Janssens et al. BMC Microbiology (2018) 18:50
Open Access
Disbiome database: linking the microbiome
to disease
Yorick Janssens1, Joachim Nielandt2, Antoon Bronselaer2, Nathan Debunne1, Frederick Verbeke1,
Evelien Wynendaele1, Filip Van Immerseel3, Yves-Paul Vandewynckel4, Guy De Tré2 and Bart De Spiegeleer1*
Background: Recent research has provided fascinating indications and evidence that the host health is linked to its
microbial inhabitants. Due to the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies, more and more data
covering microbial composition changes in different disease types are emerging. However, this information is
dispersed over a wide variety of medical and biomedical disciplines.
Description: Disbiome is a database which collects and presents published microbiota-disease information in a
standardized way. The diseases are classified using the MedDRA classification system and the micro-organisms are
linked to their NCBI and SILVA taxonomy. Finally, each study included in the Disbiome database is assessed for its
reporting quality using a standardized questionnaire.
Conclusions: Disbiome is the first database giving a clear, concise and up-to-date overview of microbial
composition differences in diseases, together with the relevant information of the studies published. The strength
of this database lies within the combination of the presence of references to other databases, which enables both
specific and diverse search strategies within the Disbiome database, and the human annotation which ensures a
simple and structured presentation of the available data.
Keywords: Dysbiosis, Database, MedDRA, Health status
For many years, it has been believed that the human
body has a microbial cell content which exceeds the
total amount of human somatic cells by tenfold [1].
More recently, it has been estimated that this ratio between
microbial and human cells is closer to 1:1 [2]. The collection of these microorganisms is termed ‘microbiota’ and the
collective genomes of all the microorganisms of these
microbiota are defined as the microbiome [3]. The main
part of this microbiota is situated in the gut, in which the
numbers and complexity increases from the stomach to the
colon [4, 5]. Other anatomical sites which have their own
microbiome are the lungs, skin, vagina, eyes, placenta, ear,
oral cavity and sino-nasal compartment. The composition
of the microbiome varies by anatomical site (e.g. between
the gut and skin), between individuals and even over time
[6, 7]. The microbiome composition can change due to
* Correspondence:
[email protected]
Drug Quality and Registration (DruQuaR) Group, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Ghent University, Ottergemsesteenweg 460, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
factors such as dietary changes including pre- and probiotic
use, antibiotic and other medicine use, age or disease and is
moreover dynamic on its own [8, 9] . The microbiota composition and its correlation with health/disease is thus considered a multifactorial process. An active lifestyle can
influence the gut microbiota composition, enhancing diversity and promoting bacterial communities associated with
healthy individuals, which tend to be dominated by species
such as Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Roseburia hominis
and Akkermansia muciniphila [10, 11]. Moreover, the mode
of delivery has a major influence on the microbiome composition of the new born. After vaginal delivery, the baby’s
microbiome resembles the mother’s genital and gastrointestinal tract while bacteria of the skin appear to be more
abundant after caesarian section [12]. Several intrinsic and
extrinsic factors influence the development and variation of
bacteria in infants. Genetics and epigenetics, environmental
factors like geography and diet (breastmilk or formula fed)
all affect development of the microbial population [13, 14].
However, a lot of questions concerning the development of
the fetus and neonate microbiome are still open [15].
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Janssens et al. BMC Microbiology (2018) 18:50
While it was initially thought that microbes are mainly
commensals whose only benefit is controlling the population of pathogenic bacteria, there is compelling evidence
that the gut microbiome also has health-influencing effects, playing roles in i.a. digestion, inflammation, intestinal integrity and development of the immune system
[16]. Production of microbial metabolites are a key driver
in these processes. Host health thus appears to be closely
related to a homeostatic balanced relationship with the
microbial inhabitants. Several diseases are associated with
an altered microbiota composition, such as obesity [17],
diabetes [18], Crohn’s disease [19], ulcerative colitis [20],
autism [21], bacterial vaginosis [22] and psoriasis [23].
These alterations are not limited to the location of the disease. As an example, alterations of the gut microbiota are
seen in a variety of central nervous disorders, supporting
the presence of a gut-brain axis [24, 25]. At this point, it
remains to be elucidated whether the observed microbiota
differences in various disease states are a symptom of the
disease or have a more causal effect [6]. Suppressing clinical dysbiosis and restoring the altered microbiome to a
‘healthy’ microbiome can be a potential approach to improve host health. Potential therapeutic options include
narrow spectrum antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, dietary
interventions and fecal transplantation [16].
