Journal of Philosophical Logic (2020) 49:1057–1077
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Pablo Cobreros1
· Paul Egré2 · David Ripley3 · Robert van Rooij4
Received: 6 February 2019 / Accepted: 17 January 2020 / Published online: 3 September 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
In a recent paper, Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt establish a correspondence between
metainferences holding in the strict-tolerant logic of transparent truth ST+ and inferences holding in the logic of paradox LP+ . They argue that LP+ is ST+ ’s external
logic and they question whether ST+ ’s solution to the semantic paradoxes is fundamentally different from LP+ ’s. Here we establish that by parity of reasoning, ST+ can
be related to LP+ ’s dual logic K3+ . We clarify the distinction between internal and
external logic and argue that while ST+ ’s nonclassicality can be granted, its self-dual
character does not tie it to LP+ more closely than to K3+ .
Keywords Strict-tolerant logic · Metainferences · Proof theory ·
Internal vs external logic · Paradoxes
The strict-tolerant logic ST was proposed to deal with paradoxes of vagueness and
with the semantic paradoxes [8, 9]. There is something very distinctive about ST:
Pablo Cobreros
[email protected]
Paul Egré
[email protected]
David Ripley
[email protected]
Robert van Rooij
[email protected]
Department of Philosophy, University of Navarra, 31009 Pamplona, Spain
Département de Philosophie & Département d’Etudes Cognitives de l’ENS, Institut Jean-Nicod
(CNRS-EHESS-ENS), PSL University, 29, rue d’Ulm, 75005, Paris, France
Philosophy Department SoPHIS, Building 11, Monash University,
VIC 3800, Australia
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94242,
1090 GE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P. Cobreros et al.
namely, it is classical logic for a classical language, but it provides ways of strengthening classical logic to deal with paradoxes in enriched languages. For example, the
logic ST+ (ST for a language with a transparent truth predicate T and self-referential
sentences) is an inference-preserving extension of classical logic. That is, ST+ is not
only non-trivial, but it extends all the valid inferences of classical logic to cover the
full (T -involving) language [10, 23].
How is this possible? Well, because ST+ preserves all classically valid inferences
but not some classical metainferences. The question then arises of exactly which are
the metainferences of ST+ . In a recent paper, Eduardo Barrio, Lucas Rosenblatt and
Diego Tajer show that ST+ ’s metainferences are closely related to inferences in LP+ ,
the logic LP extended with a transparent truth predicate. In this paper we review their
result and put the connection in a broader context. In particular, we show that in much
the same way in which ST+ is related to the paraconsistent logic LP+ , it can be related
to the paracomplete logic K3+ when we look at the logic’s meta-anti-inferences.
The results in this paper are either results already proved in Barrio et al. [4] or
corollaries based on duality considerations. On the technical side, the contribution of
this paper is in the simplification of the proofs in Barrio et al. [4]. On the philosophical side, we believe that the dual result presented in this paper sets a richer context
for the understanding of the logic ST and toward the assessment of its merits and
shortcomings as a solution to paradoxes.
1 Three-Valued Logics Based on Strong Kleene
Let L be a propositional language with the usual connectives: ∧, ∨, ⊃, ¬. Let an
interpretation I be a function from propositional letters to {1, 12 , 0}. Interpretations
extend to formulas according to the following Strong Kleene scheme:1
I(¬A) = 1 − I(A)
I(A ∧ B) = min(I(A), I(B))
I(A ∨ B) = max(I(A), I(B))
I(A ⊃ B) = max(1 − I(A), I(B))
If we think of logical consequence as necessary preservation of truth, there are two
standard ways in which we can define logical consequence over this semantics. First,
if being true means taking the value 1 (strict truth), then an argument is valid just in
case no interpretation gives all premises the value 1 and all conclusions a value less
than 1. Second, if being true means taking a value greater than 0 (tolerant truth), then
an argument is valid just in case no interpretation makes all premises greater than 0
and all conclusions equal to 0.
Each definition leads to a familiar three-valued logic. The first to the Strong
Kleene logic K3 and the second to Priest’s Logic of Paradox LP. K3 is paracomplete
in the sense that K3 A ∨ ¬A and LP is paraconsistent in the sense that A ∧ ¬A LP .
1 Throughout
the paper we use the letters A, B, C, ... for metavariables of formulae, and the letters Ŵ,
for metavariables of sets of formulae.
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Fig. 1 Four three-valued logics
Furthermore, if we assume the language does not contain constant proposition symbols like ⊤ or ⊥, K3 is “classical on the left” but empty on the right in the sense that
for any sets of formulas Ŵ and :
Ŵ K3 ∅ iff Ŵ CL ∅
∅ K3 .
In words: Ŵ is K3-unsatisfiable just in case it is classically unsatisfiable and no set
is K3-valid. Similarly, LP is empty on the left but classical on the right in the sense
Ŵ LP ∅
∅ LP iff ∅ CL .
In words: no set Ŵ is LP-unsatisfiable but for any , it is LP-valid just in case it is
classically valid.
The definitions of logical consequence for K3 and LP are based on the idea that
logical consequence should preserve designated values from premises to conclusions.
By liberalizing the notion of logical consequence – from the idea of preserving the
same set of designated values from premises to conclusions to the idea of going from
one designated set to another set from premises to conclusions – we arrive, in the
present context, at the following two alternative definitions of logical consequence
(see Cobreros et al. [10]):
An argument is ST-valid if there is no interpretation giving all premises the value
1 and all conclusions the value 0.
An argument is TS-valid if there is no interpretation giving all premises a value
greater than 0 and all conclusions a value less than 1.
