BIS Working Papers
No 552
Fiscal sustainability and
the financial cycle
by Claudio Borio, Marco Lombardi and Fabrizio Zampolli
Monetary and Economic Department
March 2016
JEL classification: H30, H62, E44, E52, E60
Keywords: financial cycle, financial crisis, cyclically
adjusted fiscal balance
BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic
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ISSN 1020-0959 (print)
ISSN 1682-7678 (online)
Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Claudio Borio, Marco Lombardi and Fabrizio Zampolli#
A frequently neglected aspect of financial booms and busts – financial cycles – is their
impact on fiscal positions. And yet, the latest financial crisis and history show that
these cycles can wreak havoc with public finances. After reviewing the impact of
financial cycles on fiscal positions, we offer a new tool to estimate cyclically adjusted
balances, illustrate its performance, explore its strengths and weaknesses, and sketch
out a way forward to measuring sustainability in a more holistic way.
Keywords: financial cycle, financial crisis, cyclically adjusted fiscal balance.
JEL classification: H30, H62, E44, E52, E60.
Bank for International Settlements.
This paper was prepared for the conference “Rethinking fiscal policy after the crisis” held in Bratislava
on 10–11 September 2015 and will be published in the corresponding volume of proceedings. We
thank Piti Disyatat, Mikael Juselius, Ľudovít Ódor and conference participants for comments and
suggestions. Diego Urbina provided excellent statistical assistance. The views expressed in this paper
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the BIS.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Fiscal balances over the financial cycle ................................................................................... 2
The damaging effect of financial busts ................................................................................. 2
The flattering effect of financial booms ................................................................................ 7
II. Adjusting fiscal positions for the financial cycle ................................................................. 9
The finance-neutral output gap ............................................................................................... 9
Cyclical adjustment of fiscal balances .................................................................................. 13
III. Current limitations and possible ways forward ................................................................. 14
Improving estimates of potential output............................................................................ 15
Dealing with the omitted channels ....................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 17
References ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Previous volumes in this series ........................................................................................................ 24
WP551 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
The Great Financial Crisis has reminded us of a few important lessons.
One is that severe financial crises are by no means confined to history or less
developed economies (eg Reinhart and Rogoff (2009)). Even in the most advanced
economies, a prolonged financial boom, if unchecked, may end up in a bust and a
systemic banking crisis. And, when the bust occurs, the countries affected face deep
recessions and several years of sluggish growth (Reinhart and Rogoff (2009), BCBS
(2010), Jordà et al (2013), Ball (2014)). The huge costs involved have hammered home
a simple message: ignoring the build-up of financial imbalances, or failing to contain
them, is no longer tenable (Borio (2014), BIS (2014, 2015)).
A second lesson is that financial crises can wreak havoc with public finances.
Since the onset of the Great Financial Crisis, public debt in many advanced economies
has shot up to unprecedented peacetime levels and, in several cases, it is still rising.
Even countries that were believed to be running prudent fiscal policies before the
crisis found their fiscal sustainability rapidly called into question after the crisis
erupted. Ireland and Spain are vivid examples. Their pre-crisis financial booms had
made their fiscal accounts look much stronger than they actually were.
A third lesson is that there is a close two-way link between the health of the
financial system and that of public finances. Private sector financial booms may
eventually lead to a sharp deterioration of public finances when a financial crisis
occurs, impairing the sovereign’s ability to carry out countercyclical policies or act as
a backstop for the banking system. And weaker public finances may, in turn, cause
financial instability, by sapping the strength of financial institutions’ balance sheets
(Das et al (2010), CGFS (2011), Jordá et al (2016)). This is particularly the case when
these institutions hold large amounts of public debt. Thus, fiscal stress may both
reflect and cause banking crises (Reinhart and Rogoff (2009, 2013), Laeven and
Valencia (2013)).
The close link between financial and fiscal risks calls for great prudence in
managing public finances (eg Obstfeld (2014)). This is especially important and
difficult in good times. It is then that policymakers may delude themselves that strong
growth is here to stay – perhaps as the deserved reward for their policies – rather
than seeing the poisoned chalice of an unsustainable domestic financial boom for
what it is (Santos (2014)). Just like the private sector, governments may lull themselves
into a false sense of security in the belief that debt tolerance has permanently
increased. Even if they refrain from expansionary fiscal policy, they may thus fail to
recognise the need to build sufficient buffers.
But how can one judge whether fiscal positions are prudent when a financial
boom is in full swing and as events unfold – ie in real time and not just with the benefit
of hindsight? Typically, in order to measure the underlying fiscal position,
policymakers seek to adjust fiscal balances for the business cycle, for one-off changes
and for other temporary factors. The adjustment for the business cycle is normally
based on standard measures of the output gap, which have traditionally been used
to explain inflation – the well-known Phillips curve relationship. But as the pre-crisis
experience reminded us once more, output may be above its potential or sustainable
level even if inflation remains low and stable, boosted temporarily by a financial boom
– unusually strong increases in credit and asset prices on the back of aggressive risk-
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
taking. The boom masks the weakening of underlying fiscal strength. Policymakers
may then be caught unprepared when the boom turns to bust. This is very much what
has happened, again, in recent years.
This paper takes one more step in tackling this complex issue. It builds on
previous work, which developed an alternative measure of potential output and the
output gap to take into account the impact of financial factors – the so-called financeneutral output gap (Borio et al (2013, 2014)). The method makes a simple
modification to the Kalman filter problem associated with the popular HodrickPrescott (HP) filter in order to incorporate information about credit and property
prices. Applying it, the authors find that it would have provided reliable signals that
output was above potential pre-crisis. This is very much in contrast to traditional
methods, which range from pure statistical filters to more elaborate approaches that
combine a production function with a Phillips curve (eg Giorno et al (1995), Beffy et
al (2006)). Such methods have generally indicated that output was above potential
only after the fact, as they have revised previous estimates of trends, de facto
rewriting history – the notorious end-point problem. Indeed, such revisions have
typically been quite large, often as large as the output gap itself (Orphanides and van
Norden (2002)).
