The Gravity Of Poetic Thought Part 2

quae corpus urgente gnarling; vi regulari describit, Sliiit inso motus initio in duplicata ratinnP temporum.

fitIV LargEIM MuRir- Fin! inciteg Throe 4C 02119:2PIEENE The CidP Elf Sound quae corpus urgente gnarling; vi regulari describit, motus initio in duplicata ratinnP temporum. ---D. Isaaci New-Loni. Sliiit inso A long time passed where emptiness became a bird, its feathers colored, like glass, reflecting the terrain, a place, chosen, in which to live. This was seen as a fork sharing its forces of the imagination. [ ( par c al P del j(m)di= )cie[d(E;denN,cln - logq(L)dcri. Acoustic gravity caused the children, stars, to explode. many times, joyous with energy and some hope for technology; its pets, the cats, walked a narrow balance. The partsof sucb, a,.n. adventure included the begirming of ethics, the aesthetics of evolution, and the epistemology to be implemented as the best, choice for a kangaroo to make. The choice of th.e animal was liked by all; the universe welcomed thie kallgarOOS. los xp. win.‘Airk. flash O. srnp pg.newtoni Aduria Library Digital Visual Dream Laboratory And Acoustic Studio Ct. Pf. Joseph A. T Tphoff, M. .A. Litt. D. (10115/2014) F 11/11/2014 l ' a (PAPp 11-11 • • • • _Frrnroc a7itPril 171J7 L, r a, mr.ra, Lr r Gionerorntur clint • Fr N., • lc nrilnrirti (Ma sr L•L_. quadrata vires V% 13aak.di fir v,..717L11.21:2 1-2 1 ir nu s P l•' e" Psci Ever Ithi1T-1 In Rprrwmpri And d'"m11 g#' 7i% 1U0 Pi? 5131,1 WA 1. 5 LI LVel _I 177'1 t--9 IF 1WORGilaig 16. i,i4p1 ses W in I IrIC 41.1•7 .5 1 =e ' V=...,p 11141. • / • ••' •••• tpmp•firum LA3111. rim pic -,s- iriwers Trtunct ninritc. on n1 n e oy rnP rani ricvni n P 1 a sending forth curiosity to acn 1 ieve friendly sponses. the nerflinip Anti n ,t,Lnxrs Te elina long rinrk J. ..„.e h ime 'rind nathi-no A. • .....•.••••• s a V.i A A 1 n WA e N-N.A. • MM., la" -1D P 1 -011:1 r • 11 or pLO JL _ 11 Y1 N.S OPPri LW 1. likP evystnilliZ1S110 vi'brations frOrn „.. bass sneakerc ez,r_)anding reach. TtS density rntnteri nnd, qq it diminishPid, blooms exploded wef --iu-PLnfhPer ixra ape cimntiruN21-inn 'Emir MO. an. A. irifew etf Ai. lw IL! toff_ _L'Irdr < ( A 31-- x h x A r h N ;) P CI L CI + z r 1 ,1- T A Lr ' v 6 L: -1.-/ad-L- gim? ) IP) K 1 I 7- 1 *~~11 rs. > hC- 'Ct. m 1 e 1la # 1 5 •.• • intothe qtruo.ture From the- mntrix looking dnwn and veering un into 1 II orn7ln er nqP_rtir 4I. genqLP intricacy, 7, Iy ar"*E. NIS 407..3_ -L. "rr PV I Neri • ohs .1 r II n. -4.0 •..... 414, t "L.P. 're .N. AL= aniMal s Were w .• ..ipin ":1jt1•114.• r cfmtiniled to refine the chanaes irt frelmninavnno: - cthservatinn whil.P Find been del-12-1-Pd The philosonhy npptiPci tn drPnnlq oarf'no,werNine Ywnq the. number liked 'nest fnr the 11. 9tttPMc of TIPtq IQ WerPl r iPi 11 0" 9 4ns A 414 NW A • 4a-.P A • d r.mnrin rm. A AA • Nor a nitrnfiry/ 1 -1 1 41mr AA A ,•._or 11,•••••, • • 4,7,4 • • 4..