GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 34, L04309, doi:10.1029/2006GL028597, 2007
4D simulation of explosive eruption dynamics at Vesuvius
Augusto Neri,1 Tomaso Esposti Ongaro,1 Gianluca Menconi,1 Mattia De’Michieli Vitturi,1
Carlo Cavazzoni,2 Giovanni Erbacci,2 and Peter J. Baxter3
Received 27 October 2006; revised 23 December 2006; accepted 10 January 2007; published 24 February 2007.
[1] We applied a new simulation model, based on
multiphase transport laws, to describe the 4D (3D spatial
coordinates plus time) dynamics of explosive eruptions.
Numerical experiments, carried out on a parallel
supercomputer, describe the collapse of the volcanic
eruption column and the propagation of pyroclastic
density currents (PDCs), for selected medium scale (subPlinian) eruptive scenarios at Vesuvius, Italy. Simulations
provide crucial insights into the effects of the generation
mechanism of the flows - partial collapse vs boiling-over on their evolution and hazard potential, the unstable
dynamics of the fountain, and the influence of Mount
Somma on the propagation of PDCs into the circumVesuvian area, one of the world’s most hazardous volcanic
settings. Results also show that it is possible to characterize
the volcanic column behavior in terms of percentage of the
mass of pyroclasts collapsed to the ground and how this
parameter strongly influences the dynamics and hazard
of the associated PDCs. Citation: Neri, A., T. Esposti Ongaro,
G. Menconi, M. De’Michieli Vitturi, C. Cavazzoni, G. Erbacci,
and P. J. Baxter (2007), 4D simulation of explosive eruption
dynamics at Vesuvius, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L04309,
1. Introduction
[2] A transient 3D numerical simulation model is an
essential advance in increasing our understanding of the
dynamics of PDCs in explosive eruptions, since they are the
most destructive and deadliest of volcanic phenomena
[Simkin et al., 2001], as attested by the thousands of deaths
and devastation caused in 79AD and 1631 by the largest
eruptions of Vesuvius in its last two millennia of activity.
Explosive eruptions are characterized by the injection of
fragmented magma into the atmosphere where it disperses
as a multi-particle and multi-component mixture of gases
and pyroclasts in a process that can occur on a wide range of
spatial and temporal scales as well as with different mechanisms. In Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions the buoyant
mixture lofts in an erupting column to tens of kilometers in
height, but a loss of efficiency of atmospheric mixing or a
structural collapse of the volcanic edifice can precipitate a
partial or total collapse of the column to form PDCs, or
pyroclastic flows (s.l.), in which the hot mixture propagates
at high velocity along the volcano flanks [Sparks et al.,
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Section of Pisa, Pisa,
High Performance Computing Group, Consorzio Interuniversitario per
il Calcolo Automatico dell’Italia Nord Orientale, Bologna, Italy.
Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union.
1997] with potentially devastating consequences. Although
several different types of PDCs have been recognized, in
most volcanological models they comprise a basal concentrated dense flow underlying a more dilute surge-like ash
cloud of fine particles [Druitt, 1998; Branney and Kokelaar,
[3] In recent decades, numerous authors have used different numerical models based both on 1D steady-state
homogeneous flow [Sparks et al., 1978; Malin and
Sheridan, 1982; Bursik and Woods, 1996; Dellino et al.,
2004] and 2D transient homo/multiphase flow assumptions
[Wohletz et al., 1984; Valentine and Wohletz, 1989; Dobran
et al., 1993; Neri et al., 2003; Dartevelle et al., 2004;
Ishimine, 2005] to describe the mechanics of column
collapse and to capture the dynamics and hazards of PDCs.
Although these models elucidate several of the first-order
characteristics of explosive eruptions, many of them ignore
the description of the column collapse and all neglect
crucial 3D features of the system, such as the volcano
topography, flow instabilities, and atmospheric conditions,
making their application to real examples problematic. Only
recently has the availability of supercomputers allowed the
analysis of some 3D features of buoyant plumes by adopting homogeneous flow models [Oberhuber et al., 1998;
Suzuki et al., 2005].
