Raman Microimaging of Polymer Blends
Department of Physics, Texas Christian University, P.O. Box 289940 Fort Worth, Texas 76129 (R.A., T.W.Z.); and ExxonMobil
Chemical Company, 5200 Bayway Dr., Baytown, Texas 77520 (W.H.W.)
Raman m icroimaging was used to estimate the effect of the silica
ller on phase separation in binary polymer blends com posed of
brominated poly(isobutylene-co-para-methylstyrene) (BIM S) and
cis-1-4-polybutadiene (BR). The domain sizes, relative concentration of polymer components within domains, and distribution of
particulate silica ller and zinc stearate curative were characterized
for blends of different compositions and history of aging treatments.
The presence of increased concentrations of precipitated silica results in better polymer morphology since domain sizes are reduced.
Increased temperature treatment also decreases domain sizes up to
about 150 8C, but treatment at 200 8C appears to induce separation
of the elastomer com ponents. Silica is usually found near the cen ters
of the BIMS domains. There is little difference in silica distribution
before and after curing.
Index Headings: Raman spectroscopy; Raman imaging; Polymer;
Filler distribution.
Raman spectroscopy is an analytical method that has
undergone an impressive growth. In the past, this technique required highly skilled operators and expensive,
fragile instrumentation. The continuing developments of
diode lasers, holographic lters, and gratings and the efciency of CCD (charge-coupled device) detectors transformed Raman spectroscopy into an efcient analytical
technique. Finally, the addition of optical m icroscopes
coupled with the use of ber optics has shown m any
advantages of Raman methods over other types of analytical techniques. In particular, use of a confocal microscope enables the imaging of specic chemical species at
a spatial resolution of less than one micrometer and a
depth of eld of as little as one m icrom eter.1
Recently, we applied Raman m icroimaging to study
the polymer morphology in binary mixtures of two elastomers: brominated poly(isobutylene-co-para-methylstyrene) (BIMS) and cis-1-4-polybutadiene (BR). 2 This initial study demonstrated that Raman microimaging can be
used to characterize the internal structure of elastomer
blends. Now, we report the distribution of BIMS and BR
binary blends in silica-lled systems. Formulations comprising BIMS, BR, silica, accelerator, zinc stearate, antioxidants, and other compounding ingredients were examined. The goals of this study were to (1) characterize
the sizes of the polymer domains in the presence of the
silica ller; (2) evaluate the distribution of the particulate
silica ller, zinc stearate, and other detectable additives
within each phase of the binary blend; (3) identify any
effect of aging on the distribution of BIMS within blends
of different compositions; and (4) compare the distribuReceived 3 April 2000; accepted 2 August 2000.
* Author to whom correspondence should be sent.
Volume 54, Number 11, 2000
tion of com ponents in the uncured and cured rubber samples.
Raman spectra were obtained by illuminating the sample with an argon laser operating at the wavelength of
514 nm and the power of 10 m W. The laser beam was
focused by a 1003 objective, numerical aperture (NA) 5
0.95, of a confocal microscope (Olympus BH2), and the
diffraction-limited width of the laser beam focused on the
sample was less than 0.4 mm in diameter. 2 The lateral
resolution is also affected by the size of the pinhole in
the back focal plane; in our case it was a circular pinhole
with a diameter of 0.5 mm. To determine the spatial resolution, we used Raman microimaging to m easure the
size of latex spheres of precisely determined diameters,
2.02 mm, supplied by E. Fuller. For the 0.5 mm pinhole
the lateral resolution was less than 1 mm . The scattered
light was collected by the same objective, and the spectral
analysis was accomplished with an axial transmissive
sp ectro graph (K aiser O ptical S y stem s, H olo S pec)
equipped with a Princeton Instrument CCD camera. Use
of high-dispersion gratings allowed recording of Raman
spectra within the frequency range from 150 to 2400
cm 2 1 . The spacing between two pixels corresponded to
1.5 cm 2 1 , and the spectral resolution was determined by
the width of the slit, 50 mm, which resulted in broadening
of atomic lines of neon and argon to about 5–7 cm 2 1.
