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1997, New Zealand Geographer
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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui peran besar manajemen kesiswaan dalam peningkatan prestasi siswa sekolah dasar, pentingnya manajemen kesiswaan terhadap prestasi siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian literatur yang berupaya mengeksplorasi dan Menyusun Kembali berbagai konsep terkait dari hasil-hasil tulisan yang telah tersedia sebelumnya. Kami melakukan kajian ini dengan cara menganalisis esensi berbagai karya tulis mengenai manajemen kesiswaan yang efektif dalam membangun prestasi siswa. Berdasarkan hasil literatur review diketahui bahwa peran manajemen kesiswaan dalam peningkatan prestasi siswa tampak dalam hal Peran guru sangat penting, dari mulai perencanaan sampai kelulusan atau alumni, peran manajemen kesiswaan terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar adalah keterlibatan usaha pengaturan terhadap siswa mulai dari siswa tersebut masuk sekolah sampai mereka lulus terhadap hasildari suatu kegiatan yang telah dikerjakan oleh siswa, manajemen kesiswaan termasuk berperan salah satu substansi manajemen pendidikan, maka manajemen kesiswaan menduduki posisi strategis, karena layanan sentral pendidikan baik dalam latar institusi persekolahan maupun yang berada di luar institusi persekolahan, tertuju pada peserta didik. Manajemen sekolah yang mempunyai peran penting dalam keberlangsungan perkembangan sekolah adalah manajemen kesiswaan mulai dari input, proses, dan output peserta didik. Manajemen kesiswaan berperan dalam pengelolahan input adalah bagaimana pandangan sekolah maupun madrasah terhadap penerimaan siswa baru. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa manajemen kesiswaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap disiplin belajar dalam mewujudkan prestasi belajar siswa, dapat dilihat dari data prestasi siswa olimpiade sains nasional (OSN), festival dan lomba seni siswa nasional (FLS2N) dan olimpiade olahraga siswa nasional (O2SN) di Kabupaten Wonogiri jenjang SD tahun 2017, 2018,2019. Kabupaten wonogiri telah aktif berpartisipasi dalam kejuaraan dibidang akademik dan non akademik siswa yang dilombakan secara berjenjang. Prestasi yang diperoleh dari tingkat kabupaten, provinsi dan nasional bahkan ada yang sampai ke tingkat Internasional. Manajemen pendidikan sangat mempengaruhi upaya pengorganisasian siswa baru dengan baik, sehingga tidak terjadi tumpang tindih dan pemboroson waktu dalam proses manajemen kesiswaan di dalam kelas.
University of St Andrews, 2019
The First Online Dictionary of Latin Near-Synonyms is a digital humanities project aimed at providing students and researchers with the first modern monolingual dictionary of Latin near-synonyms (available online and as an app). The dictionary, which has been invented and developed by Tommaso Spinelli in collaboration with Giacomo Fenzi, is part of the Latine Loquamur project, initiated by Dr. Alice König, Dr. Giuseppe Pezzini, Tommaso Spinelli, and Giacomo Fenzi and awarded funding by the University of St. Andrews Teaching Development Grants in 2018 to support the teaching and independent learning of Latin in Latin. DICTIONARY APP AVAILABLE FOR FREE AT:
PNAS Nexus, 2024
We develop an endogenous approach to the practice of denunciation, as an alternative to exogenous historical and sociological accounts. It analyzes denunciation as a response to increasing pressure, which in turn increases pressure on social contacts. The research context is the trial of Waldensians in Giaveno, Italy, in 1335, headed by the inquisitor Alberto de Castellario. A dynamic network actor model attests that coercive pressure not only raises the rate of denunciation but also compels denouncers to implicate individuals who are socially closer to them. We find that coercive pressure starts yielding diminishing returns relatively quickly, with the degree of redundancy of information escalating as a result of preferential attachment, increasingly targeting those already denounced by others, publicly announced suspects, and those having absconded from the trial.