[4] Here we present, for the first time, 4D multiphase
flow simulations of the formation of PDCs by the collapse
of the volcanic column and their propagation over the actual
volcano topography. The model, named PDAC (Pyroclastic
Dispersal Analysis Code) (T. Esposti Ongaro et al., A
parallel multiphase flow code for the 3D simulation
of explosive volcanic eruptions, submitted to Parallel
Computing, 2006, hereinafter referred to as Esposti Ongaro
et al., submitted manuscript, 2006), represents the development of the PDAC2D model [Neri et al., 2003] already used
for the analysis of the 2D dynamics of these phenomena
[Dobran et al., 1994; Clarke et al., 2002; Todesco et al.,
2002]. The first successful application of PDAC was carried
out in the reconstruction of the main 3D features of the PDC
in the Boxing Day volcanic blast that occurred at the
Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat in 1997 [Esposti
Ongaro et al., 2005]. In particular, the model reproduced
the reconstructed distribution of products and damages
according to independent observations, when the simulation
incorporated the available data on the lava dome’s physical
characteristics. In the following, we present the application
of the code to explosive events at Vesuvius.
[5] It is worth mentioning that the initial and boundary
conditions describing the eruptive scenarios reported below
are only meaningful in the context of a parametric study and
that major epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties affect several of them [Sparks and Aspinall, 2004]. Thus the simu-
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lated scenarios presented here need to be interpreted as ideal
representations of likely events at Vesuvius.
2. Model Formulation and Numerics
[6] In the applied model the fundamental processes governing explosive eruptions are described in terms of first principles whereas the constitutive equations describe the physical
properties of the eruptive fluids [Valentine and Wohletz, 1989;
Dobran et al., 1993; Gidaspow, 1994; Dartevelle et al., 2004].
The PDAC model describes the Eulerian transport equations
of mass, momentum and enthalpy for a multiphase mixture
formed by a continuous multi-component gas phase and n
solid particulate phases representative of magma fragments
(such as ash, crystals and lapilli). In more detail, the atmospheric dispersal of pyroclasts is computed over the 3D spatial
domain and over time by solving a set of mass, momentum,
and energy balance equations for each considered particulate
phase. The model represents each pyroclast category (ash,
crystals, etc.) by a solid particulate phase characterized by a
diameter, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, etc. and
provides as output its concentration, velocity, temperature over
the 3D domain at each instant of time. For simplicity, we
assumed no change in particle size due to the effects of
secondary fragmentation or aggregation processes. Pyroclast
sedimentation and elutriation, as well as the air entrainment
and heating, are explicitly computed through the solution of
the non-equilibrium multiphase flow equations. The deposition process (implying a particle loss from the flow bottom)
was not taken into account in the present formulation.
[7] The solution of the model equations is based on a
second-order accurate, finite-volume discretization scheme
and a semi-implicit time-advancing scheme. The new 3D
code has been parallelized following an approach based on
the domain-decomposition strategy and the MPI protocol
(Esposti Ongaro et al., submitted manuscript, 2006).
According to this, the physical domain was subdivided in
a number of smaller sub-domains, with each one assigned to
a single processor of the parallel supercomputer. A novel
immersed-boundary technique suited to compressible multiphase flows has been adopted in some of the simulations
in order to accurately describe the no-slip flow condition at
the interface between the fluid flow and the irregular 3D
topography, even with relatively coarse meshes (M. De’Michieli Vitturi et al., An immersed boundary method for
compressible multiphase flow: Application to the dynamics
of pyroclastic density currents, submitted to Computational
Geosciences, 2006).
[8] The transport equations were solved on a Cartesian
non-uniform structured mesh, with minimum horizontal and
vertical spacing of 20 m and a maximum cell size of 100m.
The topography was acquired from an accurate 10 mresolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The typical
time-step was of 0.01 s. The adopted domain extended 12
and 14 Km in the two planar directions and up to 8 km in
the vertical. The simulations required about 14,000 hrs of
total CPU time per 1,000 s of simulation running on the
IBM SP5 (512 Power 5 processors at 1.9 GHz) available at
CINECA (Bologna, Italy).
[9] Sensitivity tests were performed in order to assess the
influence of several numerical parameters, including grid
size, time step, domain extension, boundary conditions and
numerical accuracy (Esposti Ongaro et al., submitted manuscript, 2006). The results showed that the investigated
numerical parameters do not significantly affect the main
simulation outputs (fountain height, column behavior, percentage of mass collapsed, flow propagation, etc.). On the
other hand, the adopted vertical mesh resolution along the
terrain prevents an accurate description of the basal coarserich granular flow underlying the more dilute fine-rich ash
cloud, thus introducing a bias in the estimate of the absolute
values of flow runout and hazardous variables. Nevertheless, parametric studies performed with different grid resolutions have shown that the propagation of the more dilute
surge-like component of the flow is weakly affected by this
effect [Neri et al., 2003; this study].
