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Primed to cue

Primed to cue

Journal of Communication Disorders, 2020
Jennifer Mozeiko
The behavioral effects of lexical priming are well studied in the cognitive sciences. Clinical use of the term and widespread implementation of priming based behavioral interventions has remained limited. This is despite the fact that response-contingent cueing, a behavioral intervention technique used during many cognitive-linguistic interventions, is grounded in theories of priming research. The aim of this manuscript is to connect behavioral performance changes observed following priming with those noted following cueing, providing a theoretical rationale for the therapeutic use of both priming and cueing in language and cognitive interventions. In this review, we establish a conceptual basis for how both primes and cues serve to pre-engage the neural system by triggering the retrieval of linked conceptual knowledge, resulting in faster and more accurate responses. Differences between the two (primes and cues) have been linked to timing and conscious intentional engagement, though these distinctions are often task dependent. Additionally, this paper will provide evidence of the clinical utility of priming. Studies of priming in adults with acquired brain injuries are discussed and clinical interventions based on theories of priming are examined. Furthermore, the present work will briefly detail the inhibitory effects of priming to aid clinicians and researchers in deciding how to pair primes and cues with intended retrieval targets. In summation, the present work is intended to bridge two related fields providing both theoretical and clinical insight with respect to the use of primes and cues.

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