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2015, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
8 pages
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The acoustical cues and physiological processing mechanisms underlying the perception of the distance of sound sources are not well understood. To understand the relation between physiology and behavior, a first step is to use an animal model to study distance sensitivity. The goal of these experiments was to establish the capacity of the Dutchbelted rabbit to discriminate between sound sources at two distances. Trains of noise bursts were presented from speakers that were located either directly in front of the rabbit or at a 45°angle in azimuth. The reference speaker was positioned at distances of 20, 40, and 60 cm from the subject, and the more distant test speaker was systematically moved to determine the smallest difference in distance that could be reliably discriminated by the subject. Noise stimuli had one of three bandwidths: wideband (0.1-10 kHz), low-pass (0.1-3 kHz), or high-pass (3-10 kHz). The mean stimulus level was 60 dB sound pressure level (SPL) at the location of the rabbit's head, and the level was roved over a 12-dB range from trial to trial to reduce the availability of level cues. An operant oneinterval two-alternative non-forced choice task was used, with a blocked two-down-one-up tracking procedure to determine the distance discriminability. Rabbits were consistently able to discriminate two distances when they were sufficiently separated. Sensitivity was better when the reference distance was 60 cm at either azimuth (distance ratio=1.5) and was worse when the reference distance was 20 cm (distance ratio=2.4 at 0°and 1.75 at 45°).
Frontiers in Psychology
Previous studies on the effect of spectral content on auditory distance perception (ADP) focused on the physically measurable cues occurring either in the near field (low-pass filtering due to head diffraction) or when the sound travels distances >15 m (high-frequency energy losses due to air absorption). Here, we study how the spectrum of a sound arriving from a source located in a reverberant room at intermediate distances (1-6 m) influences the perception of the distance to the source. First, we conducted an ADP experiment using pure tones (the simplest possible spectrum) of frequencies 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz. Then, we performed a second ADP experiment with stimuli consisting of continuous broadband and bandpass-filtered (with center frequencies of 0.5, 1.5, and 4 kHz and bandwidths of 1/12, 1/3, and 1.5 octave) pink-noise clips. Our results showed an effect of the stimulus frequency on the perceived distance both for pure tones and filtered noise bands: ADP was less accurate for stimuli containing energy only in the low-frequency range. Analysis of the frequency response of the room showed that the low accuracy observed for low-frequency stimuli can be explained by the presence of sparse modal resonances in the low-frequency region of the spectrum, which induced a non-monotonic relationship between binaural intensity and source distance. The results obtained in the second experiment suggest that ADP can also be affected by stimulus bandwidth but in a less straightforward way (i.e., depending on the center frequency, increasing stimulus bandwidth could have different effects). Finally, the analysis of the acoustical cues suggests that listeners judged source distance using mainly changes in the overall intensity of the auditory stimulus with distance rather than the direct-to-reverberant energy ratio, even for low-frequency noise bands (which typically induce high amount of reverberation). The results obtained in this study show that, depending on the spectrum of the auditory stimulus, reverberation can degrade ADP rather than improve it.
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Trends in Hearing
The auditory system allows the estimation of the distance to sound-emitting objects using multiple spatial cues. In virtual acoustics over headphones, a prerequisite to render auditory distance impression is sound externalization, which denotes the perception of synthesized stimuli outside of the head. Prior studies have found that listeners with mild-to-moderate hearing loss are able to perceive auditory distance and are sensitive to externalization. However, this ability may be degraded by certain factors, such as non-linear amplification in hearing aids or the use of a remote wireless microphone. In this study, 10 normal-hearing and 20 moderate-to-profound hearing-impaired listeners were instructed to estimate the distance of stimuli processed with different methods yielding various perceived auditory distances in the vicinity of the listeners. Two different configurations of non-linear amplification were implemented, and a novel feature aiming to restore a sense of distance in w...