3. Scenarios Investigated
[10] Vesuvius, a strato-volcano in central Italy, has a
history of alternating explosive and effusive periods of
activity. Since the 79 AD eruption, several other catastrophic eruptions have occurred with one of the largest being the
sub-Plinian event in 1631, when over 4,000 people were
killed and extensive damage was caused by pyroclastic
flows in the surrounding towns [Rosi et al., 1993]. A
cessation of activity since 1944 has created conditions that
may favour a further sub-Plinian event in the next eruption,
when today about 550,000 people live in the designated
evacuation area (Red Zone) around the volcano. The dynamics of the column collapse, the mechanisms of generation of pyroclastic flows, as well as the influence of the
volcano’s topography - particularly that of Mount Somma, a
caldera rim about 200 m high on the N flank - on the
propagation of the flows has until now been only poorly
[11] Several scenarios of collapsing column and pyroclastic flow propagation along the Vesuvius flanks were
simulated with reference to a sub-Plinian scale event,
similar to the Verdoline (16 ka BP), 472 and 1631 AD
sub-Plinian eruptions, with an estimated intensity range of
2– 8 107 kg/s [Rosi et al., 1993; Cioni et al., 2003;
Sulpizio et al., 2005].
[12] Here we present two distinct simulations representative of two different collapsing mechanisms: (1) SimA,
characterized by the partial collapse of the volcanic column,
and (2) SimB, characterized by a total collapse or ‘‘boilingover’’ type injection of the mixture in the atmosphere. For
both cases, flow conditions at the crater exit were assumed
constant in time, pressure-balanced, and the intensity was
assumed equal to 5 107 kg/s. Therefore the different
dynamics of the columns are due uniquely to the different
vent conditions assumed which, in turn, affect the regime of
the volcanic fountain. SimA adopts a crater diameter
of 250 m, exit velocity of 175 m/s, and a mixture density
of 6.5 kg/m3. These conditions are representative of a quasi
steady-state sustained column and were computed by simulating the decompression of the mixture in a 2D axisymmetric crater by assuming vent conditions (base of
crater) derived by magma ascent modelling using magmatic
properties typical of Vesuvius [Todesco et al., 2002]. In
contrast, SimB adopts a crater diameter of 350 m (i.e. the
crater surface area is about twice that of SimA), exit
velocity of 90 m/s and the same exit density of SimA; such
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Figure 1. Large-scale dynamics of the partial column collapse scenario at Vesuvius (SimA). The two color isosurfaces
represent the total volume particle concentration in the plume and PDCs and correspond to 10 4 (dark brown) and 10 6
(light brown). (a) 30, (b) 300, (c) 600, (d) 900, and (e) 1300 s from the injection of the mixture into the atmosphere taken
from a SW view. (f) 1300 s from the injection of the mixture into the atmosphere taken from N. The topographic relief of
Mount Somma, on the N slope of the volcano, is clearly visible, as is its major influence on the propagation of the flows
that are unable to overcome it.
crater conditions were assumed representative of those
produced during vent disruption and widening, as supposed
to have occurred during the 1631 eruption [Rosi et al.,
1993]. In both simulations, a water content of 2 wt% and
magma temperature of 950°C were adopted [Todesco et al.,
2002] to favour collapsing conditions of the column,
although similar dynamics could be reproduced by using
different combinations of vent flow conditions. A threephase formulation of the mixture, with two particle size
classes of 30 and 500 micron and a two-component gas
phase - formed of atmospheric air and water vapour leaving
the vent - was adopted based on available grain-size data
[Rosi et al., 1993; Cioni et al., 2003; Sulpizio et al., 2005]
and previous studies [Todesco et al., 2002]. Particles of 30
and 500 micron were assumed equally present in weight,
with densities of 2,800 and 1,000 kg/m3, respectively, and
were assumed representative of the fine ash and coarse
pumiceous pyroclasts of the mixture. Although a more
realistic description of the grain-size distribution could be
implemented in the model [Clarke et al., 2002; Neri et al.,
2003] the three-phase formulation here adopted represents a
good trade-off between an accurate description of the
column dynamics and the computational resources required.
4. Results
[13] Figure 1 illustrates the large-scale dynamics of SimA
through a series of snapshots of ash concentration at
different times from the injection of the mixture into the
atmosphere. At about 30 s (Figure 1a) the gas-particle jet
has lost its vertical momentum and the head of plume is
close to collapse at about 2000 m above the vent. At 300 s
(Figure 1b) the column has collapsed to the ground and
pyroclastic flows are beginning to form all around the
fountain. Simultaneously, a number of thermals above the
PDCs are pulled into the rising central plume. By 600 s
(Figure 1c) three main pyroclastic flows are moving in the
W, SW, and SE directions. From inspection of results (see
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Figure 2. Dynamics of the fountain of the partial column collapse scenario (SimA). (a) 600, (b) 630, and (c) 660 s are
taken from SW and show the evolution of the isosurface of the total particle volume concentration corresponding to 10 3.
