Data protection at the Research Data
Daniela Hochfellner,
Dana Müller,
Alexandra Schmucker,
Elisabeth Roß
Data protection at the Research Data Centre
Daniela Hochfellner (IAB)
Dana Müller (IAB)
Alexandra Schmucker (IAB)
Elisabeth Roß (IAB)
Die FDZ-Methodenreporte befassen sich mit den methodischen Aspekten der Daten des
FDZ und helfen somit Nutzerinnen und Nutzern bei der Analyse der Daten. Nutzerinnen
und Nutzer können hierzu in dieser Reihe zitationsfähig publizieren und stellen sich der
öffentlichen Diskussion.
FDZ-Methodenreporte (FDZ method reports) deal with methodical aspects of FDZ data
and help users in the analysis of these data. In addition, users can publish their results in
a citable manner and present them for public discussion.
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
Zusammenfassung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why data protection? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Legal background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Data protection as a task of the FDZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The FDZ data protection portfolio . . . . . . .
3.1 Examination of conditions for access . .
3.2 Regulations on data access and data use
3.3 Anonymisation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Output checking . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Statistical disclosure control at the FDZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Theoretical differentiation of analysis results . . . . . . . .
4.2 Preconditions for the feasibility of statistical disclosure control
4.3 FDZ guidelines for checking the analysis results . . . . . .
4.3.1 Statistical indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.2 Percentiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.3 Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.4 Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.5 File formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3.6 Transmission of aggregated data files . . . . . . . .
4.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
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Forschungsdaten, die aus dem Bereich der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) bzw. aus den
Befragungen des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) stammen, sind für
Wissenschaft und Politikberatung von zunehmend hoher Bedeutung. Zahlreiche Forschungsfragen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung lassen sich mit diesen Daten beantworten. Es handelt sich um Sozialdaten, die den Datenschutzbestimmungen des Sozialgesetzbuches X (SGB X) bzw. den Regeln der statistischen Geheimhaltung unterliegen. Das
SGB X und das SGB III räumen unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Nutzungsrechte ein.
Auch Forschungsvorhaben externer Forschungsinstitute, die diese aus eigenem Antrieb
oder z.B. im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) durchführen,
profitieren davon. Um der Wissenschaft Sozialdaten leichter zugänglich zu machen, wurde
das Forschungsdatenzentrum der BA im IAB (FDZ) geschaffen. Daten unterschiedlicher
Anonymisierungsgrade stehen dort datenschutzgerecht über standardisierte und transparente Wege zur Verfügung. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen
Forschungsinteressen einerseits und Datenschutz andererseits sowie die praktische Umsetzung der ausgleichenden Maßnahmen darzustellen.
Research data of the Federal Employment Agency as well as surveys of the Institute for
Employment Research are highly relevant for the scientific community and policy consulting. These data help to find answers to various research questions regarding employment
and occupational research. The legal basis for data access is mainly Section 67 of the
German Social Code Book X (SGB X). Since the establishment of the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in the Institute of Employment Research
(IAB) social data of the BA and the IAB are accessable for researchers using standardised
and transparent principles. The remainder of this paper is to discuss the trade-off between
the capability of research interests and data protection as well as the satisfaction of these
Keywords: data protection regulations, social data, anonymisation
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank our colleagues at the FDZ for their helpful comments and ideas, and Johanna Eberle for the technical support. In addition,
we wish to thank Felix Ritchie (UK Office for National Statistics) for numerous ideas
and lots of information on the subject.
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1 Introduction
The importance of research data for the scientific community and policy consultation is
indisputable. Demand for comprehensive datasets, supplemented by additional information from other data sources, is growing constantly. In particular process-generated data
are becoming increasingly attractive for social research as a result of their advantages. In
contrast to survey data, administrative data are censuses in which highly reliable information is collected, usually over long periods of time. The common problems that arise with
survey data, such as non-response, panel attrition, recall lapses and errors, therefore do
not occur. The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at
the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) makes available for research purposes extensive administrative social data that are especially suitable for analyses in the field of labour
market research1 . They comprise the pool of data from the administrative processes of the
BA, the data from the local authorities responsible for administrating basic social security,
and the data from the social security notification procedure. All these data are merged,
consolidated and prepared via the procedures of the BA Statistics Department, and are
then processed further at the IAB and made available as standardised research datasets
at the FDZ.
Social data, however, underlie the special protection of data privacy in the field of social
security (Sozialgeheimnis) (§35 para. 1 clause 1 of German Social Code Book I), as these
data constitute mandatory information that is required for calculating contribution levels and
subsequent entitlements associated with social insurance (e.g. pension insurance). From
a legal point of view, two conflicting constitutional principles oppose each other here: on the
one hand the right to informational self-determination and on the other hand the academic
freedom that is established in Germany’s Basic Law (Grundgesetz [GG], Art. 5). In order
to find a balance between these two aspects, a legal basis was created which permits a
scientific utilisation of the data while complying with data protection laws at the same time
(§75 Social Code Book X SGB X, §282 para. 7SGB III). In practice, however, this results
in a conflict of aims between the data having the largest possible analysis potential and the
existence of maximum data protection: the more available information there is, the greater
the analysis potential is. On the other hand, as the information content increases, so too
does the risk of de-anonymisation. In order to allow standardised data access for research
purposes while complying with data protection legislation, the FDZ was set up in 2004 on
the recommendation of the Commission to Improve the Informational Infrastructure by Cooperation of the Scientific Community and Official Statistics (Kommission zur Verbesserung
der informationellen Infrastruktur zwischen Wissenschaft und Statistik - KVI).
