Cell Cycle
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HOPS is an essential constituent of centrosome
Stefania Pieroni, Maria Agnese Della Fazia, Marilena Castelli, Danilo
Piobbico, Daniela Bartoli, Cinzia Brunacci, Marina Maria Bellet, Mariapia
Viola-Magni & Giuseppe Servillo
To cite this article: Stefania Pieroni, Maria Agnese Della Fazia, Marilena Castelli, Danilo Piobbico,
Daniela Bartoli, Cinzia Brunacci, Marina Maria Bellet, Mariapia Viola-Magni & Giuseppe Servillo
(2008) HOPS is an essential constituent of centrosome assembly, Cell Cycle, 7:10, 1462-1466,
DOI: 10.4161/cc.7.10.5882
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.4161/cc.7.10.5882
Published online: 03 Jun 2008.
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[Cell Cycle 7:10, 1462-1466; 15 May 2008]; ©2008 Landes Bioscience
HOPS is an essential constituent of centrosome assembly
Stefania Pieroni,1,† Maria Agnese Della Fazia,1,† Marilena Castelli,1 Danilo Piobbico,1 Daniela Bartoli,1 Cinzia Brunacci1,
Marina Maria Bellet,1 Mariapia Viola-Magni1 and Giuseppe Servillo1,*
Università degli Studi di Perugia; Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale; Policlinico Monteluce; CEMIN; Perugia Italy
authors have contributed equally to this work.
Remarkably, proteins involved in the nucleus-cytoplasmic transport play a pivotal role in spindle assembly.8,9 CRM-1 is one of the
most important exportin that, through its binding to the nuclear
export sites (NES) on cargo proteins, allows the export of specific
proteins to the cytoplasm.10 Localization of CRM-1 and Ran in
kinetochores and centrosomes11,12 as its role in mitotic spindle
assembly and centrosome duplication13,14 underlines the importance
of the association between nucleus-cytoplasmic shuttling and mitosis.
Moreover, several proteins shuttled by CRM-1 from the nucleus to
the cytoplasm are associated with the centrosome.11
HOPS (Hepatocyte Odd Protein Shuttling) is a recently identified protein containing a putative NES and an ubiquitin domain.15
HOPS is overexpressed in residual hepatocytes following partial
hepatectomy and it changes localization in relation to the proliferative state of the cell. HOPS shuttles from nucleus to cytoplasm via
CRM-1. Overexpression of HOPS induces arrest of proliferation.15
Following the demonstration of HOPS binding to γ-tubulin and
CRM-1, we aimed at unravelling the role of HOPS in centrosome
function. For this, we knocked down HOPS expression by small
interfering RNA (siRNA) in cells. Strikingly, our results show that
inhibition of HOPS expression leads to: (i) abnormal centrosome
amplification; (ii) multinucleated cells accumulation and (iii)
abnormal spindle formation.
Furthermore, we provided evidence that HOPS is associated to
CRM-1, γ-tubulin, eEF-1A and HSP70 in both the centrosome
and cytosolic complexes. Previous investigations suggested that
centrosomal proteins are not assembled de novo in centrosomes,
but they are associated in cytosolic complexes that can be rapidly
recruited for centrosome duplication.16
Our results assign to HOPS an important role in centrosome
duplication and maintenance of genomic stability.
Centrosomes direct microtubule organization during cell division. Aberrant number of centrosomes results from alteration of
its components and leads to abnormal mitoses and chromosome
instability. HOPS is a newly discovered protein isolated during
liver regeneration, implicated in cell proliferation. Here, we provide
evidence that HOPS is an integral constituent of centrosomes.
HOPS is associated with classical markers of centrosomes and
found in cytosolic complexes containing CRM-1, γ-tubulin, eEF-1A
and HSP70. These features suggest that HOPS is involved in
centrosome assembly and maintenance. HOPS depletion generates
supernumerary centrosomes, multinucleated cells and multipolar
spindle formation leading to activation of p53 checkpoint and
cell cycle arrest. The presence of HOPS in cytosolic complexes
supports that centrosome proteins might be preassembled in the
cytoplasm to then be rapidly recruited for centrosome duplication.
Altogether these data show HOPS implication in the control of
cell division. HOPS contribution appears relevant to understand
genomic instability and centrosome amplification in cancer.