For studying the composition of the rubber sample, the
position of the specimen with respect to the incident
beam must be very carefully controlled. The precision of
the x-y-z positioning stage also affects the spatial resolution. The computer-controlled x-y-z table (Oriel, Encoder Mike) was capable of advancing the specimen in
either direction in steps as sm all as 0.1 mm . However, the
measured effects were m uch larger, and only negligibly
small changes in the polymer distribution were observed
when the sample was displaced in those very small 0.1
mm steps; thus larger steps were used. Each sample was
scanned in two different areas: 20 mm 3 40 mm with the
use of steps of 2 mm , and 10 mm 3 10 mm in 0.5 mm
intervals. Larger area scans did not provide new information and will not be discussed. For selected samples,
linear scans were obtained, all greater than 200 mm long
and in several cases approaching 500 mm . At each point
Raman spectra were recorded for 30 s. Note that it is
difcult to record spectra for very long run times without
suffering interruptions. For example, when the alignment
of the m icroscope is accidentally changed or a sample is
moved, the imaging experiment m ust be restarted. Another problem encountered with rubber samples is that of
laser heating. If care was not taken, the laser beam would
burn a small hole in the rubber specimen when exposed
0003-7028 / 00 / 5411-1559$2.00 / 0
q 2000 Society for Applied Spectroscop y
for an extended period of time. These data were discarded.
Use of sm all pinholes is necessary to achieve good
resolution along the optical axis.3–5 Unfortunately, use of
sm all pinholes reduces the amount of light gathered by
the detector, which necessitates longer exposure times. To
shorten the duration of individual experiments while still
maintaining high spatial resolution, we prepared selected
samples in the form of thin sections, 1 mm thick, which
allowed the use of a pinhole 0.5 mm in diameter and a
relatively short exposure time of 30 s. Contour maps obtained with large pinholes for thin sections were similar
to those obtained for the bulk systems with small pinholes.
Blends of two commercial polymers were studied:
BIMS, a brominated poly(isobutylene-co-para-methylstyrene) elastom er from ExxonMobil (Exxpro 8745), and
BR, a polybutadiene predominantly in the cis conformation (.98%) from Goodyear (Budene 1207). Different
blends were prepared, and their compositions are listed
in Table I. The numbered samples indicate the binary
blends consisting only of polymers and silica; and lettered samples represent silica-lled rubber compounds
containing other additives to protect or cure the compound.
Sam ples A, B, and C were m ixed in three stages with
the use of a Banbury (size BR) internal mixer at 60 rpm.
The rst stage consists of adding elastomers and m ixing
for 30 s, adding silica, and mixing an additional 90 s,
and adding processing aids such as oil and m ixing for a
total of 300 s. The second mixing stage mixes the rststep masterbatch for 60 s, adds the zinc stearate, and m ixes for 180 s total. The third stage mixes the second-step
masterbatch and curatives for 150 s. All other samples
simply used a rst-stage mix.
Sam ples #3 and #4, which do not contain additives,
were subsequently heat treated at 100, 150, and 200 8C
by pressing the blends inside the platens, under 50 psi
pressure for about 20 m in.
Sam ples A, B, and C were studied as uncured and
cured samples. For these samples, we determined the
morphology of the two polymers, the silica ller distribution and zinc stearate location. Analysis of the distribution of other compounding ingredients has not yet been
achieved due to their relatively low concentrations or due
to the presence of overlapping Raman bands.