The following pages outline how the FDZ solves the conflict of aims described above in
practice. To this end the FDZ uses different methods, from preparing standardised data,
through the modes of access, to the monitoring of output.
In addition to the administrative data, a substantial amount of data is also available from large-scale surveys,
some of which are supplemented by information from the process-generated data. The same conditions
apply for the use of these data as for social data.
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2 Why data protection?
First of all the question arises as to why the FDZ data require protection at all. The legislation grants the scientific community the right to use social data only subject to the conditions
of legally standardised data protection regulations (§§ 67ff SGB X). It is only possible to
conduct research using the sensitive social data if these regulations are complied with.
Data protection is thus inseparably connected with the granting of permission to use the
data. The following sections address the legal basis and the task of the FDZ associated
with this.
2.1 Legal background
Since the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court regarding the census2 , the constitutional basis of data protection is recognised in the right to informational self-determination.
According to this, everyone can in principle personally determine the use and disclosure
of his or her personal data. Any restrictions to this are only permitted on the basis of
statutory provisions. The data protection regulations safeguard this right by permitting certain intrusions and simultaneously setting limits. What must be emphasised is the key term
"personal data", which encompasses every piece of information about an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"). The protection of social data contained in the 2nd
chapter of Social Code Book X (SGB X) is more narrowly defined than the protection of
personal data according to the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSG). The reason for this is the fact that social data3 are not collected from data subjects
on a voluntary basis but comprise mandatory information. For example, anyone applying
for unemployment benefit only receives it if he or she provides personal details. The data
subjects are under a legal obligation to accept the processing of their personal data. Firms,
too, are obliged to reveal information about themselves - in the context of the social security
notification procedure.
In accordance with § 35 Social Code Book I (SGB I), social data underlie the principle of
data privacy in the field of social security (Sozialgeheimnis)4 . Prohibition with an authorisation proviso applies. This means that everything that is not expressly permitted by law
with regard to handling social data is prohibited and everything that is prohibited constitutes, without exception, an administrative or criminal offence. Every case of use, storage,
transmission and disclosure therefore requires a legally recognised justification. Unlike in
The decision taken by the Federal Constitutional Court in 1983 regarding the census reads ("Census verdict"
BVerfGE 65, 1): "(...) Under the modern conditions of data processing, the right to the free development of
one’s personality assumes the protection of the individual against the unrestricted collection, storage, use
and disclosure of his or her personal data. This protection is therefore covered by the fundamental right
of Art. 2 para. 1 in connection with Art. 1 para. 1 of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz - GG). In this
respect the fundamental right guarantees the authority of the individual to decide in principle him or herself
about the disclosure and use of his or her personal data."
"Social data are particulars regarding personal or factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject) that are collected, processed or used by an authority as mentioned in Section 35
of Social Code Book I with regard to its duties in accordance with this code of law" (§ 67 para. 1 SGB X).
"Everyone has a right to the social data pertaining to his person (§ 67 para. 1 SGB X) not being collected,
processed or used by the social security agencies without authorisation (data privacy in the field of social
security - Sozialgeheimnis) (. . . )" (§ 35 para. 1 SGB I).
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the Federal Data Protection Act, in the Social Code sensitive data include not only personal
information but also trade and business secrets 5 .
In order to create a balance between the constitutionally guaranteed academic freedom6 on
the one hand and the constitutionally established right to informational self-determination
on the other hand, the legislator specified conditions for access to social data by the research community in § 282 para. 7 SGB III and § 75 SGB X.
In § 282 para. 7 of SGB III it is laid down that the Federal Employment Agency
(Bundesagentur für Arbeit - BA) may transmit (factually) anonymous7 data to external research institutions for the purpose of employment research. These so-called
scientific use files (SUF) contain microdata which have been aggregated in such a
way that de-anonymisation would only be possible with a disproportionate amount of
time, expense and effort.8 The SUFs can be used to provide answers to a multitude
of research questions. Although the risk of de-anonymisation is very small, the use
of these datasets is linked to certain conditions (see Chap. 3).
As the analysis potential of the SUFs is restricted by the anonymisation measures,
certain questions can no longer be answered using these data. The FDZ has therefore created weakly anonymised datasets that are provided at special separate workplaces for guest researchers9 or can be analysed by means of remote execution10 . In
legal terms, access to social data at these guest researcher workplaces constitutes
a "transmission of data" (§ 67 para. 6 No. 3b SGB X) and therefore requires authorisation by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für
Arbeit und Soziales) in accordance with § 75 of the German SGB X. The FDZ has
developed a standardised procedure for this (see Chap. 3)11 .
2.2 Data protection as a task of the FDZ
One of the key tasks of the FDZ besides compiling and documenting research data is the
practical implementation of so-called statistical disclosure control (see Ritchie (2011)). This
"Trade and business secrets are equal to social data" (§ 35 para. 4 Social Code Book I SGB I).
