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2016, The Journal of Urology
3 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This paper discusses advancements and trends in urology as observed in the Journal of Urology Consultants in 2015. It highlights key findings, innovative treatments, and ongoing research contributing to the field of urology. The relevance of these developments to clinical practices and patient outcomes is examined.
2005 Labrecque et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Siapa yang tidak suka dengan lezat dan manisnya es putar ? semua pasti suka dengan yang namanya es putar apalagi di kalangan anak anak kecil.Terik matahari yang sangat panas memancing kita untuk menikmatinya. Tahukah anda kita bisa membuat es putar hanya munggunakan proses kimia yang mungkin di sepele kan bagi sebagian orang. Dalam hal ini kita dapat mengetahui cara pembuatan es putar dan bagaimana proses terjadinya reaksi kimia dalam pencampuran es batu dengan garam.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
To fulfill the different aspects of green chemistry and to achieve full use of the secondary resources (waste printed circuit boards (WPCB)), the necessity of developing green methods for recovery of precious metals (Au, Pd, and Ag) is highly demanded. In this study, a novel environment-friendly physical separation approach; the combination of crushing, grinding, sieving as pretreatment steps alongside hydrocyclone and the dilution-gravity method (DGM) as the main final steps; is proposed. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) characterization methods were utilized to understand the effects of different separation steps applied in this research. The size and shape of grinded materials and the ones produced after hydrocyclone and DGM were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the sieving step separated the highest gold fraction in the finer classification (<75 mm) while placed the copper (70 wt.%) into the coarser contents. The overflow to underflow outlet diameter ratio and inlet pressure was evaluated to determine the separation efficiency of a hydrocyclone effect of parameters. In the best-case scenario at 3 bar hydrocyclone operation pressure where the overflow to underflow outlet diameter (Do/Du) was 6.5, the highest metal fraction (87 wt.%) was achieved in the sink of the DGM. In this case, the total separation efficiency of gold, palladium, silver, and copper was 75%, 78%, 64%, 72%, respectively. Thus, this study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing the sieving as mentioned above classification pretreatment steps followed by hydrocyclone and DGM methods as promising approaches for recovering precious metals from WPCBs that contain annually almost 50 million tons of e-waste.
Sociological Forum, 2022
This essay responds to József Böröcz ’s “‘Eurowhite’ Conceit, ‘Dirty White’ Ressentment: ‘Race’ in Europe” published in “Forum.” I use Böröcz's framework to point to the potential wider relevance of studies on racerelated hierarchies from Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. They also include works on Poles migrating to Western Europe and America, which, as I am arguing, may give unique insights into the workings of the global system of race regimes. I also argue about the broader relevance of new works on 19thcentury German approaches to Poland and Poles as colonial subjects, as well as of the recent studies on modes of Orientalization. Both those used in Poland by Poles and those used in the countries of the Western core toward Poles and other East Europeans on both working-class and elite levels.
International Migration, 2024
This study aims to analyse the activities and discourses of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of migration in Turkey. The research explores how the NGOs frame the issue of migration differently and how they define and comprehend migration, migrants, and refugees. The article discusses whether the NGOs view
in: M. Bárta, H. Küllmer (ed.), Diachronic Trends in Ancient Egyptian History: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Eva Pardey, 2013
davon fanden im Rahmen des Opetfestes statt. Das eine Orakel (Kruchten 1986, 254 f .) ist datiert auf den 2. Monat der Axt-Jah res zeit im 5. Jahr eines Herrschers, die Tagesangabe ist zerstört. Der Text gibt des Weiteren an, dass an einem Tag 9, in dem man den 9. Tag des Opetfestes vermuten kann, Amun in Be glei tung von Mut und Chons in einer Prozession erschienen sei. Bei der Orakel pro zession handelt es sich also um ein eigenständiges Ereignis, welches mit den herkömmlichen Ab läufen des Opetfestes nichts zu tun hat. Bei einer weiteren Orakelprozession während des Aufenthaltes des Amun im Luxortempel wird diese "Fest des pH-nTr" genannt (Kruchten 1986, 270-276), ein Ausdruck, der auch in Karnak für eine entsprechende Zeremonie verwendet wird (Kruchten 1986, 331 f.). Eine weitere, leider unklare Passage des Orakeltextes (Kruchten 1986, 49, col. 7-8) bezieht sich wohl ebenfalls auf das Opetfest und könnte auf einen Ausfall des Festes hinweisen. 6 Über das Opetfest selbst, bzw. seine internen Abläufe und mit ihm verbundenen theolo gischen Vorstellungen, liefert uns der Orakeltext keine Informationen, außer dass Re es beim ersten Mal, d.h. am Anfang aller Zeiten, für Amun durchgeführt hat, eine Aussage, die sich später auch auf der Pianchi-Stele wiederfindet (s.u.) (Kruchten 1986, 255). Dass das Opetfest den Rahmen für eine Orakelprozession liefert, ist keine Neuerung; bereits unter Ramses VI. ist ein Barkenorakel belegt, das im Verlauf des Opetfestes stattfand (Vernus 1975, 103-110). Osorkon-Annalen Die nächste Erwähnung des Opetfestes findet sich am Bubastidentor von Karnak in den An nalen des Prinzen und Hohepriesters Osorkon (Jansen-Winkeln 2007b, 192, col. 4; Caminos 1958, § 271 u. 272). Dieser kommt in der Mitte der Axt-Jahreszeit nach Theben, d.h. in dem Zeitraum, in dem das Opetfest durchgeführt wurde. 7 Er bringt ein Opfer für Amun anlässlich des Opetfestes dar, das anscheinend als eine Art Sühne besonders reich ausfällt, denn es wird besonders hervorgehoben, dass er dieses Opfer in der Vergan gen heit vernachlässigt hatte (Cf. Caminos 1958, § 291).
The study interrogates the interface between internal party democracy, party institutionalization and democratic consolidation in Nigeria's Fourth Republic. It is a conceptual and qualitative study which employed primary and secondary data collection procedures. The data were analysed thematically. The study contends that since Nigeria's return to democratic rule on May 29, 1999, political parties have not been able to contribute meaningfully to democratic consolidation. Using two leading Fourth Republic political parties, the People Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) as case studies, the study posits that the inability of the parties to make a positive impact in consolidating the country's democracy is informed by their level of institutionalization which have been undermined by the dearth of internal party democracy. This has manifested in the dysfunctional ways in which they evolve, their inherent lack of unity and focus, involvement in ele...
W. Connell, Machiavelli nel Rinascimento italiano, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2015, 211-233, with 6 color plates. Originally published in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, ser. 4, vol. 4, no. 2,1999, pp. 473-497, 1999
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2001
Neoliberal Düşünce Ekseninde ASEAN’ın Uluslararası Politik Ekonomisinin Analizi, 2024
French Politics, 2022
Управлінські компетенції у професійній діяльності викладача , 2015
Histoire engagée, 2022
The Reading Matrix : an International Online Journal, 2008
Environmental Geology, 2008
Structure, 2020
IEEE Power Engineering Review, 2001
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System, 2000
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2012
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2021