Here we take forward this previous work in two respects. First, we consider its
strengths and weaknesses in the specific context of the cyclical adjustment of fiscal
positions. Second, we sketch out ways in which this tool could be improved and
become part of a more holistic approach to measuring underlying fiscal strength and
to ensuring adequate fiscal space.1
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section I documents and discusses
the potentially large impact that financial crises have on public finances. Section II
describes how the finance-neutral output gap is computed and then proceeds to
apply it to adjust fiscal positions, illustrating its properties with data for Spain and the
United States. Section III discusses the limitations of the finance-neutral gap measure
together with possible ways of overcoming them and then sketches out how the tool
might be part of a broader toolkit to evaluate financial strength. The conclusion
highlights the key takeaways of the analysis.
I. Fiscal balances over the financial cycle
The damaging effect of financial busts
Several studies have documented the behaviour of public debt around financial crises.
Reinhart and Rogoff (2009, 2013) find that, in the postwar period, (central)
government debt almost doubles (86% increase) on average within three years from
the onset of a crisis. Using a different data set limited to the period 1970–2011, Laeven
and Valencia (2013) find somewhat smaller, but still sizeable, increases in public debt
in advanced economies, some 24 percentage points of GDP, and smaller ones in
Adjusting current fiscal balances for the financial cycle is key to assessing fiscal strength, but a full
assessment requires that the resulting cyclically adjusted measures be complemented with measures
of the fiscal gap or sustainable debt. The latter take into account not only current but also expected
future expenditures and revenues as well as unexpected contingencies or risks (see eg Auerbach
(2011), Gosh et al (2011)). A discussion of these measures goes beyond the scope of this paper.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
emerging market economies, about 9 percentage points. In a sample spanning 1980–
2006, Furceri and Zdzienicka (2012) document that the rise in public debt is quite
persistent and depends on the severity of the crisis: in the case of the crises that
coincide with the largest output losses, the debt-to-GDP ratio surges by 37
percentage points over eight years.
The Great Financial Crisis is no exception, even though it has mainly affected
advanced economies (Graph 1). For one, there is a sizeable and persistent increase in
deficits. Around the time the crisis broke out (2007 or 2008, depending on the
country) the median fiscal balance fell by over 5 percentage points within three years,
to about 6% of GDP, with a quarter of the countries experiencing a much larger
deterioration, to over 10% (left-hand panel). Thereafter, the deficits narrowed only
very slowly, remaining sizeable in many countries several years after the onset of the
Government net lending ratio and debt
Crises between 2007–08 in advanced economies1
Graph 1
Government net lending, as a percentage of GDP
Government debt, as a percentage of GDP
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Median, percentiles including partial data and forecast figures.
Austria (2008), Belgium (2008), Denmark (2008), France (2008), Germany (2008), Greece (2008), Iceland (2008), Ireland (2008), Italy (2008),
the Netherlands (2008), Portugal (2008), Spain (2008), Sweden (2008), Switzerland (2008), the United Kingdom (2007), the United States (2007).
Sources: L Laeven and F Valencia, “Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update”, IMF Working Paper, no 12/163, June 2012; IMF, World
Economic Outlook; OECD, Economic Outlook; BIS calculations.
In addition, the general government debt to GDP ratio soared (Graph 1, righthand panel). This ratio increased by more than 50 percentage points at the median,
from around 60% at the onset of the crisis to over 90% three years after – not far from
the historical evidence uncovered by Reinhart and Rogoff (2013) and, for the most
severe crises, by Furceri and Zdzienicka (2012). After nine years the ratio exceeded
110% and was even above 135% for 10% of the countries in the sample.
The steep post-crisis rise in public debt is usually driven by a number of factors.
First, the sovereign uses its fiscal space to support the repair of banks’ balance
sheets – what is often colloquially referred to as “bailout fiscal costs”. The
government’s role is critical, ranging from supporting the recognition of losses and
purchasing bad assets to recapitalising institutions, sometimes through temporary
ownership. In some cases, the sovereign’s support also extends to non-financial
borrowers, including both corporations and households. From an ex ante perspective,
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
this amounts to contingent liabilities that are generally not recognised in the fiscal
accounts, except perhaps when they are explicit and subject to strict measurement
and disclosure criteria.2 Indeed, their recognition ex ante would be inconsistent with
efforts to put in place credible non-bail out schemes, regardless of their ultimate
effectiveness (eg Diaz-Alejandro (1985)).
These costs can be quite large, but are difficult to estimate precisely, even ex
post. Depending on the method and time horizon of the analysis, estimates for the
same country and crisis often vary by a large amount.3 That said, in many historical
episodes such costs do not seem to have been the main driver of the rise in public
debt (Reinhart and Rogoff (2013), Laeven and Valencia (2013)).
Second, output and employment collapse and recover only slowly, sapping
revenues and boosting non-discretionary spending and transfers whenever
automatic stabilisers are in place. The evidence suggests that this is frequently the
main factor.4 Initial output losses – measured from peak to trough or from the peak
to the point at which the growth rate returns to pre-crisis rates – are substantial,
ranging from 6% to 14% on average across countries, against only 2% in an ordinary
recession (ie recessions not accompanied by financial crises). In general, crises are
followed by weak recoveries: it takes several years on average for activity to return to
its pre-crisis peak. Above all, there is evidence that these losses are not entirely
recouped in the subsequent recovery. Using a range of techniques, samples and
controls, studies find permanent output losses of between 7½ to 10%.5 Put
differently, the evidence indicates that, even when growth returns to its pre-crisis
long-term, output generally does not.
Third, for a given behaviour of output and income, compositional effects may
weaken public finances further. The collapse in asset prices, in particular, can play a
key role. For example, panel regressions by Eschenbach and Schuknecht (2004)
indicate that 30–40% of the deterioration of fiscal balances that took place in the
United Kingdom and Sweden in the early 1990s was due to asset price effects,
especially in the real estate market.
Fourth, much like asset price effects, exchange rates may play a similar role. This
would be the case whenever debt is denominated in a foreign currency and, as often
happens, the crisis coincides with sharp currency depreciation. Indeed, concerns of
this nature have been behind attempts to reduce the sovereign’s reliance on foreign
currency borrowing in emerging market economies since the crises of the 1980s and
1990s (CGFS (2007), Turner (2012)). Even when this is so, however, the sovereign may
remain indirectly exposed to such currency mismatches if the private sector indulges
For a detailed discussion of various types of contingent liabilities and historical episodes, see Bova et
al (2016).
