American Journal of Hematology 3 5 3 7 4 2 (1990)
Heparin-Like Anticoagulant Associated With
Systemic Candidiasis
McDonald K. Horne 111, Elizabeth S. Chao, and Olga J. Wilson
Hematology Section, Clinical Pathology Department, Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center,
National institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
A 15 year old girl with apladic anemia developed a heparin-like anticoagulant during the
course of systemic candldiasis. This was inltlally detected In the laboratory by an elevation of the thrombin clotting time which corrected with toluidine blue but not by mixing
with normal plasma. In vivo and in vitro the anticoagulant was remarkably resistant to
neutralization by protamine sulfate. Nevertheless, its heparin-like nature was confirmed
by its sensitivity to heparinaae and its dependence on antithrombin 111.
Key words: anticoagulants, glycosaminoglycans, heparin, candldlasis
been overlooked as the patient’s coagulopathy became
progressively complex in the terminal phase of her illThe appearance of endogenous heparin-like activity in ness.
the circulation is reported to be extremely rare. Although
The case we are presenting was also remarkable in that
there is evidence that a heparinoid may normally be the anticoagulant was refractory to the usual heparin anpresent in the plasma of newborns [ 11, in older individ- tidote, protamine sulfate, both in vivo and in vitro. Aluals such anticoagulants have only been described in though protamine has been used with variable success to
pathological states. Usually they have been associated treat other heparin-like anticoagulants [5,10,12], it was
with a neoplastic disease, either multiple myeloma [2- completely ineffective in our patient even in a very large
51, acute monoblastic leukemia [ 6 ] , systemic mastocy- dose.
tosis [7], or carcinoma [8-lo]. We have documented
their appearance in patients with malignancies treated
with suramin [ 111.
In this report we describe a heparin-like anticoagulant
The patient was a 15 year old Caucasian female who
which arose in a different clinical setting-during the was transferred to the National Institutes of Health for
course of systemic candidiasis in an adolescent girl with treatment of aplastic anemia that had developed approxsevere aplastic anemia. Only one other case has been imately 6 weeks earlier. On admission she was febrile
reported during an infectious complication of immuno- and was found to have pneumonia. Her hemoglobin was
suppression [ 121; this patient had toxoplasmosis, sus- 9.0 g/dL, white count <lOo/pL, and platelet count
pected drug-induced marrow hypoplasia, and the ac- 5,OOO/pL. Blood cultures grew Candidu albicans. Amquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The true incidence photericin, which had been started prior to admission,
of heparin-like anticoagulants in such settings is unclear, was continued. Because of persistent fever other antibisince they could be easily obscured by the effects of otics were subsequently added (gentamicin, vancomydisseminated intravascularcoagulation and hepatic insufficiency, which often complicate overwhelming infections. The clue to the anticoagulant in the case we are
for publication December 1 1 , 1989; accepted March 15,
presenting was a prolongation of the thrombin clotting Received
time which normalized with toluidine blue, a cationic
dye that binds to highly anionic substances including Address reprint requests to Dr.Horne, Rm 2C390, Building 10, NIH
heparin. Without this test, the anticoagulant might have 9OOO Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892
Published 1990 by Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Case Report: Horne et al.
TABLE 1. Coagulation Parameters, Hospital Day 27
~ ~ _ _ _ _
Result (normal)
Prothrombin time (sec)
Activated partial thromboplastin time (sec)
Thrombin time (sec)
Thrombin time. I:l mix with normal plasma (sec)
Thrombin time with toluidine blue (sec)
Thrombin time 15 min after 100 mg prutamine sulfate, i.v. (sec)
Reptilase time (sec)
Fibrin D-dimer ( ~ g / m L )
Fibrinogen, method of von Clauss (mg/dL)
Fibrinogen, radial immunodiffusion (mg/dL)
Factor VII (%)
Factor VIII (8)
Factor IX (%)
Factor X (Yo)
Antithrombin 111 (mg/dL)
cin, metronidazole, acyclovir). The patient also had recurrent gastrointestinal and vaginal hemorrhage for
which she received multiple transfusions of packed red
cells and platelets. With the support of transfusions her
platelet count fluctuated between 10,000 and 70,000/
kL. In addition she was given anti-thymocyte globulin
on hospital days 4 through 8.