Proceedings of the ICA congress, 2019
The perception of sound source distance is known to exhibit systematic biases. In general, the distances of far sources are progressively underestimated, but near sources are overestimated. Such biases are not typically observed in vision, however. Under natural viewing conditions in which a variety of visual distance cues are available to the observer, perceived distance is highly accurate. Relatively little is known about how distance information from both auditory and visual modalities is combined in the perception of distance, however. This is surprising, given that audio/visual aspects of directional perception have been extensively studied, primarily in relation to the "ventriloquist effect". Here, two experiments on audio/visual distance perception are summarized. Both used virtual auditory space techniques to simulate reverberant sound field listening of a loudspeaker-produced broadband noise signal. The results from both experiments suggest that not only is perceived distance less accurate in the auditory modality than in vision, but it is also considerably less precise. A computational model was developed based on data from these two experiments. Predictions from the model offer explanations as to why visual information, when available, appears to dominate auditory information in the perception of distance.
Attention, perception & psychophysics, 2015
Auditory distance perception plays a major role in spatial awareness, enabling location of objects and avoidance of obstacles in the environment. However, it remains under-researched relative to studies of the directional aspect of sound localization. This review focuses on the following four aspects of auditory distance perception: cue processing, development, consequences of visual and auditory loss, and neurological bases. The several auditory distance cues vary in their effective ranges in peripersonal and extrapersonal space. The primary cues are sound level, reverberation, and frequency. Nonperceptual factors, including the importance of the auditory event to the listener, also can affect perceived distance. Basic internal representations of auditory distance emerge at approximately 6 months of age in humans. Although visual information plays an important role in calibrating auditory space, sensorimotor contingencies can be used for calibration when vision is unavailable. Blin...
Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
The ratio of direct to reverberant sound energy (D/R) has been shown to be a primary acoustic cue to perceived sound source distance. Because it is unclear exactly how D/R might be encoded in the auditory system, a variety of more physiologically plausible correlates to D/R have been identified, including: spectral variance, interaural correlation, and temporal cues. Here, following recent neural work by Kuwada and Kim [ARO, 2014], we describe a new correlate to D/R and perceived distance related to the amplitude modulation (AM) depth of the signal at the listener's location. This cue is caused by the change in the modulation transfer characteristics of the room as a function of source distance. Results from an apparent distance estimation task confirm the efficacy of this AM depth cue in a reverberant soundfield (approximate broadband T 60 = 3 s), when level cues are made ineffective. Distance estimates to near sources (≤ 2m) were found to be more accurate when the source signal (1-octave band of noise centered at 4 kHz) had AM (32 Hz, 100% depth), and this facilitation was only observed in reverberation. The facilitation was most evident for monaural input, indicating that the AM depth cue is likely processed monaurally.
Behavior Research Methods, 2017
In this study we evaluated whether a method of direct location is an appropriate response method for measuring auditory distance perception of far-field sound sources. We designed an experimental setup that allows participants to indicate the distance at which they perceive the sound source by moving a visual marker. We termed this method Cross-Modal Direct Location (CMDL) since the response procedure involves the visual modality while the stimulus is presented through the auditory modality. Three experiments were conducted with sound sources located from 1 to 6 m. The first one compared the perceived distances obtained using either the CMDL device or verbal report (VR), which is the response method more frequently used for reporting auditory distance in the far field, and found differences on response compression and bias. In Experiment 2, participants reported visual distance estimates to the visual marker that were found highly accurate. Then, we asked the same group of participants to report VR estimates of auditory distance and found that the spatial visual information, obtained from the previous task, did not influence their reports. Finally, Experiment 3 compared the same responses that Experiment 1 but interleaving the methods, showing a weak, but complex, mutual influence. However, the estimates obtained with each method remained statistically different. Our results show that the auditory distance psychophysical functions obtained with the CMDL method are less susceptible to previously reported underestimation for distances over 2 m.
