Management of Corneal Perforation
Vishal Jhanji, MD,1,2,3 Alvin L. Young, MMedSc (Hons), FRCSI,3 Jod S. Mehta, MD,4
Namrata Sharma, MD,5 Tushar Agarwal, MD,5 and
Rasik B. Vajpayee, MS, FRCS (Edin), FRANZCO1,5,6
Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Australia; 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual
Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 3Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong; 4Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore;
Dr Rajendra Prasad Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India; and
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract. Corneal perforation may be associated with prolapse of ocular tissue and requires prompt
diagnosis and treatment. Although infectious keratitis is an important cause, corneal xerosis and
collagen vascular diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in cases that do
not respond to conventional medical therapy. Although medical therapy is a useful adjunct, a surgical
approach is required for most corneal perforations. Depending on the size and location of the corneal
perforation, treatment options include gluing, amniotic membrane transplantation, and corneal
transplantation. (Surv Ophthalmol 56:522--538, 2011. Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Key words. corneal perforation
therapeutic keratoplasty
I. Introduction
patch graft
The selection of an appropriate treatment option is
mostly guided by size and location of the perforation and the status of the underlying disease.
Corneal perforation is a cause of ocular morbidity
and profound visual loss.13,119 It is the end result of
various infectious and noninfectious disorders that
include microbial keratitis, trauma, and immune
disorders. Although of low prevalence in the developed world, it accounts for a large number of
cases requiring an urgent surgical intervention in
developing countries.111,131 Eyes with corneal perforation need immediate treatment in order to
preserve the anatomic integrity of the cornea and to
prevent complications such as secondary glaucoma
or endophthalmitis. Management of corneal perforation may range from temporary measures, such as
application of bandage contact lens and gluing, to
definitive treatment such as corneal transplantation.
II. Disorders Leading
to Corneal Perforation
Corneal melting and subsequent perforation is
a classic feature of corneal ulcers that do not respond
to medical therapy. One of the most important events
leading to corneal thinning and perforation is a breach
in the corneal epithelium; however, a few organisms
such as Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus aegyptius, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and N. meningitidis, and
Shigella and Listeria species can penetrate an intact
epithelium.95 Occasionally, keratitis can be established
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via the corneoscleral limbus by hematogenous spread.
Further alterations in the basement membrane of the
epithelial cells may cause persistent epithelial defects.
Stromal melting by proteolytic enzymes elaborated by
altered epithelial cells and polymorphonuclear leucocytes has been demonstrated in experimental animals
and in vitro in human corneas.51 Descemet’s membrane is an effective barrier to microorganisms. When
most of the stroma melts away, the Descemet’s
membrane bulges forward, forming a descemetocele.
In conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, there may be
altered stromal collagen that contributes to further
corneal melting.
The major causes of corneal ulceration leading to
corneal perforation can be broadly grouped as infectious, noninfectious (ocular surface-related and
autoimmune), and traumatic.
Severe and recalcitrant infectious keratitis is
a common cause of corneal perforation. Whereas
bacterial and fungal corneal infections are frequent
in the developing world, recurrent herpetic keratitis
causing stromal necrosis is the major cause of
corneal perforation in developed countries.99
1. Bacterial Keratitis
Bacterial keratitis often produces corneal ulceration leading to corneal perforation.4,61 Most bacteria require a break in the corneal epithelium to gain
access to the corneal tissue. Once bacteria gain
access, cytokines such as interleukin 1 and tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) are released attracting polymorphonuclear cells. TNF induces the release of
pro-inflammatory cytokines from macrophages,
polymorphonuclear cells, and T-cells from the
corneal epithelium and stroma. In the case of
virulent organisms such as Pseudomonas, release of
enzymes like collagenase accelerates the process of
corneal perforation.65,72,165 The stromal necrosis
progresses and the infection extends deeper into
the cornea, ultimately causing perforation. The
native imbalance between the cytokines contributes
to corneal melting even after the bacterial amplification stops.
Infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa generally has
a poor outcome, and corneal perforation ensues
rapidly.9,90 Various other organisms that have been
isolated include Staphylococcus spp, Proteus spp,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella spp, and Salmonella
spp.22,73,110 A study from north India found that
outdoor occupation, trauma with vegetative matter,
central location of corneal ulcer, lack of corneal
neovascularization, monotherapy with fluoroquinolone, and failure to start timely management were
associated with an increased risk of corneal perforation in microbial keratitis. In that study Staphylococcus
epidermidis was the most common microbe isolated
from perforated corneal ulcers.158
2. Herpes Keratitis
In herpetic disease corneal perforations are caused
by necrosis of corneal stroma. Although active viral
replication may be present in some cases, the host
immune response is believed to be the principal cause.
Destruction of the corneal stroma is largely mediated
by matrix metalloproteinases and collagenases from
the polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages.20,42
Recurrent infection with progressive corneal thinning
further contributes to corneal perforation.42 In
necrotizing stromal keratitis, the epithelium breaks
down over a dense stromal infiltrate, forming a superficial ulcer that may slowly or rapidly deepen, producing a descemetocele and subsequent corneal
perforation. Close supervision is crucial because these
ulcers may perforate unpredictably with too much
topical corticosteroid or antiviral therapy.
3. Fungal Keratitis
Fungal keratitis is more prevalent in the developing world. The rate of progression of fungal
keratitis is slow, but available antifungal therapy is
not optimal, mainly due to low ocular penetration.
Overall, one-third of all fungal infections require
surgical intervention because of treatment failures
or corneal perforations.41 Fungi associated with
corneal perforation include Fusarium solani,171,172
Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium citrinum, Candida
albicans, Cephalosporium, and Curvularia. The rate of
corneal perforation in fungal keratitis ranges from
4% to 33%. Lalitha et al reported a perforation rate
of 61% in cases with treatment failures (overall 19%
perforation rate).85
1. Ocular Surface--Related
Noninfectious corneal perforation usually occurs
in diseases that adversely effect the precorneal tear
film and other components of the ocular surface.