Raman Spectra. Absolute intensities of Raman bands
are extremely difcult to calibrate. Raman intensity depends on the population of scattering m olecules, intensity
of the incident laser, sensitivity of the detector, incident
angle, scattering geometry, light collection angle, sample
surface roughness, absorption of light by optical elements
(such as lenses, diffraction gratings and lters), and exposure time. M ost of those param eters are very difcult
to calculate, and in most cases it is impossible even to
estimate them. For this reason, Raman spectroscopy is
not used to determine the absolute concentration of one
component in a mixture, which is a typical application of
IR spectroscopy. However, the relative concentration of
species can be easily determined. For example, in the
Volume 54, Number 11, 2000
case of a binary mixture it is sufcient to identify two
Raman bands well separated from neighboring bands, if
each band is characteristic of only one component. Their
relative intensity ratio is independent of laser uctuations,
scattering geometry, etc., and is proportional to the concentration ratio of the two components in the binary m ixture. 2,3 To analyze the relative concentration of the elastomers, we selected the following Raman bands: BIM S,
the 714 cm 2 1 band assigned to the rocking m ode of the
m ethylene g roup s; cis-1-4 -p oly butadiene, the C 5C
stretching vibration centered at 1648 cm 2 1; precipitated
silica, the broad band centered at about 488 cm 2 1 ; and
zinc stearate, the band centered at about 1118 cm 2 1 and
assigned to the bending mode of the –C–O–C– group.
These peaks are identied in Fig. 1, which represents
typical spectra for the blends under study, before and
after curing. These peaks are well isolated from their
neighbors, and their intensities can be readily determined.
To improve the accuracy of the results, we calculated the
intensity ratios using integrated values over the frequency
range from (nmax 2 15) cm 2 1 to (nmax 1 15) cm 2 1, where
nm ax is the frequency of the band maximum intensity. The
integrated intensities were calculated after background
subtraction. All intensity ratios were calculated with respect to the integrated intensity of the band due to the
cis-polybutadiene. Thus, the data represent the relative
concentration of various components to the concentration
of the cis-polybutadiene. The m easurement errors vary.
For the BIMS/BR ratio, the experimental error is estimated to be less than 15%, but for the silica/BR and the
zinc stearate/BR intensity ratio, errors exceed 20 and
25%, respectively.
Blends with Silica and Curatives. After the sample
is cured, the intensity of the C5C stretching mode of cis1-4-polybutadiene decreases. The reduction in the 1648
cm 2 1 band intensity and the form ation of a shoulder at
1604 cm 2 1 are results of the curing process. These changes can be explained in terms of crosslinking, which reduces the population of the C5C bonds and concomitant
formation of m olecular species having vibrations at
slightly different frequencies. The intensity ratios discussed here were obtained in reference to the intensity of
the 1648 cm 2 1 band. Similar results were obtained when
a different butadiene band centered at about 1280 cm 2 1 ,
which does not change signicantly during the curing
process, was used in the normalization procedure. However, since we wanted to monitor changes occurring during the curing process, we focused on the C5C band.
Intensity Calibration. Even in binary m ixtures, BIM S
and BR do not mix well, and for the same specimen
Raman intensities vary from one scattering location to
another, because of local uctuations in concentrations of
the components. However, for a long scan, in which hundreds or thousands of readings are recorded, the average
intensity ratio depends only on the initial concentrations
of the polym ers. Indeed, as seen in Fig. 2, the average
values of the I BIM S /I B R ratio for the 30:70, 40:60, and 50:
50 BIMS/BR blends yield straight lines of different
slopes for the cured and uncured samples. We used linear
equations to t the data in Fig. 2, which were later used
to calculate the BIM S concentration in units of phr (parts
per hundred weight of rubber) from the intensity ratios
obtained during the measurem ents. The results of those
F IG . 1. Typical Raman spectra for the BIMS/BR blends with silica, zinc stearate, thiate U, and other additives. The spectrum was corrected to
give a at background across the spectral range. Small letters indicate peaks used to calculate relative concentration of various components. (a)
The peak at about 490 cm 2 1 is assigned to silica; (b) the band at 714 cm 2 1 is due to the rocking CH 2 mode of the BIM S backbone; (c) the band
centered at 1118 cm 2 1 is assigned to hydrocarbon chain vibrations of zinc stearate; (d ) the peak at 1648 cm 2 1 is assigned to the C5C stretching
vibrations of the cis-polybutadiene backbone.
calculations are shown in Fig. 3, which illustrates distributions of BIM S in uncured and cured samples.