Key words: centrosome, HOPS, cell cycle, CRM-1, mitotic spindle
In animal cell the centrosome is a small organelle formed by two
centrioles surrounded by different proteins indicated as pericentriolar
material (PCM).1,2 The strictly controlled presence of two centrosomes
at the beginning of mitosis guarantees the appropriate formation of
the mitotic spindle.3,4 The centrosome has been hypothesized to
be an essential guardian of cell cycle progression, although this role
has not been clearly defined at the molecular level.2,5 Centrosomes
start duplicating in the late G1/S phase, allowing the formation of
procentrioles. During the S and G2 phases the procentrioles recruit
the PCM proteins until the centrosomes are entirely duplicated.
The mechanism, by which the centrosome is rapidly duplicated
and activated during cell cycle, is presently unclear. Perturbations in
centrosome duplication lead to abnormal amplification of centrosomes, multipolar spindles and genomic instability.6,7
*Correspondence to: Giuseppe Servillo; Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e
Sperimentale; Policlinico Monteluce; Perugia 06122 Italy; Tel.: 39.075.5720655;
Fax: 39.075.5726803; Email:
[email protected]
Submitted: 02/21/08; Accepted: 03/07/08
Previously published online as a Cell Cycle E-publication:
Results and Discussion
HOPS in cell cycle. HOPS has been described as a protein
involved in liver regeneration.15 To analyze HOPS function during
cell proliferation, we studied HOPS localization and expression
throughout the cell cycle. Immunohistochemical analyses showed
that HOPS colocalizes with γ-tubulin, in H35 and NIH-3T3 cells,
specifically during the G0/G1 phase, but not during the S and G2/M
phases (Fig. 1A; Suppl. Fig. 1 online). Western blot analyses showed
a reduction of 50% (densitometric analysis, data not shown) of
HOPS expression in S-phase with respect to G2/M phase in cells
arrested by aphidicolin and nocodazole treatments, respectively
Cell Cycle
2008; Vol. 7 Issue 10
Running title
(Fig. 1B). This is in support of the rapid decrease of HOPS
expression observed during the S-phase of cells blocked in
G0/G1 and released from the arrest.15 These data suggest a
dynamic participation of HOPS in the cell cycle.
HOPS is localized in centrosomes. Next, we performed
immunoprecipitation assays using H35 cell extracts to investigate HOPS interaction with γ-tubulin. Interestingly, HOPS
antibody were able to immunoprecipitate γ-tubulin from
total cell lysates (Fig. 1C), indicating a specific interaction
between these two proteins.
Centrosomes were then isolated by a discontinuous
sucrose gradient from extracts of H35 cells treated with
aphidicholin/nocodazole.17 Fractions of centrosome preparations analyzed by western blot revealed cosedimentation of
HOPS, γ-tubulin and CRM-1 in the same fractions (Fig.
1D). The association of centrosome proteins with HOPS, in
cells treated with nocodazole, strongly suggests that HOPS is
a centrosomal protein.
HOPS depletion leads to an abnormal centrosome
amplification. To assess the role played by HOPS in the
centrosome function, we performed siRNA experiments in
NIH-3T3 cells. Hops-siRNA treated cells were analyzed at 24,
48 and 96 hours after transfection. HOPS-depleted cells were
compared to untreated cells and scramble-siRNA transfected
cells. HOPS siRNA reduced HOPS expression by 70% while
Figure 1. HOPS localization throughout cell cycle and in centrosomes. (A) H35
control cells did not show any reduction (Fig. 2A and B).
cells were stained with HOPS and γ-tubulin antibodies in different phases of cell
Following HOPS silencing, we evaluated whether this cycle. Bar is 10 μm. (B) Western blot analysis of H35 cells arrested in S and G /M
perturbation might interfere with centrosome formation. phases by aphidicholin/nocodazole treatments. CyclinA and Ser10 phosphorylated
To do this, we counted the number of centrosomes per cell H3 histone (H3S10ph) antibodies were used as S phase and G2/M phase control
using γ-tubulin (Fig. 2C). In addition, to assess a centrosome respectively. β-tubulin antibody was used as loading control. c: untreated cells. (C)
hyperamplification, we used two other centrosome markers, HOPS coimmunoprecipitation with γ-tubulin antibody in H35 cells. Total lysate was
centrin and pericentrin (Fig. 2D; Suppl. Fig. 2 online). immunoprecipitated with HOPS antibody (IP) and preimmune serum (PS). Resulting
immunocomplexes were tested by immunoblotting using γ-tubulin antibody. c: total
Centrosome’s amplification gives rise to cytokinesis failure, protein extracts. (D) Centrosome isolation from H35 cells. Immunoblot analysis on
errors in chromosomes segregation and aberrant mitosis.6,7 gradient resulting fractions using HOPS, γ-tubulin, CRM-1 antibodies. Lamin B recepInterestingly, while 24 hours after HOPS depletion no effects tor (LBR) and H3S10ph antibodies were used as centrosome purification controls. c:
on centrosomes were observed, 48 and 96 hours later we total protein extracts.