Moreover, over time countries may be able to recover some or most of the initial costs, in some cases
even making a small net profit, provided they succeed in managing and resolving the crises
Reinhart and Rogoff (2013) document a strong rise in real government revenue in the three years
leading to a banking crisis and a decline in the following three years.
These studies are surveyed in BCBS (2010) and normally follow Cerra and Saxena (2008); for a more
recent study, see Ball (2014). See also Box III.B in BIS (2014). Output losses in an ordinary recession
are usually temporary, although this has been challenged recently (eg Martin et al (2015) and
Blanchard et al (2015)).
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
in this practice: the sovereign may come under pressure to come to the rescue. For
instance, in the recent crisis, households in some central and eastern European
countries had borrowed extensively to purchase real estate and subsequently ran into
trouble, putting pressure on governments to intervene (BIS (2010), Fischer and Yeşin
Fifth, the one-off permanent loss of output may also go hand in hand with a
long-lasting decline in trend output growth. Until recently, the literature has generally
failed to find permanent effects on growth. But the impact may be persistent, even if
sometimes difficult to disentangle from the one on the level of output. For example,
recent research has found that, in the wake of financial crises, productivity growth
may be badly damaged for many years (Borio et al (2015a)) – a point to which we
return below.6
Sixth, the policy response may lead to a further deterioration in the fiscal position.
For one, especially where the authorities have room for manoeuvre, they may respond
to the crisis by increasing discretionary spending or cutting taxes to prop up
aggregate demand. This was indeed the case in several countries in the wake of the
Great Financial Crisis (eg Carnot and de Castro (2015)). The response may be
especially problematic in the longer term if it reflects an overly rosy assessment of
the underlying fiscal strength. The stimulus may not be easily reversed in subsequent
years, as worries of a faltering recovery and political economy pressures prevail.7
Moreover, if the increase in the public debt to GDP ratio is not arrested, it may end
up undermining trend growth. While no consensus exists, there is considerable
evidence supporting this viewpoint (eg Cecchetti et al (2011), Checherita-Westphal
and Rother (2012), Baum et al (2013), Chudik et al (2015), Woo and Kumar (2015)).
Possible mechanisms include distortionary taxation, which may inhibit investment at
least beyond certain thresholds (eg Jaimovich and Rebelo (2012)) and adverse effects
on sovereign risk premia8 (see also below). Finally, misguided attempts not to use
fiscal space to repair balance sheets may end up by backfiring, delaying and
weakening the economic recovery. A well known case in point is the difference
between the rapid post-crisis recovery in the Nordic countries, where balance sheet
repair was prompt and thorough, and the protracted weakness in Japan, where
See also the study by Reinhart and Reinhart (2015), which finds that the incidence of financial crises
is negatively related to economic growth in a sample of over 60 countries and over 150 years. As
pointed out by the authors, it is, however, unclear how far the relationship reflects reverse causation.
Budina et al (2015) find evidence of a debt bias and evidence that this bias is exacerbated by financial
booms and busts.
As debt rises, countries may get closer to their fiscal limits as perceived by investors, leading to a
sharp (non-linear) increase in risk premia. Fiscal limits (ie the maximum government debt that can be
sustained without appreciable risk of default or higher inflation) depend on how far a country is from
the peak of the Laffer curve and how far authorities can cut expenditure without triggering a severe
political backlash. The idea of fiscal limits has been formalised within a DSGE model by eg Bi and
Leeper (2013) and Leeper (2013).
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
balance sheet repair was delayed for a decade following the reversal of their financial
cycles in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Borio et al (2010)).9 10
The role of interest rates deserves a separate mention, as it is important but
highly dependent on circumstances.
On the one hand, interest rates may rise in the aftermath of a financial crisis. This
is more likely to be the case in countries exposed to a tightening of external funding
conditions, possibly because of a weak external position, a large stock of debt
denominated in foreign currency and/or limited fiscal space. The experience of
several less developed economies is a case in point. The same may be true of
countries with limited monetary policy room for manoeuvre, as the debt crisis in the
euro area has shown. In these cases, interest rates may rise either because of attempts
to defend the currency and prevent inflationary pressures or owing to a sharp rise in
risk premia, as investors lose confidence in the sovereign’s creditworthiness. In their
historical study, Reinhart et al (2012) report many examples of this kind.
On the other hand, where these constraints do not operate, central banks may
have the leeway to ease very aggressively and, above all, persistently in response to
the financial strains and the subsequent weak recovery. This is precisely what has
happened in many jurisdictions following the Great Financial Crisis, with central banks
pushing interest rates all the way to zero, if not into negative territory, through a
combination of adjustments in policy rates, forward guidance and large-scale
sovereign bond purchases (eg BIS (2015)).
Clearly, the issues are very different in the two cases.
When interest rates rise, this adds immediately to the deficit and debt burden, to
an extent that depends on the size of the debt outstanding and its contractual
features (eg maturity and interest rate sensitivity more generally). At the same time,
it also constrains the room for countercyclical fiscal policy, possibly quite tightly.11
This may well be the reason why, despite the often greater severity of the crises, the
fiscal position has historically deteriorated less sharply in emerging market economies
than in their advanced counterparts.
When interest rates sink persistently to exceptionally low levels, fiscal positions
may look much stronger than they really are, with policymakers and investors
overestimating sustainability. Consistently with this view, rating agencies appear to
give a prominent weight to current debt service ratios in their sovereign ratings
Consistent with this, considerable evidence points to the importance of debt forbearance in Japan
(eg Peek and Rosengren (2005), Caballero et al (2008)); the reduction of capital and labour mobility
compared with the pre-crisis period (eg Iwaisako (2005)); and the rise in the market share of inefficient
firms (eg Ahearne and Shinada (2005)). Recent studies have also indicated that debt forbearance has
been significant in some countries in the most recent post-crisis experience (eg Albertazzi and
Marchetti (2010), Bank of England (2011), Enria (2012)).
Japan’s economic growth was also sluggish in the 2000s, but probably the main reason was
demographics; by the early 2000s balance sheets had finally been largely repaired. In fact, output
growth in terms of working-age population rose much more strongly than in the previous decade
and was well above that of many advanced economies over the same period; eg it was twice that of
the United States (eg Borio et al (2015b)).