This procedure was limited only to the BIM S concentration calculations. We could not use this method to cal-
culate the concentration of silica since only two different
silica contents (30 and 45 phr) were used, which was not
enough to provide sufcient condence in the calibration
function. Therefore, in Fig. 3 the silica distribution is
characterized only by providing relative intensities of Raman bands due to silica and BR.
In the experiments reported in this study, the concentration of zinc stearate was constant and equal to 5 phr;
consequently no attempt was made to calibrate the intensity ratios of Raman bands due to zinc stearate and BR.
Polymer Morphology. In Fig. 3 we show contour m aps
for the 50:50 BIM S/BR blend before and after curing.
Similar results were obtained for other blends. These
maps depict only the distribution of the BIMS and BR
elastomers. The polymer domain sizes do not change as
TABLE I. Compositions of polymer blends studied by Raman
Sample composition (phr)
F IG . 2. Average Raman intensity ratio of the peaks due to BIMS and
BR plotted against the phr ratio of the two components. Circles represent data for the cured blends, and squares for the uncured blends. The
solid and broken lines represen t best linear ts to the experimental data.
In both cases the root mean squared value was better than 0.1%. The
equations represen ting these linear ts were used to calculate the BIMS
concentration in the units of phr.
Flexon 766
A, B, and C contain a different oil and other curatives.
Volume 54, Number 11, 2000
a result of the curing process. Regardless of the composition of the samples, whether or not cured, the measured
domain sizes are less than one micrometer in diameter.
An accompanying atomic force m icroscopy (AFM ) study
identied sm aller domains with diameters of about 0.3
mm.6 This discrepancy may be attributed to a better resolution of the AFM technique and aggregate formation.
It is important to understand that some of the domains
form aggregates, which can be large, and in some cases
exceed 5 mm. With increasing concentration of the cispolybutadiene in the sample, the BR domains appear to
be slightly larger than the BIMS domains, but the effect
is small and within experimental error.
M apping experiments discussed in this paper essentially characterize distributions of components within a
surface layer 1 mm thick. The blends prepared with silica
and other additives contained 45 phr of silica by weight,
which corresponds to about 15% by volum e. For the
BIM S component, the calculated volum e contributions
for samples A, B, and C were 38, 30, and 23%, respectively. Assuming that the volume distribution is identical
to the surface distribution, in Fig. 4 we overlapped the
two surface maps shown in Fig. 3, one depicting silica
distribution and the other BIMS and BR for the cured
sample A. Silica is shown in black, BIMS in red, and BR
in white. The cut-off concentrations for the silica, BIMS,
and BR were found experimentally by matching the areas
covered by different components with the values predicted from the volum e concentrations. Although this gure does not provide information on the domain sizes, it
illustrates well the locations of silica domains, and allows
identication of regions rich in the BIMS and BR elastomers. Comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 3, it is evident that
the single polymer phase domains are rare, and most of
the domains are a m ixture of both components. As seen
in Fig. 3, their relative contributions vary. The fact that
BR is present throughout the sample can be interpreted
as a result of good penetration of this component into the
BIM S domains. However, an alternative explanation is
also possible. The polymer blends were studied in the
form of thin sections, 1 mm thick, and it is possible that
two different domains were present as distinct layers in
the section. In this scenario, laser light could penetrate
through the top domain and enter the domain below. As
a result the detector would register signals originating
from two different single-phase domains. At this stage of
our research it is impossible to verify which interpretation
is correct. Additional studies are planned to verify whether single-phase domains exist in the BIM S/BR blends.
