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Eva Nurul Candra
This study is to analyse the text meaning of the slogan. As we know, the usage of the word in
slogan text is so meaningful. Sometimes the meaning of the word in slogan has a figurative
meaning and commercial purposes. The writer uses 30 kinds of English slogan as the object
of the research, 7 slogans come from the advertisements that serve a service and 23 slogans
come from the advertisements that serve a product. The research questions are: (1) What are
the most commons figurative language used by the producer in making an English slogan
seen from the figurative language and stylistics? And (2) What are the meanings of the
slogans used in advertisement?
In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method. The collected data of English
slogans advertising from the English newspapers or English magazines are analyzed
qualitatively based on related theory or approaches, such as Semantics and stylistics.
From 30 kinds of slogan, the writer finds 7 slogans that do not contain a figurative
language. Usually the producer uses an ordinary word in making their slogan. So the
meaning can be understood from its denotation. There are 8 slogans that use hyperbole as a
figurative language in order to describe the product.
Key words: Slogans, advertisements, figurative meanings, semantics, stylistics
One important thing that has a connection with human being especially people is
language, because people are a social creature that cannot live alone and always must make
an interaction with other. So, people need others in their life to make this life balanced. In
making a relationship with the other, people use a language for communication. It is suitable
with the definition of the language itself. According to Chomsky as quoted by Kentjono
(1984, p: 2), Bahasa adalah suatu system yang arbiter yang digunakan oleh manusia untuk
komunikasi (Language is an arbitrary vocal symbol used by human being for
Sapir as quoted by Alwasilah (1990, p: 7) says language is a purely human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotion, and desire, by means of a system of
voluntarily produced symbol. So, it is understood that language is the important thing for
human being in making a relationship with others.
Beside the basic function of the language, it is necessary to understand
communication it self. “Komunikasi adalah suatu proses yang mana informasi disampaikan
antara satu individu ditukarkan melalui system symbol, benda, atau tingkah laku.”
(Communication is a process by which information exchange between individuals through a
common system of symbol, signs, or behavior). (Alwasilah, 1990, p: 9)
From that definition the writer can take a conclusion that a communication is an
activity done by two people or more; the first person as the speaker (addresser) who has a
role as the server and the second person as the listener (addressee) who has a role as the
receiver and the speaker uses a language in order to make the receiver know about the
message or the information that the speaker wants to give, the information can be a context,
message, contact or code. This kind of situation can be seen in the schema below:
The message or information can be in the form of sign or code that is understood by
both of them, so that the communication is running well. Another factor in communication is
a context that is all the things out side the sentence, such as: the topic of discussion and the
The processes of communication also have some purposes. One of them is a
commercial purpose in advertisement. Advertisement uses communication in order to
promote the product to the consumers. In this situation the speaker is the producer and the
listener is the consumer, the producer sends information about their product and the message
that the producer wants to send is their own product, and the costumer is the listener that will
receive information from the producer. From the message in advertisement field, the
costumer will know and understand about the product from the slogan or maybe from the
picture of the product.
The word of slogan of advertising usually has special characteristics, like persuasive
characteristic. G.R. Miller as quoted by Stiff (1994, p:4) says persuasive communication as
any message that is intended to shape, rein force, or change the responses of another, or
others. Miller identified three dimensions of persuasive activity:
1. The processes of response shaping
2. Response rein forcing
3. Response changing
The slogan that is usually red by the costumers is response re-inforcing. Response reinforcing is a persuasive that takes place in advertising industry. Usually the advertisers
introduce their new product and services in mass media with jiggles and slogans (1994, p:4).
Slogan is a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used by an advertiser,
organization, or other group.
Persuasive is an action that has a purpose to influence or encourage mind, manner or
opinion of someone with some reasonable reasons. There are two things that can be used by
the producer to make a very persuasive slogan. They are good diction and style. Sometimes
the words in slogans are meaningful of figurative language, such as, metaphor, synecdoche,
irony, analogy, etc.
The producers create an interesting word in order to get many customers. The
producer uses figurative languages to make it more interesting. Therefore, the writer thinks to
analyze the meaning of the slogans using a stylistic and semantics theories.
Stylistic is a branch of the linguistics. Stylistic is a method about the style of
language. The definition of stylistics is a method of textual interpretation in which primacy of
place is assigned to language. (Simpson, 2004). Another definition about stylistics is simply
defined, as the linguistics study of style, is rarely undertaken for its own sake, simply as an
exercise in describing what use is made of language (Leech & Short,1988).
