Original Papers • DOI: 10.2478/pneum-2019-0025 • 68 • 2019 • 130-137
Mortality risk factors in lobectomies: Single-institution
Bogdan I. Popovici1, Dana Matei2,3,*, Anca Daniela Farcas2,4,†, Milena Man2, Cornelia Popovici4, Romeo Chira2,4, Cornel Iancu2,3
Division of Thoracic Surgery, “Leon Daniello” Clinical Hospital of Pneumology Cluj Napoca, Romania
“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania
“Prof. O. Fodor” Regional Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Surgery Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Country Clinical Emergency Hospital Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The need to identify the risk factors (RFs) predictive of mortality after pulmonary lobectomy has fuelled several single- or multiinstitution studies, without establishing a prediction model of the generally accepted risk. Each single-institution study offers its
own RFs, which corroborated with the RFs published in other multicentric studies may allow a better prediction of postoperative mortality for specific categories of patients. The aim of our study was to identify the 30-day mortality RFs in our lobectomy
patients and to compare our results with those published in literature. We therefore analysed the influence of 49 perioperative
parameters on postoperative mortality of consecutive lobectomy patients. The 192 lobectomy patients enrolled had malignant
(81.25%) and infectious conditions (12.5%) and a 2.6% mortality rate. The results of our study support the following perioperative RF associated with a high mortality rate: thrombocytosis, chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease (COPD), digestive
and hepatic comorbidities, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, tuberculosis, the American Society of Anesthesiologists rating and the
characteristics of postoperative drainage. In conclusion, these RFs may serve as the factors to consider when calculating
the mortality rate after lobectomy, in preoperative selection as well as in instruments for the assessment of postoperative results.
pulmonary lobectomy • mortality • risk assessment
Factori de risc asociați cu mortalitatea în lobectomii studiu unicentric
Necesitatea identificării factorilor de risc (FR) predictivi ai mortalității postlobectomie a determinat apariția a numeroase studii
uni sau multicentrice fără a se putea stabili un model de predicție al riscului general acceptat. Fiecare studiu unicentric susține
FR proprii, care asociați cu cei precizați de studile multicentrice ar permite o predicție mai bună a mortalitătii postoperatorii pentru categorii speciale de pacienți. Scopul studiului nostru a fost de a identifica FR pentru mortalitatea la 30 de zile a pacienților
cu lobectomie și compararea rezultatelor cu cele din literatura. Au fost analizați 49 parametri perioperatorii și influența asupra
mortalității postoperatorii. Cei 192 pacienti înrolați au prezentat patologie malignă (81.25%) și infectioasă (12.5%) și au avut o
mortalitate postoperatorie de 2.6%. Rezultatele studiului susțin ca FR perioperatori asociați cu o mortalitate crescută au fost
trombocitoza, bronhopneumopatia cronica obstructiva, patologia hepato-digestiva, chimioterapia neoadjuvanta, tuberculoza,
scor American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) crescut și caracteristicile drenajului postoperator. In concluzie, aceștia ar
putea constitui factori necesari a fi luați în calculul riscului de mortalitate postlobectomie, în selecția preoperatorie precum și ca
instrumente de evaluare a rezultatelor postoperatorii.
lobectomie • motalitate • evaluarea riscului
*Corresponding author: Dana Matei
[email protected]
Authors with equal contribution with first authors.
Open Access. © 2019 Popovici et al., published by Sciendo
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License.
Popovici et al.: Mortality risk factors in lobectomies
FEV25–75% –
American Society of Anesthesiologists
chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary
forced expiratory volumes in 1 s
forced expiratory flow during 25–75% of
left lower lobe
left upper lobe
left ventricle ejection fraction%
medium lobe
non-small-cell lung cancer
(cigarette) packs per year
partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial
pulmonary artery pressures
predicted postoperative forced expiratory
volumes in 1 s
risk factors
right lower lobe
right upper lobe
Oxygen saturation (arterial blood)
total lung capacity%
Radical pulmonary resections are the most efficient option for
the therapy of pulmonary cancer (1–3) and of other benign
pulmonary conditions. Of all radical pulmonary resections,
lobectomy is the most frequently used. Usually, this intervention
has severe cardiac and respiratory consequences and it is
performed on frail patients with several functional impairments
and comorbidities (1). During the past four decades, several
studies on the characteristics of patients at high mortality risk
after pulmonary resection have been performed (4–7).
