Environews NIEHS News
When it comes to the ethics of health
research, “there’s been a presumption
that ethicists and ethics committees
will be in charge and solve ethical
problems,” says Ann Cook, director of
the National Rural Bioethics Project at
the University of Montana in Missoula.
More and more, however, environmental health researchers are realizing their
need to be directly involved in the
ethics questions facing them and their
community partners.
Cook describes ethics as “something
that everyone in the community has a
stake in and needs to know about.” The
NIEHS and the National Human
Genome Research Institute agree. In
2002 the two institutes launched a grants
program called Partnerships to Address
Ethical Challenges in Environmental
Health, which aims to tackle these issues
by promoting community–researcher collaborations.
As part of the larger NIEHS Environmental Justice Program framework,
the Partnerships program seeks to remedy the unequal burden borne by socioeconomically disadvantaged persons in
terms of residential exposure to greaterthan-acceptable levels of environmental
pollution, occupational exposure to hazardous substances, and fewer civic benefits such as sewage and water treatment.
Chief among ethical concerns for such
populations is ensuring that research
studies are designed and conducted with
the involvement of those being studied
rather than regarding them simply as
study subjects.
Program grantees, including Cook’s
team, receive up to $200,000 annually
for five years to investigate environmental
ills in a community, survey residents’
attitudes about both local environmental
problems and health studies in general,
and develop educational campaigns to
meet local needs. Grantee teams must
include an environmental health scientist, a social scientist or expert on issues
such as racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic
discrimination, and a representative from
a local community organization that
works on environmental issues.
A variety of groups, from environmental organizations to schools of public
health, receive funding through the
Partnerships program. Grantees are now
halfway through their projects and ready
to discuss some of their findings—and
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In an effort to
develop a series of
models for carrying out effective
community review
of environmental
health research,
Peggy Shephard, executive director of
West Harlem Environmental Action (WE
ACT) in New York City, and her colleagues have been listening in on NIH
panel discussions between researchers and
their community partners. Shephard’s
team has also conducted a series of interviews and focus groups with environmental health researchers and their long-term
community partners about the workings
of such relationships.
One of WE ACT’s preliminary findings is that “we need to stop using the
word ‘community,’” says Shephard. The
word is repeated so often and in so many
contexts that it’s becoming meaningless,
she says. In part because “community” has
no clear definition among researchers,
“we’re coming to the viewpoint that there
is never real ‘community consent’ for
research,” she says. For example, she asks,
is consent achieved when one community
group okays a health study, or only when
representatives of multiple community
groups endorse it? WE ACT is addressing
these and other questions—including how
to appropriately define “community”—in
an upcoming report.
Ensuring Savvy
Researchers at
Boston University
have rounded up
four potentially
divergent groups—
public health officials, community
activists, community residents, and representatives of academe—with the goal of
coming to some common understanding
of what is involved when scientists embark
on a community health study. The team is
led by David Ozonoff, an environmental
epidemiologist at the Boston University
School of Public Health.
What motivated the project, explains
project manager and Ozonoff graduate
student Madeleine Scammell, is the many
calls to university and state health departments across the country from residents
concerned about a variety of potential
health hazards in their towns. Callers often
request a health study, yet when studies are
done, communities are often unhappy with
the results because of vastly differing expectations about what a health study provides,
says Ozonoff. For example, researchers,
perhaps preoccupied with the problem of
statistical power for small populations, are
often stricter than a lay person might
expect as to what constitutes positive evidence of an environmental health problem.
At focus groups and during interviews
that Ozonoff’s team conducted, residents
often reported that it’s tangible evidence of
pollution (such as soot on the cars) rather
than media coverage that motivates them
to take action, says Scammell. Community
members are also more concerned than
researchers may appreciate about research
politics, such as why their town was selected as a study site.
Teasing Out
A 200-mile stretch
of New York’s
Hudson River has
achieved the dubious distinction of
being one of the
country’s largest Superfund sites. Staff at
the W. Haywood Burns Environmental
Education Center in Albany, where the
Hudson and other polluted waterways converge, are investigating what this distinction means for residents of Albany’s poorest
Led by principal investigator Donna
Perry, a registered nurse at the Burns
Center, the team and their community partners interviewed residents in 80 primarily
African American households to get baseline
information on respondents’ health and
environment. They found that half of the
respondents were smokers. Many had been
physically assaulted and reported frequently
hearing gunshots near their homes. The
smell of gasoline, sewage, and exhaust also
was common near their homes. Almost
44% of respondents had breathing problems. Perry and her colleagues are now
determining whether the exposure to environmental pollutants in combination with
smoking, emotional stress, heredity,
lifestyle, and even community zoning decisions may create significant health hazards.
