vol. 183, no. 3
the american naturalist
march 2014
Species Collapse via Hybridization in Darwin’s Tree Finches
Sonia Kleindorfer,1,* Jody A. O’Connor,1 Rachael Y. Dudaniec,2 Steven A. Myers,1
Jeremy Robertson,1 and Frank J. Sulloway3
1. Flinders University, School of Biological Sciences, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia; 2. Lund University,
Department of Biology, Lund, Sweden 22100; 3. University of California, Institute of Personality and Social Research, Berkeley,
California 94720
Submitted May 2, 2013; Accepted September 17, 2013; Electronically published February 5, 2014
Online enhancement: appendix. Dryad data: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.t6j52.
abstract: Species hybridization can lead to fitness costs, species
collapse, and novel evolutionary trajectories in changing environments. Hybridization is predicted to be more common when environmental conditions change rapidly. Here, we test patterns of hybridization in three sympatric tree finch species (small tree finch
Camarhynchus parvulus, medium tree finch Camarhynchus pauper,
and large tree finch: Camarhynchus psittacula) that are currently recognized on Floreana Island, Galápagos Archipelago. Genetic analysis
of microsatellite data from contemporary samples showed two genetic populations and one hybrid cluster in both 2005 and 2010;
hybrid individuals were derived from genetic population 1 (small
morph) and genetic population 2 (large morph). Females of the large
and rare species were more likely to pair with males of the small
common species. Finch populations differed in morphology in 1852–
1906 compared with 2005/2010. An unsupervised clustering method
showed (a) support for three morphological clusters in the historical
tree finch sample (1852–1906), which is consistent with current species recognition; (b) support for two or three morphological clusters
in 2005 with some (19%) hybridization; and (c) support for just two
morphological clusters in 2010 with frequent (41%) hybridization.
We discuss these findings in relation to species demarcations of Camarhynchus tree finches on Floreana Island.
Keywords: Camarhynchus, Philornis downsi, parasite, mate choice,
disassortative pairing, asymmetric reproductive isolation.
Insights from the past 2 decades have transformed our
understanding of the ecological context of processes that
underpin speciation (Coyne 1992; Schluter 2000; Mayr and
Diamond 2001; Doebeli and Dieckmann 2003; Birand et
al. 2012). According to Charles Darwin (1859) and his
“principle of divergence,” speciation sometimes involves
the extinction of intermediate forms via competition and
divergent selection, resulting in sympatric species that are
* Corresponding author; e-mail:
[email protected].
Am. Nat. 2014. Vol. 183, pp. 325–341. 䉷 2014 by The University of Chicago.
0003-0147/2014/18303-54643$15.00. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/674899
separated by a morphological gap. Ernst Mayr’s biological
species concept (Mayr 1942) focused on the processes that
maintain the morphological gap between species, such as
prior geographic isolation and the prevention of hybridization through premating and/or postmating isolating
mechanisms (see also Mallet 2008). Darwin (1859) was
aware of hybrid sterility, but he cautioned that many studies of apparent hybrid sterility were confounded by evidence of inbreeding by hybrids. Furthermore, Darwin
showed that hybrid fertility could be markedly increased
after crossing with new strains. Thus, for Darwin, crosses
between species could increase fertility in hybrid offspring,
while in other circumstances these crosses could lead to
hybrid sterility. The current view is that ecological conditions correlate with patterns of hybridization, which can
lead to individual fitness costs, biological species collapse,
adaptive hybridization, and hybrid speciation (Grant and
Grant 1996a, 1996b, 2002, 2010; Fritz 1999; Rieseberg et
al. 2003; Mallet 2007).
The persistence of closely related species in sympatry
suggests that natural and/or sexual selection are operating
to prevent interspecific gene flow and maintain species
barriers. But interbreeding between sympatric populations
of recently diverged species is common and regularly occurs in ∼10% of animal and ∼25% of plant species (Mallet
2007). Hybridization is especially well documented in birds
(Clarke et al. 1998; Grant 1998; Good et al. 2000; Grant
and Grant 2002; Randler 2002; Joseph et al. 2008). Hybridization can drive the formation of new species by increasing genetic variance and favoring novel evolutionary
trajectories in changing environments (DeMarais et al.
1992; Dowling and Secor 1997; Brelsford et al. 2011) but
can also result in the extinction of a parental species when
selection favors the persistence of hybrids (Rhymer and
Simberloff 1996; Seehausen 2006; Taylor et al. 2006). Speciation can thus occur “in reverse” when selection for
extreme phenotypes is removed and interspecific hybrids
326 The American Naturalist
maintain or increase fitness of parental types (Gow et al.
2006; Seehausen 2006; Taylor et al. 2006).
It is widely recognized that hybridization is common,
but there is still debate about the role of hybridization for
speciation and extinction and whether hybrid offspring
generally have lower fitness (Mallet 2007, 2008; Grant and
Grant 2010). What is the mechanism and function of hybridization? To test hypotheses, we need more examples
of hybridization patterns in the field with multiple sources
of evidence such as behavioral, molecular, and fitness measures. Randler (2006) outlined five major hypotheses to
predict the occurrence and frequency of avian hybridization, which can be summarized as (1) a size-difference
hypothesis, with less hybridization when there are mechanical barriers to reproduction; (2) a sexual selection
hypothesis, with more hybridization in the absence of sexual dichromatism; (3) scarcity of conspecifics, which predicts hybridization is initiated by the rare species (Grant
and Grant 1997); (4) a paternal-care hypothesis, with more
hybridization if females choose species that provide more
paternal care; and (5) a parapatric distribution hypothesis
that predicts stronger female discrimination in sympatry
and hence less hybridization in sympatric than in parapatric species. A comparative approach with 65 phylogenetically independent avian hybrid types showed that hybridization was more common in parapatric species pairs,
in species pairs with less parental care, and when at least
one of the hybridizing species pairs was endangered (Randler 2006).
Another more recent hypothesis for the occurrence and
frequency of hybridization is parasite-mediated selection
for hybrids, reviewed in Karvonen and Seehausen (2012).
According to this hypothesis, hybrid offspring have an
immunological advantage through novel genetic combinations against detrimental parasites and experience lower
parasite prevalence and/or susceptibility (Tompkins et al.
2006). Several studies support this hypothesis. Hybrid offspring in sticklebacks (Rauch et al. 2006), red-crowned
parakeets (Tompkins et al. 2006), collared and pied flycatchers (Wiley et al. 2009), white-crowned sparrows
(MacDougall-Shackleton et al. 2005), and mice (Fritz
1999; Moulia 1999) had intermediate or reduced parasite
prevalence and susceptibility (Karvonen and Seehausen
2012), though other studies have shown lower hybrid viability in relation to disease (e.g., MacDougall-Shackleton
et al. 2002, 2005; Goldberg et al. 2005).
