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Brussels Studies, 2016
La revue scientifique électronique pour les recherches sur Bruxelles / Het elektronisch wetenschappelijk tijdschrift voor onderzoek over Brussel / The e-journal for academic research on Brussels Notes de synthèse | 2016
Step 1: Cable a network that is similar to the one in the topology diagram.
Psychiatric Times, 2024
Psychiatric Times Home page teaser: Experience is an end in itself, not measured in time or goals. Column: "Second Thoughts ... About Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychotherapy" Link: Slow Thought in a Fast City May 15, 2024 Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD, FCAHS, DLFAPA, DFCPA
Carcaj, 2024
Sebastián Figueroa 24 de agosto de 2024 Artículos Recomendados
This study focuses on the sources that create mental make-ups of different sets of people besides exploring the interface between their religious/ ethical beliefs and health problems. Three groups of people have been identified: a) those who govern themselves by the literal interpretation of the scriptures and try to adhere to it at the cost of their lives b) those who interpret the text by going beyond the literal meaning of the text to take advantage of the latest knowledge in the field of medicines c) those who do not allow any scriptural knowledge to interfere in their ways of life and thinking. The third group tries to out manoeuvre the other two by adopting various pressure tactics and showing little respect for their freedom of faith/ religion, right to self-determination, human rights and free-will. Such persons get perplexed during the times of crisis when the science/ technology does not offer any solution. It becomes problematic for them to live happily during the days of epidemics and pandemics as they have nothing to fall back upon to derive hope. The Hindus have had a traditional holistic life-pattern but in the modern nation-state that India is the Hindus are under tremendous pressure to change their ways in the name of rationality and science.
Tabularium, n.11. Vol.1 , 2024
Historia del Arte, Renacimiento, Escultura, Murcia, Catedral, Torre, Jerónimo Quijano, Jacopo Torni, Crucificado, Cristo de la Misericordia, Cristo del Refugio. La trayectoria escultórica de Jerónimo Quijano es objeto del presente estudio donde se aborda la cuestión desde la problemática de la variante en madera policromada. Ciertamente, la configuración de la tipología del Crucificado supone un marco idóneo para abordar la personalidad de un artista cuya fama ha quedado generalmente acotada al terreno arquitectónico. Sin embargo, debe revelarse su faceta como escultor de cuya producción debe valerse la historiografía para razonar la pertinente adecuación de los cánones clasicistas emanados de la tradición humanista italiana al arte genuino de los reinos hispánicos.
Generations of theorists have debated the definition of creativity. Originally the act of creation, and thus the product of creativity, was relegated to the capacities only of deities. Early artists and poets did not 'create', rather artistic practitioners 'arranged'objects and notions from things and ideas that already existed in the world���thanks to the exclusive 'creative capacities' of the god (s). To 'make anew'was a divine capacity.
During his long career as a strong defender of the notion of "Christian philosophy", Etienne Gilson (1884-1978) maintained a firm stance in his belief in the intrinsic, essential and constitutive influence of Christian revelation on medieval philosophy. As both an historian of medieval philosophy and as a student of St. Thomas Aquinas, Gilson believed strongly in both the formal distinction and the profound continuity, harmony and collaboration between faith and reason, philosophy and theology, and nature and grace in the doctrine of St. Thomas. In his effort to discover beyond the traditions of Thomistic commentators the personal thought of St. Thomas himself, Gilson often had to swim against a prevailing rationalistic current which sought to separate the philosophy of St. Thomas from the theology in which alone it could retain its viability and fruitfulness. But he refused to separate in the name of St. Thomas what St. Thomas himself not only did not separate but offered positive evidence against separating. There is an historical reason therefore for not separating the personal philosophy of St. Thomas from his theology. Thomas himself never did it. This erroneous tendency of separating the two sciences inevitably then leads to other, even greater and more harmful errors in both philosophy and theology, as the principle states, "Parvus error in principio magnus est in fine" (a small error in the beginning becomes a large error in the end, that is to say, when it is carried to its logical conclusion). And in Gilson's opinion, this unnatural separation is not a small error, but already a large and dangerous one. The Thomistic doctrine on the role of sacred doctrine, understood in its full transcendent sense, along with the celebrated Thomistic principle: "grace does not destroy nature but perfects it" (Summa Theologiae., I, 1, 8, ad 2), were for Gilson the central guiding principles which shed light on the relationship between faith and reason in St. Thomas. To Gilson these principles are often misunderstood and distorted by even professed followers of St. Thomas, and he believed that only by returning to their full original significance as understood and taught by St. Thomas can the unhealthy rupture between philosophy and theology be healed. And only by restoring to theology its pristine and rightful position as guiding light can philosophy attain its noble and exalted status as handmaiden within the royal kingdom of divine science. This book is an expanded version of the author's Licentiate thesis in philosophy.
Omran Mohamed Hassan, 2023
I. Türk Devletçiliği Tarihi Kongresi, 2024
Jurnal Respirasi, 2024
Communications Biology, 2019
Amasya İlahiyat Dergisi, 2024
Metamorfoses - Revista de Estudos Literários Luso-Afro-Brasileiros, 2018
Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2007
Addiction biology, 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015