These studies are “single-institution studies”, of limited size,
and present the characteristics of the local patients and
institution, making the results difficult to extrapolate to other
institutions (2).
Since these studies define sets of risk factors (RFs) specific to
the group being analysed, they cannot be compared with the
results of other institutions in order to assess the performance
of the surgical act (8, 9). Including single-institution studies in
large national or multinational databases may prove useful in
creating a standard to which each institution may compare
its surgical performance (6). This standard, despite its high
statistical value, may not accurately reflect the experience
of just a single institution (4). It follows that the best practice
would be to perform studies assessing the local activity of
each centre alongside including these data in large multiinstitutional databases.
This study is based on the assumption that the mortality
RFs of pulmonary lobectomies, identified through multiinstitutional studies (1, 5, 6), may be insufficient in correctly
assessing mortality in our clinic. Specific factors, correlated
with the particularities of the patients and of the institution,
may be present. A risk prediction model, also including these
factors, may be more useful in the accurate assessment of the
surgical risk. The aim of this study was to assess the mortality
predictive factors in consecutive patients having undergone
lobectomy. In case of finding specific RFs, these factors
may prove useful in improving the postoperative mortality
prediction and in assessing the quality of the surgical act, both
medically and legally.
Material and method
We enrolled in this study all consecutive patients having
undergone lobectomy, especially for pulmonary cancer as
well as for benign conditions. The surgical interventions were
performed by the same anaesthesia/surgical team using a
single protocol in a regional thoracic centre between 2008
and 2014.
Following parameters were recorded: demographic data,
preoperative functional status, comorbidities and particularities
of each condition. We recorded in the database the neoplastic
stages using the TNM 7 classification (7). Other parameters
included the duration of surgery and the particularities
of postoperative drainage, among others, amounting to
49 perioperative variables. The only postoperative variable
recorded was the 30-day mortality rate, meant to determine
which of the previous parameters may become mortality
RFs after lobectomy. All patients signed an informed
consent. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy no
The statistical analysis was performed using the IMB SPSS
Statistics 2.0 software.
We analysed over 49 pre- and intraoperative variables,
37 categorical and 12 continuous, in order to identify some
possible correlations with postoperative mortality. The
categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square
teste (χ2) or Fisher test when necessary. For the continuous
variables we identified the normally or abnormally distributed
variables, expressed them as means or medians and tested
them using the Student’s t and Mann–Whitney tests.
Using the univariate analysis, we identified which of the
mentioned preoperative factors influenced postoperative
mortality with statistical significance (p < 0.05).
The variables identified were introduced in multivariate
analysis in order to determine which may qualify as
independent predictive factors.
We enrolled 264 patients with major pulmonary resections,
after excluding 34 because of incomplete medical data.
Of these, 192 patients required lobectomy (72.7%),
20 bilobectomy (7.5%) and 52 pneumonectomy (19.7%). The
mean age of patients was 57.4 ± 11.1 years (17–79 years);
the majority were male (72.4%) and smokers of more than
20 packs of cigarettes per year (81.3%). The surgical indication
was established for malignant (81.25% cases – of which
4.2% carcinoids), infectious [12.5% cases – of which 6.8%
tuberculosis (TB)] and benign conditions (6.25% – including
rare conditions). Two patients (1.04%) had TB in addition to
their malignancy, and 8.5% of pulmonary tumours were either
infected or associated with non-tuberculous infections.
The 30-day postoperative mortality rate for lobectomy was
2.6%, for bilobectomy was 5% and for pneumonectomy was
5.9%. The patients’ functional characteristics and laboratory
results are displayed in Table 1.
The patients who expired were all male and had lower
TLC, SaO2, PaO2, PaCO2 values, compared with those
who survived, but the difference did not reach statistical
significance. In addition, the former more often had
leucocytosis, anaemia or thrombocytosis, but only the latter
was statistically significant. Patients who died had a higher
frequency of comorbidities apart from neuropsychiatric,
osteoarticular, skin and metabolic conditions, diabetes
mellitus and kidney failure (Table 2). Despite the higher
incidence of cardiovascular, respiratory, urogenital and
hepato-digestive diseases, only the latter and chronic
obstructive disease (COPD) reached statistical significance.