While, Semantics is one of the branches from linguistics that dealing with the
meaning of words and sentences or we can say that semantics is the technical term used to
refer to the study of meaning (Palmer, 1977). And the definition of the meaning is what
referred to or indicated by sounds, words or signals.
Reading some slogans in newspapers and magazines, the writer wants to try to
analyze about the language in the slogan that usually the writers reads in the advertising. The
writer does not analyze another factor such as the picture or the color and also the grammar in
that slogan. The writer only focuses in the meaning and the style of the slogan.
Focus of the Research
In order to limit the research, the writer only focuses on the text meaning of the
slogan. As we know, the usage of the word in slogan text is so meaningful. Sometimes the
meaning of the word in slogan has a figurative meaning and commercial purposes. The writer
thinks that a text will be called persuasive text, if it can influence the mind, manner and
opinion of someone, and is able to make the costumer affected and want to but their product.
The writer will find the slogans as many as possible in one week from the newspaper
or English magazines. The writer takes all kinds of slogan, whether it serves a product or
serves a service.
Statement of the Problem
In this paper what the writer wants to explain and to analyze are about:
1. What are the most commons figurative language used by the producer in making an
English slogan seen from the figurative language and stylistics?
2. What are the meanings of the slogans used in advertisement?
Methodology of the Research
1. Method
In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method in which the writer tries to
describe the English slogan, of advertisement using English in some newspapers or
2. Data analysis
The collected data of English slogans advertising from the English newspapers or
English magazines are analyzed qualitatively based on related theory or approaches, such as
Semantics and stylistics. Finally the writer will analyze the figurative meaning of the text
using stylistics way.
3. The instrument of the Research
The writer uses herself as a main research instrument through reading, identifying,
and classifying the data needed from English newspaper and magazines.
4. The unit of analysis
The unit of analysis of this research is English slogan advertising in newspaper or
English magazine in one week.
In analyzing the sentence meaning of slogan in English advertising, the writer uses the
theory of semantic from Ferdinand de Saussure about the meaning of sentence and theory of
stylistic about the meaning of context from Ohmann.
The writer uses semantic as the theory framework because semantic is the branch of
linguistic that focusing on the meaning of the words, phrases, and sentences. She uses also
stylistic, because stylistic focuses on the style of languages or words that usually we can find
in literary words or literary sentences.
1. The definition of semantic
Semantics is one of the branches of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words and
sentences or semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning (Palmer,
1977). The study of meaning in language is called Semasiology or semantics (Albert, 1935).
And the definition of the meaning is what referred to or indicated by sounds, words or
signals. For example; Sounds represented by the letters house (in the written from the
language) signified the concept (the picture of house) (Fromklin, 1998).
2. The concept of meaning in semantics
According to Ferdinand de Sassure every linguistic signs consist of two components,
they are signified, the sign that will be given a meaning. It is a kind of concept or thought
reference from a certain sign, and the second is signifier, the sign that will give the meaning
in other words, each linguistic sign will have sound component and concept (meaning)
component (Palmer, 1977).
Other definition of meaning according to Odgen and Richard can be illustrated as a
triangle (Hamid, 2006), as follows:
The symbols of this curse are the linguistic elements- the word, sentences, etc.
The referent is the object, etc.
And the thought or references is a concept.
According to that triangle, Odgen and Richard said that there is no direction link
between symbol and referent. The link is via thought or reference, the concept of our minds.
3. Non-literal meaning
Non- literal meaning uses of language in semantics are traditionally called figurative
language and are described by a host of rhetorical terms including metaphor, irony,
metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole and litotes (Saeed, 2003).
I’m hungry
I’m starving
I could eat a horse
My stomach thinks my throat’s cut
The examples above are the example from figurative language. If we see from the
grammatical meaning, we can get different meaning. But, if we use figurative in order to get
the meaning, we will know both of them describe some one that feels hungry.
Sometimes non-literal meaning describes something in untrue or impossible terms in
order to achieve some special effects. On closer examination, it is difficult to draw a firm line
between literal and non-literal uses of language. For one thing, one of the ways language
changes over time is by the speaker meaning shifting the meaning of words to fit new
conditions. One shift is by metaphorical extension, where some new ides is depicted.
1. Definition of stylistic
Stylistic is a method of textual interpretation in which primacy of lace is assigned to
language (Simpson, 2004). Another definition about stylistics is as the linguistic study of
style; it is rarely undertaken for its own sake, simply as an exercise in describing what use is
made of language (Leech, 1988).