•••• 7 - AN , Pdcr -ea 71.r 46.0P, eq or firm qirenath 11--th 1.4 .16r.111,-L 1-1 11 . • X ri r V /1 -I- • fiaqb 1 AM .NY ~~ii ti m e/ ,R.J %AA 7..4 AP I pard 07 .• i 1.-or hrci I Ultii .I. .I. iLLr, IL.ri A •A -E V le 'kJ' -I- -LA• RR -• rho- LEI -21 Vic-11:41 A.b irtg .L.A.0.1.3. 'I 3_ L„.1r -• • -41- •••-.0 15,43_3_3_ _E__d T "1._, SA, I arIT ¶ Ar id ACOlictl r' 7b.d Ir+71-4 J rt Pf Inqpnh A I Inhelff NA- P A 4 r..• 1...• 1.-• _a_ -5 AI _L_ r _a_ _a. *.A. T Litt. n. (111/1 5,0014), F "I 1 /I l?niA Jl f. 4f - ar _a_ -M- ■ ArDiangsli E@E WAIL © MR Dim Glow Attracting Anoels Of Light ..CubtPnca ovanPvcPnc nnguli contactus est ultimo in ratione duplicata subtensae arcus contermini... Soffly, gathered the angels to measure the fruits grown by the plum tree. it was decided to refract everythi hro-ugh con_centration. The new convection pertained to diffirtatieS threatened by op_pnrtiiniqts, bnit the dream was likenedt its real counterpart. Neither of them kept the edge, simultaneouslyprese,n-t, while the variations, in the fields and pastures, operated the parabnlq for the others to play on. The trPre felt an adjective-, the a:ant was drawn to the abstraction. ([adjdelq(P) dndiiii(dm)} int int int 11 ( s e rF f J1 IM= i Ttfr shapes intendFael fnr snore, nbsoiete niirnnse were olven to the - an ntter vicited ey th Were exioected to buil,d a miracle. Fir this, to request parts more like the ones in the catalogue the museum guarded, .jealously, as if the valuable book were a precious stone. The result was a new Dower the ntierc wanted to gain, that of curvival. — file ntters, and (IllI IV 12. xp. win. wrk. flash.hard .tv . 07 1920 1 O. srnp. pg.newtoni .,A.rn jiana T,ibrary Digital \iisual Dre2pa _Laboratory ..A.nd Acoustic Studio Ct joe-oh Uphoff, M.P.A., Litt. D. (10/15/2014) u 111110 014 irowsrm 12 'quill @IF piti ffeE Li Er The quperficia'i L2v.IJ r-imn L IFVE 11-1 d—i; 07,1aP dP curvisi i i deg; cupPrficiebus comprehensis deinonstrata sunt, jfacile applicantur ad solidorum supo:ficies curves & contenta isaaci NeTwtoni. Reasons explained how the curve of the line was the leaves of the bear who crouched when comprehension brushed aia-ainst fur made sensitive. The spirit continued rising, experiencing the rare adventures given to those responsible for ail this jungle, its green vines and sturdy branches. The animal liked to read and to swing from the trees out into a history, perhaps not real. IV ser w ci fli(d ) 7 F • 'ctually, the force of reality affected their black and white style. One remained colored into the picture, there, chewirig and enjoying the stuff. it was like the endless small streams of words written in the book. They considered the volumes to be their own and measured by the pound or by sound waves lapping the trunk holding delicate papers and documents with seals. Remaining to them was a jungle of fragments. 