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We show that the distribution of the conductance in quasi-one-dimensional systems with surface disorder is correctly described by the Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar equation if one includes direct processes in the scattering matrix S through Poisson's kernel. Although our formulation is valid for any arbitrary number of channels, we present explicit calculations in the one channel case. Ours result is compared with solutions of the Schroedinger equation for waveguides with surface disorder calculated numerically using the R-matrix method.
We study the wave transport through a disordered system inside a waveguide. The expectation value of the complex reflection and transmission coefficients (the coherent fields) as well as the transmittance and reflectance are obtained numerically. The numerical results show that the averages of the coherent fields are only relevant for direct processes, while the transmittance and reflectance are mainly dominated by the diffuse intensities, which come from the statistical fluctuations of the fields.
Physical Review Letters, 1998
A new regime in the transmission of waves through disordered waveguides is predicted, according to which ballistic, diffusive, and localized modes coexist within the same scale length, due to the surface-type disorder. This entangled regime is confirmed by the different behaviors of the transmitted intensities, obtained by means of numerical simulations based on invariant embedding equations for the reflection and transmission amplitudes. Also, an anomalous conductance crossover from quasiballistic transport to localization is encountered. [S0031-9007(97)05185-5]
Physical Review B, 1999
The reflection and transmission amplitudes of waves in disordered multimode waveguides are studied by means of numerical simulations based on the invariant embedding equations. In particular, we analyze the influence of surface-type disorder on the behavior of the ensemble average and fluctuations of the reflection and transmission coefficients, reflectance, transmittance, and conductance. Our results show anomalous effects stemming from the combination of mode dispersion and rough surface scattering: For a given waveguide length, the larger the mode transverse momentum is, the more strongly is the mode scattered. These effects manifest themselves in the mode selectivity of the transmission coefficients, anomalous backscattering enhancement, and speckle pattern both in reflection and transmission, reflectance and transmittance, and also in the conductance and its universal fluctuations. It is shown that, in contrast to volume impurities, surface scattering in quasione-dimensional structures (waveguides) gives rise to the coexistence of the ballistic, diffusive, and localized regimes within the same sample.
PACS 42.25.Dd -Wave propagation in random media PACS 72.15.Rn -Localization effects (Anderson or weak localization) PACS 72.10.-d -Theory of electronic transport; scattering mechanisms PACS 72.10.Bg -General formulation of transport theory
In this thesis we study quantum transport properties of finite periodic quasi-one-dimensional waveguides whose classical dynamics is diffusive. We focus in the semiclassical limit which enable us to employ a Random Matrix Theory (RMT) model to describe the system. The requirement of normal classical diffusive dynamics restricts the configuration of the unit cells to have finite horizon and the appropriate random matrix ensembles to be the Dyson circular ensembles. The system we consider is a scattering configuration, composed of a finite periodic chain of L identical (classically chaotic and finite-horizon) unit cells, which is connected to semi-infinite plane leads at its extremes. Particles inside the cavity are free and only interact with the boundaries through elastic collisions; this means waves are described by the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the waveguide walls. Therefore, there is no disorder in the system and all scattering is due to the geometry of the chain which is fixed. The equivalent to the disorder ensemble is an energy ensemble, defined over a classically small range but many mean level spacings wide. The number of propagative channels in the leads is N and the semiclassical limit is achieved as N → ∞. An important quantity for the transport properties of periodic chains is the number of propagating Bloch modes N B of the associated unfolded infinite periodic systems. It has been previously conjectured that for strongly diffusive systems in the semiclassical limit N B ∼ √ N D, where D is the classical diffusion constant. We have checked numerically this result in a realistic cosine-shaped waveguide with excellent agreement. Then, by means of the Machta-Zwanzig approximation for D we obtained the closed form expression N B = N/π, which agrees perfectly with the circular ensembles. On the other hand, we have studied the (adimensional) Landauer conductance g as a function of L and N in the cosine-shaped waveguide and by means of our RMT periodic chain model. We have found that g(L) exhibit two regimes. First, for chains of length L √ N the dynamics is diffusive just like in the disordered wire in the metallic regime, where the typic ohmic scaling is observed with g(L) = N/(L + 1). In this regime, the conductance distribution is a Gaussian with small variance (such that g −1 ≈ 1/ g ) but which grows linearly with L. Then, in longer systems with L √ N , the periodic nature becomes relevant and the conductance reaches a constant asymptotic value g(L → ∞) ∼ N B . In this case, the conductance distribution loses its Gaussian shape becoming a multimodal distribution due to the discrete integer values N B can take. The variance approaches a constant value ∼ √ N as L → ∞. Comparing the conductance using the unitary and orthogonal circular ensembles we observed that a weak localization effect is present in the two regimes. Finally, we study the non-propagating part of the conductance in the Bloch-ballistic regime, which is dominated by the mode with largest decay length which goes to zero as g np = 4e −2L/ as L → ∞. Using our RMT model we obtained that under appropriate scaling the pdf P ( ) converge, as N → ∞, to a limit distribution with an algebraic tailP ( ) ∼ −3 for → ∞; this allowed us to conjecture the decay g np ∼ L −2 which was observed in the cosine waveguide.