The logics are ordered by inclusion (see Fig. 1): in the present language, TS is
empty (in the sense that no inference is valid) and ST is classical logic (in the sense
that for any inference, it is classically valid iff ST-valid). K3 and LP are both weaker
than ST and stronger than TS. K3 and LP are each other’s duals while TS and ST are
2 Two logics X and Y are duals just in case Ŵ X iff ¬ Y ¬Ŵ (where ¬Ŵ is shorthand for {¬A | A ∈
Ŵ}), see Cobreros et al. [8]. Duality will play a role in Section 3.
P. Cobreros et al.
The logics K3, LP, ST and TS have been vindicated as suitable logics to deal
with different paradoxes.3 Although our discussion in this paper will be restricted
to propositional logic, we consider for a moment a first-order language in order to
illustrate how these logics can be used to deal with semantic paradoxes. Suppose
L+ is a first-order language with identity (for simplicity: no functions) with the
constant propositions ⊤ and ⊥, a distinguished predicate T (our truth predicate) and
a distinguished name A for each formula A. We further assume the possibility of
diagonal formulas so that there are Liar-like sentences such as,
¬T λ
Definition 1 A three-valued model M for the first-order language L+ is a structure
D, I such that:
D is a domain such that L+ ⊆ D and
I is an interpretation function:
For a name or variable a, I(a) ∈ D
For a name A of a formula A, I( A ) = A
For an n-ary predicate P , I(P ) ∈ {0, 21 , 1}D
For atomic sentences P t1 t2 ,
I(P t1 t2 ) = I(P )( I(t1 ), I(t2 ), ..., I(tn ) )
I(s = t) = 1 iff I(s) = I(t), and 0 otherwise,
I(⊤) = 1; I(⊥) = 0,
I(¬A) = 1 − I(A)
I(A ∧ B) = min(I(A), I(B))
I(A ∨ B) = max(I(A), I(B))
I(A ⊃ B) = max(1 − I(A), I(B))
I(∃xA) = max({I† (A) | I† is an x-variant of I})
A Kripke-construction (see Kripke [17]) shows how to find a three-valued model
M + for L+ out of a model M for L+ such that the new model M + is conservative
(agrees with M on the interpretation of all T -free formulas of L+ ) and transparent
(the truth-value of A equals the truth-value of T A for every formula A of L+ ).
As a consequence, paradoxical sentences such as λ get value 12 . Once we have these
models, we can define logical consequence in the style of ST, LP, K3 or TS.4 The
resulting logics can be arranged in the diagram of Fig. 2, where logics are ordered
by inclusion. Double bars indicate conservative extensions, that is, the logic X+ is
the logic X for the T -free fragment. Therefore, ST+ is a conservative extension of
classical logic with a transparent truth-predicate and self-reference. This means that
ST+ does not add or subtract valid inferences for the language without T . Further-
3 See,
4 In
for example, [17, 27] for K3, [22] for LP, [8] for ST and [14, 20] for TS.
this language, TS is no longer empty. For example, TS ⊤.
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Fig. 2 Four three-valued logics
and their L+ -extensions
more, ST+ is an inference-preserving extension of classical logic, in the sense that if
an inference is valid in the language without T , it is valid for any uniform substitution on the language containing T .5 These facts ground our claim that ST+ preserves
classical logic [9, 853].
Kripke’s construction is powerful in the sense that the original (first-order) language for the construction can be very rich. The construction can be used, therefore,
as a way to find transparent and conservative models for interesting first-order theories. Our discussion below will be restricted, however, to the propositional case. For
this reason, from now on, our language L+ for semantic paradoxes will be very simple: it will be the propositional language L enriched with the constants ⊤, ⊥ and λ
taken to denote the values 1, 0 and 21 in every interpretation. The constant λ plays the
role of the Liar sentence in the propositional setting in the sense that I(λ) = I(¬λ)
in every model.6
2 Metainferences
In the same way in which an inference can be presented as a relation between sets of
formulae, a metainference can be presented as a relation between sets of inferences.
Here we lay out our framework in order to present Barrio et al.’s main result as well
as our dualization of it.
2.1 Motivations
We can think of a consequence relation extensionally as a set of pairs of sets of
formulas. As with any other relation, we may be interested in different properties the
5 See
[9, 23], and [10] for more on ST+ .
et al. [4] present their main result in the context of a language that includes a truth predicate, like
the one we consider here. For discussion of related results in languages without a truth predicate, see for
example Přenosil [21].
6 Barrio
P. Cobreros et al.
relation might exhibit. We can wonder whether the relation is, say, Euclidean. That
is, we can wonder whether the statement,
∀x∀y∀z((xRy ∧ xRz) ⊃ yRz)
is true for the consequence relation R. As an example, take R to be LP’s consequence relation. Then the statement above is certainly false since, for example,
{p ∧ q}, {p} ∈ LP and {p ∧ q}, {q} ∈ LP but {p}, {q} ∈
/ LP .
One way of representing metainferences, is in terms of schemata involving arbitrary formulae. Thus, letting the turnstile symbol “⊢” denote the consequence relation
and “=⇒” the metalanguage material conditional, and using “;” to represent conjunctions (in antecedent position) and disjunctions (in consequent position), the Euclidean
property above may be written:
A ⊢ B; A ⊢ C =⇒ B ⊢ C
We can think of these metainferences as expressing ‘structural properties’ in the
sense that some of them will correspond to ‘structural rules’ (rules not involving specific logical vocabulary) in the context of some sequent calculus.7 For example, the
property expressed by the metainference
⊤ =⇒ A ⊢ A
corresponds to the Identity rule of various sequent calculi.
Likewise, we may represent the property for a consequence relation to be explosive
by the following metainference:
A ⊢ B ∧ ¬B =⇒ A ⊢ C
If we take again LP ’s consequence relation, this metainference won’t hold, since, for
example, p ∧ ¬p LP p ∧ ¬p but p ∧ ¬p LP q.
