Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA
Vol. 87, pp. 1042-1046, February 1990
Dominant lethal mutations in a conserved loop in 16S rRNA
(site-directed mutageliesis/rRNA mutations/A PL promoter/ribosomal A site)
Sinsheimer Laboratories, University of California-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Communicated by Carl R. Woese, November 2, 1989
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The 530 stem-oop region in 16S rRNA is
among the most phylogenetically conserved structural elements
in all rRNAs, yet its role in protein synthesis remains mysterious. G-530 is protected from kethoxal attack when tRNA, or
its 15-nucleotide anticodon stem-oop fragment, is bound to the
ribosomal A site. Based on presently available evidence, however, this region is believed to be too remote from the decoding
site for this protection to be the result of direct contact. In this
study, we use a conditional rRNA expression system to demonstrate that plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA genes carrying A, C,
and T point mutations at position G-530 confer a dominant
lethal phenotype when expressed in Escherichia coli. Analysis
of the distribution of plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA in ribosomal
particles, following induction of the A-530 mutation, shows that
mutant rRNA is present both in 30S subunits and in 70S
ribosomes. Little mutant rRNA is found in polyribosomes,
however, indicating that the mutant ribosomes are severely
impaired at the stage of polysome formation and/or stability.
Detailed chemical probing of mutant ribosomal particles reveals no evidence of structural perturbation within the 16S
rRNA. Taken together, these results argue for the direct
participation of G-530 in ribosomal function and, furthermore,
suggest that the dominant lethal phenotype caused by these
mutations is due primarily to the mutant ribosomes blocking a
crucial step in protein synthesis after translational initiation.
protections in the 530 loop result from direct contact with
tRNA. Rather, it has been argued that these protections are
induced allosterically, in response to tRNA-dependent interactions at the decoding site (7).
It has long been realized that the base sequence of the 530
loop is one of the most highly conserved in nature (9, 16). The
functional importance ofthis region was first suggested when
G-530 was shown to be protected from kethoxal attack in
tRNA-occupied ribosomes (4). More recently, it has been
demonstrated that G-530, as well as the neighboring U-531,
belong to the group of A-site-protected bases in 16S rRNA
(10). To test directly the possibility that G-530 is important in
ribosomal function, we systematically changed this residue to
each of the other three possible bases. Here we demonstrate
that 16S rRNA genes carrying these mutations at position 530
are lethal when expressed in Escherichia coli, despite the
presence of seven wild-type rRNA operons in the host
genome. We show that mutant rRNA is incorporated into 70S
ribosomes and that these ribosomes are deficient at the stage
of polysome formation and/or stability. In addition, we find
no evidence for structural perturbation within ribosomes
containing mutant rRNA. We conclude that residue G-530
plays a direct role in ribosomal function and, furthermore,
that the mutant ribosomes are impaired primarily in elongation and, as a consequence, block protein synthesis after
formation of a 70S initiation complex. These results are
entirely consistent with evidence suggesting that this residue
is involved in some aspect ofthe interaction of tRNA with the
ribosomal A site.
Ribosomes are complex ribonucleoprotein particles that are
responsible for the synthesis of proteins in all cells. An
increasing body of evidence indicates that the essence of
ribosomal function resides in its rRNA components (reviewed in refs. 1 and 2). Evidence for the direct involvement
of 16S rRNA in the association of tRNA with ribosomes was
first provided in early biochemical studies (3, 4). Rapid
chemical footprinting methods (5, 6) have subsequently allowed for the identification of specific nucleotides in 16S
rRNA that interact with tRNA (7). These residues are conserved in virtually all organisms and lie within phylogenetically constant structural elements (8, 9). More recently, these
interacting residues have been unambiguously assigned to the
ribosomal A or P sites, as conventionally defined (10).
Residues protected by A-site-bound tRNA form two clusters, within the 1400-1500 region and in the 530 stem-loop
region, in relation to the phylogenetically derived secondary
structure model for 16S rRNA (7, 10). Results of immunoelectron microscopy and model-building studies (11, 12)
indicate that these regions are separated by a distance of
75-100 A. The 1400-1500 region has been localized to the
cleft of the 30S subunit (13), the site of codon-anticodon
interaction (11, 14), whereas the 530 loop has been placed on
the opposite side of the subunit, near ribosomal proteins S4,
S5, and S12 (15). As all of the tRNA-dependent protections
in 16S rRNA are obtained with the 15-nucleotide anticodon
stem-loop fragment from tRNAPhC, it seems unlikely that the
Bacterial Strains, Plasmids, and Media. Strains DH1
(RecA) and GM2929 (RecA, dam-, Camr) have been described (17). Strain CJ236 (ung-, dut-, Cam) and helper
phage VCSM13 were provided by C. Craik (University of
California, San Francisco). Strains C600 (AcI857, cro27, S7)
and N03203 (Abio252, cI857, AHI, RecA), used as hosts for
experiments involving rRNA-encoding DNA mutations under control of the A PL promoter, were provided by M.