Here we test the mechanism and function of annual
patterns of hybridization in sympatric Darwin’s finches
(Camarhynchus parvulus, Camarhynchus pauper, Camarhynchus psittacula) on Floreana Island. This model system
has several key characteristics for testing hybridization hypotheses (Randler 2006; Karvonen and Seehausen 2012):
(1) the three tree finch species differ in body size, as evident
from their common names: small (C. parvulus), medium
(C. pauper), and large (C. psittacula) tree finch (Lack 1947;
Bowman 1963; Grant 1999); (2) the three species have the
same pattern of parental care and the same pattern of
dichromatism, whereby older males have a black head and
females are creamy brown (Lack 1947; Grant 1999; Kleindorfer 2007); (3) the species differ in population status:
common (small tree finch), critically endangered (medium
tree finch), and rare (large tree finch; O’Connor et al.
2010c, 2010d); (4) an introduced parasite Philornis downsi
(discovered in finch nests in 1997) is causing 27%–98%
annual nestling mortality on Floreana Island in all three
species (Fessl et al. 2001; Dudaniec and Kleindorfer 2006;
O’Connor et al. 2010a, 2010b, 2010d); and (5) parasite
intensity varies with finch body size, with larger-bodied
finches having higher P. downsi intensity (Dudaniec et al.
2007). Within the small tree finch, larger individuals with
larger nests had more parasites, which suggests selection
for smaller nest and body size (Kleindorfer and Dudaniec
2009). Several species of Darwin’s finches have had population declines of 40%–70% from 2004 to 2008, which
may be partly explained by the impacts of P. downsi on
Santa Cruz and Floreana Islands (O’Connor et al. 2010c;
Dvorak et al. 2012).
The three Camarhyncus species on Floreana Island are
of special interest because Lack (1947) singled them out
as a paradigmatic example of successful speciation in Darwin’s finches. The medium tree finch probably originated
from a “small morph” of the large tree finch from Isabela
Island, which was either followed by (Lack 1947) or preceded by (Grant 1999) separate colonization events of
“large morph” large tree finches from Santa Cruz Island
and small tree finches from another island. The presence
of all three Camarhynchus species was confirmed by the
work of Ridgeway (1890), and all these species are presumed to have remained in sympatry ever since (Lack
1947; Grant 1999; Grant and Grant 2008; Christensen and
Kleindorfer 2009; O’Connor et al. 2010c; 2010d). Evidence
that we present here, however, suggests that these three
species may represent a case of evolution in reverse; on
Floreana Island, the large tree finch may have become
extinct in recent years due to hybridization with other
Camarhynchus species.
To resolve these and other questions, we examine patterns of hybridization across the three sympatric Camarhynchus tree finches during the 2005 and 2010 breeding
seasons. We have three main aims: (1) to characterize patterns of hybridization in years that differ markedly in parasite intensity and rainfall; (2) to test predictions about
the mechanism and function of hybridization; and (3) to
determine whether the large tree finch has become extinct
on Floreana Island through a process of reverse evolution.
A drought occurred on the Galápagos Archipelago from
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 327
2000 to 2007, while there was high rainfall from 2008 to
2010. We have previously shown that two factors correlate
positively with P. downsi intensity: high rainfall and larger
finch body size (Dudaniec et al. 2007; Kleindorfer and
Dudaniec 2009). We first test if parasite intensity is higher
during a high-rainfall year, as predicted from Dudaniec et
al. (2007). If parasite-mediated selection confers hybrid
individuals with a fitness advantage, we predict: (1) more
hybridization during conditions of high parasite intensity
(high-rainfall period: 2010) than during conditions of low
parasite intensity (low-rainfall period: 2005); (2) lower P.
downsi intensity in hybrid nests; and (3) higher recruitment of hybrid individuals than large-bodied individuals
into the breeding population in years of high parasite intensity compared with years of low parasite intensity.
Given the hypothesis that hybridization is facilitated by
female choice and occurs more frequently in rare species
(Wirtz 1999; Randler 2002), we also test the following
predictions: (1) disassortative pairing whereby females of
the rare (large tree finch) and critically endangered (medium tree finch) species will be paired with males of the
common species (small tree finch) and not vice versa; (2)
female-to-male size will show a pattern of neutral or positive assortative pairing in the small tree finch, but disassortative pairing in the medium and large tree finches; and
(3) there will be a higher proportion of unpaired rare males
than common males. Finally, we compare our morphological data collected in 2005 and 2010 with the historical
data for the three Camarhynchus species collected between
1852 and 1906 and previously analyzed by David Lack
(1947; for additional information on Darwin finch historical museum collections, see Parker et al. 2011).
Material and Methods
Species Sampling and Study Sites
The three focal species were Darwin’s small tree finch,
medium tree finch, and large tree finch (fig. A1; figs. A1–
A3 available online), which occur in sympatry in the highland Scalesia forest of Floreana Island, Galápagos Archipelago. We collected blood samples during the onset of
the breeding season from January to April 2005 and 2010.
Our 2005 study occurred during a period of extended
drought (2000–2007); our 2010 study occurred during
a period of high rainfall (2008–2012; Charles Darwin
Foundation Meteorological Database: http://datazone
.darwinfoundation.org/climate/; Charles Darwin Foundation 2012). Finches were captured in mist-nets and subsequently banded with a numbered aluminium band and
a unique combination of color bands. Mist-netting was
along a walking trail (site area p 2.4 km2) through a native
Scalesia forest at the base of Cerro Pajas Volcano (1⬚17′43S,
90⬚27′23W) between 300 and 400 m elevation (described
in O’Connor et al. 2010a). Each year we placed six 12-m
mist-nets along the walking trail between 0530 and 1100
hours, sampled the location once, and moved all nets farther up the trail into a new adjacent area the next day.
The population status for the three focal species on Floreana Island is as follows: the small tree finch is most
common (∼3,700 individuals), the medium tree finch is
endemic to Floreana Island and is critically endangered
(International Union for Conservation of Nature redlisted; !1,700 individuals), and the large tree finch is rare
(!500 individuals; O’Connor et al. 2010c).
Morphology and Age
We measured the following morphological traits per bird:
(1) beak-head (beak tip to back of head), (2) beak-naris
(beak tip to anterior end of the naris), (3) beak-feather
(tip of beak to feather line), (4) beak depth (at the base
of the beak), (5) beak width (at the base of the beak), (6)
naris diameter (taken from extremes of naris opening),
(7) tarsus length, (8) wing length, and (9) body mass.
Morphological measurements were taken to the nearest
0.01 mm using dial calipers. Mass was measured to the
nearest 0.01 g using Telinga electronic scales. All measurements were taken by S. Kleindorfer in 2005 (N p 94)
and by both S. Kleindorfer (N p 23) and J. A. O’Connor
(N p 84) in 2010. For the eight morphological traits,
reliabilities for morphological measurements (per species)
between S. Kleindorfer and J. A. O’Connor in 2010 (r)
ranged from 0.91 (for beak-head) to 0.99 (for wing length),
with a mean r of 0.96 (n p 15 birds). We assigned individuals to a tentative species inferred from body size
(small, intermediate, large) in the field using morphological data that we collected from 2004 and in consultation
with data tables in Lack (1947). Both researchers agreed
on species classifications.
