Deployable Optical Receiver Array Cubesat
Adriana Talamante, Judd D. Bowman, Daniel C. Jacobs, Zachary Hoffman, Michael Horne, Christopher
School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
781 E Terrace Mall, Tempe 85282; 480-965-8880
[email protected],
[email protected]
Jose E. Velazco, Julia Arnold, Sean E. Cornish, Uriel S. Escobar, Andy R. Klaib
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109; 818-354-4605
[email protected]
Small satellites and cubesats often have low data transmission rates due to the use of low-gain radio links in UHF and
S bands. These links typically provide up to only 1 Mbps for communication between the ground and LEO, limiting
the applications and mission operations of small satellites. Optical communication technology can enable much higher
data rates and is rapidly gaining hold for larger satellites, including for crosslinks within SpaceX’s Starlink
constellation and upcoming NASA deep space missions. However, it has been difficult to implement on small
satellites and cubesats due to the need for precision pointing on the order of arcseconds to align the narrow optical
laser beam between terminals--a laser transmitter in LEO may yield a footprint less than 100 meters wide at its
receiving ground station. We report the development of a 3U cubesat to demonstrate new optical communication
technology that eliminates precision pointing accuracy requirements on the host spacecraft. The deployable optical
receiver aperture (DORA) aims to demonstrate 1 Gbps data rates over distances of thousands of kilometers. DORA
requires an easily accommodated host pointing accuracy of only 10 degrees with minimal stability, allowing the
primary mission to continue without reorienting to communicate and/or enabling small satellite missions using lowcost off-the-shelf ADCS systems. To achieve this performance, DORA replaces the traditional receiving telescope on
the spacecraft with a collection of wide-angle photodiodes that can identify the angle of arrival for incoming
communication lasers and steer the onboard transmitting laser in the corresponding direction. This work is motivated
by NASA’s plans for a lunar communications and navigation network and supported by NASA’s Space Technology
Program (STP). It is ideally suited for crosslink communications among small spacecraft, especially for those forming
a swarm and/or a constellation, and for surface to orbit communications. We will implement the deployable optical
receiver aperture and miniature transmission telescope as a 1U payload in the 3U cubesat and conduct the
demonstration flight in LEO.
Future implementations of the DORA technology are expected to further enable
omnidirectional receiving of multiple optical communications simultaneously and accommodate multiple transmitting
modules on a single cubesat.
Spacecraft clusters and optical communications may
enable paradigm-shifting compact instrumentation and
high-speed communications capabilities for missions
ranging from low-Earth and cis-lunar orbit to the outer
planets in deep space. NASA exploration plans require
spacecraft in cis-lunar space and users on the lunar
surface to have reliable and simple access to high
bandwidth communication. The network providing this
service may be a mix of assets with a layered hierarchical
structure like the tiered connections in terrestrial
networks. Given current and projected use patterns,
smallsats up to 12U in size are envisioned to be a key
user and node participant in this relay network. However,
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
at this size scale, collecting area and pointing flexibility
are both extremely limited. Deployable apertures, like
the X-band reflect-array used on the MarCO cubesat are
able to provide sufficient gain to enable 8 kbps links at 1
AU, while the LunaH-Map cubesat will communicate
over X-band from the Moon back to Earth at 128 kbps.
Both of these missions offset their minimal collecting
area with the use of a large (34m/70m) Deep Space
Network (DSN) dish on Earth. Direct communication
between cis-lunar elements can benefit from much
shorter distances to achieve speeds in the ~5 Mbps range
in the same radio band. These can be relayed further
distances by traversing the node network, potentially
waiting for connection opportunities along the way, until
arriving at a more powerful transmitter. Data could
traverse this architecture according to a Delay Tolerant
Network (DTN) protocol (Burleigh, et al 2003).
In the following sections, we begin by reviewing the
project and its goals. We next describe the DORA
payload, including its heritage and current design. We
end with an overview of the spacecraft bus.
Traditional laser terminals employed to date use lenses
to gather incoming light onto a single sensor. This optical
setup uses a significant internal spacecraft volume for the
optical path and is limited in collecting area to the size
of the lens aperture. This imposes two constraints. First,
and most seriously, in a lens terminal the operable field
of view is limited to a small range set by the focal length
of the telescope, typically less than a few degrees.