Dry eye syndrome is a major contributor to chronic
epithelial defects. Corneal xerosis in conditions like
keratoconjunctivitis sicca results from the depletion
of goblet cells. Loss of goblet cells and accessory
lacrimal glands leads to alteration of tear composition and severe dry eye. Chronic epithelial defects
combined with poor healing may lead to sightthreatening infectious corneal ulceration, sterile
thinning, and/or perforation. Corneal perforation
has been reported to occur in Sjögren syndrome.27
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
Corneas in Sjögren syndrome are predisposed to
stromal degradation, ulceration, and consequent
perforation as a result of diminished tear secretion,
corneal epithelial breakdown, and enzymatic degradation of collagen by inflammatory cells.44 Other
systemic conditions associated with xerosis include
vitamin A deficiency, erythema multiforme, and
benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.11,23,67,133,137
syndrome.46,66,68,69,83,89,96,110,123,160 Corneal melting
may also occur with chemical injuries of the eye.8,97
Chemical burns cause extensive limbal and conjunctival cell destruction.5 Persistent inflammation prevents epithelialization and accelerates ulceration and
melting with globe perforation. Increase in the
activity of the enzyme collagenase along with ischemia leads to corneal melting and is often associated
with a poor prognosis.
2. Autoimmune Causes
Collagen vascular diseases such as rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, temporal
arteritis, Wegener granulomatosis, sarcoidosis, and
inflammatory bowel disease may be associated with
corneal melting.56,121,143 Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) is a rare inflammatory disease of the
peripheral cornea, usually associated with rheumatoid arthritis, that may lead to rapid perforation of
the globe and visual failure.148 Corneal melt in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis heralds systemic
vasculitis in more than 50% of cases, carries a high
mortality, and needs early and aggressive treatment.148 In corneas affected by PUK, a local
imbalance exists between levels of a specific collagenase (MMP-1) and its tissue inhibitor (TIMP-1)
that been suggested is responsible for the rapid
keratolysis which is the hallmark of PUK.127
Severe pain and photophobia are the main
symptoms of PUK. Slit lamp examination reveals
a noninfiltrating ulcer near the limbus with surrounding inflammatory infiltrate and conjunctival
injection. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is common.
PUK has also been described with primary Sjögren
syndrome, polyarteritis nodosa, Wegener granulomatosis, and relapsing polychondritis.
A rare cause of corneal perforation, Mooren
ulcer, is an idiopathic form of PUK.101 The etiology
is uncertain, and previous reports describe the
presence of inflammatory cells, immunoglobulin,
and increased expression of human leukocyte
antigen class 2 molecules in the involved areas.43,174
Perforation is common in the ‘‘malignant’’ form of
Mooren ulcer, up to 36% of cases in one series.176
Patients in whom Descemet’s membrane has a minimal overlying stroma may be predisposed to
perforation either spontaneously or following minor trauma.53,171,176,177
3. Traumatic Corneal Perforation
Corneal trauma can result from a penetrating or
perforating eye injury, although an urgent surgical
intervention is not always required. Eyes with previous cataract surgery and refractive surgery are more
prone to corneal damage and melting following blunt
trauma, especially when associated with dry eye
III. Approach to Management
of Corneal Perforation
Corneal perforation requires prompt management. Most patients with corneal perforation experience a sudden drop in visual acuity with associated
ocular pain. Relevant ophthalmic history includes
ocular trauma, ocular surgery, contact lens use,
herpetic eye disease, dry eyes, or use of topical
corticosteroids. All patients should be asked about
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and immunosuppression
as it is imperative that systemic medications be
administered in the setting of systemic autoimmune
Care should be taken to minimize pressure on the
the eye, and patients should be instructed not to
squeeze their lids. Iris prolapse is diagnostic of
corneal perforation. A positive Seidel test with 2%
fluorescein is also conclusive (Fig. 1). The suspect
area is painted with fluorescein, and the site of
perforation is seen as a bright yellow spot as the dye
is diluted. When the corneal perforation is small or
self-sealing, gentle pressure may cause the leakage
of aqueous that confirms the site of perforation
(pressure Seidel test). The size and location of the
perforation as well as the extent of stromal involvement are important parameters in determining
management. Small corneal perforations may be
amenable to conservative treatment with bandage
contact lens or corneal gluing, whereas large
perforations may require a primary repair or
corneal transplantation in the form of patch graft
or tectonic keratoplasty. Impending perforations
may be heralded by folds in Descemet’s membrane.
Systemic antibiotics may be advised when bacterial
keratitis is complicated by scleritis or there is a risk
of endophthalmitis.95 The patient should be instructed to use an eye shield.
In cases with concurrent keratitis, a gentle corneal
scraping is required for microbiological diagnosis.
This should be submitted for Gram stain, Calcofluor
white preparation, chocolate agar, Sabouraud
Fig. 1.
Slit-lamp photograph of a corneal perforation (A) with a positive Seidel test (arrow, B).
dextrose agar, and thioglycollate broth. Calcofluor
white is very useful in detecting both fungi and
Acanthamoeba. In cases with high index of suspicion,
a non-nutrient agar may be used for detection of
Acanthamoeba. A swab is taken for the detection of
herpes virus whenever applicable. In cases with
contact lens--related microbial keratitis, contact lens
cases and cleaning solutions may be cultured.33 It is
prudent to start antimicrobial therapy while waiting
to take the patient to the operating room.
