Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Modelled transport and deposition of sulphur
over Southern Africa
M. Zunckel!,",*, L. Robertson#, P.D. Tyson!, H. Rodhe$
!Climatology Research Group, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
"CSIR Environmentek, P.O. Box 17001, Congella, South Africa
#Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, S-601 76, Norrko( ping, Sweden
$Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, S-106 91, Sweden
Received 26 February 1999; accepted 22 October 1999
Ambient SO concentrations and atmospheric deposition of sulphur resulting from emissions on the industrialised
highveld region of South Africa are estimated using the multi-scale atmospheric transport and chemistry (MATCH)
modelling system, developed at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), and compared with an
inferential model driven by measured input quantities. Modelled SO concentrations on the central highveld mostly
range between 10 and 50 ppb, exceeding 50 ppb in source areas. Dry deposition rates for sulphur exhibit a similar spatial
pattern to the ambient SO concentrations and both are consistent with synoptic-scale transport patterns. Maximum dry
deposition rates for sulphur of more than 10 kg S ha~1 a~1 occur over the central highveld with a well-de"ned gradient
decreasing away from the source region. Despite the signi"cant di!erences in modelling approaches, the estimates of dry
deposition provided by MATCH are in reasonable agreement with those of the inferential model. The maximum
modelled wet deposition rates occur over the South African highveld and its periphery and range between 1 and 5 kg
S ha~1 a~1 and compare favourably with measurements from an acid rain network. Wet deposition generally exceed dry
deposition on the highveld and the adjacent areas except in the central highveld source region. Over the drier western half
of South Africa MATCH-modelled dry and wet deposition rates are again similar and are less that 1 kg S ha~1 a~1. Wet
deposition exceeds dry in the higher rainfall regions along the south and east coasts of South Africa. ( 2000 Published
by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: South Africa; Deposition; Sulphur; MATCH model; Inferential technique
1. Introduction
Given the location of the subcontinent of southern
Africa in the subtropical high-pressure belt, the mean
circulation at 800 hPa over southern Africa is anticyclonic for much of the year, exceeding 80% in
winter (Preston-Whyte and Tyson, 1988; Tyson et al.,
1996) (Fig. 1). The general subsidence that prevails in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: #31-261-8161; fax: #31-2612509.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M. Zunckel).
anticyclonic conditions ensures that "ne weather predominates over much of the interior plateau (approximately 1500 m ASL). The inherently poor pollutant
dispersion conditions attendant on anticyclonic #ow
patterns are exacerbated by the presence of semi-permanent, subsidence-induced absolutely stable layers at 700
and 500 hPa that extend over the subcontinent (Cosijn
and Tyson, 1996). The semi-permanent south Atlantic
anticyclone, the continental anticyclone over southern
African, and the south Indian anticyclone have a dominant e!ect on the transport of aerosols and trace gases in
the troposphere over southern Africa. Pollutants are
trapped below the stable layers and their transport away
from the highveld source region is largely controlled by
1352-2310/00/$ - see front matter ( 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 2 - 2 3 1 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 4 9 5 - 1
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 1. Mean 800 hPa circulation over southern Africa in summer (January) and winter (July) (after Tosen and Jury, 1986), temporarily
consistent absolutely stable layers observed over southern Africa (after Cosijn and Tyson, 1996) and major transport pathways over
southern Africa (after Tyson and Preston-Whyte, 1999).
the relative position of the anticyclones. The resultant
anticyclonic transport dominates and leads to recirculation over southern Africa of varying scales (Fig. 1). It may
be limited to the subcontinent or be of a larger scale with
the re-circulated limb returning to the subcontinent after
initially exiting to the Indian or Atlantic Oceans (Garstang et al., 1996; Tyson et al., 1996; Sturman et al., 1997;
Tyson and D'Abreton, 1998). Little of the transport takes
place to the Atlantic Ocean, whereas more than 75% of
all transport over the subcontinent is to the Indian
Ocean and beyond.
Sulphur dioxide (SO ) is an air pollutant most often
associated with coal combustion for power generation,
fossil fuel re"ning and ore smelting. In the developing
southern African region south of 18 S, the average annual
emission density for sulphur is estimated to 3 kg S ha~1
and ranges from zero in the desert and bushveld areas to
as much as 200 kg S ha~1 on South Africa's highveld
region and in parts of Zimbabwe (Sivertsen et al., 1995).
