the surface
film. The hight of TG curve above boiling point of
liquid is a measure of the total pore volume.
Taking into account the changes of the surface
film thickness for a given group of pores i.e. given
temperature interval it is possible to calculate real
pore volumes DVi ,pore from the relation:
W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
Fig. 3. Adsorption isotherms of benzene on silica gel Si-100 at
various temperatures.
Fig. 2. Thermodesorption curves of CCl4 (1); benzene (2); and
n -hexane (3) onto silica gels: Si-100 (A), Si-60 (B).
r¯k t¯
where r¯k is the main core radius, and t¯/is a mean
surface film thickness for the ith group of cores.
The share of the surface film thinning in
desorbed volume for succeeding group of pores
may be expressed as Dtt ai1
j;core where S
j1 S
aj1 2DVj;core =Rj;core is the surface of evacuated
The surface film thickness for used adsorbates at
three temperatures was estimated from adsorption
Initial segments of adsorption isotherms of
benzene measured using GC technique above
boiling point of adsorbate are shown for illustrative purposes in Fig. 3.
Taking into account the area occupied by
adsorbate molecule on the silica surface equal to
43.6, 56.2 and 39.2 Å for benzene, n-hexane and
carbon tetrachloride [19], respectively, one can
calculate the surface coverage of silica surface at
a given temperature. From adsorption data we
obtain that for all used adsorbates above boiling
point at the silica surface is held relatively small
amount of adsorbate molecules, lower then monolayer coverage. For example, molecular coverage
of silica Si-100 surface for various adsorbates at
temperature 10 8C higher then their boiling point
and p /302 Torr are equal to U/0.75, 0.33 and
0.23 for benzene, n -hexane and carbon tetrachloride, respectively. It means that at all temperatures
the adsorbed amount does not exceed a monolayer. Thus, in further calculations the statistical
thickness of the surface layer was taken into
account. Small surface coverages were observed
also by Naono and Hakuman [20] for adsorption
of water on hydrophobic surfaces. Similar effect
appears in the case when non-polar adsorbate
molecules are adsorbed on strongly polar silica
Thickness of adsorbate monolayer on silica
surface was estimated from van der Waals model
and is equal to 3.4, 4.3 and 7 Å for benzene, n hexane and carbon tetrachloride, respectively.
Calculated coverages of silica gels under study at
various temperatures and for various adsorbates
are given in Table 2.
The adsorbed amounts for calculations of the
surface film thicknesses were taken for p /302
Torr. For example, for temperature corresponding
to boiling point of a benzene the end of adsorption
W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
Table 2
Surface coverages of various adsorbates at different temperatures and p /302 Torr for systems investigated
Silica gel
n -Hexane
Carbon tetrachloride
T (8C)
T (8C)
T (8C)
isotherm corresponds to p /p0 :/0.4 and is located
near the beginning of capillary condensation.
Usually, the surface film thickness present on a
given adsorbent surface is estimated from the
adsorption data for nonporous solid of the same
type. In the case of TG experiment similar estimation is impossible due to very small weight changes
of sample characterized by very low specific surface. However, for illustrative purposes, in Fig. 4
are shown segments of thermodesorption curves of
benzene for Si-100 silica and macroporous Si-500
silica gel (Rp /135 Å, SBET /69 m2 g1 and Vp /
0.68 cm3 g1, data from Ref. [21]). Since the above
100 8C both curves are identical, one can assume
that these parts of curves represent desorption of
the surface film only. Very steep segments of TG
curves at lower temperatures correspond to capillary condensed liquid. The filled points in Fig. 4
indicate recalculated amounts of benzene taken
from adsorption isotherms presented in Fig. 3, i.e.
the amount of benzene remaining on the silica
surface at a given temperature. For our measuring
range of temperature the surface film thickness
variation against temperature is practically linear.
Pore/core size distributions calculated from TG
data and nitrogen method for silica gel Si-100 are
compared in Fig. 5. In order to estimate the radii
of cores for pores evacuated at different temperatures in thermogravimetric experiments, the Kelvin equation calculation should be slightly
modified. In TG experiment p is maintained
constant and equal to external pressure, whereas
p0, VL and g vary with temperature. Temperature
relations of these variables can be found in
literature [22]. Taking into account the dependence
Fig. 4. Termodesorption curves of benzene from silica gels Si100 and Si-500 and magnitudes of adsorbed benzene at different
temperatures for p/302 Torr (points).
of p0, VL and g against temperature appropriate
core size distribution was calculated.
Dashed line in Fig. 5 represents PSD derived
directly from thermal desorption curves using
Kelvin equation in the manner described previously [5 /7]. In fact this curve represents distribution of core of pores. Core radii were next
corrected in respect to the surface film thickness
estimated from adsorption data presented in Fig. 3
(solid line in Fig. 5). Shaded area represents PSD
calculated on the basis of nitrogen adsorption
data. The thickening of the surface film within
temperature range corresponding to TG measurements was taken into account in calculations.
Numerical values of the parameters characterizing
the porosity of investigated silica gels are collected
in Table 2.
W. Stefaniak et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 214 (2003) 231 /237
Fig. 5. PSDs for silica gel Si-100. Dashed line, PSD derived
from thermal desorption of benzene; solid line, PSD corrected
in respect to the surface film thickness; shaded area, nitrogen
Comparing the results presented in Fig. 5 and
Table 2, one can say, that for investigated systems
the effect of the surface film is small and changes
only slightly the shape of PSD. The best correlation between PSDs from nitrogen adsorption and
thermogravimetry is observed in the case of nhexane and carbon tetrachloride. For benzene,
which is adsorbed specifically on silica surface
forming strongly held surface layer this correlation
is less satisfactory. Introduction of corrections in
respect to the surface film thickness improves
slightly the characteristics of porosity for mesoporous silicas. Mean pore radii derived from liquid
nitrogen data and thermal desorption data of CCl4
are close together.
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