Drug sensitivity tests form an important part of
laboratory evaluation. The increased recovery of
staphylococcal isolates and decreased effectiveness
of fluoroquinolones against these pathogens presents an important therapeutic challenge.1,47 Methicillin resistant organisms, especially Staphylococcus
aureus, may be encountered.6,93
fluoroquinolones offer enhanced transcorneal penetration without any apparent disadvantages.30,55,79,134
The fourth-generation fluoroquinolones, moxifloxacin
and gatifloxacin, have a greatly lowered resistance rate
while providing better Gram-positive activity than
previous-generation fluoroquinolones.80 Several recent
clinical trials have shown that their topical application is
effective in the treatment of bacterial keratitis caused by
commonly encountered organisms.64,105,155 Caution
should be exercised because there have been a few
reports of corneal melting associated with the use of
topical fluoroquinolones.45,91 Even when the corneal
perforation is suspected to be noninfectious, prophylactic topical antibiotic therapy should be given. In
addition, cycloplegia is also advised to increase patient
comfort and minimize inflammation and adhesions.
2. Antivirals
Cases with a history or signs of associated systemic
diseases require a medical consult. Most commonly
these patients have a collagen vascular disease such
as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Adjustment in the
dose of immunosuppressive agents is usually helpful
as a part of overall management.
IV. Management of Corneal Perforations
1. Treating the Infectious Cause
When microbial infection is suspected as a cause of
corneal perforations, rapid diagnosis and treatment are
essential to increase the success of surgery. Monotherapy with fluoroquinolones has been shown to result in
shorter duration of intensive therapy and shorter
hospital stay when compared with traditional combined
fortified therapy.64,105,109,155 The newer generation
In cases of melting disorders suspected to be
associated with herpetic stromal keratitis (HSK),
acyclovir is the mainstay for treatment and prevention of recurrent herpetic eye disease.44 Suppressive oral antiviral therapy may be beneficial in
reducing the rate of recurrent herpes simplex virus
epithelial keratitis and stromal keratitis.44,163 Systemic antivirals include acyclovir, valacyclovir, and
famciclovir. Topical trifluridine 1% is more commonly used in the United States, and more recently
ganciclovir has been approved for the treatment of
herpetic eye disease.
It is important to distinguish necrotizing and nonnecrotizing stromal HSK. Necrotizing stromal disease
is in part due to replicating virus in the stroma that
must be adequately treated with antivirals to allow
concurrent treatment with steroids in order to
prevent stromal melting.58 The Herpetic Eye Disease
Study Group showed that a combination of steroid
and antivirals reduces duration of herpetic stromal
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
keratitis.8,170 A faster recovery and an improved
outcome more often occurs with acyclovir and dilute
corticosteroids than with acyclovir alone.29,107
If a perforation has occurred in a case of HSK,
switching to oral acyclovir may be considered. Moorthy
et al, however, reported no benefit of systemic acyclovir
in preventing the occurrence of corneal perforation in
3. Anti-glaucoma Drugs
Pharmacologic suppression of aqueous production encourages wound healing and reduces pressure
that may cause extrusion of intraocular contents. If
the anterior chamber is formed, anti-glaucoma
medications should be considered.18
4. Anti-collagenases
Although collagenases have been implicated in the
occurrence of corneal ulceration and thus topical
and systemic collagenase inhibitors have been used
by some corneal specialists as adjunctive therapy,
there is no clear evidence of their clinical benefit.
Ulceration of the rabbit cornea has served as
a model system to study the effects of collagenases
and its inhibitors. Enzymes from the rabbit and
human cornea have been seen to be inhibited by
metal-binding agents of the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) type, by thiols, and by the
human serum antiprotease alpha-2-macroglobulin.
Thiols are thought to inhibit corneal collagenases by
binding to or removing an intrinsic metal cofactor
(Zn), and/or possibly by reducing one or more
disulfide bonds.16
Calcium-EDTA, cysteine, and acetylcysteine given
as eye drops are able to prevent or retard ulceration
in the alkali-burned rabbit cornea. Topical acetylcysteine (more stable than cysteine) used four to six
times daily may be beneficial in some patients. Both
disodium edetic acid and acetylcysteine have been
used to inhibit collagenase activity, particularly in
Pseudomonas corneal infections.72 Topical citrate has
a favorable effect on the incidence of corneal
ulceration and perforation after alkali burning in
rabbit eyes, but the inhibition of corneal ulceration
may not be related to its anti-collagenase action.17,114
Additional enzyme inhibitors to target the metalloproteinases are under investigation. The increased
expression and elevated activity of a wide range of
matrix metalloproteinases in melted corneal samples confirm that these enzymes contribute to tissue
Systemic tetracyclines hasten corneal re-epithelialization in rabbits after alkali burns.17,113 In human
corneal limbal epithelium, doxycycline inhibits corneal matrix metalloproteinase activity, chelating the
metal ions.145,146 This may explain why doxycycline
helps to stabilize corneal breakdown and prevent
subsequent perforation.34,36,75,94,145
5. Anti-inflammatory Therapy
The inflammatory reaction can be as damaging to
the cornea as the infection,115 and judicious use of
topical steroids may be beneficial in the management of bacterial keratitis. The organism and
sensitivities should be known before starting steroid
treatment after 2--5 days of appropriate antibiotic
treatment.26 If the chosen antibiotic is effective
against the organism, then the concurrent use of
steroids will not inhibit the bactericidal effect of the
Steroids should not be used in the initial
treatment of posttraumatic and contact lens--related
ulcers, in part because they may be fungal. Also, if
a perforation is suspected to be related to HSK, the
use of corticosteroids is best avoided. If steroids are
given, the smallest possible dose in conjunction with
an antiviral agent should be used. The overuse of
antiviral agents and or antibiotics will inhibit reepithelization. Steroids are generally avoided in
cases of exposure, neurotrophic keratitis, or dry
eyes. In more advanced conditions, medroxyprogesterone acetate 1% may be considered as it does not
inhibit collagen synthesis, partly related to its
suppressive effects on the production of tissue
a. Use of Steroid-sparing Agents
Systemic immunosuppressive medication may be
beneficial in unresponsive severe noninfectious
corneal inflammatory disease or to prevent postoperative corneal melting syndromes.10,37 It is
important that these patients be co-managed by
a medical physician who understands the process of
keratolysis. Immunosupressive drugs have significant adverse effects, including bone marrow suppression, and inappropriate use or dosages can be
Cyclosporine (CSA) is a specific modulator of T-cell
function and an agent that depresses cell-mediated
immune responses. It binds to cyclophilin, an intracellular protein, which in turn prevents formation
of interleukin-2 and the subsequent recruitment of
activated T-cells.131 Oral and topical CSA (1% or 2%)
can be tried in melting stromal ulcers and postoperative corneal melts.49,153 Oral CSA has been
used, with apparent efficacy, to treat corneal melting
syndromes such as Mooren ulcer and that associated
with Wegener granulomatosis.10,81
A recent development in immunosuppression
involves inhibition of various effector cells, targeting
cell products such as cytokines or their receptors.98
Rituximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody against
B-cells has been used in peripheral ulcerative
keratitis associated with Wegener granulomatosis.63
Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against
TNF-a has been used found to be effective in rapidly
arresting the progression of a sterile PUK in
rheumatoid arthritis.106,156
6. Optimizing Epithelial Healing
Maintenance of the tear film is important for
epithelial healing. This can be achieved by replenishing the eye’s moisture with preservative-free artificial
tears and ointment and by delaying evaporation.