Routine coagulation tests during the first 3 weeks of
the hospitalization were normal. On the 20th hospital
day, however, the patient’s thrombin time rose to 41
seconds (normal, 28-35). By day 27 the prothrombin
time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time
( A m ) had also become abnormal and additional coagulation studies were performed (Table I). The onset of
the coagulopathy coincided with new abnormalities in
liver function. There was no apparent response to multiple doses of intravenous vitamin K. On the basis of the
data in Table I, it appeared that the coagulopathy was
partially due to a heparin-like anticoagulant. For this
reason a trial of protamine sulfate was given, first 10 mg
and then 100 mg (approximately 3 mg/kg) intravenously
over 10 minutes. Coagulation tests after the protamine
showed no improvement (Table I), nor was there any
obvious reduction in the patient’s hemorrhage.
Although her coagulopathy remained stable, the patient expired 3 days later with a respiratory arrest. Autopsy revealed extensive hemorrhage in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and endometrium. Postmortem cultures
of the liver grew C. ulbicuns.
16.3 (9.4-13.7)
40 (23-35)
84 (28-35)
48 (C35)
25 (<30)
23 (23-26)
8-16 (<0.2)
450 (160-350)
670 (10-30% greater than von Clauss)
25 (50-150)
200 (50-150)
80 (50-150)
100 (50-150)
21 (24-36)
suring fibrin D-dimer were supplied by Diagnostic Stago
(Asnieres-Sur-Seine, France). Bovine thrombin was purchased from Parke-Davis (Moms Plains, NJ), reptilase
from Pentapharm, Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland), toluidine
blue from Roboz Surgical Instruments (Washington,
DC),and radial immunodiffusion plates for fibrinogen
and for antithrombin LII (ATIII) from Behring Diagnostics, Inc. (Somerville, NJ). Chromogenic substrates for
factor Xa (S2222) and for thrombin (S2238) as well as a
heparin assay kit (Coatest), which included ATIII, were
from KabiVitrum (Stockholm, Sweden). Protamine sulfate was the product of LyphoMed, Inc. (Rosemont, IL).
Beef lung heparin was from Upjohn Co. (Kalamazoo,
MI), and heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and chondroitin 6-sulfate were from Sigma Chemical Co. (St.
Louis, MO). DEAE-Sephacel was manufactured by
Pharmacia Fine Chemicals (Uppsala, Sweden), and
Spectra-Por dialysis membrane by Spectrum Medical Industries (Los Angeles, CA). Papain was obtained from
Kodak (Rochester, NY), and Fluvobacterium heparinum
heparitinase (EC and heparinase (EC
and Proteus vulguris chondroitin ABC lyase (EC were from Seikagaku Kogyo Co. (Tokyo,
Reagents for routine coagulation studies were obtained
from Organon Teknika Corporation (Durham, NC), Ortho Diagnostic Systems (Raritan, NJ), and George King
Bio-Medical, Inc. (Overland Park, KS). Kits for mea-
Coagulation Tests
PTs, AFTTs, and fibrinogen concentrations (von
Clauss method [ 131) were measured with a Coag-A-Mate
X2 (General Diagnostics, Moms Plains, NJ). Thrombin
clotting times were determined with a Fibrometer (BBL
FibroSystem, Becton-Dickinson, Orangeburg, NJ) by
mixing 0.1 mL Tris-buffered saline (0.1 M NaCl,
0.05 M tris, pH 7.4), 0.1 mL test plasma, and 0.1 mL
bovine thrombin to give a final thrombin concentration
of 1 NIH unit/mL. The activity of the patient’s isolated
anticoagulant was tested with the thrombin time assay by
including the sample in the buffered saline component of
Case Report: Heparin-Like Anticoagulant
the mixture and using pooled normal plasma as the test
plasma. Similarly the effect of protamine sulfate on the
patient’s anticoagulant and on authentic heparin was
studied by adding the protamine and the anticoagulants
to the Tris-buffered saline fraction of the thrombin time
mixture. Reptilase times and coagulation factor assays
were performed by published methods [14]. The antifactor Xa and antithrombin activities of the patient’s anticoagulant were quantitated using chromogenic substrates and purified antithrombin 111, according to
directions supplied by KabiVitrum. The antithrombin activity was also measured with the thrombin clotting time.