Nomura (University of California, Irvine) and R. Gourse
(University of Wisconsin). Plasmid pSTL102, a derivative of
pKK3535 (18) containing the entire E. coli rrnB operon and
selectable antibiotic resistance markers in the 16S and 23S
rRNA genes, has been described (17). Plasmid pLK35, a
derivative of pL rrnB (19), has been described (20). Physiological experiments were carried out in LB medium containing 10 g of tryptone, 5 g of yeast extract, 10 g of NaCl, and
100 mg of ampicillin per liter. Solid medium contained, in
addition, 15 g of Bacto-agar per liter.
Quantitation of Plasmid-Encoded rRNA. Primer-extension
analysis of plasmid-encoded rRNA, distinguishable by a C to
U mutation at 1192 in 16S rRNA, was performed by the
method of Morgan and coworkers (21) using a modified
procedure (17). Relative band intensities of autoradiographs
were determined by transmittance densitometry.
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
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Biochemistry: Powers and Noller
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990)
Expression of G-530 Mutations Is Lethal. Site-directed
mutagenesis (22, 23) was used to introduce A, C, and T point
mutations at position G-530 in the 16S rRNA gene. We were
unable to obtain expression of these mutant genes under
control of the natural rrnB promoters. This result suggested
that high-level, constitutive expression of these mutant genes
is lethal to the host cell.
We tested this possibility further by the conditional rRNA
expression system described by Gourse et al. (19). We placed
the rrnB operon under transcriptional control of the bacteriophage A PL promoter/operator, by constructing plasmid
pLK45 (Fig. 1A). Transcription is regulated by maintaining
this plasmid in strain N03203, which harbors the c1857
temperature-sensitive allele of the cI A repressor. Similar
systems have been used to study deleterious mutations in the
1400-1500 region (24) and 3' terminus (25) of 16S rRNA and
in domain V of 23S rRNA (26).
Hind III-
-plasmid rRNA
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chromosomal rRNA
plasmid rRNA
FIG. 1. rRNA expression system used in this study. (A) Plasmid
pLK45 contains the rrnB operon from E. coli, under inducible control
of the A PL promoter, and carries base changes in 16S and 23S rRNA
genes allowing for quantitation of plasmid-encoded rRNA incorporated into ribosomes. pLK45 was constructed by introducing the
antibiotic-resistance mutations present in plasmid pSTL102 (17) into
plasmid pLK35 (20) (details will be published elsewhere). kbp,
Kilobase pairs. (B) Primer-extension analysis of 16S rRNA extracted
from ribosomes after isolation from strain N03203, carrying plasmids pLK45 or pSTL102, and grown at either 30'C or 420C. Cells
were grown to an A650 of 0.8, harvested, and lysed, and rRNA was
prepared as described (17). The proportion of plasmid-encoded
rRNA in the various preparations is indicated.
Plasmid pLK45 also contains a C to U mutation at position
1192 of the 16S rRNA gene, which confers resistance to
spectinomycin when expressed from the strong rrn promoters on multicopy plasmids (17, 27). While this mutation does
not confer resistance to spectinomycin when expressed from
the PL promoter (unpublished observations), it may be used
as a marker to discriminate between plasmid and chromosomally encoded rRNA, using a quantitative primer extension
assay developed by Morgan and coworkers (21). We determined the relative amount of plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA
present in ribosomes obtained from strain N03203 carrying
plasmid pLK45 (Fig. 1B). At 420C (the "induced" temperature), -45% of the rRNA present is plasmid derived, whereas
at 30'C plasmid-encoded rRNA accounts for only 15% of the
total. This latter value is indicative of the "leakiness" in this
system. As a control, we also prepared rRNA from N03203
cells containing plasmid pSTL102 (17), which carries the 16S
rRNA gene with the spcr marker under the control of the
natural, constitutive rrnB promoters (Fig. 1B). At both temperatures, the level of plasmid-derived rRNA is -70% of the
total, in agreement with the results of Morgan and coworkers
Mutant derivatives of pLK45, containing the G530 mutations, were introduced into host N03203 for testing. Cell
cultures carrying the mutant plasmids grew identically at
30°C to the culture carrying the control plasmid, whereas
induction of mutant rRNA genes at 42°C resulted in an
immediate decrease in growth rate and cessation of growth
within several generations (Fig. 2A). This result was striking
on selective plates as well; diluted cell cultures containing
mutant plasmids grew identically to cells containing the
control plasmid at 30°C but were completely inviable when
grown at 42°C (Fig. 2B).
