Q Methodology

2022, Q Methodology: A Concise Overview

Q methodology is a research method that focuses systematically on people's internal and subjective viewpoints. Since its introduction as an alternative form of data collection and analysis, Q methodology has been utilized in various fields of study. However, although its use would enable an enriched understanding of individuals' subjective accounts of reality, it has not been fully exploited yet, and the use of it is still in its infancy. Thus, sparked off by the scarcity of interest in the use of Q methodology, this chapter attempts to provide an overview of this research method with a specific reference to what it is and how it is implemented. The chapter concludes with an example of a recent Q study for illustrative purposes. It is believed that this account is of relevance for researchers in various fields of study with its focus on Q methodology, which is an underutilized but a valuable tool to gain deeper insights into subjective realities experienced by individuals.

1 Chapter 1 Q Methodology: A Concise Overview Ebru A. Damar Bursa Uludag University, Turkey Pinar Sali Bursa Uludag University, Turkey ABSTRACT Q methodology is a research method that focuses systematically on people’s internal and subjective viewpoints. Since its introduction as an alternative form of data collection and analysis, Q methodology has been utilized in various fields of study. However, although its use would enable an enriched understanding of individuals’ subjective accounts of reality, it has not been fully exploited yet, and the use of it is still in its infancy. Thus, sparked off by the scarcity of interest in the use of Q methodology, this chapter attempts to provide an overview of this research method with a specific reference to what it is and how it is implemented. The chapter concludes with an example of a recent Q study for illustrative purposes. It is believed that this account is of relevance for researchers in various fields of study with its focus on Q methodology, which is an underutilized but a valuable tool to gain deeper insights into subjective realities experienced by individuals. INTRODUCTION Q methodology is a research method that focuses systematically on people’s internal and subjective viewpoints. It was first developed by William Stephenson, a British physicist and psychologist, between 1935 and 1950 as a methodological attempt to objectively measure subjectivity within the field of educational psychology. The subjectivity here comprises the connection between the individual’s internal viewpoints and the utterance of “his belief, his opinion, his idea, his thoughts, his attitude, and his notions” concerning the research context (Stephenson, 1961, p. 21). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8283-1.ch001 Copyright © 2022, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. Q Methodology To begin, Q methodology, which is hereinafter used as ‘Q’, emerged as an innovative adaptation of a rather traditional method of factor analysis by Charles Spearman, the British psychologist best known for his influential study on human intelligence and also a foremost statistician on factor analysis and rank correlation (Harris et al., 2019; Watts and Stenner, 2012). The creation was indeed made to fill the gap in this traditional factor analysis and find the way to make correlations between variables across a sample of subjects in research. In this way, Q methodology would pave the way for factor analysis by individuals, not by solely items, and grouping of people with similar perspectives rather than generalizations about their responses to the items in surveys. Therefore, the focus would be shifted from objective variables presented by researchers to subjective understanding defined by participants (Walker et al., 2018). Since its introduction as an alternative form of data collection and analysis, Q methodology has been utilized in social sciences, more specifically in such fields of study as ‘educational psychology, political science, rural sociology, communication, public policy, public health, science education and more.’ (Walker, et. al, 2018, p.450). However, although its use would enable an enriched understanding of subjective accounts of reality, it has not been fully exploited yet, and the use of it is still in its infancy. It is also not uncommon to see Q methodology defined as a ‘new research methodology’ in some publications, since it is either rare or new for that field of study. Thus, sparked off by the scarcity of interest in the use of Q methodology, the current paper attempts to provide a broad overview of this research method with a focus on its description and methodological position, and the steps involved in its implementation. The current chapter is then believed to be of relevance for researchers and doctoral students with its focus on Q methodology, which is an underutilized, but a valuable tool to gain deeper insights into subjective realities experienced by individuals. BACKGROUND The philosophical background of Q methodology includes a complex blend of quantifiable statistics and qualitative explorations. With its mixed approach nature, it aims to recognize and categorize the personal values and constructs, and perspectives of a specific set of individuals on a subjective issue. In doing so, it attempts to explore more specific information from participants and identify distinctive perspectives within the target group rather than to reach generalizable knowledge within a generalizable group of participants. Put simply, Q requires participants to express what is ‘meaningful’ and ‘valuable’ and ‘significant’ from their perspective and hence uncovers different patterns of beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, thoughts and opinions. As Kelly et al. (2016) state, it attempts to make sense of a stream of communicated opinions on an issue ‘followed by exploration of the prevailing variations in it, and finally, to logically connect these variations in an orderly way to each other’ (p. 3). It is done by building a bridge between qualitative and quantitative approaches in which systematic and rigorous quantitative procedures are applied to understand a subjective phenomenon through qualitative data collection. Therefore, the distinction of Q methodology lies in its availability to combine quantitative and qualitative research methods and hence it is called ‘qualiquantological’ in the related literature. The originality of Q stems from its utilizing ways where themes are interconnected or related by a group of participants instead of topics broken into themes realized in interpretive research approaches. Q values how and why participants think the way they do things but not how many of them think in a certain pattern (Stone, 2015). It also defines groups which have similar and alternative views and consecutively investigates these similarities and differences between the participant groups. Furthermore, Q is a rigorous and iterative method in that 2 15 more pages are available in the full version of this document, which may be purchased using the "Add to Cart" button on the product's webpage: This title is available in Advances in Knowledge Acquisition, Transfer, and Management, e-Book Collection, Education e-Book Collection, Education Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection, Library and Information Science eBook Collection, Media and Communications e-Book Collection, e-Book Collection Select, e-Book Collection Select, E-Access. Recommend this product to your librarian: Related Content Great Goals Are the Secret Sauce in Performance Review Eileen Piggot-Irvine (2022). Handbook of Research on Educational Leadership and Research Methodology (pp. 76-93). How Continuous Improvement Can Support Logistics: A Reflection of Best Practices Brian J. Galli (2018). International Journal of Strategic Engineering (pp. 1-23). 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