In both assay systems the effect of the patient anticoagulant was compared with that of authentic heparin.
Purificationof the Patient Anticoagulant
Nine mL of fresh-frozen patient plasma (obtained on
day 28 of hospitalization and anticoagulated with 11 mM
sodium citrate) was applied at 0.25 mL/min to a 10 mL
column of DEAE-Sephacel which had been equilibrated
with 0.3 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris, pH 8 [ 111. The A280 of
the effluent was monitored and the flow-through material was saved. When the A280 approached zero, the
column was eluted with 2 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris, pH 8;
two column volumes were collected. Both the flowthrough and eluate were concentrated by ultrafiltration
(nominal molecular weight cut-off, 3,000) to the original
sample volume, dialyzed against Tris-buffered saline
(nominal molecular weight cut-off, 2,000), and tested
for anticoagulant activity with the thrombin time. Only
the material eluting with 2 M NaCl had activity. This
was digested with 2 mg/mL papain in Tris-buffered saline including 5 mM Na2EDTA, 5 mM cysteine, pH 6,
at 56°C for 48 hours. After the pH had been adjusted to
-8, the digest was reapplied to a 10 mL column of
DEAE-Sephacel in 0.3 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris, pH 8. The
column was washed with this buffer until the A280
reached zero; then the bound material was eluted with
2 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris, pH 8. The eluate was dialyzed
extensively against distilled water, then lyophilized and
redissolved in 0.8 mL water for electrophoresis, enzyme
digestions, and studies of anticoagulant activity.
Similar procedures were followed using 50 mL samples of plasma from two normal donors and a 50 mL
column of DEAE-Sephacel.
Incubation of Patient Anticoagulant With
A portion of the isolated and lyophilized patient anticoagulant was dissolved in Tris-buffered saline in a concentration sufficient to give reproducible prolongations
in the thrombin clotting time. Aliquots of the anticoagulant in this concentration were then incubated at 37°C
for 2 hours with the following enzymes: 1 unit/mL F.
Protamine Sulfate (pg/ml)
Fig. 1. Effect of protamine sulfate (pglmL) on the thrombin
clotting time (seconds) of patient plasma (M)
and of nor).
mal plasma containing 0.25 units/mL heparin (uThe
shaded area indicates the normal range.
heparinum heparitinase; 8 units/mL F. heparinum heparinase; or 0.5 units/mL P. vufgaris chondroitin ABC
lyase (units defined by the manufacturer). Enzyme activities were tested by measuring their effect on the anticoagulant activity of appropriate substrates (authentic
heparan sulfate, heparin, or dermatan sulfate) using the
thrombin time.
One to 15 (I.L samples of the isolated patient anticoagulant and the material similarly purified from normal
plasma were applied to 9.4 X 7.6 cm supported cellulose acetate membranes (Optiphor-10; Gelman Sciences,
Inc., Ann Arbor, MI) and electrophoresed at 9 mAmp
for 1 hour at 20°C in 0.2 M ZnS04 [15]. Standards of
chondroitin 6-sulfate and heparan sulfate were included
with each run. Following electrophoresis the membranes
were stained for 10 minutes with 0.1% alcian blue, 0.03
M MgC12,O. 1% acetic acid, 10% ethanol, and destained
with the same solution lacking the alcian blue.
Results of the clinical coagulation tests on day 27 are
summarized in Table I. The effect of protamine sulfate
on the thrombin time of the patient’s plasma is shown in
Figure 1, where it is compared with the effect of protamine sulfate on the anticoagulant activity of heparinized
Case Report: Horne et al.
TABLE II. Effect of Enzymes on Anticoagulant Purified From Patient Plasma
and on Authentlc Glycosaminoglycans*
Dermatan sulfate, 20 p@mL
Heparan Sulfate, 20 pg/mL
Heparin, 0.1 U/mL
Thrombin time
(28-35 sec)
Chondroitin ABC lyase, 0.5 U/mL
Heparitinase, 1 U/mL
Heparinase, 8 U/mL
Chondroitin ABC lyase, 0.5 UlmL
Heparitinase, 0.5 U/mL
Heparinase, 8 U/mL
77; 97; 93
84; 88
65; 65
32; 32
76; 1 3
32; 32
>120; >I20
40; 39
>120; >120
33; 33
*The anticoagulants were incubated alone or with the indicated enzymes for 2 hours at 37°C
in Tris-buffered saline. pH 7.4. Then 0.1 mL of the incubation mixtures was mixed with
0. I mL normal plasma before 0.1 mL thrombin was added and the clotting time measured.
Enzymes units are those defined by the manufacturer (Seikagaku).