"Art and science, research and teaching are free. Freedom of teaching does not absolve from loyalty to the
constitution." (Art. 5 para. 3 German Basic Law (GG))
"‘Anonymisation is the modifying of social data in such a way that the particulars about personal or factual
circumstances can no longer be attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person or that this can only
be done with a disproportionate amount of time, expense and effort." (§ 67 para. 8 SGB X)
"For the purpose of scientific projects, the Federal Statistical Office and the statistical offices of the Länder
may transmit individual data to institutions of higher education or other institutions entrusted with tasks of
independent scientific research if the individual data can only be attributed to a person with a disproportionate amount of time, expense and effort, and if the recipients are public officers, persons specially sworn in
for public service or persons obligated according to section 7." (§ 16 para. 6 Federal Statistics Law BStatG)
The computers for guest researchers at the FDZ are configurated PCs that have no access to the Internet
and do not permit the transfer of data to external storage media or printers.
For this, researchers prepare evaluation programs on the basis of test data. At the FDZ the evaluations are
conducted using the original data and the results are sent to the researcher after verification of compliance
with data protection legislation.
§ 75 SGB X regulates the transmission of social data to third parties in general. In addition to the standardised data access via on-site use which is offered by the FDZ, there is still the possibility of an individual
project-specific data transfer via the Federal Employment Agency subject to a charge.
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is understood as safeguarding the confidentiality of information about statistical units, e.g.
individuals or businesses. In order to guarantee this, the risk of identifying an individual
from a piece of information must be checked before the information is released. It is not
only information such as names, addresses or social security numbers that is regarded as
highly risky but also characteristics or combinations of characteristics that make it possible
to identify an individual indirectly. Although it can be assumed that researchers are not at
all interested in identifying individuals or firms, statistical disclosure control must also be
observed when transmitting research data. The aim of this is to prevent the publication12 of
information with which third parties would be able to recognise certain individuals or firms,
or data subjects can identify themselves. It must be taken into account in this context that
the data subjects themselves as well as third parties could possess additional knowledge
that makes it possible to identify individuals in the data.
An example can illustrate this problem: a scientific publication shows the mean income of
employed female dentists by district. Due to a 2% sample, the calculation is based on only
one or two individuals for many districts, especially for those with a small population. As the
profession of a dentist is generally practised on a self-employed basis, it is quite possible
that there is actually only one employed female dentist in a district and by coincidence she
is included in the sample. Generally neither the researchers nor the staff of the FDZ will
possess this additional knowledge of there being only one employed female dentist in the
district, but the dentist concerned and the inhabitants of the district may know it. It is therefore possible for the dentist to identify herself and for third parties to find out her income.
A similar problem exists if there are only two dentists and both of them are contained in
the sample. Here, third parties are not able to see the individual dentist’s income, but the
two dentists concerned are each able to calculate the other dentist’s income using their
knowledge about their own income. For firms the risk of deanonymisation is far greater, as
additional information about firms is easy to access. Especially large enterprises can be
identified easily via the details regarding industry and location.
Publication also includes making information available to unauthorised third parties.
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3 The FDZ data protection portfolio
The task of the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at
the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is to safeguard the anonymity of the statistical
units. This is always associated with the aggregation level of the information that is to be
protected. Generally speaking, the spectrum of degrees of anonymisation ranges from the
original data to strongly aggregated statistics. The mode of data access depends on how
strongly the data have been anonymised. In some cases, for example, aggregated statistics can be published freely on the Internet, whereas the original data are only transmitted
following detailed verification and only if absolutely necessary. This correlation is made
clear in Figure1.
Figure 1: Degree of anonymisation and data access
Source: own representation
From the figure above it becomes evident that there is a broad range both between original
data and aggregated statistics and between unrestricted and heavily regulated data access. These aspects determine the scope for action of the institutions holding the data. As
the FDZ makes available neither original data nor aggregated statistics, it has a somewhat
smaller radius of action, within which it can, however, respond flexibly to different requirements. For instance, the FDZ offers its microdatasets as factually anonymous scientific
use files (SUF), which the users can analyse on the premises of their research institution.
Alternatively it is also possible to use weakly anonymous data, which contain detailed information, in the context of research visits to the FDZ, or via remote execution. Generally
speaking, the higher the level of anonymisation, the more flexible the data access is. The
more sensitive the information is, the more strongly regulated the data access is. For all
modes of data access the FDZ ensures data security by means of various procedures that
were developed in collaboration with the legal department of the IAB. In order to coordinate
this, the FDZ works in accordance with a portfolio approach following Lane/Heus/Mulcahy
(2008). The four main fields of the FDZ portfolio are shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2: Four-field portfolio
Source: own representation
Basically we distinguish between measures implemented before the data are used, and
those that take place following data use. Prior to the use of the data, first the conditions
for access are checked and the conditions of data use are stipulated by contract. Second,
the microdata are rendered anonymous in such a way that guarantees data protection. In
addition, the results of analyses conducted using the weakly anonymous data are checked
to verify compliance with data protection legislation. The details of the individual aspects
are outlined below and summarised in Table 11 in the Appendix.
3.1 Examination of conditions for access
In accordance with the legal regulations (Chap. 2), the use of FDZ data is linked to certain
conditions. In order to clarify whether these conditions are met, a request for data access
must first be submitted. The following formal requirements are then checked by the FDZ:
first, the data must be required for a research project in the field of employment research.