Male tree finches (Camarhynchus spp.) can be aged
based on the proportion of black plumage on the crown
and chin (Kleindorfer 2007). Males become progressively
black-headed with each annual molt until attaining a fully
black head and crown at age 5⫹ years. Females remain
olive green throughout their lives. We aged males based
on the discrete annual plumage categories, whereby males
with no black head (black 0) were analyzed as yearling
males; males with increasing black (black 1–3) as 1, 2, and
3 years old; males with a fully black head as 4 years old
(black 4); and males with fully black head and chin (black
5) as at least 5 years old (precise plumage measurements
per age class category are given in Kleindorfer 2007). Because Darwin’s tree finches can live up to 14 years, males
with a fully black head and chin may be between 5 and
328 The American Naturalist
14 years of age (S. Kleindorfer, unpublished data; Grant
and Grant 2008).
Historical Morphology
David Lack (1947) measured the museum collections of
Darwin finch specimens that were collected between 1852
and 1906. Most of the birds that Lack measured came
from the 1905–1906 collection at the California Academy
of Sciences. For this study, we use the historical data analyzed by Lack, which has been made available on the
website BIRDD: Beagle Investigations Return with Darwinian Data, http://www.bioquest.org/birdd/morph.php
(BIRDD). We refer to the D. Lack sample as historical data
from the 1900s (although the samples were from 1852 to
1906). We compare our measurements (2005, 2010) with
those of D. Lack (1852–1906) using one-way ANOVA. The
historical sample size is as follows: small tree finch males
(N p 87), females (N p 38); medium tree finch males
(N p 80), females (N p 62); and large tree finch males
(N p 4), females (N p 13).
Morphological Data Analysis
We used two methods to analyze the contemporary (S.
O’Connor and J. A. Kleindorfer, 2005 and 2010) morphological data: (1) a model-based unsupervised clustering
method using MCLUST, version 4.0, for R (Fraley et al.
2012); and (2) multivariate analyses (MANOVA) of mean
morphological measurements between the three putative
species (using SPSS for Mac, ver. 17.0). For the historical
data, we used MCLUST only but compared the three morphological traits (beak-naris, beak depth, and wing length)
to those of contemporary birds using one-way ANOVAs.
Females were excluded from morphological analyses because (1) sample sizes were small and variable by year
(10%–37% of N per species per year); and (2) their measurements were significantly smaller compared to males.
We used MCLUST software to identify morphological
clusters that were present on Floreana Island in each year
(2005 and 2010) using principal components scores for
beak size (derived from the following variables: beak-head,
beak-feather, beak-naris, beak depth, beak width) and
body size (derived from wing length and tarsus variables).
The program fits the observed frequency distribution to
10 alternative models, and the “best” model is taken to
be the one with the highest Bayesian Information Criterion
(BIC). Using MANOVA, we examined differences in mean
morphological measurements of the remaining seven measured traits with the fixed factors (1) putative species or
(2) genetic population (see below), with separate analyses
for each year.
Blood Sample Collection
We collected blood samples in 2005 and 2010 from 94 and
107 tree finches, respectively. The sample size for each
species and sex (M p male, F p female, U p unknown
sex) per year is 2005: small morph Camarhynchus parvulus
N p 62 (M p 44, F p 18), intermediate morph Camarhynchus pauper N p 24 (M p 19, F p 4, U p 1),
and large morph Camarhynchus psittacula N p 8 (M p
5, F p 3); and 2010: small morph C. parvulus N p 46
(M p 32, F p 12, U p 2), intermediate morph C. pauper
N p 32 (M p 27, F p 3, U p 2), large morph C.
psittacula N p 29 (M p 24, F p 3, U p 2). We preserved
the blood samples using Whatman FTA paper.
Genotyping and Microsatellite Characteristics
DNA was extracted from Whatman FTA paper using the
protocol in Galligan et al. (2012). We genotyped 201 individuals at 10 autosomal microsatellite loci: Gf01, Gf03,
Gf04, Gf05, Gf06, Gf07, Gf09, Gf11, Gf12, Gf13 (Petren
1998). Polymerase chain reaction amplification followed
Galligan et al. (2012). An Applied Biosystems ABI-3770
automated sequencer provided genotypes that were manually scored with Genemapper, version 4.0 (Applied Biosystems). We excluded juvenile finch samples to minimize
the use of genetically related individuals. We tested linkage disequilibrium for each locus by putative population
using GENEPOP v4.0.10 and assessed significance (P !
.01) after Bonferroni correction (Rice 1989). Locus pairs
in linkage disequilibrium were further assessed using Linkdos software (Garnier-Gere and Dillman 1992; http://
genepop.curtin.edu.au/linkdos.html), which estimates the
correlation coefficient rLD (Black and Krafsur 1985) and is
correlated with the distance between loci (Kaeuffer et al.
2007). An rLD of !0.3 (with P ! .05) indicates a distance
between loci greater than 3 cM, which is sufficient distance
that any linkage effect does not bias clustering analyses
(Pritchard and Wen 2004). The number of alleles (NA),
expected and observed heterozygosity (HE, HO), and pairwise FST (Weir and Cockerham 1984) were calculated for
each locus by putative population and globally for each
locus (table A1; tables A1–A5) using GENEPOP v4.0.10
(Raymond and Rousset 1995; Rousset 2008) and
GENALEX v6.1 (Peakall and Smouse 2006).
Population Genetic Structure and Hybridization
We determined population structure using the Bayesian
clustering method implemented in STRUCTURE v2.3.2
(Pritchard et al. 2000; Falush et al. 2007; Hubisz et al.
2009). We used the correlated allele frequencies option
and the admixture model, with the latter allowing indi-
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 329
viduals to have partial ancestry in each cluster. We set
allele frequency priors according to the data (mean p
0.15, SD p 0.05, l p 1) and ran 10 Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) replicates for K p 1–10. We expected the
degree of admixture to be relatively low, so we set a at
0.5. We tested the suitability of these priors, with attention
to a and l, by comparing convergence dynamics of multiple MCMC chains (1 # 105 MCMC iterations for K p
1–6) for a range of priors that included our custom priors
and the default STRUCTURE priors. The results supported
the use of our custom priors and chains appeared to converge with mixing within 8 # 104 MCMC iterations; therefore, we chose a relatively conservative burn-in of 1 #
105 MCMC iterations for all further runs. Exploration of
the data for consistency across longer and shorter chains
for a range of K indicated that a chain length of 5 # 105
MCMC iterations was most appropriate. Using our optimized burn-in length (1 # 105 iterations) and MCMC
length (5 # 105 iterations), we ran 10 MCMC replicates
for Kp1–6. We used two methods to infer the correct
number of clusters: (1) the mean log likelihood method
of Pritchard et al. (2000); and (2) the delta K method of
Evanno et al. (2005), which involves calculating a quantity
based on the second-order rate of change of the likelihood
function with respect to K. As we have relatively few loci,
we were concerned that differentiation between populations may be more difficult to detect, so we also implemented the LOCPRIOR model in STRUCTURE, which
uses a modified prior distribution for clustering that allows
the distribution of cluster assignments to vary by putative
population (Hubisz et al. 2009), or in this case, by putative
field-assigned species. Assignment probabilities to each
cluster were averaged over the 10 MCMC replicates. Due
to the close phylogenetic relationship between our three
putative species (Petren et al. 1999; Sato et al. 1999), we
chose an arbitrary assignment cutoff value of 0.75 to each
cluster. Individuals with assignment probabilities !0.75
were considered of hybrid origin. We calculated the percentage of assignments to each cluster (ⳲSE) as an average
across all runs for the best value of K.