Crystal Research and Technology, 2009
Single crystals of Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 (PZNT 91/9) have been grown by flux method after modifications in temperature profile, flux ratio and addition of excess ZnO/B2O3 which resulted in enhanced perovskite yield (more than 95%). Only a few crystals showed the presence of pyrochlore phase/variation in composition. A comparative characterization of these crystals were carried out in respect of piezoelectric charge coefficient d33, dielectric constant, ac conductivity and hysteresis loop after cutting and poling the crystals along [001] direction. The total activation energy for conduction has been found to increase with Ti-content in the sample. The effect of ZnO on growth behavior has been analyzed. A detailed analysis of PZNT (91:9) has been carried out at low temperature in respect of the various thermodynamic parameters related to the dielectric relaxation mechanism, like optical dielectric constant, static dielectric constant, free energy of activation for dipole relaxation, enthalpy of activation and relaxation time, have been calculated in the vicinity of transition temperature in the lower temperature region. The activation energy for relaxation at -10 and -49 °C have been found to be 0.09 and 0.02 eV respectively. The results were analyzed and a detailed dielectric analysis and low temperature relaxation behavior of PZNT crystals were interpreted. (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Open Praxis, 2014
As universities become increasingly reliant on the online delivery of courses for distance education, those students without access to the Internet are increasingly marginalised. Among those most marginalised are incarcerated students who are often from low socio-economic status backgrounds and have limited access to resources. This article reports on four projects that incrementally build on each other, three of which are completed, at the University of Southern Queensland that seek to provide access to higher education for incarcerated students. These projects developed a modified version of Moodle, called Stand Alone Moodle (SAM), which doesn’t require Internet access, but provides the same level of access and interactivity as regular Moodle. EBook readers were also used in two of the projects. A description of the projects, a summary of the results and issues is provided. The projects will be extended to deploy Stand Alone Moodle and tablet computers to correctional centres across Australia with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
The bulk of human studies of auditory distance perception has focused on sound source distances in the far field (9~1 m). The general consensus is that distance perception is poor in anechoic environments but better and systematic in reverberant environments (reviewed by Zahorik et al. 2005). In reverberation, the relationship between perceived and physical distances is approximated by a straight line in a log-log plot of perceived distance vs. physical distance with a slope less than unity. Perceived distances are underestimated for farther distances and overestimated for closer distances. The crossover distance is often~1 m but varies noticeably among listeners and in different stimulus conditions (Zahorik 2002a).
Distance perception of a sound source in the near field (G~1 m) is of particular interest because it is in this realm that critical decisions of fight or flight to threatening sounds must often be made (Cannon 1915) and where daily events such as personal conversations occur (Shinn-Cunningham et al. 2005). Neural support for distance sensitivity in the near field was reported by Graziano et al. (1999). They found that neurons in the ventral premotor cortex of the awake monkey increased their firing rate as the sound source became closer and closer at distances within its arm's length (i.e., personal space, near field). They reported that more than half the neurons were sensitive to distance, independent of the source level. Kopčo et al. (2012) using functional magnetic resonance imaging showed a distance-sensitive area in the putative posterior auditory-cortex "where" pathway of humans. Support for distance sensitivity in humans in the near field was provided by Brungart and his colleagues (1999), Zahorik (2002a, b), and Kopčo and Shinn-Cunningham (2011).
Distance perception has been studied in birds (e.g., Nelson andStoddard 1998, Naguib et al. 2000) and bats (e.g., Valentine andMoss 1997, Suga 1995), mostly in the far field; however, there is a dearth of behavioral studies of distance perception in mammals. Such studies are needed to understand the neural substrates of distance sensitivity, which are only accessible in nonhuman species. The goal here is to provide the behavioral sensitivity to distance in rabbits, a common animal for neural studies of hearing. The rabbit's hearing encompasses the range of human hearing (Heffner and Masterton 1980). Its sensitivity in azimuth is~20° (Gandy et al. 1995, Heffner 1997. Kuwada and colleagues (e.g., 1989, 2006, 2014, Stanford et al. 1992, Fitzpatrick et al. 1999 have made neural recordings in the superior olivary complex, dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex of the awake rabbit, with a focus on processing of interaural time differences. The responses of these structures in the rabbit resemble those of the cat, guinea pig, and chinchilla. For all these reasons, and because recordings can be made in the awake state, the rabbit has proven to be a valuable model for auditory processing. The rabbit is crepuscular (i.e., most active during dawn and dusk) and its survival, at least in part, depends on its ability to localize an auditory source in distance (Popper and Fay 1997).