Silica Distribution. The contour maps in Fig. 5 depict
silica distribution. Different colors indicate different absolute values of the intensity ratios of the peaks assigned
to silica and BR. For clarity reasons, we did not label
F IG . 6. Distribution of BIMS in the binary blends with BR, samples
#2 (bottom), #3 (center), and #4 (top). The concentration of silica was
30 phr.
each color for individual graphs and provided only the
maximum ranges in the gure captions. Precipitated silica
appears to be preferentially adsorbed in, or in close proximity to, the domains enriched in BIMS. The regions with
the highest concentrations of silica are usually 1 mm removed from the center of a BIMS domain. Actually, for
many of the BIMS domains, a decreased concentration
of silica is observed at the center of the BIM S dom ain;
the maximum silica concentration never coincides with
the center of the domain. Silica is also found to reside
within the BR domains. This effect is especially pronounced for sample C, which has the highest concentration of cis-polybutadiene. It is important to note that there
are areas within the samples where the concentration of
silica is so small that it is undetectable and it appears to
be essentially absent. Because of experimental error resulting from low signal-to-noise ratios, we cannot unequivocally conclude whether in those domains the silica
concentration is just very small or the silica is completely
absent. In the cured samples, silica is always within or
near the boundaries of the BIM S dom ains. Prior to curing
of the compound, silica is also present in the BR domains. However, after compound curing, the amount of
silica found inside the BR domains is drastically reduced,
indicating desorption of the BR from the silica surface
and adsorption of BIM S onto the silica surface.
Zinc Stearate. Zinc stearate is an ionic species and can
dissociate in rubber mixes. In this experiment we monitored only Raman bands due to the C–O–C vibrations of
the fatty acids. Thus, Fig. 5 illustrates the distribution of
the stearate chains. Consequently, no inform ation is available on the distribution of the zinc ions and/or of any
zinc oxide. It is seen that stearic acid concentrates in
small areas, which appear to be less than 1 mm in di-
F IG . 3. Contour maps for the 50:50 BIMS/BR blend with silica and other curatives before (left column) and after curing (right column). The lower
maps depict distribution of BIM S in the units of phr, the upper distribution of silica in relative numbers. The scale for the x- and y-axes is in
micrometers. The spectra were obtained in 0.5 mm intervals with an arbitrarily chosen origin.
F IG . 4. Contour map for the cured blend A, with the 50:50 BIMS/BR ratio. The regions in red correspond to about 41% surface area and represent
the BIMS domains. Silica domains are shown in black and cover about 15%. The remaining surface is covered by the BR component.
FIG . 5.
Raman intensity ratio of zinc stearate vs. BR for the sample C, with the 30:70 BIMS/BR ratio. Colors represent areas of similar intensity ratios.
TABLE III. The average domain sizes, d, and the magnitude of
uctuations in the relative intensity ratio, DI, for the BIMS/BR
ameter. In the cured samples, stearate concentrations can
be found near the silica agglom erates, or near the boundaries of the BIM S domains. It is interesting to observe
that the band assigned to the stearate chain vibrations and
centered at 1118 cm 2 1 for the bulk zinc stearate is shifted
in the blends toward lower frequencies. The shift is relatively sm all, about 4 cm 2 1, and is independent of the
state of cure of the samples. The shift is toward lower
frequencies and is probably caused by the chemical dissociating. Because zinc stearate can be found within the
BIMS domains, one could speculate that the zinc ions are
attracted to the electronegative brom ine atom of the
BIMS polym er, which also results in higher stearate concentrations. However, in uncured samples where large
concentrations of stearate chains are detected in BR, we
also obser ve that the shapes of the Raman peaks due to
the cis-polybutadiene are distorted and appear similar to
those m easured for the cured samples. The band shapes
change only when special interactions are present. Although the changes in the C5C band appear to be similar
to those observed after the curing process, it is impossible
to explain the nature of these interactions.
Polymer Blends Containing Silica. To estimate domain sizes for polymer blends prepared only with silica
and no curatives, we used long linear scans. Such measurem ents are much faster but provide similar information on polymer structure. Figure 6 illustrates the polymer
morphology for rubber systems comprising BIMS, BR,
and silica. Figure 7 shows the polymer morphology in
the 50:50 blends prepared with various amounts of silica.
