Slow light with a swept-frequency source
Rui Zhang,* Yunhui Zhu, Jing Wang, and Daniel J. Gauthier
Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 27708, USA
[email protected]
Abstract: We introduce a new concept for stimulated-Brillouin-scatteringbased slow light in optical fibers that is applicable for broadly-tunable
frequency-swept sources. It allows slow light to be achieved, in principle,
over the entire transparency window of the optical fiber. We demonstrate a
slow light delay of 10 ns at 1.55 µm using a 10-m-long photonic crystal
fiber with a source sweep rate of 400 MHz/µs and a pump power of 200
mW. We also show that there exists a maximal delay obtainable by this
method, which is set by the SBS threshold, independent of sweep rate. For
our fiber with optimum length, this maximum delay is ~38 ns, obtained for
a pump power of 760 mW.
2010 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (290.5900) Scattering, stimulated Brillouin; (060.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers;
(060.2310) Fiber optics
References and links
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1. Introduction
Slow light, where the group velocity of a pulse is much smaller than the light speed in vacuum
[1,2], has shown promise in a great number of applications [3-5], such as optical buffering,
variable true time delay, and enhancing nonlinear optical phenomena. Slow light via
stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fibers has attracted a lot of interest due to its
compatibility with fiber-optic communication systems and room-temperature operation [6-9].
Its use in high-bandwidth systems is limited, however, due to the natural linewidth of the SBS
process, which is typically 35 MHz in conventional single-mode fibers. The bandwidth can be
extended into the tens of GHz range by dithering the frequency of the pump beam [10-13]. In
some applications, such as swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) [14] and
Fourier transform spectroscopy [15], it is desirable to have controllable slow light over a
bandwidth of several nanometers, which is currently not accessible with SBS slow light.
Optical coherence tomographic systems, comprised of a reference arm and a sample arm,
are used for micron-resolution imaging. One method, which shows advantage for obtaining a
high signal-to-noise ratio, uses a rapidly-swept narrowband source that is linearly chirped over
a broad optical bandwidth. The resolution of such a swept-source OCT system is limited by
the total sweep range, and the imaging depth is limited by the smallest frequency step of the
source or the digital sampling rate of the detection system. To capture an image of a sample
over a large depth, the length of the reference is often changed and the sweep repeated,
thereby changing the region of interest. A controllable slow light medium, placed in the
reference arm, could make it possible to change the region of interest without changing the
physical length of the reference arm because the image location is proportional to group index
ng in the reference arm [16]. However, due to the narrow linewidth of SBS process, it is not
possible to use SBS slow light for such an application.
In this paper, we introduced a new concept to realize SBS slow light applicable to
broadly-swept sources. This method allows slow light to be achieved, in principle, over the
entire transparency window of the optical fiber (many 100’s of nm at telecommunication
wavelengths). The key idea is to pump the SBS process with a beam that is derived from the
linearly swept source, but shifted to a higher frequency equal to the Brillouin frequency shift
of the fiber Β using a Mach-Zehnder modulator. In this way, the pump beam frequency
automatically tracks the swept-source signal frequency as they enter the fiber and hence are
always near the SBS resonance frequency where the slow-light effect is largest. The fact that
the pump and signal beams counterpropagate through the fiber causes a small detuning
between the beams, which decreases the slow light effect. This detuning increases with
increasing fiber length L and the source sweep rate R and must be accounted for to optimize
the slow light delay.
We experimentally and theoretically investigate the slow light effect and its dependence
on R and other experimental parameters. We demonstrate that there is an optimum value of L
to obtain the largest delay for a given R. We observe =10 ns using a 10-m-long photonic
crystal fiber (PCF) with R=400 MHz/µs and a pump power Pin=200 mW. Larger delays can be
obtained by increasing Pin until spontaneous Brillouin scattering dominates the process. We
find that the maximum obtainable delay for an optimum-length fiber of the same type used in
our experiment is ~38 ns independent of R. A pump power of 760 mW is required to obtain
the maximum delay for R=400 MHz/µs for our fiber.
2. Experiment setup
In the experiment, a beam from a single-mode rapidly-tunable laser is split in two, with one
beam serving as the SBS pump beam and the other as the signal beam (see Fig. 1). The signal
beam passes through a MZM operated in carrier-suppressed mode to create frequency-shifted
sidebands at the SBS Stokes and anti-Stokes frequencies. The anti-Stokes beam is filtered out
using a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with a linewidth of 20 GHz. In future research, the MZM
and Bragg grating can be removed and replaced by single-side-band carrier-suppressed optical
modulator [17]. The pump and signal beams counterpropagate through the optical fiber (the
SBS slow light medium), and the signal beam experiences SBS amplification and the
associated slow light delay [4]. An additional short fiber is used in the pump beam path to
compensate for the propagation time difference between the pump and signal arms. This
guarantees the signal and pump have the same frequency shift in the middle of the fiber.
