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In Vitro growth inhibition of microbes by
human placental extract
Article in Current science · March 2005
2 authors, including:
Piyali Datta Chakraborty
Albert David Ltd. Kolkata, India
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19. Ulmer, J. B. et al., Heteologous protection against influenza by injection of DNA encoding a viral protein. Science, 1993, 259,
20. Cox, G. J. M., Zamb, T. J. and Babjuk, L. A., Bovine herpes virus
1: immune responses in mice and cattle injected with plasmid
DNA. J. Virol., 1993, 67, 5664–5667.
21. Conry, R. M. et al., Immune response to a carcinoembryonic antigen polynucleotide vaccine. Cancer Res., 1994, 54, 1164–1168.
22. Schirmbeck, R., Bohm, W., Ando, K., Chisari, F. V. and Reimann,
J., Nucleic acid vaccination primes hepatitis virus surface antigen
specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in non-responder mice. J. Virol.,
1995, 69, 5929–5934.
23. Davis, H. L., Schirmbeck, R., Reimann, J. and Whalen, R. G.,
DNA-mediated immunization in mice induces a potent MHC class
I – restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes response to the hepatitis B
envelop protein. Hum. Gene Ther., 1995, 6, 1447–1456.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the Director, IVRI, Izatnagar
for facilities. This research was supported by the ICAR under the National
Agricultural Technology Programme.
Received 31 May 2004; revised accepted 19 October 2004
In vitro growth inhibition of microbes
by human placental extract
Piyali Datta Chakraborty and
Debasish Bhattacharyya*
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, 4, Raja S.C. Mallick Road,
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, India
Human placental extract that is used as a wound healer,
acts as a stimulating agent for tissue repair. It has an
effective inhibitory role on the growth of different microbes like bacteria, e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus and fungi, e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces fragilis and Candida albicans. It also prevents
growth of clinically isolated bacteria, e.g. E. coli from
urine and blood culture and S. aureus from pus. Drugresistant strains such as E. coli DH5α
α Pet-16 AmpR and
Pseudomonus aeruginosa Cam were also significantly
inhibited by the extract. The extract has both bacteriostatic and fungistatic activities. Dose-dependent response
of the extract was observed. Antimicrobial activity was
retained after heating but was lost after dialysis. The
MIC of the extract varies between 200 and 8000 mg/l.
No antimicrobial activity was observed with human serum
and aqueous extract of mouse muscle serving as control.
A mixture of polydeoxyribonucleotides appears to be the
causative agent. Partial protection of the wound from
secondary microbial infection is thus indicated.
USE of placenta as a therapeutic agent has been prevalent for
a long time. It is an immunologically privileged organ and
*For correspondence. (e-mail:
[email protected])
has unique pharmacological effects like enhancement of
wound-healing, anti-inflammatory action, analgesic effect,
etc. A variety of substances with biological and therapeutic
activity present in human placenta, have been isolated and
identified as hormones, proteins, glycosaminoglycans, nucleic
acids, polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNs), etc. The composition of placental extract thus depends on the method of its
preparation. Consequently, it shows different therapeutic
activities1. In many countries, intra-muscular and topical use
of the extract for burn injuries, chronic wounds and as postsurgical dressing is an age-old practice2–6. Under such conditions, an effective tissue-regenerative agent needs to take care
of prevention of secondary bacterial or fungal infection.
Our objective is to evaluate an extract developed indigenously
from human placenta in terms of its functionality and active
components. Scientific assessment of such an extract is
necessary for its better acceptance in medical practice.
Recently, presence of biologically active NADPH7 and
fibronectin type III like peptide8 in the extract has been
demonstrated. Further, different spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses have revealed high degree of consistency
among different batches of the extract9. Here we report in
vitro inhibition of growth of different bacterial and fungal
strains by this extract.
M/s Albert David Ltd, Kolkata, India, supplied an aqueous
extract of human placenta under the trade name ‘Placentrex’,
which is manufactured under proprietary method. In short,
fresh placentae stored in ice, were tested for HIV antibody
and hepatitis B surface antigen. Single hot and cold aqueous
extractions were done at 90 and 6°C respectively, followed
by sterilization. It was filtered aseptically, benzyl alcohol
was added up to 1.5% as preservative and was sterilized once
again. Each millilitre of the extract was derived from 0.1 g
of fresh placenta. A single batch was prepared from a pool
of several placentae. Overall manufacturing procedure holding
confidentiality of the proprietary terms has been described
earlier7. Dry weight of placental extract was 10 ± 0.50 mg/ml.