Second, a lens-based system is typically limited in its
pointing capability, which then imposes strict pointing
requirements on the host spacecraft. A LEO station with
a typical beam dispersion requires milli-radian angular
control from the cubesat pointing system, which must be
locked to the optical terminal, making other pointing
operations impossible. The tight integration and control
of pointing makes a traditional laser terminal a
significant driver of a cubesat mission’s architecture
(Cahoy et al. 2019).
An alternative optical architecture is the wide-field laser
terminal. The basic concept uses arrays of silicon
photodiodes to receive laser signals incoming from any
direction. The diode array can be used to estimate the
direction of arrival of the incoming signal either by
making spatial measurements of the incoming beam
profile or by exploiting the directional dependence of the
diode response. The arrival angle is then used to steer
the return link beam with an actuated mirror.
The basic concept of a wide-field laser terminal can be
utilized in several ways onboard a small satellite. A large
number of small sensors can be tiled onto a sphere or
multi-faceted surface to provide a large number of
simultaneous connections from different directions
(Velazco et al., 2018, 2019). Alternatively, to service
longer links where more sensitivity and tighter pointing
determination is needed, the collecting area can be tiled
onto a planar surface, such as a deployable panel (or
panels), to provide a large collecting area. This is the
design we will demonstrate with the Deployable Optical
Receiver Aperture (DORA) cubesat.
Small spacecraft, such as cubesats, often use small
communication apertures that conform to the spacecraft
body. For instance, in a cubesat, conformal apertures are
typically limited to a 10 cm diameter (77 cm2 collecting
area). The DORA cubesat will demonstrate a deployable
receive aperture with the potential for a 7x improvement
in collecting area that fits within 1U, enabling higher
data rates and/or longer communication distances than
traditional systems.
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 1: Rendered images of (a) ISOC and (b)
constellation of spacecraft interconnected by ISOC.
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has previously developed
Communicator (ISOC), a novel omnidirectional optical
terminal to provide fast communications for
constellations of spacecraft (Velazco et al., 2018). The
ISOC features a truncated icosahedral geometry that
contains arrays of miniature laser telescopes and optical
detectors (see Figure 1). The miniature optical telescopes
are located at the center of each facet and allow for full
sky coverage. The optical detectors, symmetrically
deployed on each vertex of the ISOC body, have two
purposes: they allow receiving fast incoming
communications signals from any direction and they are
used to accurately determine the angle-of-arrival (AoA)
of the incoming signal. The constant AoA tracking
performed by the ISOC mechanism makes it ideally
suited for ground station pointing operations as well. The
ISOC main features are: 1) high data rate
communications, 2) full sky coverage and 3) its ability
to maintain multiple links simultaneously. The current
ISOC prototype operates at a wavelength of 650 nm
(1550 nm is in development) and uses low-power single
mode laser diodes with fast silicon photodetectors. It has
been tested in the laboratory, giving the system a
technology readiness level (TRL) of 3.
the ground transmitter. Calibration products will depend
on the bench top optimization before launch but are
likely to be expressed as an overall pointing offset.
Sustained link speed will be demonstrated by upload of
a file with accuracy tested by on-board hash calculation.
Objectives and Requirements
Transmitter testing will require much the same process
as the receiver with a search process to find the ground
receiver and calibrate pointing at both ends. Verification
plans include high speed download, and because the link
is continuously bidirectional, live round-trip data.
The DORA cubesat objective is a flight demonstration of
a laser terminal that supports 1000 km crosslinks without
precision spacecraft pointing. We expect to raise the
widefield optical communication technology to TRL 7.
To avoid the difficulty posed by using multiple
spacecraft for the initial demonstration, we have elected
to make the test between a ground terminal and a single
3U cubesat in LEO. The overall goal of the mission is to
demonstrate link performance, which we have broken
into key performance parameters listed in Table 1.
Required levels are set by the desired performance across
several potential applications. We also identify target
levels beyond requirements that are our design goals.