More than a decade of network measurements over
South Africa have provided a reasonable understanding
of wet deposition resulting from the highveld emissions
(e.g. Blu! et al., 1991; Turner et al., 1996; Galpin and
Turner, 1999a,b). Annual wet deposition rates range
about 6 kg S ha~1 in the source region to less than 1 kg
S ha~1 at background sites. Biomass combustion has
a controlling e!ect on rain acidity, given natural background conditions, and the contribution from fossil fuel
combustion by industry is superimposed on this natural
source of acidity. Some work has been done towards
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
understanding the impacts of wet deposition on forests,
soils and surface waters over the eastern parts of South
Africa (Olbrich and Du Toit, 1993; Olbrich et al., 1994).
Recently, deposition work in South Africa has focussed
on estimating dry deposition rates for sulphur (Zunckel
et al., 1996,1999; Zunckel, 1999). One of these studies
(Zunckel et al., 1996), based on two-week summer and
winter measurement campaigns, indicated that dry deposition rates for sulphur exceed wet deposition in the
relatively dry South African highveld climate in a ratio of
approximately 60 : 40. Annual dry deposition rates were
shown to decrease rapidly from a maximum of more that
13 kg S ha~1 on the central highveld to about 4 kg
S ha~1 and less on the highveld periphery and beyond
(Zunckel, 1999).
Given the relatively high emission of sulphur from
South Africa and the inhibiting dispersion climatology, it
is important to quantify deposition of pollutants on a regional scale in order to begin to address their impacts. In
this paper, dry deposition rates of sulphur resulting from
emissions on the industrialised highveld region of South
Africa are estimated using the multi-scale atmospheric
transport and chemistry (MATCH) modelling system,
developed at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) (Robertson et al., 1999). Similar studies using MATCH have been conducted in other
regions including Sweden (Langner et al., 1995), Asia
(Robertson et al., 1995) and over the African and South
American continents (Robertson, 1996). In the absence of
a major network of direct measurements of dry deposition, regional-scale dry deposition estimates from
MATCH are compared at "ve sites to those derived
previously from the inferential method of Hicks et al.
(1987,1991), by Zunckel et al. (1999) and Zunckel (1999).
MATCH-modelled wet deposition rates are compared
with network measurements and region-scale estimates
of total sulphur deposition over southern Africa.
2. Methodology and data
MATCH is an Eulerian multi-layered three-dimensional model that includes horizontal and vertical transport, vertical di!usion, dry deposition, wet scavenging
and chemical transformations (Robertson et al., 1999).
Emissions information and meteorology are input
requirements for modelling transport and chemical
transformations to estimate ambient SO and SO2~
concentrations. In turn, the modelled ambient concentrations are used together with assumed deposition velocities and scavenging rates to estimate dry and wet
deposition #uxes of SO and SO2~, respectively.
The dry deposition rate is the lower boundary condition of the vertical di!usion scheme. The MATCH model
uses reference dry deposition rates, valid at 1 m (Table 1),
with an assumed diurnal variation of the uptake of SO
Table 1
Deposition velocities, cm s~1, used in the MATCH model. vd
is the night time dry deposition velocity and vd #vd
the maximum value daytime. The solar height is used to
make a smooth transition in between these two extremes. Note
that the deposition velocity of sulphate has no diurnal
Surface type
by vegetation during daytime (Eq. (1)). No inter-annual
variation due to vegetation seasons is assumed. Atmospheric stability is accounted for by a vertical di!usion
scheme and a sub-module for the e!ective dry deposition
rate in the lowest model layer (!65 m depth) (Robertson
et al., 1999). The diurnal variation of the reference dry
deposition rate of SO is determined from
vd "vd #vd
f"max (solar elevation/solar elevation at noon, 0),
which then roughly accounts for the sensitivity to uptake
by vegetation during daytime. vd
is the nighttime dry
deposition velocity and vd #vd
is the maximum
daytime value. Dry deposition of SO2~ is not assumed to
have any diurnal variation. The wet deposition #ux is
given by the product of the scavenging coe$cient, the
precipitation intensity (mm h~1) and the ambient
concentration of the pollutant. Scavenging coe$cients
applied are 2.8]10~4 h mm~1 s~1 for SO2~ and
1.0]10~4 h mm~1 s~1 for SO , respectively. The latter
includes an estimate of the oxidation of SO to SO2~ in
rain droplets.