The aim in studies style is to explain something, and in general, literary stylistics has,
implicitly or explicitly, the goal of explaining the relation between language and artistic
function. The object in stylistics is literal words or phrase.
The connection between stylistics and literature brings two important caveals, such as:
The first is that creativity and innovation in language use should not be seen as
the exclusive preserve of literary writing. Many forms of discourse such as;
advertising, journalist, popular music- even casual conversation often display
a high degree of stylistic dexterity, it would be wrong view dexterity in
language use as exclusive to canonical literature.
The second is that the techniques of stylistic analysis are as much about
deriving insights about linguistics structure and function as they are about
understanding literary texts. (Simpson, 2004)
2. The Theory in Stylistics
For Ohmann, an author’s style is his characteristic way of writing. The task of the
student of style is to identify in some precise way distinguishing one way of writing from
another (Lester, 1969).
Ohmann argues that the study of style is dependent on a theory of linguistics and
theory of semantics because these two latter theories describe the system of language. He also
argues that the concept of style implies that the words on the page could be changed without
changing the basic meaning. Style, then, involves the notion that there are alternative ways
of saying the same thing.
3. Cognitive stylistics
Like in semantic, there is also cognitive stylistic; the focus of cognitive stylistic is
about interaction between dialogue, discourse and social interaction in cognitive turn in
stylistics. Both as a tool for exploring the interaction dimension of literary discourse in the
broader sense and as a method for examining patterns of dialogue fictional characters in the
narrow (Simpson, 2004). So, in other word it can be said that, cognitive stylistics is intended
to be supplement rather than supplant, existing methods of analysis, it does aim to shift the
focus away from models of text and composition toward models that make explicit the link
between the human mind and the process of reading. A further stimulus to cognitive turn was
provided by the object of analysis it self, literature.
4. Approaches in stylistics
In order to achieve some purposes, there are some approaches to define the concept of
style differently (Leech, 1988), such as:
a) Dualism restricts style to those choices of manner rather than mather and of
expression rather than content. The dualist assumes the style as the dress of the
thought; it differs between what has to say and whom it is presented to the reader.
Another concept is style as a manner of expression. So, there are different ways to
convey the same content.
b) Monism, in the contrary of dualism, argues about the inseparability of style.
According to them, it is a mistake to distinct between the form and the meaning.
c) Pluralism emphasizes the concept of the style in terms of language function. This
approach distinguishes various meaning according to the various function. Language
performs a number of different functions and any pieces of language are likely to be
the result of choices made on different functional levels.
5. Metaphor
In stylistic also metaphor is a part of cognitive stylistics. Because the important
feature of cognitive stylistics has been interest in the way we transfer mental constructs, and
especially in the way we map one mental representation into another when we read texts.
Stylisticians and cognitive poeticians have consistently drawn attention to this system of
conceptual transfer in both literary and in everyday discourse, and have identified two
important tropes, or figure of speech. Though which this conceptual transfer one trope is
metaphor (Simpson, 2004).
Metaphor is a process of mapping between two different conceptual domains. Like in
semantic, the domains are known as the target and the source domain. The target domain is
the topic or concept that we want to describe through the metaphor while the source domain
refers to the concept that we draw upon in order to create the metaphorical construction.
Example: she really blew her lid
In this statement the target domain is our understanding of the concept of anger
because it is the concept we wish to describe through the metaphor. Importantly, the
relationship between metaphor and linguistic form is an indirect one, which means that we
can express the same conceptual metaphor through a variety of construction.
Figurative Language
Figurative language is the language, on the whole, favored by rhetoricians, poets, fiction
writers, lovers, and the like. Negatively, figurative language is the language that avoids
speaking directly or plainly about the subject under examination. Positively, figurative
language is the language that either speaks symbolically about the subject or heightens the
musically of the language when speaking about the subject. The term figurative language
itself is a figure: it is reduction / condensation/crystallization (metonymy) for a vast field of
languages (Stull, 2002).
Kinds of figurative language are such as; personification, hyperbole, simile, irony,
metaphor and metonymy.
1. Personification
Personification is a kind of figurative language where physical object is further
specified as being a person (Stull, 2002).
Life has cheated me
Cancer finally caught up with him
His theory explained to me the behavior of chicken in factory.
In each of these cases, the italic word such as; life, cancer and theory are non-human
things but changed become human things. In personification sentence both of those words are
changed into human things.