This module is concerned with systems of representation. When humans communicate they draw on available resources to produce representations of the world, of people, events and places. But the way they do this is never neutral. When people create representations of the world through images, language, sound or through objects they are always motivated and always seek to shape the world to convey particular kinds of ideas, values, attitudes and identities. Those who have the power to disseminate their representations therefore potentially have much power over the ways individuals and communities are perceived. These have much more likelihood of being seen not simply as representations but as truth and common sense. Using case studies, this module considers forms of representation in different media outputs and cultural texts. In so doing, we consider the political, social and cultural importance of representations.
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Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2013
Purpose Researchers debate whether tacit knowledge sharing through Information Technology (IT) is actually possible. However, with the advent of social web tools, it has been argued that most shortcomings of tacit knowledge sharing are likely to disappear. This paper has two purposes: firstly, to demonstrate the existing debates in the literature regarding tacit knowledge sharing using IT, and secondly, to identify key research gaps that lay the foundations for future research into tacit knowledge sharing using social web.
Summary of decison: Meta user plaintiffs alleged that they were harmed by fraudulent third-party advertisements posted on Meta’s website in violation of Meta’s terms of service. Meta claimed that it was immune from liability under § 230(c)(1) of the CDA, which applies to (1) a provider or user of an interactive computer service, (2) whom a plaintiff seeks to treat, under a state law cause of action, as a publisher or speaker, (3) of information provided by another information content provider. The parties agree that Meta is an interactive computer service provider under the first prong of § 230(c)(1). With respect to plaintiffs’ two contract claims—breach of contract and breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing—the panel held that Meta’s duty arising from its promise to moderate third-party advertisements was unrelated to Meta’s status as a “publisher or speaker” of third-party advertisements, and therefore § 230(c)(1) does not bar plaintiffs’ contract claims. However, with respect to plaintiffs’ three non-contract claims—unjust enrichment, negligence, and a UCL claim— the panel held that these claims derived from Meta’s status as a “publisher or speaker” of third-party advertisements. And because Meta did not “materially contribute” to the third-party advertisements, Meta falls within the scope of § 230(c)(1)’s limitation of liability for “information provided by another information content provider. Concurring, Judge R. Nelson wrote separately to encourage the court to revisit its precedent that if the threat of liability requires an internet company to “monitor thirdparty content,” this is barred by § 230(c)(1).
The inability of the public sector to independently meet the increasing demand for infrastructure and services has prompted many governments to adopt Public-private partnership (PPP) as an alternative strategy. In worldwide practices, however, there are mixed results and controversy in the application of PPP model. The Public-private partnership has, for this reason, become an increasingly active research area mainly to establish the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) towards improving the PPP model. This article reviews the current debate on the subject of PPP and compares the findings of different literature regarding the relative importance of CSFs of PPP projects. The authors argue that the CSFs of PPP projects are distinctive to the context of location and time. The article concludes that this subjectivity has implications for the “guaranteed” success of both existing and future PPP projects.
Journal of Israeli History, 2006
The task of thk article is to poie the question: Can there be a principled anti-Zionism? That is, can there be qn anti-Zionism that escapes the scourge of anti-Semitism? After suggesting criteria by which this may be possible, the article excavates a tradition of lewish anti-Zionism (or Zionist agnosticism) in the past that can hardly be branded anti-Semitic. The frst current of this tradition flows out of eady-twentieth-century Germany, where Jewish thinkers, in conscious opposition to Zionists, envisaged a ludaism that did not submit to the contingencies of time or space. The second current, comprised of twentieth-century Orthodoxlews, similaily opposed Zionism for its attempt to return fews to history qnd to their ancestral homeland. After following these owrlapping currents, the article concludes by returning to the contemporqry scene and inquiring whether a principled lewkh anti-Zionism is possible today. On the face of it, the equation between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that stands at the heart of this issue of The fournal of Israeli History-and of much recent public debate-is not self-evident.r Or perhaps it is better to say that without careful contextualization and delineation, the equation should not be bandied about freely.
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Current rheumatology …, 2010
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