Table 1 — DORA performance requirements
KPP #1 - Angle of arrival accuracy
KPP #2 - Tx pointing accuracy
KPP #3 - Allowed bus drift rate
0.1° / s
1° / s
KPP #4 - Allowed off-axis angle
KPP #5 - Sustained data rate
0.5 Gbps
1 Gbps
KPP #6 - Bit error rate (BER)
Transmit power
Transmit optics collimation
Stray light rejection (sun angle)
The DORA terminal, described in more detail below,
works by determining the angle of arrival of an incoming
laser and steering its transmitter laser to close the
bidirectional link. Thus, a successful uplink is required
before downlink can occur. The mission concept of
operations and test phases (Figure 2) set receiver
demonstration highest priority with full bidirectional
link to come after. The overall mission operational
approach is to perform link experiments when the
cubesat is above the experimental ground terminal.
Experiments will be mainly at night, when solar
background is at a minimum.
Initially, the optical receiver will be tested using
feedback via radio to find and calibrate the orbiting
terminal. This will also refine the pointing calibration of
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 2: Mission test phases
The angular accuracy of the combined receiver
transmitter system sets operational range as well as the
required pointing accuracy of the cubesat host. The
transmitter angular tracking requirements (KPP1 and 2)
are set to give a five meter pointing error at 1000 km,
well inside the projected laser spot size of about 500
meters at that distance. Similarly, tolerance of spacecraft
bus angular drift rate of 1 deg/s or slower is a tumble rate
reasonably achievable with off-the-shelf attitude control
Many factors including receiver sensitivity, transmitter
power, angular error, and processor latency contribute to
the overall link performance. The primary performance
metric for a crosslink in a cubesat acting as a
communication node is the data rate that can be achieved
within a cost-effective mission architecture. Here we
focus on the sustained link speed attainable between two
identical small satellite terminals at 1000 km with 10
degree host bus pointing accuracy and stability. Without
the proposed technology a 1000 km link would be closed
by an X-band patch antenna crosslink at 0.1 to 1 Mbps,
depending on power levels, while existing optical
systems would not close the link due to the low pointing
stability of the cubesat. The DORA system is expected
to sustain the link at better than 1 Gbps, approximately
three orders of magnitude larger than X-band. This data
rate enhancement offers a significant improvement over
the hundreds of kbps which is the projected state of the
art for cubesat missions on the first cis-lunar missions.
The DORA payload is a 1U module that contains both
the optical receiver and laser transmitter functionality.
The module has four deployable square-shaped tiles and
one face-mounted tile for receiving incoming laser
signals. Each tile contains dozens of fast optical
detectors. The outputs of all detectors in each tile pass
through suitable impedance matching transformers and
are then power-combined to make up one large effective
collecting area for each tile. We plan to explore both
silicon pin diodes and silicon photomultiplier (SiPM)
detectors for this application. State of the art commercial
pin diodes and SiPMs are fast (1 GHz bandwidth) and
are available in sizes up to 3 x 3 mm. The array of five
square-shaped tiles, each with an area of 100 cm2, yields
a total possible DORA aperture of 500 cm2. However,
for the purposes of an initial demonstration we do not
need to fully populate the receiver tiles with SiPMs. We
will use only a total SiPM area of 6.4 cm2, equivalent to
1.3% of the total possible aperture. Renderings of the
DORA payload module are shown in Figure 3.
The DORA payload will determine the incoming laser
AoA using the direction dependent response of the
SiPMs. The SiPMs sensitivity decreases for arrival
angles away from the boresight direction with cosine
dependence. The deployable panels will be tilted relative
to each other (and the top face) to provide multiple SiPM
orientations. This will enable the two-dimensional AoA
to be calculated from the relative incoming laser strength
seen by each panel.
The laser transmitter is a miniature telescope that
consists of a laser diode, a fixed mirror, an actuated
mirror, and a 3x bi-confocal lens. The actuated mirror
provides an optical steering range of ±12°. The 3x lens
expands the steering to ±36°. Although the proposed
demonstration cubesat will contain only one transmitter,
a communication node spacecraft could contain multiple
strategically located telescopes to provide full sky
coverage. Two identical spacecraft, each containing a
DORA system with transmit module radiating 1 Watt (at
850 nm) with a transmitting aperture of 0.8 cm2, should
be able to communicate at 1 Gbps data rate (using NRZ
OOK modulation) at 5,000 kilometers with a bit error
rate (BER) of 10-8.
allows for impact ionization to occur, creating gains up
to 106. SPADs are often referred to as the microcells in
the SiPM. Each SiPM outputs a current signal that is
proportional to the number of microcells fired. A fired
microcell outputs a pulse of 1 photoelectron (p.e.). When
more than one microcell fires at the same time, the output
of the SiPM is the superposition of all the fired cells.