Furthermore, neoadjuvant chemotherapy was performed
more frequently (with statistical significance) in patients
who did not survive. The pathology data of patients with
lobectomy are displayed in Table 3, which show a higher
frequency of infections, especially TB, in patients who
died (p < 0.05). Table 4 shows that these patients more
frequently had an indication for emergency lobectomy,
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classes III
and IV and right-side lobectomy. The mean duration of
surgery was 3.19 ± 1.02 h, without significant difference
between the two groups of patients. The postoperative
pleural drainage (detailed in Table 5) was more abundant
in the first and second day after the surgery of patients who
died. We considered as normal drainage the discharge of
serosanguinous or citrine fluid, but not the postoperative
haemorrhagic discharge, which we classified separately.
The patients who did not survive had a larger quantity of
drainage fluid, with a 650 mL cut-off for Day 1 (Se 60% and
Sp 81.82%) and 550 mL for Day 2 (Se 40% and Sp 96.26%).
Table 1. Functional and laboratory characteristics of patients
Analysed factor
All: 192
No. (%)
Postoperative death
No 187 (97.4%)
Yes 5 (2.6%)
Age (years)
57.48 ± 11.11
57.35 ± 10.99
62.40 ± 15.58
Male sex
139 (72.4%)
134 (71.7%)
5 (100%)
Smoking [>20 packs per year (P/Y)]
156 (81.3%)
152 (81.3%)
4 (80.0%)
Total lung capacity% (TLC%)
77.73 ± 14.12
84.42 ± 14.85
77.55 ± 14.10
84.34 ± 16.68
80.04 ± 15.26
84.45 ± 16.75
74.43 ± 28.45
60.20 ± 29.22
74.82 ± 28.41
Oxygen saturation (arterial blood) (SaO2)
95.55 ± 2.89
96.64 ± 1.13
95.52 ± 2.92
Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2)
81.35 ± 17.93
84.40 ± 8.40
81.27 ± 18.12
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2)
39.04 ± 5.22
40.52 ± 2.60
39.00 ± 5.27
7.38 ± 0.05
7.37 ± 0.03
7.38 ± 0.05
Pulmonary artery pressures (PAPs)
28.74 ± 6.12
32.40 ± 2.51
28.65 ± 6.16
Left ventricle ejection fraction% (LVEF%)
55.09 ± 5.67
54.60 ± 4.45
55.10 ± 5.71
77 (40.1%)
73 (39.0%)
4 (80.0%)
103 (53.6%)
99 (52.9%)
4 (80.0%)
20 (10.4%)
17 (9.1%)
3 (60.0%)
Inflammatory markers
117 (60.9%)
114 (61.0%)
3 (60.0%)
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
Popovici et al.: Mortality risk factors in lobectomies
Table 2. Comorbidities of lobectomy patients
Analysed factor
All: 192
No. (%)
Postoperative death
No 187 (97.4%)
Yes 5 (2.6%)
Cardiovascular conditions
98 (51.0%)
95 (50.8%)
3 (60.0%)
Diastolic dysfunction
46 (24.0%)
44 (23.5%)
2 (40.0%)
Respiratory disease
79 (41.1%)
75 (40.1%)
4 (80.0%)
65 (33.9%)
61 (32.6%)
4 (80.0%)
Neuro-psychiatric conditions
16 (8.3%)
16 (8.6%)
0 (0.0%)
Metabolic diseases
41 (21.4%)
41 (21.9%)
0 (0.0%)
Diabetes mellitus
15 (7.8%)
15 (8.0%)
0 (0.0%)
Urogenital conditions
14 (7.3%)
13 (7.0%)
1 (20%)
Kidney failure
9 (4.7%)
9 (4.8%)
0 (0.0%)
Digestive conditions
36 (18.8%)
33 (17.6%)
3 (60.0%)
Osteoarticular conditions
15 (7.8%)
15 (8.0%)
0 (0.0%)
Skin diseases
6 (3.1%)
6 (3.2%)
0 (0.0%)
Associated cancers
Number of comorbidities
19 (9.9%)
18 (9.6%)
1 (20.0%)
1.81 ± 1.717
1.80 ± 1.723
2.40 ± 1.517
55 (28.6%)
51 (27.3%)
4 (80%)
5 (2.6%)
5 (2.7%)
0 (0.0%)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Preoperative radiotherapy
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
Table 3. Pathological characteristics of patients having undergone lobectomy
Analysed factor
Associated infections
Pathological diagnosis
All: 192
No. (%)