(d) The oscillations of the vertical velocity of the flow at various heights along the fountain axis. The largest oscillations are
predicted close to the fountain top, with dominant frequencies in the range 0.02– 0.05 Hz.
Animation S1 in the auxiliary material1 for details) it is
evident how the W and S flows are produced by the
diversion of the flow path caused by Mount Somma. The
SW flow is the most advanced with a front width of about
500 m and, at this time, has reached a distance of about
3.5 km from the vent. By 900 s (Figure 1d) the three main
flows start producing secondary branches which further
propagated down slope with the most advanced reaching a
distance of about 5 km from the vent. At 1300 s (Figure 1e)
the flows moving in the SW direction have already reached
the coastline of the Tyrrhenian sea whereas those produced
by the diversion of Mount Somma are slowly moving in
proximity to the border of the Red Zone area, at about 8 km
from the vent. As discussed above a precise determination
of the flow-runout is not possible because the density
stratification of the flow occurs on a length scale comparable to the vertical grid resolution (20 m, in this case) and
roughness length-scale (about 10– 30 m in the urbanized
areas). However, from the distribution computed at 1500 s
(not shown), it appears that large sectors of the south flank
of the volcano would be affected by surge-like PDCs in a
scenario of this type. Of great importance for hazard
assessment is the finding that the flows were unable to
significantly overcome the Mount Somma rim despite the
remarkable collapse height, as is clearly visible in Figure 1f
(N view). Only minor, dilute, low-temperature, short-runout
flows were able to overcome Mount Somma mostly in the
W direction where the rim altitude is lower.
Auxiliary materials are available in the HTML. doi:10.1029/
[14] In addition, we have made an attempt at quantifying
the hazardous impacts of the flows using the simulation
outcomes. Dynamic pressure and temperature values inferred from the simulation are below 1 kPa and 100°C,
respectively, for distances from the vent greater than about
4 km, although dynamic pressures were corrected by a
conservative factor of five to account for the effect of the
vertical mesh size on the value of the mixture density in the
basal cells, as deduced by 2D simulations performed at
higher resolution. At these values the PDCs would cause
relatively minor to moderate damage in the impacted
populated area [Spence et al., 2004; Baxter et al., 2005]
and they lend further weight to our view that eventually 3D
modeling could be used in mitigation methodologies.
[15] The outcomes of SimA also clearly show the strongly
unsteady and chaotic behavior of the collapsing column
that feeds the flows during a partial collapse (see Animation
S2 in the auxiliary material). For example, Figure 2 illustrates
three subsequent snapshots of the fountain ash concentration
at 600 (Figure 2a), 630 (Figure 2b), and 660 (Figure 2c) s. In
this case, the depicted isosurface displays the inner portion of
the fountain including the single batches of mixture that
intermittently and anisotropically leave the fountain and feed
the pyroclastic flows. The transient dynamics produce main
oscillations of the fountain height – defined as the quota
where the average vertical velocity is nil – with variations up
to 50%. Analysis of the oscillations of the vertical mixture
velocity along the jet axis (Figure 2d), indicates that their
amplitude and frequency depend mainly on the region of the
fountain investigated. The largest oscillations are predicted
close to the fountain top, with dominant frequencies in the
range 0.02–0.05 Hz. Finally, integration of raw data within
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Figure 3. Comparison between (a and b) partial collapse (SimA) and (c and d) boiling-over (SimB) scenarios at Vesuvius,
500 s (Figures 3a and 3c) and 1000 s (Figures 3b and 3d) from the injection of the mixture in the atmosphere. Colorcontours on the 2D vertical plane represent the total volume particle concentration in the plume and PDCs for the two
simulations. Colors on the topography indicate the computed total volume concentration of particles in the first cell along
the ground.
the fountain indicates that about 50% of both particle sizes
ejected from the vent collapse to the ground. In contrast, at
the end of the simulation, less than 10 wt% of 500 mm
particles and 5 wt% of 30 mm particles ejected from the vent
form the density currents, reflecting an effective elutriation
by natural convection of both particle types during the
proximal-median propagation of the currents [Druitt, 1998;
Branney and Kokelaar, 2002; Neri et al., 2003].
