A Web-Based E-Testing System Supporting Test Quality
Gennaro Costagliola, Filomena Ferrucci, Vittorio Fuccella
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica – Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano(SA),Italy
In e-testing it is important to administer tests composed of good
quality question items. By the term “quality” we intend the
potential of an item in effectively discriminating between
strong and weak students and in obtaining tutor’s desired
difficulty level. Since preparing items is a difficult and timeconsuming task, good items can be re-used for future tests.
Among items with lower performances, instead, some should
be discarded, while some can be modified and then re-used.
This paper presents a Web-based e-testing system which
detects defective question items and, when possible, provides
the tutors with advice to improve their quality. The system
detects defective items by firing rules. Rules are evaluated by a
fuzzy logic inference engine. The proposed system has been
used in a course at the University of Salerno.
e-Testing, Computer Aided Assessment, CAA, item, item
quality, questions, eWorkbook, Item Response Theory,
IRT, Test Analysis, online testing, difficulty,
discrimination, multiple choice, distractor.
E-testing systems are more and more widely adopted in
academic environments combined with other assessment
means. Through these systems, tests composed of several
question types can be presented to the students in order to
assess their knowledge. Multiple Choice question type is
extremely popular, since, among other advantages, a
large number of its outcomes can be easily corrected
automatically. The experience gained by educators and
the results obtained from several experiments [22]
provide some guidelines for writing good multiple choice
questions (items, in the sequel), such as: “use the right
language”, “avoid a big number of unlikely distractors for
an item”, etc.
It is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the items,
through the use of several statistical models, such as Item
Analysis (IA) and Item Response theory (IRT) [8]. They
are both based on the interpretation of statistical
indicators calculated on test outcomes. The most
important of them are the difficulty indicator, which
measures the difficulty of the items, and the
discrimination indicator, which represents the
information of how well an item discriminates between
strong and weak students. More statistical indicators are
related to the distractors (wrong options) of an item.
An item with a high value for discrimination is a good
item, that is, an item that is answered correctly by strong
students and incorrectly by weak ones, on average.
Furthermore, in this study we regard as more efficient
those items whose calculated difficulty tends to be closer
to the difficulty guessed by the tutor. In a test, in order to
better assess a heterogeneous class with different levels of
knowledge, it is important to balance the difficulty of the
items: tests should be composed of given percentages of
difficult (25%), medium (50%) and easy (25%) items. If
the tutor succeeds in giving the desired difficulty level to
an item, he/she can more easily construct balanced tests
which assess students on the desired knowledge.
Despite the availability of guidelines for writing good
items and statistical models to analyze their quality, only
a few tutors are aware of the guidelines and even fewer
are used with statistics. The result is that the quality of
the tests used for exams or admissions is sometimes poor
and in some cases could be improved. Although it is
almost impossible to compel the tutors to read manuals
for writing good test assessment, it is possible to give
them feedback on their items’ quality, allowing them to
discard defective items or to modify them in order to
improve their quality for next use and, at the same time,
to learn how to write good items from experience.
This paper presents a Web-based e-testing system which
helps the tutors to obtain good quality assessment items.
By item quality we intend the potential of an item in
effectively discriminating between strong and weak
students and in obtaining a tutor’s desired difficulty level.
After a test session, the system marks the items: good
items are marked with a green light. For poor quality
items there are two different levels of alarm: severe (red
light), for items which should be discarded, and warning
(yellow light) for items whose quality could be improved.
For the latter ones, the system provides the tutor with
suggestions for improving item quality. Aware of
defective items, and helped by the suggestions of the
system, the tutor can discard or modify poor items.
Improvable items can be re-used for future tests.