Fig.1. Experiment setup for slow light via stimulated Brillouin scattering. EDFA, erbium doped
fiber amplifier; PC, polarization controller; FBG, fiber Bragg grating; PD, photodetector; RF,
radio frequency generator.
Before we study the slow light effect with a frequency-swept-source, we first characterize
the properties of the fiber for a monochromatic laser (R=0). A 10-m-long PCF (NKT
Photonics Inc., NL-1550-NEG-1) is used as the slow light medium, which is made of pure
silica with a core diameter of 2.1 µm and air-filling fraction of 16%. To measure the gain due
to SBS, we record the signal output while turning on and off the pump beam. The gain factor
is denoted by G=log(Ps/Pso), where Ps (Pso) is the signal output with (without) the pump beam
present, respectively. We measure a Lorentzian-shaped gain profile with a resonance
frequency B=9.782 GHz, and a resonance width (FWHM) B=40.8 MHz. To measure , we
sinusoidally modulate the signal beam intensity at a frequency much less than ΓB. We record
the transmitted intensity in the presence and absence of the pump beam and determine by
comparing the phase difference of the waveforms. We find =20 ns with Pin=200 mW.
3. Slow light with a swept source
We investigate the slow light effect using a linearly swept-frequency source. By directly
sweeping the injection current of the DFB laser, we obtained a linearly-swept source over a
total sweep range of 10 GHz with frequencyν ( t ) = ν 0 + Rt , where ν0 is the initial frequency
and R is the sweep rate. The natural linewidth of the DFB laser is ~ 1 MHz, comparable to the
linewidth of advanced swept sources used in OCT systems [18]. The repetition period of the
modulation waveform is much longer than the transit time of light through the fiber, denoted
by tr=L/u, where u~ 2 × 108 m/s is the speed of light in the fiber, and tr is ~50 ns for our fiber.
Therefore, we can assume the pump and probe frequency increase linearly with time during
the SBS process. The MZM is largely insensitive to the change in frequency of the light
passing through it. Since the signal and the pump beams are derived from the same swept
source, they are chirped simultaneously. The signal-beam frequency automatically tracks the
swept-source pump-beam frequency and hence is always near the SBS resonance frequency,
which guarantees a strong slow light effect. However, the pump and signal beams
counterpropagate through the fiber, which causes a spatially-dependent detuning between the
beams and hence decreases the slow light effect.
To investigate the frequency-dependent SBS gain experienced by the chirped beams, we
adjust the signal beam frequency (set by the frequency-shift of the MZM) and measure the
gain G. Figure 2 shows the measured gain profiles for three different sweep rates as a function
of the frequency difference = - B. We see that the gain profile is broadened substantially
due to the sweep-rate-dependent detuning mentioned above. Broadening begins when the
detuning between the two beams differs by B± B/2 at the middle of the fiber (recall that the
beams differ by
when enter either end of the fiber). That is, when R= B/(2tr)~400 MHz/µs
for our fiber. To characterize the gain profile in greater detail, we analyze theoretically the
gain and delay experienced by the signal beam.
-40 -20
δ #&'
Fig. 2. Measured (dots) and simulated (solid) gain profile of photonic crystal fiber with sweep
rate R of 0 (blue circles), 400 MHz/µs (red diamonds), and 800 MHz/µs (black stars).
Consider a reference frame that travels with signal beam (see Fig. 3). The frequency
detuning between the pump and signal beam at position x is given by
L − 2x
Rtr + δ ,
∆ν = ν s −ν p ( x ) + Ω B = ν t − −ν t −
+δ =
where s and p(x) are frequencies of signal and pump beams, respectively. The detuning
decreases G, whose effect can be found by integrating the differential gain per unit path length
dx over the whole fiber as
G = ln s = ∫ g (∆ν ) P( x)dx ,
where g( ) is gain profile of the slow light medium, and P(x) is pump power. We find
G = ∫ g p Pin e −α x
dx ,
L − 2x
Rtr + δ +
where (gp) is the optical loss (SBS gain) coefficient of the fiber. For our photonic crystal
fiber, =9 dB/km and gp=2.5 m-1W-1. The PCF used in this experiment is only 10 meter long,
which makes the optical loss negligible and hence we can set =0 for simplicity. However, for
a longer fiber, the optical loss needs to be considered because it will cause asymmetry of the
broadened gain profile. With =0, we solve Eq. (3) and find
2t R + 2δ
2tr R − 2δ
arctan r
+ arctan
G = g p Pin Γ B L
2tr R
The linewidth (FWHM) of the gain profile is then given by
Γ = Γ 2B + 4tr2 R 2 ,
and goes over to 2trR in the limit of R>> B/(2tr). Using Eq. (4), we predict the SBS gain
profile for three different sweep rates, as shown in Fig. 2. Agreement with our experimental
measurements is very good.
