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The purpose of the community service activities in the Desa Duyung, Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto is mainly to equip the durian farmers with appropriate technologies for fruit, seeds and waste processing completely; in order to overcome low price problem of second grade durian as well as women role empowerment. Proposals to address these issues include:1) durian fruit processing into jams, 2) durian seed processing into chips of various flavors, 3)utilization of durian skin into fuel, 4)salak fruit processing into jams when not in durian season, and 5) banana processing into chips of various flavors when not in durian season. Some equipments and training necessary for the process had been delivered. Participants from two groups (PKK and Farmer Group) were asked to fill a qustionaire before and after the experiment and the results were presented in this paper.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat LPPM UMJ, 2021
Kelurahan Penggilingan adalah merupakan wilayah dengan 60% kepadatan penduduknya, termasuk wilayah yang cukup kompleks permasalahannya, karena penduduknya berasal dari beberapa wilayah gusuran seperti Waduk Ria Rio yang sebelumnya mayoritas pemulung dan wilayah Kalijodo. Selain itu, tanaman kelor yang tumbuh di pekarangan rumah warga dan wilayah sebelum termanfaatkan dengan baik oleh warga setempat, sehingga permasalahan yang ditemui yaitu belum optimalnya pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemandirian ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tanaman Kelor diharapkan dapat menjadi kekhasan wilayah lokal dengan bantuan teknologi tepat guna. Oleh karenanya tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di kelurahan Penggilingan, Cakung Jakarta Timur adalah pemanfaatan tanaman dan biji kelor yang tumbuh di pekarangan rumah warga sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat di wilayah tersebut. Metode yang digunakan antara lain: (1) metode pendekatan dengan melakukan analisis situasi kondisi mitra; (2) metode pelaksanaan melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan teknik pengolahan daun dan biji tanaman kelor; dan (3) metode evaluasi melalui pengadaan pre-test, post-test, serta evaluasi keberlanjutan program dengan cara monitoring pembentukan unit usaha masyarakat.
Perkembangan inovasi pertanian sebagai penunjang potensi pertanian Indonesia terus diciptakan dan diperkenalkan, salah satunya adalah Teknologi Instore Dryer. Teknologi Instore Dryer adalah inovasi pengering hasil panen bawang putih. Petani selaku penerima inovasi perlu mendapat dorongan agar dapat melakukan adopsi inovasi, baik dari faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal. Terdapat limaproses dalam pengambilan keputusan adopsi inovasi pada petani, dari tahap pengenalan inovasi hingga tahap konfirmasi adopsi inovasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan proses pengambilan keputusan adopsi petani. Faktor yang dianalisis adalah karakteristik individu, peran penyuluh pertanian, dan lima tahap adopsi inovasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan intensitas penyuluhan petani berhubungan dengan tahap pengenalan inovasi, peran penyuluh berhubungan dengan tahap pengambilan keputu...
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2021
Kabupaten Sidoarjo terkenal sebagai salah satu pusat industri makanan olahan, seperti usaha keripik singkong dan kerupuk udang oleh UMKM Berkas Sejahtera. Akan tetapi, permintaan yang tinggi dari konsumen tidak dapat dipenuhi karena keterbatasan produksinya. Melalui kegiatan ini diharapkan mitra UMKM bisa meningkatkan kapasitas produksi dan pendapatan serta menambah lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat di wilayah sekitarnya. Metode dalam kegiatan ini adalah pengembangan teknologi produksi makanan olahan tepat guna. Tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu mengindentifikasi kebutuhan riil mitra terkait operasional produksi, merancang dan membuat mesin produksi makanan olahan tepat guna, pengujian operasional mesin, evaluasi hasil pengujian mesin serta penguatan kelembagaan dan sumber daya manusia. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya paket teknologi pengolahan keripik singkong dan kerupuk udang yang terdiri dari mesin perajang singkong, peniris minyak, penggiling daging udang, pengaduk bumbu hexagonal, pencampur adonan, pencetak bentukan kerupuk, pengering kerupuk, serta mesin pengemas (packaging) untuk kerupuk maupun keripik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini yaitu adanya peningkatan kapasitas produksi mitra UMKM dari produksi 1 ton per hari menjadi 3 ton per hari. Dengan adanya peningkatan kapasitas produksi maka pendapatan juga meningkat dan menambah lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat di wilayah sekitarnya.
