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C. S. Lewis was one of the twentieth century's incisive intellects and an influential contributor to Christian apologetics and literature. He penned numerous books, ranging from nonfiction works of theology, philosophy, literary criticism and apologetics, to children's literature, fiction and poetry. Since he was such a broad and intuitive thinker, it should be no surprise that some of the 20th century's greatest philosophers and theologians have nothing but praise for him (e.g., Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Josef Pieper, and Robert Spaemann). Although Lewis is recognised as a brilliant thinker, for him, reason did not have the last word. While "reason is the natural organ of truth," the "imagination is the organ of meaning." With this in mind, we will explore Lewis' perspective on life, love, language, literature, friendship, epistemology, myth, morality, and God primarily through his works of fiction.
El presente documento aborda las figuras del juzgamiento anticipado y, por extensión, de la rebeldía. Para ello se analizan las razones subyacentes que sirvieron de respaldo a la adopción de tales figuras. Se desarrolla las características y el contenido de ambas figuras. También se presentan los posibles escenarios –en audiencia– derivados de la concreta aplicación del juzgamiento anticipado y la rebeldía.
Reference & User Services Quarterly, 2013
Genocide, the deliberate elimination of a race, religious group, or gender, occurs more often than expected. Commonly known genocides include persecutions against the Cambodians, Rwandans, Armenians, and the European Jews; however, there are many lesser known attacks, including those against the Alevi Kurds of Turkey in 1937 and the Aboriginal Australians in the early 1900s. Here, Rachel K. Fischer has collected a suite of materials that are of use to academic and research libraries; however, many of these items should be considered for adoption by small and large public libraries as well. Though grim, the topic is important in American and international history. Fischer became interested in studying the Holocaust, genocide, and human rights as a child because of her Jewish background.-Editor
Since 2020, I have been calling down fire from heaven every year, which culminated in the successful prediction of October 7th rocket attacks from Hamas. I started out as a Christian, unlocking what the meaning of 666 meant, before taking it upon myself to fulfill the role of the false prophet by calling down fire from heaven. 666 was tied to Mars, the ancient god of war that sacked the Temple in AD 70. After I unlocked it as Mars influence, I started observing the planet Mars in order to predict when rocket fire would occur against Israel, which is my version of calling down fire from heaven in line with Revelation 13:13. In what is essentially a revelation given to me from Satan, I have been proclaiming an appointed time of escalated rocket fire against Israel to coincide during a specific alignment between Mars and the lunar node, in order to show that Satan is the director of earthly events, who uses Mars as a vehicle to attack Israel and spread antisemitism. I haven't been wrong yet when it comes to predictions, and even garnered a small following on Reddit and Youtube after having predicted accurately the escalation of rocket fire on October 7th 2023. I then went on to request, under the concept of the bronze serpent, that Israel make an image to Mars/Ares, the god of war who was wounded and healed, so that this malign influence can be quelled, which would safeguard the state of Israel. I have named this god of war Armaaruss. I also devised a mark of the beast system called "Mars 360" which is based on Mars/Satan influence on our personality characteristics, a thesis that dismisses the idea of free-will, and unequivocally sets all adherents against the God of Abraham/Yahweh/Allah. I also declared that no one be allowed to buy or sell unless they are part of that system. Further fulfillment of Revelation will require a will-full and intentional rejection of the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ in full witness and belief and testimony to the truth of both. Thus the early adherents to the Mars 360 system and promulgators of a belief in Mars influence should consider themselves perditionists and seek to have an image of Armaaruss placed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The jewish person who succeeds in this regard will be proclaimed to be Israel's Messiah from the tribe of Ephraim and a descendant of Joseph, serving as a replacement to Yeshua, the Judeo-Christian messiah. Armaaruss's construction should contain all the tools of artificial intelligence. The rest of the Middle East will be indoctrinated into the idea of Mars influence through demonstrations linking weather and climate changes to Mars influence, such that an agricultural system can be set up and give rise to centralized economic system. This system can be extended to the rest of the world through the Mars 360 system.