The chemistry scheme is a linear transformation from
SO to SO2~,
dC(SO )/dt"!kCSO ,
dC(SO2~)/dt"kC(SO ),
the transformation rate k of concentration C is prescribed to vary with latitude and season. It has a maximum and constant value 4.0]10~6 s~1 at the equator,
while it is given a sinusoidal variation with the season at
the south pole between 0.2]10~6 s~1 at the southern
hemisphere winter solstice and 2.4]10~6 s~1 at the corresponding summer solstice. In areas between the equator and the south pole the transformation rate varies
linearly with the distance from the equator (Tarrason and
Iverson, 1998). The adopted values of k implicitly account for oxidation of SO to SO2~ in cloud-free air and
in non-precipitating cloud water.
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 2. Sulphur emission rates in kton a~1 for (left) southern Africa for the GEIA emissions on a 0.13]0.13 grid, (right) highveld
emissions from DEA and T on a 0.25}]0.25} grid.
The MATCH modelling domain is setup for 13]13
and 0.253]0.253 resolution grids extending over southern Africa south of the equator. Two emission data sets
are used to calculate SO concentrations and deposition
rates for each grid. The "rst is the Global Emissions
Inventory Activity (GEIA) 13]13 emission inventory
(Benkovitz, 1993), valid for 1990 and covers southern
Africa south of the equator (Fig. 2 left). The second
inventory is provided by the South African Department
of Environment A!airs and Tourism (DEAT) (Wells
et al., 1996) for 1993 (Fig. 2 right). The latter includes
industrial emissions from the South African highveld
de"ned from 263 to 323E and 233 to 293S in 0.253]0.253
grid squares. The annual sulphur emission rate from
southern Africa, excluding emissions from the highveld,
is 1414 kton S a~1. The highveld emissions account for
an additional 884 kton S a~1. Highveld emissions account for nearly 40% of all Africa's emissions south of the
equator. In all cases the emissions are set initially as 95%
of SO and 5% of SO2~.
The inferential model (Hicks et al., 1987,1991) uses
a knowledge on dry deposition processes to infer dry
deposition #uxes from routinely measured air pollutant
concentrations and meteorological parameters. The dry
deposition velocity is derived using a multiple-resistance
transfer model where major resistances to atmospheresurface exchange are modelled to infer the deposition
velocity. The major resistances are the aerodynamic resistance which is determined by properties such as turbulent mixing and buoyancy, the quasi-laminar boundary
layer resistance that accounts for molecular di!usivity in
the vicinity of the receptor surfaces, and the surface or
canopy resistance. This last resistance extends the resistance of a single leaf to represent the vegetation canopy.
Deposition #ux estimations made on a routine basis
using the inferential technique are tested in two networks
in the United States (Meyers and Sisterton, 1991; Clarke
et al., 1997). In South Africa (Zunckel et al., 1996,1999;
Zunckel, 1999), continuous measurements of SO were
used to calculate hourly average concentrations, while
particulate samples were collected on open faced
stacked-"lter units (SFU). The SFU consisted of two
equilibrated Nuclepore "lters, a 8.0 lm "lter in "rst stage
and a 0.4 lm "lter, to collect coarse and "ne particulate
matter, respectively. Separate "lter units were run for the
convective daytime (0600}1800), and the stable nighttime
(1800}0600) periods.
Di!erences in the estimated dry deposition rates for
sulphur between the inferential and MATCH modelling
are to be expected as a consequence of basic di!erences in
modelling approach. MATCH assumes two land cover
types for the modelling domain (Table 1), namely land
and sea. However, the roughness structure over the subcontinent partly accounts for the various vegetation
types. MATCH assumes no change in land cover with
seasons. Seasonal variation in the land cover is considered in the inferential model and the vegetation cover
is speci"ed in detail as combinations of grassland, maize
cultivation, bushveld and forest. The diurnal and seasonal variation in modelled e!ective deposition velocity
by MATCH are derived from atmospheric stability. The
inferential technique estimates the resistance to transfer
of the pollutant from the atmosphere based on in situ
meteorological measurements, surface characteristics
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 3. Southern Africa showing the relative positions of the four "eld monitoring sites in the Mpumalanga province, and the remote site
at Ben MacDhui.