Simulations to Assess Hybrid Assignment Power
The most likely number of clusters was K p 2 for both
2005 and 2010 analyses, and clusters corresponded to small
and large beak morphs (see “Results”). To validate the use
of our 0.75 assignment cutoff to cluster 1 and cluster 2
and therefore our ability to assign individuals to a hybrid
class using our data, we ran STRUCTURE analyses using
20 simulated data sets created in HybridLab, version 1.0
(Nielsen et al. 2006), 10 for each year (2005 and 2010).
HybridLab draws alleles randomly as a function of their
estimated frequency distributions, assuming linkage equi-
librium among loci, selective neutrality, and random mating. STRUCTURE runs were identical to those used with
the real data, using both the standard admixture and LOCPRIOR models but carried out for K p 2 only. These runs
differed from the analyses with real data both in terms of
the proportional composition of pure and hybrid genotypes and in pure genotypes being in perfect Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibria, which is unlikely in real data
(Stark et al. 2011). Each data set consisted of 100 parent
1 individuals (simulated from cluster 1), 100 parent 2
individuals (simulated from cluster 2), and 100 F1 hybrids
(with parents as cluster 1 and cluster 2). Assignment probabilities were averaged across runs for each data set, and
then averaged across data sets. The proportion of individuals correctly assigned to their simulated class (parent
1, parent 2, F1 hybrid) with a cutoff of 0.75 was assessed
and, therefore, the estimated error of our genetic assignments. The lack of a defined pure parental species and the
high levels of admixture across the three putative species
precluded us from differentiation among classes of hybrids
beyond the F1 generation, and thus from obtaining meaningful results from other molecular hybridization analysis
Rainfall and Philornis downsi Intensity
Rainfall on the Galápagos Islands tends to alternate between prolonged La Niña periods of low rainfall (2–11
years) and brief El Niño periods of high rainfall (1–2 years;
Snell and Rea 1999). Because we collected data between
January to March, we analyze parasite intensity in relation
to rainfall between January to March (Charles Darwin
Foundation 2012). In our study, 2010 was a high-rainfall
year (∼600 mm) and 2005 was a low-rainfall year (∼300
mm). For comparison, we provide the highland rainfall
data from January to March for several years, including
2004 (144 mm), 2005 (332 mm), 2008 (1,340 mm), 2010
(635 mm), and 2012 (672 mm). A previous study showed
that P. downsi intensity per nest increased with high rainfall
(Dudaniec et al. 2007). Therefore, we tested the prediction
that P. downsi intensity would be higher in 2010 (highrainfall year) than in 2005 (low-rainfall year). We have a
standardized protocol to sample P. downsi from finch nests
at our study sites: daily transects are searched for active
nests; nests are monitored for nesting outcome every 2 days;
after a completed nesting attempt, nests are dismantled to
collect and count P. downsi larvae; chick age at death is
noted (Dudaniec and Kleindorfer 2006; Fessl et al. 2006).
We retrospectively analyzed P. downsi intensity in relation
to genetic population. The sample size for P. downsi intensity
in relation to genetic assignment is: 18 nests assigned to
genetic population 1, 17 nests assigned to the hybrid cluster,
and 8 nests assigned to genetic population 2. For this anal-
330 The American Naturalist
ysis, we used 11 nests sampled in 2012 (high-rainfall year)
for which we have data on P. downsi intensity as well as
parental genotypes, the latter which were sampled (and
color-banded) in 2010 and assigned to a genetic population. The sample size per year is as follows: genetic population 1 (2005 p 6, 2010 p 10, 2012 p 2), hybrid cluster
(2005 p 5, 2010 p 6, 2012 p 6), and genetic population
2 (2005 p 3, 2010 p 2, 2012 p 2).
and had high factor loadings for beak length (0.90), beak
depth (0.95), and beak width (0.88); the derived PC body
factor scores explained 57% of the variance and had high
factor loadings for female tarsus length (0.76) and wing
length (0.76).
Female Choice for Heterospecific Males
All data used to produce figure and tables for this manuscript are deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository:
http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.t6j52 (Kleindorfer et al.
There are two common predictions for female preferences
in hybridizing populations: (1) females of the rarer species
prefer larger heterospecific males, perhaps because they
are a super stimulus (Wirtz 1999) or can control more
resources (Pierotti and Annett 1993); or (2) females of the
rare species have few males to choose as mates and are
therefore more likely to pair with males of the common
species (Grant and Grant 2002). In this study, rare females
are larger bodied and common males are smaller bodied.
We test assortative pairing in relation to female body size
to test whether rare, large-bodied females are paired with
large-bodied rare males or with small-bodied common
males. We analyze the data for each putative species (based
on the morphology ranges in table A2), and separately for
population genetic assignment. We compare assortative
pairing outcome based on female attributes given that females choose a male partner in this study system. The
sample size for assortative pairing per sampling year is as
follows. During the low-rainfall year (2005), we have morphological data for the male and female in 9 pairs from
genetic population 1; 2 pairs from the hybrid cluster; and
5 pairs from genetic population 2. During the high-rainfall
year (2010), we have morphological data for the male and
female in 5 pairs from genetic population 1; 11 pairs from
the hybrid cluster; and 3 pairs from genetic population 2.
Pairs were identified if both male and female birds at a
nest had color bands; we cross-referenced the morphology
measurements and genetic assignment for the colorbanded birds. To test the prediction that larger females
paired with smaller males, rather than smaller females with
larger males, we compared the size difference in male and
female partners using derived body size scores from principal components (PC) analysis. A positive score indicates
that the female in the pair was larger (beak, body), and a
negative score indicates that the male in the pair was larger
(beak, body). In males, the derived PC beak factor scores
explained 83% of the variance and had high factor loadings
for beak length (0.89), beak depth (0.92), and beak width
(0.92); the derived PC body factor scores explained 78%
of the variance and had high factor loadings for male tarsus
length (0.88) and wing length (0.88). In females, the derived PC beak factor scores explained 83% of the variance
Data and Results
Our subjective classification into species category, informed by D. Lack’s measurements and based on morphological measurements in the field, resulted in three
morphologically distinguishable populations and a statistically significant interaction term species # year
(MANOVA: F16, 236 p 3.93, P ! .001; Wilks’s l p 0.62;
fig. 1, table A2). The purported species showed patterns
of morphology in accordance with their common name:
morphology was smallest in the “small tree finch,” intermediate in the “medium tree finch,” and largest in the
“large tree finch.”
In contrast to our subjective analysis of morphological
classification, which seemed to identify three species,
MCLUST analyses found support for two and three morphological clusters (table A3). There was a morphological
gap between the two clusters in 2005, but by 2010 the
morphological gap was occupied by individuals with “intermediate” morphology (fig. 2). MCLUST provides BIC
values for the top three models that best fitted the data
in terms of cluster size, shape, and orientation (but also
provides BIC values for all 10 models under 1- to 9-cluster
scenarios). In 2005, differences in BIC values (D ≤ 0.49)
for the top three models showed substantial support for
both two- and three-cluster models. Specifically, differences in BIC values (DBIC) were 0.13 and 0.49 for alternative three-cluster and two-cluster solutions, respectively.
