ABSTRACT. Several conditions for being an intrinsically intentional agent are put forward. On a first level of intentionality the agent has representations. Two kinds are
described: cued and detached. An agent with both kinds is able to represent both what is
prompted by the context and what is absent from it. An intermediate level of intentionality
is achieved by having an inner world, that is, a coherent system of detached representations
that model the world. The inner world is used, e.g., for conditional and counterfactual
thinking. Contextual or indexical representations are necessary in order that the inner world
relates to the actual external world and thus can be used as a basis for action. To have fullblown intentionality, the agent should also have a detached self-awareness, that is, be able
to entertain self-representations that are independent of the context.
The question in focus in this paper is: What properties must a subject (an
organism or possibly a computer) have in order to be intentional? Before
we can answer this question, we need a working definition of intentionality.
In everyday parlance, we call those subjects intentional whose behavior
can be predicted and explained with the help of a folk-psychological
vocabulary, i.e., by ascribing the subject states like belief, desire, etc., and
taking these states as either reasons for, or causes of, that behavior.1 Let us
initially take this as a criterion for being an intentional subject.
Now, the question is what properties a subject must have to be intentional in the manner described by the criterion. We do not believe that there
is a unique answer to this question, since a subject can exhibit different
levels of intentionality. Below we will put forward several conditions of
intentionality. The level of intentionality of a subject will depend on which
of these conditions it fulfils.
A first condition an intentional subject must satisfy is that it should
be capable of having certain kinds of representation. Representations are
necessary for planning, reasoning, and rational behavior in general. In
this section, we want to present a classification of the different kinds of
representations that one finds in biological systems.2
Synthese 118: 89–104, 1999.
© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Some kinds of animal behavior, like phototaxis, are determined directly
by psychophysical mechanisms that transduce information about the environment. In such cases, representations are not involved at all. The actions
that follow transduction are mere reflexes that connect the signals received
by the animal to its behavior.
In other cases, animals use the incoming information as cues to “perceptual inferences”, which add information to what is obtained via the
psychophysical receptors. Whenever information is added in this way to
sensory input representations are obtained.3 For example, von Uexküll
(1985, 233–234) argues that as soon as an animal can map the spatial
structure of its environment by a corresponding spatial organization of its
nervous system, the animal constructs
a new world of excitation originating in the central nervous system that is erected between
the environment and the motor nervous system. [. . . ] The animal no longer flees from the
stimuli that the enemy sends to him, but rather from the mirrored image of the enemy that
originates in a mirrored world.
We submit that the capacity to represent the world is a sine qua non for
intentionality. Von Uexküll (1985, 231) expresses the difference between
animals capable of representation and those not capable of it in the following drastic way: “When a dog runs, the animal moves its legs. When a sea
urchin runs, the legs move the animal.”
We view categorization as a special case of representation. When, for
example, a bird not only sees a particular object, but sees it as food, the
bird’s brain is adding information about the perceived object that, for
instance, leads to the bird’s swallowing the object. Since information is
added, mistakes become possible. A mistake is made when the behavioral
conclusions drawn from the categorization turn out to be disadvantageous
to the animal.
For our analysis of the different levels of intentionality, we need to distinguish between two kinds of representation, namely, cued and detached.
A cued representation stands for something that is present (in time and
space) in the current external situation of the representing organism. Say
that a chicken sees a silhouette of a particular shape in the sky and perceives it as a hovering hawk. The chicken has then used the perceptual
stimuli as a cue for its hawk representation. Most cases of categorization
are instances of cued representations.
An advanced form of cued representation is what Piaget calls “object
permanence”. A cat can, for example, predict that a mouse will appear
at the other side of a curtain when it disappears on one side. It can “infer”
information about the mouse even if there is no immediate sensory information, like when it is waiting outside a mouse-hole (see Sjölander 1993).
The representation is nevertheless prompted by the presence of the mouse
in the actual context.
In contrast, detached representations stand for objects or events that are
not necessarily present in the current situation. In other words, such representations are context-independent. A representation of a phenomenon that
happens to be present is also detached if the representation could be active
even if the phenomenon had not been present. This means that sensory
input is not required to evoke a detached representation, instead the subject
generates the information by itself.4
For an example of a detached representation, consider the searching
behavior of rats. This behavior is best explained if it is assumed that the
rats have some form of “spatial maps” in their heads. The maps involve
detached representations because the rat can, for instance, represent the
location of the goal even when it is distant from the rat’s present location.