For instance, Alberola et al (2016a) show that in Latin America worsening financing conditions induce
fiscal contractions, leading to a procyclical bias in fiscal policy.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
(Amstad and Packer (2015)).12 This may provide an incentive to boost spending
and/or cut taxes to sustain aggregate demand at the cost of weakening fiscal strength
over the longer term. Large-scale purchases of sovereign debt by central banks add
to this vulnerability: from the perspective of the consolidated public sector balance
sheet, they amount to issuing liabilities indexed at the very short-term rate (bank
reserves) while retiring longer-maturity debt (eg Borio and Disyatat (2010)). This
increases the sensitivity of the debt service burden to the eventual normalisation of
The flattering effect of financial booms
The flattering effect of financial booms on fiscal positions is, in many respects, the
mirror image of the havoc wreaked by financial busts, especially when financial crises
erupt. Potential output and potential growth are overestimated. Compositional
effects, especially those associated with asset price booms,13 boost revenues further.
Nominal exchange rates may tend to appreciate,14 temporarily reducing the domestic
currency equivalent of foreign exchange-denominated debt and the corresponding
interest payments. Unnoticed, contingent liabilities to address balance sheet repair
build up. And all this may encourage policymakers to relax fiscal policy further,
exacerbating the familiar incentives linked to short horizons and political economy
pressures (Santos (2014)).15 Consistent with the flattering effect of financial booms,
empirical evidence finds a positive impact of financial variables on fiscal balances over
and above that of output (Eschenbach and Schuknecht (2004), Price and Dang (2011),
Bénétrix and Lane (2015)).
More recent BIS research sheds further light on the reasons why potential output
and growth may be overestimated during the boom and on the mechanisms involved
in the lasting damage caused once the boom ushers in a banking crisis. That research
produces three findings, based on a sample of over 20 advanced economies and over
some 40 years. First, financial booms sap productivity growth as they occur (Cecchetti
and Kharroubi (2015)) – an effect that is masked by their temporary boost to output
Amstad and Packer (2015) find that the focus on current debt service measures explains some of the
difference between the ratings assigned to advanced and emerging market economies.
Asset price booms can affect personal and corporate income taxes as well as rental income through
the sales or the accrual of capital gains. In addition, taxes are also paid on transactions. Since turnover
intensifies during a boom, revenues tend to increase for a given level of asset prices.
Empirical evidence indicates that the conjunction of credit booms with real exchange rate
appreciation is a reliable leading indicator of financial crises (Borio and Lowe (2002); Gourinchas and
Obstfeld (2012)). In a low inflation environment, this tends to reflect a nominal currency appreciation.
Even if nominal exchange rates remain relatively stable during a financial boom, stronger aggregate
demand, especially towards non-tradables, may lead to higher price and wage inflation than in other
economies and/or poor productivity growth. The resulting loss of competitiveness can sow the seeds
of future troubles.
For example, when more resources become available, the common pool problem and the
competition for them may intensify (eg Tornell and Lane (1999)). Thus, political economy incentives
can explain not only why fiscal policy may be procyclical, especially in less developed economies (eg
Lane (2003), Talvi and Vegh (2005)), but also why even more developed economies may fail to insure
themselves against the fiscal consequences of financial busts (eg Santos (2014)).
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
(Drehmann and Juselius (2015)).16 For a typical credit boom, just over a quarter of a
percentage point per year is a lower bound. Second, a good chunk of this, almost
60%, reflects the shift of labour to lower productivity growth sectors (Borio et al
(2015a)). Think, in particular, of shifts into a temporarily bloated construction sector.
The rest would be the impact on productivity growth that is common across sectors,
such as the shared component of aggregate capital accumulation and of total factor
productivity growth. Third, the subsequent impact of labour misallocations that occur
during a boom is much larger if a crisis follows. The average loss per year in the five
years after a crisis is more than twice that during a boom, around half a percentage
point per year (Borio et al (2015a)). Possibly, the scarcity and misallocation of credit,
alongside the slow repair of balance sheets, inhibit the transfer of resources across
sectors needed to rebalance the economy. Put differently, the reallocations cast a
long shadow. Taking the 10-year episode as a whole, the cumulative impact would
amount to a loss of some 4 percentage points. Regardless of the specific figure, the
impact is clearly sizeable.
But why should financial booms raise output above potential or sustainable levels
without necessarily generating inflation? At least four reasons come to mind. One is
that unusually strong financial booms are likely to coincide with positive supply side
shocks (eg Drehmann et al (2012)). These put downward pressure on prices while at
the same time providing fertile ground for asset price booms that weaken financing
constraints. A second reason is that the economic expansions may themselves
temporarily weaken supply constraints. Prolonged and robust expansions can induce
increases in the labour supply, either through higher participation rates or, more
significantly, immigration. For instance, there was a strong increase in immigration
into Spain and Ireland during the pre-crisis financial boom, not least to work in the
construction sector that was driving the expansion. By adding new capacity, the
unsustainable capital accumulation associated with the economic expansion may also
weaken supply constraints. A third reason is that, as noted, financial booms may
coincide with a tendency for the currency to appreciate, as domestic assets become
more attractive and capital flows surge. The appreciation puts downward pressure on
inflation. A fourth, underappreciated, reason is that, as just highlighted,
unsustainability may have to do more with the sectoral and intertemporal
misallocation of resources than with overall capacity constraints.17
There are many channels through which financial booms boost aggregate demand and output,
including wealth, collateral, risk-taking and cash flow effects. To be sure, theoretically, housing wealth
effects should tend to wash out in the aggregate, as the gains of those planning to scale down their
consumption of housing services should be offset by those planning to scale up. But, because the
marginal propensity to consume of the former is generally bigger, the net effect on consumption is
generally positive and economically significant (eg Waldron and Zampolli (2010)).
This paragraph focuses on the way in which financial booms may lead to temporary and
unsustainable increases in domestic supply or coincide with changes in the exchange rate that keep
inflation down. Another possible explanation, as noted earlier, is that the link between inflation and
domestic slack has become much weaker owing to other forces. One such force could be the
globalisation of the real economy, as some evidence suggests (eg Borio and Filardo (2007), Bianchi
and Civelli (2013), Ciccarelli and Mojon (2010), Eickmeier and Pijnenburg (2013)).
