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European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2015 Conference, 2015
Joseph Bertemes
Amina Kafai-Afif
philippe Arzoumanian
The personlized and multilingual mathematical learning environment MathemaTIC is one of the flagship projects of the Digital (4) Education strategy of the Luxemburgish Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth incorporated in the concept Digital Luxembourg of the Luxemburgish government. It is based on the national curriculum, allows different pedagogical objectives (differentiation, individualization, remidiation and certification) and offers 4 languages (German, French, Portuguese and English) to the user. The development is done in partnership with the teachers who can follow in real-time the learning progress of their students working in class or autonomously at home. During the workshop the (unexperienced) participants will - after a brief presentation - explore the environment, discuss the different pedagogical objectives and usage scenarios this tool offers for teaching and learning mathematics.

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