Evidence for this, based on the rat’s abilities to find optimal paths in mazes,
was collected by Tolman as early as the 1930s (see Tolman 1948). However, his results were swept under the carpet for many years, since they
were clear anomalies for the behaviorist paradigm.5
It is useful to make a further division within the class of detached
representations. Sometimes the representation is dependent on an external
referent, although the referent does not have to be present in the subject’s
immediate surroundings. This is the case with the spatial maps as in the
example above. The other sub-class of detached representations are those
that are completely independent of an external referent in the environment
(see Gulz 1991; Gärdenfors 1996b). Say that a chimpanzee walks away
from a termite hill to break a twig. It does so in order to peel the leaves
off to make a stick that can be used to catch termites. In this case, the
animal has a referent-independent representation of a stick and its use. The
representation of the stick has not been triggered by the presence of a stick
in the environment – the chimpanzee may not even be able to find a twig
to make one. In the case of humans, a fantasy about an object that does
not exist or a situation that has never occurred are even clearer examples
of referent-independent representations.
The distinction between referent-dependent and referent-independent
detached representations thus concerns the origin of the representations:
whether they could occur without the subject that entertains them ever
having met with the phenomena that the representations are about. In this
sense, cued representations are all referent-dependent. In the following, we
hope to show that the distinctions between the major kinds of representation are instrumental in that they direct our attention to key features of the
representational forms and thence to different types of intentionality.
As mentioned above, von Uexküll (1985, 233–234) argues that animals
capable of representation have “a new world of excitation [. . . ] that is
erected between the environment and the motor nervous system”. He calls
this new world the “counterworld” of the animal.
The environment as reflected in the counterworld of the animal is always a part of the
animal itself, constructed by its organization, and processed into an indissoluble whole
with the animal itself (1985, 234).
Von Uexküll refers to a mirrored world and not to the external world when
he talks about representation. This should not lead one to think that the
animal does not interact with or perceive the external world itself. Rather,
as we understand it, the counterworld mediates between perceptions and
actions. Perception is necessary for the emergence of the counterworld.
The representations of the counterworld are “tools of the brain determined
by its plan of organization. These tools always stand ready to become
active in response to appropriate stimuli from the external world” (1985,
Von Uexküll’s counterworld contains both cued and detached representations. However, in putting forward a second condition of intentionality
we want to focus on the role of detached representations. The role of
such representations in the mental life of an organism can be explained
by relating it to an idea introduced by Craik (1943, 61):
If the organism carries a “small-scale model” of external reality and of its own possible
actions within its head, it is able to try out various alternatives, conclude which are the best
of them, react to future situations before they arise, utilize the knowledge of past events in
dealing with the present and future, and in every way to react on a much fuller, safer and
more competent manner to the emergencies which face it.
We define the inner world of an organism as the collection of all the
detached representations of the organism.6 Loosely speaking, the inner
world consists of all the things the organism can actively “think” about in
addition to what is given by the cued representations. The inner world constitutes an intermediary between perception and action, where the detached
representations are systematically interrelated and provide the subject with
a coherent model of the external world. It is as such a model that the inner
world is instrumental to intentionality.
The inner world thus consists in representations of objects (like food
and predators), places (where food or shelter can be found), actions and
their consequences, etc., even when these things are not present in the
environment. Accordingly, Jeannerod (1994, 2) says that “actions are
driven by an internally represented goal rather than directly by the external
world”. The external world does not impose a behavior on the subject, but
instead the subject, by behaving in a goal-directed way, imposes a structure
or an order on the external world. This structure is reflected in the inner
By exploiting its inner world, the animal can simulate a number of different actions in order to “see” their consequences and evaluate them. After
these simulations are done, it can choose to perform the most appropriate
action in the external world. An animal with cued representations can only
rely on trial-and-error behavior when trying to solve a problem. One of the
main evolutionary advantages of an inner world is therefore that it frees
an animal who is seeking a solution to a problem from such dangerous
Of course, the success of the simulations depends on how well the inner
world is matched to the perceptions of the external one – a monkey who
imagines a branch where there is none is soon a dead monkey. Evolutionary selection pressures have lead to a strong correspondence between the
perceived world and the simulated inner world of organisms. However, this
does not guarantee that an organism will never make any mistakes.
