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Review of Regional Studies
6 pages
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The World Economic Forum has consistently ranked water crises as one of the top five most impactful issues facing humanity, alongside but not completely separate from issues such as climate change and natural disasters (World Economic Forum, 2019). A growing population and changing climate will only further stress the constrained water system. Acute and ongoing societal disruptions, caused by significant declines in the available quality and quantity of fresh water around the globe, underscore the importance of water to human life and a functional society. The papers in this special issue highlight the role that regional scientists can and should play in informed decision-making related to water at the local, regional, and national scale.
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries, 2003
Fair fresh water distribution among humans and nature and among all sectors will be one of the main challenges of the 21st century. There is a complex interplay between the different water users, and clear systematics are needed for efficient decision making. Water uses can be divided into four sectors, (i) water for people, services and industries, (ii) water for agriculture, (iii) water for nature, and (iv) water for energy production. A number of water related issues are relevant for each sector, though not all with the same importance. The issues relate either to water quality, water quantity, (urban) water infrastructure and integrated water management, and socio-economics and institutional aspects. Depending on the sector and the issues, there is an appropriate level for actions. Responsibilities for providing water for people, services, and industries must be taken at the local level (communities, cities, districts). Water for nature and the provision of ecosystem services ask for a more regional, national, or even multinational decision-making structure. The demographic development of the coming 25 years will be a challenge for agriculture to satisfy the food needs of all humans. The adequate and j ust access to agricultural products needs to be internationally guaranteed. Decisions for all sectors and on all levels imply formidable economic challenges, which will accompany human societies for the next decennia.
Aquatic Sciences, 2002
This paper presents an overview of water resources issues in the context of world population growth, climate change, and variability, and provides examples of how these issues affect local and regional water policy concerns. Also discussed is the associated research of the international scientific community in regard to physically-based modeling of the hydrological cycle, with special focus on the Global Energy and Water cycle EXperiment (GEWEX) Programme. The critical role of
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2012
Two noted American geographers specializing in water resource management introduce a series of papers in a Eurasian Geography and Economics symposium on water security and hydro-politics by outlining the diverse regional constructs (e.g., river basins, nation-states, global regions) that have been utilized in water management efforts in the past. The authors suggest that the "problemshed" concept may represent the real context of contemporary regional water struggles and management, and may appear in such forms as water security regions, "water wars" between neighboring states, water-energy-food regions, and virtual water regions and footprints. They conclude by reviewing the ways in which the three symposium papers that follow contribute to a deeper understanding of transboundary water use and conflict management. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F500, Q010, Q250. 32 references.
This report provides the overall synthesis of the findings of the GEF IW:Science project. It is based on a series of reports produced for each of five classes of global transboundary water system: River Basins, Lakes, Groundwater, Land-based Pollution Sources, and Large Marine Ecosystems and Open Oceans. Summarizing the key findings and recommendations from these underlying Synopsis and Analysis Reports, an integrated perspective on a broad range of transboundary water issues is provided.
Water Resources Research, 2015
The freshwater environment is facing unprecedented global pressures. Unsustainable use of surface and groundwater is ubiquitous. Gross pollution is seen in developing economies, nutrient pollution is a global threat to aquatic ecosystems, and flood damage is increasing. Droughts have severe local consequences, but effects on food can be global. These current pressures are set in the context of rapid environmental change and socio‐economic development, population growth, and weak and fragmented governance. We ask what should be the role of the water science community in addressing water security challenges. Deeper understanding of aquatic and terrestrial environments and their interactions with the climate system is needed, along with trans‐disciplinary analysis of vulnerabilities to environmental and societal change. The human dimension must be fully integrated into water science research and viewed as an endogenous component of water system dynamics. Land and water management are i...