The team is developing health and
environmental education materials that are
culturally sensitive to the Albany residents
they serve. Recommendations for conducting environmental health surveys in urban
communities and communities of color are
forthcoming, says Perry.
112 | NUMBER 17 | December 2004 • Environmental Health Perspectives
All images: Image Club
Ethics in Environmental Health
Countering a Toxic
Downriver from
Albany, Hal Strelnick,
a physician at Montefiore Medical Center
in the Bronx, leads the
South Bronx Environmental Justice Partnership. He and his colleagues are focusing some of their ethics
grant dollars on an unusual problem with
mercury: members of various religious
groups believe that spreading this toxicant
around their homes will bring good luck and
ward off evil, explains Strelnick.
The ethical challenge of establishing rapport and trust with these groups is complicated; when the New York City Department
of Health banned the sale of elemental mercury at the folk pharmacies serving some of
these groups, adherents became reluctant to
discuss the practice with outsiders. “We
wanted to determine if there was a more
productive and respectful and ethical way [to
educate about mercury],” Strelnick says.
South Bronx residents are not “aware of
mercury as an environmental problem unto
itself, though they are highly aware of lead,
and they understand when you explain that
mercury acts like lead in the body,” says
Strelnick. The team is partnering with community religious leaders to develop a protocol for educating the public, without panicking them, about the dangers of the ritual use
of toxic substances. They are also working
on a more general public information campaign on how residents can assess and
address community environmental issues.
Building Trust
and Community
Capacity for
If you ask representatives of community organizations in
an area neighboring
a prestigious medical school about environmental health and
community–researcher relations, you’d better be prepared for a landslide of ideas on
how to build effective partnerships. That’s
what Mark Farfel, a public health researcher
at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, and
colleagues discovered when their Environmental Justice Partnership sought feedback
about how to improve the research process.
The partnership uses a participatory
model and comprises staff and faculty at the
Bloomberg School of Public Health, 11 different East Baltimore organizations, and
faculty and students from the Maryland
Institute College of Art.
Environmental Health Perspectives
Focus group participants spoke about
the poor state of their community’s environment and described negative experiences
during research studies, including lack of
communication from researchers conducting
studies and lack of community involvement.
Participants were not entirely negative, however. They agreed that research can be beneficial if the community is involved up front,
if the findings are shared with participants
and the community at large, and if community–researcher partnerships work to sustain
needed programs and policies.
The partnership has followed up by writing grants with board organizations, holding
a community fair, and designing educational
programs for residents about issues such as
lead poisoning. The community board is
also working with the Bloomberg School of
Public Health to ensure that research in East
Baltimore is mutually beneficial.
Research on
Communities in
North Carolina
face environmental contamination from multiple sources, from hog slaughterhouses to
wood-laminating industries. Carolyn
Crump, a public health scientist at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, and her community colleagues are
using theater, along with more traditional
educational materials, to open discussion
on how health research affects the people
who live near pollution hot spots. The
team is writing and piloting scripts in the
style of Reader’s Theater, in which performers read from a script rather than act
out memorized parts. They are also developing facilitator guides that will identify
key points for discussion following the
The theater pieces may be performed
at community centers, schools, churches,
government or other professional offices,
conferences, and workshops. The performances are meant to encourage performers and audience members to talk about,
among other topics, their understanding
of the role of research in identifying environmental hazards, says Crump.
The performances will also document
the stories of communities fighting for
environmental justice and the experiences
of attorneys and researchers who work on
environmental health issues. “Cross-disciplinary exchange is one of the main
[intended] outcomes of our project,”
Crump says.
• VOLUME 112 | NUMBER 17 | December 2004
Mining the
Cook’s team in
Montana is working with residents
in Libby, a mining
town in the upper
northwest corner of the state. A vermiculite
mine that operated in Libby from 1921 to
1990 exposed workers, their families, and
the local environment to dangerous levels of
toxic amphibole asbestos. “When you are
dealing with Superfund kind of issues, communities can get fractured, so we are using
information and ethics to bring people
together,” says Cook.
Earlier health studies have shown that
scientists, health care providers, and
Libby residents alike need more information on many issues related to asbestos,
including the health risks and health care
options. To meet that need, Cook’s team
is offering a website (http://www.umt.
edu/Libbyhealth/) where visitors can read
facts that dispel myths about asbestos,
download learning activities, and read
summaries written in lay language of the
legal and scientific issues involved in the
Libby case.