2. Metonymy
Metonymy is a figurative language imputing human qualities to things that are not
human such as: theories, disease, inflation, etc. in the example below there are no actual
human being referred to (Lakoff & Johnson, 1986).
The ham sandwich is waiting for his cheek.
Mrs. Grundy flowns on blue jeans = (wearing of the jeans)
The Times hasn’t arrived at the press conference yet = (The reporter
from the Times)
3. Synecdoche
Synecdoche is, by far, the strangest figurative language. It is the one with which most
unfamiliar in terms figurative language. Conceptually, as it will become clear. As a word,
however, it is rarely used in polite company. In other word, synecdoche is a figurative
language where the part stands for the whole (Lakoff & Johnson, 1986).
We need a couple of strong bodies for our team = ( strong people )
I’ve got a new set of wheels = ( car, motorcycle, etc)
We need some new blood in the organization = ( new people )
4. Metaphor
Metaphor is a way of conceiving of one thing in term of another, and primacy
function understands
Love is a collaborative work of art
Time is money
I am on the top of the situation
He is under my control
5. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a rhetorical term for exaggeration or overstatement, usually deliberate
and not meant to be taken too literary (Mc.Arthur, 1992).
A flood of tears
Waiting for ages
As old as the hill
Tons of money
6. Irony
Irony is a rhetoric words with an implication opposite to their usual meaning. Ironic is
a comment, maybe humorous or midly sarcastic.
In a difficult moment, an act of kindness makes things worse, and
some one says: “well, that’s a lot better, isn’t it?”
7. Analogy
Analogy is a comparison or correspondence between two things because of a third
element that they are considered to share. An analogy is usually framed in order to describe
or explain the nature of something.
“Let me give you an analogy. Time is like a river. Just as the river
flows from higher to lower ground, so time flows from the past into
future. “
8. Simile
A figurative language, in which a more or less fanciful or unrealistic comparison is
made, is using like or as.
Run like the wind ( said of clumsy )
She speaks as run like the wind, so I cannot understand what she says.
Like a fish out of water (said of a person uneasy in an unfamiliar
The headmaster looks like a fish out of water when he delivers speech in the
stage this morning.
As strong as an ox (of someone very strong)
Arnold Swasneger as strong as an ox. He can kill the entire enemies in that
As like as two peas (of people or things virtually identical in looks)
Ani is as like as two peas with Ana. Maybe because they are twins, so
sometimes I am wrong in calling their name.
Description of Data
The writer uses the English slogan as the object of the research. The data are collected
from magazines and newspaper in one week. The slogans come from the advertisements that
serve a service can be seen from no 1- 7 or advertisements that serve a product from no 8-30.
The data is presented on the table below:
The name of the Advertisement
Star Cruises (Malaysia Airlines)
Garda Otto
Adira Finance
Express Mail Service
MSA Cargo
Iklan Jalan
The Jakarta Resident
Roti Boy
“ The Leading Cruise Line in Asia Pacific”
“Don’t Worry, be Happy”
“The future is here”
“Brings tomorrow today”
“We only stop at red light”
“Something always comes from nothing”
“ Like no place else”
“ Connecting People”
“Smart Choice for Living”
“One is never enough…. buns to die for”
Bintaro City
Adam Air
Sriwijaya Air
Pizza Hut
Lion Air
Wing Air
Chili’s Restaurant
Medison (Hair treatment)
“Ideas for Life”
“The Power of Dream”
“If slim is not enough”
“The Professional’s City”
“The boutique Airline”
“Where skincare meets healthcare”
“Your Flying Partner “
“Italian self service Restaurant “
“Good friend, great pizza”
“ We make people fly “
“ Fly is Cheap”
“Classical in its modern”
“ I’m lovin it”
“Where luxury and greeny blend in a
“Delighting you always”
“Low prices and more…”
“We don’t stay at once spot”
“Leave your hair “
“ We are the expert”
“ Love your feet”
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, the writer uses the data from the table above. First, the writer writes
the slogan, and after that the writer explains the explicit meaning using stylistics way. If the
writer finds a kind of figure language in that that slogan, she will classify that slogan in
figurative language like personification, simile, hyperbole or simile.
1. Star Cruises : “ The Leading Cruise Line in Asia Pasific”
Meaning: in this slogan, the producer wants to show the travelers about the
quality of their product. This is a kind of travel advertisement that uses a
cruiser as the transportation. The traveler can see their promise that their
cruiser is the best in Asia Pasific, because their cruiser is the leading of cruiser
in Asia Pasific. So, the producer wants to show about the quality of their
product into the slogan.
