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2022, CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo
5 pages
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Case report: We report a case of thirty year old female, not a known case of any chronic illness, recently diagnosed to be having Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, presented with acute onset of gradually progressive ascending flaccid paralysis of three days duration. Her HCV viral load was low 2645 I.U./ml and liver function tests were essentially normal. She was noncirrhotic with normal Fibroscan score of 7 Kpa. At the time of admission, she was conscious, oriented, afebrile but was unable to move all four limbs on her own. Her Nerve conduction studies were suggestive of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). She developed fever and vomiting within six hours of admission, along with features of autonomic dysfunction and involvement of respiratory muscles. Hence was urgently shifted in Intensive care unit (ICU) and was put on ventilatory support. She succumbed to her illness within few hours of stay in ICU, before treatment with Intravenous immunoglobulins or plasmapheresis could be started. Conclusion: Our case report is an unusual case of GBS in a recently diagnosed young noncirrhotic HCV patient who had a rapid catastrophic course and died within few days of diagnosis of HCV infection. There is limited case reports of GBS with HCV infection, hence should always be kept in differential diagnosis whenever patient presents with lower limb weakness. Early diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment is crucial to treat GBS.
Ibrahim Medical College Journal, 2009
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) otherwise known as Acute Inflammatory Polyneuritis, characterized by acute progressive limb weakness and aretlexia, is the prototype of a post infectious autoimmune disease. Two-thirds of the cases of GBS emerge from viral or bacterial infection. In August 2006, a 20 year old man presented at ICU, BIRDEM Hospital with a history of brief icteric illness followed by progressive bilateral symmetrical hypotonic aretlexic muscular weakness, bilateral infra-nuclear facial palsy and bulbar weakness. Later on, he was diagnosed as a case of GBS and acute hepatitis E. Up till now, only three cases of GBS associated with hepatitis E have been reported in the medical literature world wide. This is probably the 4 th case to be reported.
Internal Medicine, 1994
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) developed soon after the onset of acute viral hepatitis A (HA) in a 62-year-old man.GBS associated with HA is extremely rare, even though HA is common.In a review of case reports the clinical features of GBS following HA could be summarized as follows: 1) Most of the patients are men.2) GBS develops within 14 days after the onset of HA. 3) Facial nerve palsy is frequently present. 4) Proprioception is likely impaired in addition to superficial sensation. 5) The outcome of neuropathic symptoms is uniformly good, regardless of the degree of liver dysfunction as evaluated on the basis of alanine aminotransferase levels. These findings indicate that GBS following HA essentially does not differ from typical GBS.
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy, 2002
Prodromal factors of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) are often associated with previous viral infection (60%). The ailment supported by the acquired immunomediated disorder concept. Viral hepatitis is very rarely found in GBS,, Campylobacter jejuni (28%), and Epstein-Barr virus (5%). There is no specific etiology of GBS because those viruses usually appear sporadically (subclinically). All hepatitis virus infection can cause neurological complications, including GBS. (1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000) from 92 GBS patients. The diagnosis of HAV was based on more than 2 times increment of transaminase enzyme, positive IgM anti HAV, negative HbsAg, and negative IgM anti HCV. The diagnosis of GBS was based on clinical symptoms of acute generalized paralysis, cerebrospinal fluid examination, and electromyelography. In both cases, sub-clinical and sporadic symptoms appeared several days before paralysis, which makes it more likely that the prodromal period of GBS occurred at the same time of HAV incubation period.
Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute monophasic immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy. Here, we report a case of a young man with acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) subtype of GBS having hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection. A 30-year-old man with icterus was referred to emergency center of Razi Hospital. He complained of flu-like symptoms 10 days before the onset of icterus. Also, he suffered from gradual fatigue and weakness with dark urine. He experienced neurological symptoms of muscle paralysis (ascending from the legs to hands). Neurological consultant suspected GBS at the first step based on clinical examinations. He was candidate for five sessions of plasmapheresis. The ultrasonography revealed liver span 166 mm, which was greater than the normal range, with normal parenchymal echo. The gallbladder wall was thicker than normal and gallstone with lesion was not seen in different conditions. He was discharged after total improvement of neurological symptoms and muscular p...
