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2017, ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University
4 pages
1 file
Dialect recognition is one of the hottest topics in the speech analysis area. In this study, a system for dialect and language recognition is developed using phonetic and a style-based features. The study suggests a new set of feature using one-dimensional local binary pattern (LBP). The results show that the proposed LBP set of the feature is useful to improve dialect and language recognition accuracy. The acquired data involved in this study are three Kurdish dialects (Sorani, Badini, and Hawrami) with three neighbor languages (Arabic, Persian, and Turkish). The study proposed a new method to interpret the closeness of the Kurdish dialects and their neighbor languages using confusion matrix and a non-metric multi-dimensional visualization technique. The result shows that the Kurdish dialects can be clustered and linearly separated from the neighbor languages.
Data in brief , 2024
Dialect recognition (DR) is one of the most attentive topics in the speech analysis area. Machine learning algorithms have been widely used to identify dialects. In this paper, a model that based on three different 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structures is developed for Kurdish DR. This model is evaluated and CNN structures are compared to each other. The result shows that the proposed model has outperformed the state of the art. The model is evaluated on the experimental data that have been collected by the staff of Department of Computer Science at the University of Halabja. Three dialects are involved in the dataset as the Kurdish language consists of three major dialects, namely Northern Kurdish (Badini variant), Central Kurdish (Sorani variant), and Hawrami. The advantage of the CNN model is not required to concern handcraft as the CNN model is featureless. According to the results, the 1D CNN method can make predictions with an average accuracy of 95.53% on the Kurdish dialect classification. In this study, a new method is proposed to interpret the closeness of the Kurdish dialects using a confusion matrix and a non-metric multidimensional visualization technique. The outcome demonstrates that it is straightforward to cluster given Kurdish dialects and linearly isolated from the neighboring dialects.
Automatic dialect identification is a necessary Language Technology for processing multi-dialect languages in which the dialects are linguistically far from each other. Particularly, this becomes crucial where the dialects are mutually unintelligible. Therefore, to perform computational activities on these languages, the system needs to identify the dialect that is the subject of the process. Kurdish language encompasses various dialects. It is written using several different scripts. The language lacks of a standard orthography. This situation makes the Kurdish dialectal identification more interesting and required, both form the research and from the application perspectives. In this research, we have applied a classification method, based on supervised machine learning, to identify the dialects of the Kurdish texts. The research has focused on two widely spoken and most dominant Kurdish dialects, namely, Kurmanji and Sorani. The approach could be applied to the other Kurdish dialects as well. The method is also applicable to the languages which are similar to Kurdish in their dialectal diversity and differences.
In this paper a range of methods for measuring the phonetic distance between dialectal variants are described. It concerns variants of methods as wordnet method for testing lexicostatic similarities and phonostatic differences, graded map and statistical analysis of linguistic levels. In addition, all features like simple (based on atomic characters) and complex (based on feature bundles) have been studied. The dialects were compared with each other directly and indirectly via a standard dialect. The results of comparison were classified by clustering and by training of a multidimensional map. The results were compared to well established scholarship in dialectology, yielding a calibration of the methods like information visualization technique. These results indicate that computational techniques are more sensitive in feature representations of dialects and such visualizations of information have good measures of phonetic overlap of feature bundles. The results of clustering give the sharper classification, but the graded map is a nice supplement. The findings show that Kurdish has composed of different regional groups which are relate to one ancestor which it might be the proto-Kurdish language and it is not a group of languages.
Problems of Information Technology, 2016
Regional dialect recognition is important in the field of speech technologies. It is widely used in telephone reference systems, adapting the output synthesized speech in dialog systems, and also in forensics for profiling speaker in judicial or military situations, etc. The article describes different approaches that allow the usage of multiple information sources from the acoustic signal for the construction of dialects recognition system. In particular, acoustic, prosodic, phonetic, and phonotactic approaches are considered.
Dr. Alan Adler was a biochemist and blood expert for the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) in their 1978 investigation on the Shroud. Ray Rogers was a chemist from Los Alamos National Laboratories and was head of the chemistry section for the group. Both men did not see eye to eye with the late microscopist Dr. Walter McCrone, who was loaned the sticky-tape samples that STURP had brought back with them. McCrone published a book with a chapter about Ray Rogers. Adler wrote the following to Rogers.
KnE Social Sciences
Society 5.0 is a plan to generate a human-focused society that focuses on economic and social growth in Japan. The idea emerged as an evolution of Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is thought to have the capacity to revolutionize technology. One of the main features of Society 5.0 is the use of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence brings many benefits to various fields. One of them is in the field of education. Many studies claim that artificial intelligence can help ease human work and increase knowledge and skills in the field of education. Artificial intelligence has introduced fundamental challenges to education for students, educators and parents. But they are indirectly forced to use AI to learn. This is a solution, as well as a new problem that the education community must immediately adapt. Artificial intelligence has already become a part of education at high schools and colleges. However, at the kindergarten level, it is rarely used. On average, students at this...
Os tendões são estruturas complexas formadas de células mergulhadas numa matriz de proteínas e fibras de tecido colágeno na sua composição principal e desempenham uma importante função nos movimentos. Não há movimento sem que ocorra a participação dos tendões na transmissão de forças geradas nos músculos. Um tendão normal é capaz de suportar estiramentos de até 4% de seu com- primento total sem sofrer lesão em sua estrutura. Após cessado o estiramento, o tendão retorna às condições estruturais prévias sem alteração estrutural, caracterizando-se uma deformidade elástica. Os tendões normais são capazes de suportar cargas entre 50 e 100 N/m2 sem gerar lesões. Os tenócitos são células importantes na expressão de uma variedade de proteínas e enzimas que regulam a matriz. A estrutura, a composição e a organização da matriz são importantes para as propriedades físicas do tendão. As fibrilas representam as menores unidades estruturais dos tendões e seus diâmetros variam entre 10 e 500 nm, d...
A biophysical model to interpret biological, neurological and psychic phenomena is presented, in a quantum-relativistic key. A central role is attributed to the concept of Spin in explaining space-time geometry as well as the genesis of energetic and sub-energetic phenomena. Energy is considered in relation to both its vectorial and scalar components. The dynamic of cells, neurons and qualia is ascribed to the field of nonlinear transient systems of a chaotic kind, and explained in the light of the syntropic action of a quasi-virtual object known as a HoSA (Holographic Strange Attractor). In conclusion, an epigenetic and relativistic location is assigned to the mental fact, thought, and consciousness.
Esteban Vedia y Mercedes Melo, comps., Actas de las III Jornadas Nacionales de Filosofía y Epistemología de la Historia : políticas del tiempo y políticas de la historia, 2019
Journal of Stored Products Research, 2019
Documenti Geografici 1/2021, 2021
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8th Annual Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association Conference, 2024
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