The most important aspect is whether it is absolutely necessary to use these data. Proof
must be provided that the research objective cannot be achieved with any other data that
are more easily available (e.g. aggregate data). In addition to the formal examination,
a description of the research project is also required, which serves to check whether the
research project is feasible in terms of content in relation to the data applied for. Here
the staff of the FDZ advise the applicant with regard to the analysis potential and quality
aspects of the data.
Depending on the type of data access, further conditions must also be met: when applying
for a SUF, proof must be provided that the institution conducting the research is an independent scientific research institution. Furthermore, the applicant must explain in a data
security concept that adequate technical and organisational measures exist in the institution for storing and processing the data safely. When applying for a research visit in order
to use the weakly anonymous data, the research project also has to be of public interest.
After the request for data access has been checked by the FDZ as regards contents, it is
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submitted to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for approval. The conditions
for access are less stringent in cases where the researchers use only remote execution, as
they do not have direct access to the microdata in this case. Nonetheless, here, too, the
data may only be used for a scientific research project related to employment research or
to the social security system13 .
3.2 Regulations on data access and data use
After the data request has been checked and approved, data use agreements are concluded in which the conditions for using the data are regulated. The key principles of the
limitation of data use to specific purposes, the time limitation and the specification of the
data to be accessed and the individuals entitled to access are defined in all of the data use
agreements. Consequently, the use of the data requested is only permitted for a specific
project with defined contents within the period stipulated in the agreement. Furthermore,
the individuals who are entitled to access the data are also specified. This group of persons is to be kept as small as possible. In addition, the data use agreements contain
bans on disclosing the data to third parties, linking the data with other microdata and deanonymisation.
The data use agreements differ depending on the type of data access. For instance, in
data use agreements for SUFs the data security concept of the research institution is an
additional component of the agreement. Furthermore, the research institute is obliged to
delete all microdata after the end of the contract period and, if applicable, to return to the
FDZ any data carriers on which the data were transmitted. The data use agreement for onsite use contains guidelines regarding conduct during the research visit. As when weakly
anonymous data are used, data protection is additionally ensured by subjecting the results
to statistical disclosure control (see Chap. 3.4), the data users are bound by contract to
refrain from recalculating their results. This means that they are not allowed to recreate
values of a table which were deleted during the process of statistical disclosure control
by comparing them with previously reviewed values from earlier output or other similar
procedures14 . In addition to the conditions for using the data, all the data use agreements
also contain information regarding penalties for misuse.
3.3 Anonymisation
Besides the restrictions on data access, data protection is already taken into account during the data preparation process. One important step aimed at safeguarding the data is the
drawing of a sample. This alone reduces the risk of de-anonymisation substantially. When,
as is the case, for instance, with the Sample of Integrated Labour Market Biographies
(Stichprobe der Integrierten Arbeitsmarktbiografien - SIAB), there is a sampling probability
Detailed information as to what is asked in the requests for data access as well as information on how to
prepare the requests can be found on the FDZ website under ❤tt♣✿✴✴❢❞③✳✐❛❜✳❞❡✴❞❡✴❋❉❩❴❉❛t❛❴❆❝❝❡ss✳
Weakly anonymous data can either be analysed during research visits to the FDZ or by means of remote
execution. A data use agreement for on-site use always also covers data use by means of remote execution.
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of 1:50 and someone believes they have identified a person, there is the possibility that
the population includes another 49 individuals with the same characteristics. In order to
identify a person definitely in the sample it is therefore necessary to possess the additional
knowledge that either the person’s characteristics are unique in the population or that the
supposedly identified person is contained in the sample. In addition to drawing samples,
the FDZ also uses other anonymisation methods. Three levels of anonymisation are distinguished for this:
weakly anonymous
factually anonymous or
absolutely anonymous.
In the case of the weakly anonymous data, identifiers such as name, address, social
security number or establishment number are deleted and the attributes of some particularly sensitive variables, for example nationality, are aggregated15 . As the risk of deanonymisation is considerably higher in the case of large enterprises or industry leaders
as a result of detailed information about the economic activity and location, only the groups
of economic activity (3-digit level of the classification of economic activities) and the federal state (Bundesland) are provided as a standard. In justified cases, however, it is also
possible to use information at the 5-digit level (sub-class of economic activity) and about
the district (Kreis). These sensitive variables generally serve either for merging aggregated statistics at this level (e.g. unemployment rates by district) or for creating separate
regional or industry-specific groups that are not included in the given classifications. Very
specific analyses of certain sub-classes of economic activity and/or small regional units are
frequently not approved due to the very high risk of de-anonymisation.
Scientific use files are factually anonymous microdata whose information content has been
reduced to the extent that de-anonymisation would only be possible with a disproportionate
amount of time, expense and effort16 . Here it is often necessary to decide which variables
should be aggregated. If, for example, detailed regional information is to be retained in the
employment data, other variables (such as establishment information) have to be strongly
aggregated or even deleted instead. In general the recommendations made by Müller et al.
(1991) are taken into account when generating the SUFs.
Aggregate data in which it is impossible to identify either individuals or establishments including large enterprises and industry leaders - are regarded as absolutely anonymous.