Benzyl alcohol at the concentration present in the extract
has no prolonged effect on microbial growth10.
Yeast extract, bacto-peptone, bacto-tryptone and agar were
from HI-MEDIA Laboratories Pvt Ltd, India and D-glucose
was from Qualigen, India. DNAaseI (from bovine pancreas),
protease type XIII (from Aspergillus saitoi), dialysis tubing (cut off range < 12 kDa), including the benzoylated
one (cut-off range < 2 kDa) and hydroxyapetite were from
Sigma, USA.
Microbial strains collected were as follows: Escherichia
coli (DH5α); Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploid strains
derived from S. cerevisiae strains 8534-10A (MATa, leu2,
ura3, his4) and 6460-8D (MATα, met 3), Kluyveromyces
fragilis (ATCC No. 10022); ampicillin-resistant E. coli
DH5α Pet-16 (AmpR); chloramphenicol-resistant Pseudomonus aeruginosa (CamR) were from different laboratories of our institute. Staphylococcus aureus (type strain,
MTCC No. 1430) and Candida albicans (type strain, MTCC
No. 1637) were from Microbial Type Culture Collection,
IMTECH, Chandigarh, India. Clinical isolates of E. coli (from
blood and urine) and S. aureus (from pus) were from stateowned city hospitals. Respective microbiology divisions
of the hospitals identified the strains.
S. cerevisiae and K. fragilis were plated in the medium
containing 1% yeast extract, 1% bacto-peptone, 2% D-glucose
and 2% agar. E. coli and S. aureus were inoculated in the
medium containing 1% bacto-tryptone, 0.5% yeast extract,
0.5% NaCl and 1.5% agar. The pH of the medium was 7.4
and growth temperature was 37°C. Candida albicans was
plated in the media containing yeast extract 3 g, bactopeptone 10 g, D-glucose 20 g, agar 1.5 g in 1 l of water. The
pH was 7.2 and temperature was 30°C. After growth on
solid culture, the organisms were transferred to appropriate
broth solution. They were grown at a specific temperature with
continuous shaking for 16 h to prepare the preinoculum.
Following 16 h growth, 1% (v/v) of the preinoculum of
each organism was inoculated into fresh broth (inoculum
size 106 cfu/ml) and incubated at specified temperature. For
estimating growth inhibition, the medium was prepared
by replacing water with the extract or by adding lyophilized
form of the extract, whereby pH of the medium remained
unaltered. Growth of the microbes was measured from turbidity of the medium at 650 nm11. In every case, the organisms
were allowed to grow for 6 h because at that point, the
stationary phase began. Dose-dependent inhibitory effect of
the extract, was measured after 6 h of growth and MIC
was determined for each strain. Growth was measured
spectrophotometrically by measuring turbidity at 650 nm.
After 6 h of growth, the turbidity of the broth for each organism was different because it is directly proportional to cell
size provided the number of cells remains constant12. In
addition, growth inhibition was checked after 12, 24, 48
and 72 h incubation of the organism in the presence of the
extract to determine its efficacy as an antimicrobial agent.
The organisms were separated from the medium containing
placental extract after mild centrifugation and were allowed to
grow in the recommended medium. Time-dependent growth
for each microbe was followed. DNAase and protease treatments were done by incubating approximately 0.1 mg of
enzyme with 1 ml of the extract containing 0.1 ml of 0.1
(M) Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 at 37°C for 16 h.
While testing the inhibitory property, microbes were classified into four categories: laboratory strains, e.g. S. cerevisiae, K. fragilis and E. coli (DH5α); type strains, e.g. S.
aureus and C. albicans; clinical isolates, e.g. E. coli and
S. aureus and drug-resistant strains, e.g. E. coli DH5α pet16 AmpR, P. aeruginosa CamR. Time kinetics of growth
of C. albicans in the presence and absence of the extract
is shown in Figure 1 a. Complete inhibition of growth was
observed in the presence of the extract. All other strains
have shown similar complete inhibition of growth in presence
of the extract differing only in kinetic parameters compared to
controls, i.e. growth in the absence of the extract (results
not shown). In all cases complete inhibition was observed up
to an extended period of seven days of incubation in the presence of the extract. Growth inhibition of microbes was
checked using human serum and aqueous extract of mouse
gastrocnemius muscle as biological control. Human serum
was diluted with PBS to 1 mg/ml, of which 0–500 µl was
applied to 2-ml culture of S. cerevisiae. Mouse muscle in
small pieces (2 mg/5 ml of PBS) was incubated for 48 h at
4°C and the extract of the same volume as the serum was
applied to S. aureus culture. The growth of the microbe in
either case was monitored as stated earlier. No inhibition
was observed in both the cases.