Postoperative death
No 187 (97.4%)
Yes 5 (2.6%)
40 (20.8%)
39 (20.9%)
1 (20.0%)
13 (6.8%)
11 (5.9%)
2 (40.0%)
No infection
139 (72.4%)
137 (73.3%)
2 (40%)
Without TB
179 (93.2%)
176 (94.1%)
3 (60%)
With TB
13 (6.8%)
11 (5.9%)
2 (40.0%)
10 (5.2%)
10 (5.3%)
0 (0.0%)
3 (1.6%)
3 (1.6%)
0 (0.0%)
3 (1.6%)
3 (1.6%)
0 (0.0%)
68 (35.4%)
65 (34.8%)
3 (60.0%)
43 (22.4%)
43 (23.0%)
0 (0.0%)
27 (14.1%)
27 (14.4%)
0 (0.0%)
9 (4.7%)
9 (4.8%)
0 (0.0%)
8 (4.2%)
8 (4.7%)
0 (0.0%)
11 (4.2%)
9 (4.8%
2 (18.8%)
0 (0.0%)
Other rare findings
9 (4.7%)
9 (4.8%)
Malignant conditions
157 (81.8%)
154 (82.4%)
3 (60%)
Benign conditions
35 (18.2%)
33 (17.6%)
2 (40.0%)
11 (5.7%)
9 (4.8%)
2 (40.0%)
31 (16.1%)
31 (16.6%)
0 (0.0%)
36 (18.8%)
36 (19.3%)
0 (0.0%)
35 (18.2%)
34 (18.2%)
1 (20.0%)
26 (13.5%)
26 (13.9%)
0 (0.0%)
7 (3.6%)
7 (3.7%)
0 (0.0%)
4 (2.1%)
4 (2.1%)
0 (0.0%)
TNM 7 stages
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
It follows that 950 mL of pleural fluid drained during the first
2 days correlates with a higher mortality risk, at 60% Se and
81.82% Sp. The mortality rate was significantly higher in
case of haemorrhagic drainage exceeding 1,500 mL in the
first 48 h. The multivariate analysis showed that none of the
analysed RFs, namely preoperative thrombocytosis, COPD
or hepato-digestive conditions, neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
associated TB, >550 mL drained fluid on the second day
and postoperative haemorrhage exceeding 1,500 mL in
the first 48 h, had a predictive ability for postoperative
mortality (Table 6). It is noteworthy that, despite not
reaching statistical significance, TB and thrombocytosis
Table 4. Characteristics of the anaesthesia and surgery
Analysed factor
All: 192
No. (%)
Postoperative death
No 187 (97.4%)
Yes 5 (2.6%)
Previous thoracotomy
7 (3.6%)
7 (3.7%)
0 (0.0%)
Emergency lobectomy
6 (3.1%)
5 (2.7%)
1 (20%)
8 (4.2%)
8 (4.3%)
0 (0.0%)
1 (20.0%)
79 (41.1%)
78 (41.7%)
104 (54.2%)
101 (54.0%)
3 (60.0%)
1 (0.5%)
0 (0.0%)
1 (20.0%)
Right upper lobe (RUL)
49 (25.5%)
47 (25.1%)
2 (40.0%)
Medium lobe (ML)
12 (6.3%)
12 (6.4%)
0 (0.0%)
Right lower lobe (RLL)
44 (22.9%)
41 (21.9%)
3 (60.0%)
Left upper lobe (LUL)
47 (24.5%)
47 (25.1%)
0 (0.0%)
Left lower lobe (LLL)
40 (20.8%)
40 (21.4%)
0 (0.0%)
3.19 ± 1.02
3.20 ± 1.03
3.02 ± 1.04
Duration of intervention
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
Table 5. Characteristics of postoperative pleural drainage in the study group
Analysed factor
Drainage Day 1 (mL)
Drainage Day 1 >650 mL (cut-off)
Drainage Day 2 (mL)
All: 192
No. (%)
Postoperative death
No 187 (97.4%)
Yes 5 (2.6%)
497.92 ± 226.91
492.51 ± 221.00
700 ± 367.42
37 (19.3%)
34 (18.2%)
3 (60.0%)
273.70 ± 139.70
268.72 ± 128.67
460.00 ± 343.51
Drainage Day 2 >550 mL (cut-off)
9 (4.7%)
7 (3.7%)
2 (40%)
Drainage Day 1 + Day 2 >950 mL (cut-off)
37 (19.3%)
34 (18.2%)
3 (60.0%)
Haemorrhage Day 1 >1,000 mL
12 (6.3%)
11 (5.9%)
1 (20.0%)
Haemorrhage Day 1 + Day 2 >1,500 mL
13 (6.8%)
11 (5.9%)
2 (40.0%)
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
Table 6. The impact of RFs on mortality in lobectomies as found in multivariate analysis
Exp (B)
Digestive conditions
95% CI for Exp (B)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Drainage Day 2 >550 mL
Haemorrhage >1,500 mL
P value was considered significant if p < 0.05
Popovici et al.: Mortality risk factors in lobectomies
were correlated with an increase in mortality risk of 11.39and 7.41-folds, respectively.