In a recent study, suppression of a deleterious mutation in
the 16S rRNA gene was observed when' the U-1192 mutation
was carried in cis (28). To control for such pleiotropic effects,
the G-530 mutations were placed into plasmid pLK40, identical to pLK45 but lacking the spc' marker, and were introduced into N03203. Upon induction, results identical to
those described above were obtained (data not shown),
demonstrating that the U-1192 mutation does not affect the
phenotype of the G-530 mutants.
The A-530 Mutation Interferes with Polysome Formation.
To examine the effect of these mutations on ribosomal
assembly and function, one mutant, A-530, was studied in
detail. Ribosomes and polyribosomes were prepared (29)
from strain N03203, carrying either plasmid pLK45 or
pLK45/A-530, after induction of plasmid rRNA genes, and
were separated on sucrose gradients (Fig. 3). The U-1192
marker was then used to monitor the presence of plasmidencoded 16S rRNA in the various gradient peaks (Fig. 4).
Analysis of gradient fractions containing control plasmid
rRNA showed that -40% of the rRNA in free 30S subunits
came from the plasmid. This ratio increased to 50% in the 70S
ribosome and polysome fractions. In contrast, analysis of
rRNA from the gradient prepared from cells containing the
mutant plasmid revealed both a detectable increase in the
level of plasmid-borne rRNA in the free 30S peak and a
corresponding decrease in the 70S ribosome peak (Fig. 4).
The most dramatic difference, however, was the scarcity of
mutant rRNA present in the polysome peaks (10% or less).
We also determined the amount of plasmid-encoded 23S
rRNA present in the various gradient fractions by using the
erythromycin-resistance marker in pLK45 (data not shown).
Equivalent amounts of plasmid-derived 23S rRNA were
detected in the ribosome and polyribosome fractions for both
the mutant and control plasmid. This indicates that the
differerpces shown in Fig. 4 for cells carrying pLK45 versus
pLK45/A-530 are indeed due to the presence of the mutant
16S rRNA.
Biochemistry: Powers and Noller
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Hours At 420C
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Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA 87 (1990)
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FIG. 2. Expression of rRNA genes carrying mutations at position
G-530 in 16S rRNA is lethal. (A) Growth curves of strain N03203
carrying control pLK45 or mutant plasmids grown at the nonpermissive temperature of 420C. (B) Induction on solid medium. N03203
containing pLK45 control (indicated as wt) or mutant plasmids were
grown at 30'C (the permissive temperature) to an A650 of 0.8.
Twenty-five microliters of 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4 dilutions was plated
on solid medium and incubated at either 30'C or 420C for 24 hr.
We sought to determine the significance of the shoulder at
the leading edge of the 30S subunit peak observed in the
mutant gradient profile (Fig. 3); 5'-end mapping of the rRNA
present in the 30S shoulder revealed the presence of rRNA
species longer than mature-length 16S rRNA, suggesting that
rRNA processing and/or assembly is blocked or otherwise
perturbed (data not shown). The results of the rRNA analysis
in Fig. 4, however, showed that the shoulder is not significantly enriched for mutant rRNA, which indicates that the
mutant particles are not preferentially blocked at this point.
Thus, the 30S shoulder most likely reflects a general decrease
in subunit assembly and/or processing, resulting from
expression of the lethal A-530 mutation (for example, due to
a shortage of ribosomal proteins). Such a general effect may
also account for the 50S subunit shoulder observed in the
mutant profile (Fig. 3).
Higher-Order Structure of 16S rRNA in the A-530 Mutant.
Detailed chemical probing, monitored by primer extension
(5, 6), was used to examine the higher-order structure of the
mutant 16S rRNA in 70S ribosomes. Here we sought to
determine whether the deleterious nature of the G-530 mutations is accompanied by detectable structural perturbations, either within the 530 stem-loop itself or at other sites
involved in tRNA binding.
A chemical probing analysis of A-site residues is presented
in Fig. 5. Here we are necessarily probing a mixed population
of ribosomes, containing both mutant and wild-type rRNA,
where the relative proportion of mutant 16S rRNA is, as
FIG. 3. Polysome profiles from N03203, carrying either control
pLK45 or mutant pLK45/A-530 plasmids. Freshly inoculated 80-ml
cultures were grown at 30'C until an A650 of 0.1 and were shifted to
420C for an additional 90 min (final A650, -0.4). Cells were rapidly
chilled and polysomes were prepared by the method of Ron et al.