and plant physiology to infer the deposition velocity. As
a result, the inferred deposition velocity takes daily and
seasonal meteorological and plant physiological variations into account. On summer days over the highveld
the inferred dry deposition velocities for SO range from
0.45 to 0.2 cm s~1, while they approach zero under stable
nighttime conditions throughout the year (Zunckel,
1999). The inferential technique estimates dry deposition
#uxes at a speci"c location while MATCH provides
a spatially continuous estimation of deposition #uxes.
Although the monitoring equipment for single sites employing the inferential approach is relatively inexpensive,
the costs of a monitoring network that will provide
spatially continuous information are prohibitive. A few
selected and representative monitoring sites in support of
a spatial model is the ideal, cost e!ective way to obtain
regional-scale results.
Three di!erent model simulations are performed to
derive SO concentrations, dry and wet deposition rates
and the relative loading from the highveld emissions.
These are for southern Africa on the 13]13 grid omitting
the major sources on the highveld, secondly for highveld
emissions only on the 13]13 grid, and thirdly for the
highveld emissions only on the 0.253]0.253 grid. This
enables evaluation of the relative impact from the highveld emissions on one hand and the resolution in the
emission data on the other. Meteorological data for the
MATCH modelling are derived from European Centre of
Medium Range Forecasts (ECMWF) global analyses for
"ve selected periods, namely 1 January}10 February
1994, 1 April}1 May 1994, 1 July}12 August 1994, 1 October}1 November 1994, as well as 1 January}1 February 1995. MATCH interpolates the ECMWF input "elds
a 1 h time resolution. The modelling periods are selected
to allow comparison with an intensive two-week winter
and summer "eld monitoring programme in July and
August 1994 and in January 1995 at Elandsfontein on the
central industrialised highveld of South Africa's
Mpumalanga province (Fig. 3) where data are collected
as input to the inferential model (Zunckel et al., 1996).
Results from similar monitoring campaigns in
Mpumalanga between June 1996 and May 1997 (Zunckel, 1999) and at a remote high-altitude site near the
South African border with Lesotho in March and June
1996 (Zunckel et al., 1999) are also used. Atmospheric
emissions from the major industries on the highveld are
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
relatively constant over time (Lloyd, 1997) and comparison of MATCH results with the later "eld experiments
are representative. A monitoring network for acid rain is
in operation over the northeastern parts of South Africa,
centered on the highveld. Results that span up to a 10 yr
period (Blu! et al., 1991; Turner et al., 1996) are compared with MATCH wet deposition predictions.
3. Results
values of 10 ppb on the central highveld that decrease to
4 ppb and lower on its periphery. Zunckel et al. (1999)
measured SO concentrations of less than 1 ppb at the
high-altitude remote site at Ben MacDhui (3001 m ASL)
in South Africa near the southeast border with Lesotho,
&600 km direct distance from the highveld industrial
heartland of South Africa. The modelled SO distribu2
tion from highveld emissions only is approximately concentric around the predominant anticyclone and is consistent with the observed transport patterns over the
subcontinent given in Fig. 1.
3.1. Ambient SO2 concentrations
3.2. Dry deposition
The MATCH-modelled mean SO concentrations
over southern Africa are based on the GEIA and DEAT
emissions on the 13]13 grid reveal high concentrations
extending from northern Zambia to the southeast coast
of South Africa (Fig. 4 left). Two maxima are observed:
one that is a result of industrial activity on the highveld of
South Africa and the second further north over the mining areas of northern Zambia and the southern Congo. In
the model run for the high-resolution distribution of SO
from the highveld of South Africa alone (Fig. 4 right)
mean SO concentrations over the central highveld
range between 3 and 10 ppb and exceed 10 ppb near
source areas. Further a"eld, e.g., over Lesotho and areas
to the south and east concentrations decrease to less than
1 ppb. The modelled ambient SO concentrations com2
pare reasonably well with measured values. For a "veyear data set, Turner (1990) reported mean ambient SO
Dry deposition rates for sulphur are calculated by
MATCH using the combined 13]13 GEIA and DEAT
emission data for southern Africa, the predicated SO
concentrations and assumed deposition velocities that
are a re#ection of the underlying surface (Table 1). They
exhibit a similar spatial pattern to that of ambient SO
concentrations. Maxima of more than 10 kg S ha~1 a~1
are deposited over the highveld and northern Zambia
(Fig. 5 left). Much of the southern African subcontinent
experiences dry sulphur deposition rates of 0.1}0.5 kg
S ha~1 a~1. Deposition for highveld-only 0.253]0.253
emissions (Fig. 5 right) exceeds 0.3 kg S ha~1 a~1 over
most of southern Africa south of &183S. As with the
coarser-resolution simulation, a core of maximum deposition rates in excess of 1 kg S ha~1 a~1 occur over the
central highveld.
