Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS) | 978-1-6654-8425-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICEARS53579.2022.9751949
Analysis of Ransomware Attack and Their
Countermeasures: A Review
Nikhil Sharma
Ravi Shanker
Lovely Professional University, Department Of Computer
Science and Engineering, Phagwara, Punjab 144411, India
nikhilji655@g m
Lovely Professional University, Department Of Computer
Science and Engineering, Phagwara, Punjab 144411, India
[email protected]
Abstract—Ransomware is a type of malicious software.
Computers infected with ransomware have restricted access to
the system. It is a malicious program, and money must be
provided to the creator of the malicious code to release it. With
the substantial increase in the number of ransomware attacks, on
May-12-2017, network security issues began to heat up. This
article describes the types of countermeasures against
ransomware and cyber terrorism. In recent years, ransomware
has been under constant attack and has high infectious power:
S pora, CryptoLocker, Locky, CryptoWall, Petya, Cerber,
S anam, Aris Locker, Jigsaw, WannaCry, and Reveton.
Ransomware protection is not any longer 100% free. However,
you can secure ransomware through programmed refreshes,
antibody establishment, and span backups. Need framework and
organization. Figure out how to prevent ransomware from your
organization and individual clients. Most ransomware is
transmitted via phishing emails. The fastest way is to measure the
steps taken by various agencies to stop this malware and decrypt
it. The criminals behind the ransomware caused not only large scale damage to sensitive infrastructure but also billions of
dollars in benefits from patients around the world. The world is
still collecting money from innocent people. Nine types of
ransomware, small software, and several examples of malware
are studied. The outcomes show that reflected programming and
innocuous applications can be recognized. This is a way to stop
companies and individuals from ransomware
Keywords— Ransomware,
Money, Computer
Ransomware is a kind of malicious programming that confines
its capacities when utilizing a PC and encodes records on the
PC. Ransomware works in many different ways. A
straightforward technique is to bolt the work area of the tainted
PC to encode every one of its documents [3]. The cross program software program displays a message on the locked
desktop. When they want to restore or decrypt a file, they ask
the victim to provide funds. In fact, the malware used the
computer as a ransom. One of the smaller companies involved
in the scam conducted a background scan and found 68,000
infected computers in just one month, which meant that up to
$400,000 of victims were defrauded. U.S. dollar [2]. With the
development of the network, the scale of network attacks is
also expanding. In 2017, KISA released a report on the seven
most important cyber-attacks. Cyber terrorism in social
networks, the abuse of a wide range of malware infection
methods, the increase in the risk of mobile commerce services,
and the entire industry in which zombies infected weapons on
Internet devices were hacked [1].
A large-scale ransomware attack occurred on May-12-2017,
which has become a serious global problem. On the second day
of the broadcast, a ransomware program called WannaCry used
the US National Security Agency's hacking instruments to taint
more than 150,000 PCs throughout the planet, along these lines
making a fear-monger network psychological warfare. Below
this examination, ransomware and how attacks happen, are
examined. Ransomware, a public key and symmetric key
algorithms, types of ransomware, infection symptoms, and
After that, various forms of infiltration caused by ransomware
are defined and the prevention of ransomware is introduced.
The last concludes with the conclusions of ransomware
research [4].
A. Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malicious programming that
contaminates PC or Windows worker frameworks to limit get
to and require a specific expense such as cash to overcome or
finish the infection. Admittance to the framework is confined.
To eliminate the limitation, a fee is charged to remove the
restriction. Ransomware developers. Figure 1 shows the
process of a ransomware attack. Some encrypted ransomware
programs cannot be controlled, and some ransomware
programs just lock the screen and display a message. The
computer user must pay for the request message. This
pernicious code can be introduced without the client's
authorization. Occurs on mobile devices and Mac OS [5].