The team is also field-testing material
designed to help people with asbestosrelated disease and other community members understand what a research project is.
“In places such as Libby, where there is lots
of research going on, you need to clarify
what it means to participate in a research
project,” says Cook.
To reach out to younger members of
the community, the group is developing
materials on asbestos and the history of the
community for use in local schools.
“Schools didn’t discuss [the asbestos problem] with students because it was perceived
as a hard topic to talk about,” Cook says.
The need for better
partnerships between
communities and
researchers is in no
way unique to the
United States. The
NIEHS also cosponsors, along with several
other NIH institutes, projects that address
inequities in developing countries.
Developing countries present unique
bioethical challenges, says bioethicist
Ruth Macklin of the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine in the Bronx. For
one thing, in countries where many participants are illiterate, written informed
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consent documents are inappropriate. In
addition, she says, the lack of well-trained
institutional review boards makes independent ethical review almost impossible.
There is also pointed debate about whether
foreign investigators need to provide care
that is better than or equivalent to what
the study participants would normally
receive in their country.
To address such issues, Macklin and
her colleagues provide seven months of
bioethics training every year in Buenos
Aires to four Latin American professionals
and scholars with experience in studies
involving human subjects or research
ethics. The training is funded by the John
E. Fogarty International Center’s International Bioethics Education and Career
Development Awards program, which
gives foreign and domestic universities up
to $250,000 annually to support international bioethics education for professionals
from low- and middle-income countries.
Under the guidance of Macklin and
her colleagues, participants take courses in
bioethics, attend meetings of different
research ethics committees, and prepare a
detailed plan for implementing activities in
research ethics at their home institutions.
Macklin’s recent graduates “are almost
without exception engaged in ongoing
research or program development in
bioethics,” she says.
A Group Effort
When academic and community groups
work together, whether in the United
States or abroad, collaborators and participants need to address their long-held
assumptions about science, communities,
and poverty, ethics grantees say. For example, says Farfel, some African Americans are
wary of researchers and their studies in the
wake of the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis
Study conducted from 1932 to 1972, during which the Public Health Service
denied treatment to almost 400 poor
African American men who had the disease. Episodes like that lead many wouldbe study participants to view research as
something done to them, not for them,
Farfel says.
Nevertheless, residents are increasingly
receptive to this approach of bringing ethics
and community participation into all
aspects of environmental health research.
“Receptive, yes,” says Cook. “And cautious.” –Tina Adler
Symposium Explores
“When we try to pick out anything by
itself, we find it hitched to everything else
in the Universe.” Quoting naturalist John
Muir, Michael Fischer, an environmental
consultant formerly of the William and
Flora Hewlett Foundation, introduced the
2004 Biennial Scientific Symposium on
Children’s Health as Impacted by Environmental Contaminants by emphasizing that
On 25 October 2004 NIH director Elias Zerhouni announced the appointment of David Schwartz
as the new director of the NIEHS and the National Toxicology Program. Schwartz, who will
assume his new duties on 4 April 2005, is currently director of the Pulmonary, Allergy, and
Critical Care Division and vice chair of research in the Department of Medicine at Duke
University. While at Duke, Schwartz has also played a leading role in developing interdisciplinary
Centers in Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Genomics, and Environmental Asthma.
Schwartz’s research has focused on the genetic and biological determinants of environmental
lung disease and host defense.
Schwartz is filling the position left open by Kenneth Olden, who stepped down from the
post late in 2003, but who agreed to remain in the position until his successor was named. Olden
will stay on at the NIEHS as a researcher in the intramural program.
At the announcement of the appointment, DHHS secretary Tommy Thompson called Schwartz “one of the nation’s outstanding
researchers in environmental health.” Thompson and Zerhouni acknowledged the leadership role that Schwartz is taking on at the
NIEHS as environmental factors are being implicated more often in the etiology of disease. Zerhouni touted Schwartz’s interdisciplinary
approach as one that “will help lead us to well-conceived strategies for preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease.”
As director of the NIEHS, Schwartz will oversee a $711 million budget that funds multidisciplinary biomedical research programs, as
well as prevention and intervention efforts that encompass training, education, technology transfer, and community outreach. The
NIEHS currently supports more than 850 research grants.
“I am delighted and honored to join NIH,” said Schwartz. “My vision for NIEHS is to improve human health by supporting integrated research and career development in environmental sciences, environmental medicine, and environmental public health. Given recent
advances in biomedical research and computational biology, NIEHS is well positioned to use its expertise in toxicology to understand
human biology, disease pathogenesis, and the unique distribution of disease in different populations.”
