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2006, Physical Review D
3 pages
1 file
An apparent contradiction in the leading order correction to noncommutative (NC) gravity reported in the literature has been pointed out. We show by direct computation that actually there is no such controvarsy and all perturbative NC corrections start from the second order in the NC parameter. The role of symmetries in the vanishing of the first order correction is manifest in our calculation.
The Journal of high energy physics/The journal of high energy physics, 2024
We use the framework of Hopf algebra and noncommutative differential geometry to build a noncommutative (NC) theory of gravity in a bottom-up approach. Noncommutativity is introduced via deformed Hopf algebra of diffeomorphisms by means of a Drinfeld twist. The final result of the construction is a general formalism for obtaining NC corrections to the classical theory of gravity for a wide class of deformations and a general background. This also includes a novel proposal for noncommutative Einstein manifold. Moreover, the general construction is applied to the case of a linearized gravitational perturbation theory to describe a NC deformation of the metric perturbations. We specifically present an example for the Schwarzschild background and axial perturbations, which gives rise to a generalization of the work by Regge and Wheeler. All calculations are performed up to first order in perturbation of the metric and noncommutativity parameter. The main result is the noncommutative Regge-Wheeler potential. Finally, we comment on some differences in properties between the Regge-Wheeler potential and its noncommutative counterpart.
Arxiv preprint hep-th/ …, 2004
Abstract: Gravitational axial and chiral anomalies in a noncommutative space are examined through the explicit perturbative computation of one-loop diagrams in various dimensions. The analysis depend on how gravity is coupled to noncommutative matter fields. ...
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
To cite this article: Fedele Lizzi et al JHEP06(2002)049 View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like The minimal and the new minimal supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories on noncommutative space-time C P Martín-Gravity in extreme regions based on noncommutative quantization of teleparallel gravity Ryouta Matsuyama and Michiyasu Nagasawa-Energy corrections due to the noncommutative phase-space of the charged isotropic harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field in 3D
Physical Review D, 2004
We investigate how the uncertainty of noncommutative spacetime affects on inflation. For this purpose, the noncommutative parameter µ 0 is taken to be a zeroth order slow-roll parameter. We calculate the noncommutative power spectrum up to second order using the slow-roll expansion. We find corrections arisen from a change of the pivot scale and the presence of a variable noncommutative parameter, when comparing with the commutative power spectrum. The power-law inflation is chosen to obtain explicit forms for the power spectrum, spectral index, and running spectral index. In cases of the power spectrum and spectral index, the noncommutative effect of higherorder corrections compensates for a loss of higher-order corrections in the commutative case. However, for the running spectral index, all higher-order corrections to the commutative case always provide negative spectral indexes, which could explain the recent WMAP data.
Facta universitatis - series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 2019
Theory founded on SO(2,3)* gauge symmetry. One significant feature of this approach is that gravitational field, given by the vierbein, becomes manifest only after a suitable gauge fixing and it is formally united with other gauge fields. Starting from a model of pure noncommutative gravity, we extend it by introducing fermions and Yang-Mills gauge field. Using the enveloping algebra approach and the Seiberg-Witten map we construct corresponding actions and expand them perturbatively in powers of the canonical noncommutativity parameter ???. Unlike in the case of pure noncommutative gravity, first non-vanishing noncommutative corrections are linear in the noncommutativity parameter and they describe the coupling of matter and gauge fields with gravity due to spacetime noncommutativity. This is augmented by the fact that some of these corrections pertain even in flat spacetime where they induce potentially observable noncommutative deformations. We discuss the effects of noncommutati...
Physics Letters B, 2008
A deformed Schwarzschild solution in noncommutative gauge theory of gravitation is obtained. The gauge potentials (tetrad fields) are determined up to the second order in the noncommutativity parameters Θ µν. A deformed real metric is defined and its components are obtained. The noncommutativity correction to the red shift test of General Relativity is calculated and it is concluded that the correction is too small to have observable effects. Implications of such a deformed Schwarzschild metric are also mentioned.
Using noncommutative deformed canonical commutation relations, a model of gravity is constructed and a schwarchild like static solutions are obtained. As a consequence, the Newtonian potential is modified and it is shown to have a form similar to the one postulated by Fishbach et al. to explain the proposed fifth force. More interesting is the form of the gravitational acceleration expression proposed in the modified Newtonian dynamics theories (MOND) which is obtained explicitly in our model without any ad hoc asymptions.
», Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa – Classe de Letras, 2024
Com exemplos concretos tanto da época romana como de tempos posteriores, procura mostrar-se como é imprescindível, para adequada compreensão do significado cultural duma epígrafe, a sua correta integração no espaço e no tempo para que foi pensada. Trata-se da versão digital do texto da comunicação apresentada, em 25 de Fevereiro de 2016, à Classe de Letras da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, acessível em . É intenção da Academia de publicar, depois, em papel as comunicações, disponibilizando-as, porém, previamente, em formato digital, para facultar mais cedo a sua consulta por parte dos interessados.
Es ist der Gang Gottes in der Welt dass der Staat ist. Es ist die Gewalt der sich als Wille verwirklichenden Vernunft. Hegel È innanzitutto una falsa astrazione considerare una nazione, il cui modo di produzione è fondato sul valore, e per dipiù organizzata capitalisticamente, come un corpo collettivo che lavora unicamente per i bisogni nazionali. Marx L'autonomia relativa dello Stato non è un dato, è una creazione continua.
Introducción a al Administración de Proyectos (en breve), 2019
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
Çukurova Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ÇÜİFD), 2013
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2024
Coleção Toada | Livro I | Escritos Apócrifos, 2024
Insight Inteligência (ISSN 1517-6940), 2016
Itinerant Curriculum Theory. A Declaration of Epistemological Independence, 2024
Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation
Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 2011
The Holocene, 2013
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender, 2017
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Riau, 2017
Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne, 2011
Jurnal Ilmiah Agribios, 2023
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2016