2.2 Definitions
Barrio et al. [4]’s central result establishes a correspondence between ST+ ’s consequence exhibiting a metainferential property and LP+ validating a specific argument.
Barrio et al. [4] make use of two languages: one for metainferences (making
use of schematic letters A, B, C . . . ) and another for inferences (making use of
propositional variables p, q, r . . . ).
7 The word ‘structural’ can also be understood in the sense of validity preservation under uniform
substitutions of the language (see for example Arieli et al. [1, 34]).
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
In what follows we shall represent metainferences in terms of propositional formulae, instead of formula schemata: we will say that a metainference holds if every
uniform substitution of its propositional letters is true. Our definitions below of a
metainference, a metainference instance, and a metainference holding, allow us to
present the discussion in the single language L+ .8
As we mentioned above, we will restrict our attention to the propositional fragment of L+ with propositional letters: p, q, r, ...; the usual constants ∧, ∨, ⊃, ¬; plus
the constant propositions ⊤, ⊥ and λ. We leave out propositions involving truth and
quantifiers (compare [4, 558], Definition 6).
Definition 2 (Metainference, ST+ -instance, holding for ST+ )
A metainference is a conditional statement of the following form:
(MI) Ŵ1 ⊢ 1 ; . . . ; Ŵn ⊢ n =⇒ Ŵ1′ ⊢ ′1 ; . . . ; Ŵk′ ⊢ ′k
where the Ŵ’s and ’s are sets of formulae of L+ .
An ST+ -instance of a metainference is the result of replacing each propositional variable with some formula of L+ and all turnstile symbols by the double
turnstile symbol with ST+ superscripted (ST ).
We will say that a metainference holds for ST+ when all its ST+ -instances are
For example,
p ⊢ q ∧ ¬q
is a metainference, and
λ ST p ∧ ¬p
λ ST ⊥,
is an ST+ -instance of it. This particular instance is true since it is true that λ ST ⊥.
The metainference, however, does not hold for ST+ since other ST+ -instances fail
to hold (as shown in Example 1 below).
8 Importantly, the notion of a metainference is susceptible of alternative notions of validity. In this paper,
following Barrio et al. [4], we use a global-substitutional reading of the validity of a metainference in the
sense that a metainference holds when, for every substitution of its propositional letters, if its premises
are true, its conclusion is true. In Cobreros et al. [9] we assumed a global (non-substitutional) reading of
the validity of a metainference, saying that a metainference holds when, if its premises are valid, so is its
conclusion. Finally, the local reading states that a metainference holds when every valuation satisfying its
premises, also satisfies its conclusion. See Dicher and Paoli [13], Barrio et al. [5], Scambler [25], Cobreros
et al. [11], and Teijeiro [26]. The issue of the relation between the global, global-substitutional, and local
readings – and of which should be used to capture the notion of a metainference – is of particular interest
but lies beyond the scope of this paper.
P. Cobreros et al.
3 ST+ -Metainferences and LP+ -Inferences
Barrio et al.’s first collapse result establishes the following connection between
ST+ -metainferences and LP+ -inferences (cf. Barrio et al. [4, 557]):
Ŵ1 ⊢ 1 ; . . . ; Ŵn ⊢ n =⇒ Ŵ1′ ⊢ ′1 ; . . . ; Ŵk′ ⊢ ′k
holds for ST+
just in case
Ŵ1 ⊃
1 , . . . ,
Ŵn ⊃
n LP
Ŵ1′ ⊃
′1 , . . . ,
Ŵk′ ⊃
That is, a metainference holds for ST+ exactly when the result of “lowering” arguments to conditionals and substituting the metalinguistic conditional by a
consequence relation symbol yields an argument that is LP+ -valid.
For readability we will give the proof for the simple case with a single inference
on either side of the conditional (see Theorem 1). Our results below do not bring any
novelty over Barrio et al. though they are presented in a simpler and more straightforward way. We begin by introducing a definition and a lemma.
Definition [Fixation of a formula relative to an interpretation] Let A be a L+ formula
and I a three-valued interpretation. The fixation of A relative to I, written fI (A), is
defined by induction as follows:
fI (⊥) = ⊥, fI (λ) = λ, fI (⊤) = ⊤
if I(p) = 1 then fI (p) = ⊤
if I(p) = 12 then fI (p) = λ
if I(p) = 0 then fI (p) = ⊥
fI (¬A) = ¬fI (A)
fI (A ◦ B) = fI (A) ◦ fI (B) for every binary connective ◦.
Since a fixation is made up of constant symbols, its evaluation is invariant across
interpretations, that is I′ (fI (A)) = I(A) for every I′ , as can be shown by induction.
We may therefore write [[fI (A)]] to talk about the truth-value I(A) of fixation fI (A).
Lemma. I(A ⊃ B) > 0 iff fI (A) ST fI (B)
I(A ⊃ B) = 0
[[fI (A ⊃ B)]] = 0
[[fI (A)]] = 1 and [[fI (B)]] = 0
fI (A) ST fI (B)
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
In words, a conditional is LP+ -true if and only if the fixation of its antecedent
ST+ -entails the fixation of its consequent (see Cobreros et al. [10]).9
Theorem 1 The metainference Ŵ ⊢ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ⊢ ′ holds for ST+
if and only if
Ŵ′ ⊃
Proof (Right to left)
Suppose Ŵ ⊢ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ⊢ ′ does not hold for ST+ . Then there is some
ST+ -instance such that Ŵi ST i and Ŵk′ ST ′k .