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112 | NUMBER 17 | December 2004 • Environmental Health Perspectives
Top to bottom: Photodisc; Steve McCaw/Image Associates
Schwartz Named
New NIEHS/NTP Director
children are at the nexus of many of the
connections found in nature.
The symposium was designed to
explore the interconnectedness of all elements of the environments in which children live, learn, and play, as well as ways to
prevent environmental health risks. Hosted
by the Children’s Environmental Health
Institute (CEHI), the symposium was held
24–25 September 2004 at the McKinney
Roughs Nature Park in Austin, Texas. The
symposium was sponsored by the NIEHS,
Physicians for Social Responsibility, the
Texas Medical Association, the Lower
Colorado River Authority, and the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. The
interdisciplinary group of participants
included researchers, pediatricians and
other health professionals, social workers,
nonprofit and advocacy group representatives, architects, and engineers.
Topics ranged from the cellular level to
the global. Because environmental toxicants
are ubiquitous in air, water, food, and medications, said pediatrician and speaker
Martin Lorin, we have seen a global rise in
environmentally related diseases. However,
in terms of the extent of the effects of exposures, he contended, we are seeing only the
tip of the iceberg.
Participants agreed that to reduce
harmful immediate and long-term effects of
contaminants on children, we must study
the interactions of environment, genes,
developmental stage, and behavior.
Discussions on endocrine disruptors (by
John McLachlan of Tulane and Xavier
Universities), developmental defects (by
Richard Finnell of Texas A&M University), and respiratory disease (by Sharon
Petronella of The University of Texas
Medical Branch, Galveston), for example,
addressed not just specific immediate
health problems in children but also future
trends: What kinds of adult diseases might
be projected from fetal and childhood
exposures? And how healthy are future
populations likely to be?
Potential remedies for environmentally
related health problems may be as simple as
taking folic acid to help prevent birth
defects or having a physician take an environmental history to spot potential health
risks. Technical (air quality samplers, handheld immunosensors, microarrays) and
demographic (geographic information systems, longitudinal studies) tools also can
help identify and alleviate environmental
health threats.
The built environment—both materials
and design—can significantly reduce children’s exposures to toxicants while creating
safe and stimulating places to grow and
learn. How do we replace the persistent
Environmental Health Perspectives
Respiratory Health
NIEHS - Supported Research
Air Pollution Impairs Lung Development in Children
Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Gilliland F, Vora H, Thomas D, Berhane K, McConnell R,
Kuenzli N, Lurmann F, Rappaport E, Margolis H, Bates D, Peters J. 2004. The effect of
air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age. N Engl J Med
Mounting evidence suggests that exposure to air pollution has long-term
effects on lung development in children; reductions in lung function have
been observed in studies in Europe and the United States. To further investigate these effects, this NIEHS-supported research team performed a
prospective epidemiologic study on 1,759 children from 12 communities in
Southern California.
The communities had a wide range of exposures to air pollutants
including particulate matter, acid aerosols, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide.
The team recruited fourth-graders and performed lung function tests
annually for eight years.
Over the eight-year period, decreases in a measurement of lung function known as forced expiratory volume (FEV1) were associated with exposure to nitrogen dioxide, acid aerosols, particulate matter, and elemental
carbon. The decreases noted were statistically and clinically significant. For
example, the risk of diminished FEV1 was almost five times higher at the
highest level of particulate matter exposure than at the lowest level. The
magnitude of the effects on development of lung function was comparable to that reported for exposure to maternal smoking.
The authors conclude that these results can be generalized to children
living in other parts of the United States that have high air pollution levels.
The results indicate that current ambient air pollution levels can have
chronic and adverse effects on lung development in children, leading to
clinically significant lung function deficits in adulthood. Given the severity
of the effects and the importance of lung development as a determinant
of morbidity and mortality during adulthood, it is important to continue
identifying strategies for reducing air pollution. –Jerry Phelps
• VOLUME 112 | NUMBER 17 | December 2004
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bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals used
to produce building materials with lesstoxic alternatives?