Three adult female Dutch-belted rabbits were studied. The rabbits were aged 10-11 months at onset of testing, and the duration of testing was approximately 2 years for all three animals. The three rabbits were tested using wideband and low-pass stimuli. Only two were tested using high-pass stimuli after determining that one animal (R19) was not able to complete this task. It is possible that this animal had high-frequency hearing loss, but its thresholds for the wideband and low-pass stimuli were consistent with the other animals, so those results are reported here.
Rabbits were maintained at 80 % of their ad libitum weights and housed individually in the vivarium with access to fresh water. Daily behavioral testing sessions were approximately 400 trials (1½ to 2 h) in length. The daily pelleted ration (Purina Mills Lab Rabbit High Fiber test diet) was typically consumed as task reinforcements, and the diet was supplemented daily with Timothy hay. All procedures were approved by the University Committee on Animal Resources at the University of Rochester.
Behavioral Apparatus
The behavioral apparatus was inside an IAC soundattenuated booth with inner walls of standard perforated metal (2.13 m×1.98 m×2.57 m). The reverberation was later measured in another IAC booth of comparable size and found to be mildly reverberant (mean T60 for 0.125 to 4 kHz=0.1 s). This is a conservative estimate because in the experimental booth the apparatus rested on a metal table. The hardware cloth test enclosure was 30.5 cm width×45.7 cm length×34.3 cm height. The wall of the enclosure facing the speakers had three 4-cm diameter response holes (Fig. 1). Responses were detected using infrared emitter/detector diode pairs (Radio Shack) mounted in the sides of the response holes. Speakers were mounted on motorized posts (Firgelli Automations, Model JC35PB24-110) that were used to randomize speaker heights from block to block during testing; the range of the vertical rove was 10 cm. The speaker further from the enclosure was mounted on a motor (Firgelli Automations) that varied the speaker distance between blocks of trials. A house light was on during test sessions, except during time-outs.
Figure 1
Top: Behavioral test setup for 0°azimuth speaker positions. Bottom: Setup for 45°azimuth speaker positions. The middle nose-poke hole was for the observing response (OR) that was made by the animal to initiate the acoustic stimulus on each trial.
Sounds were generated using an acoustic system (Tucker-Davis Technologies, System III, Gainsville, FL, USA) under the control of MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). Stimuli were presented by Audax tweeter loudspeakers (1M025F7; Parts Express, Springboro, OH). An Ivie IE-35 (Springville, UT) handheld audio analyzer was used to measure the sound pressure level. The analyzer was placed at the height of the rabbit's ears and at approximately the same distance from the cage front (6.5 cm) as the base of the animal's pinnae during a trial. The noise level was initially adjusted to a mean of 60 dB sound pressure level (SPL) (A weighting) in the test enclosure for both speakers and at all distances. The stimulus levels were roved over a 12-dB range from trial to trial to control for level cues because preliminary tests on other animals indicated a strong bias in responses based on stimulus level.
Sounds were presented in trains of 250-ms (50 % duty cycle) noise bursts until the animal responded (up to 5-s durations). Noise bursts were gated on and off abruptly. For each speaker position, animals were tested with stimuli at three bandwidths: wideband (0.1-10 kHz), low pass (0.1-3 kHz), or high pass (3-10 kHz).
Testing Procedure
An operant one-interval two-alternative choice task was used. Each trial of the final task consisted of an observing response (nose poke) in the center hole that initiated the acoustic stimulus. A reporting response (nose poke) was made to either the upper or lower hole to indicate if the speaker was the more distant or the nearer speaker. The response holes were aligned vertically to avoid bias to the left/right that was anticipated for testing at 45°azimuth (Fig. 1, lower panel). Correct responses were reinforced with a single pellet delivered to the dish behind the animal. Incorrect responses resulted in a lights-out time-out. Food reinforcement was delivered behind the animal to disassociate the position of the response hole with the food reward.