Punctal or intracanalicular plugs prevent drainage
of the tear film and maximize its contact duration
with the ocular surface.7 These can reduce dependency on tear supplements in patients with dry
eye.15 In cases of dry eyes, patients with punctal
occlusion may benefit from adjunctive topical
cyclosporine A.128 In addition to preservative-free
tear and ointment supplements and topical cyclosporine, autologous serum drops have been applied
in cases of persistent epithelial defects and keratoconjunctivitis sicca with some success.117,175
Whenever possible, preservative-free topical medications are preferred. Preservatives such as benzalkonium chloride, thimerosal, and EDTA have been
shown to retard epithelial healing of cornea in
animal models.28,57
In cases of small corneal perforations and progressive melting, soft contact lenses may be helpful. A
hydrophilic bandage contact lens is used to promote
epithelial resurfacing and to reduce patient discomfort. Injuries may seal with a large soft contact lens.
After 48 hours persistent leakage can often be
assessed by gently sliding the lens to the side.70
1. Corneal Gluing
a. Cyanoacrylate Glue
Cyanoacrylate glue, in use since the late 1960s,167 is
highly effective, easy to use, and can delay the need for
urgent corneal transplantation. The use of cyanoacrylate glue has been associated with lower enucleation
rate and better visual results.61 In high-risk perforations (e.g., those associated with infection or trauma)
the delay in penetrating keratoplasty with the use of
corneal glue usually leads to better outcomes. Gluing is
advocated in any noninfected, progressive corneal
thinning disorder before perforation. In such cases,
not only has gluing been showed to arrest the thinning
process, but application is also easier in a nonperforated eye.71
The goal of tissue glues is to urgently restore the
tectonic integrity of the globe with the understanding that a more definitive procedure may be
required at a later stage. Corneal gluing is not
a panacea for all types of corneal perforations. In
a study of perforations and descemetoceles in 44
eyes by Leahy et al, only 32% of eyes required no
further treatment after application of tissue adhesive. A corneal transplantation had to be performed
in nearly half (45%) of the eyes after gluing.86
Cyanoacrylate adhesive works best for small (!3
mm) concave central defects.50,74,142 In peripheral
ulcers the glue can easily dislodge as it does not
adhere well to conjunctiva. Cyanoacrylate glue
prevents re-epithelialization into the zone of damaged and naked corneal stroma in cases with
infective keratitis and thus prevents the development of the critical setting for corneal melting via
the production of collagenase enzymes. Interruption of the melting process is most successful when
applied early in the course before overwhelming
numbers of polymorphonuclear neutrophils have
Available preparations of corneal glue for clinical
use include the following:
Indermil (butyl-2-cyanoacrylate; Sherwood, Davis
and Geck, St Louis, MO, USA)
Melsungen, Germany)
Histoacryl Blue (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate; BBraun)
Nexacryl (N-butyl-cyanoacrylate; Closure Medical, Raleigh, NC, USA)
Dermabond (2-octyl-cyanoacrylate; Closure
Histoacryl glue D-3508 and isobutyl-2-cyanoacrylate are the two most commonly used tissue adhesives.126 Dermabond (2-octyl-cyanoacrylate) is also
used successfully for skin and cornea adhesion.154
Commercially available ‘‘super glue’’ (methyl-2cyanoacrylate) has also been used, but appears to be
more toxic than the other acrylate derivatives.
b. Surgical Techniques for Corneal Gluing
Glue should be applied with the smallest amount
possible in a controlled manner, avoiding excessive
spillage. Fogle et al demonstrated that direct early
application of cyanoacrylate adhesive to the ulcer bed
and adjacent basement membrane plus a bandage
contact lens was effective in the interruption of
progressive corneal stromal melting related to herpes
simplex, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, alkali burns,
radiation keratitis, rheumatoid arthritis and StevensJohnson syndrome.40 Moschos et al created a mesh
with 10-0 nylon sutures at the site of corneal
perforation before the application of glue.100
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
We prefer to use an operating microscope in
a sterile environment. A 2-mm dermatological
punch is first used to trephine a single disc from
a sterile disposable drape. A small amount of
sterile ophthalmic ointment is placed on the flat
end of a cotton-tipped applicator, and the disc is
then stuck onto the ointment and placed aside. A
few drops of topical anesthesia are applied to both
eyes. A non-compressing lid speculum (e.g., Jaffe)
is used to separate the lids. The perforation site is
inspected, and loose epithelium and necrotic
tissue are removed carefully. Epithelium 1--2 mm
surrounding the ulcer is removed as well as any
vitreous, foreign matter, or lens material. After
debridement the perforation site should be as dry
as possible, otherwise the glue will not stick. If the
anterior chamber is totally flat a small amount of
air or viscoelastic may be injected to form the
chamber to avoid incarceration of iris or other
tissue to the adhesive. One drop of adhesive is
then applied to the 2-mm trephine drape, and
with further drying, the adhesive is directly
applied to the area of perforation. The polymerization process will take place in several minutes.