Different microbiology databases for research are available. There are databases covering different microbial subjects such as genomic resources (e.g. IMG) [26], protein
families (e.g. Pfam) [27], diversity (e.g. SILVA) [28], model
organisms (e.g. EcoCyc) [29], pathogenesis (e.g. EuPathDB)
[30], transport and metabolism (e.g. TCDB) [31] and signal
transduction and gene regulation (e.g. MiST) [32].
However, a database covering microbiome differences
in different disease states is, to our knowledge, currently missing. Seen the exploding data of microbiome
alterations in different disease states, we present the
Disbiome database, collecting and organizing this information (https://disbiome.ugent.be). Disbiome encompasses microbiome differences between patients and
controls together with the used detection method and
sample type. This database differs from other comparative tools such as MG-RAST as it presents comparisons
between patient and control data in a clear and concise
manner to the broader audience in a programmatically
accessible way using the JSON export format [33]. Disbiome can be valuable for every researcher in the field
of microbiology to rapidly and easily find bacterial species possibly correlated to specific diseases to further
explore its mode of actions and interaction mechanisms
with the host. It can speed up translational research in
microbiome modulations (by either probiotics, prebiotics
and microbiota transplantation) for treating a variety of
diseases. In addition, it can serve as a new disease classification system based on microbiome changes. Currently,
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the database includes over 190 different diseases and 800 different organisms. Changes in organisms are detected by over
25 different detection methods (e.g. qPCR, next-generation
sequencing,…) in 50 different sample types (e.g. faeces, skin
swabs, tissue biopsies,…).
Construction and content
To list all relevant data, a relational database was constructed [34]. A relational database separates the design
of the data from its physical representation. Data are designed as tables where the rows represent distinct entities and the columns represent various attributes of
those entities [35]. The schematic database model is
given in Fig. 1. This visual representation represents the
structure of the database. A block represents an entity
type, where the table’s columns represent the entity
type’s different attributes. Such entity type can have an
unlimited number of entities. In the physical database,
each entity type translates to a table where each attribute
represents a column of that table and each entity is represented by a row. The central entity in the Disbiome
database is ‘Experiment’, representing the microbiome
difference between a patient and control. Every experiment has a qualitative outcome (elevated or reduced)
and is related to different parameters. The experiment is
linked to the appropriate publication (Publication ID),
showing a microbial (Organism ID) difference between a
sample (Sample ID) of a patient (Disease ID, Host ID)
and a control subject (Control ID) using a specific detection method (Method ID). This sample originates from a
specific location (Location ID). The microbial difference
can be presented by absolute quantities between the patient and control or by a ratio. In the case of absolute
data, a specific response unit, dependent on the used detection method, is present (Response ID). When absolute data is not available, the microbial differences are
only presented by the qualitative outcome. Every host
and publication is linked to different host and publication parameters respectively and diseases are linked to
their classification in the Medical dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). The storage of Disbiome
was implemented using PostgreSQL, an open source
database. This is accessed by LimeDS, a framework developed at Ghent University, providing a web service with
which the website (disbiome.ugent.be) communicates
[36]. Several search options are present in the Disbiome
database. Organisms, diseases and detection methods can
be used as queries and will give an overview of the experiments related to this organism, disease or detection
method. From this overview page, detailed information
about the experiment can be obtained.
Literature data was collected by using the search engine PubMed, covering the period 2009–2018. The
search queries [(‘microbiota’ OR ‘microbiome) AND
Janssens et al. BMC Microbiology (2018) 18:50
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Fig. 1 Database scheme. RCD = Reference Classification Database
(‘health’ OR ‘disease’)] and [microbiome alterations]
were used. This search gave approximately 20.000 publications. Based on title (exclusion of duplicates, reviews,
animal studies, studies on effect of medication, symposium/meeting abstracts as well as non-English language
papers), only around 1.000 publications were withheld
and based on the abstract (only case-control studies)
around 500 publications were found to be suitable for
insertion in the database. The obtained literature was
processed manually and all relevant information was put
in the database. Currently only human data is incorporated but information of other species (e.g. mice, rats,…)
will be included as well. The database will be updated
manually every 3 months. An automated updating system is being developed for further versions of the database. Additionally, authors of publications can inform us
of missing manuscripts by using the ‘Submission’ link.