Figurative language: -
Reason: In this slogan the writer does not find the figurative language, because
the slogan meaning is purely taken from the words denotation and it is easy to
understand. At the first time the consumers read this slogan, directly they
know the purpose that the producer wants to tell about the quality of their
product. The producer uses an ordinary word in making a slogan, in order to
make the costumer easy to understand about their product.
2. The Jakarta Residences: “ Smart Choice for Living “
Meaning: The word ‘smart’ has a meaning like ‘clever’ or ‘intelligent’. It
means that the people choosing property in Jakarta residence are lucky or a
brilliant men, because a clever men are able to know where the suitable places
for their living. The costumers choosing Jakarta residences automatically can
be called as a smart and brilliant person. They choose something without
doubtful and surely. And the writer thinks this slogan also gives some
guarantee to the costumers about the quality of the residences.
Figurative language : -
Reason: in this slogan, the advertiser does not use figurative language. The
advertiser uses a common word in writing their slogan; in order to make the
reader understands about the message.
3. Garda Otto : “ Don’t Worry be Happy”
Meaning: In this slogan, the producer wants to make the costumer always
happy, even thought they have some troubles about their cars. This is a kind of
advertisement that serves a service in automotive. So, the producer wants to
get the costumers feel satisfied with their service. They are ready anytime
when the costumer need and every time the costumer get a problem, they are
ready to help. So, because of that the slogan in this advertisement is written
“don’t worry, be happy”.
Figurative language : Hyperbole
Reason: the writer thinks in this slogan the producer uses a hyperbolic word.
Because the writer can see an impossible situation becomes possible. As a
human being, sometimes we feel sad and happy. Every thing in this world
must be balance. If there is a sad feeling, so it will be happy feeling. But in
this advertisement, the balancing things will change. In this advertisement all
the people in this world must always feel happy. Even thought they have a big
problem in their life. This advertisement believes in wise word “where there is
a will there is a way”. So, all the people must be optimistic in their life.
4. Nokia : “ Connecting People “
Meaning: Today, communication is very important for people living. It’s an
important tool for the society in making a relationship with other. That kind of
philosopher is used by ‘Nokia’ as an advertisement that serves a product in
communication. Nokia makes a slogan that shows their capability in
connecting all the people in this world. Every one can connect each other
without a problem if you use ‘Nokia’ as your tools.
Figurative language : -
Reason: As this is an advertisement serves a product in communication tools,
so their slogan really connects to a communication field. “Connecting people”
doesn’t use a figurative language. The meaning of the slogan can be
understood from its denotation meaning.
5. Roti Boy: “One is never enough…. Buns to die for “
Meaning: That statement looks like a command statement, because the
producer gives some alert to the buyer to buy buns more than one. If the
consumer only buy one bun they will feel regret and will ask more for it, the
consumers will realize that they will not feel satisfied to eat those buns until
you die. Oo…h it’s terrible…
Figurative language: hyperbole
Reason : the word “buns to die for…” it is a hyperbole word, because this
kind of word is out of our mind. How can we die only for buns of bread? It’s
possible for people to believe.
6. Panasonic : “Idea’s for life”
Meaning: it means that all the products that ‘Panasonic’ create and make are
idea for our life. Their entire products are useful for our life, because they
created the products from the idea of human life. So, their quality guaranteed.
Figurative language: Personification
Reason: the word ‘idea’ usually belongs to human, but in this advertisement,
non-human can give human beings idea in life. The producer wants to give
human things to non-living things.
7. Honda : “ The power of dream”
Meaning: The producer wants to tell the consumers that their products comes
from impossible way; such as an idea that comes from their dream. This
advertisement says that there is strength in dream. On the other hand, the
consumers can make their dreams come true because they have strength. And
Honda can make something new that comes from a dream, like a new
innovation in order to get a high quality in life.
Figurative language: Hyperbole
Reason: “the power of dream” is impossible activity. Because when we dream,
all the part of our body takes a rest. But, in this advertisement the producer
tells the consumers that, their product comes from dream. So, the writer thinks
in this advertisement the producer uses hyperbole language in their slogan.