There is, therefore, some interpretation
I(A) = 1 for all A ∈Ŵk′ and
′ I for which
I(B) = 0 for all B ∈ k . Thus, I( Ŵk ) = 1 and I( ′k ) = 0 and so I( Ŵk′ ⊃
k ) = 0. On the other hand, since Ŵi ST i , either
I(A) < 1 for some A ∈ Ŵi
or I(B) = 0 for some B ∈ i ; in either case I( Ŵi ⊃ i ) > 0. The interpretation
+ ′
I then shows that Ŵi ⊃
i LP
Ŵk ⊃
k . Since Ŵi , i , Ŵk′ and
are substitution instances of Ŵ, , Ŵ and respectively, we have also that Ŵ ⊃
+ ′
Ŵ ⊃ ′
Proof (Left to right)
+ ′
. Then there is an interpretation I
Suppose Ŵ ⊃ LP
Ŵ ⊃
such that I( Ŵ ⊃
) > 0 and I( Ŵ ′ ⊃
′ ) = 0. By our Lemma above,
the fixation fI is such that, fI ( Ŵ)
fI ( ) and fI ( Ŵ ′ ) ST fI ( ′ ).
Note finally that the fixation is a uniform substitution of propositional letters in
Ŵ, , Ŵ ′ and ′ so that the latter is an ST+ -instance showing that the metainference
Ŵ ⊢ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ⊢ ′ does not hold for ST+ .
The connection gives us a decision procedure to check whether a metainference is
ST+ valid out of a decision procedure to test whether an inference is LP+ -valid. We
use here the trees in Cobreros et al. [8]. Basically, a branch closes when a formula
and its negation both appear on it with the labels s and t (or s and s) respectively
(crucially, a branch does not close when a formula and its negation appear with labels
t and t).
Example 1 p ⊢ q ∧ ¬q =⇒ p ⊢ r
does not hold in ST+
9 A similar reasoning establishes that I(A ⊃ B) = 1 iff f (A) TS f (B), that is, a conditional is K3+ I
true if and only if the fixation of its antecedent TS+ -entails the fixation of its consequent. This way, the
relations between ST+ , LP+ and K3+ below can be straightforwardly extended to TS+ . This allows us to
verify an observation in French [14, 120] that although the logic TS+ is empty at the level of inferences,
it is not empty at the level of metainferences.
P. Cobreros et al.
p ⊃ (q ∧ ¬q), t
¬(p ⊃ r), s
p, s
¬r, s
¬p, t
q ∧ ¬q, t
q, t
¬q, t
The countermodel for the LP+ -inference is I(p) = 1, I(q) =
Thus, the fixation showing that the metainference does not hold is:
⊤ ST λ ∧ ¬λ
and I(r) = 0.
⊤ ST ⊥
4 ST+ -Meta-Anti-Inferences and K3+ -Inferences
The key ingredient in the connection above between LP+ - inferences and ST+ metainferences is the observation in the Lemma that a conditional is LP+ -true in an
interpretation just in case the fixation of its antecedent attending to that interpretation
ST+ -entails the fixation of its consequent attending to the interpretation:
I(A ⊃ B) > 0
fI (A) ST fI (B).
This statement is equivalent to the statement that a conditional is LP+ -untrue in an
interpretation just in case the fixation of its antecedent attending to that interpretation
does not ST+ -entail the fixation of its consequent attending to the interpretation:
I(A ⊃ B) = 0
fI (A) ST fI (B).
which in turn, informally reads: a conditional is K3+ -false in an interpretation (i.e.,
its negation is K3+ -true) just in case the fixation of its antecedent attending to that
interpretation does not ST+ -entail the fixation of its consequent attending to the interpretation. So there is a connection between a conditional being K3+ -false and an
argument being ST+ -invalid.
A meta-anti-inference is a conditional statement relating kinds of anti-inferences
to kinds of anti-inferences, that is, a meta-anti-inference is a statement of the
following form (simple case):
Ŵ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ′
where the Ŵ’s and ’s are sets of formulae of L+ .
The following corollary follows from Theorem 1 with the observation that K3 and
LP are duals.
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Corollary. The meta-anti-inference Ŵ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ′ holds for ST+
if and only
Ŵ′ ∧ ¬
′ .
Proof Suppose Ŵ =⇒ Ŵ ′ ′ holds for ST+ . Then, contrapositively,
Ŵ ⊃ .
Ŵ ′ ⊢ ′ =⇒ Ŵ ⊢ holds for ST+ . By Theorem 1, Ŵ ′ ⊃ ′ LP
By duality,¬( Ŵ ⊃ ) K3 ¬( Ŵ ′ ⊃ ′ ), which is Ŵ ∧ ¬ K3
Ŵ ′ ∧ ¬ ′ .
As in the previous case, a procedure to decide for K3+ -validity can be used as a
procedure to decide whether a given meta-anti-inference holds for ST+ .
Example 2 p r =⇒ p q ∧ ¬q does not hold in ST+
p ∧ ¬r, s
¬(p ∧ ¬(q ∧ ¬q)), t
p, s
¬r, s
¬p, t
¬¬(q ∧ ¬q), t
q ∧ ¬q, t
q, t
¬q, t
The countermodel for the K3+ -inference is I(p) = 1, I(q) = 21 and I(r) = 0.
Thus, the fixation showing that the meta-anti-inference does not hold is:
⊤ ST ⊥
⊤ ST λ ∧ ¬λ.
Our corollary from Theorem 1 shows that ST+ is connected to K3+ in much
the same way in which it is connected to LP+ ; at least under the assumption that
metainferences and meta-anti-inferences are important alike. This will be discussed
in Section 7.