3 xp. win .wrk. flash.1 Muria Library Digital Visual Dream Laborato7 And Acoustic Studio t. Pf Joseph A. Uphoff M.P.A., Lift. D. (10115/2014) r 11/11/2014 irk H. !!1415IIII I sit, !%. '112F %Er ,a lo r tit Eir • re. • I 1 axia all 0.. 10 avr prm ci\/1 1VRiffiq TVIA I Z. PPM? it 1111...11.--7-11hAi Lir= un.17=1.1,=LI 1,4 ;p raw V- 'MP Vag.' Esa. Mirinma Aria %No .1111 Mma MmM aii MI a—a 4•111. • e gw is 19 IFS MC NZ .rf Nft °E 11 -11 I o• -••••••• PAV • • -AL r i v r+ r nr c aril rive cY h /Ts1-• r h. or ios, Z.4-7 4E, t 111,, 1 1 pr -7-ar 1 .1. N-r 13y-, L 15 4-eceb nb, Mg-er. M. . el. e'lz •rn-,lie. V I-,4, i-'v nornior7.Sr ••'r * -r h i 7fidi I 1/17 Aoqf d r tr •••••-, r-' frii, I 1...-ar L." Irr Err mam ir4"- LOI 11 E 1-1 11 kFP fF1P IP AN/Pc OLT Pr 7+ 7 Ir• aprom tpaliirn 1/ 117 d 1,-, 'EN sac n-L-' r Y A " La 15). 1.117PC PM M .1•• 1 n-nnrEivLint-inn TI •••• -11.- i-hp. ;ro c were •• in the TJ5-4 rci menentin the rturnma 4' YF's •••-.1.- 'nor thP deers can g• Pvnitifirm t nriql Gerqtinn 'Nrr h •.+1. biossnmc the, nrecenve nT trip r 7 1 S- -1-.‘ • J qinT " tit! I( •Jr -e0 AT i 11 1 " 1 / • .1 1 - ‘-ZD - 0•• 11 vae- .4000a0. . "ft-IL 0- ror nn 1 1 • 1 1 wnere the nincter rniatIT Viiren-rner 11 • mnar Y iri tip r nnrienno- CI I. 1 1 radiated nn the cie cid obil r rpevpq nr -a- -a- -111- p2rve 3 • PYni ntnEkci i-CaTV qr 1 1 1 7P CI TreeM -0- ....J.- AL AL. nignmo 4P 0. A- r ' 5.• J. T 1 et erii Ii np eynerten q-n 1 KW. noetc of thP (-1111 (If Pninrc. as ■07 ValS go. --.-- Y-1 -a,. ‘-renroetry nrniPet broliciht within rnnorP fiqb nrld " "-C)Ja-- L trr -a- * • "-*- al -I hAer-i no- chqrspq 1/wig the chnrp nftiner lnnrn !Well wnere 1 T Tinn-uk.n, quietly • thP Carl TV (IT rnii QT fp 1 A 1 A f• e 0 nSerAirlni i 11 13l V Sr i ."'"r .4%1 4. q• le- II IIv 1S A a -0 • rrie- V V 3- f = ach h 1_1, 1_ ...I_ _l_taL.1_ fu5, V a ki I ;1r ,E -l. —-le „ 7 -1—"%; u n T E E7e 1.! 1. 1.111E -,41 Xerr 4. 3 LIM r °21) I 1.3. #. b40 PI' Tel qehrlb A I Tni-inTT -•- Jo 1 .,n Q 3_ A C. 15 ILY in PirC.'CAL cirri .11-0 I --a •+4 .A.. Ttrill I hwr' 1-11;;J V 7 L. 'e n' Li-r* X 7- 1 d_ f 1 k Ceti %I el i ii _,L. '4.4 4 Studio trit 1 III 1. Di I n # .r- -In- -A- -A- 4. ..1. 1-dr ..•- • TEM I 17. faR RI EOM to Minar71,9N .2L3 711--tir-1 I Aaf 7,2 Z_S 5 of D r1-1 1 1 IlLit 1 1_1 • • 11 ...uontractiores en ini aokrinnvitrir-yrulyipc 1—•nor • reriwitur d au Yi i FV Yui rl it r'• ,e-Ny _1_5 • :)0141api 1 illPthilf111117 41111 Ar'•. I I '1 rik e'k -.I LULLI. Methork of thP mgmmqls, through thP ngeg wPTP eompwred to the reeent development of PIrrogniftirnerhinPrV, Some obcolete rodents woro rrifusPri the privilege clf rhPwing on the wireq, while, yet the 1nirds were seen chirping, t wires clutched between their feet. Rnving, rink] cnnw drove them indoors, out of the w.xri d ("PI in d ) x _rPlf(P)dP-intu(q)d yN I • Fv prythirig, vi2c erriliehing qgninq VIP qqqertion that it all wnq 11- 111 -ing r. 1 boy (mei which the profound PrillIt111PcS ~l ~eft a cpiqiity or rreertom wavPq 1„, •ime showing in( the meters, one event per month, like, a tiny spark. They were Ptrtinp that, qcnIintpri vastnPqc would riot ceientists, who did not liv.P the inteirPot. time as pinnned. it \ATP iii qiirpricPs. --y--11 Wirt virr r • 11. • a. A "ii ri ar I A_ flq-ciri h M 3•M 1- 11710 . %.,.f • g, 7. 