Utility and discussion
Our main objective was to construct a database giving a
clear and rapid overview of all bacterial species which
are differentially present in a particular disease.
The experiment section is the central table of the database. It contains all the relevant information about the experiment (disease, detected organism, quantitative data of
the patient and control, control type, response type and
detection method), all other data is linked to this experiment as well (e.g. publication info, host details, methodological details and sample type). The sample type is of
great importance because it can influence the detected
microbiome composition. Tedjo et al. demonstrated a
higher microbial diversity using fecal swabs compared to
stool samples in the same subjects [37].
The diseases are classified using the classification of the
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). It
is developed by the International Council for Harmonization
of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human
Use (ICH) to provide a single standardized international
medical terminology to facilitate sharing of regulatory information for medical products used by humans. MedDRA
consists of a five-level structural hierarchy, arranged from
Janssens et al. BMC Microbiology (2018) 18:50
very specific to very general levels. There are the Lowest
Level Term (LLT), Preferred Term (PT), High Level Term
(HLT), High Level Group Term (HLGT) and System Organ
Class (SOC) [38]. Disbiome uses the PT to link the disease
to its classification or where more appropriate the LLT.
Selecting a certain classification term will give an overview
of all the experiments linked to diseases classified in that
specific term (e.g. all Gastrointestinal disorders (SOC)). This
classification and an overview of all the related experiments
linked to a certain disease is presented in the disease detail
The microbial organisms are classified using the NCBI
and SILVA taxonomy and are linked to its corresponding
databases. The NCBI taxonomy is the standard nomenclature and classification repository for the International
Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC).
It includes organism names and taxonomic lineages for
each of the sequences represented in the INSDC’s nucleotide and protein sequence databases [39]. The SILVA
database contains taxonomic information of Bacteria,
Archaea and Eukarya and is based on small subunit
rRNA sequence information [28]. These taxonomies are
chosen because NCBI is the most extensive taxonomy
(other taxonomies are for the most part contained in the
NCBI taxonomy) and goes down to the species level
while SILVA’s taxonomic classification is very reliable
due to its manual curation. In addition, these databases
are updated regularly [40]. An overview of all related experiments linked to a certain organism is given in the
organism detail page.
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unravel the microbial profile and it is important to use the
same platform(s) to make comparisons possible [47].
Every experiment in the Disbiome database is linked to
the publication of the original research in PubMed.
When sequencing data are deposited in a repository, a
link to this repository with the accession numbers is
given. Due to the rise of NGS technologies, immense
amounts of sequencing data are generated. These experimental data should be archived for this is key to the progress of reproducible science. The Sequence Read Archive
(SRA) was one of the first archives for sequencing data
and was established as a part of the INSDC [48], other
data repositories are: GenBank [49], European Nucleotide
Archive (ENA) [50] and the DNA Data Bank of Japan
(DDBJ) [39]. Additionally, all the data from the Human
Microbiome Project (HMP) is freely available through its
portal [51].
To ensure that the used methods and results can be
reviewed, analyzed and repeated, a minimum amount of
relevant information must be included in scientific publications. Numerous standards for conducting and reporting
clinical trials have been implemented for years. Examples of
Table 1 Questionnaire for assessing reporting parameters of
Disbiome publications
Is the age of subjects given?
Is the geographical origin of study participants given?
Are microbiome influencing factors reported (diet,
medication, smoking, lifestyle,…)?
Is a conflict of interest statement given?
Detection method
Traditional studies of the microbiome remained largely
dependent on cultivation techniques. However, these culture
methods are able to detect only 10–30% of the microbiota
[41]. Due to rapid development of culture-independent molecular technologies such as PCR-denaturating gradient gel
electrophoresis (DGGE), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), DNA microarray, etc., non-cultivatable
organisms could be detected [42–44]. More recently, several
next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have been
developed which make it possible to detect even low abundant micro-organisms [45]. Most recent techniques such as
shotgun metagenomic sequencing are able to not only reveal
abundancy changes, but also functional changes in the
microbiome [41]. The choice of detection method in a
microbiome case-control study is of great importance. A
NGS method is able to detect certain bacteria where other
techniques fail, resulting in different relative proportions of
the microbial composition [46]. However, different NGS
platforms can produce different microbial profiles. So, it
may be necessary to use different platforms to correctly
Reporting parameters
Analysis parameters
Are specific test statistics reported
Is a measure of variance (SD, SEM, CI, IQR, boxplot,…)
Are numerical microbiome changes given (raw data)?