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
II. Adjusting fiscal positions for the financial cycle
As the previous discussion indicates, there are obvious reasons to believe that the
financial cycle has a first-order impact on fiscal strength and sustainability. We next
illustrate a method for correcting fiscal positions for one of the many factors
considered, albeit a key one: the behaviour of potential output, especially during
financial booms. Before we adjust the fiscal balance, though, we need to spend a few
words explaining the specific statistical method used to estimate potential output, as
developed in Borio et al (2013, 2014)).
The finance-neutral output gap
Borio et al (2013) start from the premise that traditional measures of potential or
sustainable output do not adjust for financial developments. The methods most
commonly used in policymaking to make cyclical adjustments vary widely and use
economic information to various degrees. At one end are univariate statistical filters,
such as the popular Hodrick-Prescott filter, which distinguish trend from cycle based
purely on the behaviour of output itself and assuming that the two components have
certain statistical characteristics (such as that the cycle is of a certain length). At the
other end are production function methods, in which potential output is defined as a
function of production inputs. Given that production inputs, such as capital and
labour, are also subject to cyclical fluctuations, these methods often involve the
cyclical adjustment of those inputs, which can be performed with univariate statistical
filter or can be combined with additional theoretical restrictions, not least a Phillips
curve (eg Giorno et al (1995), Beffy et al (2006)). In between are methods that focus
on fewer economic relationships, such as the determinants of inflation (the Phillips
curve), the link between unemployment and output (Okun’s law) and the like.18 What
is common to all of the procedures is that they either completely ignore financial
factors or relegate them to a minor role. Based on the previous analysis, however,
such an omission can be dangerous.
There is no unique way of incorporating the information that financial variables
have for output fluctuations. Moreover, as compared with inflation, theory so far
provides less formal guidance. Because of this, Borio et al (2013) opt for a more datadriven approach and allow the “data to speak” as much as possible. The strategy is to
make simple and transparent modifications to the HP filter, augmenting it with
information from variables that are closely linked to the financial cycle. Here they
follow Drehmann et al (2012), who find that when the key concern is banking crises,
the combined behaviour of credit and property prices is probably the most
parsimonious way of describing the financial cycle, in turn confirming previous work
about the leading indicator properties of these variables (Borio and Drehmann (2009).
This point is hinted at in Graph 2, which shows that both credit and property (house)
prices grow very fast in inflation-adjusted terms in the years prior to the crisis, but
slow down considerably before it breaks out, with property prices tending to lead and
actually starting to decline before it.
Even more theory-based are measures based on fully specified New Keynesian DSGE models in which
potential output is defined as the hypothetical output that would prevail were prices and wages free
to adjust instantaneously. Such methods, however, are not commonly explicitly used to derive
standalone measures of potential output, not least as these are very volatile.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Credit and residential property prices growth
Crises between 1970–2011; in per cent
Graph 2
Real credit1
Real residential property prices2
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Median, percentiles including partial data and forecast figures.
Argentina (1989, 1995, 2001), Belgium (2008), Brazil (1990, 1994), Chile (1976, 1981), Colombia (1998), Denmark (2008), France (2008),
Germany (2008), Greece (2008), Hungary (2008), Iceland (2008), Indonesia (1997), Ireland (2008), Italy (2008), Japan (1997), Korea (1997), Latvia
(2008), Malaysia (1997), Mexico (1981, 1994), the Netherlands (2008), Norway (1991), Peru (1983), the Philippines (1997), Portugal (2008),
Russia (2008), Slovenia (2008), Spain (1977, 2008), Sweden (1991, 2008), Switzerland (2008), Thailand (1997), Turkey (2000), the United
Kingdom (2007), the United States (1988, 2007). 2 Belgium (2008), Colombia (1998), Denmark (2008), France (2008), Germany (2008), Iceland
(2008), Italy (2008), Japan (1997), Korea (1997), the Netherlands (2008), Norway (1991), Russia (2008), Spain (1977, 2008), Sweden (1991, 2008),
Switzerland (2008), Thailand (1997), the United Kingdom (2007), the United States (1988, 2007).
Sources: L Laeven and F Valencia, “Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update”, IMF Working Paper, no 12/163, June 2012; IMF, World
Economic Outlook; OECD, Economic Outlook; BIS calculations.
The authors call the corresponding measure of deviations of actual output from
its potential or sustainable level the “finance-neutral” output gap. The term denotes
the objective of filtering out the information that financial factors have for potential
Specifically, Borio et al (2013) proceed as follows. The starting point is the HP
filter, expressed in state-space form (eg Kuttner (1994)). The state equation governing
the evolution of the unobservable (log) potential output y* is:
The measurement equation relates actual (log) GDP y to its potential:
The two noise terms are assumed to be normal iid, with zero mean and variances
and . The HP filter (applied to quarterly data) fixes the ratio = ⁄ (the socalled signal-to-noise ratio) to 1600, which corresponds to a business cycle length of
roughly up to eight years. So far, this is entirely standard. The next, less standard step,
is to augment (2) with a set of additional explanatory variables x:
and, for simplicity, to calibrate the signal-to-noise ratio = ⁄ to match the same
business cycle duration as assumed in the standard (non-modified) HP filter.
In doing this matching, there is a small technical wrinkle. In an infinite sample,
this last step would simply be accomplished by fixing
= = 1600, as in the
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
standard HP filter. But in finite samples, the empirical counterpart of the signal-tonoise ratio will be higher due to the strong autocorrelation of the cyclical component
of output. So, to match the business cycle duration, Borio et al (2013) propose to
match the empirical counterparts of the signal-to-noise ratios linked to the two filters.