5 Hybrid Metainferences
We saw that there is a connection between an inference being ST+ -valid and a
conditional being LP+ -true, and an analogous connection between an inference
being ST+ -invalid and a conditional being K3+ -false. From these connections we
can now decide more articulated questions about ST+ ’s metainferences. A hybrid
P. Cobreros et al.
metainference is a conditional whose antecedent and consequent might contain
inferences and anti-inferences alike, for example:
(HMI) Ŵ ⊢ ; Ŵ ′ ′ =⇒ Ŵ † † ; Ŵ ∗ ⊢ ∗ .
We want to know whether there is a uniform substitution of the propositional letters appearing in the hybrid metainference such that: the inference in the premise
is ST+ -valid, the anti-inference in the premise is ST+ -invalid, the anti-inference in
the conclusion is ST+ -valid, and the inference in the conclusion ST+ - invalid (if any
such substitution exists, the metainference does not hold for ST+ ). The previous connections between ST+ -inferences and the logics K3+ and LP+ allow us to extract the
corresponding initial list for the tree as shown in Fig. 3.10
Recall that the trees provide a systematic search for a counterexample, and our initial list embodies the assumption of the existence of such a counterexample. Observe
also that if a conditional in the initial list appears negated it goes with an s and if
unnegated it goes with a t. This gives us a general pattern to extract the initial list for
the tree to test for metainferences in ST+ (see Fig. 3).
In the particular case of metainferences involving single-premise singleconclusion arguments, we have:
if A ⊢ B appears in premises write: A ⊃ B, t
if A B appears in premises write ¬(A ⊃ B), s,
if A ⊢ B appears in conclusions write ¬(A ⊃ B), s,
if A B appears in conclusions write A ⊃ B, t.
does not hold for ST+ .
Example 3 p ⊢ r, q ; p q =⇒ r, p q
p ⊃ (r ∨ q), t
¬(p ⊃ q), s
(r ∧ p) ⊃ q, t
p, s
¬q, s
¬p, t
r ∨ q, t
r, t
¬(r ∧ p), t
¬r, t
¬p, t
q, t
q, t
10 The same procedure can be used to decide about TS+ -metainferences by relabelling the nodes of the
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Fig. 3 Initial list for a hybrid
The falsifying instance to show that this metainference does not hold for ST+
is p = ⊤, q = ⊥ and r = λ, which renders the well-known counterexample to
transitivity in ST+ .
This raises the following interesting question:11 what is the logic corresponding to
hybrid metainferences of ST+ ? More precisely: we have that a meta-inference holds
for ST+ just in case the “lowering” renders a valid LP+ inference. In particular:
The metainference A ⊢ B =⇒ C ⊢ D holds for ST+
The inference A ⊃ B C ⊃ D is LP+ -valid.
We also have that a meta-(anti)-inference holds for ST+ just in case the “lowering” renders a valid K3+ -inference:
The metainference A B =⇒ C D holds for ST+
The inference ¬(A ⊃ B) ¬(C ⊃ D) is K3+ -valid.
So, the question goes, what happens when the metainference is hybrid:
The metainference A ⊢ B, C D =⇒ E F, G ⊢ H holds for ST+
The inference A ⊃ B, ¬(C ⊃ D) ¬(E ⊃ F ), G ⊃ H is X-valid.
We don’t know the answer to this question. The important point here is that this
logic X cannot be simply either LP+ or K3+ . Since contraposition holds for the
metainference conditional, we can always translate a hybrid metainference into a
non-hybrid metainference. But in that case, we have some freedom on how to do this:
we can translate into metainferences or into meta(anti)inferences. Thus, metainferences in ST+ relate both to LP+ and K3+ . We return to this discussion in Section 7.
In the next section, we first consider another issue raised by Barrio et al. [4] about
the connection between ST+ and LP+ .
6 Internal vs External Logic
According to Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt, the logic LP+ corresponds to ST+ ’s external logic. As a result, ST+ ’s external logic would fail to coincide with its internal
11 Thanks
to an anonymous reviewer of the JPL for the suggestion.
P. Cobreros et al.
logic, a situation they consider problematic. This claim is contentious and calls for
clarification. In what follows, we critically examine the notions of internal and external logic, and argue that although Barrio et al.’s claim can be vindicated to some
extent, the situation is not as straightforward as they claim.
6.1 Three-Sided Sequents
In order to present Barrio et al.’s argument, we need to say more about the proof
theory of ST+ and LP+ . The logics ST+ and LP+ can be presented in proof-theoretic
terms via three-sided sequents of type Ŵ||. Semantically, a sequent Ŵ|| is
satisfied by an interpretation I just in case either some element of Ŵ takes value 0, or
some in takes value 12 , or some in value 1, relative to I. Barrio et al. describe a
proof system S for these three-sided sequents [4, 562]. We will not present S here,
since the details of its presentation don’t matter for what follows. In order to foster
intuitions about S , suffice it to note that we can understand a range of two-sided
consequence relations via these three-sided sequents. In particular:
Definition 3 (ST+ proof-theoretic validity) An argument with premises Ŵ and con+
clusions is proof-theoretically valid in ST+ , written Ŵ ⊢ST , just in case the
sequent Ŵ|Ŵ, | can be proved in S .
Definition 4 (LP+ proof-theoretic validity) An argument with premises Ŵ and con+
clusions is proof-theoretically valid in LP+ , written Ŵ ⊢LP , just in case the
sequent Ŵ|| can be proved in S .
Thinking these through in terms of interpretations: the sequent Ŵ|Ŵ, | is satisfied by an interpretation I means that either some element in Ŵ takes value less than 1
or some element in takes value more than 0 on I, in agreement with the definition
of ST-validity. Similarly, that the sequent Ŵ|| is satisfied by I means that either
some element in Ŵ takes value less than 12 or some element in takes value more
than 0 on I, in agreement with the definition of LP-validity.