After separation of the microbes from media where their
growths were prevented by the placental extract, they grew
normally in their culture medium and maintained their
normal growth kinetics (control set, Figure 1 a). Thus, the
growth inhibitory factor had both bacteriostatic and fungistatic activities. The placental extract after treatment with
DNAase or protease, or after heating at 100°C for 20 min
retained full efficacy in terms of inhibiting bacterial growth.
Figure 1. a, Effect of placental extract on growth of Candida albicans. Growth in absence (as control) and in presence of placental
extract is presented by (•) and (g) respectively. Placental extract concentration was 4000 mg/l. Growth was measured from turbidity at
650 nm. Result presented is an average of 4–5 sets of experiments, where variations were ± 5%. b, Dose-dependent effect of human
placental extract on (g) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (◆) E. coli (isolated from urine) and (▲) Staphylococcus aureus (isolated from
pus). For each strain, the growth was measured after 6 h of incubation. Result presented is an average of 4–5 sets of experiments where
variation is ± 5%.
However dialysis against water completely removed the
inhibitory factor, indicating that its size was less than
12 kDa.
Placental extract has a significant dose-dependent effect
on microbial growth. This has been studied between 0.1 and
12 mg/ml of the extract for each strain (Table 1). The results
for S. cerevisiae, E. coli (isolated from urine) and S. aureus
(isolated from pus) are shown in Figure 1 b. C. albicans
and S. aureus are the two strains which can survive beyond
a dose of 3 mg/ml, but are completely inhibited at 4.5 and
8 mg/ml of the extract respectively. Drug-resistant strains
such as E. coli DH5α Pet-16 AmpR and P. aeruginosa CamR
were also significantly inhibited by the extract. MIC50 and
MIC90 of the strains tested are shown in Table 1. The tolerance of an extract in the blood for a host should be higher
than the MIC90 of the microbe. For clinical purpose this is
a good target, since there is a high chance that the extract
will inhibit growth of the organism (bacteriostatic effect)
and enable the immune system of the host to destroy it. As
the placental extract is being applied on humans since long,
even at a dose of 4 ml/day, which is much higher than the
MIC90 obtained for tested organisms, the extract appears
to be an effective antimicrobial in vivo too. Human placenta
contains different tissue-regenerative components like nucleic
acids, growth factors, laminin, etc.13,14. It is also known that
human placenta contains antibacterial peptide15 and antiviral
factor16. After extraction from the placenta, whether the
antimicrobial activity is retained or not, has not yet been
reported. ‘Placentrex’, a tissue repair-stimulating agent,
obtained from human placenta has been tested for this purpose. The pathogens, which mainly affect wound, e.g. S.
aureus, E. coli, C. albicans, etc. are inhibited by placental
extract in their culture medium. The extract is also capable
of preventing the growth of non-pathogenic fungi like S.
cerevisiae and K. fragilis. The growth of pathogens like
E. coil, S. aureus and their clinical isolates as well as the
more virulent form such as ampicillin-resistant strains of
E. coli DH5α, Pet-16 and chloramphenicol-resistant P.
aruginosa were significantly inhibited by the placental
Table 1.
extract. The MIC of this drug varies between 200 and
8000 mg/l (Table 1). Such a value is consistent with its
topical use as biological dressing in burn injuries and surgical
wounds17. Thus local or intramuscular application of placental
extract on wound seems to be beneficial in terms of preventing infection of pathogens.
The growth inhibitory property of the extract was retained
after treatment with DNAase and protease. Hence large
nucleic acids and proteins present in the extract are not
probably responsible for this property. However, the role
of small peptides or nucleotides escaping degradation or
organic molecules remains uncertain. Retention of activity
after heating but abolition after dialysis, further suggests this
speculation. The activity was retained by 25% after dialysis
using benzyolated membrane (cut-off < 2 kDa).