8. Claviton : “ If slim is not enough “
Meaning: This slogan uses irony word in expressing the idea, because the
producer wants to critics the people today about the perception in having a
good and beautiful body. A beautiful body is not only slim, but it also needs
more vitamins to make our healthy. So that, people have to consume another
supplement in their life and they need calviton as a supplement. The writer
thinks this is propaganda to make their product marketable. They can persuade
the customers about the opinion in having a good and beautiful body.
Figurative language: Irony
Reason: “if slim is not enough” is a kind of a comment for the woman today,
because many women’s perception about the beautiful body is only from a
slim body. So, in this product the producer wants to tell to the costumer
especially for woman in this world that, a beautiful body is not only slim but
also healthy.
9. Bintaro city : “The professional’s city “
Meaning: a word ‘professional’ is identical with a person that honorable,
smart, rich and discipline. This view can be seen here. It means that the
property developer develops an area that is special for ‘professional’ only. If
the costumers are not a professional one but they live in that city,
automatically their prestige is more honorable than the other.
Figurative language : synecdoche
Reason: “the professional’s city” is a synecdoche statement, because in this
slogan the writer can find a part stands for the whole. A word ‘professional’
symbolizes an honorable and executive view. So, the producer uses a word
‘professional’ for symbolizing their product.
10. Adam Air : “ The boutique Airlines “
Meaning: if the travelers want to take a transportation identical with their style
; such as fashionable and stylist, it is better for them to choose ‘Adam Air’,
because one of their mottos is to make the traveler stylish and fashionable in
the air.
Figurative language : Personification
Reason: the word “Boutique” identical with a human life style. In this
advertisement, the writer finds human things like an aeroplane uses lifestyle as
human characteristics. The producer wants to symbolize their plane with
human things like life style. So, the producer makes a slogan “The boutique
airlines” in order to make their costumer satisfied.
11. Indosat : “ The future is here “
Meaning: Today, the people in this world can choose their future by their
selves. It means that the future is in their hand. That is the meaning of this
slogan. Indosat shows the people in this world that if they want to get a good
choice for their decision, they must chose indosat as their facilities. Indosat is
an advertisement that serves a provider for their seluler / hand phones, and it
connects to their communication. If they do not want to get a problem in their
communication. So, they must choose indosat.
Figurative language : Hyperbole
Reason: in this slogan the producer uses figurative language of hyperbole,
because the producer makes a slogan that has impossible meaning. “The future
is here” means they can control the time.
12. Murad : “ When skin care meets health care “
Meaning: A balance life in this world is symbolized in this slogan. The
producer tells the consumers that a healthy comes from skin and health care. If
they care about their skin and their health, they will have a balance in their
life. So that, in murad product the consumers can find everything to make the
balance of healthy.
Figurative language : Analogy
Reason: in this slogan the producer makes a comparison between two things,
skin care and healthy care. Usually analogy also compares two things in
describing something. So, the writer thinks in this slogan the producer uses an
analogy in describing their product.
13. Adira Finance : “ Brings tomorrow today “
Meaning: Now, everything is possible. Such phenomena can be seen by
customers in this advertisement. This advertisement gives a promise to the
costumers about a future time. It seems they have a time machine that can
control the time.
Figurative language: Hyperbole
Reason: many advertisements use hyperbole as a figurative language in order
to describe the product. This situation happens to this advertisement that the
producer makes something possible. “Brings tomorrow today “is impossible
situation, but the producer wants to make that kind of impossible situation
become possible.
14. Sriwijaya Air : “ You’re flying partner”
Meaning: There is any body that does not need a friend in their life. All the
people in this world need another. Because of that, “Sriwijaya Air” wants to
make a relationship as a partner with the passengers when they are in the sky.
“Sriwijaya” air is always beside them when they want to fly.
Figurative language : Personification
Reason: Partnership only happens between one person with another person.
But in this advertisement, the producer wants to build a relationship between
non-living thing and living things. The producer wants to give a part of their
plane as a partner for their passenger. So, in this slogan the producer uses a
personification in describing their product.
15. Pronto : “ Italian self service Restaurant “
Meaning: actually this slogan is easy to understand. This restaurant explains
about their product in slogan. The consumers will know what kind of
restaurant is ‘Pronto’. Pronto is an Italian restaurant that gives the authority to
the costumers to order by themselves. That is the aim that the producer wants
to tell the costumer through their slogan.
Figurative language : -
Reason: in this slogan there isn’t a figurative language used by producer. The
slogan contains its denotation, and is easily understood.