In 2010 there was strong support for a two-cluster model,
weaker support for one-cluster models (D 1 2.57), and no
support for a three-cluster model (D 1 7; table A3. As
large tree finches, in the period studied by Lack (1888–
1906), never constituted more than 3% of the total tree
finch population (and represent only 19% of the fieldassigned classifications in the modern sample), clustering
models will tend to underrepresent three-cluster models,
owing to low statistical power.
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 331
Beak Size (factor scores)
Locus Characteristics and Genetic Diversity
Historical Data
(David Lack, 1900s)
Beak Size (factor scores)
Contemporary Data (2005)
Significant departure from linkage disequilibrium was detected for one locus pair (Gf09 and Gf11), although it was
only detected in a single putative species in a single sampling period. The rLD for this locus pair was !0.3 (P ! .05),
indicating a probable distance of greater than 3 cM between loci. Therefore, we chose to retain these loci in
further analyses. The loci Gf09 and Gf11 also showed deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) across
three and two of the putative species, respectively, in 2010
only, with large heterozygote deficit (table A1) and these
loci were excluded from further analyses. Six of the remaining eight loci (Gf01, Gf03, Gf04, Gf07, Gf09, Gf11)
showed significant departure from HWE (P ! .01), although three of these loci departed from HWE in only a
single putative species (table A1). All six loci showed heterozygote deficiency (table A1). Because we expected our
data to contain hybrids that would influence Hardy-Weinberg dynamics, we interpreted these results cautiously and
proceeded with analyses using all loci. All loci have previously been used successfully in Darwin’s finches (Petren
1998; Petren et al. 1999, 2005; Galligan et al. 2012). Missing
data ranged between 1% and 8% across loci. Across all
individuals, the number of alleles per locus ranged from
3 to 20 (mean 10.1 Ⳳ SE 1.6) and expected heterozygosity
ranged from 0.08 to 0.9 (mean 0.56 Ⳳ SE 0.09).
Genetic Population Assignment
Beak Size (factor scores)
Contemporary Data (2010)
Small tree finch
Medium tree finch
Large tree finch
Wing Length (mm)
Figure 1: The relationship between wing length (mm) and beak size
(principal components factor scores) for individual tree finches on
Floreana Island shown per putative species assignment at the time
of measurement in the field for data analyzed by D. Lack (N p 171
males, 1900s; A), S. Kleindorfer and J. O’Connor (N p 76 males,
2005; B), and S. Kleindorfer and J. O’Connor (N p 83 males, 2010;
C). The confusion over reliable morphological distinctions in the
contemporary tree finch populations was the impetus for the subsequent genetic analyses.
Estimates of the logarithm of probability of the data for
K p 1–6 were maximal for K p 2 under the standard
admixture model (FST between clusters p 0.16, P ! .001)
(fig. A2). Applying the LOCPRIOR model to our data,
estimates of the logarithm of probability of the data for
K p 1–6 were also maximal for K p 2 (FST between
clusters p 0.10, P ! .001) (fig. A3). As the standard admixture and LOCPRIOR models both estimated the most
likely number of genetic clusters to be K p 2, we conclude
that the inclusion of putative population information in
the model did not overly influence clustering. Hence we
chose to interpret the individual ancestry assignments provided by the LOCPRIOR model, which can often provide
more accurate inference of individual ancestry in data sets
where the signal of structure is weak (Pritchard et al. 2009).
Clusters (defined by the 0.75 cutoff value) were generally
representative of groups of putative populations; cluster
one (hereafter, genetic population 1) contained the majority of individuals from putative small tree finch (Camarhynchus parvulus) from 2005 and 2010, and cluster
two (hereafter, genetic population 2) contained the majority of individuals from putative medium tree finch (Camarhynchus pauper) from 2005 and putative large tree
332 The American Naturalist
Beak Size (factor scores)
finch (Camarhynchus psittacula) from 2005 and 2010,
while the majority of individuals from putative Camarhynchus pauper from 2010 showed intermediate memberships
(assigned to the category “hybrid”; table 1). Each genetic
cluster and the hybrid cluster contained between 1 and 8
private alleles (table A4). There was a significant association between putative species and genetic population
(x2 p 155.31, df p 4, 201, P ! .001).
Historical Data
(David Lack, 1900s)
Validating Hybrid Assignment
Wing Length (mm)
Beak Size (factor scores)
Contemporary Data (2005)
Across all simulated data sets (n p 10) and runs (5 per
data set) without using population information (i.e., no
LOCPRIOR) in the program STRUCTURE, the percentage
of F1 hybrids correctly assigned to their class of origin was
70% Ⳳ 0.6%. Of the incorrectly assigned individuals,
15.4% Ⳳ 0.4% were assigned to parent 1 and 14.4 Ⳳ
0.5% were assigned to parent 2 with a probability 1 0.75.
This suggests that up to approximately 30% of individuals
assigned to either of the parental genetic clusters in the
STRUCTURE analysis using the real data could potentially
be incorrectly assigned and instead warrant hybrid status.
For individuals in the parent 1 category (derived from
“small morph” genetic cluster), 86.7% Ⳳ 0.56% were successfully assigned, and for those in the parent 2 category
(“large morph” genetic cluster), 85.0% Ⳳ 0.39% were
successfully assigned with a probability 1 0.75. Just 0.2%
and 0.1% of individuals were incorrectly assigned to parent
1 and parent 2, respectively, while the remainder of misassigned individuals were of hybrid status (!0.75). With
LOCPRIOR activated in the analyses, all individuals were
assigned to their category of origin with 100% success and
assignment probabilities 10.9 for parent 1 and parent 2.
Body Size (factor scores)
Comparing Morphology and Age per Genetic Population
Beak Size (factor scores)
Contemporary Data (2010)
Figure 3 shows the relationship between body size (using
PC body factor scores) and beak size (using PC beak factor scores) per genetic population (MANOVA F16, 352 p
Body Size (factor scores)
Figure 2: Morphological clusters identified by MCLUST. Shown are
morphological data (males only) analyzed by D. Lack (N p 171,
1888–1906; A), Kleindorfer and O’Connor (N p 76, 2005; B), and
Kleindorfer and O’Connor (N p 83, 2010; C). The small-bodied
finches are represented by filled circles, intermediate-sized finches by
crosses, and large-bodied finches by filled triangles. Component
means are marked by an asterisk at the center of each ellipse, and
ellipses with axes indicate covariances. Wing length (mm) and principal components scores for derived beak size were used as input
variables for A. Principal components scores for derived beak size
and body size were entered as input variable in B, C. This method
identified three morphological clusters in historical data (A) and
either two or three clusters in contemporary data, depending on the
year sampled (B, C).