There are two outputs for each SiPM, a standard output
and fast output. The standard output is the typical
photodetector current from the anode and will be used to
observe the DC level of the signal for use in the AoA
calculation. The fast output will be used for
Optical and Electrical Design
The DORA receiving tiles are each an 83 x 100 mm
printed circuit board (PCB) that hosts the SiPMs, RF
combiners, amplifiers, biasing circuit, and connector. An
optical filter will be mounted on top of each panel to
mitigate background light as described below. All other
components are either surface mounted onto the tile
PCBs or contained on additional PCBs in the 1U module.
SiPMs are optical sensors that are composed of multiple
single photon avalanche diodes (SPAD) connected in
parallel. A SPAD is a PN junction photodiode that is
biased to operate in the Geiger mode. The Geiger mode
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 3: DORA payload 1U module. (a) Shown in
full with optical receiver panels deployed. (b) Shown
with receiver panels hidden. The actuated mirror for
steering the transmitter laser is visible through the
top face. (c) Shown with panels and thermal shields
hidden, revealing the analog and digital processing
Biasing is important for SiPM, as its dark current, gain,
and photon detection efficiency are all dependent on it.
To achieve the proper biasing voltages a DC-DC inverter
(LT3483) is used to generate a voltage range of -30 V to
-20 V from a 3.3 V or 5 V line. Temperature affects the
required biasing due to the change in breakdown voltage.
A DC-DC inverter has a variable output voltage that is
being controlled by a feedback resistor. A thermistor is
used as the feedback resistor so that the change in
resistance due the change in temperature changes the
bias voltage at the same rate that the breakdown voltage
The front-end electronics of a SiPM are similar to those
for an avalanche photodiode, the only exception is that
the SiPM has two outputs. The outputs must be
converted from a current signal to a voltage signal in
order to be sampled by an analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) or comparator. A transimpedance amplifier
(TIA) is used to convert the current signal to voltage
signal, as well as providing additional gain. Before
connecting the SiPM outputs to the TIA each fast output
will connect to an RF combiner. Combining the
individual signals will improve SNR by increasing the
peak of the output pulse. The RF combiner also provides
isolation, which lowers the sum capacitive load when
connecting the outputs together. The RF combiner
output is then connected to the TIA. The output of the
TIA connects to a comparator which converts the analog
output signal of the TIA into a digital signal. Each panel
will have a flat flexible cable (FFC) connector that is
used to connect it to a digital processing board. The FFC
connector and cable allow for thin cabling that reduces
the thickness of the panels.
The DORA payload utilizes a Kintex-7 FPGA on a Trenz
Electronic TE0741 system-on-module (SOM) for
managing the optical communications link. The SOM
attaches to a custom-designed carrier card using three
board-to-board connectors. The carrier card provides
several interfaces, including an RS-422 driver, a
microSD card slot, and an Ethernet PHY and
transformer. The RS-422 bus is used to control the
payload from the CubeSat’s flight computer, and the
Ethernet interface is used to transfer files between the
flight computer and the payload. The microSD card is
used to hold files for later transmission and to save files
that have been received. The carrier card also contains a
512 Mb Cypress HyperRAM module, which serves as a
data buffer during an optical link.
The carrier card connects to a mixed signal PCB (MSPCB) using a 60-pin Samtec Razor Beam High-Speed
connector. The high-speed GTX transceivers of the
Kintex-7, along with several GPIO and an SPI interface,
are routed through this connector. The GTX transceivers
are used to modulate the transmit laser, and to recover
data from the SiPM panels. The SPI interface is used to
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
retrieve samples from the MS-PCB’s Analog Devices
AD7606C-18 ADC, and to command the Optotune dualaxis voice-coil mirror to steer the transmitter laser beam.
The MS-PCB interconnects the FPGA carrier card,
receiver tiles, laser transmitter, ADC, and Optotune
mirror carrier board, along with hosting burn wires for
receiver tile deployments and all power lines for the
payload. Five FCC connectors/cables are used in order
to connect each receiver tile to the MS-PCB and
additionally one of the five FCC connectors supplies
power and the transmitter signal to the laser transmitter
board. A 16 pin Harwin connector is used for power and
control interface with the Optotune mirror carrier board.