Quality level and eventual suggestions are decided
through a rule-based classification [23]. Fuzzy logic has
been used in order to obtain a degree of fulfillment of
each rule. Rules have been preferred over other
frequently used classification methods, such as
hierarchical methods [1], K-means methods [15] and
correlation methods due to the following reasons:
Knowledge availability. Most of the knowledge
is already available, as witnessed by the presence
of numerous theories and manuals on
Lack of data. Other types of classification based
on data would require the availability of large
data sets. Once they have gathered, in such a
way to have statistically significant classes to
perform data analysis, such methods might be
The system has been carried out by adding the formerly
described features to an existing Web-based e-testing
system: eWorkbook [5], developed at University of
Salerno, which has been equipped with an Item Quality
Module. A first experiment has been carried out in a
course at the University of Salerno.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 gives some
concepts about the knowledge on which the system is
based. In section 3, the system is defined, following the
steps of a classical methodology for fuzzy systems
definition. In section 4, we briefly discuss the
implementation of the quality module and its integration
in the existing e-testing system. Finally, section 5
presents an experiment and a discussion of its results.
The paper concludes with a brief survey on work related
to ours, several final remarks and a discussion on future
Our system makes use of multiple choice items for the
assessment of students’ knowledge. Those items are
composed of a stem and a list of options. The stem is the
text that states the question. The only correct answer is
called the key, whilst the incorrect answers are called
distractors [22].
Test results can be statistically analyzed to check item
quality. As mentioned in the previous section, two main
statistical models are available: IA and IRT. Several
studies, such as the one in [20], make a comparison
between the two models, often concluding that they can
both be effective in evaluating the quality of the items.
For our study, IA has been preferred to IRT for the
following main reasons: it needs a smaller sample size
for obtaining statistically significant indicators and it is
easier to use IA indicators to compose rule conditions.
The following statistical indicators are calculated by our
system for each item answered by a significant number of
difficulty: a real number between 0 and 1 which
expresses a measure of the difficulty of the item,
intended as the proportion of learners who get the
item correct.
discrimination: a real number between -1 and 1
which expresses a measure of how well the item
discriminates between good and bad learners.
Discrimination is calculated as the point biserial
correlation coefficient between the score obtained on
the item and the total score obtained on the test.
frequency(i): a real number between 0 and 1 which
expresses the frequency of the i-th option of the item.
Its value is calculated as the percentage of learners
who choose the i-th option.
discrimination(i): a real number between -1 and 1
which expresses the discrimination of the i-th option.
Its value is the point biserial correlation coefficient
between the result obtained by the learner on the
whole test and a dichotomous variable that says
whether the i-th option was chosen (yes=1, no=0) by
the learner or not.
abstained_freq: a real number between 0 and 1
which expresses the frequency of the abstention (no
answers given) on the item. Its value is calculated as
the percentage of learners who didn’t give any
answer to the item, where allowed.
abstained_discr: a real number between -1 and 1
which expresses the discrimination of the abstention
on the item. Its value is the point biserial correlation
coefficient between the result obtained by the learner
on the whole test and a dichotomous variable that
says whether the learner refrained or not (yes=1,
no=0) on the item.
Discrimination and difficulty are the most important
indicators. They can be used for both determining item
quality and choosing advice for tutors. As experts suggest
[16], a good value for discrimination is about 0.5. A
positive value lower than 0.2 indicates an item which
does not discriminate well. This can be due to several
reasons, including: the question does not assess learners
on the desired knowledge; the stem or the options are
badly/ambiguously expressed; etc. It is usually difficult to
understand what is wrong with these items and more
difficult to provide a suggestion to improve them, so, if
the tutor cannot understand the problem her(him)self, the
suggestion is to discard the item. A negative value for
discrimination, especially if joined with a positive value
for the discrimination of a distractor, is a sign of a
possible mistake in choosing the key (a data entry error
occurred). In this case it is easy to recover the item by
changing the key.