Fig. 3. Diagram of the space-dependent frequency detuning between the pump and signal
beams caused by the swept source.
The slow light effect is largest at the center of the resonance ( = B). Therefore, we
analyze the gain and delay and their dependence on R on the resonance. With =0 in Eq. (4),
we find that
2t R
arctan r
ΓB .
G = g p Pin Γ B L
2tr R
The slow light delay due to the SBS process is given by
L ng ( x ) − n fg
τ =∫
dx ,
where nfg is the group index of the fiber without the SBS process, c is speed of light in
vacuum, and
4∆ν 2
1− 2
cg p Pin
ng ( x ) = n fg +
2πΓ B 4∆ν 2 2
1 + 2
is the group index due to the SBS effect in a differential segment of the fiber [6]. By
combining Eqs. (1), (7) and (8), we find
g P LΓ
τ = p in 2 B .
The gain and delay are measured in our PCF using Pin=200 mW for various value of R as
shown in Fig.4, using the same method described in the previous section. We see that the
delay drops faster than the gain due to the broadened gain profile, as discussed above. In
particular, we observe =10 ns for R=400 MHz/µs and =4 ns for R=800 MHz/µs. We also
overlay the predictions of Eq. (6) and (9) with no free parameters, where the agreement with
our observations is very good.
#&' µ
#&' µ
Fig. 4. (a) Measured (dots) and simulated (solid) gain as a function of sweep rate R. (b)
Measured (dots) and simulated (solid) delay as a function of sweep rate R.
4. Optimum fiber length to achieve the largest delay
We find that, for a given sweep rate R, there is an optimum value of fiber length L to obtain
the largest delay. From Eqs. (5) and (9), the maximum delay occurs for Lopt= u B/(2R) and is
equal to max=gpPinu/(4R), showing that max is inversely proportional to R. Figure 5(a) shows
the delay as a function of L for R=400 MHz/µs using Eq. (9). For B=40 MHz, Lopt~10 m,
which corresponds to the length of our PCF. For fixed L and different R, a constant delay can
be obtained by adjusting Pin, as shown in Fig. 5(b).
200 400 600 800
#&' µ
Fig. 5. (a) Delay as a function of L for R=400 MHz/µs with Pin=200 mW. (b) The pump power
needed to obtain =10 ns for L=10 m.
Larger delays can be obtained by increasing the pump power until spontaneous Brillouin
scattering dominates the process. The gain parameter G is limited up to the Brillouin threshold
Gth, where the delay reaches its maximum value τth obtainable by the fiber. By combining Eqs.
(5) and (8) and assuming L=Lopt (giving Rtr= B/2), we find that
τ th = 2 th ,
π ΓB
which is independent of R. Using B=40 MHz and Gth=15 for the 10-m-long PCF [19], we
estimate th=38 ns, obtained when Pin=760 mW.
5. Conclusion
We investigate the slow light effect via SBS with a linearly swept-frequency source. The
pump and signal beams counterpropagate through the fiber, which introduces a small detuning
between the beams and hence decreases the slow light effect. This detuning increases with
increasing fiber length L and the source sweep rate R. We find there is an optimum value of
fiber length to obtain the largest delay for a given sweep rate. Using the optimum-length fiber,
we observed a delay of 10 ns with R of 400 MHz/µs and a pump power of 760 mW. The slow
light can be achieved, in principle, over the entire transparency window of the optical fiber if
we were to use a laser with a larger sweep range and a single-side-band carrier-suppressed
modulator. It has a potential to work with the high-speed commercial frequency-swept sources,
which makes it applicable to optical coherence tomography and Fourier transform
R.Z., Y.Z. and D.J.G. gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the DARPA DSO Slow
Light Program and the Air Force Research Laboratory under contract FA8650-09-C-7932.
J.W. gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the China Scholarship Council and
Beijing Jiaotong University.