The burn wires are located on the underside of the board.
The FPGA implements a MicroBlaze soft-core processor
running FreeRTOS. The communications logic, Ethernet
MAC, HyperRAM controller, UART core, and SPI logic
are all connected to the processor using an AXI-4 bus.
The Xilinx EthernetLite IP is used as the Ethernet MAC
and the Xilinx UartLite IP is used to provide the data
layer for the RS-422 interface. The processor is
responsible for controlling the payload’s file system,
implementing the TCP/IP Ethernet stack, parsing RS422 commands, and managing the communications link.
Mechanical Design
The DORA payload consists of a series of sub-boards
depicted in Figure 4. The optical transmitter allows for
a modulated laser diode to emit a pulsed beam from the
block enclosure, horizontally into the center of the
steering mirror. The steering mirror sits at a platform
elevated 35˚ above horizontal. This enables the ±25˚
mechanical range of the mirror to steer the beam without
clipping the cubesat structure.
To assemble the payload in an effective manner, spacers
and standoffs were created, similar to the 0.6” spacers
outlined in the CubeSat Design Specification Revision
13 (CDS; 2015). However, with the volume of the
payload in mind, the spacers were shortened, allowing
for a more efficient volume board stack.
In addition to the spacers, corner mounting brackets are
needed to add rigidity to the structure and give the stack
a more functional way to mount to the cubesat chassis.
The rectangular corner brackets, seen in Figure 4
(bottom panel), give the payload a more vibration
resistant design, and give additional material for
mounting to the chassis and conducting heat.
To keep all electrical components within an operational
thermal range, shells of Aluminum 7050-T73510 were
designed to shield components from direct sun exposure
and keep them within an enclosed system (Starke 1996).
The shields, seen in Figure 3 (middle panel), allow for a
closed payload system, preventing overheating or
accidental tampering, only added an additional 0.67 kg
to the payload mass. The overall payload mass is 1.1 kg.
is in its proper orbit. When orbit is achieved, the burn
wire mechanisms on each side of the payload will send a
high current through a nichrome wire, burning a taut
nylon cord that is keeping the panels from deploying.
The burn wire mechanisms can be seen below the
connectors on the underside of the MS-PCB in Figure 4,
and will connect to each panel via the slot at the end of
each PCB.
Figure 4: Exploded view of the DORA payload
module. From bottom to top, the boards are: 1) MSPCB, 2) SOM carrier card, 3) FPGA, 4) laser
modulator, and 5) laser transmitter with Optotune
steering mirror.
The glass cover over the transmitter is shown in Figure
3 (middle panel) in blue to highlight its presence. In
application; however; the cover will be a clear glass of a
known index of refraction to ensure all potential pointing
errors are accounted for and no additional loss is accrued
due to filtering.
The most prominent features on the DORA module are
the deployable receiver tiles. These panels spring out
from the cubesat body in a flower-petal fashion as seen
in Figure 3 (top panel). The panels provide an
opportunity for a large optical aperture for an incoming
signal from the ground or other spacecraft. Although we
are not fully populating the panels with diodes, we retain
them in the design to test their impact on the AoA
determination. Each panel is held rigidly in reference to
one another by the hinges that connect them to the body
of the cubesat. The hinges are spring loaded, and will
launch from the initial stowed position to a preset 70˚
angle, similar to the deployable Ka reflector on JPL’s
ISARA mission (Hodges 2015). The hinges also meet
the thickness requirements for normal extension from the
cubesat body as defined in the CDS.
When DORA is launched, the receiver panels will be
down, covering the sides of the payload until the cubesat
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 5: (a) Illustration of the shift in passband for
a 850 nm bandpass filter with a bandwidth of 20 nm
for two different incidence angles. (b) An actual
bandpass filter transmission with a passband of ~50
nm for the same two incidence angles is able to retain
response at the target wavelength in both cases.
Background light will contribute to the power received
by DORA and its ground station. The large field of view
(about 𝜋𝜋 steradians) of the DORA receiver makes it more
susceptible to background light than narrow field
systems for two reasons: 1) bright sources are more
likely to be in the field of view and 2) diffuse background
emission will integrate to larger power than for narrow
field of view systems.
