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Il primo messale ungherese a stampa

Il primo messale ungherese a stampa

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2014
Mátyus Norbert
The article tries to present the history of the formation of the first Hungarian printed missal, the Missale to usum dominorum ultramontanorum. First, based on the results of specific literature, it specifies the purchaser of the edition: Antal Sankfalvi, prebendary of Vac, then ambassador in most places of King Matthias Corvinus. The second part of the study attempts to investigate the reasons for the release of the liturgical book, and try to find traces of the use of the missal. The author puts forward the hypothesis that the release of the missal results from a pure economic calculation and that the book was (also) used in the Archdiocese of Esztergom, accordingly the missal should be considered a Missale strigoniense.

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