The inner world of a subject must form a unity or the subject would
not be an agent. Different subjects have different inner worlds and they act
on the representations that constitute their own world. But what is it that
unites one world and distinguishes it from another? Is it the existence of
some sort of center that controls the representations and the way they are
used, or is it a property of the representations themselves?
We think that it is a mistake to assume the existence of a central control
unit of the inner world. First, we want to avoid positing a unifying factor,
like a self, if there is a possibility of making do without one.7 More importantly, we believe that unity is a property of the inner world as such and not
something that is imposed on the world by an external element. Our model
does not require a control element, as it were, a ghost in the machine, that
surveys the operations of the inner world.
It would be preferable if unity could be explained by reference to the
representations themselves. One way to do so might be to describe the
inner world, or consciousness, as a self-regulating control system. The idea
would be that unity arises as an emergent property of mutually interacting
representations. However, this suggestion involves the peculiar idea that
the representations themselves interact, while it seems more natural to say
that representations do not operate on their own, but are put to use by an
organism. Representations are not only about something, they are also for
somebody, in the same way as a tool is made for or used by somebody.
The inner world is a tool that helps the organism to find its way through
the world.
Unity can instead be explained by saying that the representations, or
rather, the inner world composed of them, owe their existence to a complex of different elements, each contributing to the overall functioning of
the whole organism, and that these elements together guarantee the unity
of consciousness. If any of them malfunctions, unity is threatened. The
different elements that we have in mind are the functional units of the brain
together with the perceptual apparatus that feeds information to these units.
The inner world will then emerge from these elements. Thus, the unity
of consciousness does not supervene exclusively on the brain, but on the
functional unity of the organism as situated in the environment.8
The functional unity of the organism arises from the parts of the brain
taken together with those other parts of the organism that are necessary
for perception and action. For instance, perception presupposes that the
organism has the means to interact with the environment. Perception is
active in the sense that the agent does not take the input as something
provided by an independent unit. In contrast, the agent actively seeks, by
various mechanisms of attention, the perceptions that are most relevant to
the problem at hand.
This view of how perception takes place can be compared with
Merleau-Ponty’s (1962) conception of motility. He writes that
bodily space and external space form a practical system, the first being the background
against which the object as the goal of our action may stand out
and that
movement is not limited to submitting passively to space and time, it actively assumes them, it takes them up in their basic significance which is obscured in the
commonplaceness of established situations (1962, 102).
Merleau-Ponty thus considers perception as an ongoing activity in which
the environment becomes significant to the subject.
As an example of this kind of functional model, Luria (1973) distinguishes between three functional units within the brain: one which
provides a basic state of arousal, one which analyses and synthesizes
information, and, finally, one which organizes and controls action and reasoning. The three units work concertedly. They are not localised at different
areas of the brain but should instead be understood as composing different
levels of activity of the whole brain. Normal functioning of the brain thus
demands co-operation of all centers of the brain and cannot be localized at
separate areas.
Luria (1973, 39) conceives of mental activity as a kind of self-regulating
functional system. He writes that
each area of the brain concerned in this functional system [of mental activity] introduces
its own particular factor essential to its performance, and removal of this factor makes the
normal performance of this functional system impossible.
Lesions of the brain thus threaten the unity of consciousness, a fact which
is evident from all kinds of brain damage. Luria’s view of the workings
of the brain supports the thesis that unity of the inner world emerges from
the complex interaction of different units of the brain. It cannot be found
within a specific area. On the contrary, it depends on the activity of many
different areas.
A system consisting exclusively of detached representations cannot be
used for reasoning about actual events or for planning actions. The reason
is that detached representations, as used in reasoning are not related to
specific contexts in the external world.9 We take it as a third condition for
intentionality that the subject is capable of entertaining indexical representations in addition to detached ones. If the subject cannot do so, it will not
be possible for us to ascribe an intentional behavior to it. The reason why
the subject will not exhibit intentionality is that intentionality discloses
itself in action. If the subject cannot entertain indexical representations, it
will not have the capacity to act. Thus the subject will not fit our initial
criterion of intentionality (see Section 1).