If a small leak remains, additional applications
adjacent to the existing plug may be needed or the
initial plug can be simply removed and reapplied.
Multiple re-applications are not recommended
because this will enlarge the defect. After solidification the area should be inspected and dried
examining for further leaks and a bandage contact
lens applied. The patient should be examined
a few minutes later to ensure the glue/disc contact
lens complex has not moved and the anterior
chamber is deepening, and then an hour later to
look for further deepening.
The postoperative treatment includes topical
antibiotic therapy and an aqueous suppressant. A
protective shield should be placed. In cases of
infectious perforations, patients should continue
their medications. Ideally the glue should remain in
position for as long as possible, but careful monitoring is required because the risk of glue dislodgement
and re-perforation is high.
c. Cyanoacrylate Glue: Outcomes and Complications
Application of cynoacrylate glue allows timely
management of small corneal perforations with
a good outcome. Several studies have shown a clear
benefit of the early use of cyanoacrylate glue.86,168
Hirst et al have shown improved visual outcomes with
reduced enucleation rate (6%vs 19%).62 Corneal
glue has been found to be advantageous in cases with
frank as well as impending perforations. Successful
corneal gluing may obviate the need for other
surgical treatment. Forty-four percent of the cases
in a series by Weiss et al168 and 32% of cases in another
study by Leahey et al86 did not require any further
intervention. Treatment with corneal gluing alone
has been shown to be definitive in as many as 86% of
In cases that are refractory to corneal gluing, either
a repeat gluing can be performed or, in severe cases,
an urgent corneal transplantation undertaken to
preserve the integrity of the globe. Lekskul et al used
Histoacryl glue in 15 eyes with non-traumatic corneal
perforations.87 Overall, 53% had to be reglued for
recurrent leaks or glue dislodgment within several
days, and 7% needed a penetrating keratoplasty for
refractory leaking.87 Moorthy et al evaluated the
success of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive in the
management of corneal perforations associated with
herpetic keratitis. Glue application could heal corneal perforations in only 37% of eyes. More than 30%
of eyes required multiple applications of tissue
adhesive and a therapeutic keratoplasty had to be
performed in 57%.99
Complications arise from the tissue adhesive or
from the original perforation and include cataract
formation, worsening of infectious keratitis,138
granulomatous keratitis, glaucoma,86 papillary conjunctivitis,19 and symblepharon formation.168
d. Fibrin Glue
Fibrin tissue adhesives offer several advantages over
cyanoacrylate-based tissue adhesives in that they
solidify quickly, apply easily, and cause less discomfort.138 Similar to cyanoacrylate glue, fibrin glue has
been successfully used in cases with impending as well
as frank corneal perforations.84 Bernauer et al
employed fibrin glue in cases with corneal perforations related to rheumatoid arthritis and achieved
a successful outcome in 84%.10
The main disadvantage of biological glues is that
they start to degrade much faster than cyanoacrylate, have no bacteriostatic effects (like cyanoacrylate), and there is a risk of transmission of prion/
viral diseases with the use of bovine products in its
constituents.21,38,84,144,169 Currently most corneal
surgeons use fibrin glue mainly to secure amniotic
membrane grafts.74
2. Conjunctival Flaps
Conjunctival flaps are used in cases with indolent
progression and corneal thinning.48,52 A conjunctival
flap brings in superficial blood vessels to promote
healing of corneal ulcers therefore preventing the
occurrence of corneal perforation. The flaps also
control pain, eliminate the use of frequent medications, and may provide an alternative to invasive
surgery.2,51,52,130 A conjunctival flap is not appropriate
for active suppurative keratitis with marked stromal
thinning92 or in eyes with frank perforation because
the leak will continue under the flap. A modified
conjunctival flap procedure, referred to as superior
forniceal conjunctival advancement pedicle, has been
3. Amniotic Membrane Transplantation
and Its Variants
Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) is
used as a treatment for corneal perforation to
restore corneal stromal thickness so that urgent
penetrating keratoplasty can be avoided.120 AMT is
a good alternative to penetrating keratoplasty,
especially in acute cases in which graft rejection risk
is high.129 Amniotic membrane patches can be
secured over the perforation with either sutures or
glue.150 Both cyanoacrylate and fibrin glue have
been used, but fibrin glue allows sealing of larger
perforations and gives better results.35,58 A single
layer or a multilayered amniotic membrane (AM)
may be used depending on the depth of involvement (Fig. 2). A single-layered AMT is done in cases
of persistent epithelial defects, and a multilayered
AMT is done in cases of associated corneal thinning
or corneal melts.54,120
Amniotic membrane can successfully treat a refractory corneal epithelial defect by promoting
epithelial healing and thus prevent corneal perforation. Rodrı́guez-Ares et al reported successful
multilayered amniotic membrane transplantation
in 73% of cases and concluded that multilayered
AMT was effective for treating corneal perforations
with diameter ! 1.5 mm.129
Hick et al evaluated the efficacy of amniotic
membrane with fibrin glue in corneal perforations
refractory to conventional treatment. Overall
success was observed in 80% (27/33 eyes) of cases.