During initial training, the center nose poke hole was plugged. The sequence of training steps began with magazine training, followed by reinforcement only for nose pokes made during noise bursts. The final stage of training required the animal to initiate each stimulus with an observing response (OR) that was a nose poke in the center hole, followed by a reporting response (RR) in either the upper hole (for stimuli from the near speaker) or in the lower hole (for stimuli from the far speaker). Stimuli were presented from one of the two speakers with equal probability. The stimulus was terminated when a RR was made. Correct RRs were reinforced with food pellets. Incorrect RRs initiated time-outs, during which the house light was extinguished for 5 s; the time-out timer was reset to 5 s after any poke made between stimuli. Bias [β=0.5×(Z-score for hits+Z-score for false alarms)] was monitored throughout each session and was controlled by the delivery of two pellets for the biased-against response type for a certain percentage of trials. This percentage was adjusted every 50 trials based on a running estimate of the animal's bias. Sessions were typically 1-2 h or 400 trials in length and were concluded when the daily allotment of food had been delivered or when 2 h had elapsed.
The near speaker remained stationary during testing for each distance, and the far-speaker position was varied depending upon previous performance. For speakers at 0°azimuth, three near-speaker distances were tested (20, 40, and 60 cm) for each stimulus bandwidth. Stimulus conditions were tested in different orders for each animal. After the completion of testing 0°azimuth, the apparatus was repositioned for testing at 45°azimuth. At 45°a zimuth, two distances (20 and 60 cm) and three stimulus bandwidths were tested in different orders for each animal. Head position was monitored using a video camera positioned above the test enclosure over several sessions to verify that the head faced forward at the beginning of each trial, regardless of the speaker azimuth.
After each block of 10 trials, the percent correct for that block was computed; each block of 10 trials had 5 near and 5 far stimuli that were presented in a random sequence. A blocked two-down one-up algorithm controlled speaker position (Levitt 1971). Figure 2 is an example of this procedure for which the near speaker was fixed at 20 cm, the azimuth was set at 0°, and the noise bursts were high pass. If the percent correct exceeded 70.7 % for two consecutive blocks of 10 trials, the distance between the far and near speakers was decreased. If the percent correct for a block of 10 trials fell below 70.7 % correct, the distance between the speakers was increased. The far speaker was moved in equal logarithmic steps. The ratio of the far-speaker distance to the near-speaker distance is referred to as the distance ratio (DR). The log 2 DR step was changed in increments of 0.15 until a log 2 DR of 1.5 was reached; then, the increment was decreased to 0.05. An automated motor was used to vary the distance of the far speaker, which was at a distance of 120 cm from the enclosure at the start of every session. A 10-cm vertical rove was used for the speakers to randomize their heights after each block of trials. To eliminate visual cues, such as vibration of the Mylar dome of the near speaker during the noise bursts, a piece of gauze was draped in front of the near speaker.
Figure 2
Tracks were only included in the final threshold estimate if they had standard deviations of log 2 DR less than 0.3 and bias less than 0.3. The estimate of the discrimination threshold for each track was obtained from the last four reversals of log 2 DR in the track. For the example in Figure 2, at the threshold for discrimination, the distance of the far speaker was approximately 56 cm and the fixed near speaker was at 20 cm. For this estimate, the distance ratio was 2.8, i.e., the far speaker was at a distance 2.8 times the near speaker when the rabbit could just reliably discriminate the two speakers. This condition (near speaker=20 cm, azimuth=0°and high-pass noise bursts) had the highest discrimination thresholds (see Figs. 3, 4). Final threshold estimates for each near-speaker position were based on the mean of the last five individual thresholds that were unbiased and consistent (i.e., the criterion standard deviation was applied to the track used for each threshold estimate). If a significant trend was observed across the five estimates (i.e., a slope statistically different from zero), suggesting an improvement associated with learning, testing continued until five consecutive thresholds were obtained without such a trend. The 95 % confidence intervals in Figures 3 and 4 were derived from the means and standard deviations across all animals tested in each condition. Because of the small number of subjects, the data sets were not appropriate for analysis using either parametric or non-parametric statistics, given the statistical assumptions required. As a result, differences in thresholds between conditions are described on the basis of non-overlapping confidence intervals.