16. Pizza Hut : “ Good friend, great pizza”
Meaning: if the consumers hear and read this slogan, automatically they
remember their friend that always has a connection in their life. That’s the aim
of this slogan. The producer wants to make a pizza that has a special part in
their heart like a friend. Usually a person gives a big space in their life only for
a friend. Friend always exist wherever they go, whenever they need and
whatever they do. This is a kind of philosophy that the producer wants to
serves the consumers.
Figurative language: Personification
Reason: the producer uses a word “friend” to make a close relationship with
their costumer. Although the friendship can happen if there are two person, but
in this situation the non-living things make a relationship with living things.
So, the producer uses a personification in their advertisement.
17. Lion Air : “ We makes people fly “
Meaning: Without wings a man can fly…! This advertisement can make some
one fly although they do not have wings, because this advertisement serves a
travel by plane, the passenger can fly like a bird.
Figurative language : personification
Reason: a word “fly” is usually for describing an animal that has wings. This
advertisement, people can fly without having a wing. In this slogan the
producer uses a figurative language of personification.
18. Wings Air : “ Fly is cheap”
Meaning: Today, if the passengers want to use a plane as their transportation
we do not have to worry about the price of the ticket, because ‘Wings Air’
solves their problem. Wings Air makes the price of the ticket cheaper than
another firm. That is the main meaning from their slogan. The passenger will
fly with cheap price and their will get satisfied in their trip.
Figurative language : -
Reason: “fly is cheap” indicates the budget of the ticket. In this slogan the
producer does not use a figurative language.
19. Al- Batros : “ Classical in its modern”
Meaning: if the costumers likes something that have an classic style for their
furniture, they have to buy Al-Batros product. From their slogan the costumers
will know that Al-Batros is producing classical furniture but not old fashion.
The product is still up to date, but the style looks like classical furniture.
Figurative language : Analogy
Reason: the producer uses an analogy way in explaining their slogan, because
the producer conceives a word classic and the word modern.
20. Mc D : “ I’m lovin it”
Meaning: the word “love” is identical with a loyalist. If somebody loves
someone or something, they will do anything for that person. It also happens if
the costumers love one of the fast food called ‘McD’. The producer makes a
slogan “I’m lovin it” in order to make loyalist consumers. They persuade the
consumer with their slogan. They create a slogan that easy to listen. So, if
people hear the word ‘I’m lovin it’ the interpretation that people directly to
this fast food. That is the target that the producer wants to get.
Figurative language : personification
Reason: sense of belonging only happens between one person and other
person. In this advertisement, the producer wants to persuade the costumer to
love their product. The producer characterizes non-living things by human
21. Greeny : “ Where luxury and greeny blend in harmony”
Meaning: The color of green symbolizes a peaceful and a harmony situation.
If such situation is created in the costumer’s house, so they will feel
comfortable being at home. Such kind of imagination is the property that
wants to make. A “greeny” is a property that put a peaceful and luxury in the
first rank. They want to serve the costumer with a housing complex
surrounded by peace and green situation. All of views are blended in one word
that is harmony.
Figurative language : metaphor
Reason: in this slogan the writer finds a metaphor. The producer symbolizes
the peace and a harmony with word “green and luxury”. The writer thinks that
is a kind of metaphor.
22. Canon : “ Delighting you always”
Meaning: sometimes when people have a special event, they take a picture for
their memory. To make it perfect ‘Canon’ will help them, because Canon is an
advertising that produces a camera. With camera people can save their
memory in a photo. So, they will always remember about that event when they
open their photo album. That is a promise that canon gives “delighting you
Figurative language : personification
Reason: In this advertisement, the producer wants to make the costumer
happy. “Delighting you always” is a kind of promising that the producer wants
to do for the costumers. A camera will make people always happy. The writer
thinks that it is the personification word between camera and person.
23. Express mail service : “ We only stop in red light”
Meaning: this slogan really shows the costumers about the loyalties of their
services, because this advertisement shows the customers they never feel tired
to serve the costumer in taking and delivering the package. They only stop in
red light, because they do not want to disobey the rule that the government
made. They have a principle in delivering the package on time. It is suitable
with the agreement between the costumer and the producer.
Figurative language : Hyperbole
Reason: “We only stop at the red light” that is an overstatement. Because all
the people in this world need a few minute for take a rest in do their duty. In
this slogan the producer wants to show the costumers about their loyalties are
24. MSA cargo : “ Something’s always from nothing “
Meaning: The producer makes a slogan like a wise word, because sometimes
people ignore something that is useless. So, the producer makes an analogy
that something’s come from nothing in order to make the people realize about
useless thing that can be useful.
