We present a database of 25,000 atmospheric models (which is to grow to a grand total of 75000 models by the conclusion of the project) with stellar masses between 9 and 120 M\(_{\odot }\), covering the region of the OB main sequence and W-R stars in the H–R diagram. The models were calculated using the ABACUS I supercomputer and the stellar atmosphere code CMFGEN. The parameter space has 6 dimensions: surface temperature of the star, also called the effective temperature (\(T_\mathrm{eff}\)), luminosity (L), metallicity (Z), and three stellar wind parameters, the exponent (\(\beta \)) of the wind velocity law, the terminal velocity (\(V_{\infty }\)), and the volume filling factor (\(F_{cl}\)). For each model, we also calculate synthetic spectra in the UV (900–2,000 A), optical (3,500–7,000 A), and near IR (10,000–30,000 A) ranges. For comparison with observations, the synthetic spectra were rotationally broaden using ROTIN3, by covering the range between 10 and 350 km s\(^{-1}\) wi...
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