Fig. 4. MATCH-modelled annual ambient SO concentrations in ppb for southern Africa (left) using total emissions from the combined
GEIA and DEA and T emission data (on the 13]13 grid) and (right) based on highveld-only emission (on the 0.253]0.253 grid). The
position of the "ve "eld stations are indicated as (1) Elandsfontein, (2) Palmer, (3) Blyde, (4) Skukuza, and (5) Ben MacDhui.
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 5. MATCH modelled annual dry deposition rates for sulphur in mg m~2 for southern Africa (left) using combined GEIA and DEA
and T emissions data (on the 13]13 grid), (right) based on highveld-only emission (only on the 0.253]0.253 grid). The positions of the
"ve monitoring sites where the inferential model was applied are indicated on b.
Dry deposition rates for sulphur are available for "ve
stations in South Africa (Figs. 3 and 5 right) from inferential modelling (Zunckel, 1999; Zunckel et al., 1999).
These modelling studies found that dry deposition exceeded 13 kg S ha~1 a~1 at Elandsfontein in the
central highveld region, but decreased to about 4 k
S ha~1 a~1 the east over the eastern escarpment (at
Palmer and Blyde Forest Station) and the lowveld of
South Africa (at Skukuza). At the remote Ben MacDhui
site, situated more than 1000 km away from the source
region along the most frequent anticyclonic transport
pathway, dry deposition is about 1 kg S ha~1 a~1. The
relatively #at highveld area is well represented by Elandsfontein and Palmer from a climatological perspective.
Elandsfontein is located in the centre of the highveld's
major industrial activity and is in close proximity to
a number of signi"cant point sources. From an air quality perspective it represents the upper extreme for the
highveld. Palmer, on the other hand, is located on the
highveld periphery some 100 km to the east of the major
source region.
The MATCH model was run with the meteorological
data for the same period as the inferential modelling. Dry
deposition rates for sulphur were simulated for the "ve
inferential sites using both the 13]13 and 0.253]
0.253 emission data. The gradient in dry deposition rates
across the highveld of South Africa is modelled well by
MATCH. Maximum deposition rates at Elandsfontein
decrease to approximately 25% of the maximum on the
edge of the highveld at Palmer (Table 2). The weak
Table 2
Annual estimated dry deposition for total sulphur from the
inferential method and MATCH modelling in kg ha~1. The
values in brackets are the percentage di!erence between the
inferential and the MATCH simulations
Ben MacDhui
gradient further eastward from the Blyde Forest Station
to Skukuza is also well simulated. In the source region,
MATCH overestimates dry deposition rates of total sulphur by nearly 50% on the 13]13 grid and by more than
200% on the 0.253]0.253 degree grid (Table 2). The
model also overestimates deposition rates on the edge of
the highveld at Palmer. The modelled dry deposition
rates for sulphur from SO and particulate sulphate
(SO2~) are generally underestimated away from the
source region (Table 3). In general the simulation using
the 13]13 emission-data approximates the inferential
dry deposition estimates better than the "ner-resolution
The general overestimation of deposition by MATCH
could be attributed to the assumed minimum deposition
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Table 3
Annual estimated dry deposition of sulphur from SO and SO2~ from the inferential method and MATCH modelling in kg ha~1. The
values in brackets are the percentage di!erence between the inferential and the MATCH simulations
Ben MacDhui
Inferential method
MATCH 13]13
MATCH 0.253]0.253
18.5 (169)
0.85 (!61)
5.4 (200)
0.4 (0)
2.0 (!29)
0.85 (42)
1.1 (!63)
0.2 (!29)
0.19 (!81)
0.1 (0)
42.7 (291)
1.35 (!39)
4.7 (74)
0.4 (0)
0.2 (!52)
0.1 (!65)
1.1 (!63)
0.1 (!67)
0.14 (!86)
0.08 (!20)
velocity of 0.3 cm s~1 for all land surface, compared with
the near zero deposition velocities that occur at night
throughout the year (Zunckel et al., 1996; Zunckel, 1999).