Indexical representations rely on an indexical relation to what they represent. Such a relation is characterized by a contiguity in time and space
and/or a causal relation between the representation and its object. In contrast to cued representations, indexical ones do not have to be descriptive
at all, but can function only as indicators or “pointers”.
Indexicality is necessary not only for executing actions, but also for
the preparation of action. The subject has to reason or plan for herself
in a specific setting if the plan is to be feasible. For instance, to keep your
appointment with the dentist, it is not enough that you know that Liz Taylor
is due there at noon on the 1st of April. You must also know that you are
Liz Taylor and that the 1st of April is today. The subject must have an
indexical self-awareness or she will not realize that a certain plan concerns
The same goes for the mental map of the rat: its self-representation
must be from a certain point of view or the information in the map will not
connect to the actual context. The map is used when the animal is planning
a route through, for example, a maze (Tolman 1948). For such a plan to
function it is necessary that the rat can represent the present location of
itself on the map. Otherwise it would not know where to start planning its
route. However, this does not entail that the rat can imagine itself being
in a place other than it actually is. Nor does it entail that the rat can have
different attitudes (for instance, desires) concerning its being in different
locations. Presumably, it cannot “think” things like “I wish I were at that
T-junction, because then I would be very close to the food bowl”. Even
more remote would be to assume that it can represent its future desires, for
example, that it will be hungry in two hours, so it had better start moving
now (since it is such a long way to the goal).
The indexical representations necessary for action emerge in the interaction between the subject and its surroundings. They depend on the
subject’s ability to orient itself in the perceptual field. The subject perceives the world from its own perspective: its point of view is anchored
to its body. The subject moves around in different directions for different
purposes and its movements gradually impose a structure on the perceptual
field. It is placed in the center of the perceptual field with the surrounding
items organized around it. The subject can adjust its position in the field,
on its own initiative or as a response to the acts and movements of other
individuals and to the character of the environment, and thereby update the
information and keep the structure coherent.
Merleau-Ponty (1962) has emphasized that intentionality is first and
foremost a bodily capacity and not a mental one.10 It follows from this that
our representation of the surrounding world is anchored in the indexical
perspective that derives from the motility of the body. For instance, he
writes (1962, 279):
In so far as the body provides the perception of movement with the ground or basis which
it needs in order to become established, it is a power of perception, rooted in a certain
domain and geared to a world.
The content of indexical representations is, accordingly, determined by
the interaction between perceptual input and behavioral output. It is not
perspectiveless or neutral, rather every specification of the content of a
certain representation involves the subject’s relation to the specified item.
Such content depicts what things are like to a specific subject, not what
they are in an objective or generalized sense.
Hence a minimal condition on an agent is that it has an egocentric
representation – a point of view. For the rat in the maze, for example, the
egocentric representation of the location provides a point of departure.
Indexical representations are connected with an indexical selfawareness.11 Indexical self-awareness emerges when the subject gradually
creates an egocentric space for herself. Having a point of view, or locating
beliefs (i.e., that represent the present location of the agent), demands of
course the ability to distinguish between oneself and the rest of the world.
That a subject has an indexical self-awareness means that it experiences
itself as being placed in space and time. It also means that the subject can
conceive of objects as being related to itself.
To act purposefully, an agent with an indexical self-awareness must
be able to discriminate and locate the objects of its actions, that is, those
objects that occur in its perceptual field.12 The agent must grasp the notion
of an object, which means that the agent has to learn how to categorize
perceptual information in a way that is appropriate for action. One way
to do that without first explicitly thinking about objects conceptually, as
objects, or without behaving intentionally towards them, is by interacting
nonintentionally with them. Both in succumbing to action and in resisting
it, they reveal themselves as objects to the agent.
Merleau-Ponty has brought attention to the central role of the body in
categorizing the perceived world. He writes (1962, 326):
A thing is, therefore, not actually given in perception, it is internally taken up by us, reconstituted and experienced by us in so far as it is bound up with a world, the basic structures
of which we carry with us, and of which it is merely one of many possible concrete forms.
Subject and external world are entwined in the inner world. Their coexistence in the inner world is conditioned by the body.