If the difficulty level is too high (>0.85) or too low
(<0.15), there is the risk of not correctly evaluating on
the desired knowledge. This is particularly true when
such values for the difficulty are sought together with
medium-low values for discrimination. Furthermore, our
system allows the tutor to define the foreseen difficulty
for an item. Thus, the closer a tutor’s estimation of item
difficulty is to the actual calculated difficulty for that
item, the more reliable that item is considered to be.
When difficulty is too high or underestimated, this can be
due to the presence of a distractor (noticed for its high
frequency) which is too plausible (it tends to mislead a lot
of students, even strong ones). Removing or substituting
that distractor can help in obtaining a better item.
Sometimes, the item has its intrinsic difficulty and it can
be difficult to adjust it, so the suggestion can be to modify
the tutor’s estimation.
As for distractors, they can contribute to a good item
when they are selected by a significant number of
students. When the frequency of the distractor is too
high, there could be an ambiguity in the formulation of
the stem or of the distractor. A good indicator of
distractors’ quality is their discrimination, which should
be negative, denoting that the distractor was selected by
weak students. In conclusion, a good distractor is the one
which is selected by a small but significant number of
weak students.
High abstention is always a symptom of high difficulty
for the item. When it is accompanied by a high (not
negative or next to 0) value for its discrimination and a
low value for item discrimination, it can tell that the
question has a bad quality and it is difficult to improve it.
The system for the evaluation of item quality is rulebased: the rules use, as linguistic variables, statistical
indicators calculated after a test session. By this term we
mean the time necessary to administer several items to a
statistically significant number of students. The value of
this number is set in the configuration of the system.
The system works by performing a classification of the
items. Several classes of items have been identified, and
each class is associated to a production rule. The degree
of fulfillment of a rule tells the membership of the item to
the corresponding class. The classification is performed
by selecting the class for which the degree of fulfilment is
the highest.
3.1 Variables and Fuzzyfication
The set of variables used are reported, together with an
explanation of their meaning and the set of possible
values they can assume (terms), in table 1. These
variables are directly chosen from the statistical
indicators presented in section 2 or derived from them.
Table 1. Variables and Terms
Item’s discrimination (see sec. 2)
Item’s difficulty (see sec. 2)
The difference between the
tutor’s estimation of item’s
difficulty and the difficulty
calculated by the system
The maximum discrimination
for the distractors of an item
The maximum (relative)
frequency for the distractors of
an item.
The minimum (relative)
frequency for the distractors of
an item
The (relative) frequency of the
distractor with maximum
discrimination for an item
The frequency of the abstentions
for an item
The discrimination of the
abstentions for an item
Negative, low,
, correct,
Low, high
Low, high
Low, high
Low, high
The variables discrimination and difficulty are the same
indicators for item discrimination and difficulty defined
in section 2. The same discourse is valid for the variables
related to the abstention, abst_frequency and
abst_discrimination. difficulty_gap is a variable
representing the error in tutor’s estimation of item
difficulty. Through the system interface, the tutor can
assign one on three difficulty level to an item (easy = 0.3;
medium = 0.5; difficult = 0.7). difficulty_gap is
calculated as the difference between the tutor estimation
and the actual difficulty calculated by the system.
Three variables representing the frequency of the
distractors for an item have been considered:
max_distr_freq, min_distr_freq, distr_freq. Their value is
not an absolute frequency, but relative to the frequency of
the other distractors: it is obtained by dividing the
absolute frequency by the mean frequency of the
distractors of the item. In the case of items with five
options, as our system has been tested, their value is a
real number varying from 0 to 4.
Figure 1. Membership Functions of the Fuzzy Sets
3.2 Membership Functions
As for the membership functions of fuzzy sets associated
to each term, triangular and trapezoidal shapes have
been used. Most of the values for the bases and the peaks
have been established using the expertise. Only for some
variables, the membership functions have been defined
on an experimental basis.