Were numerical data reported for each individual subject?
Is the unit of analysis specified?
Design parameters
Is a primary/research hypothesis literally stated?
Is a statement about sample/control size given?
Are controls matched for possible confounding factors
(age, sex, diet,…)?
Is type of control group defined?
Are inclusion/exclusion criteria stated?
Is a statement about sample traceability/history (sampling
and storage before analysis) given?
Is a statement about sample blinding before analysis given?
Janssens et al. BMC Microbiology (2018) 18:50
these standards are the Cochrane, CONSORT (CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) [52] and STROBE
(STrengthening the Reporting OBservational studies in
Epidemiology) initiatives [53]. These measures have improved the reporting quality of clinical trials [54]. In experimental life sciences, such guidelines are implemented
more recently. In 2009, Kilkenny et al. performed a
survey of the reporting quality of scientific research
using animals. This survey identified some issues that
need to be addressed in order to improve scientific
research [55]. This resulted in the establishment of the
ARRIVE reporting guidelines for animal in vivo experiments [56]. Publications in the Disbiome database are
assessed for different reporting parameters based on a survey performed by Vesterinen et al. [54]. This survey consists of 16 questions all assessing different aspects of the
reporting quality (Table 1). These data are all presented in
the publication detail page.
Literature data on microbiome alterations in different
disease states is vastly increasing. Disbiome (https://
disbiome.ugent.be/) provides an organized overview of
this rapidly expanding field of knowledge. Together with
the used sample, detection method, methodological details
and host information, quantitative data of micro-organisms
in patients and controls from a specific experiment are presented. In addition, different reporting parameters of the
concerned publications are presented. This is the first database giving a relation between the health status of the host
and its microbiota composition.
Availability and requirements
Project name: Disbiome.
Project home page: https://disbiome.ugent.be/.
Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox.
Lisence: none.
Restrictions for non-academic users: none.
CONSORT: CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials; DDBJ: DNA Data Bank
of Japan; DGGE: Denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis; ENA: European
Nucleotide Archive; HLGT: Highest level group term; HLT: High level term;
ICH: International council for harmonisation of technical requirements for
pharmaceuticals for human use; INSDC: International nucleotide sequence
database collaboration; LLT: Lowest level term; MedDRA: Medical dictionary
for regulatory activities; NGS: Next-generation sequencing; PT: Preferred term;
RFLP: Restriction fragment length polymorphism; SOC: System organ class;
STROBE: STrengthening the Reporting OBservational studies in Epidemiology
The authors like to thank Annatachja De Grande, Pearl Choi, Karen
Vermeulen, Kirsten Leurs, Marisol Aguirre Morales, Evy Goossens, Lonneke
Onrust, Fien Demeyer, Nathalie Goethals, Evelien Dierick, Griet Driesschaert,
Petra Van Wassenhove, Hilde Devlies and Venessa Eeckhaut for reviewing the
literature and helping to construct the database. The authors also would like
to thank Prof. Dr. Mario Vaneechoutte, Tessa Gryp and Prof. Dr. Simon Van
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Belle for the interesting scientific discussions and all the reviewers of a betaversion of the database.
The authors thank the ‘Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)’ (grant
number 1S21017N to Nathan Debunne) and the ‘Institute for the Promotion
of Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen)’
(grant number 131356 to Frederick Verbeke). The funding bodies had no role
in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
and in writing the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
Disbiome is freely accessible at https://disbiome.ugent.be.
Authors’ contributions
YJ and BDS conceived the idea for this manuscript and wrote the
manuscript. YJ, EW, FVI and BDS designed the database. JN, AB and GDT
built the database and website. YJ, ND, FV, EW, FVI, YPV made some major
contributions in data-input. All authors read and approved the final
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Publisher’s Note
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations.
Author details
Drug Quality and Registration (DruQuaR) Group, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Ghent University, Ottergemsesteenweg 460, B-9000 Ghent,
Belgium. 2Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing,
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University,
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. 3Department of
Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences,
Ghent University, Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium. 4Department
of Internal Medicine, Hepatology Research Unit; Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences, Ghent University, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Received: 11 October 2017 Accepted: 29 May 2018
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