Table II lists the average domain sizes. In the presence
of silica, polymer domains are sm aller. As the concentra-
30 phr silica
45 phr silica
d (mm)
d (mm)
d (mm)
F IG . 7. Distribution of BIM S in the 50:50 blend with BR and various
concentrations of silica; from bottom to top we show samp les #5, #3,
#6, and #7, respectively.
No silica 2
BR ratio
Average for both the cured and uncured blends.
tion of silica is increased, the morphology of the domains
becomes increasingly more uniform. This conclusion is
based on the observed uctuations, DI, of the ratio of the
Raman peak intensities. Lower DI values correspond to
sm aller differences in the concentration of BIM S and,
hence, m ore uniform distribution.
For the 50:50 and 75:25 BIMS/BR blends, the aggregates of domains can also be clearly identied (see Fig.
6). The average sizes of BIMS domain aggregates are
about 6.0 and 4.8 mm for the respective 50:50 and 75:25
blends prepared without silica (compare Table III). The
second elastomer is present, although its concentration
usually is much smaller. For example, in sample #4, the
75:25 blend, cis-p oly butad iene is w ell distribu ted
throughout the sample and can be found within domains
formed predominantly by BIM S. The effect of silica on
the morphology of the polymers in these blends is different from that observed in the 25:75 BIMS/BR blend.
The concentration uctuations and the domain sizes are
sm aller, but these reductions are less dramatic than those
for the sample with the low concentration of BIM S.
When the concentration of BIMS is 75 phr, the domains
appear to be continuous, form ing large areas of sizes exceeding 20 mm (compare Fig. 6). Fluctuations in intensity
ratio, DI, increase compared with those observed using
silica (compare Table II). Fluctuations are proportional to
the uctuations in polymer concentration. For the 75:25
BIMS/BR blend, the addition of silica does not improve,
and m ay even worsen, the uniformity of the distribution
of the two elastomers. To illustrate this effect better, Fig.
6 depicts the distribution curves for three samples, #2–
TABLE II. The average domain sizes, d, and the magnitude of
uctuations in the relative intensity ratio, DI, for the 50:50 BIMS/
BR blend as a function of silica concentration.
Concentration of
silica (phr)
d (mm)
Volume 54, Number 11, 2000
F IG . 8. Tem perature dependence of the distribution of BIM S in the 50:
50 blend with BR, sample #3. Concentration of silica was 30 phr.
F IG . 9. Temperature dependence of the distribution of BIMS in the 75:
25 blend with BR, sam ple #4. Concentration of silica was 30 phr.
#4, which have equal concentrations of silica at 30 phr.
In this gure, the scan lines are offset for clarity reasons;
the vertical axis is the same.
Aging Effects. The temperature dependence of the distribution of BIMS in the 50:50 and 75:25 blends with 30
phr of silica was investigated via the next series of experiments. Linear scans obtained for both samples at various temperatures are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. For the 50:50 blend, the heat treatments at 100 and
150 8C resulted in progressively sm aller domain sizes and
better distribution of BIMS, as the polymer m orphology
becomes co-continuous. The linear scans show smaller
domains and reduced uctuations of the BIMS concentration (compare Fig. 8 and also data in Table IV). However, upon heat treating at the higher temperature of 200
8C there is an increased separation of the components.
This result has been reproduced several times for different sections of sample #3. For sample #4 heat treatment
also results in better dispersion, but the improvements are
less pronounced (compare Fig. 9 and Table IV).
Degradation of cis-1-4-polybutadiene was monitored
by observing the changes in the shape of the C5C
stretching vibration at 1648 cm 2 1 . For freshly exposed
surfaces, this band is sharp and narrow. With time
elapsed, the band broadens and a shoulder appears at
about 1604 cm 2 1, which steadily grows in intensity at the
expense of the intensity of the initial 1648 cm 2 1 band
(compare Fig. 10). To the rst approximation, the changes appear to be similar to those caused by the curing
process. For samples stored at room-temperature conditions for four weeks, both components of the doublet
TABLE IV. Domain sizes, d, and the m agnitude of uctuations in
the relative intensity ratio, DI, for the 50:50 and 75:25 blends as a
function of temperature.