While we already had clear ideas on how to define some
membership functions, we did not have enough
information from the knowledge-base on how to model
membership functions for the variables related to
abstention (abst_frequency and abst_discrimination). A
calibration phase was required in order to refine the
values for the bases and peaks of their membership
functions. As a calibration set, test results from the
Science Faculty Admission Test of the last year (2006)
were used. The calibration set was composed of 64 items
with 5 options each. For each item, about one thousand
records (students answers) were available, even if only a
random sample of seventy of them was considered. Test
items and their results were inspected by a human expert
who identified items which should have been discarded
due to low discrimination and anomalous values for the
variables related to abstention. We have found 5 items
satisfying the conditions above: the mean values for
respectively, 0.12 and 0.39.
Due to the limited size of the calibration set, the simple
method of choosing the peaks of the functions at the
mean value, as shown in [1], has been used. When more
data will be available, a more sophisticated method will
be used for the definition of membership functions, such
as the one proposed in [4]. Charts for the membership
functions are shown in figure 1.
3.3 Rules
From the verbal description of the knowledge presented
in section 2, the rules summarized in table 2 have been
inferred. The first three columns in the table contain,
respectively, the class of the item, the rule used for
classification and the item state. For items whose state is
yellow, the fourth column contains the problem affecting
the item and the suggestion to improve its quality.
Conditions in the rules are connected using AND and OR
logic operators. The commonly-used min-max inference
method has been used to establish the degree of
fulfillment of the rules. All the rules were given the same
weight, except for the first one. By modifying the weight
of the first rule, we can tune the sensitivity of the system:
the lower this value, the higher the probability that
anomalies will be detected in the items. Some rules
suggest to perform an operation on a distractor. The
distractor to modify or eliminate (in case of rules 4, 7 and
10) or to select as correct answer (rule 9) is signaled by
Table 2. Rules for Item Classification
discrimination IS high AND abst_discrimination
IS negative WITH 0.9
discrimination IS low AND abst_frequency IS
high AND abst_discrimination IS positive
difficulty IS very_low AND discrimination IS
difficulty IS very_high AND discrimination IS
low AND max_distr_freq IS high
Item too difficult due to a too plausible
distractor, delete or substitute distractor x.
Item difficulty overestimated, avoid too
plausible distractors and too obvious
Item difficulty overestimated, modify the
estimated difficulty.
Item difficulty underestimated due to a too
plausible distractor, delete or substitute
distractor x.
Item difficulty underestimated, modify the
estimated difficulty.
Wrong key (data entry error), select option x
as the correct answer.
Too plausible distractor, delete or substitute
distractor x.
discrimination IS low
discrimination IS NOT low
max_distr_freq IS high
max_distr_freq IS NOT high
max_distr_discr IS positive AND discrimination
IS negative
discrimination IS high AND max_distr_discr IS
positive AND distr_freq IS NOT low
the system. An output variable x has been added to the
system to keep the identifier of the distractor.
A software module for the evaluation of item quality has
been implemented as a Java Object Oriented framework.
In this way, it would have been easily integrated in any etesting java-based system. For each item, the module
performs the classification, by implementing the
following functionalities:
Implementation of an Application Programming
Interface (API) for the construction of a data
matrix containing all the students’ responses to
the item.
Calculation of the statistical indicators, as
described in section 2.
Substitution of the variables, evaluation of the
rules and choice of the class which the item
belongs to.
Implementation of a suitable API for obtaining the state
of an item (green, yellow, red) and, in case of yellow, of
the suggestions for improving the item. It is worth noting
that suggestions can be internationalized, that is, they
can easily be translated into any language by editing a
text file.
Problem and Suggestion
A free java library implementing a complete Fuzzy
inference system, named jFuzzyLogic [10] has been used.
The system variables, fuzzyfication, inference methods
and the rules have been defined using Fuzzy Control
Language (FCL) [7], supported by the jFuzzyLogic
library. The advantage of this approach, compared to a
hard-coded solution, is that membership functions and
rules can be changed only by editing a configuration file,
thus avoiding to build the system again. Data can be
imported from various sources and exported to several
formats, such as spreadsheets or relational databases. The
data matrix and the results can be saved in persistent
tables, in order to avoid to perform calculations every
time they must be visualized.