Perceptual content could not as such give rise to indexical selfawareness. Interaction with the environment is necessary, or the agent will
not grasp the relation between the objects and itself, but only the relations
between objects. The agent becomes aware of itself through other objects,
by simultaneously using its body and its different senses in interacting with
John Campbell (1995, 32) maintains that having the idea of something
being an object involves grasping that it has a two-dimensional causal
structure: it is at once internally causally connected over time and a common cause of many phenomena. That an object is internally connected
means that its state at any moment depends upon its preceding states
(Campbell 1994, 27). Campbell’s principle of the common cause, on the
other hand, concerns the external relations between objects and the ways
in which they interact. It presumes that an object forms a unit in space. An
agent could not understand how objects act upon each other if it did not
grasp this causal structure.
It seems to us that a successful indexical representation of an object
would have to involve the conditions both of unity and extension over time.
Agency is, moreover, impossible without a minimal grasp both of oneself
as a causal power and one’s position in relation to other objects in the
context of action. To act, one must experience the world as distinct from
oneself and the objects in it as items (and not fluctuating collections of
properties or features) that extend over time.
Indexical representations do not only provide the agent with a spatial
map of the environment as seen from its point of view. In experiencing
and interacting with the environment, the agent takes a location in relation to other objects. Henceforth, it is itself located on the map. This is,
however, not sufficient to support the conception of oneself as an object
among others. To look upon oneself, so to speak, from the outside, or from
a third-person perspective, demands well-developed conceptual capacities
(although not necessarily linguistic ones). Indexical self-awareness can obviously be coupled with detached representations of oneself and the world.
But the indexical representations necessary for action are independent of
such representations. One can have one without the other.
For instance, small children have indexical self-awareness, but they do
not have a detached representation of their point of view. There is a wealth
of evidence for this, the classic example being the “three-mountain problem” (Piaget and Inhelder 1956). In this experiment three “mountains”, one
bigger than the other two, are placed in a triangle on a table. The child to be
tested sits in front of the small mountains, while a doll is placed on a chair
facing the large mountain. The child is asked to draw what the doll “sees”
from where it is sitting. A child in the “preoperational stage” (Piaget’s
term) draws how the scene looks from its own perspective, independently
of where the doll is seated. However, a child in the “concrete operational
stage” can take the doll’s point of view and draw the “correct” perspective.
This suggests that once children have this capacity, they can view the world
from many different points of view independently of the perceptual input
they are currently receiving.13
We have suggested that agency requires an indexical self-awareness
that emerges from the interaction of the subject with the environment. It
may seem that the account is circular, since we claim that agency requires
indexical self-awareness, but the development of such self-awareness in
turn appears to depend on agency. Nevertheless, the circularity is avoided,
since the initial interaction between subject and environment that brings
about indexical self-awareness does not have to involve representations.
Agency, which requires the use of representations on the part of the agent,
is thus not presupposed by indexical self-awareness.
Indexical self-awareness consists in contextual information gained
from the interplay of perception and behavior, both of which depend on
the body. Thus, it seems, egocentricity would be impossible without interaction with the environment, and interaction would, in turn, be impossible
without embodiment. But this is not altogether true. Interaction is necessary for egocentricity, but this could, however, take place without bodies.
Imagine a severely handicapped person who can only communicate via
readings of her brain activities. This would be sufficient for her to interact
with the surroundings, even though she could not use her body to communicate. The body would then not be necessary for establishing a way of
communicating with others. This means that embodiment is not necessary
for indexical self-awareness, but situatedness and locating beliefs are.
Let us sum up the discussion concerning levels of intentionality. A subject is intentional in a minimal sense if it has representations. To reach an
intermediate level of intentionality, the subject must be capable of having
detached representations that form an inner world. The subject should also
have an indexical self-awareness.