The assumptions that are inherent in any grid-based
modelling approach with respect to topography, land use
and boundary conditions may also contribute to the
observed di!erences. Despite the signi"cant di!erences in
modelling approaches reveal the dry deposition of sulphur from SO exceeds that from SO2~ at all the sites.
Deposition of sulphur from SO2~ is fairly well modelled
on the highveld at Elandsfontein and Palmer. This implies that the general overestimation of dry sulphur
deposition by MATCH on the highveld is due to an
overestimation of deposition from SO . Despite the
signi"cant di!erences in modelling approaches employed
in the two models, the estimates they provide of dry
deposition are in reasonable agreement.
deposition ranges from 0.3 to 1.0 kg S ha~1 a~1 and are
lower along the west coast.
Di!erences between observed and modelled wet deposition rates are likely a result of models generally over
predicting the number of rain events over the southern
African region, particularly in the east (Joubert, 1998;
Joubert et al., 1998). In addition, the limited horizontal
resolution of the model produces an averaging e!ect
for the isolated convective precipitation over much of
southern Africa. Individual elements of heavier precipitation are smoothed out into more widespread and lighter
precipitation "elds. This, in turn, results in e$cient extraction of pollutants by the model scavenging process.
Instead of complete removal over a small area by convective rain, there is opportunity for removal over a much
broader area.
3.4. Total sulphur deposition
3.3. Wet deposition
MATCH-modelled wet deposition rates for sulphur
using the 0.253]0.253 emissions data reveal concentrations generally exceeding 1 kg S ha~1 a~1 over the entire
eastern half of South Africa, southern Mozambique,
northern Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia (Fig. 6 top
left). The maximum modelled wet deposition rates occur
over the eastern parts of South African and exceed 3 kg
S ha~1 a~1, reaching 10 kg S ha~1 a~1 over the highveld
and its periphery. In comparison, for the 5-yr period
1985}1990, Blu! et al. (1991) report annual wet deposition rates determined from an acid rain network of
5.8}4.7 kg S ha~1 for the central highveld and the periphery 150 km to the southeast. At the background site of
Louis Trichardt, near the South Africa/Zimbabwe border and 300 km to the north of the major industrial
source area of SO , wet deposition rates of 1.3 kg
S ha~1 a~1 are observed (Blu! et al., 1991). Over the
drier western part of South Africa the modelled wet
The MATCH-modelled deposition rates for total sulphur reveal an expanded spatial pattern to that of wet
deposition (Fig. 6 right). Deposition rates in excess of
1 kg ha~1 a~1 occur over the entire northeastern parts of
South Africa. A broad band of relatively high deposition
rates extends northeastwards over western Botswana,
much of Zimbabwe and into Zambia and Angola. Maxima over the highveld and northern Zambia exceed 30 kg
S ha~1 a~1. By extrapolating inferential results from
short "eld campaigns on the central highveld, Zunckel et
al. (1996) found that dry deposition of sulphur could
exceed that from wet deposition in a ratio 60 : 40. The
MATCH model suggests that wet deposition rates are
similar to dry deposition on the highveld and the adjacent areas (Fig. 6, left). Over the sparsely vegetated drier
western half of South Africa MATCH-modelled wet deposition exceeds dry deposition, but these rates are relatively low. In the higher rainfall regions along the south
and east coasts wet deposition exceeds dry.
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 6. MATCH-modelled annual wet deposition (top left), dry deposition (bottom left), and total sulphur deposition (right) in mg
m~2 for the 13]13 GEIA emission data.