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 333
Table 1: Percentage membership of a field-identified putative species (purported
small, medium, and large tree finch) to a genetic population
Pop 1
Pop 2
Pop 1
Pop 2
Standard admixture:
Pop 1
Pop 2
Pop 1
Pop 2
Small tree finch
(% [N])
Medium tree finch
(% [N])
Large tree finch
(% [N])
61 (38)
39 (24)
92 (22)
8 (2)
100 (8)
2 (1)
48 (22)
50 (23)
3 (1)
3 (1)
94 (30)
97 (28)
3 (1)
31 (19)
5 (3)
65 (40)
4 (1)
58 (14)
38 (9)
0 (0)
38 (3)
63 (5)
29 (13)
7 (3)
64 (29)
19 (6)
9 (3)
72 (23)
0 (0)
67 (20)
33 (10)
Note: The genetic population membership percentage was based on mean STRUCTURE assignment (LOCPRIOR model, standard admixture model) across 10 runs at K p 2. The assignments were for genetic population 1 (Pop 1), genetic population 2 (Pop 2), or hybrid cluster
(probability of assignment ! 0.75). N p population size.
20.78, P p ! .001; Wilks’s l p 0.26, partial h2 p 0.49)
and year (F8, 176 p 7.08, P p ! .001; Wilks’s l p 0.76,
partial h2 p 0.24). The interaction effect was not significant (F16, 352 p 1.37, P p .15; Wilks’s l p 0.89, partial
h2 p 0.06). Genetic population 1 predominantly contained
individuals with small morphology, whereas large individuals were mostly assigned to genetic population 2 (fig. 3;
table 2). Individuals with mixed assignments (hybrid cluster) between the two populations had intermediate morphology (fig. 3; table 2).
There was no significant difference in morphology comparing low- and high-rainfall years (2005, 2010) for genetic
population 1 (PC beak: t p 0.91, df p 44, P p .37; PC
body: t p ⫺1.01, df p 43, P p .32) or genetic population
2 (PC beak: t p 0.36, df p 44, P p .72; PC body: t p
⫺0.51, df p 44, P p .61). But birds in the hybrid cluster
in 2010 were significantly larger than in 2005 (PC beak:
t p ⫺1.49, df p 57, P p .14; PC body: t p ⫺2.56,
df p 56, P p .01; table 2).
Recruitment into the breeding population was significantly different across years in relation to population genetic assignment (fig. 4). We examined recruitment as the
proportion of yearling males that were singing at a nest
to attract a female. In 2005, there was no significant difference in the proportion of yearling males and older males
(5⫹ years of age) between genetic population 1, hybrid
cluster, and genetic population 2 (see fig. 4; x2 p 2.48,
df p 2, 13, P p .29). But by 2010, there was a significant
difference, with more yearling males in genetic population
1 (7.1% vs. 21.1%) and the hybrid cluster (0% vs. 14.6%)
and more older males in genetic population 2 (20.8% vs.
61.5%; fig. 4; x2 p 12.07, df p 2, 36, P p .002). More
specifically, yearling hybrids had higher recruitment in the
2010 population than did nonhybrids (x2 p 4.20, dfp1,
14, P p .04).
Size-Assortative Pairing
There were no significant differences in assortative pairing
across low- and high-rainfall years for genetic population
1 (PC beak: t p 0.07, P p .94; PC body: t p ⫺0.19, P p
.85) or the hybrid cluster (PC beak: t p ⫺0.61, P p .56;
PC body: t p 0.24, P p .81). But for genetic population
2, females were significantly larger than males during the
high-rainfall versus low-rainfall years (PC beak:
t p ⫺1.15, P p .36; PC body: t p ⫺3.05, P p .023; fig.
5). Further evidence that female choice for smaller males
is driving our observed pattern of hybridization is that
67.0% (18/27) of males assigned to genetic population 2
(rare birds with large morphology) were unpaired, and
just 15.2% (5/33) of males assigned to genetic population
1 (common birds with small morphology) were unpaired
(x2 p 16.67, P ! .001).
334 The American Naturalist
Beak Size (factor scores)
6). During the high-rainfall years (2010, 2012), genetic
population 2 had significantly higher parasite intensity
than genetic population 1 (P p .002) and the hybrid
cluster (P ! .001), with no significant difference between
genetic population 1 and hybrid cluster (P p .46; fig. 6).
Parasite intensity was higher during 2010 than 2005 for
genetic population 1 and genetic population 2 but remained constant across years for the hybrid cluster (fig.
Historical versus Contemporary Morphology
Beak Size (factor scores)
Genetic Population 1
Hybrid Cluster
Genetic Population 2
Both medium and large tree finches collected from 1852
to 1906 and later measured by D. Lack were larger than
those we measured in 2005 and 2010 (fig. 1; table A4).
Notably, despite larger sample sizes for the contemporary
data, we did not measure any finches that had beak morphology within the size range of historical large tree finches
(Lack 1947, app. 8). MCLUST analyses found evidence for
three distinct morphological clusters in Lack’s historical
data (fig. 2; table A3).
Body Size (factor scores)
Figure 3: The relationship between body size (principal components
factor scores) and beak size (principal components factor scores) for
individual tree finches on Floreana Island shown in relation to genetic
population for (A) 2005 (low-rainfall year; N p 76 males) and (B)
2010 (high-rainfall year; N p 83 males).
Parasite Intensity
Parasite intensity differed significantly in relation to year
(ANOVA; year: F1, 42 p 4.42, P p .042) and population
genetic assignment (genetic population 1 p small morphology, hybrid cluster p intermediate morphology, genetic population 2 p large morphology; genetic population: F2, 42 p 10.37, P ! .001) but not the interaction term
year # genetic population (interaction term: F2, 42 p 2.10,
P p .14). Using Tukey’s HSD posthoc tests, we found that
during the low-rainfall year in 2005, genetic population 2
(the largest morph) had the highest parasite intensity,
which was significantly greater than genetic population 1
(P p .038) and the hybrid cluster (P p .025). genetic
population 1 (i.e., small morph) did not differ significantly
in parasite intensity from the hybrid cluster (P p .91; fig.
The results presented here go to the heart of evolutionary
biology: by what criteria do we denote species, and by
what criteria do new species form or collapse? Here we
present evidence that three sympatric species of Darwin’s
tree finches in the 1900s have collapsed, under conditions
of hybridization, into two species by the 2000s. The proportion of yearling hybrid birds increased from 0% in 2005
to 14.6% in 2010, indicating a potential for elevated hybrid
fitness in this system. While hybrid nests had fewer Philornis downsi parasites, we do not infer that parasites were
the cause of the hybridization. Rather, in a novel environment, hybrid offspring may be favored (Grant et al.
2003, 2004)—especially if their phenotype and/or genotype provide(s) a fitness advantage in the face of a novel
parasite. There is widespread agreement that the benefits
of hybridization include increased genetic variance that
facilitates novel evolutionary trajectories in changing environments (Grant and Grant 1996a; Seehausen 2004).
Number of Morphological and Genetic Populations
In addition to species collapse via hybridization, we report
on the suspected extinction of the large tree finch (C.
psittacula) on Floreana Island. In the field, using our putative species categories, we identified three statistically
different morphological populations in 2005 and 2010.