Grafts with fibrin sealant demonstrated a better
success rate compared with grafts secured with
sutures (92.9% vs 73.7%). In patients with severe
limbal damage, a success rate of only 20% (1/5) was
observed. These techniques lead to rapid reconstruction of the corneal surface and can give a good
final functional result or allow keratoplasty to be
done under more favorable conditions.59
a. Hyperdry Amniotic Membrane Patching Attached Using
a Tissue Adhesive
A hyperdry amniotic membrane with tissue
adhesive or a fibrin glue--assisted augmented amniotic membrane may be used to seal corneal
perforations. Kitagawa et al used hyperdry amniotic
membrane and a tissue adhesive for corneal
perforations. In three eyes, corneal perforations
were treated with a single-layer patch of dried AM
using a biological tissue adhesive. The dried AM was
prepared with consecutive far-infrared rays and
microwaves (hyperdry method) and was sterilized
by gamma-ray irradiation. This was then cut to the
desired size and shape, and the tissue adhesive was
applied to the amniotic epithelial side of the dried
membrane. After this, the dried membrane with
glue was applied to the site of corneal perforation
lesion using forceps.77
b. Fibrin Glue--Assisted Augmented Amniotic
Membrane Transplantation
Kim et al analyzed the efficacy of fibrin glue-assisted augmented amniotic membrane transplantation in 10 patients with corneal perforations more
than 2 mm in greatest dimension. A 5- or 7-ply
augmented amniotic membrane was constructed by
applying fibrin glue to each sheet of AM to repair
the corneal perforation. The augmented AM was
designed 0.5 mm larger than the diameter of the
perforation and was transplanted onto the perforation site with 10-0 nylon suture. If needed,
additional overlay AM was sutured on top. The
mean ulceration diameter was 2.7 0.95 mm
(range, 2--5 mm). All had well-formed deep
anterior chambers, and 90% completely epithelialized over the AM. No eyes showed evidence of
infection or recurrent corneal melting during the
follow-up period.74
4. Corneal Transplantation
Fig. 2. Slit-lamp photograph of repaired corneal perforation with amniotic membrane graft.
A large corneal perforation ($ 3 mm diameter) is
not amenable to corneal gluing and requires
therapeutic keratoplasty along with management
of the underlying condition. Depending on the size
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
of the perforation, a small diameter patch graft or
large diameter keratoplasty is performed, either full
thickness or lamellar depending on the depth of
involvement.31,32,104,122,124,139,147,166 In a case with
infectious corneal perforation, therapeutic keratoplasty also replaces the infected cornea and reduces
the infective load (Fig. 3).
When the perforations are not too large, a small
tectonic corneal transplantation preserves the integrity of the globe. Tectonic grafts, also called patch
grafts, are either lamellar or perforating, and cover
corneal stromal defects, restoring the structure of the
cornea or sclera. Patch grafts can be used temporarily
for central corneal perforations (for future optical
penetrating keratoplasty) or permanently to repair
peripheral perforations and descemetoceles.
a. Surgical Technique
The timing of corneal grafting can depend on the
etiology of the perforation. In some cases with
infectious keratitis with coexisting corneal perforation, temporary management with corneal gluing
can be tried while intensive antimicrobial treatment
is being used in order to control the infection.
Another technique described by Kobayashi et al
employs the use of custom designed hard contact
lens along with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive. A
penetrating keratoplasty is performed after the
anterior chamber stabilizes.78
Surgical manipulation, especially mechanical
trephination with a free-hand trephine or with
suction trephines, is challenging to perform during
tectonic penetrating keratoplasty as there is a risk of
extrusion of intraocular contents. The ocular
surface is marked with a trephine followed by freehand cutting starting through the perforation. Use
of excimer laser trephination has also been described in order to obtain customized cuts.82
Fig. 3.
Delay in performing therapeutic corneal transplant may be advantageous in some cases with
fulminant corneal infections. Nobe et al have
reported that if penetrating keratoplasties were
performed for infectious corneal perforation, grafts
had a better chance to remain clear if surgery could
be delayed for some time (2--5 days).103 However, if
the surgeon feels that medical management or
corneal gluing won’t stop the aqueous leak from the
site of perforation, a tectonic patch graft or large
therapeutic graft should be performed at the earliest
time possible. In cases with posttraumatic corneal
perforation, primary closure should occur as soon as
possible in order to prevent the development of
ocular infection. In large posttraumatic perforations
that may not be amenable to primary closure, standby
donor corneal tissue must be made available in case
a need for tectonic graft arises during the surgery.
In some cases with long-standing perforated
corneal ulcers, the iris tissue plugs the perforated
cornea with overlying epithelialization. This may be
particularly common in the developing world where
patients present late. Routine therapeutic keratoplasty in such cases leads to mechanical damage to
the iris, resulting in severe bleeding and large
surgical coloboma during the removal of the host
corneal button. Vajpayee et al have described
a technique of ‘‘layer-by-layer’’ keratoplasty for the
effective management of such cases. A preliminary
lamellar separation is performed in order to excise
the superficial portion of the corneal button thereby
reducing the bulk of the corneal tissue.162
Other variations of therapeutic keratoplasty have
been described such as the use of a corneal allograft
combined with relocation of a crescent of autologous
corneal tissue.24 This technique may be useful in
corneal perforations sparing a healthy portion of the
cornea that can be relocated in between the allograft
Slit-lamp photograph showing corneal melting (A) and postoperative photograph after therapeutic keratoplasty (B).
and the recipient bed. The chances of an immunologic rejection are theoretically lessened by intercalating a crescent of autologous tissue between the
allograft and the limbal vessels. Also, the combination
of an allograft with a crescent of autologous corneal
tissue minimizes the disadvantages associated with
eccentric or oversized trephination.24
a shelf life of 1 year at room temperature and are
available in customized shape and size.161 Utine et al
proposed that these corneas should be considered
in lieu of fresh donor corneas or cryopreserved or
glycerin-preserved tissues for corneal patch grafts
because of easy availability, lack of immunogenicity,
and decreased risk of infection.