There are reports of separation of components of aqueous
extracts of placenta using HPLC1. Using a similar protocol,
an attempt has been made to identify the specific component/s
responsible for the antimicrobial property. The extract was
passed through Waters reversed phase C18 µ-Bondapak analytical column (7.8 × 300 mm; 125 Å, 10 µm), equilibrated
and eluted isocratically with 10 mM Na-phosphate, pH 7.2
at a flow rate of 1 ml/min (Figure 2). Elution was monitored
at 220 nm. Three peaks of very low abundance were eluted
around 10 min (retention time, Rt = 7.47 ± 0.02 min, relative
abundance, RA = 0.10 ± 0.02%; Rt = 8.51 ± 0.02 min, RA =
0.20 ± 0.03%; Rt = 12.33 ± 0.03 min, RA = 0.45 ± 0.04%)
(n = 4). The major component appeared at Rt = 32.56 ±
0.52 min, having abundance of 99.1 ± 0.20%. The fractions
were pooled separately, concentrated and their antimicrobial
activity was checked. It was only the major component/s
that exhibited antimicrobial property to the same extent as
that of the original extract.
To identify the component/s present in that fraction, its
absorption spectrum was scanned between 220 and 300 nm,
showing, maxima at 260 nm and insignificant absorption
at 280 nm. Incidentally, the absorption maximum of the supplied extract was also at 260 nm between the said spectral
zone, with a small but significant absorption at 280 nm9.
MICs of human placental extract for different microbes
MIC50 (mg/l)
MIC90 (mg/l)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (n = 1)
Kluveromyces fragilis (n = 1)
Escherichia coli (DH5α) (n = 1)
E. coli isolated from urine (n = 5)
E. coli isolated from blood (n = 5)
Staphylococcus aureus isolated from pus (n = 5)
S. aureus ( type strain) (n = 1)
Candida albicans (type strain) (n = 1)
E. coli DH5α Pet-16 AmpR (n = 1)
Pseudomonus aeruginosa CamR (n = 1)
200 ± 10
200 ± 10
200 ± 50
500 ± 100
1500 ± 200
2500 ± 200
1000 ± 100
2000 ± 200
1500 ± 250
2500 ± 300
300 ± 50
400 ± 50
500 ± 50
2000 ± 800
2500 ± 500
7500 ± 300
3000 ± 200
4000 ± 200
2500 ± 450
5500 ± 200
n, Number of isolates tested; Maximum variation was expressed out of 4–5 experiments
for each set.
MIC50, Concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit 50% growth of an organism.
MIC90, Concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit 90% growth of an organism.
Figure 2. a, C18 reverse phase HPLC profile of placental extract under isocratic elution in the presence of 10 mM Na-phosphate, pH 7.2 at a
flow rate of 1 ml/min and monitored at 220 nm. A volume of l5 µl of the extract was applied. b, Absorption spectra between 220 and 300 nm of
major peak of Rt = 32.56 min of (a).
The protein/peptide components of the fraction appeared
to be separated as the earlier separating components. The
retention time and absorption spectrum of the active fraction were similar to those of well-characterized PDRN
fraction of human placental extract as separated by HPLC1.
In addition, since small DNA fragments bind to hydroxyapetitite18, as supportive evidence, this fraction was stirred
with 1 : 1 (v/v) slurry of the resin at 25°C for 15 min and the
supernatant was collected after mild centrifugation. As a
result, absorbance at 260 nm was reduced by 70%. This was
accompanied by reduction of antimicrobial activity against
clinical isolates of E. coli and S. aureus by 87 and 85%
respectively. Further, it has been reported that PDRN constitutes more than 80% of the aqueous extract of human placenta13 that shows anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet
aggregatory activity19. It is also responsible for woundhealing of the ulcerative lesions of lower limbs20, curing of
second-degree burns13, healing of gastric ulceration21,
treatment of acute radiodermatitis22, enhancement of growth
of human knee fibroblast13, etc. All these observations collectively indicated that PDRN was responsible for the antimicrobial property of the extract.
The crude extract, when subjected to 20% PAGE analysis, revealed smear of small sized PDRN of 6–100 bp with
respect to DNA molecular weight markers (12, 20 and 50 bp
oligonucleotide, Gibco BRL), when viewed under UVtransilluminator. This was similar to earlier reports1. Similar
photographic quality of gels could not be reproduced from
the HPLC-resolved fraction. Possibly the fraction being too
dilute, a major part of the PDRN remained adhered to the
glass surface or elsewhere, leading to DNA gels of low smearing intensity.
Clinical evaluation of the effect of dressing with placental
extract on infected wounds of patients was reported earlier23.