Additionally, photodiode
detectors have broadband response (~500 nm) unless
filters or coatings are applied. Hence, thermal and other
broadband background light sources can integrate to
large power in these detectors.
Calculations show that for either Silicon detector
systems, atmospheric line emission (e.g. OH lines) and
light pollution may be a significant or even dominant
contribution to the received power of a DORA system on
the ground or in LEO. Diffuse astronomical sources,
such as Zodiacal light and faint stars, are generally not
dominant sources of background light.
We use optical bandpass filters to increase the SNR by
reducing the background noise observed by the detector.
The bandpass filter reduces the transmission of
unwanted optical bands (reject band) and allows high
transmission of the desired optical wavelength
(passband). Typical transmittance of the passband is
above 90% while the reject band provides 30 dB
attenuation. Filters experience a “blueshift” when an
incidence angle is larger than the intended operating
angle. Figure 5 shows an example of how the blueshift
changes the performance of the filter.
In order for the filter to maintain a >90% transmission
for an incidence angle range of 0 to 40 degrees, the
bandwidth of the passband must be increased. The lower
panel of Figure 5 illustrates how a larger passband can
achieve large angle ranges.
Summary of link budget derivation
In Figure 6 we show the basic transmit and receive
terminals separated by a distance R. The transmit
telescope includes a laser diode and a collimating
aperture (transmit aperture). The receiver includes a
receive lens (receive aperture) and a photodetector. For
an optical terminal the received power can be calculated
π D𝑡𝑡 2 π D𝑟𝑟 2
� � λ �
P𝑟𝑟 = P𝑡𝑡 �
λ 2
4π R
where we have neglected losses. Here Pt is the
transmitted power, Dt and Dr are, respectively, the
transmit and receive effective aperture diameters, λ is the
operating wavelength, R is the distance between
terminals and η is the system efficiency. Equation 1 can
be rewritten as
P𝑟𝑟 = 𝐸𝐸 𝐺𝐺 𝐿𝐿 η ,
where E=Pt (π Dt / λ)2 is the effective isotropic radiated
power. The receive gain and space loss are given by
respectively by:
π D𝑟𝑟 2
𝐺𝐺 = �
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
λ 2
4π R
𝐿𝐿 = �
Assuming direct detection optical links, the capacity of a
Poisson pulse position modulation (PPM) channel is a
function of the PPM order, received noise and signal
rates. When only signal photoelectrons are present, we
log2 ( 𝑀𝑀)
�1 − 𝑒𝑒 −𝑀𝑀 𝑂𝑂𝑟𝑟 𝑂𝑂𝑠𝑠 / 𝐸𝐸λ �,
where M is the PPM order, Ts is the slot width, and
Eλ=hc/λ is the energy per photon (h is Planck’s constant
and c is the speed of light). The maximum supportable
bandwidth, 1/Ts, is typically limited by the maximum
processing speed of the transmitter and receiver, the laser
pulse width, and clock accuracy. Figure 7 shows that the
expected data rate for the DORA payload module
transmitting to a ground station will sustain 1 Gbps for
distances less than 1800 km.
Figure 6. Transmitter and receiver terminals
showing relevant parameters for DORA optical
The cubesat will be 3U and use standard subsystems for
the electrical and power system, attitude control and
determination system, GPS receiver and antenna,
onboard computing, and UHF radio and antenna (see
Figure 8). The electronics subsystems are a mix of
commercial off the shelf (COTS) and custom design with
several items still under trade study. The chassis is a
custom machined design. Power will be supplied by two
100 x 200 mm chassis-mounted solar panels and two 100
x 200 mm deployable solar panels, yielding a total orbital
average power output of 7.4 W. Average power
consumption for all bus subsystems and the DORA
payload, including efficiency loss, is estimated at 3.3 W,
providing 120% margin. We estimate the payload will
consume 8.5 W when transmitting. The operational duty
cycle for on-orbit testing will be 5% (4 night passes per
24 hours), yielding an orbital average power
consumption for the payload of 0.43 W.
When the receiver is well illuminated, the derived angle
of arrival can be used to steer the transmitter into
alignment. The transmitter is limited to ±36° by the
steering mirror actuator, providing no additional attitude
accuracy requirement.