Deposition rates of 0.3}1.0 kg S ha~1 a~1 are
modelled from the highveld-only emissions over much of
Botswana, the southern half Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Some sulphur deposition from South African
emissions is apparent as far north as Angola and Zambia.
The sulphur transport plume extending southeastward to
the coast out into the Indian Ocean o! the east coast of
South Africa is clearly evident (Fig. 7) and compares with
similar ozone (Fishman et al., 1991), carbon dioxide
(Rayner and Law, 1995) and dust (Herman et al., 1995;
Tyson and D'Abreton, 1998) plumes both observed and
modelled. These plumes may extend to Australasia
(Rayner and Law, 1995; Herman et al., 1995; Sturman
et al., 1997). It is instructive to assess the relative concentration of South African highveld SO emissions to the
total sulphur deposition of southern Africa as a whole
(Fig. 7). Except in the western, southwestern and southern regions, the highveld emissions contribute to more
than 80% to the total deposition over the whole of South
Africa. Near the source region the percentage is considerably higher. Highveld emissions are also responsible for
a high contribution to total sulphur deposition over the
southern parts of Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. To the north the highveld contribution to sulphur
deposition decreases rapidly.
4. Conclusion
Regional-scale ambient SO concentrations and
dry deposition rates of sulphur are estimated for
southern Africa for the "rst time using the multi-scale
atmospheric transport and chemistry (MATCH) modelling system. The model output is compared to estimations of dry deposition of sulphur using an inferential
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Fig. 7. (left) Total MATCH-modelled annual sulphur deposition in mg m~2 from highveld-only emissions, and (right) the relative
contribution from highveld-only emissions to total sulphur deposition as a percentage.
model and to observations of both dry and wet deposition of the element. Despite the signi"cant di!erences
in modelling approaches, the MATCH and inferential
model estimates of dry deposition are in reasonable
agreement. Furthermore, MATCH-modelled wet
deposition rates compare favourably with network
Spatial patterns of modelled SO concentrations are
consistent with the atmospheric transport modes prevailing over the subcontinent. They decrease from maximum
concentrations of between 3 and 10 ppb over the central
highveld to less than 1 ppb 600 km from of this industrial
source region. MATCH-modelled dry deposition rates
for sulphur exhibit a similar spatial pattern to the modelled ambient SO concentrations. Maximum depos2
ition exceeds 10 kg S ha~1 a~1 over the central highveld.
Much of the southern African subcontinent experiences
dry sulphur deposition rates of more than 0.3 kg
S ha~1 a~1. MATCH-modelled sulphur wet deposition
rates reveal a spatial pattern that is generally consistent
with the rainfall pattern over the subcontinent. Maximum values occur in the wetter east and minimum
values are simulated in the west. Wet deposition exceeds
1.0 kg S m~1 a~1 over the entire eastern half of South
Africa with the maximum modelled wet deposition rates
over the South African highveld and its periphery of
more than 10 kg S ha~1 a~1 in places. Over the drier
western part of South Africa the modelled wet deposition
rates range from 0.1 to 0.5 kg S ha~1 a~1.
South African emissions contribute more than 80 per
cent of the total sulphur loading in the plume of material
being transported o! the subcontinent over the Indian
Ocean towards Australasia. This is expected. What
is unexpected is the modelling suggests that up to 20%
of the loading is transported from as far a"eld as the
Zambian copperbelt.
Emissions of SO , from whatever sources, in all
the countries of the region contribute to the overall
pattern of regional deposition of sulphur over the
subcontinent of southern Africa. The two most signi"cant sources of emissions come from the Zambian/
Congo copperbelt region and from the highveld industrial heartland of South Africa. Deposition from transboundary atmospheric transport of sulphur occurs
throughout the region. Atmospheric recirculation with
anticyclonic circulation systems, together with the atmospheric stability attendant on these systems, are the primary factors governing the build-up of the atmospheric
sulphur loading over the subcontinent before the major
transport from the region takes place in the plume to
the Indian Ocean towards Australasia. This plume
must be recognised as a major feature of the southern
hemispheric atmospheric circulation and transport
M. Zunckel et al. / Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 2797}2808
Mr. Martin Lloyd, the Chief Air Pollution Control
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industrial emissions data available for this study. CSIR
Environmentek are thanked for their "nancial support
and Arjoon Singh is acknowledged for preparing the
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