Clinical trials of the extract have established healing of chronic, non-healing, infected wounds24. Here we report the
effect of human placental extract on in vitro bacterial and
fungal growth. The extract has both bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity. PDRN is possibly playing a key role in
growth inhibition of microbes. Though the mechanism of
such growth-inhibitory activities has not been studied, it is
predicted that the PDRNs present in the extract enter the microbes and interfere with their replication machinery25. This
antimicrobial property of the extract is expected to act
against secondary infections, particularly during long-term
healing from burn injuries, surgical, chronic and infected
1. Tonello, G., Daglio, M., Zaccarelli, N., Sottofattori, E., Mazzei,
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treatment in developing countries. Burns, 1997, 23, 33–36.
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8. Datta, C. P. and Bhattacharyya, D., Isolation of fibronectin type
III like peptide from human placental extract used as wound
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9. Datta, P. and Bhattacharyya, D., Analysis of fluorescence excitation–emission matrix of multicomponent drugs: A case study with
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10. Corre, J., Lucchini, J. J., Mercier, G. M. and Cremieux, A., Antibacterial activity of phenethyl alcohol and resulting membrane alterations. Res. Microbiol., 1990, 141, 483–497.
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12. Beauvoit, B., Liu, H., Kang, K., Kaplan, P. D., Miwa, M. and
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13. Muratore, O. et al., Evaluation of the trophic effect of human placental polydeoxyribonucleotide on human knee skin fibroblasts in
primary culture. Cell. Mol. Lifesci., 1997, 53, 279–285.
14. Failla, C. M., Odorisio, T., Cianfarani, F., Schietroma, C., Puddu,
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keratinocytes during wound healing. J. Invest. Dermatol., 2000,
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molecular weight antibacterial peptide from human placenta. Br.
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with activity against HIV-1. J. Immunol., 1998, 161, 6401–6406.
17. Rodgers, G. L., Mortensen, J. E., Fisher, M. C. and Long, S. S., In
vitro susceptibility testing of topical antimicrobial agents used in
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Financial assistance from M/s Albert David
Ltd, Calcutta, India is acknowledged. P.D. was supported by a research
fellowship from the same source. Mr Chinmoy Sarkar of IICB helped
with the HPLC analysis.
An altered G + C% region within
potential filamentous hemagglutinin
open reading frames of Ralstonia
Debojyoti Das, Sujit Kumar Verma and
Suvendra Kumar Ray*
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,
Tezpur University, Tezpur 784 028, India
Analysis of hemagglutinin open reading frames (ORFs)
of Ralstonia solanacearum using FramePlot exhibited
an altered G + C% (altered GC regions) at the 3′′ regions
of most large ORFs. The average G + C% values of
these hemagglutinin ORFs and the altered GC regions
are found to be 66.51 and 51.37 respectively. The amino
acid usage of this altered GC region is similar to the
whole protein, while the codon usage pattern is different.
We reason that this altered GC region is an evolutionary
adaptation rather than acquisition by horizontal gene
transfer. The codon usage in the altered GC region could
have a regulatory effect in the rate of translation of these
large surface proteins.
FILAMENTOUS hemagglutinin genes were first discovered
in the human pathogenic bacterium Bordetella pertussis
and play an important role in the attachment of this bacterium to host cells1. The genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa
(the first phytopathogenic bacterium whose genome was
completely sequenced) revealed the occurrence of three
filamentous hemagglutinin genes in this plant pathogen2.
Genome sequences of plant and animal pathogenic bacteria
have revealed the wide occurrence of these genes among
pathogenic bacteria3. Ralstonia solanacearum is a Gramnegative bacterium that causes a lethal wilt disease in more
than 200 plants. One of the striking features of the R. solanacearum genome sequence is the presence of twenty-seven
hemagglutinin genes, of which thirteen are called probable
hemagglutinins as they exhibit homology with the filamentous hemagglutinin (FhaB) of B. pertussis, and the
HMW1A/HMW2A adhesins of Haemophilus influenzae4.
The remaining fourteen are called hemagglutinin-like proteins because these open reading frames (ORFs) contain
variable internal repeats that are structurally related to filamentous hemagglutinins4. Here we discuss the probable
hemagglutinins as potential filamentous hemagglutinins.
Filamentous hemagglutinins are surface-localized adhesins
encoded by large ORFs. After their synthesis in the cytosol,
the huge polypeptides are translocated to the surface across
the cytoplasmic membrane using the sec-protein apparatus5.
This is followed by translocation across the outer membrane using the two-partner secretion system6. It has been
speculated that during transport, the protein remains in an
Received 4 August 2003; revised accepted 9 November 2004
*For correspondence. (e-mail:
[email protected])
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