4.1 eWorkbook
eWorkbook is a Web-based e-testing system that can be
used for evaluating learner’s knowledge by creating (the
tutor) and taking (the learner) on-line tests based on
multiple choice question types. The questions are kept in
a hierarchical repository. The tests are composed of one
or more sections. There are two kinds of sections: static
and dynamic. The difference between them is in the way
they allow question selection: for a static section, the
questions are chosen by the tutor. For a dynamic section,
some selection parameters must be specified, such as the
difficulty, leaving the system to choose the questions
randomly whenever a learner takes a test. In this way, it
is possible with eWorkbook to make a test with banks of
items of different difficulties, thus balancing test
difficulty, in order to better assess a heterogeneous set of
students. eWorkbook adopts the classical three-tier
architecture of the most common J2EE Web-applications.
The Jakarta Struts framework has been used to support
the Model 2 design paradigm, a variation of the classic
Model View Controller (MVC) approach. In our design
choice, Struts works with JSP, for the View, while it
interacts with Hibernate [9], a powerful framework for
object/relational persistence and query service for Java,
for the Model. The application is fully accessible with a
Web Browser. No browser plug-in installations are
needed, since its pages are composed of standard HTML
and ECMAScript [6] code.
modifications were performed, the modified test was
administered to 60 other students.
Figure 3a shows a table, exported in a spreadsheet,
containing a report of the items presented in the first test
session and their performances. The item to eliminate are
highlighted in red, while those to modify are highlighted
in yellow. According to the system analysis, 5 out of 25
items must be discarded, while 4 of them must be
4.2 Integration
The integration of the new functionalities in eWorkbook
has required the development of a new module, named
Item Quality Module, responsible for instantiating the
framework and providing import, export and
visualization functionalities. Import of data was
performed by reading data from eWorkbook’s database
and by calling the API to fill the data matrix of the
framework. The interface for browsing the item
repository in eWorkbook has been updated in order to
show item’s performances (difficulty and discrimination)
and state (green, yellow or red). In this way, defective
items are immediately visible to the tutor, who can
undertake the opportune actions (delete or modify). A
screenshot of the item report is shown in figure 2a.
Furthermore, the system has been given a versioning
functionality: once an item is modified, a newer version
of it is generated. Through this functionality, the tutor
can analyze the entire lifecycle of an item. In this way,
the tutor can have feedback on the trend of statistical
indicators over time, making sure that the changes he/she
made to the items positively affected their quality. Figure
2b shows the chart of an item improved across two
sessions of tests. The improvement is visible both from
the increase in the item discrimination (the green line),
and in the convergence of the calculated difficulty with
the tutor’s estimation of the difficulty (the continuous and
dashed red lines, respectively).
A first experiment has consisted of using the system
across two test sessions in a university course, and
measuring the overall improvement of the items in terms
of discrimination capacity and matching to a tutor’s
desired difficulty. A database of 50 items was arranged
for the experiment. In the first session, an on-line test,
containing a set of 25 randomly chosen items, was
administered to 60 students. After, items were inspected
through the system interface in order to check those to
substitute or modify. Once the substitutions and
Figure 2. Screenshots From the eWorkbook System Interface
Actually, among the items to modify, for two of them
(those with id 1-F-4 and 1-E-1) the difficulty was
underestimated due to a distractor that was too plausible
(class 7), which was substituted with a new distractor. In
another case (1-B-16), the difficulty was different from
that estimated by the tutor, due to the intrinsic difficulty
of the item (class 8). The action undertaken was to adjust
tutor’s estimation of the difficulty.