History of
100 8C
150 8C
200 8C
Sample #3 50:50
30 phr SiO 2
Sample #4 75:25
30 phr SiO 2
d (mm )
d (mm )
F IG . 10. Changes in the Ram an spectra of the C5C vibrations of cispolybutadiene caused by degradation of the cured blend B. A is the
spectrum obtained shortly after a new surface was made, spectrum B
was taken after storing the specim en at room conditions for four weeks,
and C is the spectrum obtained after 72 h of irradiation by a 200 W
mercu ry lamp.
were of similar magnitudes, and it was impossible to resolve them. The appearance of the second peak and its
subsequent growth is associated with the degradation of
the BR elastomer. After three days of illuminating the
cured blend B with a 200 W mercury lamp, the intensity
of the C5C band was dramatically reduced, and in addition to the 1604 cm 2 1 band, a broad peak at 1750 cm 2 1
also appeared (see Fig. 10C). The low-frequency component is most likely due to polybutadiene segments coupled to modied hydrocarbon chains, and the high-freAPPLIED SPECTROSCOPY
quency 1750 cm 2 1 band probably signies the presence
of carbonyl groups. Similar changes in this spectral region were recorded by IR absorption.7 Finally, it is found
that BR degradation as monitored by the disappearance
of the 1648 cm 2 1 peak proceeds faster in the sectional
samples (several micrometers thick) than in the bulk material. This is likely a direct result of the increased surface
area of the sectioned sample permitting oxygen to readily
penetrate. By monitoring the intensities of the 1750,
1648, and 1604 cm 2 1 bands it is possible to study the
kinetics of cis-polybutadiene degradation.
We demonstrated that Raman m icroimiging can be
used to map the distribution of polymers, silica ller, and
additives of relatively high concentration. Raman microimaging experiments conrm ed that the BIMS elastomer forms domains in the binary blends with polybutadiene. Contour m apping allows estimation of the size
of these domains—their sizes, shapes, and the average
distance between them. The relative concentration of
polymer components within domains and the distribution
of the silica ller and zinc stearate additive were calculated. Since the blends studied were prepared without the
use of an antioxidant, cis-polybutadene degrades at a rate
dependent upon temperature, wavelength of the incident
light and its uence, and sample thickness. Thus, to compare blends of different compositions and treatment protocols, it is important to perform the imaging experiment
on freshly exposed surfaces, preferably immediately after
or up to one day of generating the new surface, in order
to maintain the same environmental conditions.
In the absence of precipitated silica, BIMS and BR do
not mix well, with the phase separation of domains being
very pronounced. Many areas consist of a single polymer
component, which can be clearly identied. The degree
to which the domains are enriched in one component depends on the composition of the use of binary blends.
Upon inclusion of silica the polymer m orphology is completely changed. Increased concentrations of silica result
Volume 54, Number 11, 2000
in increased viscosity of the compound and generation of
greater shear deformations during the internal m ixing
process, which results in a more uniform blend morphology. Each polymer is dispersed throughout the m icro
regions, and single-component domains are seldom obser ved. Individual polymer domain sizes are reduced, and
the distribution of the two polymers is more uniform,
since m onitored uctuations in polymer concentration are
The blend m orphology of the uncured samples is dependent upon temperature. Increased temperature decreases domain sizes. The extent of this effect depends
on the blend composition. However, heating to 200 8C
may reverse this process. For the 50:50 blend with 30
phr of silica, the separation of the components increased,
while for the 75:25 BIMS/BR blend it remained the same.
This is a surprising effect as we expected a continuous
reduction in domain sizes and better distribution of components with increased temperature.
It is observed that silica and stearate chains are found
in the close proximity to the centers of the BIMS domains. On numerous occasions Raman imaging showed
silica just in between two or more sharp BIMS domains,
but never at the very center of the BIM S domain. For the
uncured samples, silica and stearate chains can sometimes be observed in the BR component; this is more
obvious for samples with high BR concentrations. However, after curing, stearate is observed only in the BIM S
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