Richardson et al. [6]. It highlights that humans are the most
important factor in malware infection samples, which confirms
that 59% of infections are from email (phishing, infected
attachments) and 24% are from websites. Between 2006 and
2014, the team of analysts analyzed 359 ransomware samples
[7] and found that this was an in-depth study of the
classification system. "Stop ransomware attacks on user data”,
describe regarding CryptoWall [8] explained, which is an early
admonition framework that alarms clients of suspicious
document activity.
978-1-6654-8425-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
Plain Text
Fig. 1.
Cipher Text
Plain Text
Process of Ransomware Attack.
B. Ransomware attack stream
In general words, Ransomware flow contaminates your
framework in three stages: In the principal stage, the assailant
looks for documents that are critical to the client. In the
subsequent advance, the compacted document is encoded.
There are two sorts of encryption: fixed key encryption and
dynamic key encryption. The last advance is to move the
scrambled document to the work area for clients to see. Then, a
message will be displayed to users who have been infected
with the ransomware [9].
C. Ransomware attack method
File encryption methods are mainly used by ransomware. File
encryption methods are usually used to protect files, but
ransomware can be used to steal money by infecting people's
systems [10]. Encryption calculation and encryption
calculation are likewise required. Explored symmetric key
calculation and public key calculation (a common encryption
strategy). Figure 2 shows the types of ransomware i.e.
Encryption Ransomware and Locker Ransomware.
Asymmetric encryption: A few groups of ransomware utilize
public/private key cryptography to scramble delicate
information, such as CryptoWall which uses RSA's [11]. In
these ransomware series, encryption keys are either
straightforwardly produced on weak frameworks like
WannaCry ransomware, or sometimes sent through command
and control channels like Locky Ransomware, or can be
installed in parallel documents, such as those used by
Technology: These techniques first utilize symmetric key
calculations, (for example, AES-256 and CBC) to scramble the
document/casualty framework. Afterward, they utilized awry
encryption strategies, RSA-1024, RSA-2048, or ECC to
compose symmetric code. These strategies or methods have
been utilized by numerous ransomware families, for example,
Spora and Cryptolacer [12]. In the hybrid strategy, the
aggressor infuses the RSA public key into the pernicious
double payload to keep away from association to recuperate the
encryption key. After paying the ransom, the attacker uses the
appropriate RSA private key to decode the client's
D. Types of Ransomware and Infection Symptoms
There are essentially two kinds of ransomware: Encrypted
ransomware, Locker ransomware. In encrypted ransomware,
all files on the computer/system are encrypted, and users have
no right to access these files. They convert the file extension.
On the other hand, the Locker ransomware system/computer
crashed. Access your system immediately.
Types of
Fig. 2.
Types of Ransomware.
Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of various kinds of
ransomware. The following are characteristics of nine different
978-1-6654-8425-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
Table 1.
Features by Ransomware
0.5 USD
500-1000 USD
0.8 BTC
500-100 USD
1500 USD
250 USD
300-600 USD
200 USD
90-121 USD
Fedor Sinitisyn discovered CTBLocker (curved Bitcoin locker)
in the midsummer of 2014. It is also called Cretoni. Installing
CTB Locker can damage your computer by sending spam
emails with infected zip files as attachments. It uses encryption
and stronger techniques, techniques used CTB Locker AES
method, ECDH encryption method. The victim received a
message from the criminal. If you want your data, you must
use Bitcoin to pay criminals. The culprit behind CTB Locker
requires payment of two to three bitcoins, which is roughly
equivalent to $489-734. The Reveton ransomware worm has
been changing since its release in Europe in 2012. The Reveton
worm first infects the system or computer, locks the computer,
and displays a message that appears to have been sent by a
legal agency to blackmail money. Reveton needs $200 to
remove the infection from the computer. It uses RSA and DES
encryption methods. NsbLocker first reported on July -202018. The purpose is to attack all images, documents,
executable files, compressed files, and multimedia files on the
system. Once backed up in an encrypted format, it will become
an executable file. At the same time, it is not RSA or AES
encryption. The decryption key is the weakest type of
ransomware [13]. Cryptolocker is a ransomware site disease
found in 2014. The worker index page was changed to a page
made by the ransomware engineer, which shut the site. The
decoding technique is likewise a strategy in which the site
administrator is welcome to charge an expense, and the
decryption key is distributed at the time of payment [14]. The
attackers demanded $1,500 to avoid infecting the site.