Unsupervised cluster analysis of morphological data
strongly supported the presence of either two or three tree
finch populations in 2005 (DBIC ! 0.49) but only two
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 335
Table 2: Male morphological traits (mean Ⳳ SE) for each genetic assignment (genetic population 1, hybrid, genetic population 2)
in relation to study year
Population 1
Population 2
(N p 28) (N p 18) (N p 18) (N p 44) (N p 22) (N p 24)
Beak-head (mm)
Beak-feather (mm)
Beak-naris (mm)
Beak depth (mm)
Beak width (mm)
Tarsus (mm)
Wing (mm)
Mass (g)
Year # genetic
Note: We used MANOVA to test for the main effects year and genetic assignment and the interaction term. The F values are shown. The interaction term
year # genetic assignment was not significant for any morphological variable.
P ! .05.
P ! .001.
populations in 2010. Analyses of 2010 data showed weaker
support (DBIC 1 2.57) for a one-cluster solution, which
the authors do not perceive to be biologically plausible
given our understanding of morphological, behavioral,
and now genetic differences within the Floreana tree finch
group (Christensen and Kleindorfer 2009; O’Connor et al.
2010c, 2010d). The historical data showed three morphological populations using both methods (MCLUST and
MANOVA analyses).
The mean morphological trait values of the largest tree
finch comparing historical (1852–1906) versus contemporary (2005/2010) samples showed a significant reduction or absence of large-bodied tree finches. Globally, there
are many examples of bird species that are indistinguishable by morphology and differ only in song. In these cases,
song is an effective premating barrier (reviewed in
Kroodsma 2005; Price 2008; Toews and Irwin 2008).
Therefore, it is possible that there are three sympatric tree
finch species on Floreana Island that are morphologically
indistinguishable but differ in gene flow due to premating
reproductive barriers such as female choice for male song.
When we tested for evidence of reproductive isolation
among three populations, we found two genetic clusters
and hybrid individuals in both study years (2005, 2010).
Birds with small beak and body size were assigned to genetic population 1,whereas birds with large beak and body
size were assigned to genetic population 2. Individuals with
mixed genetic assignment, the hybrid cluster, occupied
novel intermediate morphological space in 2010.
There were twice as many hybrid individuals during the
high-rainfall year (2010, N p 44/107 p 41% hybrid birds)
than the low-rainfall year (2005, N p 18/94 p 19% hybrid
birds). During 2005, the hybrid males were mostly older
(38.9% black 4; 27.8% black 5) with 0% yearling males
in the population, whereas there were fewer older males
in genetic population 1 (11% black 5) and genetic population 2 (21% black 5; fig. 4). These data suggest that
the 2005 hybrids had survived from a previous period of
hybridization—perhaps the 1998 El Niño high-rainfall
year. In contrast, in 2010, there were more yearling males
for the hybrid cluster (14.6%) and none for genetic population 2 (0%) (fig. 4), showing hybrid recruitment following the high-rainfall conditions beginning in 2008.
Comparison with the Historical Data: Is the
Large Tree Finch Locally Extinct?
The historical data analyzed by D. Lack (published in
1947) further informs our interpretation of the tree finch
morphs on Floreana Island. Compared with what Lack
found, our largest field-identified large tree finches were
18% smaller. In the 2000s, mean beak-naris length in large
tree finches was 9.0 mm compared with 9.9 mm in the
1900s (Lack 1947). In the 2000s, the large tree finch beaknaris size (9.0 mm) was comparable to Lack’s medium
tree finch (9.0 mm), the medium tree finch (8.3 mm) was
smaller than Lack’s medium tree finch (9.0 mm), but the
small tree finch beak-naris size remained very similar (7.3
and 7.4 mm, respectively). These comparisons elucidate
our observations, and raise several scenarios. Scenario 1:
the large tree finch is so rare that we did not capture any.
Scenario 2: the large tree finch is extinct, with just small
and medium tree finches being extant (i.e., we incorrectly
believed that we had sampled large tree finches). Scenario
3: the large tree finch and medium tree finch have both
experienced directional selection for smaller body size and
still persist today. The absence of genetic and morphological differentiation provides only weak support for sce-
336 The American Naturalist
Yearling Males (%)
Yearling Males (Black 0)
Older Males (Black 5)
Older Males (%)
term field observations since 2004, we suggest that scenarios 1 or 2 are most plausible—namely, that the large
tree finch is either very rare or extinct from our sampling
sites on Floreana Island. We will argue from this point
forward that the contemporary “large” tree finch we identified is actually the extant medium tree finch and that the
medium tree finch we identified is now bimodal with the
intermediate morph finches arising through hybridization
with small tree finches. We have no evidence for the persistence of the large tree finch on Floreana Island (K. J.
Peters et al., unpublished manuscript), despite having previously published results on three morphological categories (labeled as the three recognized species) that differed
in foraging behavior (Christensen and Kleindorfer 2009).
We suspect that our observed shift from three to two morphological clusters occurred after the high-rainfall period
from 2008 onward. Christensen and Kleindorfer (2009)
reported on foraging behavior during 2005 and 2006 in
small tree finch, medium tree finch, and large tree finch,
but the new evidence provided here suggests they were
more likely reporting on small tree finch, hybrid, and medium tree finch individuals. Therefore, this foraging data
requires reanalysis for color-banded and genotyped birds.
Evidence for Hybridization
Our genetic data were strikingly congruent with our morphological cluster analysis, showing evidence for species
Population 1
Population 2
Genetic Population
Figure 4: The proportion of (A) yearling (N p 14) and (B) older
(5⫹ years of age; N p 39) males in the tree finch population at the
time of mist-netting during 2005 and 2010. In 2005, the sample size
was as follows for yearling and older males: hybrid cluster (N p 0,
5), genetic population 1 (N p 2, 3), and genetic population 2 (N p
2, 5). In 2010, the sample size was as follows for yearling and older
males: hybrid cluster (N p 6, 4), genetic population 1 (N p 4, 6),
and genetic population 2 (N p 0, 16).
nario 3, unless there is a plastic species assemblage that
appears and reappears. Despite most reference books listing the large tree finch as breeding on Floreana Island (see
also Grant and Grant 2008), Peter Grant and Rosemary
Grant have both indicated doubt as to the long-term persistence of large tree finches on Floreana Island (personal
communication, P. Grant and R. Grant). Notably, the large
tree finch has not been found in fossilized form on Floreana Island (Steadman 1986); but fossils have been collected only from the lowlands of Floreana Island where
large tree finches rarely occur. Thus, the absence of the
large tree finch in Steadman’s fossil series is not unexpected, as noted by Steadman (1986). Based on our long-
Female vs. Male Body Size
Population 1
Population 2
Genetic Population
Figure 5: The difference (mean Ⳳ SE) in body size (principal components body factor scores) in male and female pairs shown for each
genetic population. A value close to zero indicates size-assortative
pairing, whereas high positive values indicate that the pair female
was larger than the pair male. Genetic population 1 (N p 14) and
the hybrid cluster (N p 13) had size assortative pairing during both
years. In genetic population 2 (N p 8), the pair female had larger
body size than the pair male during 2010 (high-rainfall year).
Species Collapse Via Hybridization 337
in genetic population 1 compared with genetic population
2 in 2005 (see also Anderson 1968; Cox 2004). Additionally, the existence of private alleles in the hybrid cluster
in 2005 and 2010 (table A4) possibly indicates introgression from unsampled parental populations, perhaps from
other islands, or previously extant large tree finches on
Floreana Island (Lack 1947; summary data in table A5).