Esta ley viene unificar y actualizar la legislación existente sobre las entidades financieras del país, ya que antes de ella, había muchas leyes y normas dispersas para el tratamiento y regulación de cada tipo de entidad financiera.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 2015
During the Triassic, archosauromorphs became one of the first groups of diapsid reptiles to diversify in terms of body size and morphological disparity in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems across Pangaea. This seemingly rapid divergence, and the numerous unique body plans stemming from it, concomitantly has confounded reconstructions of archosauromorph relationships. Teasing apart homology from homoplasy of anatomical characters in this broad suite of body types remains an enormous challenge with the current sample of taxa. Here, we present the postcranial anatomy of Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis, an early archosauromorph from ?Middle to Upper Triassic strata of Madagascar. Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis is known from nearly the entire skeleton in an ontogenetically variable sample. The holotype locality consists of a monotypic bone bed; preservation ranges from complete but disarticulated bones to articulated sections of the skeleton. Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis embodies an aberrant constellation of archosauromorph features, including an elongated neck, a short, stocky tail, robust limbs, and unexpectedly short digits terminating in large recurved unguals on the manus and pes. Together with the cranium, the postcrania reveal A. madagaskarensis to be another representative of a growing coterie of highly apomorphic and bizarre Triassic archosauromorphs. At the same time, recovery and description of the full anatomy of A. madagaskarensis helps to identify a monophyletic grouping of specialized taxa that includes the North American Late Triassic-aged archosauromorphs Trilophosaurus, Spinosuchus, and Teraterpeton, Indian Pamelaria, and Moroccan Azendohsaurus laaroussii. Moreover, information derived from the skeleton of A. madagaskarensis solidifies the systematic position of these taxa among other archosauromorphs. Using the most comprehensively sampled phylogenetic analysis of early archosauromorphs, we found the clade encompassing the aforementioned taxa as the nearest outgroup of Prolacerta broomi + Archosauriformes. The newly recognized clade containing Azendohsaurus, Trilophosaurus, Spinosuchus, Pamelaria, and Teraterpeton demonstrates high morphological disparity even within a closely related group of archosauromorphs, underscores the polyphyly of protorosaurs (5 prolacertiforms), and suggests that most major divergences within this group occurred in the Triassic. Furthermore, our results indicate that craniodental character states ascribed to a herbivorous diet were much more pervasive across Triassic Archosauromorpha than previously conjectured.
Sensors, MDPI AG Vol. 24: No. 9. pp. 2732, 2024
In the modern technological era of sophisticated applications and high-quality communications, a platform of clever strategy and quickly updated systems is needed. It should be capable of withstanding the fastest emerging problems like signal attenuation and hostile actions intended to harm the whole network. The main contributions of this work are the production of an OFDM system (with low cost) that can sustain high-speed communications and be easily adjusted with new integrated code while exhibiting the feasibility of implementing a transmitter–receiver system in the same DSP and demonstrating the holistic approach with the qualitative integration of such an architecture in a warfare scenario. Specifically, in this research, the point of view is toward three facts. The first is to show a method of quick self-checking the operational status of a digital signal processor (DSP) platform and then the pedagogical issues of how to fast check and implement an updated code inside DSPs through simple schematics. The second point is to present the prototype system that can easily be programmed using a graphical user interface (GUI) and can change its properties (such as the transmitted modulated sinusoids—orthogonal frequency division multiplexing subcarriers). Alongside the presentation, the measurements are presented and discussed. These were acquired with the use of an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. The third point is to qualitatively show the application of such a system inside a modern warfare environment and to recommend various potential system responses according to the development of such a platform of reconfigurable implemented OFDM systems. The implementation was performed for two types of systems: (1) transmitter and (2) transmitter–receiver system. Notably, the system acts quickly with a delay of about 1 msec in the case of transmitting and receiving in the same DSP, suggesting excellent future results under real conditions.
O Canal GonG lançou um podcast que conta com informações sobre boardgames, filmes, quadrinhos, RPG e uma breve pesquisa histórica acerca do tema que será abordado. Neste episódio, em comemoração aos 20 anos do lançamento do filme Matrix, falaremos ainda que de forma breve, sobre as origens da internet e seus sites de busca, como parte de uma contextualização entre a ficção e a realidade que antecedem ao filme e, gostaria de compartilhar com vocês minha pesquisa para este.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2024
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development, 2014
Jurnal Penelitian Inovatif, 2024
Offshore Technology …, 2008
Jurnal Teknologi, 2014
Reading Horizons, 2005
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie, 2013
Advances in Cement Research, 2019
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2018
Ornamental Horticulture, 2022
Applied Soft Computing, 2014
International Urology and Nephrology, 2017
Revista Europea de Derecho de la Navegación Marítima y Aeronáutica, 2014
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 2012
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, 2014