CryptoWall is the first ransomware discovered in 2014.
CryptoWall mainly infects computer systems through spam.
The latest version of CryptoMonkey 4.0 uses the RSA -2048
key to encode all record names and expansions of reports,
pictures, sight and sound, and so on existing on the client's PC
through the AES CBC 256-bit algorithm. TorrentLocker was
first discovered in February 2014. It is an encrypted
broadcasting software. It uses symmetric AES encryption to
scramble the influenced documents and uneven RSA
encryption to encode the AES key. It is like Cryptolocker and
that"HKCU\Software\BitTorrent Application\Configuration"
composes the encoded record into the library. TeslaCrypt was
founded in February 2015. It is like the Crystallocker design,
however, it can likewise encode game records, like saved
games, individual data, Saved logs, and guides. Using Flash
Player vulnerability [15] to install malicious code on the user's
computer. It uses AES and ECC for encryption. Then, the user
system TeslaCryptinfect requires the decryption key to pay a
ransom of $500. Delayed payment, the ransom was doubled.
Spora is also a type of ransomware, which was first discovered
on January-10-2017. The malware uses an innovative
combination of AES and RSA encryption keys to infect user
data on the infected computer. However, in August, the
researchers warned that the mirroring software would return.
WannaCry is ransomware, a type of malware used by
cybercriminals to make money. The emergence of WannaCry
ransomware is a global epidemic that emerged in May 2017.
As a hostage and to restore or return to the system, you will
need to pay Bitcoin, and then your data will be returned to you
under the following circumstances: Pay the ransom. Since
Microsoft issued a crisis report and found an off button that
kept the contaminated PC from spreading more WannaCry, the
attack halted inside a couple of long periods of revelation [16].
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
E. Source code of Aris Locker Ransomware
This is an overview of ransomware code, once code gets
Firstly a fake login screen is there for inputting your
password called a function login screen.
After all the files are encrypted last step is for generating
the alert() function which is generated in the reame.txt file on a
desktop of the system which is infected by ransomware.
Def login_screen():
Passw = input(“~ \u001b[91;1mPlease Enter Your Password:
This process for maximum Ransomware is the same and
many people face high damages because of that.
F. Pseudocode of Ransomware and Extensions
Simple pseudo-code of computer instruction
Here does not matter you enter the password or not the
function will also run anyway.
Now it scans paths “C:\Users\”#C:\Users\ and then it also scans
all subdirectories and then collects all the files of specific file
types given in _FILE_TYPES.
_FILE_TYPES = [‘.exe’ ,’.txt’ ,’.php’ ,’.7z’ ,’.rar’ ,’.wma’
,’.pl’ ,’m4a’]
Now the query is created for pushing files and functions
that put a queue in a thread.
Import queue
If (computer is on, THEN {infect the system;} )
ELSE {look for another computer that is on;}
If (computer is not found in 10mins, THEN {shutdown;} )
Encrypt files on the system, searching for the following file
extensions, which are below:
Import threading
Class Worker():
Def __init__():
Def run():
While True:
Now all files are encrypted with AES.MODE_ECB
encryption called a function Encrypt file.
Class Locker():
File Encryption
Def __init__():
Now files are encrypted then it saves files in their original
location with a new file extension i.e. (filename). (ransomware
name) for example (file).aris.
Def encrypt_file():
These are all the formats that are affected by ransomware.
The harm raised by ransomware is endless. What's more,
ransomware targets people, as well as organizations, may cause
an increase in serious problems due to the infection of sensitive
files. The ransomware corrupted all files on the PC. It is
important to keep the software up to date to protect it from
attacks. Especially for flash memory (Flash) that can penetrate
ransomware, it is prescribed to set up programmed refreshes.