A higher level of intentionality is reached when indexical self-awareness is
combined with a detached one. An agent with a detached self-awareness
has at least some self-representations that are cut loose from the actual
context. She can think of herself generally, as a subject that may instantiate
different properties in different domains. This kind of generality also paves
the way for self-representations that attribute properties to the subject that
she actually does not have and thus for counterfactual thoughts about oneself. Such thoughts are useful in planning for circumstances other than
the actual one, for instance, when the agent considers possible solutions
to a problem. An example would be a subject believing that she will become unemployed and who ponders different strategies to cope with that
The general ability to envision various actions and their consequences is
a necessary requirement for an animal to be capable of planning. Following
Gulz (1991, 46), we will use the following criterion: An animal is planning
its actions if it has a representation of a goal and a start situation and it is
capable of generating a representation of a partially ordered set of actions
for itself for getting from start to goal. The representations of the goal and
the actions must be detached, otherwise the animal will only be capable
of trial-and-error behavior. In brief, planning presupposes an inner world
with detached representations.
Representation of future or possible events does not demand
object-centered self-representations, that is, representations of oneself
as an object among others. Such non-indexical or object-centered
self-representations are rather unusual. On the other hand, indexical
self-representations are necessary for planning and agency. A selfrepresentation totally void of indexical content would not move the subject
to action.
Some cases actually demand that the agent can take a view of itself as
an object among other objects. This happens if the agent needs to plan for
a team, and its own role is confined to be one of the members of the team,
all of which are on an equal level. There are many examples of team-work
of this kind, from a group’s joint defense of its camp against an anticipated
attack from enemies, to the strategy of a football team in anticipation of an
important match.14 In these cases, the agent is not primarily planning for
itself, but for the whole group.
Using the distinction between referent-dependent and referentindependent detached representations, one can go further and distinguish
between the corresponding kinds of goals of an agent. Thus an animal
that only has the referent-dependent type of representations, could not
have a non-existent object as a goal. However, with the more advanced
referent-independent form one can, for example, truly seek a unicorn.
There are several clear cases of planning among primates and less clear
cases in other species. However, all evidence for planning in non-human
animals concerns planning for present needs.15 Apes and other animals
plan because they are hungry or thirsty, tired or frightened. Humans seem
to be the only animal that can plan for future needs. Gulz (1991, 55) names
planning for present needs immediate planning while planning for the future is called anticipatory planning. Humans can predict that they will be
hungry tomorrow and save some food, and they realize, for instance, that
the winter will be cold and are therefore able to start building a shelter in
the summer.
The crucial distinction is that for an organism to be capable of anticipatory planning it must have a detached representation of its future needs.
In contrast, immediate planning only requires a cued representation of the
current need. There is nothing in the available evidence concerning animal
planning, notwithstanding all its methodological problems, that suggests
that any species other than Homo sapiens has detached representations
of their desires and goals. Anticipatory planning requires that the agent
can suppress the feelings and desires of the current situation and evoke
memories, context-independent desires or fantasies, during the planning.16
Fullblown self-consciousness requires both indexical and detached selfawareness. A subject must be capable of making inferences that involve
both kinds of self-representation, to go, for instance, from the thoughts “I
am sad” and “That tall creature is sad” (for example, when looking at a
mirror image of itself) to “I am that tall and sad creature”. This means that
the subject connects first- and third-person beliefs about itself.17 An agent
with only third-person beliefs about itself would not be self-conscious,
since one cannot connect general beliefs to oneself without an indexical
self-awareness. General beliefs must make contact with the actual world to
concern a particular subject. They must be tied to the context or the agent
will not be conscious of itself, but of, for instance, Liz Taylor (whoever
that is).
Self-consciousness is essentially from the first-person perspective; it
does not depend on reidentifying oneself from context to context. The selfawareness that arises from the subject’s relation to and constant interaction
with her environment suffices to guarantee self-identity, at least in one
sense of the word. Subjects do not fundamentally conceive of themselves
from a third-person perspective and thus do not primarily think about
themselves as objects. As long as the subject takes an active part in life in
this way, she does not run the risk of losing track of herself in the common,
objective world.
As Merleau-Ponty and others have emphasized, perception depends on
the subject’s ability to engage in interaction with the environment over
time. A completely passive subject would not be able to impose a structure
on the external world. This means that it could not perceive the external
world as constituted by different objects where different events take place,
all falling into separate categories. The subject would then not have an
inner world.
This further implies that the mode of existence of agents guarantees
self-identity in a fundamental sense, as of being a mobile point of view.
