Light brown fragment of a papyrus leaf of moderate quality, of which the right margin is preserved and the bottom is neatly cut, leaving an unwritten space of 0.9 cm. The text is written along the fibres, the letters are medium to large-sized capitals in an irregular hand with many cursive forms, somewhat similar to the „sloping majuscule". The letters, written in grayish-black ink, are slightly cursive, quite clear and spaced and tend to be grouped into words. The subscription ψαλμός του Δα(υει)τ κδ (1. 4) is written in larger, darker letters. Vertical strokes in ι and ρ are finished by serifs, τ with a following vowel and αϊ are regularly ligatured. Trema is used above the υ in the case of υιός (1. 2). Horizontal strokes above the nomen sacrum ϋΰ in line 2. The hand may be compared to G. Cavallo, H. Maehler, Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period, A.D. 300-800, BICS Suppl. 47, 1987, nr. 14a, b, with particular resemblance to 14a (document of A.D. 423), or to R. Seider, Pal ographie der griechischen Papyri II 2, Stuttgart 1970, Abb. 62, Taf. ΧΧΧΙΠ, (a 5 century fragmentary poem Auf den Blemyersieg des Germanos) and be assigned to the fifth century. Verso is blank. No information is registered about the provenance of the fragment.
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