The second is to utilize solid immunization programming and
standard updates. The antibody can identify and forestall
ransomware and other malware contaminations, however, the
documentation is as of now accessible. Tainted and scrambled
documents can't be decoded. It is likewise important to
978-1-6654-8425-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
guarantee that the immunization is tried more than once and the
motor is continually refreshed consistently [17]. Third, it
utilizes the practice of routinely backing up significant records.
It is prescribed to back up information and secure stockpiling
gadgets like USB, outside hard drives, or the cloud. Does
exclude the PC's inner drives. If you are contaminated with
ransomware and your significant documents are scrambled,
you can reestablish the records that have been sponsored up
after designing[21-23]. Table 2 shows the Decrypters for the
ransomware attacks.
A. Algorithm For Prevention
Procedure Main
Download (system activities)
While Download =False do
Result (Static Detection)
If Result = 0, then
Result Status (Dynamic Detection)
For i in number of Status do
If Status = True, then
Result[i] = Ransomware
Displaymsg = Not a Ransomware
Displaymsg = Clean
Table 2. Decrypter by Ransomware Attacks
First of all, it is important to make sure that certain ransomware
is issued a 72-hour ransomware warning to be hacked. If the
specified time is different, the ransom will increase. In most
cases, the method of paying the ransom is categorized
according to the hacker's choice. It is possible that over time,
payment methods will continue to undergo tremendous
changes. For example, early ransomware users had to pay the
ransom with so-called traveler’s checks until the late
1990sSubsequently, an innovation created in 2009 by a PC
researcher and cryptographer named Satoshi Nakamoto
imagined an exceptional computerized digital money, generally
known as Bitcoin[24]. Since its introduction to the world,
programmers have begun to utilize it. For unidentified
organizations, it is imperceptible, protected, and dependable
(Kshetri and Voas, 2017). Payment strategies incorporate
iTunes and Amazon gift vouchers, these two installment
techniques are not more considered at this time(Olenik, 2016).
As of late, the achievement of ransomware as an illegal pay
strategy has been driven by the development of new electronic
cryptography Coin [18]. Bitcoin [19] is the most popular digital
currency today, although the number of transactions with other
blockchains (such as EOS) is much higher. Bitcoin has reached
quality and inevitably guarantees users a fully decentralized
It is accepted that the new multi-target ransomware activity
was set off by insider dangers or a degenerate workforce. As
indicated by a report, 90% of associations today are powerless
against malignant insider dangers (Insider Threat Report,
2018). Outside programmers use phishing messages or
different kinds of assaults to decrease the organization's
standing. In a portion of the above cases, the challenger
effectively dispatched an attack utilizing inside authorizations
(Cohen, 2018)However, specialists have broken down many
ransomware use cases and tracked down that one of the
potential purposes behind ransomware attacks is the absence of
ordinary framework weakness patches. Furthermore, the
absence of an appropriate security strategy for the executives is
likewise a completely relevant factor for us. Be sure of the
report. In WannaCry patients. Table 3 lists other indisputable
factors. All software should be updated and older software
versions should be stopped from using. It is important to
update your software regularly. Another important factor is the
phishing emails received in emails to analyze what is safe and
what is more difficult to send spam.
Tox: This is a free toolkit for building your software and
running Tox on Tor, requiring very little technical knowledge.
There are only three steps to creating your ransomware: enter
the amount you want to get from the victim. Provide a "reason"
to warn the victim. In the final stage, you will be asked to enter
a verification code, and then click "Create".
978-1-6654-8425-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
Table 3. Reasons For Ransomware Attacks
E. 6.5 Send Honeypot
A honeypot is a kind of organization honeypot used to
effectively distinguish dubious organization exercises to keep
away from genuine harm (2017). It is prescribed not to
configuration stunts to forestall ransomware attacks. All things
considered, they are on edge line, giving directors a gauge of
what is going to occur. Subsequently, carrying out fakes can
give executives time and capacity to immediately close down
PCs and organization gadgets before they become
contaminated [20].