A table of results from a microdataset need not automatically be absolutely anonymous. If,
for example, individual cells contain only one person, then even an aggregated table is not
anonymous. As problems of this kind frequently arise when analysing weakly anonymous
Weak anonymisation therefore goes one step further than the pseudonymisation of data. "Pseudonymisation is the replacement of a name or other identification characteristics by an indicator with the purpose of
precluding the identification of the data subject or of making this significantly more difficult." (§ 67 para. 8a
"Anonymisation is the modifying of social data in such a way that the particulars about personal or factual
circumstances can no longer be attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person or that this can only
be done with a disproportionate amount of time, expense and effort." (§ 67 para. 8 SGB X)
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data, these results have to be subjected to an output check after the analysis (see Chap.
3.4). Furthermore, so-called campus files are regarded as absolutely anonymous. Campus
files are microdatasets that prevent any of the individuals or firms contained from being
identified by means of information reduction and data modification procedures. As a result
of this major intervention, however, these files are no longer suitable for content-specific
analyses but only serve for teaching survey, data management and analysis techniques at
universities and research institutes (see Kirchner/Gschwind (2011)).
3.4 Output checking
As the weakly anonymous data are still social data and there is thus still a residual risk
of de-anonymisation on the basis of tables of results, it is necessary to check the output despite the data use agreement. In order to be able to check the results as quickly
and efficiently as possible, the evaluation programs have to be in accordance with certain
guidelines laid down by the FDZ. However, this should not limit the researchers in their use
of analysis methods. But this means that the output checks can not be integrated entirely
into a standardised and automated procedure. Instead, the statistical disclosure reviews always have to refer to the individual case at hand. This involves the staff at the FDZ viewing
all results before they are published. The review is conducted in accordance with certain
criteria and rules. Among experts there are generally accepted rules that are always to be
used17 . The following chapters describe how this statistical disclosure control should be
put into practice.
One example of this is ESSnet. This is an international project of the European Statistical System, which
deals with all areas that can be associated with data protection, such as the publication of standards that
should be observed in statistical disclosure control. (❤tt♣✿✴✴♥❡♦♥✳✈❜✳❝❜s✳♥❧✴❝❛s❝✴❤❛♥❞❜♦♦❦✳❤t♠)
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4 Statistical disclosure control at the FDZ
All results generated on the basis of the weakly anonymous data are subjected to statistical disclosure control before being transmitted to the data users. The effort involved in
checking the results depends on the output files that have to be checked.
4.1 Theoretical differentiation of analysis results
The results produced can be classified as "safe" or "unsafe" according to their contents.
This differentiation is used to deduce how high the risk is of the data material being deanonymised. In the case of results that are classified as safe it is assumed that there
is no risk of the data material being de-anonymised. In contrast, there is a residual risk
of de-anonymisation in the case of analysis outputs classed as unsafe. For this reason,
values are deleted from theses analysis results until the tables of results are absolutely
anonymous. The purpose of the statistical disclosure control is therefore to transform analysis outputs that are classified as "unsafe" into completely "safe" outputs. The output is
classified on the basis of the following aspects in accordance with Brandt et al. (2010):
the data material used
the type of analyses conducted
restrictions of the data material to certain variables or inclusion of certain variables
data transformations applied
If the output has been classified as safe with regard to the data protection measures of the
FDZ on the basis of this classification, nothing is deleted from the results. An example of
output that is generally safe is coefficients of multivariate estimates for large populations. In
most cases, however, the analyses are results that can not be classified directly as "safe",
which is the case in particular with descriptive evaluations. Outputs that are regarded as
unsafe in principle are those that display
statistical indicators, such as means,
individual data points, e.g. in a scatter plot (these may permit conclusions to be
drawn about an individual),
the percentiles and
the number of observations.
The classification into "safe" and "unsafe" outputs does not mean that safe outputs are
transmitted without being checked beforehand, but only that no values are deleted in "safe"
outputs. There are guidelines for structuring programs, which the guest researchers should
observe in order to make it easier to classify the analysis outputs.
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4.2 Preconditions for the feasibility of statistical disclosure control
The tests for statistical disclosure control do not only involve checking that each individual
table contains sufficient case numbers, but examines the entire process of data preparation
and analysis. The output is not checked in isolation but with reference to the research
project. For this it is necessary that the programs are documented comprehensibly and
in detail. The following criteria should be met during programming for a program to be in
accordance with the FDZ guidelines18 :
Detailed documentation of the analysis steps:
In order to be able to conduct the outcome checks the FDZ staff have to be able to
orientate themselves in the programs and to understand the programming at least as
a whole. The program documentation guarantees this.
Program files:
The analyses must be conducted via a program file by entering the corresponding
program code. The program file must be structured in such a way that the program
codes are also contained in the output files as this makes the sequence of the individual program steps clear. The data preparation generally has to be conducted in
Stata. Other software packages can be used for further analyses.
Storing output files:
So that it is clear which program file generates which output file, a correspondingly
named output file must be created for every program file.
Creating a master file:
The master file is created in order to start all the programs that belong to one analysis
program at once both in the case of remote execution and after on-site use. The
content of the master file is therefore the program calls for the individual programs in
the correct sequence. The contents of the called programs should also be explained
briefly in the master file.