World Journal of Hepatology, 2010
The recommended therapy for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection is the combination of a Pegylated interferon and Ribavirin. Almost all such patients on combination therapy experience one or more adverse events during the course of treatment. Significant neurological side effects are rare. A few cases of Bell's Palsy, chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and even one case of acute demyelinating polyneuropathy with atypical features for GuillainBarre syndrome (GBS) associated with Interferon therapy have been reported but no report of GBS with typical features has been published. We present a case report of typical GBS associated with Peginterferon alfa2a and Ribavirin used for treatment of CHC infection.
International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2015
Introduction: Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a neurological emergency that warrants prompt diagnosis and treatment. Occasionally, the clinical, laboratory and electrophysiological features are neither typical nor diagnostic. It requires a high index of suspicion and clinical judgement for early diagnosis and commencement of treatment in such scenarios. Some pathogens are potential triggers of this serious neurological disease, including: Campylobacter jejuni, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Cytomegalovirus. Although uncommon, hepatotrophic viruses (Hepatitis A, B, C and E virus) are increasingly recognized to be triggering microbes of GBS. The objective of this report is to highlight the association of hepatotrophic viruses with GuillainBarre syndrome. We describe a rare case of GBS following acute hepatitis. Case report: A 24 years old lady presented to us with GBS triggered by Hepatitis A virus leading to severe demyelinating type peripheral neuropathy. The patient initially developed...
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2022
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an auto-immune disorder characterized by ascending motor weakness with hyporeflexia or areflexia. In GBS molecular mimicry leads to the targeting of peripheral nerves. The treatment of GBS is mainly supportive, however, the definitive management of GBS includes IVIGs (intravenous immunoglobulins) and plasma exchange (plasmapheresis). We reported a case of 42 year old man who presented with weakness of both lower limbs associated with pain and numbness after recovering from COVID-19 infection. Clinical examination, radiological findings and lab results confirmed the diagnosis of GBS. He was admitted in the hospital and treated with intravenous immunoglobulins along with periodic cardiac, respiratory and neurological assessment. The patient showed a substantial response to intravenous immunoglobulins and resulted in a remarkable recovery with no residual motor or sensory deficit.
Journal of Child Neurology, 2014
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute monophasic immune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathy. Here, we report a case of a young man with acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) subtype of GBS having hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection. A 30-year-old man with icterus was referred to emergency center of Razi Hospital. He complained of flu-like symptoms 10 days before the onset of icterus. Also, he suffered from gradual fatigue and weakness with dark urine. He experienced neurological symptoms of muscle paralysis (ascending from the legs to hands). Neurological consultant suspected GBS at the first step based on clinical examinations. He was candidate for five sessions of plasmapheresis. The ultrasonography revealed liver span 166 mm, which was greater than the normal range, with normal parenchymal echo. The gallbladder wall was thicker than normal and gallstone with lesion was not seen in different conditions. He was discharged after total improvement of neurological symptoms and muscular power. In addition, the results of International normalized ratio (INR), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), prothrombin time (PT), alkaline phosphatase (ALK), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) , aspartate aminotransferase (AST), bilirubin total and direct (Bil T, D) tests were normal after 2-month follow-up. Although, acute viral infections such as hepatitis E virus (HEV) is common in patients with GBS; the possibility of HAV infection in patients with its risk factor should not be neglected.
Indian pediatrics, 2004
Positions, 2019
What matters for "biopolitical investigations," writes Roberto Esposito (2006: 7) in a recent article devoted to the "History of Concepts and the Ontology of Actuality," "is not the relationship between before and after, but the one between inside and outside. This is how an 'outside' -in this case life -enters into something else (something that is thought to be other) and transforms, twists, or undermines it. What is at stake are not the forms, but the forces [le forze], that is, the way in which these forces are exploding the forms." In this brief contribution, I would like to again take up Esposito's point, albeit in a different context from the highly philosophical one in which his thought operates. The tense relation between inside and outside (between forces and forms) will be analyzed here with specific reference to the way in which "life itself," in a sense quite different from its general positions 27:1
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