Gail Vittori, codirector of the Center
for Maximum Potential Building Systems, suggested several methods, among
them eliminating interior finish materials
that offgas volatile organic compounds,
using recycled fly ash as a substitute for
concrete, labeling building products more
thoroughly, and using paints certified by
the independent Green Seal standards
Vittori also recommended that builders participate in the Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design program, a voluntary standard established by
the U.S. Green Building Council for
assessing and certifying high-performance
sustainable buildings. In schools, inadequate ventilation, use of toxic pesticides
and cleaners, offgassing from building
materials and furnishings, and poor maintenance should be remediated to avoid
increases in asthma, allergies, and other
respiratory diseases.
With an eye toward the future, the
NIEHS and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency will continue to fund
the Centers for Children’s Environmental
Health and Disease Prevention Research,
according to NIEHS director Kenneth
Olden. These centers promote multidisciplinary research and the translation and
application of research to public health
and clinical practice. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention aims to
expand environmental public health tracking to a full nationwide network, collecting and analyzing data on hazards, exposures, and health effects. And Fernando
Guerra, director of health with the San
Antonio Metropolitan Health District,
noted that the multi-agency National
Children’s Study “will provide for the first
time an opportunity for children and families to benefit from the cumulative evidence that will be assembled over twentyfive years, to better understand causal relationships from many different influences,
including the environment.”
The participants concluded that prevention, remediation, and attention to
the long term are essential to addressing
the unique vulnerabilities of infants and
children. The challenge presented here is
to blend research and clinical work with
advocacy. Said CEHI director Janie
Fields: “Together we are building a
structure that bridges the health information gap between the medical,
research, and environmental communities.”
–Martha M. Dimes
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Help Instead
of Hype
Breast cancer strikes 1 in 7 American
women, making it the most commonly
diagnosed cancer among women in the
United States. Although certain genetic factors can play a part in the etiology of the
disease, scientists are studying other important factors including estrogen-related factors, lifestyle choices, and environmental
risk. Understanding these factors can help
women make informed decisions
about their health
and avoid being
another breast cancer statistic.
Researchers at
the NIEHS-funded Center for
Health and Susceptibility, housed
in the University
of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
School of Public
Health, are leading
the way in determining both the
genetic and other
causes of breast
cancer. And the
center’s Community Outreach and
Education Program (COEP), headed by
Frances M. Lynn, a professor of environmental sciences and engineering, has developed a workshop program to spread the
word to North Carolina residents that they
need not be helpless victims of this disease.
To assist in developing the workshop,
the COEP partnered with the Breast
Cancer Coalition of North Carolina, a
nonprofit organization that advocates on
behalf of those with breast cancer and their
families. A scientific advisory board representing a variety of medical disciplines
reviewed the workshop materials and continues to work with COEP staff to answer
participants’ questions and keep the workshop as current as possible.
Visitors to the center’s website can
download the workshop materials at http://
Visitors can download the 15-slide
PowerPoint presentation that is used in the
workshop, as well as an agenda, facilitator
instructions, case studies, fact sheets, and
take-home activities.
The presentation introduces the workshop audience to the known possible risk
factors for breast cancer, as well as some
risk-reduction measures women can take.
The presentation divides risk factors into
four groups: personal or estrogen-related
risk, lifestyle risk, environmental risk, and
genetic or inherited risk.
The environmental risk portion of the
presentation explains gene–environment
interactions that occur as a result of exposure to toxicants and how
that differs from risk associated with inheriting one
of the so-called breast
cancer genes (BRCA1 or
BRCA2 ). Despite the
frightening prospect of
breast cancer running in
families, only 5–10% of
breast cancer cases are
thought to be genetic in
origin. Slides describe
instances where this
inherited risk may be
implicated in breast cancer. Participants also learn
about the ethical, legal,
and social implications of
genetic testing—how the
testing is done, how they
should decide if they need
it, and what may happen
if they test positive.
The interactive portion of the workshop includes fun learning activities, such
as Reduce Breast Cancer Bingo, which has
been a hit with the senior citizens that have
taken part in the program to date.
Participants win when they correctly identify four risk-reduction facts in a row,
including the importance of exercising, eating vegetables, and limiting exposure to
secondhand smoke. A related activity presents participants with fictional case studies
for three women, one with a family history
of breast cancer, one with lifestyle risk factors, and one with environmental risk factors. Participants are asked to identify both
the risk factors and any protective factors
each women has, and to recommend how
each woman might reduce her risk.
The workshop, which has been conducted across North Carolina, has been
developed so that women who have completed it know not only how to better care
for themselves but also how to advise other
women. In conducting the workshops,
COEP staff hope to dispel some of the
myths women have about breast cancer and
instill optimism instead. –Erin E. Dooley
112 | NUMBER 15 | November 2004 • Environmental Health Perspectives