found a centrosome amplification as demonstrated by the
number of cells with more than two centrosomes which rose to 23% and scramble-siRNA transfected cells were estimated at 1.3% at 48
and 21%, respectively. Untreated and scramble-siRNA transfected and 96 hours (Fig. 3C). Remarkably, the increase of multipolar
cells displayed the same number of centrosomes as at 24 hours (10% spindles in HOPS depleted cells was independent from the number
and 12%) (Fig. 2C).
of mitotic figures. These results show that HOPS depletion leads to
We next analyzed the presence of multinucleated cells and a striking arrest of cell proliferation.
multipolar spindles formation. 96 hours after HOPS silencing,
Importantly, HOPS depleted cells arrested their proliferation in
multinucleated cells represented 7% with respect to 0.9% in control the G0/G1 phase (62.7%) with a substantial reduction of cells in
cells. Immunofluorescence analyses showed that Hops-siRNA treated G2/M phase (4.9%) 96 hours after silencing (Fig. 3D). Recently, it
cells exhibited abnormal cell division, resulting in the formation of has been described that the lack of proteins involved in centrosome
binucleated or multinucleated cells (Fig. 2E and F).
assembling activates p53-dependent cell cycle checkpoint, arresting
Daughter cells derived from cells with abnormal spindle are cells in G1 phase.20,21 To verify whether silencing of HOPS leads to
aneuploid and present genomic instability.7,18,19 Thus we analyzed activation of the cell cycle checkpoint, we analyzed the expression of
spindle alteration and cell division arrest in Hops-siRNA transfected p53 and p21 in Hops-siRNA treated cells. Overexpression of p53 was
cells versus untreated cells (Fig. 3A). Notably, the analysis of HOPS- observed 24 hours after HOPS depletion and progressively decreased
silenced cells exhibited a significant increase of multipolar spindle afterwards at 48 and 96 hours. p53 activation in turn induced
number with respect to the control. In untreated cells multipolar p21, which became overexpressed at 48 and 96 hours after HOPS
spindles represent 4.5%, while in Hops-siRNA treated cells this silencing (Fig. 3E).
number was dramatically increased from 8.6% at 24 hours to 23,7%
Taken together, these observations reveal that HOPS depleat 48 hours, than it decreased to 6% at 96 hours (Fig. 3B).
tion leads to defects in centrosome assembly, with an increase of
In these cells the number of mitosis counted at 48 and 96 hours centrosomes’ number, formation of multinucleated cells and multiwas 0.6% and 0.02%, respectively. Mitotic figures in untreated cells polar spindles. These alterations very likely might lead to errors during
Cell Cycle
HOPS function in centrosome assembly
Figure 2. HOPS depletion in NIH-3T3 cells. (A) Cells were transfected with Hops-siRNA and scramble-siRNA and analyzed after 24,
48 and 96 hours from depletion. Western blotting was performed
using HOPS antibody. β-tubulin antibody was used as loading
control. (B) QPCR on Hops-siRNA interferred NIH-3T3 cells. Bars
indicate relative quantity of mRNA referred to control sample.
A.U. represents arbitrary unit expression referred to control. (C)
Diagram in bars showing percentage of cells containing more
than two centrosomes. (D) Immunofluorescence staining in HOPS
depleted cells with γ-tubulin and centrin antibodies. A larger inset
of centrosome is shown in box. Bar is 10 μm. (E) Double immunofluorescence staining in HOPS depleted multinucleated cells using
γ-tubulin antibody and DAPI for nuclear staining. Bar is 10 μm. (F)
Diagram in bars showing percentage of multinucleated cells. In
diagrams: white bars indicate untreated cells, grey bars indicate
scramble-siRNA transfected cells, black bars indicate Hops-siRNA
depleted cells.
cell division, resulting in aberrant genome segregation that in
turn drives the cell towards mitotic arrest.
Similar results have been obtained using a different oligoduplex for HOPS siRNA (data not shown).
HOPS in the cytosolic complex. The description of a
cytosolic complex as putative precursor of centrosome in
which γ-tubulin is associated with eEF-1A and HSP70 in
vitro16 and the interaction of HOPS with eEF-1A in vivo15
prompted us to examine the possibility that HOPS might
be a component of this complex.