20 . rn3. DipgliFet xiton.L • • itmd. t.i -a thrnty . a V 1gl Itri•AL,3. T Ct Pf Incpnh ,A. AL a a ••• T Lf • IT nrpnrn nbrirqfirvrca. A -nri A roc vi hr, 7 3. 4.,_7 1,e3E64,11. 'Li, A_ Sr A 'No.' LP + 1 , Rhin 17 M.P•A. I 1 TT D I011 4.) ~~ O I 11 /110014 ORM Etita. MEEN111-• ©MUMMA Ti-- ‘,4-pl-rriffirj A Wall Into Time " ...Objectio est, quad quantitaturn evaneseentium vit ultima proportio; quippe quae, antequam evanuerunt, non est ultimo, ub14 evanuerunt, nulirir T Y W WILL. .e.a r. . 4146. T rr3r "V _t_a.,./1 Along the way, the trail became stens of an intractable distance,but the nf the mqgiPiqn. mouse wanfrd to gn tberP and sr_ P the leattvw Using a sqw Ito rut thP- spokes nf enSt, brnqg gPqrq, beinia a task ofiPngthy duration, watching became immediately tedious. The animal noted a 1,3erception of disliking and vanished be the machinery approved of scninninim mrinps. d_cosindP(y;N,Z)P [ int q ) (1 I 11 ( ) Only a dream, the space in a cinder block was filled with shredded materials and covered \vith elPrric hnd TIPAver bP.Pn Pixtinction; there were no bodies 1‘-o forget that it existed. Par time gears, like finance, were turning iniyrs tiny head. A q the dnyq were very cool, a new coat fqenqatinn fell upon parched, drenched lands. Some were burning, winile a few were fl olltincr the water and floods. The transverse resonation held shanes of Ivavering time, yetle t suect bj nornlirPri need or anin-mtion. The fish vpranted to flirat. Er flt ash. hard.t-v 07 I9:20 I 0 smpj pg. newtoni Arjuna Library Digital Visual Dream Laboratoly And Acoustic Studio rt. F1. Joseph A. Uphoff, itt. D. (1 0115/2014) u 11/11/m14 n , %7LIF a pi une_ra Eit..1=1 9,.:z45 7=1 V7 u ing 1111--1' g t. El 1.4 LI a ri 17 rl 11 IT 17:~~0-^"T3 11 If 16-.:4 t! 51 L! p cnnartedue- Pil i n A t rfftri r_SIS L=- Si LewiZa d"LI!ra11- v.J.78'68 igf,-3r.2 11....-,Jiranii 12-61 .1 Fainii The EmprinR5 ...Sed eodem argument° aeaue contend!' no.s.set iluliam e.ise corporis ad • CP:rtiir in InCa 1,1371, pargi2nri 2 s -vPicwirtnti2171 ultimam an's A.r.a..^a Newtoni. 1 Beneat eir feet W2 Q 2 12rk: nnlY the acoustic denqity qpokP to their evolutirmQ, qq th fiwces, c-rested suce-Pqq-Fill hirric and n idUrable plant had spines hy which it could touch fir and be carried onward, exploring 131aces finding npw riwpriiings. h th 0- 1 1 rn 12 — 11111 cli41 P "NW -A- • n ~~ e-g ~~ e-g C-hoosing to enhance what they liked by the absent P-Vi dPiloe of generations, vnrinlm pnrsuits cnntritulted to the high ..gPp, who practiced an expert viotnry interAst, like that of n doetor. Such n delircite fqihrir IrlaeL place of the disregard bY tliose ninnifesting clutter. Erosion provided a _plant or an animal, a machine or a high angel in a pliotrorai3h saved, qq others offered the assistance of expressinnq, the words qeFkri i n hiqnrinr i nf junk, furniture perched at T 11P FiP nf time. xp.