Figure 7: Plot of capacity (Equation 4) as a function
of range for the DORA payload to the ground station,
for two values of the ground station receive aperture,
𝑫𝑫𝒓𝒓 = [𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏, 𝟐𝟐𝟏𝟏] cm. Parameters used are: 𝝀𝝀 = 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟏𝟏
nm, 𝑷𝑷𝒕𝒕 = 𝟐𝟐𝟖𝟖𝟏𝟏 mW, 𝑫𝑫𝒕𝒕 = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟖𝟖 cm, 𝜼𝜼 = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟏𝟏𝟐𝟐𝟖𝟖, 𝑻𝑻𝒔𝒔 =
𝟏𝟏. 𝟖𝟖 ns and 𝑴𝑴 = 𝟐𝟐. Note that, for these parameters, a
capacity (data rate) of 1 Gbps could be achieved for
distances of up to ~1800 km.
A pointing system with these requirements is currently
the subject of a trade study. Nighttime operation is
required, limiting sensors to earth limb, magnetic, and
stellar. We also require a nadir-pointing mode to ensure
the DORA payload is oriented towards Earth during
communication test passes and prefer a sun-tracking
mode to ensure efficient charging. Phoenix used an MAI
400 for its ADCS, however this module is no longer
available. We are currently considering two ADCS
options: the Tensor Tech ADCS100 and the Cube
ADCS. Both have specifications that meet our minimum
The cubesat design will conform to the CDS. The
DORA payload will occupy less than 1U of space, easily
accommodated in addition to the core subsystems in a
3U design.
The cubesat bus for DORA draws on
heritage from Phoenix, a 3U cubesat with a thermal
imaging payload (Rogers et al. 2020). Phoenix was
designed and built by undergraduate students at Arizona
State University and was deployed from the International
Space Station in February, 2020. The system was
operated successfully from ASU and by several amateurs
until a computer fault ended normal operations.
The onboard computer manages three communications
subsystems, two pointing systems, power, auxiliary
ground during terrestrial testing, and a high bandwidth
data link. Our match to these requirements is the
BeagleBone Black. This open source design is available
commercially for less than $100 or with flight heritage
packaged into the Pumpkin MBM2. It includes a 1 Gbps
Ethernet interface needed to download test data from the
The DORA module requires minimal bus pointing
accuracy to close a link. In practice on-orbit testing
motivates significant margin. The receiver can determine
incoming angles up to an angle roughly set by the
deployment angle of the side panels. An attitude
determination accuracy better than 10° will provide
margin to orient toward the ground station for reception.
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 8: Rendering of full cubesat. The DORA
payload is at the bottom and shown with the
aluminum shell hidden.
The power system of DORA consists of an EPS,
batteries, and the solar panels. We elected for
components that have already been demonstrated with
our on-board computer. Pumpkin has a modified version
of the Clydespace 3G EPS that is designed to match the
PC104 header of the MBM2. The EPS has 3V, 5V, 12V,
and battery voltage busses available. It is also directly
compatible with Pumpkin solar panels. We are currently
performing a trade study between the Pumpkin BM2
battery and the Clydespace Optimus battery. The
Pumpkin battery has a larger capacity and higher
discharge rate, while the Clydespace battery mounts
within the PC104 header and comes in multiple sizes.
The trade study is pending the completion of a real-time
power analysis to determine if we need the extra capacity
and discharge rate that the Pumpkin battery provides.
In addition to the ADCS, we will use a Hexagon Novatel
OEM719 Multi-Frequency GNSS receiver to provide
orbital position and precision timing. This receiver has
access to all satellite constellations and has proven flight
heritage with cubesat missions. It has an RTK mode that
can yield centimeter-level precision. It is small enough
to fit on a custom interface board within the PC104 stack,
possibly paired up with another component.
Novatel GNSS receiver, can fit on a custom interface
board within the PC104 stack.
The flight software is built on the open-source
framework, KubOS, using the Rust programming
language. KubOS is a microservice oriented architecture
and separates on-board functionality into two levels:
services and mission applications. Services are low level
applications that provide all hardware interfaces and
general background functionality, whereas mission
applications implement the high-level control of the
satellite. KubOS was chosen for its ease of use and
support of the BeagleBone Black as one of the main
targets. The central focus of the flight software is error
handling and fault containment, which is supported by
the KubOS architecture’s service-oriented design.