Lastly, the item with id 1-F-1, with a negative
discrimination, presented a suspect error in the choice of
the key (class 9). By inspecting the item, the tutor
verified that the chosen key was not correct, even though
the distractor labeled correct by the system was not the
right answer: simply, the item did not have any correct
answer. The text of the key was modified to provide the
right answer to the stem.
A new test was prepared, containing the same items of
the previous, except for the 5 discarded ones, substituted
by 5 unused items, and for the 4 modified ones, which
were substituted by a newer version of themselves. A new
set of sixty students participated in this test. In the
analysis of test outcomes, our attention was more focused
on the eventual improvement obtained than on the
discovery of new defective items.
As for parameter 1, we have observed an improvement
from a value of 0,375, obtained in the first session, to a
value of 0,459, obtained in the second session. The
percentage of increment is 22,4%. As for parameter 2, we
had a decrement in the mean difference between the
difficulty estimated by the tutor and the one calculated by
the system of 17,8%, passing from a value of 0,19 to
0,156 across the two sessions.
Several different assessment tools and applications to
support blended learning have been analyzed, starting
from the most common Web-based e-learning platforms,
such as Moodle [17], Blackboard [2], and Questionmark
[18]. These systems generate and show item statistics
parameters but they do not interpret them, so they do not
advise or help the tutor in improving items erasing
anomalies revealed by statistics. A model for presenting
test statistics, analysis, and to collect students’ learning
behaviors for generating analysis result and feedback to
tutors is described in [12]. IRT has been applied in some
systems [11] and experiments [3, 21] to select the most
appropriate items for examinees based on individual
ability. In [3], the fuzzy theory is combined with the
original IRT to model uncertainly learning response. The
result of this combination is called Fuzzy Item Response
Figure 3. Report of the Test Sessions
Figure 3b shows the report of the second test session. The
values of discrimination and difficulty, changed in
respect to the same rows of the session 1 table, are
highlighted in yellow.
To measure the overall improvement of the new test, in
respect to the previous one, the following parameters
were calculated for each of the two tests:
the mean of the discriminations for the items;
the mean of the differences |tutor_difficulty –
difficulty| for the items of the tests;
A work closely related to ours is presented in [13]. It
proposes an e-testing system, where rules can detect
defective items, which are signaled using traffic lights. It
proposes an analysis model based on IA. Statistics are
calculated by the system both on the items and on the
whole test. Unfortunately, the four rules on which the
system is based seem to be insufficient to cover all of the
possible defects which can affect an item. Moreover,
these rules are not inferred from a solid knowledge-base
and use crisp values (i.e., one of them, states that an
option must be discarded if its frequency is 0,
independently from the size of the sample). Furthermore,
it does not contain any experiment which demonstrates
the effectiveness of the system in improving assessment.
Nevertheless, this work has given us many ideas, and our
work can be considered a continuation of it.
In this paper we have presented an e-testing system,
capable of improving the overall quality of the items used
by the tutors, through the re-use of the items across
subsequent on-line test sessions. Our system’s rules use
statistical indicators from the IA model to measure item
quality, to detect anomalies on the items, and to give
advise for their improvement. Obviously, the system can
only detect defects which are visible analyzing results of
item and distractor analysis indicators.
The strength of our system is in the possibility for all the
tutors, and not only experts of assessment or statistics, to
improve test quality, by discarding or, where possible, by
modifying defective items. The system has been used at
the University of Salerno, to assess the students of a
course. This initial experiment has produced encouraging
results, showing that the system can effectively help the
tutors to obtain items which better discriminate between
strong and weak students and better match the difficulty
estimated by the tutor. More accurate experiments,
involving a larger set of items and students, are necessary
to effectively measure the system capabilities.
Our system performs a classification of items, carried out
by evaluating fuzzy rules. At present, we are collecting
data on test outcomes. Once a large database of items and
learner’s answers is available, there will be the possibility
of exploiting other methods of classification, based on
data, such as hierarchical methods, K-means methods,
and correlation methods.
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