Attempts to bridge the gap between those who generate scientific information and those who use it have not always been successful. This is true in part because most research methodologies encourage a relatively narrow, disciplinary focus on questions, frequently avoiding the complexities and interdependencies of the “real” world. A true dialog between end users of climate information and those who generate data is rarely achieved. Improved scientific information is important to managing water supplies in the context of increasing competition for water. However, scientists may not fully understand the context within which water management decisions are made, or have the appropriate training to ensure that the information that they produce is useful. There are major limitations to the applicability of current scientific products, in part because they are generated without a full understanding of institutional and political limitations to using the products in implementing new manageme...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 2014
Modeling of future water systems at the regional scale is a difficult task due to the complexity of current structures (multiple competing water uses, multiple actors, formal and informal rules) both temporally and spatially. Representing this complexity in the modeling process is a challenge that can be addressed by an interdisciplinary and holistic approach. The assessment of the water system of the Crans-Montana-Sierre area (Switzerland) and its evolution until 2050 were tackled by combining glaciological, hydrogeological, and hydrological measurements and modeling with the evaluation of water use through documentary, statistical and interview-based analyses. Four visions of future regional development were co-produced with a group of stakeholders and were then used as a basis for estimating future water demand. The comparison of the available water resource and the water demand at monthly time scale allowed us to conclude that for the four scenarios socioeconomic factors will impact on the future water systems more than climatic factors. An analysis of the sustainability of the current and future water systems based on four visions of regional development allowed us to identify those scenarios that will be more sustainable and that should be adopted by the decision-makers. The results were then presented to the stakeholders through five key messages. The challenges of communicating the results in such a way with stakeholders are discussed at the end of the article.
World Water Management, Diplomacy & Science News , 2024
Transboundary water resources, such as rivers, lakes, and aquifers, often cross political boundaries, necessitating cooperation among neighboring countries for sustainable and equitable management. The effects of climate change, including altered precipitation patterns, rising temperatures, and more frequent extreme weather events, pose significant threats to the availability and reliability of these shared water sources. Recognizing the interconnectedness of climate change and transboundary water management is essential for developing resilient and adaptive strategies. Climate-informed transboundary water management is crucial for addressing the challenges posed by climate change on shared water resources. As the impacts of climate change become more pronounced, the need for adaptive and collaborative approaches in managing transboundary water sources becomes increasingly evident. This article explores the key components, challenges, and strategies associated with climate-informed transboundary water management.
Este artículo analiza la trayectoria de don Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, marqués de la Ensenada (1702-1781) y al plan reformista fiscal y de la Marina española gracias a la política de neutralidad internacional aplicada por Fernando VI. Gracias a su cargo de secretario del Despacho de Indias permitió aplicar mejoras en los flujos de dinero desde esa parte de la monarquía con el objetivo de reducir la deuda y controlar la decisión del gasto, entre otras. Cierra el artículo con la conjura contra el marqués de la Ensenada y a modo de conclusión se extiende al reinado de Fernando VI después de la destitución de Ensenada. This article analyses the trajectory of Don Zenón de Somodevilla y Bengoechea, Marquis de la Ensenada (1702-1781) and the reformist plan fiscal and of the Spanish Navy thanks to the policy of international neutrality applied by Fernando VI. Thanks to his position as secretary of the Office of the Indies allowed to apply improvements in money flows from that part of the monarchy in order to reduce the debt and control the decision of spending, among others. It closes the article with the conspiracy against the Marquis of the cove and by way of conclusion extends to the reign of Ferdinand VI after the removal of Ensenada.
Владимир Владимирович Мильков был членом редакционного совета журнала Палеоросия. Про его вклад в развитие нашего журнала мы уже писали в номере 17, целиком посвященном его памяти. 4 октября 2022 года Институт философии РАН провел междисциплинарную научную конференцию памяти Владимира Владимировича Милькова «Проблемы изучения древнерусской мысли». Главным организатором конференции стал кандидат философских наук, руководитель сектора истории русской философии института Владимир Витальевич Сидорин. Видеоматериалы конференции выложены в открытый доступ в Интернет. Материалы этой конференции, оформленные в виде научных статей, публикуются в настоящем номере Палеоросии, поскольку память о Владимире Владимировиче дорога для нас.
Revolution Jungsteinzeit, ed. by Th. Otten, J. Kunow, M. Rind, M. Trier, 2015
En: Muñoz, I. y Osandón, L. [Comp.], La didáctica de la Historia y la Formación de Ciudadanos en el mundo actual, 2013
Gestion Y Ambiente, 2013
Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 53, pp. 53-77. ISSN 0008-7750., 2019
Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati
Human Factors in Design
Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Meeting of Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology, 2021
JMIR Medical Informatics, 2020
Journal of Jewish communal service, 2013
Critical Care, 1997
Christoph Michels (ed.) with Hans Beck and Achim Lichtenberger, The Same, but Different? Monarchical Rule and Representation in the Hellenistic World, Studies in Ancient Monarchies 11, 2025
Japanese Journal of Environmental Education
Przegląd Narodowościowy / Review of Nationalities , 2022