Two hundred and ninety-four patients who consecutively
underwent lobectomy or radical pneumectomy were
evaluated. Conditions associated with high mortality rate
in our study were: thrombocytosis, COPD, digestive and
hepatic comorbidities, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, TB,
high ASA score and the characteristics of postoperative
Several studies, either single- or multi-institutional, have
analysed several RFs in the search of those capable to
predict the 30-day mortality. Despite the fact, that there
is no accepted model for the prediction of mortality after
lobectomy (10), the studies have identified several mortality
RFs that deserve consideration. For instance, Brunelli and
colab (5), while analysing the data of the European Society
of Thoracic Surgeons Data Base, including around 48,000
anatomic resections of which 36,376 lobectomies, found
the following parameters to predict mortality independently:
male sex, age, predicted postoperative forced expiratory
volumes in 1 s (ppoFEV1), coronary ischaemic disease,
cerebrovascular disease, body mass index and thoracotomy.
In an American study, performed by the Society of Thoracic
Surgeons (1), the analysis of over 27,000 resections
yielded a series de new predictive factors, completing
the European model for the prediction of mortality risk:
steroids, peripheral vascular disease, renal dysfunction,
the Zubrod score, the ASA rating, induction therapy,
tumour stage and extension of resection, re-interventions
and the thoracotomy approach. The study performed on
the national French database Epithor (6), including over
18,000 resections, has identified the following mortality
RFs: age, sex, the ASA score, performance status, forced
expiratory volume, body mass index, the side and type
of lung resection, the need for extended resection, stage
and number of comorbidities per patient. Another study
(8) performed on around 3,000 lobectomies found other
independent RFs: hypoalbuminaemia, “do not resuscitate”
status, transfusions of more than four blood units, age,
disseminated cancer, impaired sensorium, prothrombin
time, type of operation and dyspnoea, while the study
performed by Jean et al. (10) mentions dyspnoea at rest,
dyspnoea on exertion and dysnatraemia.
It follows that the aforementioned literature does not offer the
basis for a generally applicable prediction model for 30-day
mortality after lobectomy (9, 11) which makes the analysis of
each local group essential in finding risk models specific to
each institution.
In these circumstances, our study analysed 49 presumed
perioperative RFs for 30-day mortality, on a group of
192 consecutive patients having undergone lobectomy; we
identified a series of clinical, biological, pathological and
surgical/anaesthetic characteristics found more frequently in
patients who did not survive than in those who did.
In our study, the 30-day mortality rate in lobectomy patients
was 2.6%, similar to that previously published. All deceased
patients were male, since the male sex is a RF confirmed
by other studies (1, 5, 6). In addition, we found several
other RFs found more frequently in deceased patients, with
differences sometimes reaching statistical significance:
thrombocytosis, COPD, hepatic or digestive conditions,
induction chemotherapy, ASA classes III and IV and the
presence of suppurations, especially TB.