Figurative language : Analogy
Reason: “something comes from nothing” that is an analogy to describe the
product. The producer wants to make people as their costumer to realize
something that they do not think about.
25. Hypermart: “Low prices and more…”
Meaning: Hypermart is an advertisement that sells your daily need. So, the
producer makes a slogan focuse to the price. As we know, many of
housewives always think hard when they buy the daily needs for the family.
They must use the money as economical as they can, and sometimes they put
so many considerations in doing a shopping. Hypermart gives the housewives
a chance to compare the price with another supermarket. So they dare to write
the slogan “low prices and more...” in order to tell the housewives about their
Figurative language : -
Reason: the writer doesn’t find a figurative language in this slogan. The
interpretation comes at the first time we read this slogan. We already know the
meaning of the word from the slogan.
26. Chili’s restaurant : “ like no place else “
Meaning: if you are looking for a good restaurant, it is better for you to go to
Chili’s restaurant, because we will find a delicious and various kind of food
there. That is suitable with their slogan “like no place else”. It means that you
will not be wrong if you choose Chili’s restaurant as your eating place.
Figurative language : -
Reason: the meaning of this slogan is easy to understand. The advertiser does
not use a figurative language in write their slogan. So, it is easy to understand
the purpose of the advertiser.
27. Iklan jalan : “ We don’t stay at one spot”
Meaning: many advertisements that serve a service always pamper their
customers. Such situation happens to this advertisement. If the costumers use
“Iklan jalan” in marketing their product, they will get success, because “iklan
jalan” gives a promise to the customer in their slogan “ we don’t stay at one
spot”. It means that they walk around to all the parts of the city. They will not
feel tired because of their responsibility to the customer.
Figurative language : Hyperbole
Reason: A statement “we don’t stop at one spot” is an over statement that
indicates a big loyalties to the costumers. The producer uses a hyperbole word
in making a slogan in order to get a big trusty of the costumer.
28. Rejoice : “ Leave your hair “
Meaning: sometimes people feel lonely and sad, when some one or some body
leaves them. But now, they will feel comfortable when their hair leave them.
Such situation they will get, if they use rejoice as their shampoo. If they use it,
they will feel bad because their hair will leave them.
Figurative language : Personification
Reason: The word ‘leave’ is usually done by a human being. In this slogan the
producer uses a word “leave” for hair. So, hairs do an activity that human
being usually do.
29. Medison : “ We are the expert”
Meaning: sometimes in marketing some product the sense of arrogant is
needed, like in this slogan. The producer shows the costumer about the
arrogance. “We are the expert” means that there is no product that has a better
quality than them. Medison is an advertisement that serves a treatment for
hair. The consumers can find an expert person specialization in taking care of
our hair. So they do not have to worry about the quality.
Figurative language : Hyperbole
Reason: the producer uses a statement “we are the expert” in order to get a
trusty from the costumer. This is an extra statement in showing a quality from
one product.
30. Donatelo : “ love your feet”
Meaning: Donatelo is an advertisement to produce shoes. The producer in this
product makes a slogan that symbolizes the loyalties to the costumer. “Love
your feet” means this shoes will make the costumers feel comfortable when
they use it, whether they have many activities.
Figurative language : Personification
Reason: the reason why the writer think that in this slogan the producer uses a
figurative language ‘personification’ because the God only gives human being
a sense of belonging. The costumers can feel that they love some one because
they are human beings. In this slogan they will be loved by a sandal or shoes.
Both of them are non-living things. So, the producer wants to add the human
characters into non-living things.
Based on the analysis of 30 kinds of English slogans that have been made, the writer can
conclude as the following:
The writer uses 30 kinds of English slogan as the object of the research, 7 slogans
come from the advertisements that serve a service and 23 slogans come from the
advertisements that serve a product.
From 30 kinds of slogan, the writer finds 7 slogans that does not contain a figurative
language. Usually the producer uses an ordinary word in making their slogan. So the
meaning can be understood from its denotation.
There are 8 slogans using hyperbole as a figurative language in order to describe the
Mostly, the writer finds a personification as a figurative language in transportation
advertisement. From 30 kinds of slogan, the writer finds 9 kinds of personification
used by the producer in making their slogan.
Another figurative language that the writer finds in 30 kinds of slogans are; irony,
synecdoche, analogy and metaphor.
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