Physical Review Letters, 1999
The Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar (DMPK) equation, which describes the distribution of transmission eigenvalues of multichannel disordered conductors, has been enormously successful in describing a variety of detailed transport properties of mesoscopic wires. However, it is limited to the regime of quasi one dimension only. We derive a one parameter generalization of the DMPK equation, which should broaden the scope of the equation beyond the limit of quasi one dimension. 72.10.Bg, 05.60.+w, 72.15.Rn Typeset using REVT E X
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2012
PACS 42.25.Dd -Wave propagation in random media PACS 72.15.Rn -Localization effects (Anderson or weak localization) PACS 72.10.-d -Theory of electronic transport; scattering mechanisms PACS 72.10.Bg -General formulation of transport theory
Nanotechnology, 2001
A detailed analysis of the distribution of conductances Pg of quasi-one-dimensional disordered wires in the metal-insulator crossover is presented. Pg obtained from a Monte Carlo solution of the Dorokhov, Mello, Pereyra, and Kumar (DMPK) scaling equation is in full agreement with ''tightbinding'' numerical calculations of bulk disordered wires. Perturbation theory is shown to be valid even for mean dimensionless conductances hgi of the order of 1. In the crossover regime hgi & 1, Pg presents a sharp feature at g 1 which is different from that observed in surface disordered wires.
DOXA. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, Núm. 48, 2024
En su caracterización de la prueba en el derecho, Jordi Ferrer Beltrán divide a la actividad probatoria en tres momentos: la formación del conjunto de elementos de elementos de juicio, la valoración de esa prueba y la adopción de la decisión sobre los hechos probados. Sobre esa base, sostiene que, en sistemas de libre valoración, el segundo momento estaría gobernado exclusivamente por las reglas de la lógica y la epistemología. A su ver, no jugarían allí particularidades propiamente jurídicas, a diferencia de lo que sucede en el primer y tercer momento. En este trabajo se argumenta que esa caracterización debería ser matizada. El argumento se desarrolla en dos pasos. Por un lado, se aborda la diferencia entre la corrección epistémica y la legitimidad moral/jurídica de las generalizaciones empíricas y se concluye que no toda generalización correcta desde el punto de vista empírico es aceptable para elaborar argumentos probatorios en los procesos judiciales. Por el otro lado, se describen tres técnicas que el derecho emplea para controlar el razonamiento justificativo de las decisiones judiciales: la advertencia, la exclusión y una tercera, que consiste en ordenar o prohibir el uso de ciertas líneas de razonamiento inferencial. A partir de estas premisas se concluye que la actividad probatoria en los procesos judiciales no sólo se ve constreñida por razones normativas cuando se trata de formar el conjunto de las pruebas que podrán ser utilizadas o de adoptar una decisión sobre los hechos probados. Pues, además, ciertas reglas jurídicas ordenan o prohíben a los encargados de decidir usar de cierto modo las pruebas de las que disponen, y lo hacen, con una frecuencia no desdeñable, por razones no epistémicas.
Abstract This paper embodies the authors' suggestive, hypothetical and sometimes speculative attempts to answer questions related to the interplay between consciousness and AI. We explore the theoretical foundations of consciousness in AI systems. We provide examples that demonstrate the potential utility of incorporating functional consciousness in cognitive AI systems.
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