As it is generally difficult to understand the analyses if the guidelines are not observed, the
FDZ reserves the right to delete the analysis results entirely if there is any doubt at all with
regard to compliance with data protection regulations.
4.3 FDZ guidelines for checking the analysis results
The aim of the routines followed is to modify the results by deleting values so that no risk of
re-identification remains. At the FDZ there are general criteria for checking output. When
deleting data a distinction is basically made between:
primary suppression, which prevents the identification of information in a cell of a
Further information can be found at: ❤tt♣✿✴✴❞♦❦✉✳✐❛❜✳❞❡✴❢❞③✴❛❝❝❡ss✴❱♦r❣❛❜❡♥❴❉❆❋❊✳P❉❋.
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
secondary suppression, which prevents the identification of information via subtotals
and/or marginal totals and
dominance suppression19 , which stops any identification of dominant firms.
There is no full automatic statistical disclosure control. However, the FDZ manages with a
specially developed program script which, for selected Stata commands, scans the output
files for low case numbers and deletes them accordingly. As the automatic disclosure limitation review only checks standard outputs, all additional evaluations are checked manually
and values deleted where necessary. The script is adapted and developed continuously.
The following sections look briefly at the standardised deletions. Results based on fewer
than 20 observations are classified as critical and therefore deleted. This minimum requirement applies for both establishment data and personal data. This threshold was selected
for the following reason: the FDZ checks every output independently and does not compare
the results with those of the previous analyses. Furthermore, the researchers are bound
by contract not to re-calculate values from the individual analysis results sent to them.
4.3.1 Statistical indicators
At first sight statistical indicators do not permit conclusions to be drawn regarding the case
numbers on which they are based. However, this does not mean that displaying statistical
indicators, such as means, is not to be regarded as problematic. Here, too, the principle
applies that the indicators mentioned are only classified as safe when the calculation basis
comprises at least 20 observations. One special case is the displaying of statistical indicators in the case of dummies. With binary coded variables their values are distributed
between just two categories. Even when the total number of observations of a dummy
variable is more than 20, it is possible, due to a skewed distribution, for only three individuals to fall into one of the categories. In this case the analysis is regarded as unsafe
even though it is not possible to conclude from the total number of observations that one
category contains very few cases, as this can be calculated easily using the mean. In order
to be able to identify and test these cases, it is necessary to display not only the number
of cases but also the minimum, the maximum and the standard deviation whenever means
are displayed. As the FDZ program script only recognises the standard outputs of indicators, in special cases the frequencies of the two categories must be calculated afterwards
when using dummy variables and if necessary the statistical indicators must be deleted.
The risk of an establishment being identified in the analysis increases, for example, when detailed information on economic activities or regional information on a small scale are used. The results are checked for
cases of dominance using the following measures: the minimum number of cases is also set at 20 units for
the number of establishments when details concerning the number of employees from establishment data
are shown. The sole use of samples instead of populations and the monitoring of the program steps also
ensure that no dominance cases can be identified. In addition, detailed information regarding economic
activity and region are only made available with special justification. As a standard only data at federal state
level and the 3-digit codes of the classifications of economic activities are provided (see Chap. 3.3). In the
dominance suppression we follow the guidelines of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für
Arbeit (2012)).
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4.3.2 Percentiles
When displaying percentiles, care must be taken to ensure that each percentile contains
at least 20 observations. In the case of a detailed output (1% percentiles), a total of at
least 2000 observations therefore have to go into the output in order to guarantee compliance with the data protection guidelines of the FDZ. The basic principle is that the more
information one wishes to obtain, the more observations have to be available for the entire
At least 20 observations for releasing means (exception: dummies, see Chap. 4.3.2)
At least 40 observations for releasing 50% percentiles
At least 80 observations for releasing 25% or 75% percentiles
At least 200 observations for releasing 10% or 90% percentiles
At least 400 observations for releasing 5% or 95% percentiles
At least 2000 observations for releasing 1% or 99% percentiles
4.3.3 Weights
In the case of weighted outputs, the statistical disclosure control is always conducted on
the basis of the unweighted values. The output files must permit the weighted output to
be attributed clearly to the corresponding unweighted output. Deletions in the unweighted
tables are transferred to the corresponding weighted table. If the unweighted output is
missing, the weighted table is deleted completely.
4.3.4 Graphs
Checking and transmitting graphs is an additional service provided by the FDZ. 20 In principle only graphs that have been created using the analysis programs can be published. As
a result of the time-consuming disclosure control procedures for graphs, they should only
be created if it is not possible to create them later on from the values in the output files. For
each graph the number of observations underlying the individual values depicted must be
indicated. The case number threshold of at least 20 observations also applies for graphs.
Scatter plots, for example, are therefore characterised by a high risk of de-anonymisation
as there are very probably fewer than 20 observations behind the individual data points
We do not pass currently graphs on to users because the statistical disclosure control involved in high
effort. Therefore, all the information needed to create graphs has to be recorded in a table in the output.
Afterwards the users can recreate the graphs. There is a working tool with examples for our users available.