b. Corneal Patch Grafts
c. Lamellar Keratoplasty
Tectonic grafting is best suitable for cases with
peripheral corneal perforations and descemetoceles
(Fig. 4). It effectively restores the integrity of the eye
and allows acceptable visual rehabilitation.164 Traditionally, corneas preserved in media such as
McCarey Kaufman or Optisol are used for these
procedures; however, for tectonic purposes even
glycerin-preserved corneas may be maintain the
integrity of the globe. Yao et al used cryopreserved
corneas in 45 patients with corneal perforations
secondary to severe fungal keratitis. Infection was
successfully eradicated in 87% of cases, and about
50% of cases received subsequent optical keratoplasty. The rate of corneal allograft rejection was
reported to be very low (!4%), thereby offering
a major advantage over conventional therapeutic
keratoplasty.173 Shi et al reported no allograft
rejection in a series of 15 eyes with therapeutic
keratoplasty performed using cryopreserved corneal
Utine et al described the use of gamma-irradiated
corneal tissue for management of partial-thickness
corneal defects.161 The tissues (VisionGraft Sterile
Cornea) selected for processing include tissues that
are not suitable for penetrating keratoplasty, but
have clear and uncompromised stroma. They have
Lamellar keratoplasty is used as a tectonic measure
to patch the cornea in cases corneal perforations or
descemetoceles141 and is preferred over a fullthickness graft because the latter will often lead to
immunological rejection or endothelial decompensation. Lamellar keratoplasty, however, also has
disadvantages such as occurrence of intralamellar
neovascularization or incomplete removal of pathogens in the case of deep infectious ulcers. Lamellar
corneal transplantation can be performed as deep
lamellar crescentic lamellar or epikeratoplasty.11
i. Deep Lamellar Keratoplasty. The advantages of
lamellar keratoplasty over a full thickness graft
include absence of endothelial rejection as well as
potential intraocular complications.3 A superficial
or deep lamellar keratoplasty may be performed
depending upon the depth and severity of the
corneal pathology. It is also possible to achieve
complete eradication of corneal infection especially
when using the big bubble deep anterior lamellar
keratoplasty technique. However, it may be difficult
to use the big bubble technique in cases with frank
perforations. Instead, a manual superficial lamellar
keratoplasty may be performed successfully (Fig. 5).
In cases with descemetoceles a careful separation of
the overlying corneal stroma can be achieved with
balanced salt solution or viscoelastic, therefore
baring the Descemet’s membrane. In cases with
deep suppurative lesions it is very important to
irrigate the recipient bed with antibacterials or
antifungals to decrease the load of organisms before
suturing the corneal graft. Amebicidal drugs should
be avoided in such scenarios due to their potential
endothelial toxicity.
Another advantage of using lamellar technique is
reduction in the chance of intraocular spread of
infection, especially in cases of recurrent infection.
Anshu et al reported 50% incidence of endophthalmitis in cases of recurrent infection after
therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty in contrast to
no cases of endophthalmitis in the therapeutic deep
lamellar keratoplasty group.3
In order to circumvent the difficulties in dissection during deep lamellar keratoplasty, Por et al
used intracameral injection of fibrin glue (Tisseel
VH; Baxter Healthcare Corp, Deerfield, IL, USA).
Fig. 4. Slit-lamp photograph showing operated therapeutic patch graft in a case with corneal perforation.
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
Fig. 5. Slit-lamp photograph showing a central corneal perforation (A) and postoperative picture after a deep lamellar
keratoplasty (B). Arrow represents the site of rupture of Descemet’s membrane.
In corneal perforations up to 4 mm in greatest
dimension, the defect is sealed externally with
cyanoacrylate adhesive or fibrin sealant. An air
bubble is then injected into the anterior chamber,
followed by intracameral Tisseel fibrin sealant.
Subsequently a manual deep lamellar keratoplasty
is performed.118 Because fibrin sealant is a biological, it resorbs completely in a few days.
Deep lamellar keratoplasty has been successfully
performed with corneal melting secondary to
gonococcal ocular infection.12,141,159 In these cases
a gentle exposure of deep corneal stroma is
achieved using a hydrodissection approach rather
than using the big bubble technique. In a series of
92 eyes undergoing therapeutic corneal transplantation, Ti et al performed lamellar keratoplasty in 12
eyes with corneal stromal suppurations and descemetoceles.157 Irrigation of the corneal bed was done
with antibacterial or antifungal drugs after stromal
dissection before suturing the graft.
ii. Crescentic Lamellar Keratoplasty. Crescentic lamellar keratoplasty has been described in the past for
cases with corneal perforation associated with
pellucid marginal degeneration.125,135,136,152 Parmar
et al performed biconvex and crescentic grafts in
eight eyes with peripheral infected corneal ulcer,
rheumatoid arthritis--associated peripheral corneal
melt, and Mooren ulcer. Both tectonic and visual
results were encouraging in all cases included in this
retrospective review.112
The advantages of small eccentric grafts over large
grafts include lower risks of graft rejection, peripheral anterior synechiae formation, and secondary
glaucoma. A good visual acuity may be achieved
despite graft failure because of eccentric location.