normal plasma. A 15- to 20-fold higher concentration of
protamine was necessary to normalize the prolonged
thrombin time of the patient’s plasma than was needed to
counteract 0.25 units/mL heparin. Based upon this
study, to achieve the plasma protamine concentration
necessary to normalize the patient’s prolonged thrombin
time in vivo would have required a bolus injection of
250-350 mg of the drug.
The anticoagulant activity of the patient’s plasma was
bound to DEAE in 0.3 M NaCl and was recovered in the
material eluted with 2 M NaCl. After incubation with
papain the anticoagulant was again retained by DEAE in
0.3 M NaCl, whereas the majority of the material with
A280 passed through. The anticoagulant activity was
once again recovered with 2 M NaCl.
The effect of the isolated anticoagulant on the thrombin time is shown in Table 11. Assuming no loss during
the purification process, the anticoagulant material used
in the studies shown in Table I1 was in a concentration
approximately one-third of that found in the patient
plasma from which it was extracted. Yet at this reduced
concentration the anticoagulant produced thrombin times
in normal plasma equivalent to those observed with the
original patient plasma. In other words, the anticoagulant
appeared to be approximately three times more potent in
normal plasma than it was in the patient’s plasma.
The anticoagulant activity was not affected by incubation with chondroitin ABC lyase or heparitinase, although these enzymes had marked effects upon the anticoagulant activity of their respective substrates,
dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate (Table 11). In contrast, the patient anticoagulant activity was eliminated by
digestion with heparinase.
Fractions extracted by the same techniques from two
normal plasma samples did not prolong the thrombin
time, even in a concentration calculated to be six-fold
that found in the original plasma.
The purified patient anticoagulant was shown to have
both antithrombin and anti-factor Xa activity of approximately equal potency when tested in the presence of
ATIII (Table 111). However, when anti-Xa activity was
assayed in the absence of antithrombin 111, none was
The results of electrophoresis of the patient anticoagulant material and the material identically isolated from
normal plasma are shown in Figure 2. Both samples
contained components staining with alcian blue, which
reacts with glycosaminoglycans. The alcian blue-positive material in the patient sample appeared divided between a major component which co-migrated with
heparan sulfate and a minor component which migrated
close to chondroitin 6-sulfate. The normal material, in
contrast, appeared more heterogeneous, although two
dominant components could be discerned, one co-migrating with heparan sulfate and the other migrating between heparan sulfate and chondroitin 6-sulfate7 approximately where dermatan sulfate migrates in this system.
Attempts to quantitate the glycosaminoglycan content of
the samples by measuring uronic acid [I61 were confounded by the presence of other substances, presumably
strongly anionic glycopeptides, which interfere with the
usual colorimetric assays [17].
We have described the case of an adolescent girl with
aplastic anemia who developed a heparin-like anticoagulant in the setting of progressive hepatic candidiasis.
Although hemorrhage was a major complication of her
illness, this preceded the appearance of the anticoagulant
Case Report: Heparin-Like Anticoagulant
TABLE 111. Purlfied Patient Anticoagulant Activity Against
Factor Xa and Thrombin
[20]. Two additional observations nevertheless con-
firmed that the anticoagulant was heparin-like: it was
Heparin units
destroyed by heparinase (Table II) and its anticoagulant
activity depended upon antithrombin I11 (Table 111). The
latter characteristic perhaps explains why the purified
anticoagulant appeared to be more potent in normal
plasma than in the patient’s own plasma, which was
deficient in antithrombin 111 (Table I). After electrophoresis in ZnS04, staining with alcian blue confirmed
that the isolated anticoagulant material contained glycosaminoglycans, but the migration pattern of these
components differed somewhat from that of glycosaminoglycans purified from normal plasma (Fig. 2).