(29). Lysates were layered onto 10-ml 10-40% sucrose gradients,
made in buffer containing 20 mM Tris HCl (pH 7.8), 10 mM MgC12,
100 mM NH4Cl, 2 mM dithiothreitol, and were centrifuged in an
SW-41 rotor for 2.5 hr at 35,000 rpm and 40C. Gradients were
analyzed by using an ISCO gradient fractionator, and 0.375-ml
fractions were collected.
indicated above, approximately one-third of the total. Accordingly, we detect a decrease in the reactivity of position
530 to kethoxal, a guanine-specific probe, in the ribosome
pool containing the A-530 mutant (Fig. SA). Interestingly, we
also detect decreased reactivity of G-529 to kethoxal in the
mutant ribosomes, supporting the recent suggestion (10) that
pl l K -1 4%
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FIG. 4. Primer-extension analysis of rRNA extracted from the
various peaks shown in Fig. 3. The relative proportion of plasmidencoded rRNA is indicated. Poly, polysome; shoulder, the fraction
of the mutant gradient containing the shoulder at the leading edge of
the free 30S subunit peak; nd, not determined.
Biochemistry: Powers and Noller
AG1 2
Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990)
AG 123456
AG1 23456
AN l*G 530
.:,. .:
1; .,
FIG. 5. Results of chemical probing of A-site residues in 70S ribosomes, prepared from N03203 carrying either pLK45 or pLK45/A-530
plasmids, after induction of plasmid-encoded genes. (A) The 680 primer. Lanes: 1 and 3, unmodified control samples; 2 and 4, kethoxal-modified
samples. wt, Samples obtained from cells carrying pLK45 control plasmid. (B) The 1490 primer. (C) The 1508 primer. Sources of template 16S
rRNA in B and C were as follows: lanes 1, 3, and 5, pLK45 control rRNA; lanes 2, 4, and 6, mutant rRNA. Modification reagents used in B
and C were as follows: lanes 1 and 2, unmodified controls; lanes 3 and 4, dimethyl sulfate; lanes 5 and 6, kethoxal. A and G refer to
dideoxynucleotide sequencing lanes using rRNA obtained from strain MRE600 as template. Plasmid-encoded rRNA genes were induced and
ribosomes were prepared as described in Fig. 3. Fractions containing 70S ribosomes were pooled and modified with dimethyl sulfate and kethoxal
and sites of modification were identified by primer extension using reverse transcriptase (5, 6).
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the stop prior to position 529 is, in fact, a "stutter" by reverse
transcriptase normally pausing before G-530. We fail to
detect any other differences in reactivities anywhere in the
16S rRNA chain, including other residues within the 530 loop
and other A-site residues in the 1400 (Fig. SB) and 1500 (Fig.
SC) regions. These results suggest that mutant and wild-type
ribosomes are essentially isomorphic, although subtle differences may have been missed due to the wild-type background
present in this assay.
We have used a conditional rRNA expression system, utilizing the A PL promoter/operator, to demonstrate that point
mutations at position G-530 in 16S rRNA are lethal when
expressed in E. coli. The presence of mutant rRNA in fully
assembled ribosomal particles argues strongly that the lethal
phenotypes we observe are expressed at the level of ribosomal function, despite the fact that over half of the ribosomes in the cell contain wild-type rRNA. A likely explanation for this dominant lethality is that there is a competition
between ribosomes for components of the translational machinery that are present in relatively substoichiometric
amounts within the cell. If the mutant ribosomes sequestered
one or more of these components, thus rendering them
unavailable to the wild-type ribosomes, translation would
become arrested. Given this, we would expect the distribution of mutant rRNA within the various ribosomal fractions
to reflect, at least to a first approximation, the step at which
the mutant ribosomes are impaired (Fig. 4). The significant
amount of A-530 mutant rRNA in the 70S ribosomal fraction,
versus its relative paucity in the polysome fractions, suggests
that the mutant ribosomes are impaired primarily in translation after the formation of the 70S initiation complex at some
step in elongation. In addition, the increased proportion of
mutant rRNA in the 30S subunit fraction indicates that the
mutant ribosomes may be partially deficient in initiation
and/or subunit association. Thus its universal conservation,
the results of tRNA binding experiments (7, 10), and the
results of this study lead us to the conclusion that residue
G-530 participates directly in a critical ribosomal function
involving the association of tRNA with the ribosomal A site.