The system S is sound and complete for three-sided sequents, meaning that a
sequent is provable in S iff it is satisfied by every model. From that it follows that
⊢ST and ⊢LP are sound and complete for ST+ and LP+ , respectively.
6.2 Internal vs External
It is sometimes useful to distinguish the internal logic of a sequent system from its
external logic. The distinction between internal and external appears in these terms in
Avron [2], where they are referred to as ‘two methods that are traditionally used for
associating a consequence relation with a Gentzen-type formalism’. For two-sided
systems, the distinction is clear and captured by the following definitions [4, 564]:
Definition 5 (Internal logic) An argument from premises Ŵ to conclusions is valid
in the internal logic of a sequent system iff the sequent Ŵ ⇒ is derivable in that
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Definition 6 (External logic) An argument from premises Ŵ to conclusions is
valid in the external logic of a sequent system iff the sequent ⇒ is derivable in the
new sequent system arrived at by adding initial sequents ⇒ γ for every γ ∈ Ŵ to the
original system.
Although Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt make reference to Avron [2] and Mares and
Paoli [19] in order to motivate the notion of external logic, their definition of external
logic differs in an important way. For Avron and for Mares and Paoli, the definition
of external logic involves adding not just new initial sequents, but also adding (if it is
not already present) the rule of Cut as a primitive (cf. Avron [2, 163] and Mares and
Paoli [19, 451]). Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt cannot take on this extra assumption
on pain of begging the question against the defender of ST+ , and so they do not do
so. In what follows we stick to Barrio, Tajer and Rosenblatt’s definition.
The internal logic of a system considers the premises of an argument as living
on the left side of a sequent. By contrast, the external logic of a system considers
premises and conclusions alike as living on the right side, with the difference between
premises and conclusions being that the premises live at the top end of a sequent
derivation. Roughly, internal logic is about following from, whereas external logic is
about preservation of theoremhood. Because of this, the internal logic of a system is
often useful for connecting the system to natural deduction proof systems, and the
external logic for connecting to axiomatic proof systems.12
For three-sided systems like S , it is not immediately obvious how to extend these
notions, as there are multiple ways to understand ‘left’ and ‘right’. For example, the
two consequence relations ⊢ST and ⊢LP defined above from S are both recognizably internal: they consider only sequents derivable in S itself, not some expansion
of S ; and they understand premises and conclusions as occupying different locations
in the sequent, with premises to the ‘left’ (for two different understandings of ‘left’)
and conclusions to the ‘right’ (for a particular understanding of ‘right’).
So how should we understand external consequence for S ? We should consider
expansions of S with new initial sequents, including the premises of our argument
on the ‘right’, and ask after the derivability in this expanded system of a sequent with
our conclusions on the ‘right’. But we have two workable notions of ‘right’ available:
either the rightmost position alone, or spread across the middle and rightmost posi+
tions. (Compare the two understandings of ‘left’ implicit in the definitions of ⊢ST
and ⊢LP .)
So just as the notion of internal consequence breaks apart into multiple nonequivalent notions for three-sided systems like S , so too does the notion of external
consequence. And just as the multiple internal consequences allow us to determine both ST+ and LP+ via the single sequent system S , the multiple external
consequences also allow us to determine multiple logics.
12 This
is how they are used, for example, in Avron [2], as well as in Avron [3], where they are called
the “truth” consequence relation and “validity” consequence relation. See Mares and Paoli [19] for an
application of this distinction to the case of paradoxes, and Dicher [12] for an application of the distinction
to intra-theoretical logical pluralism.
P. Cobreros et al.
Only two versions of external consequence for S will concern us here:
Definition 7 (tt-external validity) An argument with premises Ŵ and conclusions is tt-externally valid, written Ŵ ⊢tte , just in case the sequent ∅||
can be proved in the system that adds initial sequents ∅|γ |γ for each γ in Ŵ
to S .
Definition 8 (st-external validity) An argument with premises Ŵ and conclusions
is st-externally valid, written Ŵ ⊢st
e , just in case the sequent ∅|| can be proved
in the system that adds initial sequents ∅|∅|γ for each γ in Ŵ to S .
As Barrio et al. [4] show, ⊢tte is LP+ and ⊢st
e is ST . Barrio et al., however, also
speak of ‘ST ’s external logic’, casting ⊢e in this role. They then argue that it should
be a desideratum for a theory of truth that its internal logic be contained in its external
logic.13 If ⊢tte is really ST+ ’s external logic, then ST+ fails this desideratum, since
⊢tte is not ST+ but LP+ .
6.3 Against the Meaningfulness of “ST+ ’s External Logic”
We think an important point can be recovered from this argument, but to do this, it
is important first to note that the notion of “ST+ ’s external logic” makes no sense on
its face. It is only for particular proof systems that the notion of an external logic is
defined. There is no such thing, for example, as “the external logic of classical logic”;
there are only external logics of particular sequent systems for classical logic, and
these can easily differ from each other, even between systems all of whose internal
logic is classical logic.
For concreteness, take Gentzen’s calculus LK [15], and let LK− be the corresponding system without the rule of Cut. As Gentzen showed, LK and LK− have the
same internal logic: they derive the same sequents, exactly the first-order classicallyvalid arguments. So for example, the sequent p ∧ q ⇒ p is valid in the internal
logic of both LK and LK− . It is also valid in the external logic of LK. But it is not
valid in the external logic of LK− , for the simple reason that LK− has the subformula
property: in any LK− derivation, every formula that appears at all is a subformula of
some formula in the conclusion-sequent. This remains true of any extension of LK−
by extra initial sequents. But p ∧ q is not a subformula of p, and so when we add
⇒ p ∧ q as an initial sequent to LK− , we know that this initial sequent cannot occur
in any derivation of ⇒ p. That is, ⇒ p is derivable in this extended system iff it is
derivable in LK− already, and of course it is not. So p does not follow from p ∧ q
according to the external consequence relation of LK− . It would not make any sense,
then, to speak of ‘classical logic’s external consequence relation’, since both LK and
13 This is reminiscent of desideratum (g) in Leitgeb [18], that ‘[t]he outer logic and the inner logic should
coincide’, but the similarity is a coincidence. Leitgeb’s ‘outer logic’ and ‘inner logic’ have to do with
reasoning ‘inside’ or ‘outside’ the truth predicate, and have nothing to do with proof systems.