Furthermore, a future optical penetrating keratoplasty is not precluded. Although the technique of
shaped eccentric grafting in peripheral corneal
disorders is technically challenging, surgical outcomes are good.
d. Tectonic Epikeratoplasty
During tectonic epikeratoplasty (TEK), a glycerinepreserved corneal button is used to seal the
perforation. A 360-degree peritomy is performed,
and the graft is sutured to the recipient sclera upon
the melted cornea with silk sutures. The graft is left
in place for a few weeks to allow complete healing of
the perforated cornea. Lifshitz et al have reported
good outcomes after TEK performed in six eyes with
frank, and three eyes with impending, perforations
secondary to ocular surface diseases, including
Steven-Johnson syndrome, dry eye, relapsing herpetic keratitis, posttraumatic corneal thinning, and
local anesthetic abuse.88
TEK is a viable surgical option in cases with large
corneal perforations. Although it is considered
a temporizing measure, it may obviate the need
for a subsequent corneal transplantation in a few
cases. There is a potential risk of epithelial downgrowth, however, because of the presence of
epithelium in the perforation bed with an overlying
e. Outcomes and Prognosis
The outcome and prognosis of keratoplasty depends on the etiology, site, and size of the perforations. Therapeutic keratoplasties performed for
infectious conditions carry a better prognosis as
compared to those performed for immunologic
conditions like corneal melting secondary to ocular
pemphigoid, both in terms of visual gain and graft
survivals.25 The postoperative course is complicated
by various factors affecting the ocular surface. The
type of surgical procedure, the predominant
pathogenic mechanism, and the perioperative immune status influence the outcome. The control of
corneal melting and the prevention of surface
infection are critical for graft survival.10 Killingsworth
et al reported that in patients with severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca, although anatomical success was
achieved in 83% of eyes, all grafts failed.73 Pleyer
et al performed therapeutic keratoplasty in 16 eyes
with corneal perforations or descemetoceles secondary to rheumatoid arthritis. Anatomical success could
be achieved in all eyes. Postoperative complications
included epithelial keratopathy (50%), corneal
ulceration (31%), fistulation (25%), loose sutures
(25%), and graft rejection (13%). Regrafts were
required in 31% of eyes because of recurrence of
corneal melting or persistent deep stromal defects.116
In a similar review by Palay et al, of cases with corneal
perforations secondary to rheumatoid arthritis that
underwent an urgent keratoplasty, 52% required
repeat penetrating keratoplasties.108
f. Complications
Performing corneal transplantation on an inflamed eye along with a disrupted blood--aqueous
barrier is not only challenging, but also is associated
with a high rate of intraoperative as well as
postoperative complications.60,76 The incidence of
postoperative complications such as allograft corneal graft rejection and high intraocular pressure is
higher in penetrating keratoplasty when compared
to lamellar.171 Besides, there is always a risk of
recurrence of infection, more common after fungal
keratitis than bacterial keratitis.171
Although there is no endothelial graft rejection
after lamellar corneal transplant, there is a potential
risk of leaving the infection in the deeper corneal
layers. This is especially important in cases with deep
corneal infiltrates and coexisting corneal perforations. In such cases, careful deep corneal dissection
may be helpful in eradicating the corneal infection.
Also, as mentioned previously, irrigating the corneal
bed with antibacterial or antifungal drugs may be
useful in decreasing the load of infectious organisms
before suturing of the donor graft.
Xie et al evaluated the complications and therapeutic effects of penetrating keratoplasty in the
treatment of corneal perforations in fungal keratitis
in 52 eyes. The complications reported were graft
rejection (38.5%), recurrence of infection (15.4%),
complicated cataract (19.2%,) and secondary glaucoma (13.5%).171 Sukhija et al found glaucoma to
be the most common complication after therapeutic
corneal transplantation, occurring in 22% of eyes
with presurgical perforated ulcers.151
V. Conclusion
Corneal perforation results from a variety of
infectious and noninfectious disorders and requires
prompt management. Successful medical and surgical treatment also rely upon control of ocular
surface disease, neurotrophic factors, and systemic
autoimmune conditions when present. Although
small perforations respond reasonably well to
corneal gluing techniques, peripheral perforations
can be best managed with a partial conjunctival flap
or tectonic keratoplasty. Large perforations and
those unresponsive to other measures may need
urgent corneal transplantation.
VI. Method of Literature Search
PubMed was queried with combinations not
limited to the following search terms: corneal perforation, corneal gluing, corneal transplantation, management,
keratoplasty, therapeutic keratoplasty, and epidemiology. A
review of the search results was performed and
relevant articles to the topics of clinical manifestations and treatment were included. Relevant articles
to the management of corneal perforations in various
conditions were also included. Case reports without
additional value over another report of the same
condition were not included. References related to
pathogenesis and treatments were selected by the
VII. Disclosure
The authors reported no proprietary or commercial interest in any product mentioned or concept
discussed in this article.
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Reprint address: Rasik B. Vajpayee, MS, FRCS (Edin),
FRANZCO, Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of
Melbourne, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, 32 Gisborne
Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia. e-mail: rasikv@
I. Introduction
II. Disorders leading to corneal perforation
A. Infectious corneal perforation
1. Bacterial keratitis
2. Herpes keratitis
3. Fungal keratitis
B. Noninfectious corneal perforation
1. Ocular surface--related
2. Autoimmune causes
3. Traumatic corneal perforation
III. Approach to
A. History and corneal work-up
B. Laboratory diagnosis
C. Systemic work-up
IV. Management of corneal perforations
A. Non-surgical management
1. Treating the infectious cause
2. Antivirals
3. Anti-glaucoma drugs
Surv Ophthalmol 56 (6) November--December 2011
4. Anti-collagenases
5. Anti-inflammatory therapy
a. Use of steroid-sparing agents
6. Optimizing epithelial healing
B. Surgical management
1. Corneal gluing
a. Cyanoacrylate glue
b. Surgical techniques for corneal gluing
c. Cyanoacrylate glue: outcomes and
d. Fibrin glue
2. Conjunctival flaps
3. Amniotic membrane transplantation and
its variants
a. Hyperdry amniotic membrane patching
attached using a tissue adhesive
b. Fibrin glue--assisted augmented amniotic
membrane transplantation
4. Corneal transplantation
a. Surgical technique
b. Corneal patch grafts
c. Lamellar keratoplasty
i. Deep lamellar keratoplasty
ii. Crescentic lamellar keratoplasty
d. Tectonic epikeratoplasty
e. Outcomes and prognosis
f. Complications
V. Conclusion
VI. Method of literature search
VII. Disclosure