This is equivalent to choosing
so that the relative volatilities of output around
potential are the same:
( ),
where (∗ ), and
( ),
( ),
) = var(
( ),
( ),
are the potential output estimates from equations (2) and (3),
Technical details aside, the key point of the specification is that it does not “force”
the explanatory variables to shape potential output. That is, x does not appear directly
in the state equation (1). Instead, explanatory variables only influence potential
output estimates via their presence in the measurement equation (3), and hence in
the likelihood function for observed output. In other words, they only contribute to
the extent that they convey relevant information on the status of actual output with
respect to its potential at the chosen frequency. In principle, any economic variable
could do the job, not least the most popular candidate – inflation. As it turns out,
however, the growth rates in (inflation-adjusted) credit and (inflation-adjusted)
residential property prices perform quite well according to relevant criteria (see
below). By contrast, as examined in detail in Borio et al (2014), inflation performs
poorly. This no doubt reflects the very weak link between domestic output gaps and
inflation since at least the 1990s (eg Borio and Filardo (2007), Kuttner and Robinson
But what does “performing well” mean in this context? Borio et al (2013) use
mainly three criteria. First, high statistical precision – ie small confidence bands.
Second, good real-time properties – ie small revisions as time unfolds and new data
become available. Third, in the absence of a formal model, “reasonable” patterns – ie
a path that broadly accords with intuition.
On this basis, the finance-neutral gap appears to outperform traditional
measures. Graph 3 illustrates this for the United States with respect to the last two
criteria (see Borio et al (2013) for statistical precision). The graph compares the realtime and full-sample performance of the finance-neutral output gap with those
derived from the traditional HP filter and the full production function approaches
used by the IMF and OECD. Strikingly, ahead of the financial crisis, as the financial
boom played itself out, the traditional measures indicated that output was below, or
at most close to, potential (red lines). Only after the crisis, once the recession took
place, did they recognise that, to varying degrees, output had been above its
potential, sustainable level (blue lines). By contrast, the finance-neutral measure is
able to spot the unsustainable expansion in real time, pointing to a substantial
positive gap between output and potential during the boom (red line). Moreover, the
finance-neutral estimates are hardly revised as time unfolds and new data become
available (the blue and red lines are very close). Thus, given what happened after the
boom, the finance-neutral gap appears to provide much more useful information for
policymakers concerning the sustainability of the output expansion.
In the specific example shown, two factors help explain the difference in
performance. For one, the traditional methods, as applied here, are especially
vulnerable to the end-point problem (Orphanides and Van Norden (2002)). One
common reason is the reliance on the mechanical calculation of trends. For instance,
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
the HP filter is applied directly to the output series, but in production function
approaches it is not uncommon to use the HP filter or similar procedures to estimate
the “normal” level of the utilisation of factor inputs. In addition, the performance of
inflation may well be another factor in traditional production function approaches in
which a Phillips curve relationship is a key ingredient. Recall that inflation was
generally low and stable ahead of the crisis, providing little signal from the underlying
Comparing output gaps for the United States: ex post and real-time estimates
In per cent
Graph 3
Finance neutral
Ex post
Note: For each time t, the “real-time” estimates are based only on the sample up to that point in time. The “ex-post” estimates are based on
the full sample.
Sources: Borio et al (2013); OECD, Economic Outlook; IMF; Authors’ calculations.
That said, there is no guarantee that the finance-neutral gap will have good realtime properties (Borio et al (2014)). This depends on (i) the financial explanatory
variables having high explanatory power at the chosen business cycle frequency, and
(ii) these variables having stable means. We will return to some of these issues later,
when we discuss the possible shortcomings of the approach.
For completeness, Graph 4 shows updated estimates of the finance-neutral
output gap and the HP filter for the two reference countries used in the rest of the
paper – the United States and Spain. The estimates confirm the previous findings.
They indicate similar patterns for the two countries and the superior real-time
performance of the finance-neutral measure. They also highlight how the HP filter,
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
tracing the actual behaviour of output, points to a quicker rebound relative to
potential post-crisis. Indeed, implausibly, output is already above potential in 2012
(United States) and 2014 (Spain). The shortfall narrows (United States) or stabilises
(Spain) according to the finance-neutral estimates.
Financial-neutral and HP output gaps
In per cent
Graph 4
United States
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Real time:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Sources: OECD; BIS calculations.
Cyclical adjustment of fiscal balances
Having obtained a measure of the output gap that filters out the GDP fluctuations
explained by financial cycle proxies, one can construct a corresponding measure of
cyclically adjusted fiscal balances. Here we follow the methodology employed by the
OECD (Girouard and André (2005)).
Define the cyclically-adjusted fiscal balance as:
= ∑
where Y* is the level of potential output, X is non-tax revenues,19 G* is the cyclically
adjusted current primary government expenditures and Ti* represents the cyclically
adjusted revenues from the i-th tax category – personal and corporate income taxes,
social security contributions and indirect taxes. To implement the adjustment, we can
then use the elasticities of taxes and expenditures with respect to the output gap
(denoted ηTi and ηG respectively).20 Hence, Ti* and G* are defined as:
) .
If the adjustment was made on the primary balance, then this component would exclude net interest
Girouard and André (2005) actually use the unemployment gap for government expenditures. Here
we stick to the output gap for ease of presentation and interpretation of the results.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Substituting into (5) yields:
= ∑
− (
Naturally, estimates of the output gap play a key role in the adjustment defined
in (8). This is shown in Graph 5, which compares cyclical adjustments based on the
finance-neutral output gap with those based on the HP filter. In both cases, we rely
on the estimates of expenditure and tax elasticities reported in Girouard and André
(2005). The continuous line denotes the unadjusted balance, while the bars
correspond to the adjusted balance, in real time (red) and ex post or based on the full
sample (blue).
Cyclically-adjusted fiscal balances (real time)
As a percentage of GDP
Graph 5
United States
90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14
Left-hand side:
Right-hand side:
Cyclical adjustments
Budget balance
90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14
Sources: OECD; BIS calculations.
The results are striking. While the adjustments to the fiscal position based on the
HP filter point to a sound fiscal position in the years preceding the Great Recession,
those based on financial cycle information paint a different picture. In the 2000s, the
HP-filtered cyclical adjustments consistently improve the apparent fiscal strength for
both the United States and Spain; those based on the finance-neutral measure
consistently worsen it. Pre-crisis, the adjustment peaks at above 1% for the United
States and is a bit lower for Spain. The pattern generally reverses post-crisis.