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
LK− are paradigm sequent systems for classical logic, but have strikingly different
external consequence relations.14
In the present paper as in Barrio et al. [4], however, ST+ is not a particular proof
system, but rather a consequence relation determined by three-valued interpretations.
So there is no good sense to the claim that ⊢tte —or any other consequence relation—is
“ST+ ’s external logic”. Consequence relations like ST+ do not have external logics;
only proof systems do.
This should lead us to be suspicious of Barrio et al. [4]’s proposed desideratum:
that the internal logic should be contained in the external.15 It can only be understood
as a desideratum for proof systems. But as a desideratum for proof systems, it is not
particularly plausible; as we’ve already seen, such elegant and well-motivated proof
systems as LK− fail this desideratum pretty spectacularly.
6.4 Making Sense of Barrio et al.’s Desideratum
Perhaps we can understand the desideratum as a desideratum on consequence relations, however, by sticking a quantifier in, by desiring of a consequence relation C
that there be some proof system P with C as its internal logic that obeys the original
desideratum. Classical logic, for example, would meet this new desideratum, since
although LK− ’s internal logic is not contained in its external logic, LK’s is.
And indeed ST+ fails this new desideratum, at least if we restrict our attention to
usual two-sided systems. The reason is that any proof system P whose internal logic
contains ST+ will have to prove λ ⇒ p, since this is valid in ST+ . Supposing this
argument comes out externally valid for P , there must be a derivation of ⇒ p in
the system that adds the initial sequent ⇒ λ to P . But ⇒ λ must have already been
derivable in P , since it is valid in ST+ . So there must be a derivation of ⇒ p in P
itself, and so the internal logic of P is not sound for ST+ .
So understood, then, the desideratum makes good sense, and is satisfied by classical logic (and many others), but not by ST+ . We thus offer this as a way of making
sense of Barrio et al. [4]’s comments about ST+ ’s external logic: that there is no
proof system for ST+ whose internal logic is contained in its external logic.
So suppose that indeed ST+ does not meet (our interpretation of) Barrio et al.’s
desideratum, that there is no proof system of any sort for ST+ whose internal logic
is contained in its external logic. (And so suppose, in particular, that S doesn’t count
as such a system, for whatever reason.)
14 The difficulties that attend Cut elimination in the presence of axioms (for which see e.g. Buss [7, §2.4.4–
2.4.7]) are manifestations of this phenomenon: the external consequence relation of a system with Cut is
often much stronger than the external consequence relation of the corresponding system without Cut.
15 “It seems prima facie desirable that anything claimed in the internal logic, should also be claimed
in the “external” logic”. They intend this claim double-barreledly: as about both metainferences and
proof-theoretic external consequence. Here, we respond only to the proof-theoretic barrel, having already
discussed the metainferential barrel. They also talk of the stronger desideratum that internal and external logics coincide. However, the only direction that matters for their discussion or ours is the one we
focus on.
P. Cobreros et al.
Why would this be a problem? Barrio et al. [4] suggest that it requires us to endorse
logical pluralism. We take no stand here on the debate around logical pluralism (see
eg [6, 16, 24]). But whether or not logical pluralism is correct, it would certainly be
awkward if we were forced, merely by our advocacy of ST+ , also to advocate logical
pluralism. It should at least be possible to be a logical monist about ST+ . So if Barrio
et al. were correct that ST+ ’s failing their desideratum blocked logical monism about
ST+ , that would indeed be a problem for us. Here is what they say [4, 567]:
[S]upporting a logic in which the external and the internal points of view do
not coincide seems to be at least inconvenient, because the question ‘which
logic do you support?’ has now an ambiguous answer. Moreover, it brings up
the issue of the universality of logic: the question ‘which logic does it right?’
cannot have only one right response anymore.
We don’t think this would follow at all. Whatever endorsing a logic amounts to,
endorsing a logic does not require at the same time endorsing the external logic of
proof systems related to that logic. Those who advocate classical logic do not thereby
become pluralists implicitly endorsing the strikingly weak external logic of LK− ; the
connection to this external logic is too indirect for endorsement to spread like this.
And similarly, those who advocate ST+ do not thereby become pluralists implicitly
endorsing ⊢tte , or any other external logic of a proof system for ST+ .
Of course, someone who endorsed classical logic could be a pluralist, also endorsing the external logic of LK− . And someone who endorsed ST+ , similarly, could be
a pluralist, also endorsing ⊢tte (which, recall, is LP+ ). But there is nothing in endorsing classical logic, or in endorsing ST+ , that would suggest these positions. The
existence of external logics is not something that should disturb a logical monist.
Now, classical logic has a proof system whose internal and external logics coincide; we are supposing ST+ does not. But this doesn’t matter at all for what an
endorser of ST+ is committed to. Endorsement simply doesn’t spread to external
logics. So, if someone were a monist about ST+ , they would have an unambiguous
answer to the questions Barrio et al. pose above: ‘ST+ does it right’.
7 LP+ in Sheep’s Clothing?
Barrio, Rosenblatt and Tajer’s result provides an insightful response to the question
of which metainferences hold for the logic ST+ . Their paper provides a sharp and
elegant characterization of metainferential validity and their main result allows us to
translate the question of whether some metainference holds in ST+ into a question
about whether some related inference holds in LP+ .16 In addition to this, Barrio,
Rosenblatt and Tajer take the results in their paper to argue for two claims (these
claims appear intertwined in the paper):
16 In
their recent JPL paper [5] Barrio, Pailos and Szmuc show even more: that the features of a logic need
not be written in its valid metainferences of level n (n ∈ ω). This intriguing result lies beyond the scope
of this paper. See Scambler [25] for a discussion.
Inferences and Metainferences in ST
Claim 1: That, contrary to what it is claimed in Cobreros et al. [9], ST+ is not
classical logic.
Claim 2: That ST+ is no more illuminating than LP+ as a solution to paradoxes (put
in Quinean slogan: ST+ is LP+ in sheep’s clothing).
In order to sustain these claims, Barrio et al. take two routes. The first, from a
semantic perspective, showing a link between ST+ ’s metainferences and LP+ ’s inferences. The second, from a proof-theoretic perspective, arguing that ST+ ’s external
logic leads to LP+ .
Note that Claim 2 is stronger than Claim 1, for LP+ is the paradigm of a nonclassical theory. Thus, evidence for the second claim is evidence for the first. It
might happen, as we will comment in a moment, that no evidence is able to establish
anything like Claim 1. In this discussion we therefore concentrate on a rebuttal of
Claim 2.
The expression ‘classical logic’ seems to express an unambiguous and precise
concept when restricted to a language containing only the usual connectives. When
we consider a language equipped with a truth predicate, things become murky. Is it
right to claim that ST+ is classical logic for such a language?
Claim 1 is clearly true if taken very precisely: classical logic says nothing about
the truth predicate, while ST+ does, so they cannot be the same. As to the more
suggestive (but less precise) question whether ST+ is or isn’t a ‘classical theory of
truth’, this turns on exactly which features of classical logic must be exhibited by a
theory of truth for that theory to count as ‘classical’. If validating every instance of
every classically-valid inference is enough, ST+ is classical. If being closed under
every instance of every metainference that holds of classical logic is required, though,
ST+ is not classical, since instances of Cut are such metainferences. In their paper,
Barrio, Rosenblatt and Tajer focus on metainferences to make a case for ST+ ’s
nonclassicality in this way.
This is where Claim 2 (“ST+ is LP+ in sheep’s clothing”) enters the stage. If ST+ ’s
metainferences can be characterised as inferences of LP+ , then ST+ ’s metainferences
have indeed a non-classical flavour. While we don’t want to deny that there is something non-classical about ST+ (this is, indeed, much of its attractiveness) we believe
Barrio et al. go too far in claiming that ST+ is no more illuminating than LP+ itself.
For ST+ strikes a very specific balance between a paracomplete and a paraconsistent
approach, one that is missing in LP+ .
In connection to ST+ ’s external logic (second route towards Claim 2) our response
is that external consequence is a feature of proof systems, not consequence relations.
We cannot talk about “the” external logic of a consequence relation C. So we see no
good reason why the commitment to a consequence relation C should extend to some
(perhaps various) external consequences associated to proof systems having C as its
internal consequence.
In connection to ST+ ’s metainferences (first route towards Claim 2) our response
draws on the connection between ST+ ’s meta(anti)inferences and K3+ .
A conditional A ⊃ B can be read in two directions: as expressing that A is a sufficient condition for B (forwards) or as expressing that B is a necessary condition for
P. Cobreros et al.
A (backwards). The backwards reading can be explicitly represented by contraposing
the conditional: ¬B ⊃ ¬A. As with any other conditional, metainferences can also
be read in two directions. In the case of metainferences the forwards reading tells us:
if such and such inferences are valid, then so are some of these inferences. The backwards reading tells us: if such and such inferences are not valid, then some of these
are not valid either.
Although both readings are equivalent, they do not put the same emphasis.
Consider the following metainference which is a close relative to the Cut rule:
p, q ⊢ r ; p, ¬q ⊢ r =⇒ p ⊢ r
In its forwards reading it expresses the idea that if we can prove r from p and q and
we can prove r from p and ¬q then we can as well prove r from p alone. In its
backwards reading it says:
p r =⇒ p, q r ; p, ¬q r
which points to the idea that if p is consistent with ¬r, then either p and q is consistent with ¬r, or p and ¬q is. The property expressed by either reading is the same
by ST+ ’s lights (since ST+ is self-dual and the metalinguistic conditional is contraposable) but the emphasis is different. Similarly in the case of ST+ , metainferences
relate to LP+ , whereas meta-anti-inferences to K3+ . The point is that ST+ is no more
tightly related to LP+ than to K3+ . Whatever logical creature ST+ might be in sheep’s
clothing, that creature is Janus-faced.
Acknowledgements We want to give thanks to two anonymous reviewers of JPL for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. Pablo Cobreros gives thanks to the Humboldt Foundation for a
fellowship for twelve months of research at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. Paul Egré
and David Ripley thank the Buenos Aires Logic Group for their hospitality in August 2019. Robert
van Rooij was funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) via grant ‘From Learning to Meaning’,
grant-number 406.18.TW.007. Paul Egré thanks the programs ANR-19-CE28-0004-01 (PROBASEM) and
ANR-17-EURE-0017 (FRONTCOG) for research carried out at the Department of Cognitive Studies of
ENS. We also received financial support with the project ‘Logic and Substructurality’ Grant no (FFI201784805-P), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Government of Spain. Ripley’s research
was partially supported by the Australian Research Council via FT190100147 “Substructural logics for
bounded resources”.
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