Figure 3
Behavioral results were based on thresholds estimated for speaker separation discrimination at 0 and 45°a zimuths. Thresholds for distance discrimination are shown in terms of absolute distance of the far speaker (Fig. 3), and in DR (Fig. 4), as a function of nearspeaker location. Each threshold for an individual animal represents the mean of five estimates (bars indicated the 95 % confidence intervals of the means). Mean thresholds were estimated from the pooled set of 15 thresholds (for three rabbits) or 10 thresholds (for two rabbits). In Figure 3, the means and 95 % confidence intervals of the absolute distances of the far speaker are generally consistent across animals, and confidence intervals are nonoverlapping for different speaker distances in each stimulus condition. Figure 4 shows the same threshold estimates as in Figure 3, but in terms of the DR, a form of the Weber fraction (i.e., (D+ΔD)/D=1+ΔD/D). This plot allows the visual determination of how well the results are described by Weber's Law, which predicts that distance-discrimination thresholds should be proportional to speaker distance or that DR should be constant across different near-speaker distances. Figure 4 shows clearly that proportional thresholds are largest for the nearest speaker distance tested (20 cm) and that thresholds were similar for the 40-and 60-cm distances. The difference between DR at the near distance and the two farther distances was most pronounced for the high-pass condition.
Figure 4
At 45°azimuth and 20-cm reference distance (Fig. 4, right panels), distance discrimination improved relative to the 0°, 20-cm conditions for all three frequency bands. When the reference distance was 60 cm, however, there was no advantage of the 45°a zimuth over the 0°azimuth. Regarding the effect of reference distance, the 45°, 20-cm performance was only marginally worse than the 45°, 60-cm case for the low-pass and wideband noise bursts. However, similar to the 0°azimuth condition, the difference between the 20 and 60 cm references was larger for the high-pass noise bursts.
The main findings of this study are that the rabbits were able to most accurately discriminate distance when the near-speaker reference distance was 40 or 60 cm and were worse when the near-speaker distance was 20 cm, particularly at 0°azimuth. At 20-cm reference distance, distance discrimination was better at 45°azimuth than at 0°. At both azimuths, distance discrimination at the closest reference distance (20 cm) was better for low-pass and wideband noise than for high-pass noise.
Most studies of distance perception in humans asked the listeners to directly estimate the distance of a sound source. Such a task is not possible in animals and that is why the measurement of distance discrimination was used in this study. Zahorik (personal communication) derived estimates of human listeners' distance-discrimination thresholds from observations made in a moderately reverberant (mean T60 for 0.2 to 16 kHz=0.7 s) auditorium (Zahorik 2002a) following the logic described in Zahorik (2002bZahorik ( , pp. 2115Zahorik ( -2117. For a d′ of 1.09, which corresponds to 70.7 % correct in a single-interval two-alternative forced choice task (Macmillan and Creelman 2005), the estimated human threshold DRs for wideband noise stimulation at 0°were 2.9, 2.2, and 2.3 for reference distances of 30, 43, and 61 cm, respectively. These estimates are similar in pattern (i.e., worst at the closest reference distance) but overall slightly less sensitive than the corresponding rabbit data (DR=2.4, 1.6, and 1.5 for 20, 40, and 60 cm, respectively, for 0°a zimuth). The lower distance sensitivity in humans may be partly due to the fact that listeners were tested in a distance-estimation task rather than the discrimination task used for the rabbit. Another difference between the experiments was the use of trains of noise bursts up to 5 s in duration for the rabbits. This potentially allowed head movements; however, no systematic head movements were observed, and for most trials, the animals responded briskly and the stimulus was terminated. Human distance-discrimination thresholds were also derived from the distance perception responses reported by Brungart (1999) for cases in which the stimulus level was roved. These estimates were also based on the logic described by Zahorik (2002b) but relied on estimates of response standard deviation
FIG. 2.