Despite these characteristics, the refractoriness of the
anticoagulant to protamine sulfate suggested that it was
not actually heparin but rather a similar glycosaminoglycan, heparan sulfate [21]. The antagonism of heparin by
protamine depends upon charge interactions between the
cationic protein and the sulfate groups of the glycosaminoglycan [20,22]. The molecular spacing of these sulfates resembles the spacing of the phosphates in DNA, to
which protamine is bound in its natural state in fish
sperm nuclei [23]. Polyanions with charge distributions
which closely complement that of protamine bind readily
to the protein, whereas polyanions like heparan sulfate,
which are less sulfated than heparin, bind with lower
affinity (221. Therefore the relative resistance of our patient’s anticoagulant to neutralization by protamine indicated that its pattern of sulfation was different from that
of heparin.
Nevertheless, this non-heparin anticoagulant activity
was degraded by heparinase but not by heparitinase
(heparan sulfate lyase). This apparent inconsistency is
explained by the fact that the antithrombin activity of
both heparin and heparan sulfate depends upon an octasaccharide which always includes a bond (linking Nsulfated, 6-O-sulfated glucosamine and 2-O-sulfated
iduronate) that is cleaved by heparinase [21,24]. Heparitinase, on the other hand, cleaves glucosamine-glucuronate bonds that are not present in this region but apparently may exist in flanking oligosaccharides which,
although not yet well defined, are also known to be necessary for antithrombin activity. The effect of heparitinase on these flanking oligosaccharides was evident in
the elimination of the antithrombin activity of the authentic heparan sulfate used in our studies (Table 11). The
heparan sulfate anticoagulants we reported in suramintreated patients were also sensitive to heparitinase [ 1 13.
Failure of this enzyme to affect the anticoagulant we are
now describing indicates that in this glycosaminoglycan
heparitinase-sensitivebonds did not occur within the oligosaccharide domains subserving antithrombin activity.
It does not mean, however, that bonds in other regions of
the molecule were not cleaved. Such cleavage would
Anti-thrombin activity
By thrombin clotting time
With S2238 + AT111
Anti-factor Xa activity
With S2222, + AT111
0.8 u n i t s l d
0.6 units/mL
0.7 uniWmL
C6S -
HS -
Origin -
Fig. 2. Migration pattern of patient anticoagulant material
and material identically purified from normal plasma, after
electrophoresis in 0.2 M ZnSO, and staining with alcian
blue. The migration distances of authentlc heparan sulfate
(HS) and chondroltin &sulfate (C6S) are indicated.
and was largely due to thrombocytopenia. During the
terminal phase of her hospitalization, however, the
bleeding may have been accelerated by the anticoagulant
and a degree of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
The latter is suggested by the relatively high concentrations of fibrin degradation products in the patient’s
plasma and the low antithrombin 111, although interpretation of these abnormalities is difficult in the face of
hepatic disease [ 181. As the coagulopathy progressed the
prothrombin time rose as a reflection of factor VII deficiency, presumably due to liver failure. Other procoagulant factors, however, remained normal (Table I).
The most unusual component of this coagulopathy was
the anticoagulant that arose in the midst of this very
complicated clinical setting. The heparin-like nature of
this substance was initially suggested by the prolongation
of the thrombin clotting time, which normalized after the
addition of toluidine blue (a cationic dye that binds to
heparin) [19] but not by mixing with normal plasma
(Table I). Paradoxically, however, both in vivo and in
vitro the anticoagulant was remarkably insensitive to
protamine sulfate, a potent heparin antagonist (Fig. 1)
Case Report: Horne et al.
have been undetected by our assays, which only measured anticoagulant activity (Table 11). Unfortunately insufficient material was available to study the effect of
heparitinase on the molecular size of the anticoagulant.
The origin of this anticoagulant can only be conjectured. Cundidu species have never been described to synthesize heparan sulfate (personal communication: Dr. Errol Reiss, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta). On the
other hand, heparan sulfate is ubiquitous on plasma
membranes and in extracellular matrices of vertebrates
[2 I] and is also detectable in normal human plasma [ 171.
Our studies suggest, however, that the glycosaminoglycans in normal plasma, even when concentrated six-fold,
do not have anticoagulant activity. It seems likely, therefore, that the heparan sulfate observed in our patient was
either shed from damaged endothelial surfaces or released into her circulation from extravascular sources,
most likely her injured hepatic or pulmonary tissues.
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