Cytosolic extracts from hepatoma cells fractionated by a 40–10% continuous sucrose
gradient, revealed a cosedimentation of HOPS
with γ-tubulin, eEF-1A and HSP70 in several
fractions (Fig. 4A, fractions 6 to 9). The previously observed association of HOPS with CRM-1
and γ-tubulin in centrosomes led us to investigate
the presence of CRM-1 with HOPS also in
cytosolic complexes. Interestingly, we revealed
CRM-1 in the same fractions also containing
HOPS, γ-tubulin, eEF-1A and HSP70 (Fig.
4A). Furthermore, to better characterize binding
between HOPS and CRM-1, we performed
coimmunoprecipitation of HOPS with CRM-1
in the cytosolic complex (Fig. 4B).
Our results show that HOPS binds to CRM-1
and together they constitute a complex with
γ-tubulin, eEF-1A and HSP70 (Fig. 4B). The
identification of cytosolic complexes containing
HOPS suggests that essential proteins for
centrosome duplication and spindle formation
might be assembled in the cytosol where they
might become rapidly available for centrosome
arrangement and function. A cytoplasmic form
Figure 3. HOPS depletion and cell cycle modification. (A) Tri-, tetra- and n-polar spindles images
obtained by immunofluorescence staining of Hops-siRNA treated cells using γ-tubulin and α-tubulin of γ-tubulin, associated in a complex, as precursor
antibodies. (B) Percentage of abnormal spindles per mitosis at different times following Hops- for centrosome assembly has been described.22-24
siRNA treatment. (C) Percentage of mitotic figures. White and grey bars indicate controls: untreatThis might result into a rapid recruitment of
ed cells and cells transfected with scramble-siRNA. Black bars indicate depleted cells transfected
using Hops-siRNA. (D) Cell cycle profiles of HOPS depleted NIH-3T3 cells by FACS analysis. Bars γ-tubulin in the centrosome at the onset of
indicate the percentage of cells in each mitotic cycle phase. Grey, white and black bars indicate mitosis.25
G0/G1, S and G2/M phases respectively. (E) Western blot analysis on HOPS depleted cells using
The organization of a preassembled complex
p53 and p21 antibodies.
containing γ-tubulin, HOPS, CRM-1, eEF-1A
and HSP70 in cytosolic fractions prompted us
Cell Cycle
2008; Vol. 7 Issue 10
Cell culture and cell cycle synchronization. H35 hepatoma cells
and NIH-3T3 mouse immortalized fibroblasts were maintained and
synchronized as previously described.15
Immunofluorescence assays. H35 hepatoma cells, NIH-3T3
and HOPS-depleted-NIH-3T3 cells were fixed and stained using
anti-HOPS, anti-γ-tubulin, anti-α-tubulin (Sigma Aldrich), antipericentrin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology), anti-centrin (kind gift of
Prof. J.L.Salisbury) antibodies. Antibodies binding was revealed by
incubation with appropriate secondary antibodies: Alexa Fluor® 488
FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG and Alexa Fluor® 568 Texas-Red®
-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (Molecular Probes™). Nuclei were
stained with DAPI (Sigma Aldrich). Images were captured with a
Zeiss Axioplan fluorescence microscope controlled by Spot-2 cooled
camera (Diagnostic Instruments).
Coimmunoprecipitations. H35 hepatoma cells were lysed in
RIPA buffer with proteolytic inhibitors (Sigma-Aldrich). 1 mg of
whole cell lysate was immunoprecipitated with rabbit polyclonal
anti-HOPS antibody as previously described.15 Immunoprecipitation
products were probed by immunoblot analysis using mouse monoclonal anti-γ-tubulin antibody.
Anti-HOPS reacting cytosolic fractions from sucrose gradients
were pooled, dialyzed and subjected to immunoprecipitation with
rabbit polyclonal anti-HOPS antibody. Immunoprecipitation products were probed using mouse monoclonal anti-CRM-1 antibody.
Centrosome isolation. Centrosomes were isolated from H35
hepatoma cells as described.17 In brief, exponentially growing cells
were subjected to cytochalasin D and nocodazole (Sigma-Aldrich)
Figure 4. HOPS in the cytosol and in the centrosome. (A) Western blotting
on the cytosolic fractions using HOPS, γ-tubulin, CRM-1, HSP70 and eEF1A antibodies. c: total protein extract. (B) Immunoprecipitation on pooled
fractions from 20 to 15% sucrose density (lanes 6–9 Fig. 4A) with HOPS
antibody (IP) and preimmune serum (PS). Western blot analysis on immunoprecipitates using anti-CRM-1 antibody. (C) Immunoblot analysis on the
centrosome fractions using HOPS, γ-tubulin, CRM-1, HSP70 and eEF-1A
antibodies. c: total protein extracts. LBR and H3S10ph antibodies were used
as centrosome purification controls.