Example of a two-down one-up (2D1U) track used to estimate the threshold for distance discrimination. The near speaker, in this example, was fixed at 20 cm; the azimuth was set at 0°; and the noise bursts were high pass. Reversals of the track direction are indicated by circles. The mean of log 2 DR of the last four reversals was used to compute the confidence interval for each track. Each track consisted of many blocks (30 in this example), with each block consisting of 10 trials. Within each block, half of the trials were from each speaker, presented in random sequence.
derived from reported values of slope and correlation between log-transformed source distances and responses (see Fig. 9 in Brungart 1999) and an estimated source distance standard deviation of 0.96 log 2 cm (see Fig. 7 in Brungart 1999). For d′=1.09, 70.7 % correct, the average threshold DR estimates were 6.4 and 2.7 for 0 and 45°azimuth, respectively, over the range of source distances studied (10 to 100 cm). These estimated human sensitivities were again lower than those for the rabbit, where DR for wideband stimulation when averaged across distance (20-60 cm) was 2.2 and 1.6 for 0 and 45°, respectively. The distance-discrimination performance was better at 45°azimuth in both rabbits and humans, although greater improvement was observed in humans.
Figure 9
Figure 7
Brungart's findings that distance perception in humans was better for low-pass and wideband noise bursts are also consistent with the results for rabbit, for which better distance-discrimination thresholds were estimated for low-pass and wideband noise bursts, especially at the nearest distance.
One difference between the studies of Zahorik (2002a) and Brungart (1999) is the acoustic environment: moderately reverberant (T60=0.7 s) in the former and anechoic in the latter. Distance discrimination was better in the moderately reverberant environment (DR=2.4, averaged over 30-61 cm at 0°) than in the anechoic environment (DR=6.4 at 0°). This is consistent with the concept that distance localization is facilitated by reverberation. The distance sensitivity in an anechoic environment was surprising because many studies report poor distance perception in such environments (Mershon et al. 1989, Nielsen 1993. Shinn-Cunningham et al. (2000) using near-field virtual stimuli and roved stimulus levels reported that distance perception in anechoic conditions was below chance levels and, even with feedback, was below that reported by Brungart (1999). Shinn-Cunningham et al. (2000) also showed that distance perception was much improved in reverberation. The discrepancy between the two studies in anechoic environments may be explained by the presence of a person who manipulated the position of the sound source in the Brungart (1999) study. The person stood next to and slightly below the subject in order to manipulate the spatial position of the sound source that was attached to the end of a rod and thus could have created inadvertent reverberations. The Shinn-Cunningham et al. (2000) study avoided this problem because virtual sound source methods were used. Brungart (1999) attributed the better performance for sound off the midline to increasing interaural level difference (ILD) cues at low frequencies with decreasing distance (humans: Brungart and Rabinowitz 1999, Kuwada et al. 2010a, Kuwada et al. 2010bbarn owl: Kim et al. 2008;rabbits: Kim et al. 2010;chinchilla: Jones et al. 2013). However, several studies (Shinn-Cunningham et al. 2000, Kopčo and Shinn-Cunningham 2011, Kopčo et al. 2012 showed that distance perception is dominated by reverberant cues (i.e., direct-toreverberant energy (D/R)) and that contribution of ILD cues was minimal. These findings are supported by a human neural-imaging study that found that reverberant cues (i.e., D/R), not ILD, play a dominant role in neural distance sensitivity (Kopčo et al. 2012).
FIG. 4.
Mean distance-discrimination thresholds plotted as distance ratio (far-speaker distance at threshold divided by fixed near-speaker distance). Same format as Figure 3. Error bars are 95 % confidence intervals, as in Figure 3.
Davide Giuriato, Sabine Schneider (Hg.), Stifters Mikrologien, Stuttgart (Metzler) 2019, S. 169-201, 2019
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