III. Current limitations and possible ways forward
In considering the limitations of the approach, it is worth distinguishing between two
issues. The first has to do with the specific way of incorporating financial cycle
information in the estimates of potential output; the second with the omitted
channels through which the financial cycle influences the sustainability of fiscal
positions. Consider each in turn.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Improving estimates of potential output
The specific method illustrated above is simply one among a variety of possible ones.
It has the advantage of a certain simplicity, parsimony and transparency. One could
add that the proof of the pudding is in the eating: it works well as a means of
identifying, in real time, key cases where it turned out ex post that problems were
The approach is based on number of restrictive assumptions. For instance, to
facilitate comparison with the traditional macroeconomic literature, the duration of
the business cycle is fixed to be up to eight years – ie the value of is set a priori.
Likewise, it is assumed that the explanatory variables have a deterministic mean – a
testable hypothesis that holds well enough in the cases examined and helps to explain
the robustness of the estimates to the arrival of additional data as time unfolds.
Moreover, the approach recognises only slowly the permanent loss of output that
appears to be a stylised feature of financial crises. Typically, after a crisis both credit
and property price growth are well below average. This, and the fact that the method
constrains potential output to evolve slowly, implies that the size of the output gap
is overstated for some time. As a result, so would be the fiscal space.
Some of these drawbacks could be addressed through statistical techniques. For
instance, it is possible to estimate the frequency of common cycles through
appropriate multivariate methods and to allow for structural breaks in the filter
variables (eg Harvey and Trimbur (2008)).21 It might also be feasible to allow for more
discontinuous (non-linear) adjustments in the statistical properties of GDP. None of
these approaches, however, is a panacea. Increasing the number of unobservable
variables may lead to larger ex post revisions as more data become available. And
purely statistical methods for detecting breaks would generally require a minimum
set of post-break data to recognise the breaks with sufficient statistical confidence,
reducing the tool’s usefulness to policymakers in real time.
Addressing some of these shortcomings may require the policymaker to impose
some form of an a priori restriction. This means bringing to bear information that
goes beyond that included in the statistical properties of the variables over the
relevant sample. For example, if a crisis occurs, it should be possible to make
adjustments based on the fact that, as the historical record indicates, such episodes
have tended to result in permanent output losses. There are many ways in which this
could be done, from ad hoc revisions based on the typical historical experience to the
inclusion of judgmental elements supported more formally by Bayesian methods.
More generally, at the cost of simplicity, it is also possible to incorporate financial
information in increasingly rich approaches. They vary in terms of the range and role
of the financial variables themselves, the number of additional unobservable
variables, the set of a priori theory-based restrictions and estimation methods. It is
up to the policymaker to decide which method is more reliable and strikes a better
de Jong and Penzer (1998) provide diagnostic tests that can be used to test for structural breaks in
multivariate filters. Strategies for modelling such breaks are discussed in Koopman et al (2008).
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
balance between the trade-offs involved.22 Again, the proof of the pudding is in the
Dealing with the omitted channels
Estimating potential output and the corresponding elasticities of the various
expenditure and tax items, even if done without error, is only one of the adjustments
necessary to assess fiscal strength in the face of financial cycles. As noted above, other
adjustments are called for to account for other factors: the use of public sector money
to support balance sheet repair during the bust; tax and expenditure compositional
effects for a given level of output; exchange rate-induced effects on the valuation of
debt and on debt-servicing costs; and systematic patterns in the behaviour of interest
rates. Consider each in turn.
To adjust the strength of underlying public finances for balance sheet repair
costs, one could use an approach consistent with that used to derive cyclicallyadjusted balances. This would amount to estimating a time-varying expected
contingent liability that is given by the probability of a crisis times the potential
financial cost of support. In practice, estimating both items is not straightforward. The
probability could be estimated based on early warning indicators of crises, while the
potential cost could simply be drawn from historical experience.23 In both cases,
relying on cross-country data would be almost inevitable, since crises are rare events.
Less ambitiously, the probability of a crisis could be fixed rather than time-varying,
and chosen, alongside the costs, to reflect the policymaker’s risk tolerance. For
instance, a methodology of this kind underlies the top-down approach to the
international calibration of bank capital requirements, which is based on their
macroeconomic costs and benefits (BCBS (2010)).
Adjustments for the evolution of asset prices could be done in several ways. One
method, most consistent with the potential output adjustment, is to estimate asset
price elasticities conditional on the output gap (eg Price and Pang (2011)). More
ambitiously, one could even bypass potential output altogether, estimating directly
the co-movements of the key fiscal balance components with the financial cycle
proxies. Either method could be coupled with forms of sensitivity analysis. Similar
methodologies could be employed to adjust fiscal positions for the impact of the
exchange rate.
Adjustments for the systematic behaviour of interest rates are trickier. The main
reason is that, as the previous analysis indicates, their behaviour depends on the
strategy (reaction function) followed by the central bank and on the market-driven
The literature is growing rapidly but a systematic analysis is not possible, since existing studies
provide insufficient information. For example, the real-time properties of the estimates are often not
reported. Here are just a few examples. Alberola et al (2013) adjust the components of the production
function by several measures of imbalances, including the current account, and Alberola et al (2016b)
for commodity prices. Albert et al (2015) employ a similar method in their assessment of potential
output in China: the capital stock input to the production function is adjusted for the credit cycle to
account for possible overinvestment. Blagrave et al (2013), Melolinna and Tóth (2016) and Tóth
(2015), in addition to relying on a relationship akin to equation (3), also include a Phillips curve and
an Okun law.
More ambitiously, one could in principle adjust the cost as a function of the financial system’s
characteristics, such as leverage, concentration etc; see eg Arslanalp and Liao (2014, 2015) for one
possible approach to estimating time-varying contingent liabilities.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
influences on the relevant constellation of rates. In turn, both depend on the
constraints, internal and external, that the economy faces, including the sovereign’s
initial creditworthiness. All this suggests that any adjustment would have to be very
That said, a couple of points are worth noting, all inspired by the need for
prudence. First, sovereigns with a lower initial creditworthiness would need to be
especially alert to the possibility of sharp (non-linear) increases in interest rates
should financial busts materialise. The same holds for economies where the policy
room for manoeuvre is more limited because of, say, balance sheet characteristics (eg
a large share of foreign currency debt, public or private), history (eg one of defaults
or persistently high inflation) and institutional features (eg a tight exchange rate
regime, including being member of a broader currency area).