Materials and Methods
to investigate whether all of these components are assembled in
Western blot analyses performed on centrosome enriched fractions showing cosedimentation of HOPS, CRM-1 and γ-tubulin
(Fig. 1A), were found to also contain eEF-1A and HSP70, thus
generating a protein macrocomplex of high molecular weight (Fig.
4C, lanes 6 to 11; Suppl. Fig. 3 online). These results support the
presence of a previously assembled cytosolic complex that might act
as centrosome precursor.
The mechanisms by which precursor complexes of centrosomes
are recruited during cell duplication have still to be revealed. It has
been proposed that cytosolic complexes are targeted to centrosome
as precursors,24,25 alternatively the cytosolic complex can regulate
centrosome assembly by retaining precursors until centrosome
duplication.26 It has been demonstrated that centrosome proteins
are present in cytosolic pools and that treatment with cycloheximide
does not affect centrosome duplication.27,28
Here, we present the first evidence that HOPS is an essential
protein important for centrosome assembly. Knockdown of HOPS
leads to hyperamplification of centrosomes, multinucleated cells
and multipolar spindles. This in turn results to cell cycle arrest and
activation of p53-dependent cell cycle checkpoint. We demonstrate
that HOPS is present in cytosolic fractions with well characterized
centrosome proteins and that this complex might play a role in
centrosome assembly. Future studies will be aimed to identify the
mechanisms by which HOPS is recruited and assembled from the
cytosol to the centrosome and to elucidate its function during cell
HOPS function in centrosome assembly
treatment and lysed. Centrosomes were harvested by centrifugation
onto a 60% sucrose cushion and centrosomal complexes were further
purified by centrifugation through a discontinuous (70%, 50% and
40%) sucrose gradient. Fractions were collected and analyzed.
Cytosolic fractions preparation. H35 hepatoma cells were grown
to 80% confluence and then arrested in a state resembling late
prophase/early metaphase by aphidicolin treatment (Sigma Aldrich)
for 16 hours. Cells were washed and incubated for additional 7 hours
in fresh medium and then subjected to nocodazole treatment (Sigma
Aldrich) for 16 hours. Citosolic complexes were obtained from H-35
cells as previously described16 and loaded onto a continuous sucrose
gradients from 40 to 10%. Resulting fractions were collected and
Immunoblot analysis. H35 hepatoma cells lysate was probed
using anti-HOPS antibody. Anti-cyclinA (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
and anti-H3S10ph (Ser10 phosphorylated H3 histone) were used as
G2/M and S phase specific markers respectively.
HOPS-depleted-NIH-3T3 cells were lysed at different times
from transfection and probed using anti-HOPS antibody, anti-p53
(Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and anti-p21 (Dako) antibodies. Antiβ-tubulin (Sigma Aldrich) was used as loading control.
Sucrose gradient fractions containing γ-tubulin cytosolic complex
and centrosomes were tested by immunoblot analysis using antiHOPS, anti-CRM-1 (Becton Dickinson), anti-γ-tubulin (Sigma
Aldrich), anti-eEF1A, anti-HSP70 antibodies (Abcam). All the hybridizations were detected by chemiluminescence ECL™ (Amersham).
Cell Cycle
HOPS function in centrosome assembly
We thank E. Borrelli, P.G. Pelicci, S. Brancorsini, E. Ayroldi for
the fruitful suggestion and discussion of the paper. We thank J.L.
Salisbury for the kind gift of anti-centrin antibody. We also thank
S. Pagnotta for the technical assistance. This work was supported
by grants from Associazione Italiana Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC),
Fondazione Guido Berlucchi, Ministero della Università e Ricerca
(MiUR) prot. 2006061141_003 and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio
di Perugia.
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Quantitative PCR. Total RNA was isolated from controls and
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RNA were retrotranscribed using RevertAid™ H Minus M-MuLV
Reverse Transcriptase (Fermentas) and random hexamer primers.
Real-Time PCR amplifications were performed using Mx3000P™
Real Time PCR System using Brillant® SYBR® Green QPCR Master
Mix (Stratagene) and ROX as reference dye. Hops specific primers
were: Forward 5'-TGCTTGCTTGCCTTCTGG-3', Reverse
5'-TGTGCTGGTGTTGTGGTC-3' (Invitrogen). Housekeeping
control was mouse HPRT (Hypoxanthine Phosphorybosiltransferase)
All the experiments were performed in triplicate.
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Cell Cycle
2008; Vol. 7 Issue 10