\-vm.NAirk.flPsh.hqyri.til.f,I1199010.S111r.,.ipg.neVitOni -ka Librarv Drriql ,hull .,,kcoustic Studio b Ff. joceph A Tiniinff J'al pA itt D. (10/1512014) r in loom n. if4) l am"? 4.ww.,11. .a Ltra ;1Z 211MCEON RE! ©1 a ass Writti=mn„Also. In Thr=i 1\11111 V/e ..._Hane enim, ant:ivy:1m rniAnlic attillgit attigit, ulam esse ..." --D. Isaaci Newtoni. Jinn 1 cP ubi Waiting nntiently, hinsqnm felt, the cRressing wind qnenknew wnrdS, not forgPtting the old, interpretations, of what a flower should accept as occupation. neginring with the rryqtal, the qt-whn stir priprgy fnr.Pri itself through the shape of logic. t2nexpd(y;N,74q(P)=clim_1(q)dP. Such a powerful assemblage had traction because there was a (qirnilar, sirn_ple) relation between seeds, and claws, Liked or perhaps disliked, teaching a memory. It slowly transpired, that the action of sharpness was like the ambition to consume, perhaps, more than 2 -fair sharp of water or the tender flesh of the water boy. A Hack: animal wanted to swat„ near to tile adiabatic densities; this would not mainourish the stray cat, both dead and alive, 2 few lives left. It had always been expected that the acoustic, stereo effect was a self evident truth backed though the stories of travelers between the stars. 18. xp.v‘in.ixrk,flash hard. Arjuna T.,ibrary Digital rt. Pf.T se - 07 1 9201 as pjpg.newtoni ntre m. T abilratory IALP(NUStie Staldi0 ti A. rphnff, M. A I , L itt. ne (10/15,0014) F 11/11/2014 ,71111M 0 ikliv/A .1,. 7.•7 L ,.. f . ,i 'EP" 1 II, milr AP El 14 S. lie 10 BE a_ B Er III 1M. IF aPB3 er 1rR lard" Eral Er% lir & Ilial lime Mira Mammal. RIP E M .;%•am. Neap% OE . g __ Ti k g R ‘M - yammE 71E1 Li7 i7J 177 1 rtt T.• R.1! F..411;1 • • • ••• I •PP1 • Mai 311 Lmit ANBaar "Biaaar GP i 8, rel"F = r ITT 2# PAae -a- 19 Cnreci 11110,, Carymi Pnue V 4 • Coro'. VI, T -2aR 2 5. PaQe 25, De Motu Corponim, Liber Primus, Sect, 1, emma 1., PqP a 1.-F 3- 1 , coroi, 7 PncFP 9SI Prrirnn in R PRae T .Prnitpc: ,11-04, V., Pno-P /77 .PrnrrinV TT -"r. 4 1 'am.4 liary J., "...r I '60 ,ni 1..Tr 6 11 a rnin2 A, X Cnrollary J 1..Pm 111 Y t X .sr a ay as—ovti ZL II -M. de Pncrei 70 T Lern Ill Xi . i pc; up '4-4,"4,, alma' i 1 di . 11..4 11 _ L•••-.4. a- dm L4 -A. trn 4.-rr ia Pt-AgeL __ ICI cchniiirrn t_ 3- aLeue *, -AL "ka. -P. VFAhlL# Ri•W' 1 . ncy ci ne. *WO' 0 r. +11-r -M. -E. EmarJr fl 1 6 Pqo-plti 1. 7. PaRe „c. chnetimm 8. vpiap Nacnrimim_ ri NA 71 n 'WA" V V -F- o -15. -42k- 21. A. ..rm- -ft. S r a I 01-1 in 707 e 1Q dbF 2n 1 0 ELF -E. dam.' Arjuna i„ibrani Ditzital Visual Dream LaboratorY And A.0011Stie Ci e 3- -A- 4 . TrIgenh M P A A jnhnff ,•-•• 45 _N. • A. • T _a.--/ _N. lo (10/15/, 0 F a3m1 -1" IL. 1-4 11.-4.• I "11. 1 1 -0- ;