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4.3.5 File formats
Statistics programs generally provide their users with the possibility to save the analysis
results as separate files in different formats (e.g. LaTeX or ASCII). As checking these
files would always have to take into account the corresponding program and output files,
the complexity and the time required for this at the FDZ would increase enormously. That
would hinder a prompt transmission of the results. For this reason the results created in
this way must be integrated into the original output file directly below the corresponding
analysis results21 . For example, with Stata ado files it is possible to display results in
LaTeX codes. These are only transmitted if they can be found in the log file directly below
the corresponding Stata tables. In the case of descriptive tables they are deleted entirely
as soon as a cell shows an insufficiently large number of cases. As additional time and
effort is involved in reviewing the LaTeX codes, the users are asked to have only the results
that they need for their publication displayed using LaTeX codes.
4.3.6 Transmission of aggregated data files
It is possible to create aggregated data files from the weakly anonymous microdata and
to have them transmitted. As checking aggregated data is time-consuming, there are also
certain rules for transmitting aggregated data. It is necessary to speak to somebody at
the FDZ before generating aggregated data files. During this talk it must be clarified which
level of aggregation is to be used, which variables are contained in the data file and in
which aggregation state (total, mean etc.). So that the data can be checked, for each
aggregated variable an additional variable must be created that contains the number of
cases underlying the aggregated value. As an aggregated data file is only transmitted
once per project, the FDZ recommends that researchers create these files on-site.
Of course there are other analysis methods besides the data queries mentioned. As the
aim of this paper is to present the basic procedure followed by the FDZ when conducting
output checking, we dispense with explanations regarding other analysis possibilities at
this point. The following examples are intended to illustrate this procedure.
4.4 Examples
Finally, on the basis of some examples we show what information is removed or not released in the statistical disclosure control. The examples were created using the test
data22 of the IAB Establishment Panel. First of all, primary suppression is illustrated, which
involves deleting information within a table. Table 1 is the original table and Table 2 follows
In Stata this can be done, for example, using the command "type PATH".
The test data of the IAB Establishment Panel are intended to enable researchers to write and test analysis
programs prior to remote data access. The test data were generated by drawing a subsample and performing data masking while simultaneously retaining important data structures. This renders the test data
ineligible for analysis.
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
statistical disclosure control. Example 1 shows the number of establishments with and
without a works council for different establishment size classes in eastern Germany.
As already mentioned, the threshold for values to be deleted is smaller than 20. In the
example this pertains to the value 16. In order to retain as much information as possible, the
marginal totals are generally left and the associated value, 142 in this case, is anonymised.
However, this is not yet sufficient to rule out the possibility of re-identification, as the deleted
values may be inferred via the marginal totals and the remaining values in the table. Two
further values therefore have to be removed. It is not necessary to remove the entire values
in the case of multi-digit numbers, it is enough to delete the last full digit. There is no rule
governing which two values are deleted next. This decision lies with the person checking
the results at the FDZ. Generally an attempt is made to remove the next smallest value. In
the example at hand this is the value 39 and accordingly the value 547.
Example 1: Eastern Germany
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Table 1: before
Works council
43 1,380 1,423
1,391 3,440 4,831
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Works council
43 1,380 1,423
1,391 3,440 4,831
Table 2: after
The deletion of values can extend to other tables if information for certain variables is
depicted in a differentiated way. Example 1, for instance, contains information that only
applies to eastern Germany. If the same information is depicted for western Germany
and for the country as a whole, these tables must not be considered independently of one
another. A re-identification of previously deleted values is otherwise possible by calculating
differences (total - west = east). In example 2 the values in Table 4 that are in the same
position as those deleted in example 1 are therefore also deleted here. Table 5 contains the
values for Germany as a whole and remains unchanged because it is no longer possible
to recalculate values.
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Example 2:
Western Germany
Western Germany
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Works council
64 2,461 2,525
853 1,217
1,968 5,570 7,538
Table 3: before
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Works council
64 2,461 2,525
853 1,217
1,968 5,570 7,538
Table 4: after
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Table 5: before
Works council
107 3,841
93 1,394
219 1,249
614 1,443
3,359 9,010 12,369
Number of employees
1 1-4
2 5-9
3 10-19
4 20-49
5 50-99
6 100-199
7 200-499
8 500-999
Works council
107 3,841
93 1,394
219 1,249
614 1,443
3,359 9,010 12,369
Table 6: after
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When displaying tables the researchers must always indicate the number of establishments, as it is of vital importance for statistical disclosure control to know how many establishments are behind the result. Example 3 illustrates the problem. Column 2 (sum)
contains the number of trainees retained after completion of training in selected branches
of economic activity, column 3 (N) shows the number of corresponding establishments. It is
possible that only a small number of establishments are behind a sufficiently large number
of cases of trainees. If this is the case, both values have to be deleted. This also prevents
large enterprises from being identified.
Example 3:
1 agricult./hunting/forestry
2 mining/quarrying
3 elec./gas/water supply
4 manufacture food/beverages
5 manufacture textiles/leather
6 manuf. wooden prod’s/paper
7 manuf. chem./pharmaceut.
8 manuf. rubber/plastic prod’s
9 manuf. glass/stone products
10 manuf. basic metals
1 agricult./hunting/forestry
2 mining/quarrying
3 elec./gas/water supply
4 manufacture food/beverages
5 manufacture textiles/leather
6 manuf. wooden prod’s/paper
7 manuf. chem./pharmaceut.