[16] Figure 3 illustrates the boiling-over scenario (SimB)
through the evolution of the total particle volume fraction in
the atmosphere and in comparison to the partial collapse
scenario (SimA) (see Animation S3 in the auxiliary
material). In detail, Figure 3 shows the distribution of
particles on the ground and along a vertical plane passing
through the fountain axis and oriented in the SW direction
for SimA (Figures 3a and 3b) and SimB (Figures 3c and 3d)
at 500 and 1000 s, respectively. At 30 s the volcanic jet has
lost its momentum at about 450 m above the crater and the
collapsing stream of the fountain has already reached the
ground. By 90 s, pyroclastic flows are spreading almost
symmetrically and a dilute, rising plume starts to develop
above the fountain. At 500 s (Figure 3c) a main pyroclastic
flow is propagating in the SW direction, while two more
flows propagate in the W and SE directions again due to the
diversionary effect of Mount Somma. Similarly, Figure 3d
shows the particle concentration at the ground and over the
2D plane at 1000 s. At this time, all the main flows have
reached a distance of about 8 km and are entering the
Tyrrhenian Sea or leaving the Red Zone area. It is worth
noting the control of topography on the denser part of the
flows, as shown by the red color along the ground, as well
as the most dispersed pattern of the dilute portions of the
flow (green color). In comparison to SimA, SimB shows
much faster dynamics as well as more critical conditions
associated with the flows. Thus, dynamic pressures of the
order of 1 – 3 kPa and temperatures over 250°C are predicted for SimB at distances of about 7.5 km from the crater,
and so much more extensive devastation of the Red Zone
would be likely, which can be attributed to the greater mass
collapsed from the column. Indeed about 90 wt% of the
mass erupted has collapsed to the ground, but only about
20% forms the flows at the end of the simulation (see the
effective elutriation of particles from the upper part of the
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flows in Figures 3c and 3d). Nevertheless, for both SimA
and SimB, Mount Somma presents an insurmountable
barrier for the flows that are, in effect, redirected in the W
and SE directions. This effect of Mount Somma was also
observed in another simulation performed with an intensity
of 8 107 kg/s and similar crater conditions (see Animation
S4 in the auxiliary material).
[17] Due to the uncertainty associated with the reconstruction of past explosive events at Vesuvius a rigourous
validation of the above described modeling results is not
possible. However, it is notable that the aerial extension of
the regions affected by the flows during the 1631 eruption is
comparable to that predicted by the model and also that
Mount Somma relief was not overcome by the flows in that
event [Rosi et al., 1993]. Some discrepancies with the
evidence from other sub-Plinian eruptions can be explained
in terms of different vent location and topography with
respect to the values assumed in the present study [Cioni et
al., 2003; Sulpizio et al., 2005].
5. Conclusions
[18] Our study shows that 4D multiphase numerical
models can illuminate the non-intuitive and internal dynamics of explosive eruptions that cannot otherwise be studied
by direct observation or using previous models. In particular, from the simulation performed, it is clear that the
collapse mechanism - partial collapse vs boiling-over strongly controls the dynamics, evolution, and hazard
potential of the associated pyroclastic flows. In the range
of vent conditions investigated, the different outcomes are
attributable to the amount, or percentage, of erupted mass
that collapse to the ground rather than to the collapse height
of the column, suggesting that, at constant any other
parameters, low fountaining boiling-over events likely represent the most hazardous scenarios. Simulation results also
indicate that, for the eruptive scale and vent conditions
investigated, Mount Somma represents an almost insurmountable barrier for the flows.
[19] Further studies using different eruptive inputs (e.g.,
vent location, crater shape, vent and atmospheric conditions) should lead to an improved understanding of the
column collapse and generation and propagation of PDCs at
Vesuvius in determining spatial risk as well as for enumerating their most hazardous characteristics in future eruptions. Similarly, investigations aimed at model validation
need to be further developed by comparing model results to
ad hoc lab experiments and well-known previous eruptive
events. This work is another step towards the long-term goal
of developing a multi-disciplinary approach to disaster
reduction based on simulation modeling of the main eruption hazards and quantifying their potential impacts in highrisk volcanic regions.
[20] Acknowledgments. This work was funded by the EU-project
EXPLORIS and by the Dipartimento di Protezione Civile, Italy. We warmly
thank our colleagues of the EXPLORIS project for their assistance and
contributions during the carrying out of this work. Maria Teresa Pareschi
and Marina Bisson (INGV Pisa) and Roberto Gori, Tiziano Diamanti, and
Antonella Guidazzoli (CINECA Bologna) are thanked for providing the
DEM of Vesuvius as well as for contributing to the development of the
graphics tools used to produce Figure S4 and Animation S1 of the auxiliary
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