Philornis Intensity
2010 and 2012
Female Choice Driven by the Rare Species
Population 1
Population 2
Genetic Population
Figure 6: Mean parasite intensity (mean Ⳳ SE) from Philornis
downsi larvae per Darwin’s tree finch nest on Floreana Island. The
data are shown for nests that have been assigned to a genetic population. On average, genetic population 1 (N p 18) corresponds to
small-bodied tree finches, hybrid cluster (N p 17) to intermediate
size, and genetic population 2 (N p 8) to larger-bodied tree finches.
For this analysis, data were analyzed for 2005 (low-rainfall year), and
2010 and 2012 (high-rainfall years).
collapse via hybridization rather than species-biased extinction (see also Taylor et al. 2006). Our simulations show
that approximately one-third of our sampled individuals
may be incorrectly assigned to hybrid origin using our
data. This error is likely due to the low genetic differentiation and close phylogenetic relationship between our
small- and large-morph parental populations, which decreases the efficiency to detect hybrids using Bayesian assignment methods (Vähä and Primmer 2006). Despite this,
we were able to detect hybrids reliably in 70% of individuals simulated from our real data. Although the power of
our data did not enable us to evaluate other hybrid detection methods, software such as NEWHYBRIDS and
STRUCTURE are similar in their efficiency to correctly
detect hybrids (Vähä and Primmer 2006).
One pattern that invites comment is that in 2005 the
hybrid individuals were morphologically similar to birds
in genetic population 1. We suggest that this pattern arose
as hybrid individuals may have introgressed back into genetic population 1 following the peak hybridization behavior that may have occurred during the 1998 high-rainfall year (Grant et al. 2004). Introgression coupled with
strong natural selection against hybrids during low-rainfall
years could explain the rapid change in morphology and
the disappearance of birds with intermediate morphology
between 1998 and 2005. Evidence supporting introgression
of hybrid individuals into genetic population 1 during lowrainfall years is that we find ∼15% higher genetic diversity
Hubbs (1955) originally suggested that hybridization
would be higher in areas where one of two species was
rare (Randler 2002). Wirtz (1999) suggested that this pattern arises because females (the choosy sex) of the limiting
species prefer heterospecific males, perhaps because of
preference for “super stimuli” or larger male size. Pierotti
and Annett (1993) predicted that females should prefer
bigger males, as these males are more likely to confer better
resource holding potential. More evidence for the onus of
successful hybridization to be dependent on female choice
comes from genetic studies of interspecific sterility, which
is often asymmetrical (Mallet 2008). There is often differential hybrid fitness in crosses between interspecific
males and females, depending on whether the father or
mother is from species 1 or species 2 (Darwin 1859; Turelli
and Moyle 2007; Lowry et al. 2008). For these reasons, we
tested whether females of the rare species are more often
paired with large heterospecific males (Randler 2002). Our
results showed disassortative pairing for body size between
females of the rare large morph and smaller heterospecific
common males (Alipaz et al. 2005; Svensson et al. 2007;
Jiang et al. 2013). If large-bodied finches have lower fitness
due to increased parasitism (Dudaniec et al. 2007), then
small-bodied males should prefer to pair with small-bodied females, and avoid larger females. The opportunity for
mutual mate choice under conditions of novel and lethal
parasitism remain to be tested. What we show here is a
shift in host phenotype that correlates with a change in
female pairing pattern.
Outcompeting Parasites: A Possible
Function of Hybridization
The Red Queen hypothesis predicts that genetic variance
keeps organisms just one step ahead of an evolutionary
dead-end, in a never-ending cycle of competition (Bell
1982). In this light, introgression via hybridization can
offer novel genetic solutions in a host-parasite cycle (Loker
2012). Traditionally, hybridization was thought to accrue
hybrid offspring with reduced fitness (Templeton 1986),
and there is much evidence to support this contention in
a range of organisms (Holtsford 1996; Hatfield and Schluter 1999; Fenster and Galloway 2000; Goldberg et al. 2005).
338 The American Naturalist
Grant et al. (2003) showed variation in fitness patterns in
two interbreeding Geospiza ground finch species under
different social and ecological parameters. In this study,
we show that high-rainfall periods correlate with high P.
downsi intensity; and we therefore argue that the novel
genetic combinations through hybridization may confer
an immunological advantage (Huber et al. 2010) or parasite resistance (Loker 2012).
Hybridization patterns at different temporal scales are informative for testing ideas about the effects of changing
environments on natural selection and evolution. Here,
we show evidence for species collapse via hybridization
over a short contemporary time period. There is growing
evidence that hybridization can facilitate adaptive radiations that span millions of years (Mallet 2007; Sternkopf
et al. 2010; Masello et al. 2011; Campagna et al. 2012).
Here we show hybridization over the last decade that offers
a snapshot opportunity to test ideas about the mechanism
and function of hybridization under known population
and ecological conditions. In support of predictions by
Grant and Grant (1996b) and Randler (2006), the rare and
endangered species drove the observed hybridization: large
rare females paired with small common males. The outcome of disassortative pairing across species was the formation of a hybrid cluster. Our findings are particularly
intriguing because asymmetric reproductive isolation is far
less common than reproductive isolation arising from positive assortative pairing (Jiang et al. 2013). The role of
mate choice in sympatry has often been invoked for reproductive isolation (Arnold et al. 1996) but has rarely
been shown to change in contemporary populations. Finally, there are compelling reasons to acknowledge that
the large tree finch (Camarhynchus psittacula) is locally
extinct on Floreana Island: (1) we found only two genetic
populations on Floreana Island; and (2) contemporary
morphological data for the large-bodied finches correspond with historical data for the medium tree finch but
not for those of a historical large tree finch.
This research was supported by the Australian Research
Council, the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, the
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, Rufford
Small Grants for Nature Conservation, the Winifred Violet
Scott Trust, the American Bird Conservancy, the Conservation International, the Australian Federation for University Women, and the Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds/Birdfair. TAME airlines provided reduced airfares.
We thank the Galápagos National Park Service and the
Charles Darwin Research Station for logistical support and
for the opportunity to work in the Galápagos. We thank
S. Cisneros, C. Cruz, W. Cruz, E. Wittmer, and the community of Floreana Island for logistical support; and C.
Charlton, T. Clark, and J. Forwood for field work to capture and observe the finches and collect Philornis samples
from nests. We thank D. Arango, C. Evans, S. Gantefoer,
K. Peters, M. Schmidt, and R. Schubert for dedicated field
work and data collection on Philornis intensity in relation
to genetic population. Special thanks to A. Fitch for assistance with laboratory techniques, methodology, and interpretation of the genetic data. We thank L. Beheregaray
and M. Gardner for additional advice on molecular methods and P. R. Grant for insightful comments on an earlier
version of this manuscript. This publication is contribution 2,080 of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galápagos Islands.
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Associate Editor: Erik Svensson
Editor: Troy Day
Small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus) from Floreana Island. Left, a yearling (photo credit: Frank Sulloway); right, a small tree finch
about 4 years old (photo credit: Jeremy Robertson).