The reason is that self-identity is a consequence of the subject’s interaction
with the world. Agency, self-awareness and a basic kind of self-identity go
hand in hand. Of course, this does not exclude that a person doubts whether
she is exactly the same person, physically, psychologically, or socially, as,
say, ten years earlier, or that she has, for instance, a split personality. A
subject can also go through a gradual change without any grave disturbance
or interruption to her perception of the external world, as long as there is
a continuity over time of herself (physically, psychologically, and perhaps
also socially) – continuity being necessary for having an inner world.
We have in this article formulated several conditions for intentional subjects. These conditions hold for intentionality viewed as an intrinsic
property of subjects, in contrast to Dennett’s intentional stance. Basically,
we have identified three levels of intentionality. To qualify for the lowest
level the subject must be capable of having representations. We distinguish
between two kinds of representations: cued and detached. Cued representations are prompted by the context. In contrast, the referent of a detached
representation does not necessarily have to be present.
The intermediate level of intentionality is achieved by having an inner
world, that is, a system of detached representations that form a coherent
model of the external world. The inner world can, for instance, be used
for generating possible consequences of actions. In order to use the inner
world for planning and prediction, indexical representations are needed.
The reason is that agency requires indexical self-awareness.
To reach the highest level of intentionality, the subject must have a
detached self-awareness, that is, self-representations that are cut loose
from the current situation of the subject. This makes it possible for the
subject to think of herself from a third-person perspective. Fullblown
self-consciousness requires both indexical and detached self-awareness.
A special case of self-representation is when the subject has detached
representations of her future desires. Such representations are necessary
for anticipatory planning.
1 Daniel Dennett (1978; 1981; 1983) uses a similar characterization to define intentional
systems. He says that an intentional system is “a system whose behaviour is reliably and
voluminously predictable via the intentional strategy” (Dennett 1981, 55). For Dennett,
intentionality seems to lie in the eye of the beholder and not primarily in the system itself.
In contrast, we think that intentionality is an intrinsic property.
2 For a general discussion of representations in animals, see Roitblat (1982), Gopnik
(1982), Lachman and Lachman (1982), Fodor (1986), Gulz (1991), and Gärdenfors (1996a,
3 Representations, as we conceive them, can carry information in non-conceptual, conceptual, as well as linguistic form. Having linguistic capacities is not necessary for being
an intentional subject: Representations are necessary, but not linguistic ones. Our theory of
representation is, moreover, compatible with various naturalistic theories of content such
as covariation, causal, and teleological theories.
4 In order to use detached representations effectively, the organism must be able to
suppress interfering cued representations (compare Deacon 1996, 130–131).
5 Vauclair (1987) provides a more recent analysis of the notion of a “cognitive mapping”.
6 This notion of an inner world is much more restricted than the “Innenwelt” in von
Uexküll’s writings, since his notion includes all kinds of “effects evoked in the nervous
system by the factors of the environment” (1985, 223).
7 This possibility is explored by Pallbo (1997).
8 This idea reminds somewhat of Dennett’s (1991) “multiple drafts model”. One difference is that Dennett does not emphasize the interaction between subject and environment,
what is sometimes called the situatedness of the subject (see Clark 1997).
9 The representations may have originated in a specific setting, but their content is
independent of the context of use.
10 Reuter (1999, this volume) writes: “Merleau-Ponty’s basic intentionality is the body-
subject’s concrete, spatial and pre-reflective directedness towards the lived world”. Her
paper extensively discusses Merleau-Ponty’s notion of pre-reflective intentionality and its
bodily basis.
11 For a discussion of different kinds of self-awareness, see Brinck (1997).
12 We are not presupposing any particular metaphysics of objects.
13 Piaget held that the child could do this from about the age of seven. However, recent
research suggests that this capacity is acquired at a much earlier age.
14 Here we assume either that it is not the coach that plans the strategy but one of the
players, or that the coach is playing in the team. Team and coach both have the same goal.
15 Squirrels and other animals who collect food for the winter have no representation of
the goal and hence they are not planning. Their behavior is just instinctive, as can be shown
by different kinds of experiments.
16 For the role of memory in suppressing current information see Glenberg (1997) and
Gärdenfors (1997).
17 This issue is discussed in chapters 5 and 6 of Brinck (1997).
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Department of Philosophy
Lund University
S-222 22 Lund