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1998, Fertility and sterility
3 pages
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Apmis, 2001
Semen quality and male reproductive health: the controversy about human sperm concentration decline. Review article. APMIS 2001; 109:3334.
Archives of Andrology
Semen analysis still remains an important diagnostic procedure in male infertility evaluation. For the purpose of standardization and uniformity in the interpretation of sperm count results, the accuracy of three different counting chambers (improved Neubauer (IMN), Makler, and Horwells) were evaluated. Semen samples produced by 50 men were analyzed with the three different counting chambers using World Health Organization guidelines. The overall precision values of sperm count were: IMN 9.7%, Makler 5.9%, and Horwells 7.1%. The mean sperm counts (+/- SEM) were 78.6 (+/- 10.1), 119.1 (+/- 14.1), and 211.5 (+/- 27.5) million spermatozoa/ml respectively. Statistically significant differences were revealed when the sperm count results obtained with the different counting chambers were compared, i.e., IMN vs Makler (P < 0.05), IMN vs Horwells (P < 0.001), and Makler vs Horwells (P < 0.01). The sperm count results obtained from the 50 samples were classified into four subgroups ...
Urology, 1998
Objectives. There has been an enormous amount of interest as to whether sperm counts are declining over time. We sought to compare a contemporary group of fertile men to those from the MacLeod study of 1951 to ascertain whether sperm counts in fertile men have changed over time. Methods. We obtained sperm count data from 374 fertile men who banked sperm in Minnesota prior to vasectomy from 1971 to 1994 and compared them to sperm count distributions from the 1000 fertile men of MacLeod's study. Semen analyses were performed as per World Health Organization guidelines using identical techniques in both the present and MacLeod studies. Results. The contemporary group had a mean sperm count of 102 Ϯ 81 ϫ 10 6 /mL (median 85 ϫ 10 6 /mL) compared to 107 Ϯ 74 ϫ 10 6 /mL (median 90 ϫ 10 6 /mL) for MacLeod's data. There are no significant differences in mean or median sperm counts or sperm count distributions between the groups. Conclusions. We find remarkable similarities in sperm count distributions in cohorts of fertile men from 1951 and 1971 to 1994. Sperm counts in fertile men have not changed appreciably in the 40 years since MacLeod's report. UROLOGY 51: 86-88, 1998.
Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 2016
Can a tool be developed for authors, reviewers and editors of the ESHRE Journals to improve the quality of published studies which rely on semen analysis data? A basic checklist for authors, reviewers and editors has been developed and is presented. Laboratory work which includes semen analysis is burdened by a lack of standardization. This has significant negative effects on the quality of scientific and epidemiological studies, potential misclassification of patients and the potential to impair clinical treatments/diagnoses that rely on accurate semen quality information. Robust methods are available to reduce laboratory error in semen analysis, inducing adherence to World Health Organization techniques, participation in an external quality control scheme and appropriate training of laboratory personnel. However, journals have not had appropriate systems to assess if these methods have been used. After discussion at a series of Associate Editor Meetings of the ESHRE Journals the a...