Our results also indicate that the lethal nature of these
mutations depends on gene dosage. Cells containing mutant
plasmids display growth properties identical to those carrying
the control plasmid pLK45 at 30°C, the repressed temperature (Fig. 2B). At this temperature, however, the proportion
of mutant rRNA present in total ribosomal particles is
nevertheless =15% (Fig. 1B) due to the leaky expression
from the repressed PL promoter. A minimum level of mutant
rRNA (between 15% and 45%) must accumulate, therefore,
before the lethal nature ofthe G-530 mutants is expressed. An
attractive possibility is that this ratio correlates with the
number of mutant ribosomes required to titrate the available
initiation sites on mRNA in competition with wild-type
Fig. 6 summarizes our present understanding of several
functional aspects of the 530 stem-loop. In addition to the
relationship between residues G-530 and U-531 and A-site
tRNA, there is evidence to suggest that the 530 stem-loop
plays some role in maintaining translational accuracy. This
structure is proximal to and interacts with ribosomal proteins
t Neos
520- A
UA C-G-54o
FIG. 6. Summary diagram indicating functionally important residues in the 530 loop. Residue G-530, the site where mutations confer
a dominant lethal phenotype (this work), is circled. e, A-site tRNA
protections (10); *, P-site tRNA protections (10). C-525, which
displays increased dimethyl sulfate reactivity in the presence of
neomycin and related antibiotics ( T Neos) (30), is indicated as are the
sites of mutations resulting in ochre nonsense suppression in yeast
mitochondria (31) and streptomycin resistance in chloroplasts and/or
in E. coli (32, 33). Also indicated is the proposed tertiary interaction
between residues 505-507 and 524-526 (34).
Biochemistry: Powers and Noller
S4 and S12 (12), mutations in which affect the translational
error frequency (35). Interestingly, several residues in the
loop, including G-530, depend on S4 and/or S12 for their
mature (and active) conformation (36), suggesting one possible role for these proteins in ribosomal function. The
enhanced reactivity of C-525 to dimethyl sulfate in the
presence of neomycin and several related antibiotics that are
known to induce miscoding affirms a functional connection
between the 530 loop and the decoding site, as these drugs
also footprint residues located in the latter region (30). In
addition, an A to C transversion at position 523 has been
shown to confer resistance to streptomycin, both in chloroplasts and in E. coli (32). More recently, a C to U transition
at position 525 (E. coli numbering) in chloroplasts has also
been demonstrated to confer resistance to streptomycin (33).
Lastly, an ochre nonsense suppressor has been identified in
yeast mitochondrial 15S rRNA (31). This mutation is a G to
A transition at position 517 (E. coli numbering), resulting in
an A/C mismatch at the top of the 530 stem. This latter result
provides direct evidence for a functional relationship between this structure and the process of codon recognition. All
of the ribosomal protein and rRNA mutations that affect
translational accuracy, as well as the antibiotics that induce
miscoding, have an effect on the archetypal ribosomal event
of A-site tRNA binding. Their effect, however, is peripheral
in nature, in that it results in perturbation of the system but
does not disable it. The bases involved in mutations conferring resistance to these drugs, as well as the sites of suppressor mutations, are accordingly, only moderately conserved phylogenetically. In contrast, the dominant lethal
phenotypes resulting from mutation of G-530 are more in line
with what would be expected if some crucial aspect of the
mechanism itself were destroyed, as in altering the catalytic
amino acid residue at the active site of a protein enzyme. It
is interesting to note that the presumed reason for the
lethality caused by the mutant ribosomes essentially amounts
to the formation of aberrant initiation complexes, recalling
the basis of the bactericidal action of streptomycin (reviewed
in ref. 37).
The precise function of the 530 loop remains unknown. Its
presumed distance from the site of codon-anticodon interaction suggests an involvement in A-site tRNA binding that
is allosteric in nature. Elongation factor Tu has been mapped
by immunoelectron microscopy to a region of the 30S subunit
that is proximal to the location of the 530 loop (11); there is
no direct evidence, however, for an interaction between
them. Identification of the precise step during translation at
which the G-530 mutants are blocked will provide an important link in our understanding of the intriguing role of the 530
loop in protein synthesis.
We are grateful to M. Ares, S. Douthwaite, J. Silverthorne, and K.
Triman for advice on methodologies during the course of this work.
We also thank K. Triman and D. Moazed for careful reading of the
manuscript and D. Moazed for discussions. This work was supported
by Grant GM-17129 and GM-09086 from the National Institutes of
Health and DMB-8704076 from the National Science Foundation.
T.P. was the recipient of a scholarship from the Achievement
Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Program.
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