8 anuf. rubber/plastic prod’s
9 manuf. glass/stone products
10 manuf. basic metals
Table 7: before
Table 8: after
With statistics for selected variables, the mean is checked in the case of dummy variables,
for example, as there is the possibility of small values being re-identified here. In example
4 a mean of 0.085 is shown for variable r61 (trainee positions offered: yes/no). This is
equivalent to a percentage distribution of 8.57% for variable attribute 1. By multiplying
the number of cases by the mean (140 x 0.0857143) it is possible to calculate that 12
establishments have the value 1.
Std. Dev.
Std. Dev.
Table 9: before
Table 10: after
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The final example addresses the transmission of graphs (see at chapter 4.3.4). Graphs can
only be transmitted if no fewer than 20 establishments can be attributed to individual data
points. The checking of graphs is performed analogously to that of tables. In the example
below, the graph would not be released as each data point stands for one establishment.
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5 Outlook
The FDZ is constantly working on improving the provision of data to researchers in Germany and abroad in compliance with data protection legislation. For example, in the context of the externally funded project "RDC in RDC" ("Projekt FDZ in FDZ" - PFiFF), the data
held by the FDZ can be analysed on-site not only in Nuremberg, but also at the Research
Data Centres of the Statistical Offices of the Länder in the German cities of Berlin, Bremen, Dresden and Düsseldorf, and at the Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging
(MICDA) in the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan. In addition
to that, work is being carried out to facilitate access to micro-data for researchers across
Europe in the EU project Data without Boundaries (DwB). At the FDZ we are currently in the
process of automising job submission and are working on the use of the JoSuA software23
provided by the International Data Service Center (IDSC) of the Institute for the Study of
Labor (IZA).
Further information about JoSuA can be found at: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✐❞s❝✳✐③❛✳♦r❣✴❥♦s✉❛
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
Brandt, Maurice/Franconi, Luisa/Guerke, Christopher/Hundepool, Anco/Lucarelli, Maurizio/Mol, Jan/Ritchie, Felix/Seri, Giovanni/Welpton, Richard. Guidelines for the
checking of output based on microdata research. Final report of ESSnet sub-group
on output SDC 2010
Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Statistische Geheimhaltung:
Rechtliche Grundlagen
und fachliche Regelungen der Statistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit. März
2012, abgerufen am 18.05.2012 hURL: ❤tt♣✿✴✴st❛t✐st✐❦✳❛r❜❡✐ts❛❣❡♥t✉r✳
Bundesstatistikgesetz (BStatG) – Gesetz über die Statistik für Bundeszwecke vom 22. Januar 1987 (BGBl. I S. 462, 565), zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 3 des Gesetzes vom
7. September 2007 (BGBl. I S. 2246).
BVerfG. Urteil v. 15.12.1983, Az. 1 BvR 209, 269, 362, 420, 440, 484/83.
Kirchner, Antje/Gschwind, Lutz. Panel Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung - Die PASS
Campus Files. Datensätze für den Einsatz in der wissenschaftlichen Lehre. FDZMethodenreport 06/2011 2011
Lane, Julia/Heus, Pascal/Mulcahy, Tim. Data Acess in a Cyber World: Making Use of
Cyberinfrastructure. Transactions on Data Privacy 2008
Müller, Walter/Blien, Uwe/Knoche, Peter/Wirth, Heike. Die faktische Anonymität von Mikrodaten. Stuttgart: Metzler-Poeschel. 1991
Ritchie, Felix. Statistical disclosure detection and control in a research environment. WISERD DATA RESOURCES 006 2011
SGB X. Zehntes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch – Sozialverwaltungsverfahren und Sozialdatenschutz – (SGB X), in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 18. Januar 2001 (BGBl.
I S. 130), zuletzt geändert durch Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom
23. November 2010 (BGBl. I S. 1718).
Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Erstes Buch (I) – Allgemeiner Teil (SGB I) vom 11. Dezember
1975 (BGBl. I S. 3015), zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 110 Absatz 5 des Gesetzes
über die weitere Bereinigung von Bundesrecht vom 8. Dezember 2010 (BGBl. I S.
Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Drittes Buch (III) – Arbeitsförderung (Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom
24. März 1997, BGBl. I S. 594), zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 12 Absatz 8 des Gesetzes vom 24. März 2011 (BGBl. I S. 453).
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
Scientific research and necessity of
the data
factually anonymous data
weakly anonymous data
Labour market research
Research in the field of social security
Independent scientific research institution
Data security concept
Public interest
Approval by Federal Ministry
for Labour and Social Affairs
Guidelines for on-site use
Access and use
FDZ-Methodenreport 06/2012
Limitation of use to specific purpose
Limited period of time
Guarantee of data security
Ban on disclosure to third parties, on
merging with other microdata and on
Deletion of microdata at end of
Ban on re-calculating deleted values
Deletion or aggregation of further
Absolute anonymisation of output
Restriction of user group
Output checking
Deletion of original identifiers
LDeletion or aggregation of sensitive
Table 11: FDZ Portfolio
FDZ-Methodenreport 6/2012
Stefan Bender, Dagmar Theune
Dagmar Theune
Alexandra Schmucker,
Phone: +49 (0)911 / 179-1762
[email protected]
Dana Müller,
Phone: +49 (0)911 / 179-2409
[email protected]
Regensburger Str. 104
D - 90478 Nürnberg