Normal Reasons For Ransomware Attacks
1. Lack of Staff/Employee Training
2. Lack of Guide from top control Leadership
3. Stаff negligenсe
4. Using рirаted sоftwаres аnd аррliсаtiоns
5. Inаdequаte seсurity infrаstruсture
6. Bаd seсurity роliсies
A. Send Firewalls with IDS/IPS
By executing a functioning firewall with the capacity of
recognizing and impeding gatecrashers and afterward giving
the most recent marks, administrators are probably going to
distinguish and break the association between the ransomware
and the order and control worker (Brodsky, 2017); Dawes,
2017 Years; Harpur, 2017; Saurbaugh and Liska, 2017).
Something else, clients can perform spam separating and Web
passage sifting simultaneously to improve security.
B. Deploy Heuristic Detection Solutions
There are many solutions you can use to find ransomware.
Choosing a heuristic solution for detection may bring other
benefits to users. Heuristic decision-making can be learned and
adapted to any situation. His learning ability sets him apart.
Therefore, it is insightful to utilize instruments and answers to
identify known and obscure changes in the ransomware family
and affirm possible. Provide your source with the most recent
mark of the new ransomware mod (Harpur, 2017; Reavis and
Nielsen, 2017).
C. Screen Events and System Logs
Event logs are very useful and valuable in solving or solving
network security problems. The event and log screen help to
identify many rescue operations and forestall further harm.
Notwithstanding, security experts accept that numerous
security calamities are brought about by hesitance to break
down occasion logs. Along these lines, set up log channels and
screens to screen the activities of the framework for
infringement or problematic activities.(Ambre, Shekokar,
2015; Brodsky, 2017; Grimes, 13AD).
D. Analytics Traffic
Traffic investigation is a cloud-based outcome that is utilized to
track and follow occasions on network assets. For DNS, they
are exceptionally valuable when an infringement is
distinguished, particularly when an attack happens and an
association is set up between a wrongly positioned order and
control worker. The postponement in the correspondence chain
forestalled the attack (Robert Lemos, n.d.). They additionally
adjusted to outsider cloud suppliers, such as Azure. You can
utilize it with Virtual Network and Network Watcher.
Table 1 shows the latest research on ransomware. The table
lists encryption technologies, protocols, the main uses of the
ransomware that caused the infection, and the size of the
ransomware required to handle the infected system according
to different types of ransomware, as well as viewing and
researching other articles. Based on the list in the table, it can
be concluded and discussed how various ransomware can avoid
such ransomware. Table 3 summarizes the most common
causes of ransomware attacks mainly through vulnerabilities or
weak points. This article introduces the most common causes
and suggests prevention methods. Most of the research has
been done on the Windows platform. In addition, this article
briefly outlines various ransomware, such as WannaCry, Spora,
CryptoWall, etc. Here, different types of ransomware are seen
that affect the system as frequently as the largest ransomware
sent via phishing emails. To solve this problem in the future,
email checking tools or software are created. The system scans
all emails and deletes phishing emails.
Ransomware is a type of malicious programming software that
contaminates PC or Windows worker systems, limits access,
and brings about certain treatment costs. Rans omware
incorporates CryptoLocker, NsbLocker, CTBLocker, Spora,
and so on. Ransomware can be tainted from various
perspectives. Tainted with ransomware while visiting
ineffectively got sites, or contaminated with spam and spear
phishing, record sharing locales, and social media. In request to
forestall ransomware from ensuring our framework, all
products should consistently be refreshed to the most recent
adaptation. It additionally gives ordinary reinforcements of
significant documents, and clients can improve their
watchfulness or security mindfulness by dominating PC
information. It is likewise a program used to browse phishing
messages. Additionally a Chrome augmentation is made to
recognize phishing messages. It is javascript code that fetches
links in the email.
<a href='actuallink'>visuallink</a>.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS 2022)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP22AV8-ART; ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Lovely Professional University - Phagwara. Downloaded on April 25,2022 at 09:03:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.