Thrombocytosis (a platelet count above 40 x 104/mL) was
defined as a RF for increased morbidity and mortality in
oncological surgery for colorectal (12), gynaecological (in
association with leucocytosis) (13) and pulmonary cancers
(14). Kim et al. (14) found that preoperative thrombocytosis
increases the mortality 2.47-fold in non-small-cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) patients. In our study, thrombocytosis was
more frequent than in Kim et al.’s study (10.4 vs 7.5%) and
correlated with a 7.41-fold higher mortality risk in patients
with varied pulmonary conditions. A possible explanation
of the differences in study results may reside in our large
number of cases associating nonspecific or TB infection to the
neoplasia. Furthermore, our group also included patients in
whom the surgical indication was prompted by the infectious
condition. To our knowledge, none of the above-mentioned
studies found infections as a 30-day mortality risk and yet,
the high incidence of infections (specific and nonspecific) we
found in patients who did not survive warns that they should
be considered an individual RF for a certain category of
patients. In addition, in our study, pulmonary TB increased the
mortality risk 11.39-fold but did not validate as an independent
RF due to the lack of statistical significance. COPD (GOLD
1–3), frequent in patients undergoing surgery, is also an
independent RF for death in these patients (1, 15–17). In our
study, despite its significantly higher prevalence in patients
who died, the multivariate analysis did not confirm it as an
independent mortality RF.
Digestive conditions, especially toxic liver disease, further
weaken these patients by altering the albumin levels and
coagulation tests, increasing the risk of death 4.89-fold, but
without having an independent predictive value.
The published data are consistent in stating neoadjuvant
chemotherapy as having a severe impact on morbidity and
mortality after lung resections, leading to a 2.4% mortality rate
(18–21), confirmed by our study.
A high incidence of ASA classes III and IV in deceased patients
confirms the data in literature but a higher mortality rate in
patients with right-side lobectomies, as found in our study,
has not been previously mentioned. Further studies focused
on this issue may provide pathophysiological explanations
for this finding, as well as therapeutic implications in order to
decrease mortality.
In our study, of the postoperative parameters, we chose only
pleural drainage, considering it as a direct consequence
of the surgical act (22). Drainage of serous/citrine pleural
fluid was the desired postoperative outcome, since the
process allows its early removal with all the subsequent
advantages (early mobilization, decreased infectious risk,
increased compliance to respiratory physiotherapy) (23).
In our clinic, the drainage after lobectomy involves two
drains which are removed when the fluid becomes serous/
citrine and falls below 200–300 mL. The analysis of our
data found that volumes of at least 650 mL on the first
day and 550 mL on the second day may identify patients
at higher mortality risk. These volumes may be caused by
inflammatory conditions in the lung or pleura, difficult or
late postoperative haemostasis or difficult expansion of the
remaining parenchyma. In addition, some factors such as
hypoalbuminaemia or haemodynamic imbalances may lead
to prolonged drainage and higher mortality. Furthermore,
haemorrhagic drainage, exceeding 1,500 mL in the first
48 h, was also associated with higher mortality. This
association, despite good intraoperative haemostasis, may
suggest general (hepatopathies, vascular conditions, etc.)
or local factors (pleural adhesions, pleural and pulmonary
suppurations, TB, lung diseases which make the expansion
of the remaining parenchyma difficult). In our experience, the
cases in whom haemodynamic stabilization was obtained by
specific intensive care procedures and who did not develop
large intrapleural clots did not require further interventions
for haemostasis.
Despite the differences found between patients who died and
those who survived, the multivariate analysis did not yield any
independent 30-day mortality predictors, probably due to the
low number of deaths.
One explanation of this fact may reside in certain limitations
of our study: (a) the relatively short interval of analysis – the
90-day mortality analysis may provide further information;
(b) the size of our study group as well as the low number of
deaths; (c) the selection of variables, based on the analysis
of medical records (for instance, the lack of important
parameters such as diffusion lung capacity for carbon
monoxide (DLCO), ppoFEV1, albumin levels, etc.); (d) the
use of thoracotomy alone, known to be a mortality predictor
(1, 5, 10), rather than the minimally invasive approach
preferable to thoracotomy (24–26), which may all distort
the results.
Despite these limitations, the results of our study may
serve as the foundation for a basic model for the prediction
of postoperative risk specific to the study group or to other
similar groups, to be improved by further studies in the field.
When multicentric studies do not provide a generally
applicable predictive model for 30-day mortality after
lobectomy, our single-institution study suggests that factors
such as thrombocytosis, COPD, liver and digestive conditions,
induction chemotherapy, the ASA rating, associated
suppurations – especially TB, the volume and characteristics
of pleural drainage may constitute the necessary factors to be
considered in calculating the mortality rate after lobectomy,
in preoperative selection as well as in assessing the
postoperative results.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of “Iuliu
Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy no
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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