The DORA cubesat will use the recently open-sourced
OpenLST radio. This radio design was released by
Planet (Klofas, 2018). It uses the 70 cm UHF band with
a frequency modulation format of 2FSK and has a
maximum transmission data rate of 7400 bps at a peak
power of 1W. An OpenLST radio can be fabricated for
less than $100 dollars. The drawbacks include limited
part availability and the potential instability of an open
source project. As part of our evaluation we have made
some updates to account for changing conditions since
the first design release. The power amplifier in the
original design was recently deprecated, we have
replaced it with a newer drop-in model. A SAW filter can
only be acquired from one company with limited
alternatives, hence we have acquired a large stock of
spares. We are also updating the ground support software
from Python 2 to 3. These and other minor updates are
available in our fork of the repository. 1
The DORA optical ground terminal (OGT) will be a
unique optical transceiver, enabling high speed uplink
and downlink with the DORA payload from the ground.
The mechanical OGT system consists of three key
components. The first is a 200 mm diameter lens, seen in
blue in Figure 9. The lens provides a large optical
aperture, allowing all the signal power to be focused on
the receiver board located internally at the lens focal
point, 400 mm back. This feature increases signal
strength while minimizing noise and loss. It also
decreases the overall cost, as producing an aperture
consisting entirely of photodiode receivers would be
comparatively expensive.
The DORA cubesat will use a deployable UHF antenna
developed for ASU’s LightCube cubesat mission
( The antenna is expected to fly
before DORA, providing some flight heritage and
reducing risk. The circular-polarized antenna uses four
Nitinol elements deployed by a hot-wire circuit
commanded by the OBC.
We also plan on implementing an Eyestar-S3 Simplex as
a backup means of communication with the cubesat. The
Eyestar communicates with the Globalstar satellite
network to provide real-time, always-available access
the cubesat. The Globalstar system supports 9 bps data
transfer and will primarily be used to broadcast a health
heartbeat for the cubesat. The S3 has TRL 8 and, like the
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
Figure 9: Optical Ground Terminal
The second key feature of the OGT is the transmitter
seen in the cube below the lens in Figure 9. It is a
modified replica of the one on the DORA payload. It
uses an optical steering mirror to help point the optical
signal directly at the DORA spacecraft in orbit. The only
modifications are to remove the burn wire mechanisms
and the receiver tiles that are on the orbital payload. The
receiver tiles are replaced by the final key component of
the OGT, a set of 20 receiver boards on independent
planes, seen in green around the OGT aperture in Figure
9. The 20 receiver boards are configured in planes
representative of a large icosahedron, enabling the AoA
algorithm to detect the angle of the incoming optical
signal and reorient the OGT in the direction of the
oncoming beam.
An optical ground terminal PCB serves as an interface
between an FPGA and the optical ground station
components. The incoming analog optical signals from
the photodiodes on the terminal vertices are digitized and
routed to the FPGA. A 16-pin Harwin connector is used
to power and interface with the Optotune mirror carrier
Ground station software is implemented as an
application-oriented design in Rust. The software uses a
basic terminal for commanding and receiving, with
additional applications to store and display data.
Telemetry data is stored in a local PostgreSQL database
and displayed using the open-source system, Grafana.
Logs received from the spacecraft are stored separately
from the telemetry in an influx database and similarly
visualized using Chronograf. Each application is made
to be independent to increase the degree of fault
containment. For example, if an error occurs with the
PostgreSQL database, then commanding/receiving and
log storage and visualization are all unaffected and the
Grafana dashboard would cease to update since there is
no new telemetry being stored. The current design allows
for new functionality to be easily added or removed as
we continue development on the ground software.
DORA is supported by NASA SmallSat Technology
Partnerships through award 80NSSC20M0086.
In this paper we have presented the design of a widefield
optical receiver payload module and associated
grounded terminal. Widefield optical receivers offer
new operational modes for high-speed communication
between spacecraft and from orbit to surface, potentially
enabling new network architectures in cis-lunar space.
They decouple the communication system from
spacecraft bus attitude control, making them uniquely
suitable for small satellites. Background light needs to be
mitigated more carefully in a widefield receiver than for
narrow field optical systems. The DORA payload
module will be validated in space using a 3U cubesat to
demonstrate high-speed links between LEO and a
ground terminal on Earth. We anticipate launch in 2023.
[35th] Annual
Small Satellite Conference
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