Agric, 2017
Rainfed ricefield, planted at least for one cropping season in a year, depends heavily on rainfall for its water supply. This land generally is low in fertility as indicated by the limited availability of essential plant nutrients in particular nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) as well as organic matter. Its productivity is relatively low with a rather erratic precipitation distribution. In order to overcome fertility issue in rainfed land, it is necessary to conduct an integrated nutrient management; one of which is by implementing location-specific nutrient management. This study aims to seek the appropriate nutrient management in rainfed paddy field of Semawung village in the sub-district of Andong of Boyolali regency to be provisioned as a technological tool of location-specific nutrient management. Research on nutrient management of gogo rancah system-based paddy production was carried out from October 2014 to January 2015. The field experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design involving eight treatments and three replications for each treatment. Treatments were combinations of NPK fertilizer, Organofosfat, and straw-based organic fertilizer. Nutrient management using NPK fertilizer and its combination with Organofosfat or organic fertilizer had very significant effect on plant height and number of stem per hill, significantly affected number of panicle per hill, panicle length, and number of fully-filled grain but did not result in difference of
Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 2010
MOCAL is descendant product from cassava, which apply principal modification of cassava cell by microbe fermentation. MOCAL can substitute wheat flour in many foods, namely, noodles, bread, cakes, and other cakes at varying levels of substitution. The increase of wheat flour price encourages food processors looking for cheaper substitute materials, namely, MOCAL. In response to these trends, the Central Java government plans to develop 51 industrial clusters of MOCAL with plasma core model. Supports the plan, efforts should be made to improve the productivity of cassava farming. Because of the lack of high quality seeds, farm productivity of cassava in Central Java has not been optimal. Cassava breeding centers of government has released several high yielding varieties of cassava, but the propagation activities have not grown well. This paper provides an overview of the basic technology on seed propagation of cassava and institutional guidelines of cassava seed production. To support MOCAL industry, cassava seed supply should fulfill the six rights, namely the right varieties, the right quality, right quantity, right time, right place, and the right price. To produce high quality seeds, the seed propagation should follow the standard procedures of good cassava seed production, ranging from stage of selection and preparation of breeder seed, land preparation, planting, crop maintenance, harvesting, and post harvest handling. To fulfill the needs of seeds with a uniform quality in large amounts, the seed production units should apply the method of rapid seed multiplication, and developed in the institutional group of farmers. To ensure a sustainable supply of seeds as needed, there should be an interregional seed network. The development of seed production units should be a part of MOCAL Industrial Cluster Development Program, and all stakeholders should take a role in these affairs.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2024
Buah mangrove belum banyak yang mengetahui dan memanfaatkan potensinya menjadi suatu produk olahan. Kelompok masyarakat Poklahsar raji Pandawa dan Pokmaswas Reng Paseser memiliki keinginan untuk mengolah mangrove menjadi produk olahan yang bernilai jual namun masih terkendala di aspek teknologi. Tujuan kegiatan abdimas yaitu memberikan teknologi tepat guna dan pemahaman pengolahan kopi dan sirup mangrove sebagai upaya peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat pesisir yang sbelumnya hanya bertumpu pada perikanan tangkap. Keiatan dilakukan dengan tahapan sosialisai, pelatihan, pengukuran hasil pelatihan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil yang telah dicapai terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dalam penggunaan Teknologi Tepat Guna pada 20 orang mitra. Pemahaman Teknologi Tepat Guna pengolahan mangrove ini yaitu pada aspek pengetahuan pengoperasian alat pemeras mangrove dan alat sangrai masing-masing meningkat 50% sedangkan pada aspek pengetahuan tahapan proses pengolahan kopi mangrove sejumlah 35% dan peningkatan pengetahuan proses pengolahan sirup mangrove sejumlah 20%.
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Tofu is a food made from soybeans and is also a favorite food of the Indonesian people both from the lower to upper classes. Besides being cheap, tofu contains 86% water, 8-12% protein, 4-6% fat and 16% carbohydrate. Considering the increasing price of basic needs that exist today, many people are doing small and medium businesses to meet those basic needs. One of them is by the tofu production business. Now there are many small and medium-sized businesses that produce tofu, one of which is in Timurejo Hamlet, Gitik Village, Rogojampi District, Banyuwangi Regency. The size of the production capacity of the tofu production business is determined at the time of pressing and cutting the tofu. With the increasing number of pressing and cutting the tofu with a short time, the tofu that is produced even more. At present, the pressing and cutting process of tofu carried out by the Gitik Village Tofu production business so far is still manually using human labor and using tools that are still very traditional. Based on the results of discussions and identification of problems with partners, partners really need tools or machines that can facilitate and accelerate the pressing and cutting process of tofu. The initial stage of this community service activity is to conduct a survey to identify problems faced by partners and conduct literature studies to obtain solutions to partner problems. After the solution to the partner's problem is found, the next step is to design and manufacture the components of the press and semi-automatic tofu cutter. The tools created can help the community in increasing the productivity of tofu production compared to the manual or traditional process. In addition, with this tool production time can be shortened and community income increased.
Samaritans Through the Ages: Studies on Samaritan History, Texts, Interpretation, Linguistics and Manuscripts. Berlin: de Gruyter (Studia Samaritana 14), 2024
The Samaritan-Aramaic term “tashqil” refers to a peculiar and characteristic phenomenon of the Samaritan manuscript culture. Serving to embed a paratext into a given Samaritan manuscript, the tashqil makes this paratext manifest through a salient page design that serves to highlight letters of the main text by placing them into a special part of the page. Although the phenomenon is well acknowledged in Samaritan studies, a comprehensive description is still a desiderate. The present article aims to fill this gap, approaching the topic under different perspectives, as follows: 1. Definition of “tashqil” 2. The term “tashqil” 3. The functions of tashqil texts 4. The graphical shape of tashqils 5. The placement of tashqils within the biblical text 6. The interplay between form, function, and placement 7. Language of tashqils 8. Tashqils in bi- and trilingual manuscripts of the Pentateuch 9. History and development of tashqils 10. Tashqils outside Hebrew Pentateuch manuscripts 11. Similar phenomena from other manuscript cultures
Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, 2024
PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Ayşe BATMAN
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