Second, and at the other end of the spectrum, for countries with a broad room
for monetary policy manoeuvre, it would be imprudent to assess the underlying fiscal
strength on the basis of the unusually and persistently low interest rates that may
prevail during the post-crisis phase. Rather, it would be important to assess the
strength based on some “normal” long-term level. True, establishing what that level
should be is not easy. Even so, using prevailing interest rates is bound to paint too
rosy a picture. Worse, it could even pave the way for a self-fulfilling debt trap ((BIS
(2015), Borio and Disyatat (2014), Borio (2015)). Lulled into a false sense of security,
the sovereign could loosen its fiscal stance and accumulate further debt. Directly and
indirectly, this would make it harder for the central bank to raise rates without causing
economic damage. And at some point, regardless of the policymakers’ intentions, a
sovereign crisis could be triggered by investor fears of a formal default or inflationary
As a final point, it is worth stressing that fiscal balances adjusted for the financial
cycle are an important but insufficient statistic for fiscal sustainability. As a result, they
need to be complemented with measures of sustainable debt that take full account
of future prospects and risks over long horizons. In this regard, a possible but very
ambitious avenue for future research would be to build on existing models of debt
sustainability (see eg D’Erasmo et al (2015)) to incorporate financial risks and the
endogenous behaviour of interest rates and other variables in a realistic way. This
would also help to understand how the risk of a fiscal crisis could feed back on the
financial sector through higher risk premia and by reflection on the rest of the private
Financial booms and busts, or financial cycles, can wreak havoc with public finances.
It is therefore critical to design fiscal policy in a way consistent with this threat, so as
not to endanger the sovereign’s creditworthiness and retain valuable fiscal space. In
this paper, we have taken a first step in that direction.
Our main focus has been on how to estimate more reliable cyclically adjusted
fiscal balances to take into account the nexus between the financial cycle and
potential output. Both during financial booms and during financial busts, economists
and policymakers tend to overestimate potential or sustainable output, and possibly
also its growth rate. This leads to too rosy a picture of the underlying fiscal strength,
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
which risks undermining it further: governments may be tempted to relax needed
consolidation and/or to rely too much on fiscal policy to boost disappointing postcrisis growth. The risk is especially high if the cyclical adjustment relies heavily on the
premise that rising inflation provides the key signal of sustainability – the typical
Phillips curve relationship. As history indicates, dangerous financial booms have built
up even in the context of low and stable inflation. The recent Great Financial Crisis is
but the latest reminder.
In addition, we have also sketched out how policymakers might take into account
the other channels through which financial cycles flatter fiscal accounts. During
booms, these include the build-up of hidden contingent liabilities associated with the
need to support balance sheet repair if a financial crisis subsequently erupts, effects
on the structure of tax receipts and possibly expenditures linked to asset price
increases, and the impact of exchange rate appreciation on the valuation of foreign
currency debt and debt-servicing costs. Moreover, during busts and for countries with
sufficient monetary policy room for manoeuvre, the channels include the effect of
unusually and persistently low interest rates, sometimes compounded by central
banks’ large-scale government bond purchases.
But the ultimate objective should be more ambitious. It should be to design fiscal
policy as part of a broader macro-financial stability framework aimed at taming the
financial cycle and ensuring sustainable and balanced growth. Taming the financial
cycle is not a task that can be left to macroprudential measures alone (BIS (2014,
2015), Borio (2015)). Monetary and fiscal policies, too, have a role to play. For fiscal
policy, this is not just a matter of ensuring that it retains fiscal space to address the
financial bust without endangering the sovereign’s creditworthiness or having it
become a source of macroeconomic instability more generally. Fiscal policy ought to
play a more proactive role to restrain financial booms in the first place. This means
leaning more deliberately against financial booms, possibly with corresponding
targets for deficits and debt, and possibly using the tax code and other fiscal
instruments to remove any bias in favour of debt over equity.
In other words, there is a two-way street. We need to protect the sovereign from
the financial cycle, but also the financial cycle from the sovereign.
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
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WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle
Previous volumes in this series
March 2016
When the Walk is not Random: Commodity
Prices and Exchange Rates
Emanuel Kohlscheen, Fernando H.
Avalos and Andreas Schrimpf
March 2016
A new dimension to currency mismatches in
the emerging markets: non-financial
Michael Chui, Emese Kuruc and
Philip Turner
March 2016
Monetary policy spillovers and currency
networks in cross-border bank lending
Stefan Avdjiev and Előd Takáts
March 2016
Moving in tandem: bank provisioning in
emerging market economies
Andres Murcia and Emanuel
March 2016
When pegging ties your hands
Nikola Tarashev and Anna Zabai
March 2016
Financial intermediation and monetary policy M.S. Mohanty and Kumar Rishabh
transmission in EMEs: What has changed
post-2008 crisis?
February 2016
Booms and banking crises
Frédéric Boissay, Fabrice Collard
and Frank Smets
February 2016
What drives inflation expectations in Brazil?
Public versus private information
Waldyr D Areosa
January 2016
Fiscal policy and the cycle in Latin America:
the role of financing conditions and fiscal
Enrique Alberola, Iván Kataryniuk,
Ángel Melguizo and René Orozco
January 2016
Bank standalone credit ratings
Michael R King, Steven Ongena and
Nikola Tarashev
January 2016
How do global investors differentiate
between sovereign risks? The new normal
versus the old
Marlene Amstad, Eli Remolona and
Jimmy Shek
January 2016
Self-oriented monetary policy, global
financial markets and excess volatility of
international capital flows
Ryan Banerjee, Michael B Devereux
and Giovanni Lombardo
January 2016
International trade finance and the cost
channel of monetary policy in open
Nikhil Patel
January 2016
Sovereign yields and the risk-taking channel
of currency appreciation
Boris Hofmann, Ilhyock Shim and
Hyun Song Shin
January 2016
Exchange rates and monetary spillovers
Guillaume Plantin and Hyun Song
January 2016
Is macroprudential policy instrument blunt?
Katsurako Sonoda and Nao Sudo
Intertemporal considerations in currency
All volumes are available on our website
WP552 Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle