International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
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Electromagnetic field effects on transport through porous media
W. Klinbun a, K. Vafai b,⇑, P. Rattanadecho c
Rattanakosin College for Sustainable Energy and Environment (RCSEE), Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, 96 moo 3, Puthamonthon Sai 5, Salaya,
Puthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, A363 Bourns Hall, Riverside, CA, 2507-0425, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), 99 moo 18, Klong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 30 May 2011
Received in revised form 30 August 2011
Accepted 30 August 2011
Available online 6 October 2011
Forced convection
Electromagnetic field
Thermal dispersion
Local thermal non equilibrium (LTNE)
Porous medium
a b s t r a c t
The effect of an imposed electromagnetic field on forced convection in porous media is analyzed in this
work. The transient Maxwell’s equations are solved to simulate the electromagnetic field inside the
waveguide and within a porous medium. The Brinkman–Forchheimer extended Darcy (generalized
model) equations are used to represent the flow fluid inside a porous medium. The local thermal nonequilibrium (LTNE) is taken into account by solving the two-energy equation model for fluid and solid
phases. Computational domain is represented for a range of Darcy number from 105 to 107 and dimensionless electromagnetic wave power P⁄ from 0 to 1600, and dimensionless electromagnetic wave frequency f⁄ from 0 to 8. The effect of variations of the pertinent electromagnetic field parameters in
affecting the flow and thermal fields and the Nusselt number are analyzed. This investigation provides
the essential aspects for a fundamental understanding of forced convection in porous media while experiencing an applied electromagnetic field such as applications in the material-processing field.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Various engineering applications are based on forced convection through a porous medium. For example, cooling of nuclear
waste container, catalytic, heat transfer enhancement devices,
chemical reactors, solar power collectors, drying processes, combustion and ceramic processing to name a few. As such transport
through porous media has been of interest for many decades.
Two different models are used for analyzing heat transfer in a porous medium; local thermal equilibrium (LTE) and local thermal
non-equilibrium (LTNE). Most of the prior works are based on
invoking the local thermal equilibrium assumption; i.e., the solid
phase temperature is equal to fluid phase temperature everywhere
in the porous medium. However, this assumption is not valid for a
number of physical situations such as when the fluid flows at a
high speed through the porous medium. In recent years, the local
thermal non-equilibrium model in a porous medium has received
more attention as demonstrated by the works of Vafai and Sozen
[1–3] and further pursued by Quintard and Whitaker [4], Quintard
[5], Amiri and Vafai [6], Kuznetsov [7] and Nakayama et al. [8] and
many others. Jiang and Ren [9] and Jiang et al. [10] used local thermal non-equilibrium model to investigate forced convective heat
transfer in a channel filled with a porous medium. They studied
the effect of thermal dispersion, variable properties, and particle
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 951 827 3125; fax: +1 951 827 2899.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (K. Vafai).
0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
diameter, particle thermal conductivity and appropriate boundary
conditions. The numerical results were in agreement with their
experimental data.
Another important parameter affecting the transport phenomena in a porous medium is thermal dispersion. Dispersion needs to
be considered if the filtration velocity is large enough for the Forchheimer term to be significant. Amiri and Vafai [6] illustrated the
important role of transverse thermal dispersion on forced convection heat transfer in porous media. In addition, according to Kuo
and Tien [11], Hsu and Cheng [12], Hunt and Tien [13], Sozen and
Vafai [14], Nield [15], and Kuznetsov et al. [16], longitudinal thermal
dispersion effects can usually be neglected without causing any significant errors in heat transfer results. However, Kuwahara and
Nakayama [17] have suggested that the longitudinal thermal dispersion should also be taken into account. As such for this work, both
longitudinal and transverse thermal dispersions will be considered.
Electromagnetic wave is an important heat source that is applied in
many industrial and household applications since electromagnetic
wave can penetrate the surface and is converted into thermal energy
very rapidly within the material. There have been a number investigations of natural convection under electromagnetic field, such as
Bian et al. [18], Ni et al. [19], Ratanadecho et al. [20], Rattanadecho
et al. [21,22], Shigemitsu et al. [23], Wang et al. [24], Dinčov et al.
[25], Basak and Meenakshi [26], Cha-um et al. [27] and others. However, the effect of electromagnetic field on forced convection in a
porous medium particularly under non-thermal equilibrium is not
well understood. There are various effects related to the effects of
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
a1, a2
tan d
x, y
porosity variation parameters, Eq. (24)
specific surface area of the packed bed (m1)
specific heat capacity (J kg1 K1)
particle diameter (m)
Darcy number, K 1 =H2
electric field intensity (V m1)
the geometric function defined in Eq. (18)
frequency of incident wave (Hz)
fluid-to-solid heat transfer coefficient (W m2 K1)
magnetic field intensity (A m1)
height of the packed bed (m)
unit vector oriented along the pore velocity vector,
V p =jV p j
thermal conductivity (W m1 K1)
permeability (m2)
length of the packed bed (m)
local thermal equilibrium
Nusselt number
Prandtl number, lC pf =kf
power (W)
pressure (Pa)
local electromagnetic heat generation term
(W m3)
particle Reynolds number, qf ue dp =l
time (s)
temperature (K)
dielectric loss coefficient (–)
velocity component in the x-direction (ms1)
velocity vector (ms1)
Cartesian coordinates (m)
wave impedance (), kg /c
an imposed electromagnetic field on non-thermal equilibrium and
dispersion in a porous medium that are not well understood and several pertinent issues remain unresolved.
The objective of this study is to analyze and demonstrate the effect of electromagnetic field on forced convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium. The effects of the dimensionless
electromagnetic wave power (P⁄), and dimensionless electromagnetic wave frequency (f⁄) on the dimensionless temperature field
and Nusselt number distribution are discussed. The porous medium is considered to be a packed bed of spherical particles saturated with a fluid.
2. Analysis
Forced convection of an incompressible fluid flow through a
packed bed of spherical particles subjected to an electromagnetic
field as shown in Fig. 1 is considered. The configuration consists of
a porous medium that fills inside a rectangular waveguide. Walls
of the guide are assumed to be made of metal which approximates
a perfect electrical conductor. The monochromic wave in fundamental mode (TE10) is applied in the x-direction. The domain in which the
electromagnetic field is analyzed includes the entire region enclosed
by the walls of the guide. For temperature and flow fields the computational domain is limited to the region enclosed by the container.
The horizontal walls of container are kept at a constant temperature.
2.1. Analysis of the electromagnetic field
Maxwell’s equations for TE10 mode are solved to obtain the
electromagnetic field inside a rectangular waveguide and the enclosed porous medium.
Greek letters
thermal diffusivity (m2 s1)
porosity (–)
dimensionless vertical scale defined in Eq. (35)
dimensionless fluid phase temperature
dimensionless solid phase temperature
permittivity (F m1)
magnetic permeability (H m1)
wavelength (m)
dynamic viscosity (kg m1 s1)
density (kg m3)
electric conductivity (S m1)
dimensionless length scale defined in Eq. (37)
effective property
x, y, z
x, y, z-component
asymptotic or free stream
dimensionless quantity
‘local volume average’ of a quantity
Maxwell’s equations for TE10 mode [20]:
Ey ¼ Ex ¼ Hz ¼ 0;
oEz 1 oHy oHx
rEz ;
c ox
1 oEz
/ oy
oHy 1 oEz
/ ox
where E and H are the electric and magnetic fields,
c ¼ c0 cr ¼ c0 ðc0r jc00r Þ is electric permittivity, / ¼ /0 /r is magnetic
permeability, and r is electric conductivity.
Boundary and initial conditions:
(1) At the walls of the waveguide and cavity, a perfect conducting condition is considered. Therefore, normal components
of the magnetic field and tangential components of the electric field vanish at these walls [20]:
Hn ¼ 0;
Et ¼ 0:
(2) At the absorbing plane, Mur’s first order absorbing condition
is utilized [20]:
¼ c
where ± represents forward and backward directions and c
denotes the phase velocity of the propagation wave.
(3) At the incident plane, the input microwave source is simulated by [20]:
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the problem under consideration and the corresponding coordinate system.
Table 1
Thermal and dielectric properties used in the computations [6,20,26].
Material property
Soda lime
Density, q(kg m3)
Specific heat, Cp(J kg1 K1)
Thermal conductivity, k(Wm1 K1)
Viscosity, l(kg m1 s1) 105
Dielectric constant, cr
Loss tangent, tan d
88.15 0.414T + (0.131 102)T2 (0.046 104)T3
0.323 (9.499 103)T + (1.27 104)T2 (6.13 107)T3
Fig. 2. Comparison of dimensionless temperature and the Nusselt number distributions for the present work versus the results of Amiri and Vafai [6] for as/af = 4.87,
Da = 5.32 107 and Rep = 10.
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
Ez;Inc: ¼ Ezin sin
Hy;Inc: ¼
where f is the frequency of microwave, a is the width of the
incidence plane, Z H is the wave impedance, and Ezin is the input value of the electric field intensity. By applying the Poynting theorem, the input value of the electric field intensity is
evaluated by the microwave input power as [20]:
4Z H Pin
where Pin is the microwave power input and A is the area of
the incident plane.
(4) At the interface between different materials, for example air
and the porous medium, the continuity condition is invoked
Et ¼ E0t ;
Dn ¼
D0n ;
Ht ¼ H0t ;
Bn ¼
B0n :
(5) At t ¼ 0 all components of E; H are zero.
Fig. 3. Comparison of percent error on the average fluid Nusselt number for the
present work versus the results of Amiri and Vafai [6] for as/af = 4.87,
Da = 5.32 107 and Rep = 10.
Fig. 4. Effects of the variations in the electromagnetic field power on the temperature field and the Nusselt number distribution for as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 10 and
f⁄ = 4.0.
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
Fig. 5. Fluid phase temperature contour in the x–y plane at as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 10 and f⁄ = 4.0 incorporating the variable porosity as well as the axial and
lateral thermal dispersions.
2.2. Analysis of flow and heat transfer within a porous medium
The schematic configuration of the problem is shown in Fig. 1,
where H and L denote the height and length of the packed bed,
respectively. The porous medium is considered homogenous, isotropic and is saturated with a fluid. Furthermore, the solid particles
are considered to be spherical, uniform shape, and incompressible.
The steady state volume-averaged governing equations are [6]
Continuity equation:
r hVi ¼ 0:
Momentum equation [6]:
qf F e
hðV rÞVi ¼ hVi pffiffiffiffi ½hVi hViJ þ r2 hVi rhpif : ð13Þ
Fluid phase energy equations [6]:
ohT f if
þ hqf if C pf hVi rhT f if
¼ r kfeff rhT f if þ hsf asf hT s is hT f if þ eQ f :
ehqf if C pf
Solid phase energy equations [6]:
ð1 eÞqs C ps
ohT s is
¼ r kseff rhT s is
hsf asf hT s is hT f if þ ð1 eÞQ s
where Q is the local electromagnetic heat generation term, which is
a function of the electric field and defined as [20]:
Q ¼ 2pf c0 c0r ðtan dÞE2z ;
where c0r is the relative dielectric constant. The permeability of the
packed bed and the geometric function are [6]:
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
e3 d2p
150ð1 eÞ
F ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
The specific surface area of the packed bed can be represented as
asf ¼
6ð1 eÞ
The formulation of the fluid-to-solid heat transfer coefficient in this
study is expressed as [6]:
hsf ¼ kf 42 þ 1:1Pr1=3
qf udp
!0:6 3,
5 dp ;
when the thermal dispersion effects are present, axial and lateral
effective conductivities of fluid phase can be expressed, respectively, as [6]:
qf udp
kf ;
qf udp
ðkfeff Þy ¼ e þ 0:1Pr
kf ;
kseff ¼ ð1 eÞks :
ðkfeff Þx ¼
e þ 0:5Pr
In addition, the variation of porosity near the impermeable boundaries can be expressed as [6]:
e ¼ e1 1 þ a1 exp
a2 y
where e1 is the free stream porosity while a1 ; a2 are empirical
The Nusselt number for both phases can be expressed as [6]:
ohT f if
ohT s is
Nus ¼
T w T ms
oy y¼0
Nuf ¼
T w T mf
where T mf and T ms are the mixed mean temperatures of the fluid
and solid phases, respectively which can be expressed as [6]:
T mf ¼
T ms
uT f dy;
Um H 0
1 H
T s dy;
H 0
Um ¼
Fig. 6. Effect of the electromagnetic field frequency on the temperature field and Nusselt number distribution for as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 10 and P⁄ = 400.
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
Boundary and initial conditions:
From Fig. 1, no slip boundary conditions are applied at all the
solid walls which are kept at a constant temperature. Thus, the
boundary conditions are as follows:
uðx; yÞ ¼ 0 at y ¼ 0; H;
T f ðx; yÞ ¼ T s ðx; yÞ ¼ T w
T f ðx; yÞ ¼ T s ðx; yÞ ¼ T e
at y ¼ 0; H;
at x ¼ 0;
The inlet and wall temperature are taken as:
T e ¼ 300 K;
T w ¼ 340 K:
A particle diameter of 5.0 mm is used in the computations. The
Dielectric and thermal properties are listed in Table 1 [6,20,26].
3. Numerical simulations
Maxwell’s equations (Eqs. (2)–(4)), are solved using the finite difference method. The electric (E) and magnetic (H) field components
are discretized using a central differencing scheme (second-order) in
both space and time domains. The equations are solved using the
leap-frog methodology; the electric field is solved at a given time
step, the magnetic field is solved at the next time step, and the process is repeated sequentially. The fluid flow and heat transport within a porous medium are expressed through Eqs. (12)–(15). These
equations are coupled to Maxwell’s equations through Eq. (16).
Eqs. (12)–(15) are solved numerically using a finite control volume
approach along with the SIMPLE algorithm [28]. The proposed discretization conserves the fluxes and avoids generation of a parasitic
source. The basic strategy for the finite control volume discretization
method is to divide the computational domain into a number of control volumes and then integrate the conservation equations over this
control volume within an interval of time [t, t + Dt]. At the boundaries of the computational domain, integrating over half the control
volume and taking into account the boundary conditions discretizes
the conservation equations and at the corners a quarter of the control
volume is utilized. The fully implicit time discretization finite
difference scheme is used to arrive at the solution in time. To insure
Fig. 7. Fluid phase temperature contour in the x–y plane at as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 10 and P⁄ = 400 incorporating the variable porosity as well as the axial and
lateral thermal dispersions.
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
stability of the time-stepping algorithm Dt is chosen to satisfy the
courant stability condition [20]:
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Validation
Dt 6
ðDxÞ2 þ ðDyÞ2
and the spatial resolution of each cell satisfies:
Dx; Dy 6
pffiffiffiffiffi ;
10 cr
where kg is the wavelength of microwave in the rectangular waveguide and cr is the relative electric permittivity.
The following set of simulation parameters are used to satisfy
conditions given by Eqs. (33) and (34):
(1) Grid size: Dx ¼ 1:0 mm and Dy ¼ 1:0 mm.
(2) Time steps: Dt ¼ 2 1012 s and Dt ¼ 0:01 s are used corresponding to electromagnetic field and temperature field calculations, respectively.
(3) Relative error in the iteration procedures is ensured to be
less than 106.
Fig. 8. Flow field in the x–y plane for as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 0.1 and
f⁄ = 4.0 incorporating the variable porosity as well as the axial and lateral thermal
The computational results are validated with the numerical results by Amiri and Vafai [6]. The following parameters are used to
generate the results: dp = 5 mm, e1 = 0.37, a1 = 1.7, a2 = 6, as/af =
4.87, Da = 5.32 107 and Rep = 10. The comparison of dimensionless temperature fields, Nusselt number distributions and percent
error on the average Nusselt numbers are displayed in Figs. 2 and
3. Fig. 3 illustrates the comparison of the percent error on the average fluid Nusselt number. Overall, our results (other than the apparent misplaced curve of Vafai and Amiri [6] for cases 1 & 2 in Fig. 2(d))
are in excellent agreement with those by Amiri and Vafai [6].
The results are presented in a non-dimensional form, such as
dimensionless fluid and solid phase temperature. These dimensionless groups are defined as: h ¼ ðT w T f Þ=ðT w T mf Þ; H ¼
ðT w T s Þ=ðT w T ms Þ. The temperature field and Nusselt number
are plotted against a dimensionless vertical scale, g, and a dimensionless length, n respectively defined as [6]:
Fig. 9. Flow field in the x–y plane for as/af = 4.87, Da = 5.32 107, Rep = 0.1 and
P⁄ = 1600 incorporating the variable porosity as well as the axial and lateral thermal
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
where c1 is the free stream shape parameter and n is the dimensionless length scale expressed as [6]:
c1 ¼
n¼ :
The temperature profile and velocity field are presented at the middle of the porous medium or n = 0.5.
The dimensionless electromagnetic power and electromagnetic
frequency are defined as:
kf HðT w T e Þ
f ¼
P ¼
where fc10 is the cut off frequency (lowest propagation frequency) of
the microwave in TE10 mode.
4.2. Thermal dispersion effects
The effects of electromagnetic field on thermal dispersion are
presented in Figs. 4–7. The physical data utilized in these figures
are: as =af ¼ 4:87; Da ¼ 5:32 107 and Rep ¼ 10. Fig. 4 shows
the effects of variations in the electromagnetic field power. The
non-dimensional power varies from 0 to 1600 at f ¼ 4:0. The
dimensionless temperature fields are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b)
while Fig. 4(c) and (d) demonstrate the Nusselt number distributions. As expected, both of the temperature and the Nusselt number values increase with an increase in the electromagnetic power.
This is because an increase in the electromagnetic power results in
a higher heat generation rate inside the packed bed. It can be observed that the temperature and Nusselt number values are higher
when thermal dispersion is excluded (case 1) as compared to when
it is included (case 4). The results reveal that the longitudinal dispersion can be neglected as it does not affect the results. Fig. 5
shows the temperature contours in the x–y plane while incorporating the variable porosity and dispersion effects. As can be seen in
Fig. 5, besides the walls, higher temperatures occur in the middle
of the packed bed because the electric field density in the TE10
mode is high around the center region of the waveguide.
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the effect of variations in the electromagnetic field frequency. The frequency is varied from 0 to 8 at P⁄ = 400.
Fig. 6(a) and (b) show the dimensionless temperature profile
whereas the Nusselt number distributions are depicted in Fig. 6(c)
and (d), respectively. Fig. 7 displays the effect of variations in the
electromagnetic frequency on the fluid phase temperature contours. The temperature profiles (Fig. 6) qualitatively follows the
temperature contour plots (Fig. 7). The results show that the highest temperature values do not correspond to the highest electromagnetic frequencies. The highest temperature values, for the
cases considered here, correspond to f⁄ = 2.0, while f⁄ = 8.0 produces
the lowest values of the temperature and Nusselt numbers. Our results have established the existence of an optimum value for the
frequency in terms of attaining the maximum temperature within
the porous medium. This is because a high frequency electromagnetic wave has a short wavelength and a smaller penetration depth
than a low frequency wave. Thus most electromagnetic waves are
absorbed at the entrance region of the medium.
Figs. 8 and 9 show the effect of variations in the electromagnetic
power and frequency on the flow field. The electromagnetic power
variations from 0 to 1600 at f⁄ = 2.0 and frequency variations from
0 to 8 at P⁄ = 1600 are considered. The results are shown for:
as =af ¼ 4:87; Da ¼ 5:32 107 and Rep ¼ 0:1. Flow fields within
the sample at different powers are displayed in Figs. 8(b), (c)
Fig. 10. Effect of the frequency variations on the average fluid Nusselt number
while accounting for both axial and transverse thermal dispersion effects (as/
af = 4.87, P⁄ = 1600).
and 9(b). As can be clearly seen the fluid movement is further augmented as the power increases. The fluid circulation starts from a
corner near the inlet surface where the incident wave propagates
through it. Fig. 9(a)–(c) depict the flow patterns at non-dimensionalized electromagnetic frequencies of 2, 4 and 8, respectively. The
fields are somewhat similar. However, the magnitudes of velocities
are significantly altered. Based on the earlier assessment from Fig. 6,
the largest flow augmentation is expected to occur at f ¼ 2:0. Fig. 9
confirms this expectation.
Fig. 10 shows the effect of frequency variations on the average
fluid Nusselt numbers while incorporating the axial and transverse
thermal dispersion effects. The Nusselt number values are given
within the parenthesis in Fig. 10. The non-dimensionalized electromagnetic frequencies are varied from 0 to 8 at P⁄ = 1600. It is found
that the Darcy number is the primary parameter that affects the
magnitude of the Nusselt numbers. It is also shown that the f⁄ = 2.0
has a more profound effect on the heat transfer process.
4.3. Local thermal equilibrium (LTE) assumption
In order to examine the local thermal equilibrium assumption,
the temperature distributions for the fluid and solid are considered
at all point. We define a percent variation in the temperature values compared to those obtained based on the LTE assumption [6]:
%LTE ¼ hði;jÞ Hði;jÞ 100:
The extent of variations in the temperature values is used to classify
the appropriateness of the LTE assumption. The qualitative ratings for
LTE assumption [6] are expressed as: less than 1% as very good, 1–5%
as good, 5–10% as fair, 10–15% as poor and more than 15% as very
poor. Fig. 11 demonstrates the qualitative assessment with respect
to the LTE assumption for a substantial range of variations in the thermophysical properties. As such the results are presented for as =af
equal to 4.87 and 42.82, respectively while incorporating the porosity
variation and thermal dispersion effects. The case without any electromagnetic effect is presented in Fig. 11(a) and (d) [6] as a benchmark to assess the electromagnetic field effect on LTE. Fig. 11(b)–(f)
show the effects of the electromagnetic power and frequency on
the validity of the LTE assumption. It can be clearly seen that in addition to the Darcy and the particle Reynolds numbers, electromagnetic
power has a substantial effect on the validity of the LTE assumption.
W. Klinbun et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 325–335
Fig. 11. Qualitative assessment for LTE for the cases with as/af equal to 4.87 and 42.82 incorporating the variable porosity as well as the axial and lateral thermal dispersions.
As can be seen the local thermal equilibrium assumption deteriorates
as the Darcy number ðDaÞ or the solid-to-fluid thermal diffusivity ratio or the electromagnetic power (P⁄) increase.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for
this work provided by the Thailand Research Fund (TRF).
5. Conclusions
The effect of an electromagnetic field on transport through a porous medium is analyzed in this work. To this end, the transient Maxwell’s equations are utilized to describe the electromagnetic field
distribution inside the waveguide and the porous medium while
the flow field is simulated using the Brinkman–Forchheimer extended Darcy model. Further, the local thermal non-equilibrium
(LTNE) model is employed to express the heat transport phenomena
within a porous medium. This work reveals the effects of the pertinent
electromagnetic and thermophysical parameters on transport
through a porous medium when exposed to an electromagnetic field.
The following summarizes the conclusions arrived at in this work:
(1) The computational results are in excellent agreement
with the results given by Amiri and Vafai [6]. This model
can be used to describe the fundamental attributes of
forced convection in a porous medium subject to an
imposed electromagnetic field.
(2) Temperature and Nusselt number values increase substantially with an increase in the electromagnetic power.
(3) The existence of an optimum value for frequency in
terms of attaining the maximum temperature within a
porous medium has been established.
(4) Alterations of electromagnetic power and frequency have
a prominent effect on the flow and temperature fields.
(5) An imposed electromagnetic field has a substantial effect
in altering the local thermal equilibrium and dispersion
effects within a porous medium.
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