Human Reproduction, 1997
Tygerberg, South Africa if they did so, this population is positively biased for fertility. Conventional techniques for the evaluation of a spermiogram 5 To whom correspondence should be addressed have been standardized by the World Health Organization This prospectively designed study was conducted to com-(WHO, 1987, 1993). Because all methods for the evaluation pare a fertile and a subfertile population so as to define of sperm parameters are of a subjective nature, the conclusions normal values for different semen parameters. Semen after the interpretation of one or more semen analyses are analyses were performed according to the World Health sometimes incorrect, which might lead to unnecessary treat-Organization (WHO) guidelines, except for sperm morphoment procedures (Comhaire et al., 1992; Ombelet et al., 1995). logy (strict criteria). In the fertile population (n ⍧ 144), Although WHO methods have been of paramount importance all patients had recently achieved pregnancy, within 12 in the management of infertile couples, serious concerns exist months of unprotected coitus. As subfertile controls we about the true value of WHO semen analysis results and cutexamined semen samples from 143 consecutive men off values (Hull et al., 1985; Helmerhorst et al., 1995). attending our infertility clinic during the same study period. Our aim was to perform a prospectively designed, controlled Couples with tubal factor infertility and/or ovulatory disstudy using defined methods to compare a fertile versus orders were excluded from our study. Using receiver operatsubfertile population in the Limburg area of Belgium. Although ing characteristic (ROC) curve analysis we determined it might appear to be easy to set up such a study, recruiting the diagnostic potential and cutoff values for single and semen from fertile (recently pregnant) couples is in fact very combined sperm parameters. Sperm morphology scored difficult. This also explains why studies comparing fertile and best, with a value of 78% (area under the ROC curve). subfertile populations are so scarce in the literature, although Summary statistics showed a shift towards abnormality the WHO (1987, 1993) recommends all andrology laboratories for most semen parameters in the subfertile population. to perform such a reference population study. Using the 10th percentile of the fertile population as the In the original design a multicentric study, involving centres cutoff value, the following results were obtained: 14.3⍥10 6 / from Europe, the USA, South Africa and Brazil, was foreseen, ml for sperm concentration, 28% for progressive motility with all centres adhering to the same protocol. Unfortunately, and 5% for sperm morphology. Using ROC analysis, cutfor various reasons (e.g. request for payment of the participants, off values were 34⍥10 6 /ml, 45% and 10% respectively. lack of collaboration between obstetric care units and fertility Cutoff values for normality were different from those centres, and suspicions that results would be used for paternity described in the WHO guidelines. Routine bacterial and control), most of the participating laboratories experienced non-bacterial cultures turned out to be of little prognostic major difficulties in recruiting an unbiased group of fertile value. men. It became evident that this type of recruitment would Key words: human/infection/morphology/semen analysis/speritself lead to important bias, and therefore the study was matozoa limited to our Flemish population.
Urology, 1996
Objectives. Based on the premise that various human disease processes manifest differently depending on geography, we set out to determine whether sperm counts vary from different nations and different regions within the United States. Methods. We reviewed the literature of all significant population-based studies that evaluated sperm counts from fertile or presumably fertile men from 1930 to the present. Results.We found that sperm counts did, in fact, vary greatly. Throughout the United States, average sperm counts ranged from a low of 48 million/cc in Iowa to a high of 134 million/cc in New York, with multiple values in-between from Texas, Minnesota, Washington State, and California. Internationally, average sperm counts ranged from a low of 52.9 million/cc in Thailand to a high of 102.9 million/cc in France.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2000
Journal of Andrology, 2006
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides guidelines for assessing the various semen variables. A set of reference ranges is given in the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Sperm-Cervical Mucus Interaction, but several studies indicate that the values should be revised. Furthermore, semen parameters obtained at different laboratories are not directly comparable even if the same methods are used. Thus, it is recommended that each laboratory establish its own reference ranges. In this study, semen from 99 men who had recently achieved a pregnancy were analyzed to establish reference ranges for semen variables. The reference values were based on the group with time to pregnancy (TTP) 12 cycles or less (92%) and abstinence time from 2 to 7 days. The 5th and 10th percentiles for sperm concentration were 10.6 and 16.9 ϫ 10 6 /mL, respectively, and 33% (5th percentile) and 43% (10th percentile) for spermatozoa with progressive motility. These values were below the WHO lower limit. The percentages of ideal spermatozoa (percentage with normal morphology according to WHO strict criteria) were 3 (5th percentile) and 4 (10th percentile). Thirty-nine percent reported that their partners became pregnant during the first cycle after they had stopped using contraception. The semen parameters in this group were compared with the others. Overall, the semen parameters were more favorable in the group with TTP ϭ 1 cycle than in the group with TTP Ͼ 1. Sperm concentration, progressive motility, and percentage of ideal spermatozoa according to WHO strict criteria were significantly different in the 2 groups. However, when analyzed by multiple logistic regression, only ''total numbers of sperm with progressive motility'' remained in the model (P ϭ .002). This is in accordance with previous studies indicating that a combination of semen characteristics provides a better predictor of male fertility potential than the single parameters. In conclusion, new reference ranges for semen variables deviating from the WHO values are established for our laboratory.
AİHS m.11'e kadar olan haklar ile eğitim ve mülkiyet hakkını içermektedir. Derste aldığım notlardan oluşmaktadır.
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Breastfeeding Medicine, 2006
Annali online della Didattica e della Formazione Docente, 2012
Religious Studies, 1995
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020
Scientific reports, 2018
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 2015
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2004