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2021, Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science
5 pages
1 file
Reading packs are commissioned by the UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID) for independent study and professional development use. They are intended to be thought-provoking introductions to emerging issues and debates within the subject areas they cover. The views expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of GSDRC, its partner agencies or DFID.
GSDRC Topic Guides aim to provide a clear, concise and objective report on findings from rigorous research on critical areas of development policy. Rather than provide policy guidance or recommendations, their purpose is to signpost policymakers and practitioners to the key debates and evidence on the topic of focus, to support informed decision-making.
This article aims to demonstrate how radicalisation, violent-extremism and terrorism are terms often used interchangeably – terms that do not have the same meaning and are generally poorly defined. It will reveal, as with other terminologies pertaining to this area of interest, how violent-extremism has no universally accepted definition, and remains tainted with ambiguity. Arguably, the term is predominantly used as a social label in discussions on terrorism and other forms of extreme violence – particularly applied to those who have a distorted interpretation of religious ideology to justify the use of violence to achieve specific socio-political aims. To provide a better understanding of violent-extremism, its root causes and its prevention, a proposal of an accurate depiction of its meaning and clarification on the context of its use are paramount. This article will provide a brief introduction to the terms radicalisation, violent-extremism and terrorism; and will present various ways they have been defined in existing academic literature and policy documents. It will further explain the delineation between the three terms; and propose a practical definition for the term violent-extremism to enhance our ability as a community to apply appropriate measures to prevent escalation of root-cause issues that potentially lead to violent action.
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2015
Countering Violent Extremism: Lessons from the Abrahamic Faiths, 2007
Development Advocate Pakistan provides a platform for the exchange of ideas on key development issues and challenges in Pakistan. Focusing on a specific development theme in each edition, this quarterly publication fosters public discourse and presents varying perspectives from civil society, academia, government and development partners. The publication makes an explicit effort to include the voices of women and youth in the ongoing discourse. A combination of analysis and public opinion articles promote and inform debate on development ideas while presenting up-to-date information.
Legal and Criminological Psychology, 2019
PURPOSE. The task of assessing and managing risk of violence has evolved considerably in the last 25 years, and the field of violent extremism has the potential to stand on the shoulders of the giants of this time. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify good practice in the risk field and to apply that to the specific area of risk in relation to violent extremism – in order that developments here accord to highest standards of practice achieved so far elsewhere. METHOD and RESULTS. We begin by addressing the essential requirement to define the task of assessing and managing the risk of violent extremism – what is its purpose and parameters, who are its practitioners, in what contexts is this activity delivered, and how might any such context both facilitate and hinder the objectives of the task? Next, we map the terrain – what guidance is already available to assist practitioners in their work of understanding and managing the risk of violent extremism, and by what standards may we judge the quality of this and future guidance in the contexts in which is they are applied? Finally, we explore options for the development of the field in terms of the empirical basis upon which the risks presented by individuals and the organisations to which they may affiliate are assessed, understood, and managed. CONCLUSIONS. Recommendations are proposed in relation to each of these three areas of concern with a view to supporting the rapid and credible advancement of this growing and vital area of endeavour.
Research explores the national security state of our motherland after different military operations, in the light of General Raheel Sharif's speech on Defence Day 2016. In his memorable speech, he pays tribute to the martyrs of nation especially the martyrs of 1965 War. His speech was related to the main issue i.e terrorism which is continuously threatening the internal security of the nation. In order to root out the nexus of terrorism from Pakistan, various anti-terror military operations were held in North-Waziristan, FATA Agency and other tribal areas across Pak-Afghan border to maintain peace in the country. Through his speech, he gives a loud and clear message to the enemies of nation that Pakistan is not only a strong nation but now it is also invincible. He further elucidates the progress of economic ties by China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project(CPEC) and Pak-Afghan good relationship to establish peace and prosperity in the region. For this detailed analysis Jacques Derrida's stance of Deconstruction theory is applied which allows reader the authority to interpret as many meanings as much possible. The reader is not restricted to read the text within its given meanings. The reader can act as analyser of a text and dig out multiple meanings from it. Deconstruction theory always aims at finding relationship in a text and also can figure out those meanings which writer did not intend to say. Some selected phrases of his speech were taken which were related to the research objective of the paper.
in «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana», 2022, 2, a. CXXXIX, vol. CXCIX, fasc. 666, pp. 308-310.
riCo (Universidad autónoma de Barcelona), maria antonietta terzoli (Universität Basel). direttori emeriti franCesCo Bruni, mario Chiesa, arnaldo di Benedetto, mario Pozzi redazione roBerto galBiati, giovanna rizzarelli, Chiara tavella Il «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana», fondato nel 1883 da Arturo Graf, Francesco Novati e Rodolfo Renier, e da allora pubblicato a Torino dalla Loescher, è punto di riferimento per gli studi di Italianistica. È presente nelle più importanti biblioteche internazionali ed è sempre valutato al livello più alto nelle classifiche delle riviste umanistiche. Si avvale della consulenza di lettori anonimi (peer review) per la valutazione dei contributi proposti per la pubblicazione. Contributi proposti per la pubblicazione e libri da recensire debbono essere inviati a: «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana» Loescher Editore, via Vittorio Amedeo II,
Viking Gjellestad. Viking LXXXVIII Special Volume 2, 2024
correlation dan regression, 2019
Inovar para a Qualidade na Educação Digital, 2019
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Wetlands ecology and management, 2024
Arts and Architecture Journal, 2023
RAI Storia 2022. Written by Keti Riccardi, directed by Francesco Ambrosino; archaeological consultant Luca Peyronel. 57 min
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2005